
=== retrack is now known as Guest2661
dholbachgood morning06:26
fgimenezgood morning07:05
seb128mvo, howdy, question for you ... do you know why the docker group is added to the ubuntu-core image? is docker needed for some snappy features to work? or it's just to enable the docker snap to be installed since groups can't be added later?07:18
seb128context is snappy personal/desktop and knowing if that group is needed there07:18
mvoseb128: yes, its needed for docker and we can not yet add groups later07:40
mvoseb128: it won't be needed on desktop07:40
seb128mvo, k, why is docker special cased? Just because it's a popular demo?07:40
seb128or is it needed for snappy features to work?07:41
mvoseb128: because it was the only way to get docker working :) and its a important package for us07:41
seb128mvo, but it's not on the personnal desktop image?07:42
seb128just making sure :-)07:42
seb128well, let's start without it07:42
seb128we can do similar hack later if needed07:42
mvoseb128: yeah, just go without it for now07:43
seb128but I guess we are going to need a solution to this groups problem07:43
mvoseb128: we sort of have, we have libnss-extrasusers on the image, we just have no mechanism that can write to it07:43
seb128ah, I see07:43
seb128mvo, thanks :-)07:43
mvoand yeah, its a known issue, we need to solve that and add adduser support for extrasusers plus a snappy extension that can add additional user07:44
=== davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2
ogra_ppisati, do you have an image anywhere with the working 1G RAM on the RPi2 ? i have tried all combos of uboot and kernel that i can find and cant ever get more than 256M08:27
ppisatiogra_: yes i do08:27
ppisatiogra_: https://github.com/piso77/ubuntu-embedded08:28
ppisatiogra_: sudo ./make_img.sh -b raspy2 -d 14.0408:28
ogra_all i found was the early version on p.u.c08:28
ppisatiogra_: or i can build one for yo08:28
ppisatiogra_: and put it somewhere08:28
ogra_oh, i meant a binary, no i can build it myself ... is that buildin an actual snappy image ?08:28
ppisatiogra_: nope, vanilla ubuntu08:28
ppisatiogra_: but i'm using uboot, ppa kernel, etc08:29
ogra_seems to me like the kernel does not actually get to change any memory settings with the current setup i have ... it always only shows whatever the start.elf initialized08:30
ppisatiogra_: do you have a dmesg of your kernel?08:31
ppisatiogra_: or a log of the entire boot?08:31
ogra_several, yes, my screen is set to auto-logging :)08:31
ppisatiogra_: but try that img, has 1G of ram08:31
ogra_i will08:32
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ogra_ppisati, (sorry, was dragged into a meeting) here is the screen log of various boots http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/scree-rpi.log08:57
zygaogra_: do we know what this is https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/snappy/08:58
zygaogra_: my colleague installed it and it's some version of vivid08:59
ogra_(the third last is your old 3.18 image from people.u.c, which was the only one i had 1G with yet, all other boots have either 128 or 256M depending on which start.elf i use)08:59
ogra_zyga, it should be some old snappy version of vivid08:59
ogra_i'm just trying to get an updated image together (but struggle with it a little)08:59
zygaogra_: for rpi2?09:00
zygaogra_: thanks, I have kissiel here who will gladly use one when available09:00
kissielzyga, I missed some of your conversation, are you talking about the image?09:01
ogra_i'll send a mail announcement once it is done ...09:01
zygakissiel: yes09:01
kissielzyga, cool09:01
zygakissiel: it seems that there is no updated image yet, just wait for ogra_'s announcement09:01
zygaogra_: thanks, I owe you way too many beers, perhaps at fosdem :)09:01
kissielzyga, I'll build it from scratch then09:01
ogra_heh :)09:02
ppisatiogra_: what you see if you do a cat /proc/meminfo?09:10
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ cat /proc/meminfo |grep Total09:11
ogra_MemTotal:         119468 kB09:11
ogra_SwapTotal:             0 kB09:11
ogra_VmallocTotal:    1941504 kB09:11
ogra_CmaTotal:           8192 kB09:11
ogra_with the most recent boot ...09:11
ppisatiubuntu@raspy2:~$ uname -a09:11
ppisatiLinux raspy2 3.19.1-11-generic-bcm2709 #11-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue May 26 10:34:36 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux09:11
ogra_(do you need all of it ?)09:11
ppisatiubuntu@raspy2:~$ cat /proc/meminfo09:11
ppisatiMemTotal:         947020 kB09:11
ppisatiogra_: i can put the img somewhere if you want09:11
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ uname -a09:11
ogra_Linux localhost.localdomain 3.19.1-11-generic-bcm2709 #11-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue May 26 10:34:36 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux09:11
ppisatisame kernel09:11
ppisatiit's definitely the binary blob or uboot09:12
ogra_do you have anything special on the cmdline ?09:12
ppisatiubuntu@raspy2:~$ cat /proc/cmdline09:12
ppisatiearlyprintk console=tty0 console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait noinitrd09:12
ppisatiogra_: do you?09:12
ogra_console=tty0 console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc09:12
ogra_nothing :)09:13
* ogra_ grumbles about /var/log/dmesg being empty 09:14
ppisatiogra_: i'm uploadinf that img09:14
ogra_ppisati, thanks, i'll try mine with your bootloader09:14
ogra_i wonder if it is the uboot.env that loic created09:14
ppisatiogra_: all the bootloader binaries i'm using09:15
ppisatiogra_: are here, btw09:15
ppisatiogra_: https://github.com/piso77/ubuntu-embedded/tree/master/boards/raspy2/bootloaders09:15
ogra_well, i tried them09:15
ogra_didnt make any difference09:16
ogra_you dont load an initrd ...09:16
ogra_perhaps our load address is wrong and we trash something when loading it09:16
ppisatiogra_: but the initrd is discarded by the kernel09:16
ppisatiogra_: one thing that i noticed in your bootlog09:17
ppisatiogra_: is that the kernel can actually see the entire mem09:17
ppisatiogra_: bullshit09:18
ogra_where do you see that ?09:18
ppisatiogra_: i read it wrong09:18
ogra_[    0.000000] Memory: 95036K/131072K available (6873K kernel code, 437K rwdata, 1972K rodata, 448K init, 782K bss, 27844K reserved, 8192K cma-reserved)09:18
ppisati[    0.000000] Memory: 938380K/966656K available (6873K kernel code, 437K rwdata, 1972K rodata, 448K init, 782K bss, 20084K reserved, 8192)09:18
ppisatithat's my img09:18
ppisatiogra_: you should try to load the initrd with my img09:19
ogra_will do09:19
ppisatiogra_: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/disk-2015-06-04-14.04-raspy2.img.gz09:19
mvojdstrand: hi, for later when you are online - now that we have a private /tmp via the ubuntu-core-launcher I proposed to simplify our /tmp handling (bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1462916). apparmor would need to be updated and /tmp would have to be allowed. do you have any concerns about this approach? i.e. shifting the security from apparmor to the launcher (I put some info into the description)09:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1462916 in Snappy 15.04 "Simplify TMPDIR handling" [Undecided,New]09:21
mvojdstrand: would love to hear your opinion on this :)09:23
longsleepHi folks, is there a way to solve "Failed to start Load/Save Random Seed." error on boot?09:26
* ogra_ has been wondering that for ages :)09:27
* longsleep will investigate09:28
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Upsy Daisy Day! 😃09:29
D_Centhi - can anyone tell me which devices are officially supported by Snappy Ubuntu and which of those have stable images?09:33
longsleepSo the problem on the systemd-random-seed service is that it tries to write to /var/lib/systemd/random-seed which is read only. That is very bad as essentially all snappy devices boot up with little to no entropy, at least if the Kernel does not have http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1312.1/04772.html09:40
ogra_longsleep, can you file a bug ?09:41
ogra_we should definitely shipo that dir writable09:41
longsleepwell random-seed is a file - i am not sure if the whole /var/lib/systemd should be writeable09:42
ogra_mvo, ^^^ i guess you agree09:42
ogra_not sure we can make the whole dir writable ...  but surely that file09:42
longsleepok - i file a bug09:42
* mvo nods09:42
ogra_(for the dir we'd need to ask the security team about possible impact)09:43
* longsleep thinks the security team should think about entropy and randomness09:44
longsleepSnappy bugs go here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy ?09:44
longsleepWhat Kernel version is the default for Snappy images if no device tree is provided?09:51
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ free09:59
ogra_             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:59
ogra_Mem:        947012     120888     826124      12768       6684      8188409:59
ogra_ppisati, ^^^09:59
ppisatiwhat was that?10:00
ogra_but i blindly copied your whole dir into my image10:00
ppisatiogra_: so it was the bootloader10:00
ogra_i'll now start removing file by file and see when it drops back to 128M10:00
ppisatiogra_: cool, nice find10:00
ogra_well, we dont ship any of the fixup files ... or any extra config.txt or cmdline.txt10:01
ogra_i suspect it is related to that10:01
longsleepRandom seed service bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/146295410:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 1462954 in Snappy " systemd-random-seed fails to start because /var/lib/systemd/random-seed is read only" [Undecided,New]10:02
