[11:02] hi [11:02] hey elsyad [11:03] can i speak arabic or eng only ? [11:03] write * [11:03] whatever you like :D [11:04] Okay [11:04] i installed backbox on my hdd [11:04] but i cant know why it remove my other disks [11:05] and give me all the free spaces [11:05] can i take from u any explain for this job ? [11:06] your other disks or partition? [11:07] partitions [11:07] it installed at one [11:08] when i open "file system" show me system files but without my another partition [11:08] i was have 2 [11:10] I think "file system" shows your root "/" not your other partitions/disks [11:10] try lsblk [11:11] okay 1 mint pls [11:11] is there any method to show it up ? [11:12] yes, type lsblk in a terminal, and check your partitions/disks [11:13] okay i'll back