
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest56354
dholbachgood morning06:26
=== Guest56354 is now known as MooDoo
dholbachhey popey07:41
popeygood weekend?07:41
dholbachyeah, very much so - we had beautiful weather and I managed to meet up with lots of old friends07:42
dholbachhow about you?07:42
popeyyeah, got the bbq out :)07:42
popeywas nice and sunny07:42
davidcalleMorning all o/07:58
czajkowskiwow such a nie sunny day out there today08:24
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popeywb dpm !08:35
dpmhey popey, thanks :)08:35
dpmgood morning everyone08:35
dholbachhey dpm - welcome back!08:36
dpmhi dholbach :)08:36
dholbachdpm,  how are you doing? how were you holidays?08:36
dpmother than missing the flight back due to traffic, it was awesome :)08:37
dpmyeah, a supossedly 45 min transfer became 2h08:38
popeythat always panics me08:38
davidcalleHey hey dpm :)08:38
* dholbach hugs dpm08:38
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:38
dpmmorning davidcalle08:38
* dpm hugs dholbach back08:38
davidcalledholbach, oh is the detox going? Not sick of drinking green stuff, yet? :p08:45
dholbachdavidcalle, sunday was the last day, so today we're starting to slowly get back to normal08:47
dholbachover the last days it became easier and easier08:48
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
davidcalledholbach :)09:02
silverliongood morning!09:54
dpmJust saw this while catching up, nice to see the idea of an UbuCon Europe taking shape! https://svij.org/blog/2015/06/05/announcing-ubucon-europe-2016/12:56
popeygah, 50% packet loss13:13
czajkowskipopey: any of you guys going to devoxx UK ?13:24
popeynever heard of it so probably no13:24
czajkowskipopey: http://www.devoxx.co.uk/13:27
czajkowskithye open up the venue in the evening time for people to come in for after partys if you're about13:27
czajkowskiand cant go during the day13:27
popeyinstantly dont like that from the photo13:28
popeylooks like pretentious w*nk13:28
czajkowskiit's a very popular conference that startde over in Belgium and now has versions all over the place13:28
czajkowskiwas letting you know as it's in your area if you were about :)13:29
popeythanks :)13:31
dpmpopey, omw13:31
josemhall119, popey: hey, now that your podcast is out, will we continue to have the ubuntu on air sessions?14:13
popeynot the engineering ones, but the community Q&A, yes.14:13
mhall119^ that14:15
joseok, thanks14:16
mhall119dpm: I'll be a minute14:30
dpmmhall119, no worries14:31
* popey looks around15:01
popeyjust me and two cats on the team call15:01
czajkowskiI can send you a snoring pug15:01
mhall119popey: do we have a list of things to talk about in our recording today?15:57
dpmballoons, o/16:05
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - have a good one!16:06
cprofitthello all17:05
mhall119hey cprofitt17:08
cprofitthey mhall11917:09
cprofittI see there were cats and snorting pugs discussed today17:09
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