[11:00] wxl, did you contact LXLE guys? :) [14:29] hi gsilva ;) [14:30] Thank you :) Hi there [14:30] Long time no see. Did you manage to sort that internship thing out? [14:30] yes, indeed. [14:31] Not really I have some issues with us embassy... [14:31] I try to get an advanced meeting because the actual meeting is too late. [14:31] I see :\ Sorry to hear that [14:31] And actually, I'm in exam period... [14:32] For the task I tried to do a little, but it was more difficult that I thought without knowledge of HTML. Now, I'm learning basic knowledges of HTML. [14:32] Maybe I should try again to create this parser for broken links. [14:35] Yea, no worries. I'm also entering the last phases/stages of my thesis, so I've been too busy [14:36] The research is pretty much done, but other stuff needs to be added [14:36] For now, I have not done much to the team, I'll give you that [14:36] okay, I hope that you thesis will be great ;) [14:38] Hope so [14:38] I would like to say you that I could be more engaged in July. But, as I will come to USA. I suppose that I will have a lot of things to do too. (Bank, social security, rental housing, etc etc). [14:38] Yea, I'll be more engaged in that time as well. From there to September, hopefully I'll have enough time to handle everything [14:40] Yes, Indeed. I hope that I could help too ;) [14:41] You will, don't worry [14:41] So, what did you want to talk about with me? [14:42] it was about that and reasons for my absence ;) [14:43] Ah, don't worry man, it's cool := [14:46] now, I need to stay focus on my exam. Tomorrow I have economics exam. I suppose you're not too bad in there ;) [17:09] gsilva: not yet, but soon [18:36] Do you want me to email them? If you have the message ready, I can send it [18:51] wxl, are you here ? [18:52] Nairwolf: yep [18:52] I would like to talk to you about two points [18:52] go for it [18:55] Firstly, it's about the html parser in python. I didn't find time to do that. I have some difficulties to understand well the lxml API (I have also some problems with IDE). I realized that I needed to understand better HTML. Actually, I have no time before July (exams, and travel to USA to prepare). [18:56] Actually, I'm learning HTML and CSS for my internship. Now, I have basic knowledge in HTML maybe, now I could understand how to use the lxml API. [18:56] it's ok i know how you feel ;) [18:56] (re: having no time) [18:57] (wait a minute - I'm on the phone) [19:10] time is always scarce and there is always an opportunity cost with your time [19:11] I'm back [19:12] About the HTML parser, I've talked to gsilva some hours ago [19:13] Thank you for you advice, it's just that I really want to help. Badly I need to be more organized to do that. [19:13] The second point I wanted to talked with you is about LinuxPadawan. Maybe we should skip to #linuxpadawan ? [19:33] So looks like zram-config shouldn't be in the live session: LP 1205397 [19:33] Launchpad bug 1205397 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "encrypted install fails because unsafe swap (zram) is detected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1205397 [19:35] * Eliz goes back to hating ubiquity etc. [19:36] Eliz: Use debian-installer, or manually install. [20:22] https://github.com/semplice/zramcfg I actually like this more than zram-config it seems much easier to configure [20:39] siduction uses different mirrors for our users to obtain our images, kernel and packages in a most comfortable way. Please choose a mirror close to you. Mirrors that provide a deb-line can be used in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/siduction.list. We need more mirrors. If you can provide one or know someone that could, please contact us. A mirror needs to be able to handle heavy traffic, so universities and [20:39] other institutions are the most likely hosters.