
ahoneybunI think I'm using ALSA00:01
ahoneybunshiran365: highlight me please00:01
ahoneybunI'm testing the event sound00:01
shiran365I'm sorry, what?00:02
shiran365how do I highlight you?00:02
ahoneybunshiran365: type my name00:03
ahoneybunand send00:03
ahoneybunthere we go00:03
ahoneybunso it does work for me now00:03
shiran365I see. I have those screenshots, how should I send them to you?00:03
ahoneybunyou can use imgur or whatever image site you choice00:03
ahoneybunhighlight me again please00:04
Unit193ahoneybun: No.00:04
ahoneybunI'm seeing if I have the bug as well00:04
ahoneybunUnit193: ?00:04
Unit193I highlighted. ;P00:04
ahoneybunagain Unit193 please00:04
shiran365by the way, typing your name didn't seem to do anything00:04
Unit193ahoneybun: Never!00:04
shiran365it was purple before, it still is00:04
ahoneybunit does lower the volume00:05
shiran365for Event Sounds for you it lowers?00:05
ahoneybunso not broken on my system00:05
shiran365are you on 15.04?00:05
shiran365well damn00:05
ahoneybunI was kinda hoping it would not00:05
shiran365who HOPES for a glitch, lol00:06
* ahoneybun looks at SS00:06
shiran365there are 200:06
shiran365one of them is an HDMI device, which doesn't make since since I don't have any HDMI audio devices attached00:06
shiran365the other is the built-in audio, which I have set to output through headphones, and also have set as default00:06
ahoneybunI have the same settings00:07
salotzAre we talking about event sounds bug?00:07
shiran365yes we are00:07
shiran365supposedly "fixed" in 15.0400:07
salotzI was about to ask about this00:07
shiran365just not for shiran365 lol00:08
shiran365you have it too??00:08
salotzYa the slider does nothing00:08
shiran365are you on 15.04?00:08
salotzshiran365: or the mute00:08
salotzshiran365: yes00:08
shiran365salotz: are you using headphones?00:08
salotzshiran365: I think it worked the other day00:09
salotzshiran365: no I'm hooked up to an amp through the headphone jack though00:09
shiran365this is very bizarre00:09
shiran365you, me, and ahoneybun are all on 15.0400:09
shiran365using headphones00:09
shiran365but ahoneybun is the only one who does NOT have this glitch00:09
ahoneybunnow to see what to file this bug against00:10
shiran365how about this?00:10
shiran365and/or this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324975#c4700:10
ubottuKDE bug 324975 in knotify "(regression) Volume gets restored to 100% after each knotify event" [Major,Resolved: fixed]00:10
shiran365i guess it's not fixed anymore :(00:10
ahoneybunlooks like it was a upstream issue00:12
* ahoneybun pokes the devs00:13
shiran365what do you mean, ahoneybun?00:13
ahoneybunKubuntu uses software made by the awesome KDE project00:14
ahoneybunopenSUSE, Fedora also use it00:14
ahoneybunwe would be downstream00:14
ahoneybunso it it effects other linux projects it would most likely be a upstream problem00:15
ahoneybunif it was just broken on Kubuntu per say it would be downstream00:15
salotzI plugged headphones in and now I don't get any event noise at all00:15
shiran365so uh... what makes you say it's an upstream issue, then?00:15
shiran365I've only seen references to this bug for Kubuntu00:16
ahoneybunhere: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324975#c47 they were talking about openSUSE, but it was filed again Kubuntu00:16
ubottuKDE bug 324975 in knotify "(regression) Volume gets restored to 100% after each knotify event" [Major,Resolved: fixed]00:16
shiran365I see00:17
ahoneybunanyway back to more bug report checking00:17
ahoneybunflat-volumes = no is set on my machine00:20
shiran365me too00:20
shiran365it was that way from the beginning00:20
shiran365the old solution was to go to Application and System Notifications under System Settings00:20
ahoneybunvery odd00:20
shiran365but that has been removed in 15.0400:20
shiran365salotz: Are you still there?00:21
shiran365I commented on the bug here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324975#c8100:22
ubottuKDE bug 324975 in knotify "(regression) Volume gets restored to 100% after each knotify event" [Major,Resolved: fixed]00:22
shiran365you should comment on it, too. let them know it's NOT fixed at all!00:22
