=== 5EXABD84D is now known as infinity [05:14] good morning! [05:39] Good morning [05:39] good morning pitti! [05:39] hey larsu, wie gehts? [05:40] pitti: gut danke! Superwetter hier :) Und dir? [05:41] larsu: hier auch, fantastisches 4-Tage-Wochenende [05:41] larsu: mein erster Drachenflug! war fantastisch! [05:42] pitti: toll! [06:03] good morning [06:05] bonjour didrocks! [06:05] hey larsu [06:26] bonjour didrocks, ça va ? [06:27] pitti: ça va, et toi ? [06:28] didrocks: ça va bien, merci ! j'ai eu un week-end magnifique ! [06:28] didrocks: my first-ever kite flight, it finally happened :) [06:30] kite flight? [06:31] didrocks: http://piware.de/fotos/Drachenflug-Jun15/ [06:33] ah nice, you weren't scared before jumping? :) [06:34] didrocks: no, not really -- the guy has done this for 18 years :) [06:34] didrocks: excited yes, but not scared at all [06:35] ;) [06:35] good morning desktopers [06:35] hey didrocks pitti [06:35] re seb128 [06:35] bonjour seb128 ! [06:39] pitti, nice view from the kite ;-) [06:39] seb128: absolutely! it feels just amazing [06:39] the landing with a tandem kite is a bit funny/rough, you basically just slam into the field on your belly and knees [06:40] on a single-person kite you land/run on your feet, much more elegant :) [06:45] hehe [07:34] pitti, touch people were looking for you on friday, they needed a vivid overlay langpack export I think [07:36] seb128: GunnarHj wrote me, he plans to do a langpack update soon [07:36] * Building ubuntu-docs during next week [07:36] * Full export and moving to -proposed around June 15-17 [07:36] * Testing June 18 - June 24 [07:36] * Moving to -updates around June 25 [07:36] pitti, no, I'm speaking about touch [07:36] they want one for OTA4 which is supposed to be rolled out to customers this week [07:37] pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1460144 [07:37] Launchpad bug 1460144 in Canonical System Image "New swipe actions tutorial needs translations" [High,In progress] [07:39] though seems like German still didn't get translations on e.g https://translations.launchpad.net/dialer-app/trunk/+pots/dialer-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated [07:39] ah, we still do daily RTM langpack uploads [07:39] so that's not what they want any more, then? can/should we stop the RTM ones? [07:40] rtm? [07:40] right, I think that's superseeded by the vivid-overlay ppa [07:40] to check with sil2100 & Mirv I guess [07:40] hm, somehow I remember setting up langpacks for the overlay, it's been a few weeks [07:40] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay [07:40] last update from June 1 [07:40] we only do weekly, as that's what LP gives us [07:41] pitti: yeah, we don't need RTM updates anymore, the overlay ones are sufficient [07:41] k [07:41] (see https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+language-packs) [07:41] sil2100: oh cool, then I'll kill that job [07:41] Thanks :) [07:41] sil2100: do we still use RTM for anything? i. e. ddebs and the like? [07:41] sil2100, somebody might want to email the translators about https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1460144 [07:41] Launchpad bug 1460144 in Canonical System Image "New swipe actions tutorial needs translations" [High,In progress] [07:42] sil2100, seems like e.g the german translators didn't pick those up, https://translations.launchpad.net/dialer-app/trunk/+pots/dialer-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated [07:43] pitti: I'm not aware of any current use-cases, it's just for legacy stuff and bug-tracking currently [07:45] seb128: do you know if only german is affected? [07:45] sil2100, you mean? I'm sure other teams didn't pick up the new strings yet [07:46] but on the bug pat listed german and spanish as needed [07:46] vrruiz did the spanish translations [07:46] I know the french team did pick those up [07:46] so I guess we would need a least a german translator [07:46] maybe pitti or mvo can help there [07:47] Yeah, I think this is important as we at least try to have the spanish and german translations correct and usable, we'll try to poke someone for this too [07:47] in fact spanish still needs to be validated [07:47] https://translations.launchpad.net/dialer-app/trunk/+pots/dialer-app/es/+translate?show=untranslated [07:50] sil2100, seb128: doing the German ones [07:50] meh, folks really need to add translator comments [07:50] pitti, thanks [07:50] pitti, the "Got it!" is a button that let you dismiss the tutorial [07:51] if that's what you are refering to [07:51] like "understood" [07:51] with a highly context sensitive language like English it's impossible to do good translations from just one or two short words [07:51] it confused the french translators, had to change it [07:51] "Mobile" [07:51] ah [07:51] as in, "a mobile phone"? a mobile data connection? opposite of "fixed"? [07:51] let me check [07:52] the first and second are very different words [07:53] pitti, the tutorial has [07:53] [07:53] "mobile" [07:53] so it's to indicate the number is the one from a mobile phone [07:53] like in the contacts list you have land line/mobile/home/work/... [07:56] seb128: ah, thanks [07:57] ok, done [07:57] attente: in https://github.com/lenky0401/fcitx-qimpanel, all addMenu() calls are in #ifdef IS_QT_4..