
theShirbinyhey elsyad11:02
elsyadcan i speak arabic or eng only ?11:03
elsyadwrite *11:03
theShirbinywhatever you like :D11:03
elsyadi installed backbox on my hdd11:04
elsyadbut i cant know why it remove my other disks11:04
elsyadand give me all the free spaces11:05
elsyadcan i take from u any explain for this job ?11:05
theShirbinyyour other disks or partition?11:06
elsyadit installed at one11:07
elsyadwhen i open "file system" show me system files but without my another partition11:08
elsyadi was have 211:08
theShirbinyI think "file system" shows your root "/" not your other partitions/disks11:10
theShirbinytry lsblk11:10
elsyadokay 1 mint pls11:11
elsyadis there any method to show it up ?11:11
theShirbinyyes, type lsblk in a terminal, and check your partitions/disks11:12
elsyadokay i'll back11:13

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