ahoneybunshiran365: highlight me please00:23
shiran365how do I do that?00:23
ahoneybunyou just did00:23
shiran365didn't I do that before, too?00:23
shiran365what undid it?00:24
ahoneybunI have it set to do a event noise every time it happens00:24
ahoneybunso I just messed with something in pulse00:24
ahoneybunand was testing00:24
ahoneybunagain please00:24
ahoneybunI'm seeing if the event sound works00:25
ahoneybunI set flat-volumes = yes00:25
shiran365and what did that do?00:25
shiran365did it change anything?00:25
ahoneybunnope works lol00:25
shiran365how do you run a specific, already-installed application as superuser?00:27
shiran365it's not letting me edit the daemon.conf file for pulse00:27
ahoneybunI did "sudo nano /etc/pulse/daemon.conf00:27
ahoneybuntry to limit the editing of system files00:28
shiran365do you think trying to change flat-volume setting is a bad idea for me?00:28
ahoneybunI would wait till I reboot to see if it brakes the sound for me lol00:29
shiran365ah. the old "let somebody else headbutt the problem first" solution. I like it00:29
ahoneybunI'll be back00:29
shiran365go ahead, Rocky ;)00:29
ahoneybuntime to test shiran36500:32
shiran365let's do this00:34
ahoneybunI got sound so00:34
ahoneybunthat was at max, now half way00:34
shiran365this is a test00:34
ahoneybunworks, now very low00:34
shiran365....but wasn't it working BEFORE you made this change?00:34
shiran365so that doesn't mean much does it00:35
ahoneybunwhat I meant was I just put it very low, ping again00:35
ahoneybunhightlight again00:36
ahoneybunseems like it works still00:36
shiran365but since it was working before, what does that mean00:36
ahoneybunnot sure00:36
ahoneybunvery weird though00:36
shiran365well. this is a shame. I'm gonna have to switch back to Windows until I/somebody smarter than me figures out a solution.00:37
shiran365didn't wanna do that my first day, but... y'know. pain is a powerful motivator lol00:37
ahoneybunyea sadly00:37
ahoneybunshiran365: does the slider move back to full or is it just putting out max volume?00:38
shiran365slider moves00:38
shiran365before the sound actually even plays00:38
shiran365it's like, the system is told it needs to play an Event Sound00:38
shiran365it then automatically moves the slider to Max Volume (even if it was muted)00:39
shiran365and only then will it play the sound00:39
ahoneybunso it moves back to max no matter where you put it00:39
shiran365and no moatter the program00:39
ahoneybunI'm sure more devs will be around tomorrow since this is sunday00:40
ahoneybunso please do hang around if you can so we can work on this issue :)00:40
paperzigguratHi, I attempted to install OpenVPN and use PrivateInternetAccess, was unable to connect, and now can't get my connections back to defaut.01:25
paperzigguratI can't find any network settings in Kubuntu that have anything about my VPN.01:25
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Guest11715I just installed kubuntu on a chromebook. I just finished installing Team Fortress 2 and the game starts without sound, can anyone give me a hand?02:07
shiran365hello again, ahoneybun02:25
shiran365sorry, had to leave02:25
shiran365is that you, ahoneybun or ahoneybun_02:28
ahoneybun_there we go02:28
shiran365such power...02:28
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunI had to reboot02:28
* ahoneybun love and hates Steam at the same time02:28
* shiran365 same but on every OS02:29
ahoneybunit made me ahoneybun_ cuz ahoneybun was still on02:29
ahoneybunsince my username is ahoneybun on this PC02:29
shiran365naturally :P02:29
ahoneybundoes anyone know if the virtualbox version in the store works the same as the one on the oracle websitre?02:30
ahoneybunI think the one in the store is missing features02:30
shiran365I do not know02:30
shiran365I can tell you about the Windows 7 virtualbox if you really want me to. but I don't thikn that'll help :P02:30
ahoneybunI guess I'l just grab the one from Oracle02:30
shiran365probably a better idea02:31
ahoneybunthanks for following me on G+ claydoh_02:32
claydoh_ahoneybun: +1 ;)02:32
ahoneybunI was like who the heck is that lol02:33
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claydohI don't know most of the peeps i have added there, lol02:33
claydohI meet new and interesting people that way ;)02:35
claydohtho beware I can be nsfw02:35
ahoneybunI try to keep them in circles02:35
claydohbut not to my linuxy circles02:36
shiran365thanks for trying to help me. have a good night, #kubuntu02:40
ahoneybunthe oracle site has a slightly newer version02:42
[Relic]is there anyway to ressurect a 15.04 that gets the vid setting damaged to the point of only being able to show the alt-f2 krunner and being able to goto text mode with ctl-atl-f1?02:49
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soeegood morning06:23
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yossarianukI have insanely bad flickering and other weird graphic oddnesses on my work (intel GPU) desktop with 15.0410:23
yossarianukI'm trying to record the 'oddness'10:23
yossarianukbut why I am runnig gtk-recordmydesktop (qt-recordmydesktop seems to have disappered) I cannot use the top right top corner to display all windows (which shows the 'oddness')10:24
yossarianukis there a better way of recording my desktop with kubuntu 15.04?10:24
yossarianuksometime the graphics are so 'odd' I have to reboot10:27
yossarianukgetting this in dmesg too10:27
yossarianukdrm:intel_set_cpu_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared fifo underrun on pipe B - drm:intel_cpu_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe B FIFO underrun10:27
yossarianuk[drm:intel_set_pch_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A .....10:27
hangman13uscheck this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/12/simple-screen-recorder-linux10:42
hangman13usOne of the possible options to do a short video and upload it somewhere.10:42
hangman13usI'm not sure if kubuntu has build in video recording app10:42
yossarianukhangman13us: cheers10:43
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BluesKajHiyas all12:28
eXistenZegood afternoon13:06
eXistenZeI have a small qnap network server I want to connect quickly and as fast as possible13:07
eXistenZeI have smb, nfs, ftp, ssh and quite a few other protocols available13:07
eXistenZewhich one should I use?13:07
JonathanDI've had an interesting experience with qnap over nfs eXistenZe.13:09
JonathanDdirectory listings failing and such.13:09
eXistenZeSo i should stick with smb?13:10
JonathanDeXistenZe: I ended up using ssh.13:35
eXistenZeok. should there be a speed diference between them?13:36
eXistenZenfs is working fine for now...13:36
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selectaun saluto a tutti16:25
ubottuselecta: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:26
BluesKaj!it | selecta16:26
ubottuselecta: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:26
BluesKajselecta, questo non è un sito di condivisione di file, perché pensi che sia?16:32
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acz32is there a way to now show AM/PM in the digital clock? it takes too much space when the panel is vertical20:23
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Quintasanhttp://wstaw.org/w/3pNY/ <-- did anyone encounter this?20:57
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aethersishi, is there a possibility that if I run a trojan or a virus inside of Wine, it will infect my operating system?21:05
acz32aethersis: yes21:13
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rymate1234small issue when trying to configure my monitor placement when using the official AMD drivers for my intel / amd hybrid graphics laptop http://i.imgur.com/qHZYHQu.jpg21:33
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ahoneybunany idea why 14.04 has kernel updates with lts-utopic on them?22:38
[Relic]14.04 was the last lts version?22:48
[Relic]Is there anyway to get the system settings, screen settings to play nice with a monitor that has a bad edid?  I can set a different size but the default listed is always 1024x768 and the program crashes on exit23:33
[Relic]kscreen: Requesting missing EDID for outputs (637) Segmentation fault (core dumped)23:34

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