#endif blocks [07:58] attente: Probably upstream tried to work-around the Qt bug, and now they can remove the work-around and use addMenu() again [07:58] pitti, can you validate the one on https://translations.launchpad.net/messaging-app/trunk/+pots/messaging-app/de/+translate?show=untranslated as well? [07:59] morning all [07:59] hey willcooke [08:00] seb128: heh, that's my own translation from a minute ago :) I'm not proud of that (it sounds a bit unwieldy), but I can't think of a better one [08:00] seb128: done [08:00] pitti, danke [08:01] pitti, yeah, translations are shared between components so it suggested it there [08:04] ahoy [08:04] morning Laney, nice day for it [08:04] hey Laney, wie gehts? how was your w.e? [08:05] willcooke: yeah, at last [08:05] * Laney actually used sun cream at the weekend [08:05] \o/ [08:06] seb128: good! we had our space 4 cycling ride [08:06] * willcooke didnt and is now a bit red [08:06] that was first dreamt up in our sprint room in london [08:06] we got on the news [08:06] what is that? [08:06] good morning willcooke [08:07] did you bike to the moon and back? ;-) [08:07] hey Laney [08:07] E.T style? [08:07] * Laney uploads it [08:09] probably should have compressed this somehow === davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2 [08:13] http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/pob.mov [08:13] firefox can't play that for me but totem can [08:13] and now ... u-s-d is crashing on my desktop :( [08:13] assert failure in gsd_rr_something [08:22] Laney, you didn't even speak! [08:22] cool to see things happening [08:22] I wonder what % of daily trips are made with bikes e.g in .nl [08:23] not sure where to place the 10% goal mentioned there in perspective to what is currently done in the u.k and other places [08:24] I think it's about 30% for all trips in nl [08:24] higher if you measure specific things like travelling to school or commuting [08:25] nottingham is like 2.4% [08:25] that's quite a difference... [08:25] the power of design [08:29] yeah, unsure how much there is also mindset playing there [08:30] it's like that if you made a town with perfect infrastructure for bike in .fr or .uk you would still guess twice less people biking that they have in .nl [08:31] maybe so, they have 40 years of this stuff already [08:32] a worry is that if we don't get instant results then this small piece of momentum we have currently will evaporate [08:33] Laney: just two days ago I was thinking that we need more bike lanes now [08:33] the ones we have are so successful that they're becoming overcrowded [08:33] * seb128 wishes for less bikes here [08:33] might be only during the sunny days though... (of which we don't have that many) [08:33] (sorry guys) [08:33] seb128: pah! [08:34] it's quite more stressing to be pedestrian here [08:34] hey larsu [08:34] hm? Same as with cars, no? [08:34] no, cars are on roads [08:34] or is everyone riding their bike on the sidewalk? [08:34] hi Laney [08:34] not taking side walks and going in small alleys where you don't expect them [08:34] I was reading this blog by a bike guy who moved from uk to berlin [08:34] https://departmentfortransport.wordpress.com/tag/berlin/ [08:34] no, people are just doing crazy stuff with bike [08:34] seb128: ugh. Clearly bikes should be on the road or bike paths [08:34] and drive fast in narrow stpace [08:35] they act like they owned the street and are often dangerous to pedestrians [08:35] at least with cars you know where to expect them [08:36] seb128, or cars/trucks could respect bikes? Ive been run off the road by taxi's, doored' by idiots and had trucks buzz so close they were mere millimeters from hitting me [08:36] Laney: that street is shitty for bikes, there are better ones parallel to it [08:36] hey all btw [08:36] hi darkxst [08:37] darkxst, no doubt cars/trucks should respect bikes [08:37] seb128: clearly this is just a problem of policy and enforcment [08:37] darkxst, but bikes should also respect pedestrians [08:37] seb128, they don't in Melbourne! [08:37] bikers have the