
histo                           04:18
histo __ _ ___   __ __ ___ _____04:18
histo\__, \___/ \__\__,_|\_//__/04:19
daftykinswhatever that was, it wasn't :D04:26
lotuspsychjegood morning05:30
BluesKajHiyas all12:28
daftykinsafternoonings o/13:46
BluesKajhey daftykins13:47
histodaftykins: was supposed to be go cavs but it cut off the top15:32
* ObrienDave waves from Colorado, USA22:47
daftykinsi enjoyed Boulder when i was there22:59
ObrienDavei'm south of denver. littleton/highlands ranch area22:59
ObrienDavesouth of 470/university23:01
daftykinsjust a 3 week roadtrip coast to coast i had :) i'm not local of course23:02
OerHeksHmm lookin at google maps, nice water area23:03
ObrienDaveOerHeks, yea, that big reservoir is next to where i work23:04
ObrienDavewithin a mile or so23:04
* OerHeks loves the birds and the bees and flowers and chocomuffins23:06
ObrienDaveLOL chocomuffins23:08

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