=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:26] good morning === karni-hols is now known as karni === athairus is now known as athairuzzz === davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2 [08:27] Mirv: hey, any idea why the design view in qtcreator doesn't have the "add state" button on the top state bar? I even tried with qtcreator 3.4, and it's the same, is it something with our Qt version? === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [08:51] didrocks: no, unfortunately I'm not familiar with the design view === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [10:29] faenil: could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/UrlInvocation/+merge/255234 please? [10:30] popey: sure...this is a problem, with all the email I receive it's impossible to check when my name is written inside the comment... :/ [10:30] np [10:30] I completely understand. [10:32] popey: how do you handle that? [10:33] faenil: I have a script which launches a ton of bookmarks at start of day :) [10:33] lol [10:40] popey: isn't there any nick tagging capability in launchpad? [10:41] don't think so [10:41] mm ok [10:41] there's a page where you can see active reviews though [10:41] https://code.launchpad.net/~yourname/+activereviews [10:44] popey: thanks, though that doesn't help with the cases where someone is waiting for comments from me :( [10:45] true === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [12:19] popey, ping [12:20] sverzegnassi: pong! [12:22] popey: hey! I've updated the branch with the fixes for the zoom. It seems to work "almost" well, I'd glad to get another opinion about it. https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/attempt-fix-zooming-1/+merge/261373 [12:23] sverzegnassi: awesome, will take a look, thanks! [12:23] thank you! === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:10] Mirv: FYI on the state issue: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-9296 [13:13] didrocks: hmm, okay. we're btw going to have Qt Creator 3.5 in wily at some point, package at https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-023 but no Ubuntu plugin yet (we hacked on it last week in the sprint) [13:17] https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/06/08/sprinting-convergence/ << cool stuff [13:21] renatu: good morning. could you please look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/SettingToAccountSetup/+merge/254478 [13:22] popey, yeah, I will do it right now [13:22] thanks renatu [13:24] popey, approved [13:25] nice one, thanks [13:35] bzoltan: cool stuff ;) Convergence here we come [13:35] nik90: rock and roll :) [13:35] bzoltan: Will the community be able to see some of the early design stuff to get an idea on how they look (mockups perhaps) ? [13:35] nik90: if you have any question of concern please shoot [13:36] nik90: the community will see everything [13:38] bzoltan: glad to see more upstreaming work being planned...when you mentioned "distro independent UITK", does that mean I could install this on Fedora, Arch etc? Or more like independent of which ubuntu version the developer is running (like myself being on 14.04)? [13:46] nik90: making the Ubuntu SDK work with 14.04 and 15.10 in practice means that we need to remove all distro dependencies ... the side effect is that yes it will work on Fedore, Arch, Suseand on Debian too. [13:49] bzoltan: oh wow that's nice! [13:50] nik90: even OSX and Windows could be possible once we upstream the UITK. [14:29] World domination - I like it :) [14:36] balloons, I pushed some changes to ~dholbach/help-app/functional-test-template-improvements you might be interested in [14:36] let me propose a merge [14:38] https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/functional-test-template-improvements/+merge/261402 [14:38] it turns out the functional tests didn't quite pass beforehand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11650177/ [14:38] * balloons looks [14:39] dholbach, why the assertquals in the setup? [14:41] balloons, hum - I wanted to make sure pretty early that "make web" and "make app" actually passed [14:41] but .... hum [14:41] let me see [14:41] because it didn't beforehand [14:43] asserts are a little odd in setup; but if there's a reason . . . [14:52] balloons, I mean.... we could test for != 0 and error out in a different way if you'd prefer that [14:52] let me change it [14:55] done [14:57] zbenjamin: is it straightforward to copy schroots between machines? I have some setup nicely :) [15:03] popey: in addition to the FS in /var/lib/schroot, you need to copy /etc/schroot AFAIK [15:03] balloons, better now? [15:05] dholbach, let me look closer to see if there's a better way. I might for instance try to use a waitFor rather than an assert. [15:06] dholbach, if you do move them to the test classes, add them under the setUp() inside those classes :p [15:06] not inside a test; presumably they would need to be checked for every test [15:08] hum....... I'm lost [15:08] where? [15:10] dholbach, setup inside internals/tests/functional/help_app/tests/test_web.py.. [15:10] oh of course [15:10] it's an inherited class, so you would need to explicitly define it and add your assert to the end [15:15] thanks [15:15] done [15:16] didrocks: ta [15:17] dholbach, right, so if it makes sense there, that's how I would do it [15:18] cool [15:18] feel free to merge then ;-) [15:49] popey: i guess it works if you catch all the bits :D === pat__ is now known as pmcgowan [19:58] rpadovani: hi, are you here by any chance? [20:00] mivoligo, hey :-) [20:02] rpadovani: I've sent you PM :) === athairus is now known as afkthairus [21:23] Hello, is there any possibility to use Qt Quick Application on my 14.04 Ubuntu Touch? [21:27] svenbo: do you have a specific app in mind? [21:28] I want to write an own app. [21:29] When I create a QtQuick App in ubuntu-sdk and try to run it on my phone it does not work, since it is only for 15.04 [21:29] why the same code looks good on vivid (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3i9NnV9Gk) and 1/4 of the window size on trusty? https://screencloud.net/v/vlUA ? [21:30] same monitor, I also exported the same GRID_UNIT_PX [21:30] kalikiana, zsombi ^^? [21:30] (code is here, btw: https://launchpad.net/falldown) [21:32] svenbo: phones will be updated to 15.04 very soon [21:33] So there is no Kit which does the job for 14.04 atm? [21:33] Do you know when exactly? [21:34] svenbo: this or next week [21:35] Sound good, thank you! === salem_ is now known as _salem