same issues than car drivers [08:37] people seem to never car about those who are slower/less heavy than them [08:38] darkxst, I don't say they do [08:38] seb128, probably a few bad eggs, most cyclists do care [08:38] yeah conflict is a big issue [08:38] seb128: I ride a bike and I do care :P [08:38] they often try to proposed shared cycle and foot paths here as a cheap/easy solution [08:38] larsu, I drive a car and I do care about bikes and pedestrians [08:38] ;-) [08:38] seb128: I never said you didn't :) [08:39] larsu, right, just playing along your reply :p [08:39] I come across walkers and horse riders all the time, and when we do, slow down and have a chat [08:39] seb128: in general, drivers are pretty good. The problem is that the bad ones are *really* bad [08:39] yeah, same for bikers [08:39] seb128: like going 100 on a 50 street, like I saw yesterday. With lots of pedestrians next to a park... [08:39] right, those people are crazy [08:40] where you should be going 30 just to be careful [08:40] Laney, anymore thoughts on what to do with the extra shell extensions? demote to proposed until debian update them? [08:40] darkxst: if you want, that's your stuff [08:41] Laney, that would be my call, I don't think they belong in the archive really [08:41] WTF is going on with usd :( [08:42] seb128: you don't want to be able to run docker on desktop next? [08:43] didrocks, no! [08:43] who cares about docker :p [08:43] ok… that's still a valid use case I guess [08:43] but your call [08:43] yeah, as are other programs [08:43] but Laney suggested we don't need that hack and mvo agreed [08:44] I guess they can keep that on core, it's clearly not going to be the long term solution [08:44] well, as long as we don't have a way to add system users to snappy… [08:44] they are working on a solution to make group adding work with libnss-extrasusers [08:44] I just think that some people will install the snappy docker framework on ubuntu personal [08:44] and will surprised it doesn't work [08:44] yeah, could be [08:45] well, we can do tweaks once the image is working [08:45] maybe libnss-extrasusers is going to be working before the personal image :p [08:45] let's see ;) [08:46] larsu, your scrollbar work removes the bg from progressbars widgets it seems [08:47] they look like a border only rather than a bar since friday, I reverted to the archive version and that fixed it [08:47] seb128: hm that might well be, I saw some problems with that but thought I removed them [08:47] seb128: do you see that problem in gtk3-image-factory as well? [08:47] yes [08:47] I first noticed in update-manager [08:47] ok, I'll have a look [08:47] confirmed with the factory [08:47] thanks [08:47] after I get this device running :/ [08:48] what's the issue? are you blocked on something? [08:48] indeed, the gradient is missing [08:49] seb128: just trying to debug why it doesn't boot with systemd [08:50] seb128: orange line + big time + small date is the lock screen? [08:50] it seems frozen five minutes ago [08:50] (I booted 2 minutes ago) [08:51] backlight still changes when touching and I can turn the screen on and off [08:51] larsu, http://blog.laptopmag.com/wpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Ubuntu_Phone-welcom-screen.jpg [08:51] that's the lock screen [08:51] no that's not it [08:51] it's only the date part [08:52] no flower and no indicators [08:52] weird [08:52] it's like most services didn't start then I guess [08:52] also no adb shell... [08:52] right [08:52] which is only enabled after unlocking [08:52] since you are locked, no shell [08:52] which is very annoying [08:52] can I change that somehow? [08:53] larsu, install a working image, install openssh-server, then change to systemd [08:53] then enjoy the joy of being able to ssh while locked [08:53] if the network's up before the failure I'm seeing... [08:53] ah okay, this too was a systemd isseu [08:53] turns out fastboot -c *does* work [08:55] larsu, you can also "sudo touch /userdata/.adb_onlock" [08:55] to allow adb while locked [08:55] thanks! [08:56] yw [09:05] Laney, can you retry the desktop-next iso build? ;-) [09:08] umm, nope, looks like I can't ssh in [09:08] I got a new ssh key with the laptop, let me ping IS [09:09] thanks [09:10] Laney: woot, yours already arrived? [09:11] mine was finally shipped off today, so i suppose it'll be here before the official ETA of june 23rd [09:11] ochosi: ya, it arrived on friday [09:12] nice, so even earlier than the corrected projected date [09:12] hidpi and browsers is pretty :( [09:12] hah, you got the QHD+ version? [09:12] indeed [09:12] yeah, the web isn't really ready [09:12] so i got the FHD version (also for