[02:41] * ruttle waves [07:33] hello [14:26] hello [15:21] hiii [15:22] !hello [15:22] @hello [21:38] Testing, testing. Is anyone there? [21:39] Hello [21:42] New_to_Linux: the rule with irc, is just ask away :) [21:42] believe it or not, support channels usually don't get much chat [21:44] Oh okay. I want to know if the Lubuntu torrent is free and legal. I'm new to torrents and I don't want to get into trouble [21:45] New_to_Linux: yep. the foss community uses legal torrents a lot. [21:45] New_to_Linux: since the software is free and open source, it's licensed in such a way that allows any sort of distribution. [21:46] Now is it a virtual machine box like VMWare? Okay that sounds good. I also don't know which one to download [21:47] New_to_Linux: Desktop amd64 if you're doing it in a VM [21:47] and yes, VMware is fine to run it in, I do that for ISO tests [21:48] (during the dev cycle) [21:48] *looks at wxl* And wxl knows this, too >:) [21:49] I'm on a PC laptop, pretty old. It will be ten years old next year [21:49] well, amd64 is a safe assumption for new hardware [21:50] anyways, the torrents and isos in general are NOT vms [21:50] however, they are images that can be installed in a vm [21:50] personally, i'd suggest grabbing i386 desktop if i were you [21:50] and grab alternate if you're particularly low on resources and/or avoid guis :) [21:51] Does anyone know what would cause poor GTK performance? [21:51] guest8574: if you want a specific answer, you may consider being more specific, and in particular, quantifying things. [21:52] What's the alternative for a laptop? I want to download indie games without the risk of getting viruses. I have anti-virus software but outdated. I'm quite broke so I'm using what I have [21:52] I just tried booting a live CD of Lubuntu on an old laptop, and the drawing of GTK widgets is really slow. [21:52] I'm doing this for freelance writing to make money as well. That's why I want the Lubuntu. [21:52] I can open up some config dialog, and see a blank window for half a second before it gets filled by widgets. [21:54] And the widgets are slow to redraw when I drag a window over them. In Windows XP, every single drawing event is instantaneous. You don't see all these ugly artifacts. [21:54] New_to_Linux: you should have no problem downloading games in linux without getting viruses. [21:54] guest8574: this is on the same machine? [21:55] Yes. XP and Lubuntu on an EeePC 1000HD. [21:55] guest8574: if you don't have much memory, that may be the problem. live loads the whole OS in memory. [21:55] guest8574: try loading windows live if you want a good comparison >:) [21:56] So Lubuntu doesn't have a virtual machine like VMware. right? [21:56] several [21:56] New_to_Linux: lubuntu can be a guest or host for virtual amchines. [21:56] New_to_Linux: VMware works on Lubuntu. [21:57] kvm, xen, virtualbox, vmware workstation, vmware player. [21:57] As well as VirtualBox, Qemu, DOSBox. [21:57] if you wanna play with xen or kvm, they're preinstalled on my lubuntu remix for virtualization here: https://github.com/kamilion/kamikazi-deploy [21:58] +1 for kvm [22:01] guest8574: likely the laptop is not running with accelerated graphics. Everything must be rendered by the CPU pixel by pixel in that case. [22:02] I have the same problem on big servers with old ATI video chips. [22:02] but it's also pretty common for the older intel integrated video units like the i810 [22:03] Kamilion: I do have hardware acceleration. [22:03] glxinfo | grep rendering [22:03] direct rendering: Yes [22:03] we all do. MESA does software rendering of GL and has for ~15+ years [22:03] And glxgears runs at 60 FPS. [22:03] Huh. [22:03] And it's only GTK? [22:04] which video adapter is X detecting? [22:04] also, just because you can blit some polygons at a screen doesn't mean anything [22:04] i remind us this is again in live [22:04] glxgears gives me 1458 FPS for a $30 geforce 610 [22:05] even my cruddy old laptop did glxgears at ~400ish [22:05] so if you're only seeing 60, something is amiss. [22:06] My monitor's refresh rate is 60 Hz, so that's maybe why. [22:06] no, that just limits the frames you can actually see -- a GPU can render far faster than 60hz for simple geometry [22:07] it's when you start getting into texture and lighting and shaders and full screen antialiasing that the performance comes down to what the monitor can display. [22:08] It even says so. http://pastebin.com/PtD7aCJz [22:09] guest8574: http://puu.sh/ihy14/07a1a1ad3b.jpg [22:10] this is a VM with no GPU passthrough and it's still getting ~700FPS. [22:11] When I run glxgears, it says that it synchronizes to the refresh rate. I don't know how to do otherwise. [22:12] http://puu.sh/ihy9l/27f225b324.jpg [22:12] you can see here by my opengl renderer that it's software rendering. [22:13] i assume you're stuck with VSYNC because you're using a 2D only video adapter. [22:13] what's this say: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL " [22:14] (don't forget the space at the end of OpenGL ) === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [22:22] huh, i can't seem to get that output no matter where i try, guest8574 [22:23] tried six PCs and so far no instances of "Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate." message is appearing