ogra_longsleep, thanks10:03
ogra_jdstrand, can we get some security team opinion on bug 1462954 if we can make the whole dir writable or not10:03
longsleepogra_: I think a real solution would be to make the random-seed file available to both system-a and -b (it should be shared).10:04
ogra_yeah, that should happen automatically ...10:05
ogra_the writable partition is shared between them ...10:05
longsleepogra_: ah i see - thats cool then10:06
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo snappy install webdm10:06
ogra_Installing webdm10:06
ogra_operation not supported10:06
ogra_webdm failed to install: unpack /tmp/webdm683385157 to /apps/webdm/0.8 failed with exit status 110:06
ogra_grmpf ...10:07
ogra_Jun  8 10:06:31 localhost snappy[857]: main.go:62: DEBUG: [snappy internal-unpack /tmp/webdm683385157 /apps/webdm/0.8 /] failed: operation not supported10:07
ogra_Jun  8 10:06:31 localhost snappy[824]: main.go:62: DEBUG: [snappy install webdm] failed: webdm failed to install: unpack /tmp/webdm683385157 to /apps/webdm/0.8 failed with exit status 110:07
ogra_hmm, not so informative ...10:07
ogra_dang ... and i get that for every snap it seems10:10
ogra_ppisati, are we sure the kernel has all necessary options set ?10:10
ogra_(apparmor and systemd etc ...)10:11
longsleepSo, now that i have a base image. How can i modify the image after build? Are there some post hooks or something?10:11
ppisatiogra_: it's the same kernel + config options since...10:11
ppisatiogra_: months?10:11
ppisatiogra_: wait10:11
ogra_i used your latest deb for this image10:11
ppisatiah, i forgot to push it10:12
ppisatiogra_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/log/?h=snappy_raspi210:22
Chipacamvo: really, TMPDIR is cleared in setuid?10:46
* Chipaca has one of those "how did this ever work then" moments10:47
* kissiel is away: lunch10:56
mvoChipaca: yep - but all under control we just need to decide what approach to take11:02
mvoChipaca: its only cleared for users, i.e. when running as root its fine11:02
ogra_wow, so removing all new files but fixup.dat gets me a completely messed up boot11:26
ogra_mvo, sergiusens, Chipaca, so i have a working edge RPi2 image now ... but i cant install any snaps ... all info i get in syslog is the line above (operation not supported) ... any hint how i can debug that a bit more detailed than from syslog11:55
mvoogra_: is that edge? or 15.04 ?11:57
ogra_sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem pi2_0.12_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.12.tar.xz -o pi2.img rolling11:58
Chipacaogra_: is this a wily snappy?11:58
ogra_thats what i used to build it11:58
Chipacaogra_: if so it's build with go 1.411:58
mvoyeah, wily11:58
Chipacaogra_: and something is busted there11:58
ogra_oh, so it is also broken on BBB ?11:58
Chipacaogra_: in wily, yes11:58
* mvo looks11:58
* ogra_ has no recent BB image around, else i would have cross checked11:58
Chipacaogra_: and amd11:58
ogra_ah, phew11:58
* ogra_ goes and builds a 15.04 image then11:59
longsleepogra_: that is the 'rolling' parameter to your ubuntu-device-flash command from above?12:00
ogra_it picks the rollin channel from http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/12:01
ogra_sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=stable --oem pi2_0.12_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.12.tar.xz -o pi2.img 15.0412:01
ogra_thats builds from the release channel ...12:01
longsleepi see thanks - still a lot i dont know about :)12:02
ogra_well, system-image will be going away12:02
ogra_images will be fully built from snaps12:02
* longsleep is trying to build rolling edge image for ODROID C1 now12:03
longsleepogra_: that sounds awesome12:03
longsleepChannel: edge, Version: 63 - does that sound good?12:07
ogra_yes, but it will be broken as you can see above :)12:08
ogra_wont allow you to install snaps12:08
longsleepogra_: thats what i wanted to confirm12:08
longsleepto verify that the image i build behaves the same as yours12:08
ogra_the release image works fine :)12:08
longsleepyes here too12:09
* ogra_ installs chatroom to test12:12
ogra_ERROR: chatroom.ogra failed to install: unpack /tmp/snaps/webdm/0.8/tmp/chatroom275084212 to /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8 failed with exit status 112:13
ogra_so this is with 15.04 now12:14
ogra_tryin to install chatroom from webdm12:14
longsleepmhm it was not yesterday12:14
* ogra_ tries from cmdline12:16
longsleepogra_: ok ok edge rolling it fails for me too12:16
ogra_ha, cmdline works fine12:18
ogra_seems to be a bu in webdm12:18
longsleepmhm i just tried from cmdline12:19
ogra_worked fine for me12:19
ogra_and i can reach the chatroom at port 6565 in chromium12:19
* ogra_ tires another package from webdm12:20
longsleep(thats on edge though)12:20
ogra_yeah, there it seems to be expected12:20
longsleepso cmdline works in 15.04 but not in webdm?12:21
* longsleep tries that12:21
ogra_only for the chatroom package it seems ... go-example-webserver installed just fine12:22
* ogra_ tries pastebinit 12:22
ogra_hmm, weird, works too12:22
longsleepi will be trying to build a snappy release https://github.com/strukturag/spreed-webrtc next weekend so i get familiar with these things too.12:23
* ogra_ uninstalls chatroom and tries again12:23
ogra_ah, nice12:23
ogra_chatroom in a more complex way :)12:23
longsleepyeah - i didnt know about chatroom since yesterday12:24
ogra_well, its just a hacked together example to test node-snapper :)12:24
ogra_webrtc stuff makes a good show if your snappy install is in the local LAN when you hold talks ... you can involve the audience easily ;)12:25
mattywhey folks, is this a good place to be asking stupid questions about making snaps?12:26
ogra_mattyw, only if you promise they are really stupid :)12:26
longsleepmattyw: if you start ask stupid questions too i do not feel so alone :)12:26
mattywawesome, I'll do some typing and we'll see where we end up12:27
ogra_woah !12:27
ogra_Jun  8 12:24:32 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[962]: open /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8/amd64/node_modules/express/lib/middleware/init.js: permission denied12:27
ogra_Jun  8 12:24:32 localhost ubuntu-core-launcher[962]: 2015-06-08 12:24:32 ERROR snappy logger.go:199 chatroom.ogra failed to install: unpack /tmp/snaps/webdm/0.8/tmp/chatroom031296173 to /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8 failed with exit status 112:27
ogra_WTF !12:28
mattywso - I'm trying to make a tmux snap - because why not. After it's installed I run tmux.tmux and I get told ERROR: profile "tmux_tmux_1.9.6" does not exist.12:28
mattywmy next question is - tmux requires libevent - so I need to install that somewhere, what should I be doing with SOs?12:28
ogra_mattyw, did you check for apparmor denials in syslog ?12:28
longsleepmattyw: not sure if that qualifies for a stupid question - but if you want a stupid answer - i guess its related to apparmor profiles :)12:28
ogra_libs should go into your snap with LD_LIBRABRY_PATH pointing to their dir12:29
mvoogra_: Chipaca is debugging that on wily - or do you get the above error on 15.04?12:31
ogra_mvo, yes ... note the "amd64" in that error12:31
ogra_(i'm obviously on armhf)12:31
mattywlongsleep, ogra_ awesome, just as an experiment can we talk about apparmor profiles and LD_LIBRARY_PATH as if I don't know anything about those things? ;)12:31
ogra_mvo, it looks like an ownership error with the file to me ... though installing from commandline with snappy install doesnt show that error12:32
longsleepogra_: chatroom installs just fine here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11648126/12:32
ogra_longsleep, yeah, for me too if i use the commandline12:33
ogra_just not from webdm12:33
longsleepok let me try12:33
ogra_webdm generates the permission denied error above in syslog12:33
ogra_bah, now it also fails from cmdline :(12:34
ogra_open /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8/amd64/node_modules/express/node_modules/cookie-signature/.npmignore: permission denied12:34
ogra_another permission error ... different file though12:34
ogra_and i also get:12:35
ogra_2015/06/08 12:33:52 Warning: failed to remove /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8: %!s(<nil>)12:35
ogra_chatroom.ogra failed to install: unpack /tmp/chatroom360659173 to /apps/chatroom.ogra/0.1-8 failed with exit status 112:35
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls /apps/12:35
ogra_bin  chatroom.ogra  go-example-webserver.canonical  pastebinit.mvo  webd12:35
ogra_and in fact i have an empty chatroom.ogra dir under apps12:35
ogra_snappy remove chatroom.ogra doesnt remove the dir12:36
mvoogra_: if that is still wily, then I think Chipaca found the issue, setgid does no longer work with go 1.412:36
ogra_mvo, no, thats still 15.0412:36
longsleepogra_: failed for me too with webdm12:37
longsleepplenty of errors in syslog12:37
sergiusensmvo: hey, any reason we update-grub on updates?12:37
ogra_mvo, i gave up on rolling for now, need to get that Pi image to work12:37
mvoogra_: *ick* do you get that on bbb/kvm?12:37
ogra_surely not on kvm12:37
ogra_i developed the new chatroom package in kvm, there it always worked fine12:38
mvosergiusens: well, thats what updates grub.cfg? or am I misunderstanding the question?12:38
ogra_and one out of three install attempts on the 15.04 RPi image worked too12:38
sergiusensmvo: yes and it causes a nice bug12:38
ogra_(resulting in a working chatroom)12:38
mvosergiusens: *autsch* which one? the one you reported friday?12:39
longsleepogra_: My syslog when installing chatroom though webdm on 15.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/11648298/12:39
sergiusensmvo: yes12:39
ogra_Jun 08 12:36:28 odroid systemd[1]: [/lib/systemd/system/snappy-workaround-apparmor.service:5] Unknown lvalue 'WantedBy' in section 'Unit'12:39
mvoogra_: meh12:39
ogra_longsleep, are you sure you have all ubuntu apparmor patches in your kernel ?12:40
mattywogra_, ah, I just have to do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=my_snap_lib_dir ./myapp, that's what you mean right? there's no magic other than that?12:40
mvolongsleep: (I like you nick!) - he "'WantedBy'" is my bug, sorry for that12:40
longsleepogra_: no i have not all the patches - currently running unmodifed hardkernel tree12:41
ogra_longsleep, ah, then your issue is different12:41
ogra_mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11648369/12:41
sergiusensmvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/146250112:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 1462501 in Snappy trunk "Updates on grub systems lose track of panic=-1" [Critical,New]12:42
longsleepmvo: no worries - i am new to snappy and trying to figure out the ecosystem12:42
sergiusensmvo: removing update-grub solves the azure problem12:42
ogra_longsleep, the systemd kernel config options and apparmor are both essential12:42
longsleepogra_: ok i have "look at kernel patches" on my list :)12:42
ogra_longsleep, ppisati can most likely help you12:43
longsleepogra_: problem is that i am on Kernel 3.10 + messy patches. I hope the patches required are small :)12:44
ogra_in fact it is the whole of apparmor you need to replace12:44
longsleepmvo: Do you want me to file a bug for the "'WantedBy'" problem?12:44
ogra_and there is a bunch of cgroups options that snappy uses12:45
ogra_for systemd12:45
longsleepsome work for tonight then :)12:45
mvolongsleep: feel free, but I think I know the reason and work on a fix12:47
sergiusenslongsleep: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/AppArmorForPhabletKernels for easy apparmor instructions12:48
longsleepsergiusens: thanks!12:48
rsalvetiogra_: are you using 15.04/edge?12:50
rsalvetiguess that only stable will get you 15.04/stable12:51
ogra_rsalveti, edge is obviously completely broken12:51
rsalvetirolling you mean?12:51
ogra_which made me switch to 15.04 stable 1h ago12:51
ogra_well, edge/rolling12:51
rsalveti15.04/edge should be good12:51
rsalvetirolling/edge is known to be broken12:51
ogra_15.04 stable is broken for me too12:52
ogra_let me try 15.04 edge then12:52
rsalvetiright, 15.04/edge is what we're trying to release :-)12:52
rsalvetibut currently blocked by the grub issue12:52
rsalvetiogra_: did you find out the reason why you can now access the entire 1gb ram on rpi2?12:53
ogra_rsalveti, bootloader12:53
ogra_took me 4 days but i finally found the working combo of files :)12:53
rsalvetioh, great then12:54
ogra_using kernel7.img without config.txt makes the bootloader ninary fall back to some weird bits12:54
ogra_my oem snap now uses uboot.bin again with a confi.txt pointing to it12:55
ogra_and you need the fixup.dat file apparently12:55
ogra_once i found a working combo that actually doesnt break when installing snaps i'll push that to people.u.c12:56
ogra_well, not so great that on all images i tried yet the snap installation has issues12:58
* ogra_ boots 15.04 edge and crosses fingers12:59
rsalvetiwonders if the 'WantedBy' is also in 15.04/edge13:00
ogra_no, we were both tryin stable13:00
sergiusensogra_: it's g+13:00
longsleepogra_: no i was trying 15.04/edge13:01
longsleepi was not aware about the distinction13:01
mvosergiusens: meh13:01
longsleepi am now :)13:01
mvosergiusens: I look at the bug now, it looks a bit like its not going to be fun13:01
* mvo makes a extra big cup of tea13:02
ogra_ok, webdm installed13:02
* ogra_ tries installing chatroom via UI again13:02
longsleepogra_: that even works for me without the kernel patches13:03
ogra_right, but your apps wont be confined13:03
longsleepsaying that i just wonder what the difference is regarding installing from webdm and commandline one fails because of missing kernel patches while the other works fine13:03
ogra_chatroom installed fine13:04
rsalvetimvo: guess we'd also need to upload ubuntu-core-config to wily13:04
rsalvetijust saw your change13:04
sergiusensmvo: rsalveti well I have the workaround fix13:04
mvorsalveti: yes, also lp:~chipaca/snappy/muppets needs to land to unblock will13:05
sergiusensmvo: but we are indeed crippled13:05
ogra_rsalveti, ok, looks like this image works, i'll push it to my people.u.c account and mail a call for testing13:05
mvosergiusens: oh, the workaround to use the core config?13:05
sergiusensmvo: yeah, as mentioned in the bug https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/panic/+merge/26137813:06
sergiusensmvo: but I also extended u-d-f to be able to add a grub.cfg in the oem snappy package, it would work fine if update-grub was not part of a snappy update13:06
sergiusensmvo: it also breaks the semantics for when we truly decouple kernel and os13:07
ogra_snake works too !13:07
rsalvetiogra_: great13:07
mvosergiusens: yeah, I think we need a static grub.cfg just like uboot13:07
rsalvetiI'll be triggering a new rootfs in a few (once ubuntu-core-config) gets published13:07
sergiusensmvo: I have this azure one alreay :-)13:07
ogra_rsalveti, oh, then i'll wait for that13:07
rsalvetithen wait for the grub fix13:07
mvosergiusens: post it!13:07
sergiusensmvo: I'm just looking for blessings to remove update-grub13:07
* ogra_ needs to mow the lawn before it rains anyway 13:07
sergiusensrsalveti: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/panic/+merge/26137813:08
* rsalveti wondering what would be the side effect of removing update-grub13:08
mvosergiusens: +1 from me for this, we "just" need to expand handleAssets() for grub13:08
* ogra_ afk13:08
sergiusensmvo: expand or reduce? :-)13:08
mvosergiusens: well, expand as its empty right now ;) and then remove 20_snappy from grub config13:09
mvosergiusens: let me know if you want help with that, I look forward to simplify this area of the code13:09
mvosergiusens: I cherry pick you azure fix in the meantime for vivid, ok?13:09
sergiusensmvo: sure, but this doesn't fix azure13:10
mvosergiusens: it does not?13:10
sergiusensmvo: only the fact that we lose panic=-1 on snappy updates13:10
sergiusensmvo: if I remove update-grub from snappy update's code path there is no work in handleAssets (immediate at least) as grub.cfg sits in the common area13:11
sergiusenswhich makes the fact that we are running update-grub slightly worse ;-)13:11
sergiusensas rollbacks are endangered13:11
mvosergiusens: I'm confused, but let me try to work it out after I cherry-picked your workaround fix13:12
sergiusensmvo: update-grub creates a grub.cfg in /boot/grub/grub.cfg based out of what is in system-a or system-b13:13
mvosergiusens: fix for vivid uploaded13:14
mvosergiusens: I guess we mean the same. so if we would stop calling update-grub today, what would write /boot/grub/grub.cfg?13:17
sergiusensmvo: u-d-f on device provisioning13:17
sergiusensmvo: or ... (one sec)13:17
* sergiusens commits and pushes13:17
mvosergiusens: and if the kernel is updated to a new ABI version?13:17
mvosergiusens: oh, are you suggesting to use /vmlinuz, /initrd.img for this?13:18
sergiusensmvo: so this may need more thought13:19
rsalvetilinks should help yeah13:19
sergiusensmvo: but I would standarize the names13:19
rsalvetias long we're covering the update and rollback with them13:19
mvomeh, yeah, the rollback is a problem with that, I think we need handleAssets for this13:19
mvosergiusens: +100 for the idea though, I think that will make things much easier13:20
sergiusensmvo: ok, I'll start with this13:21
sergiusensand here https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/noUpdateGrub/+merge/26138113:21
* sergiusens needs to run some errands13:21
mvosergiusens: looks like a good start :) will you continue once you are back from errands or shall I look at what is needed for handleAssets() ?13:23
jdstrandtyhicks: would you mind commenting on the TMPDIR conversation ^ (this is also bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1462916)14:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1462916 in Snappy trunk "Simplify TMPDIR handling" [Undecided,New]14:25
tyhicksjdstrand: sure - give me a bit to finish reading email and then read backscroll in here14:29
jdstrandtyhicks: I think they are proposing what we understood to be the plan14:29
sergiusensmvo: I can continue14:32
mvosergiusens: cool, please merge the bits I couldn't resist removing14:34
barrymvo: what do you think about unforking si client 3.0?14:37
mvobarry: I meant to file a bug (but haven't yet), there is one tiny regression compared to the forked version. if there is a error during the apply step it seems 3.0 does not pass that error to the machine readable progress14:38
barrymvo: ah, yes please do file a bug.  i will fix that asap and get it into wily.  i'd really like to unfork snappy.14:39
mvobarry: does that sound possible? I have not looked further and pushed it on my todo instead but I remember something like "update failed, see syslog for details". for snappy and the progress fd I would love to get the actual backtrace for log and display14:39
mvobarry: ok, let me file a bug14:39
barrymvo: is this still the right snappy fork branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/system-image-snappy/14:40
barry(if so, i see the divergence - should be an easy fix)14:41
ogra_jdstrand, did you see my ping from a few hours ago ?14:43
ogra_jdstrand, bug 1462954 - would be nice to get a security team opinion if we could just make the whole dir writable14:44
ubottubug 1462954 in Snappy trunk " systemd-random-seed fails to start because /var/lib/systemd/random-seed is read only" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146295414:44
jdstrandogra_: honestly, I think that is a question better suited for pitti14:44
ogra_oh, ok14:44
ogra_jdstrand, it was more a "ship an empty writable file vs make the whole systemd dir writable"14:45
ogra_i guess pitti will just say "do it, so we get working random seeds" :)14:46
mvobarry: bug #146306114:46
nothalBug #1463061: Please report errors via --progress as well <Ubuntu system image:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1463061>14:46
pittiogra_, jdstrand: hmm -- I sent patches for the two failing units to mvo in Austin14:46
ubottubug 1463061 in Ubuntu system image "Please report errors via --progress as well" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146306114:46
pittimvo: so I suppose they didn't land yet? can we land them now?14:46
mvopitti: meh, I was sure I landed them, one sec14:46
barrymvo: ack14:46
jdstrandogra_: well, random_seed is only one thing that is in that directorty. eg, 'catalog' is in there. the other stuff I don't really know about. random-seed should be writable. I would think we would solve for the lack of entropy how we do with cloud-- I think cloud-init may do something14:46
kyrofasergiusens, ping14:50
pittijdstrand: /var/lib/systemd/random-seed is just the place where the seed is saved on shutdown and restored on boot; it's not a magic thing to initialize the seed on first boot14:51
mvopitti: this was added  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-config/0.6.1214:52
mvopitti: is this maybe used before the writable paths are ready?14:52
sergiusenskyrofa: hey14:52
pittimvo: ah, possibly -- I thought these got initialized in initramfs14:52
pittibut I remember now that this isn't the case actually14:53
pittimvo: systemd-random-seed.service should order itself after mounting /var/lib/systemd/random-seed, though14:53
elopiogood morning14:53
pittioh wait -- these aren't in fstab, are they? so systemd can't detect that14:53
pittimvo: but either way, it waits for systemd-remount-fs.service14:54
ogra_pitti, writable paths should be in fstab14:54
kyrofasergiusens, hey! So I'm in the planning stage for adding more details to the snappy scope. Initially I just figured I'd wait until webdm/the snappy service implemented it, but I've been asked to move forward with it14:54
mvopitti: I think they are in fstab14:54
kyrofasergiusens, so I wanted to talk to you about your vision for how that should be done. Can I do it in such a way that you can make use of it?14:55
pittiogra_, mvo: ok, then I need to look at a current snappy image14:55
* pitti keeps the bug open14:55
sergiusenskyrofa: can you set something up? I guess we can work together, but I need to get this release behind me14:56
kirklandjdstrand: I was kind of thinking the same thing -- connected Internet-of-Things things are almost necessarily connected to the internet :-)14:56
ogra_rsalveti, when do you plan that image build ?=15:00
rsalvetiogra_: sorry, was waiting another package upload15:00
rsalvetiogra_: let me trigger that now15:00
ogra_cool,. thanks15:00
kyrofasergiusens, sure I can. My desire is you save you work-- if you feel like my doing it in a way that you can use would take more effort than it's worth, I totally understand!15:01
kyrofasergiusens, also, this can wait a few days15:03
sergiusenskyrofa: we just need to sync15:03
kyrofasergiusens, alright :) . When would be a good day/time?15:04
sergiusenskyrofa: later today, invite rsalveti too so he can juggle the tasks around :-P15:05
kyrofasergiusens, sounds good15:07
Chipacaogra_: don't hate me for being right :-p15:16
ogra_no no, you are totally right :)15:16
Chipacatedg: why would we need socket activation in upstart? /me no follow15:23
tedgChipaca, For handing Mir sockets to a specific job for trusted prompt sessions.15:23
Chipacatedg: we == snappy i mean :)15:23
tedgChipaca, Here we is Ubuntu App Launch.15:24
Chipacatedg: anyway, cool that we don't :)15:24
Chipacatedg: ah! makes more sense15:24
Chipacaogra_: what's needed for uboot on x86?15:26
Chipacaogra_: and on amd6415:26
Chipacaand uefi15:26
* Chipaca feels sick already15:27
ogra_Chipaca, lol, no idea, iirc there was a linaro project for x86 support15:27
elopioogra_: once you have a working raspi image, throw it this way to give it a try.15:29
* tbr knows of actual x86_64 embedded hardware being designed right now that will ship with uboot15:29
ogra_tbr, yeah, i was actually joking in a meeting 20min ago ... i think this approach is rather to get your laptop use uboot :)15:30
fgimenezelopio, i forgot to mention you this bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1461487 on friday, it's very rare, i've already pasted it to the doc15:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 1461487 in Snappy "snappy list error if executed during a snappy-autopilot update" [Undecided,New]15:32
elopiofgimenez: right, I saw it. I will try to reproduce.15:32
ogra_elopio, yeah, i'm just waiting for the next rootfs15:33
kyrofasergiusens, rsalveti I sent you both an invite for later this afternoon. Please let me know if that doesn't work-- I'm pretty open today15:36
fgimenezelopio, should we move the notes in the pad to the Snappy Image Tests doc?15:41
rsalvetielopio: fgimenez: ogra_: sergiusens: new image should be out15:42
elopiofgimenez: we should make a summary once we finish the testing. Collect all the important bits in bug reports, guides or docs. And send an email with that.15:42
ogra_rsalveti, weird, i didnt see LP even start a build15:43
Chipacamvo: sergiusens working on grub be like https://youtu.be/A52p9jc-gOo15:43
rsalvetiogra_: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-system-image/15:43
elopiofgimenez: I'm moving some things to the top, to make that easier. Please check it out so we don't forget anything.15:43
* ogra_ wonders if his watcher script is buggy15:43
ogra_rsalveti, ah, amd64 failed15:43
ogra_it wont import15:43
fgimenezelopio, ok15:43
ogra_hmm, no15:44
* ogra_ curses arm64 for being so similar !15:44
rsalvetioh, hm15:45
ogra_rsalveti, ignore me15:45
rsalvetiogra_: yeah15:45
rsalvetithat also annoys me15:45
ogra_but the importer can nowadays take 1h15:45
* ogra_ checks where system-image stands15:45
mvojdstrand: sorry for naging, but do you see any risks with https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-simplify-lp1462916/+merge/261419 (and the also required apparmor change)?15:45
mvoChipaca: lol15:46
ogra_yeah, nothing new in http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/15.04/edge/ yet15:46
plarsI realized that for some reason snappy on my bbb does not have webdm installed and tried to install it, but it seems to fail. Is this a known breakage?15:46
plarsoperation not supported15:46
plarswebdm failed to install: unpack /tmp/webdm954724051 to /apps/webdm/0.8 failed with exit status 115:46
plarsor maybe I just need to reinstall?15:47
plarsI did update ubuntu-core before trying this15:47
plarsI'm currently on ubuntu-core/rolling/edge rev 6315:47
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, still importing15:47
rsalvetiyeah, rolling/edge is still not yet in proper shape15:48
ogra_rsalveti, yup, the new phones made it really slow ... will be fun once we have even more phones :)15:48
plarsrsalveti: ah, ok. So use 15.04/edge for now I guess?15:48
ogra_plars, yeah, with the next image15:48
sergiusensChipaca: pretty much :-)15:49
ogra_(which should be done soon)15:49
plarsogra_: you mean the next image in 15.04 or in rolling?15:49
ogra_plars, 15.04/edge is currently building15:50
plarsogra_: ack15:50
tyhicksjdstrand, mvo: I looked at the design described in bug #1462916 and like it15:52
nothalBug #1462916: Simplify TMPDIR handling <Snappy:New> <Snappy 15.04:New> <Snappy trunk:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1462916>15:52
ubottubug 1462916 in Snappy trunk "Simplify TMPDIR handling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146291615:52
tyhicksjdstrand, mvo: before reading that bug description, I don't believe that I ever heard the long term plans for /tmp... but I don't see anything wrong with that design15:53
mvotyhicks: cool, that sonds promising. It seems ok to me as well, *but* you/your team are the security experts and I was wrong too many times to fully trust my judgement here. it certainly would make it easier for packaging apps as /tmp would just be availalbe like on "normal" systems15:55
mvo(expect for the isolation of course)15:55
tyhicksI agree15:55
tyhicksmvo: I can review the two MPs that you have proposed this afternoon (I am booked with meetings until then)15:56
sergiusensChipaca: that youtube link started what seems to be a nice playlist ;-)15:56
mvoChipaca, sergiusens: I leave in a bit to play hockey, if https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-simplify-lp1462916/+merge/261419 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-core-security/private-tmpdir-update/+merge/261396 gets a +1 it would be great if you could merge/upload them :)15:56
mvo(sorry for dumbing work on you!)15:57
sergiusensmvo: enjoy the game!15:57
Chipacamvo: crack some skulls! or curse mildly under your breath.15:58
ogra_or both !15:58
* Chipaca didn't say xor15:59
Chipacasergiusens: you're welcome :)15:59
ogra_aha ... there is the new image16:01
longsleepnice, my ODROID told me that its going to update in 9 minutes16:01
Chipacalongsleep: to reboot?16:02
longsleeperr it just updated - seems the clock is wrong :)16:02
longsleepgoing down for reboot now16:02
longsleephow does that work. how does it detect new images that quickly?16:02
ogra_i didnt know it does !16:03
ogra_woah !16:03
longsleepsome thing called snappy autopilot16:03
ogra_Broadcast message from root@localhost.localdomain (Mon 2015-06-08 16:02:03 UTC):16:03
ogra_snappy autopilot triggered a reboot to boot into an up to date system-- temprorarily disable the reboot by running 'sudo shutdown -c'16:03
ogra_The system is going down for reboot at Mon 2015-06-08 16:12:03 UTC!16:03
longsleepyeah :D16:03
ogra_without even asking me !!!16:03
Chipacalongsleep: autopilot polls16:03
Chipacalongsleep: it's got a systemd timer unit16:03
ogra_thats pretty rude !16:03
longsleepi see - can it be turned off? Privacy problem too :)16:04
damjansystemctl disable ?16:04
ogra_i didnt have any chance to stop it doing that16:04
Chipacalongsleep: yes, i think you can disable it from u-d-f at least, but not entirely sure16:04
longsleepi mean turn it off by default when building an image16:04
Chipacalongsleep: what's the privacy issue?16:04
ogra_oh, it tells me that over and over16:05
Chipacasergiusens: how did one disable autopilot?16:05
longsleepwhoever controls the server it polls from, knows about the snappy instance and the from address and whatever else is sent with the poll16:05
sergiusensChipaca: with snappy config16:05
Chipacaah, there ya go16:05
sergiusensogra_: longsleep Chipaca https://gist.github.com/sergiusens/8d4d2b99b2e5d87c7a5016:05
longsleepsergiusens: great thanks!16:06
ogra_sergiusens, lol, yeah ... here docs ...16:06
ogra_so insane16:06
rsalvetiargh, my first router went down16:06
* ogra_ still doesnt get why we cnt just do: snappy config ubuntu-core autopilot=false16:06
Chipacaogra_: patches welcome ;)16:07
ogra_but instead have to create a here doc to pipe into the command16:07
ogra_Chipaca, well, i heard it was wanted like that16:07
longsleepi would prefer to have it disabled by default / can be controlled on image building16:08
Chipacaogra_: actually i'd expect it to be something more like "snappy set ubuntu-core autopilot=false"16:08
Chipacaalthough to me snappy $pkg set $blah makes more sense than the way it is now, but still16:08
ogra_Chipaca, yeah !16:08
sergiusenslongsleep: just set it in the oem snap16:09
longsleepsergiusens: i do not know enougth of that stuff yet - my package.yaml is https://github.com/longsleep/snappy-odroidc/blob/master/oem/meta/package.yaml16:09
longsleepsergiusens: where would i set it?16:09
longsleepsergiusens: a i think i get it16:10
longsleepconfig: -> ubuntu-core: -> autopilot: false16:11
ogra_snappy config16:11
sergiusenslongsleep: right under hostname16:11
longsleepsergiusens: understood - thanks!16:12
ogra_aha, my reboot just happened16:12
longsleepmy ODROID rebooted fine and is now on 8016:12
sergiusenslongsleep: just proposed the change16:12
* ogra_ waits to see what the RPi comes up with16:12
ogra_*sniff* ... 7916:14
ogra_and the reboot mmessage comes up right after reboot16:15
* ogra_ runs snappy update manually to see if that changes anything 16:16
ogra_root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a grmpf16:16
longsleepogra_: must be your u-boot16:17
ogra_damn and now i'm in an autopilot reboot loop16:18
ogra_sergiusens, is there a waqy to disable autopilot at image build time ?16:18
ogra_this wont work for RPi users16:18
ogra_oh superweird !16:19
ogra_(RaspberryPi2)ubuntu@localhost:~$ grep ^snappy_ab /boot/uboot/snappy-system.txt16:20
longsleepogra_: why won't this work RPi users? It should if the U-Boot has all the features.16:20
Chipacasergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/mangle/+merge/260934 ready for a re-review16:20
longsleepogra_: check the snappy_mode value. If it is try, it can set snappy_ab to a before booting.16:22
ogra_longsleep, yes, it can16:22
ogra_longsleep, the issue is "why does it"16:22
* ogra_ guesses that needs another day of inspecting ... sigh 16:22
ogra_i thought i was done16:22
longsleepbecause it finds the snappy_stamp file or your u-boot does not support test -e16:23
ogra_i suspect the latter16:23
ogra_but i wont dig into that today anymore16:23
longsleepIt was added quite recently16:23
* ogra_ will just roll an image now 16:23
longsleepcmd_test: implement -e test for file existence (e5e897c01b1cd496187ca56a38ff5559d27f951c)16:23
ogra_right and i cant use mainline on the RPi yet16:23
longsleepI had the same issue with ODROID. Overwrote some of the commands from snappy-system.txt with commands from legacy U-Boot16:24
longsleepSee https://github.com/longsleep/snappy-odroidc/blob/master/oem/boot-assets/boot.ini#L31 - I use if fatexist instead of test -e16:25
longsleepCheck for this commit in your U-Boot http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=commit;h=e5e897c01b1cd496187ca56a38ff5559d27f951c16:26
ogra_oh, even from stephen warren16:26
ogra_and trivial too16:26
longsleepyeah - but it might require another commit to the fat drivers, which are not trivial.16:27
longsleepespecially not if you do not have fs: add filesystem switch libary, implement ls and fsload commands (045fa1e1142552799ad3203e9e0bc22a11e866ea)16:28
ogra_Unknown command 'fatexist' - try 'help'16:28
longsleepThats implemented here: fat: implement exists() for FAT fs (b7b5f3195fa5a31ab1505e0c87054dc6dc71627b)16:28
ogra_well, i uess i could just fall back to fatread16:29
ogra_iirc we used that before16:29
longsleepWhat U-Boot are they based on for the RPI2? Seems like its similar old than the one for ODROIDC. You might want to read my thread at http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=13924 where i list all the U-Boot features required to support snappy-system.txt16:30
ogra_not upstreamed yet16:30
ogra_hmm, even though it spiled an error it switched me over16:31
ogra_thats for tomorrow ...16:31
* ogra_ rolls an image for now ... still better than what we had before 16:32
ogra_i'll fix the rest tomorrow16:32
longsleepi will be happy to learn how the snappy-system.txt can be improved to work better for old U-Boot's :)16:32
ogra_longsleep, well, convince lool to not always use edge features of uboot :P16:33
longsleepwell, i had to port fatwrite which was total pain in the a.. - The ODROID u-boot is just hopeless. But the test -d change might not be in any U-Boot provided by hardware vendors as it is from 3 Feb 2014 and they tend to use much older stuff ..16:35
ogra_but the test -e patch is tiny16:35
longsleepon the other side i am not sure if a change from beginning of last year qualifies as edge feature16:35
ogra_heh, for many boards it will :)16:36
longsleepright, but most ARM U-Boots which are not upstreamed are based on 2011 U-Boot - which has none of these features.16:36
longsleepin any case, i suggest to add variables for the load save and exists commands to snappy-system.txt so the things can be customized seperately without having to overwrite the whole snappy_boot as i am currently doing.16:38
loollongsleep, ogra_: hmm I dont remember using edge "features", more like "recent bugfixes"!  :-)16:47
loolfatwrite was broke on some MMCs impls IIRC16:47
loolbut outside of that, it just a bunch of CONFIGs to turn on16:47
ogra_lool, and test -e is brandnew :)16:48
loologra_: ah did I use that in snappy-system?16:48
ogra_hmm, or not16:48
ogra_iirc we used to just have a fatload there initially16:48
* ogra_ will have to dig up older images16:49
ogra_anyway, thats for tomorrow ... i'm pushing the new image to my people.c.c now16:49
rsalvetiogra_: cool, guess you're using image 8017:00
rsalvetisince I noticed it is already published17:00
ogra_rsalveti, right ... just finishing the upload17:02
ogra_rsalveti, but see above, needs more work to make snappy update work (and to make you not end up in an autopilot initialized reboot loop)17:03
longsleeplool: Yes fat driver in older U-Boots has some problems. But those can be fixed easily while forward porting all the "new" commands is a lot of work, if you have to start from a totally messed up U-Boot from 2011. See my changes at https://github.com/longsleep/snappy-odroidc/blob/master/oem/boot-assets/boot.ini#L25 what i had to change.17:08
ogra_longsleep, well, it would be nice to make porting easy for people ... i.e. without having to patch their bootloader17:09
longsleepogra_: yeah - as i suggested above, put the commands into variables and make these easily overwritable. Otherwise i suggest to use fatload, fatwrite and fatexist by default. I also could not use ${bootpart}.17:11
ogra_yeah, i had that issue as well17:11
* ogra_ did the first odroid port ages ago17:12
longsleepAlso my u-boot requires uImage rather than vmlinuz which means the bootz needs to be a variable as well.17:12
longsleepogra_: Why did you stop working with the odroid ?17:13
ogra_because i had to stop my snappy work and go back to the phone17:13
ogra_i recently changed teams and can now officially work on snappy :)17:13
longsleepogra_: i see :) - So maybe we see more and better ARM device support for snappy soon17:14
ogra_hopefully :)17:14
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/odroidc/ that was my port from feb17:15
ogra_(if you go one level up there are more)17:15
* longsleep takes a look17:15
ogra_they all come from a pre-oem-snap time though17:16
loollongsleep: problem is how would we support an old u-boot17:16
ogra_not much useful anymore17:16
ogra_lool, we dont need to support it17:16
loollongsleep: if you know of backwards compatible alternatives to the commands we used, perhaps we could use these17:16
longsleepogra_: i was about to ask where is the OEM is17:16
ogra_we just need to offer alternatives for people using older ones17:16
ogra_... when they port themselves17:16
ogra_so it becomes easy for them to hack around missing features17:17
longsleeplool: well - i pretty much like the new commands. But as i suggested, put them in variables so they can be easily replaced.17:17
longsleepogra_: a you are using something called flashtool-assets to split up the bootcode. I read somewhere about this but was not able to figure it out - do you have a link on this?17:18
ogra_longsleep, that died with the invention of the oem snap17:18
ogra_it nowadays is boot-assets in the snap iirc17:19
longsleepogra_: i see - i am now splitting up the bootcode on oem build and added it as raw-files with the correct locations. Felt a bit strange but seems like the way to go.17:20
Chipacasergiusens: you've got a conflict in lp:~sergiusens/snappy/noUpdateGrub17:26
longsleepogra_: Can you check on your RPi2 if any of the /var/lib/systemd mounts are writeable? mount |grep /var/lib/systemd17:27
sergiusensChipaca: no worries, we won't land this just yet :-P I'll merge trunk in any case17:27
Chipacawas getting all exited here17:27
Chipacaor excited17:28
Chipacaon of those17:28
sergiusensrsalveti: can you get https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/panic/+merge/261378 into wily?17:30
sergiusensrsalveti: it seems it's already in the ppa for vivid17:30
ogra_GODDAMNED !17:30
rsalvetisergiusens: sure17:30
ogra_did anyone else notice that opening paste.ubuntu.com in firefox nowadays flushes your paste buffer ?17:30
ogra_so if i want to middle-click-paste in it i always end up with ".ubuntu.com"17:31
sergiusensogra_: no, I stopped using firefox ever since it started to randomly fail for me17:31
Chipacapitti: when you have a moment, could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/snappy/systemd-restart/+merge/261266 ?17:32
ogra_seems the URL bear claims focus and highlights automatically now17:32
ogra_which makes my selected text unselected in the terminal window ... and my middle click pastes whats in the URL bar17:32
ogra_so annoying17:32
longsleephow do i answer to Ubuntu store feedback? Buy mail? Or can i do it here as well? I do not seem to find a way to do it in the web portal.17:32
ogra_longsleep, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11652938/17:33
ogra_a bunch of systemd dirs are writable17:33
longsleepogra_: oh yours is actually there17:33
Chipacasergiusens: what's the state of https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/frameworkPath/+merge/260202 ?17:33
ogra_longsleep, mine ?17:33
longsleepogra_: oh no you posted the content of writeable-pahts17:33
Chipacaogra_: i too want a browser with a URL bear17:34
longsleepogra_: check which are actually mounted17:34
ogra_longsleep, all of them i would hope :)17:34
longsleepogra_: none of them for me17:34
sergiusensChipaca: if I merge that we have a point of no return and need to introduce the backward<->forward hooks17:34
Chipacasergiusens: so, after .117:34
ogra_longsleep, hmm, right and they are also not in fstab17:35
ogra_might be an initrd bug,m not sure17:35
longsleepogra_: Ok - thanks so thats the problem for https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/146295417:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1462954 in Snappy trunk " systemd-random-seed fails to start because /var/lib/systemd/random-seed is read only" [High,Triaged]17:35
ogra_longsleep, well, i thinnk there was more to that bug as i understood from pitti and mvo today17:36
ogra_like ordering of the unit etc17:36
ogra_(if it runs before fstab gets processed it wont work ...)17:36
longsleepright - i just wanted to confirm that none of the /var/lib/systemd stuff is there - because other writable mounts are there - eg /etc/hosts17:37
sergiusensChipaca: yeah17:40
* ogra_ calls it a day ... (will write the announcement in a bit though)17:51
sergiusensChipaca: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/cmdline/+merge/261434 can you check if this seems reasonable from what we discussed?18:04
sergiusensor rsalveti ^18:08
longsleepso i guess the reason for the missing writable mounts is [ ! -e "$dstpath" ] && continue18:14
longsleepessentially all writable mounts which not exist are skipped18:14
ogra_writable dirs/files are bind mounts ... so the mountpoint needs to exist18:15
longsleepright - so this is a problem :) i do not see a quick workaround either18:16
longsleepi am glad that i figured out how it works though ;-)18:16
ogra_the fix is to ship an empty file :)18:17
rsalvetisergiusens: it looks fine, can you also propose that for 15.04?18:26
rsalvetiif you didn't yet do it18:26
rsalvetiwould probably be nice to have a short explanation why we need rootdelay in there, with a fixme or a bug18:27
rsalvetinot sure we got a bug for it, guess just the card18:27
longsleepogra_: right - so i hope this will be included with one of the next 15.04 releases.18:27
sergiusensrsalveti: I don't until the MP is merged, image is built and tested, but I can18:33
tedgWhere are the tools that build the OS snap?18:33
* tedg is trying to crib ideas18:33
=== j12t_ is now known as j12t
Chipacasergiusens: checking...18:36
Chipacasergiusens: it does look sane. Want me to actually review?18:37
sergiusensChipaca: sure18:41
Chipacasergiusens: +1'ed with a suggestion18:41
rsalvetiChipaca: if you can review the soon-to-appear-15.04-branch would be nice as well :-)18:41
Chipacarsalveti: NO >_<18:41
Chipacai mean, sure, just give me a shout18:42
sergiusensChipaca: I thought  [ ] is more obvious, I can change if you want18:43
rsalvetiyeah, like the suggestion18:43
rsalvetisince grep returns 0/118:43
rsalvetiusing with $() also opens another shell call just for it18:43
Chipacasergiusens: spawning [ to spawn a shell to spawn grep seemed like a little too spawn-heavy for my test18:44
sergiusensChipaca: there18:44
* Chipaca looks for more nits to pick18:44
sergiusensChipaca: I am not going to redo all of that script if that is your nit pick :-P18:45
sergiusensChipaca: keep in mind it's rm'ed in that other MP ;-)18:45
Chipacasergiusens: we should move to uboot instead18:45
Chipacasergiusens: make it so18:45
Chipacasergiusens: go go go :)18:46
Chipacaby which i mean: it's +1'ed18:46
sergiusensChipaca: rsalveti should we test it works correctly in rolling first?18:47
* Chipaca used 1/3 of his spare +118:47
rsalvetisergiusens: sure18:47
rsalvetiI can trigger another image for rolling and we can see18:48
rsalvetiwould be nice to have a test for this guy18:48
sergiusensrsalveti: we can have a u-d-f based test that creates, grabs grub.cfg and checks; not sure where that would go though18:49
rsalvetiright, can't we have this as part of the self tests?18:50
Chipacasergiusens: wrt “// FIXME: we want to get rid of the current symlink”, i have no idea the context of that comment18:53
Chipacasergiusens: sounds like crazy talk to me :)18:53
sergiusensChipaca: it was relevant talk a while back :-)18:53
sergiusensChipaca: just remove the fixme :-P18:53
Chipacasergiusens: so i nuke it?18:53
* Chipaca aligns the satellite's reticle18:53
sergiusensrsalveti: Chipaca as soon as this is in place https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+recipe/snappy-daily-wily a new image build can be triggered18:53
* sergiusens needs to walk the dogs18:54
rsalvetiyeah, will take at least ~20 minutes18:54
rsalvetiutlemming: mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/azure-datasource/+merge/260201 ?18:58
rsalvetijust noticed it's another pending mr we have18:59
utlemmingrsalveti: +1, looks good19:01
rsalvetisergiusens: let me know if you want me to land https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/azure-datasource/+merge/260201 into wily as well19:02
sergiusensChipaca: lol, no one spotted the obious mistake :-)19:02
Chipacasergiusens: obviously19:03
Chipacasergiusens: whitespace around =?19:04
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, and extra 's' in channels.ini19:04
Chipacasergiusens: my apolologies19:05
rsalvetiindeed :-)19:06
rsalvetisergiusens: merged and uploaded https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/wily/ubuntu-core-config/panic/+merge/26137819:06
rsalvetisergiusens: are you proposing another mr to fix these issues?19:15
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah19:16
jdstrandogra_: hey, curious if the developer docs should be updated to point to your images?19:16
sergiusensChipaca: no need to apologise :-)19:16
sergiusensChipaca: rsalveti https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/cmdline/+merge/26144319:17
sergiusensI gave it a good whirl too on an azure and a regular amd64 image this time19:17
rsalvetijdstrand: for rpi2? yes19:17
Chipacasergiusens: sorry for apologising19:18
* rsalveti waits for it to be merged19:22
jdstrandrsalveti: yes, for rpi219:23
jdstrandglad to hear19:24
rsalvetijdstrand: he will be publishing the final 15.04.1 image for it tomorrow iirc19:24