battery life's sake) [09:12] unity and gtk's scaling both work well [09:12] cool, i'll have to test that [09:12] firefox doesn't even have an option to set a default zoom level [09:12] you need an extension for that [09:13] that's meh [09:13] what about midori? [09:13] don't know [09:13] epiphany seemed quite good though [09:13] * didrocks *cough* chromium *cough* [09:13] (also with gestures) [09:13] ah chromium has better sizing but for some reason its UI is huge [09:13] mhm, that would've been my next question (epiphany) [09:13] * Laney has a note to ping chad about that :) [09:14] http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/omg.png [09:15] waow [09:15] did you compare this with Chrome? [09:15] nein [09:15] wow, that's really pretty... sad [09:16] I think it only very recently got hidpi stuff at all [09:16] at least in Chromium [09:16] also, odd how the locationbar looks ok [09:16] chrome 43 [09:16] seems to be only a font-size problem [09:16] Laney: and the touchpad works fine? [09:17] yes although I want to turn off the right click area completely [09:17] and just use two finger tap for that [09:17] haven't done it yet though [09:18] fn and ctrl are swapped compared to the macbook I had before (for 5 years) [09:18] that's a bit annoying :) [09:18] yeah, needing to get some used to for such changes [09:19] Laney, let me know if you get any reply from IS or if I should try to nag Colin or somebody else to retry the build [09:20] seb128: done already, just need to set up the host keys and stuff [09:20] great, thanks [09:20] ok, it is running [09:21] now seriously, I have no idea what in the hell is going on with my desktop and usd [09:21] * Laney tries an old kernel just because [09:22] trying to apply a buggy config? [09:22] Laney: hmm, right-click area doesn't sound very practical. but i'll see when i get mine [09:22] try moving the monitors.xml away? [09:22] I think it's before it gets there but yeah will try [09:23] (it broke on lightdm too) [09:23] weird [09:24] lightdm doesn't use the user config, so not like that [09:24] well I think I copied a monitors.xml somewhere a while ago [09:24] but it definitely didn't change so it would be weird if that broke [09:24] yeah [09:25] ya, still fails [09:25] new gtk issue? [09:25] I've been running that for weeks [09:25] gsd_rr_config.c:661 [09:26] * Laney needs to rebuild with noopt [09:30] Laney, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/208560074/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_i386_ubuntu-desktop-next_BUILDING.txt.gz [09:30] now it wants me to add all the groups you made me drop on friday :-/ [09:31] I thought you copied the list from the system? [09:31] yes, I did [09:31] is this some later change?!?!?! [09:32] "during setup" [09:32] guess so [09:32] this seems to have seeded packages [09:32] not sure to understand what's going on [09:32] I guess those weren't in it earlier on [09:32] * didrocks goes for a run before it's too warm outside [09:32] so you have to change the bits that are outputted to /etc/... but leave the hashes the same [09:32] :/ [09:32] fun process [09:33] didrocks, enjoy [09:33] thx [09:33] Laney, like you would apply the diffs from the log to 00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early ? [09:34] I think so [09:35] I think the hash is the values just after debootstrap [09:35] and then there is another check after all of the seeded packages have been put in [09:35] but that doesn't check the hash again [09:35] (it seems) [09:35] right [09:35] so basically it's putting back the version I had on friday ;-) [09:35] Laney, thanks [09:36] without docker and stuff [09:43] just docker, which was a custom hack on the side [09:44] let's see how that goes, trying to do a local build over lunch, it takes some time but I don't want to abuse the cdimage builders too much [09:47] I should do it for just one arch [09:54] Laney, I'm just back from vacation. [09:54] Laney, can we discuss this please? - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1456597 [09:54] Launchpad bug 1456597 in ubuntu-mate-settings (Ubuntu) " ubuntu-mate-settings 0.4.5 release [debdiff attached]" [Wishlist,New] [10:10] flexiondotorg: in a minute, fixing something atm [10:10] flexiondotorg: you can get your previous sponsor to upload it if you really want to [10:13] Laney, Thanks. I'll contact some other sponsors. I understand you're concerns and I am making upstream changes where possible. [10:13] okay [10:13] Laney, I'd like to understand the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS idea you suggested. Not encountered that env before. [10:14] http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html [10:14] Laney, Yeah, already reading that ;-) [10:15] I'll poke around the code of the apps in questions to see if the use XDG. [10:15] *they use [10:19] flexiondotorg: I think I'm basically suggesting that if they don't then they should do ;-) [10:19] tjaalton: hi, do you know if xmir made x break abi? [10:19] [ 81.641] (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so: undefined symbol: xorgMir [10:21] wtf, I don't see exp1ubuntu2.2 in the archive? [10:21] I feel like I'm disconnected from reality this morning [10:22] oh yes, confirming my insanity further, I was typing -intel and not -nouveau :( [10:29] works after a rebuild [10:49] larsu: do you have a patch for the gnome-screenshot white flash issue hanging around? [10:54] Laney: no.. didn't I give that to you at some point? [10:54] * larsu cannot find it [10:54] ah, don't know :( [10:55] oops [11:00] why does this work from jhbuild? [11:01] dunno. Different gnome-screenshot? [11:02] I forgot what the issue there was... [11:02] wait - gnome doesn't use gnome-screenshot at all anymore, does it? [11:02] no but we do [11:03] right, and running that against gtk in jhbuild makes it work? [11:03] I get different behaviour with our version [11:04] it prompts for a filename by default [11:04] bet there's a patch [11:04] yes [11:04] it is [11:04] * Laney applies this one [11:05] brb [11:05] ah yes this happens [11:05] I suppose because gnome-screenshot just exists otherwise [11:11] larsu: I think the fix was to stop setting the visual on the flash window [11:15] mitya57: hey, i was referring to master at this commit: https://github.com/lenky0401/fcitx-qimpanel/commit/05fd858ef84da971a98d4f68b25f4bd897676b43. when i tried running from that point, it still doesn't see those submenus properly [11:22] s/exists/exits/ [11:22] hi attente! [11:22] hi Laney! [11:25] what's up [11:28] Laney: it probably did, blame ancell :) [11:31] tjaalton: bah! [11:31] should $package have changed its name? [11:32] what pkg? [11:32] that's what I'm asking [11:33] there's nothing about xmir in nouveau's depends [11:36] i'm not sure how the drivers became depending the module.. [11:39] i'm away this week, vmware already got rebuilt because of something, maybe the same issue [11:39] tseliot: ^ [11:39] so perhaps all the video drivers need to be rebuilt.. [11:40] it seems like it had an exported xorgMir symbol before but doesn't now [11:41] because xmir is no longer a module but a server of it's own [11:41] see the recent announcement [11:45] ah hmm [11:46] so a well-tested transition ;) [11:46] I think [11:47] that when I rebuilt nouveau it probably built without the xmir patch being active any more [11:47] #ifdef XMIR [11:47] #include "xmir.h" [11:47] #include "xf86Priv.h" [11:47] #else [11:47] typedef struct xmir_screen xmir_screen; [11:47] #define xorgMir 0 [11:47] #endif [11:47] and XMIR isn't defined any more after the new upload [11:48] (that xorgMir symbol was exported in xf86Priv.h) [12:01] tjaalton: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1462994 fyi [12:01] Launchpad bug 1462994 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "2:1.17.1-0ubuntu4 broke xmir ABI" [Undecided,New] [12:15] Laney: thanks! [12:22] pitti: my problem turns out to be lightdm dying in a loop, because it can't call ActivateSession() [12:31] larsu: hm, but adb also keeps failing? [12:32] larsu: or, I guess you actually got that working now, to find out the ActivateSession() error? [12:57] A pigeon just flew in to my window at full speed. [12:57] I'm pretty sure its dead [12:57] #birdnews [12:57] :( [13:28] willcooke: man no wonder none of our messages get to you [13:28] :D [16:59] Laney, is that gnome-screenshot hidpi patch a variant from https://code.launchpad.net/~woodrow-shen/gnome-screenshot/fix-hidpi.trusty/+merge/248486 ? [17:02] I saw it there, going to give some feedback soon [17:03] Laney, thanks [17:03] I think gnome-screenshot isn't very active upstream [17:03] Laney, no it's not :-/ [17:03] is your patch fixing the linked bug? [17:03] or just addressing part of the issue? [17:04] should do, let me close it [17:04] thanks === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:17] see you! [19:41] cyphermox, hey just ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1436330 its still busted using the latest in proposed [19:41] Launchpad bug 1436330 in network-manager (Ubuntu Vivid) "Network Manager doesn't set metric for local networks any more, causing connection issues" [Critical,Fix committed] === pat__ is now known as pmcgowan [20:00] morning robert_ancell [20:01] willcooke, hi [20:17] g'night all === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh