
wgrantblr: How's it going?00:26
blrwgrant: bit of a conundrum actually, zope testbrowser is apparently unable to set the disabled attribute on a control (set by js when the bzr setbranch form is hidden)00:30
wgrantblr: zope.testbrowser doesn't execute JavaScript.00:31
wgrantJS stuff should be testing using YUI3 unit tests.00:31
wgrantblr: Can you have a look at the buildbot failures soon to unblock landings?00:32
blrwgrant: sure00:33
blrwgrant: I suppose it doesn't matter, there's not much value in adding a new doctest.00:33
wgrantblr: Right, adjust existing doctests if need be, but avoid adding new bits.00:34
wgrantAnd don't attempt to test JS; it won't work.00:34
blrwould be useful to look at moving new browser tests to phantomjs perhaps.00:36
blrwgrant: fixed the doctest, will grab some lunch and look at the smoketest failures00:51
blrwgrant: would it be better to drop requester from the repr, or ammend the permissions?02:13
wgrantblr: I'd amend the permissions, I think.02:13
wgrantblr: Pretty much everything can see Person anyway, so this is a one-liner in security.cfg02:13
blrwgrant: done, thanks. How do I go about poking buildbot?02:22
wgrantblr: bzr lp-land --testfix02:37
wgrantblr: Have you fixed all three failures?02:37
blrwgrant: yes, one doctest and the others were both resolved with permissions02:38
blrwgrant: oh, need a new MP?02:40
wgrantblr: yep02:40
blrwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~blr/launchpad/dont-fear-the-repr/+merge/26133802:44
wgrantblr: lgtm02:44
blrwgrant: cheers (I'll leave you in peace to _actually_ be not here today)02:45
wgrantFeel free to ask questions. I'm around, just not around.02:45
blrwgrant: thanks :)02:45
blrwgrant: buildbot seems rather unhappy, unable to connect to db.03:31
wgrantblr: That's a normal flaky test.03:37
blrwgrant: ah good, had me worried.03:39
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