rsalvetithen we can update the docs19:24
jdstrandgreat :)19:24
sergiusensChipaca: this is one of the reasons I don't like shell scripting...19:24
Chipacasergiusens: i *love* shell scripting!19:25
Chipacasergiusens: except for the part where it's cobbled together by drunk, horny monkeys19:25
Chipacaor was that perl19:25
Chipacai forget19:25
sergiusensrsalveti: triggered another build19:33
sergiusenspackage build that is19:33
Chipaca$ echo | snappy config ubuntu-core -- -19:36
Chipacapanic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Type on zero Value19:36
* Chipaca having fun19:36
Chipacajdstrand: you around?19:41
jdstrandChipaca: yes19:47
Chipacajdstrand: have you been able to peek at mvo's branches?19:47
Chipacajdstrand: or are you deferring to tyhicks on that?19:47
jdstrandfor /tmp?19:48
Chipacajdstrand: yaarp19:48
jdstrandI asked tyhicks to comment since he talked with you guys about all of it19:48
tyhicksI've already reviewed them19:48
tyhickswell, I reviewed the complete fix19:48
Chipacatyhicks: yep19:48
Chipacai saw yours, just wanted to check whether jdstrand was aware19:48
tyhicksI don't see the benefit of the simple fix but let me know if I'm missing something19:48
jdstrandtyhicks: so, I should upload the change to /tmp for ubuntu-core-security and upload?19:48
jdstrands/and upload$//19:49
tyhicksjdstrand: ah, I didn't look at the ubuntu-core-security MP - looking now19:49
Chipacatyhicks: it gets confusing, this simplifies the logic, makes everybody use /tmp/19:49
Chipacatyhicks: that's all19:50
jdstrandtyhicks: it basically just says /tmp/**19:50
jdstrandtyhicks: I'm fine with the policy review, I just wanted to make sure you were ok with the concept19:50
jdstrandwhere apparmor isn't enforcing the app isolation in /tmp19:50
tyhicksjdstrand: I'm fine with it since the launcher will either successfully set up a private /tmp or the snap will not be launched19:51
rickspencer3lool, does webcam-webui-snap have uploading capabilities?19:51
jdstrandtyhicks: ok, then I'll do the upload19:51
loolrickspencer3: no19:51
tyhicksjdstrand: ack19:52
rickspencer3lool, so, I want to upload a picture every hour or whatever period of time19:52
rickspencer3would it make sense for me to just branch your project and add a binary that does that?19:52
Chipacatyhicks: will you be around a bit longer?19:53
Chipacatyhicks: i think i'll branch mvo's branch, fix the strdup check so we can land it19:53
Chipacatyhicks: if you're going to be here :)19:53
tyhicksChipaca: ack - I can do another review after you branch that19:53
loolrickspencer3: sure! totally fine; I'm afraid I threw this together in a couple of hours some months ago and didn't touch it, but we should have a nicer and more complete example around this19:54
Chipacatyhicks: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-simplify-lp1462916/+merge/26144620:02
tyhicksChipaca: approved :)20:06
Chipacahuzzah, etc20:06
Chipacatyhicks: by which i mean: thanks! :)20:07
jdstrandChipaca: are you reading for me to upload ubuntu-core-security with the change in https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-core-security/private-tmpdir-update/+merge/261396 to wily now?20:08
sergiusensChipaca: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/backportAz/+merge/26144920:09
sergiusensrsalveti: do we have a rolling image ready?20:09
Chipacajdstrand: i think we need to land https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-core-launcher/tmpdir-simplify-lp1462916/+merge/261446 in wily at the same time20:09
jdstrandactually, there is no chance of regression20:09
Chipacajdstrand: actually, yeah, land that; the launcher will land later, and all will be well20:09
jdstrandno, cause the rules are more open than before20:09
Chipacajdstrand: yeah, nothing will break :)20:09
rsalvetisergiusens: nops, was waiting the package to be published20:09
rsalvetiwhich seems to be the case already20:09
Chipacajdstrand: except for that pesky "security" thing20:10
Chipacabut, it's wily20:10
rsalvetilet me build another image20:10
* jdstrand nods20:10
rsalvetiand check if the core-config migrated as well20:10
rsalvetinah, still in proposed20:10
rsalvetisergiusens: I'd assume we want to wait your core-config change as well20:11
rsalvetiso we can test everything20:11
sergiusensrsalveti: which one, the one you set to needs fixing?20:13
rsalvetisergiusens: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-config/0.6.2020:13
sergiusensthat's not needed and not going to go into 15.0420:14
sergiusensrsalveti: oh, yeah, that one is needed20:14
sergiusensrsalveti: to test different things though20:14
rsalvetiright, guess I can just trigger an image now20:14
rsalvetiand trigger another later20:14
rsalvetiwho knows how long it will take for this to migrate20:14
sergiusensrsalveti: yeah, let's get things rolling :-)20:14
sergiusensrsalveti: and that package is already in our vivid sources ;-)20:15
rsalvetialright, just started a build for wily20:15
Chipacajdstrand: how does one _unload_ an apparmor profile?20:15
jjohansenChipaca: apparmor_parser -R <profile file>20:16
Chipacajjohansen: and is there something that'll remove the .json files and unload it all at once?20:16
jjohansenor lower level  echo -n "<profile name>" > /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/.remove20:17
Chipacaand any other artifacts20:17
asacogra_: pi2 \o/ ...20:17
Chipacaooh, almost RESTful :)20:17
asacogra_: does docker work well?20:17
jjohansenChipaca: .json files I am not sure about, as for all at once? I am not sure what you mean, all profiles, the profile and its children?20:18
Chipacajjohansen: i mean, the .json files, the file that is compiled to (json files are compiled to actual profiles, right?), and unloading from the kernel20:19
Chipacai ask because we don't seem to be doing that, whatever taht is20:19
Chipacamaybe it needs doing one by one20:19
jjohansenChipaca: ah right, yes the json files get compiled to actual profiles20:19
jjohansenafaik neither aa-clicktool nor aa-easyprof have options to clean out the json and profile files20:21
jjohansenjdstrand: is there a packaging hook, or something for this20:21
ogra_asac, i havent tried docker20:24
ogra_asac, i only installed random snaps to make sure it doesnt break20:24
asacogra_: can you check?20:25
asacmight need a roundtrip of kernel flags20:25
ogra_asac, not tonight ... but surely tomorrow morning20:26
asacjust install docker + owncloud :)20:26
ogra_asac, it isnt done yet anyway, needs a bit more love (as i said)20:28
ogra_you end up in an endless reboot loop once autopilot installed an upgrade ...20:28
ogra_(until you manually intervene)20:28
jdstrandsorry, reading backscroll20:28
jdstrandChipaca: there is nothing to remove the .json file except package uninstall20:29
jdstrandChipaca: click handled all this for us in the past. ie, install a package, and click would drop a symlink in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks and aa-clickhook would handle loading the profile20:30
jdstrandChipaca: on uninstall, click would remove the json file and aa-clickhook would remove the profile. uninstall would *not* unload the profile from teh kernel (it would be gone after the next reboot)20:31
ogra_asac, FYI http://paste.ubuntu.com/11656307/20:39
Chipacajdstrand: is there a reason for not removing it from the kernel?20:40
ogra_i guess we could add devicemapper support to quieten that message ... installs fine (no idea what to do to check it works)20:41
Chipacasergiusens: thanks for +1'ing the launcher thing20:41
ogra_asac, the log ... so yes, devicemapper stuff needed http://paste.ubuntu.com/11656370/20:42
* ogra_ goes back to watch the womens football world championship ... :) 20:43
rsalvetisergiusens: waiting system-image importer20:44
rsalvetisergiusens: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-snappy/1.0.1-0ubuntu1build1 should hopefully unblock ubuntu-device-flash20:46
jdstrandChipaca: because application lifecycle on touch couldn't guarantee that the app was stopped and not running when it was uninstalled20:48
Chipacaah, ok20:48
Chipacawe can't guarantee that either, but we can guarantee it'll stop working :-p especially if we unload its apparmor20:49
asacogra_: ack. thanks20:50
jdstrandthe idea is that if it continues running, all of a sudden the profile is removed and it is unconfined. yes, next start it wouldn't start up (touch guaranteed that too), but it was that window of it potentially continuing to run after uninstall20:50
Chipacajdstrand: ah, no profile == unconfined?20:50
Chipacajdstrand: i thought no profile == no access20:51
Chipacajdstrand: so we probably don't want to do that then20:51
jdstrandyou can think of apparmor as targeted policy20:51
Chipacauntill we kill everything on uninstall20:51
jdstrandonly what you define as confined is confined20:51
jdstrandwe could flip that around with full system confinement, but that is a very difficult prospect. maybe some day20:52
Chipacajdstrand: there are already scenarios that make us want to have a way to kill the app20:53
jdstrandremoving the cache file and the profile (and the json) but leaving the profile in the kernel is fine20:53
Chipacaso we probably want to look into that, and if we do go that route, unloading is an option again20:53
Chipacameanwhile, just removing jsons and such should be enough20:53
jdstrandmaybe, yes20:53
jdstrandwe'd have to be super sure we did it right20:53
Chipacajdstrand: at what point during boot do old profiles get loaded?20:53
jdstrandleaving it in the kernel isn't a big deal20:54
jdstrandChipaca: the old profiles can't on reboot-- the cache and the profile is gone20:54
jdstrandso then the launcher will correctly fail to change profile and bail20:54
Chipacajdstrand: at what point during boot do the .json files get converted to profiles? :)20:54
jdstrandand the json, yes20:55
jdstrandthe json has to be gone too20:55
jdstrandbut profiles get loaded before apps are allowed to start20:56
jdstrandright now, that is via a systemd dependency20:56
jdstrandthere is more systemd/apparmor work to do that will change things a bit (they will load even earlier if the cache exists)20:56
sergiusensrsalveti: it says failed for ppc though :-P https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-snappy/1.0.1-0ubuntu1build121:02
sergiusensrsalveti: I'll check when I get back tonight21:03
rsalveti*** Test killed with Quit: ran too long (10m0s).21:03
rsalvetiyeah, still no good21:03
Chipacajdstrand: the thing is i'm looking into regenerating the jsons on boot, for all packages (maybe not on every boot, but)21:04
sergiusensrsalveti: ooh, differnet error21:04
rsalvetilet me retry the build once at least21:04
jdstrandChipaca: why are you looking at that? that will all change once apparmor does something more like seccomp, no?21:05
Chipacajdstrand: so i probably don't need to worry about unloading things at that point anyway21:05
jdstrandChipaca: if you were going to fiddle with apparmor stuff, I'd suggest getting rid of the click compat bits21:05
Chipacajdstrand: because if we change the way snappy generates some of these artifacts, we need to regenerate them at least the first boot after snappy update21:06
Chipacajdstrand: so i'm looking at regenerating all the artifacts, not just apparmor21:06
Chipacajdstrand: trying very hard not to get side-tracked with big cleanups while doing so (not succeeding entirely)21:07
jdstrandChipaca: you are going to want to be careful with regenerating the json files then. the mtime of the symlink in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks is examined by aa-clickhook to know if it should regenerate the profile21:07
jdstrandChipaca: I'm not sure what really needs to be regenerated here... the only thing that is there is a symlink to something installed by the snap21:08
Chipacajdstrand: so, basically, i'm trying to make sure that deactivating and reactivating a package does everything it should, such that regeneration is no more than deactivating and reactivating everything (in the right order for frameworks and apps)21:09
jdstrand(this also all applies to aa-profilehook and the /var/lib/apparmor/snappy directory, which operates like /var/lib/apparmor/clicks, but for profiles)21:09
jdstrandwhat does 'deactivating a snap' mean?21:09
Chipacajdstrand: in particular i'm aware of apparmor because due to a bug wily is not currently generating the .json files21:10
Chipacajdstrand: and we didn't realise because we aren't cleaning them up21:10
Chipacajdstrand: that it's not active :-p21:10
jdstrandso installed but not active?21:10
Chipacajdstrand: where active means its bins is in /apps/bin, its services are running, and it's generally ready for use21:10
jdstrandI didn't think we supported that21:10
Chipacajdstrand: not user-facing, no21:10
Chipacajdstrand: but when you update, the old version is deactivated, the new one activated21:11
Chipacajdstrand: if the activation fails, rollback is simply reactivating the old one21:11
jdstrandI fairly confused by what you want to change wrt apparmor as it exists today21:11
jdstrandthat said, I was not aware of these wily issues21:12
jdstrandI thought we were already doing the things you mentioned21:12
Chipacajdstrand: i'm not sure what i need to do either :) i need that everything that is installed has the apparmor (and other bits) as if the current version had installed it21:13
jdstrandso one thing to keep in mind, click-apparmor will remove a dangling symlink in these directories21:13
jdstrandie, it cleans up when a snap is uninstalled21:13
Chipacajdstrand: i think the best thing would be for me to write it down in an email21:14
Chipacajdstrand: i'm not sure how much sense i'm making at this point21:14
jdstrandwell, it is probably me lacking context21:14
jdstrandactually, I'm not sure click-apparmor will remove the dangling symlink21:15
Chipacajdstrand: possibly. If i were more awake i'd probably be able to muddle through :)21:15
* jdstrand looks21:15
Chipacajdstrand: but i'll write out the email in the morning21:15
Chipacaand we can chat after21:15
jdstrandtomorrow is going to be hard to catch me during your core hours21:16
jdstrand(meeting and a lot of preparations for it)21:16
jdstrandbut yeah21:16
Chipacajdstrand: my core hours remain spread wider than usual for people in my timezone :)21:16
Chipacajdstrand: anyway, i'm not blocked (yet), so no worries21:17
rsalvetisergiusens: failed same way even after a rebuild21:25
rsalvetislangasek: ubuntu-snappy is still unhappy on powerpc, but failing when executing the tests now: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208607597/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-powerpc.ubuntu-snappy_1.0.1-0ubuntu1build1_BUILDING.txt.gz21:26
slangasekrsalveti: ok.  any reason to not just delete the powerpc binaries for now, given that this isn't a supported arch?21:27
rsalvetino specific reason, guess we could just disable the tests for it, that will at least let it building21:28
longsleepCan someone please point me to the latest apparmor git tree?21:29
slangasekrsalveti: I'd prefer deleting the binaries to disabling the tests :)21:29
rsalvetislangasek: fine by me21:33
rsalvetisergiusens: ^21:33
rsalvetiguess we'd need a package change to not build for it then21:33
rsalvetioh, just to avoid it not being promoted21:34
slangasekjust leave it FTBFS on powerpc for now21:34
rsalvetieven better21:34
rsalvetiforgot we had that option21:34
slangasekthat won't block it from being promoted, that's why we delete the old binaries21:34
rsalvetisame for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch then21:34
rsalvetisince that's blocked waiting ubuntu-snappy21:34
slangasekand if this is a toolchain bug, which seems likely, if and when the toolchain is fixed you get the package back for free21:34
jdstrandlongsleep: I think you may want to talk to ogra_, but he is eod21:35
jdstrandlongsleep: actually, I see https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/ references 'Kernel requirements for Snappy (ubuntu and vanilla/android)'21:37
longsleepjdstrand: yeah but that seems outdated - http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/jj/ubuntu-vivid.git/log/?h=apparmor is the latest i could find21:38
longsleepbut this here has some changes i do not see http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ppisati/ubuntu-vivid.git/log/?h=snappy_odroidc and i wonder where these come from21:38
jdstrandlongsleep: are you wanting to work with a kernel version newer than 3.19?21:39
jdstrandyeah, I'm not sure21:39
longsleepjdstrand: no - i have Kernel 3.1021:39
jdstrandogra_ has done this a few times. we might need to get https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/AppArmorForSnappyKernels updated21:39
longsleepright, i am tempted to just take the ppisati kernel and rebase it to latest from hardkernel21:40
longsleepbut i want to understand where the Apparmor comes from too21:40
jdstrandlongsleep: in short, apparmor is in the upstream kernel, however Ubuntu has a (rather large) delta that we are in the process of upstreaming. the ubunta archive kernels and the phablet kernels on the page should all be up to date21:41
longsleepi guess i just found http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/jj/linux-apparmor-backports/21:41
jdstrandI can't speak to the ppisati kernel21:42
longsleepwhich looks promising21:42
jdstrandjjohansen: can you tell longsleep where to find the latest apparmor patches or recommend what tree to look at if he is enabling a 3.10 kernel?21:42
jdstrandlongsleep: jjohansen may be able to make that recommendation, but waiting for ogra_ for how to port for snappy specifically is going to be the best bet21:46
longsleepjdstrand: yeah i spoke to ogra_ earlier today already21:46
=== devil is now known as Guest38897
slangasekrsalveti, sergiusens: ok, looking more closely I see that the blocker is that goget-ubuntu-touch won't update, because it builds on powerpc but is uninstallable.  So it seems the version of udf in wily doesn't have this dependency22:22
slangasekso for /that/ problem, we don't want to just remove the powerpc binary of udf because the next rebuild will just bring it back.  Options are: make the udf dependency on ubuntu-snappy-cli arch: dependent (omitting it on powerpc); make goget-ubuntu-touch build-depend on ubuntu-snappy-cli so that it will be dep-wait, then remove the old binary; make udf specify its architecture list and remove the old binar22:24
jjohansenlongsleep: it is best to just pull them out of the ubuntu kernel trees atm, that patchset is maintained and gets patches on it, the upstream set is in development22:43
jjohansenlongsleep: so git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-vivid22:44
jjohansenjust git log security/apparmor22:44
jjohansenlongsleep: actually you will want s/ubuntu-vivid/ubuntu-willy/22:45
rsalvetislangasek: yeah, makes sense, thanks for looking into that23:09
sergiusensrsalveti: slangasek if I go with dep-wait23:39

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