=== 5EXABD84D is now known as infinity === davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2 [12:42] cjwatson, are you maintaining Ubiquity these days? [12:43] mpt: No, try mathieu-tl [12:43] I moved to Launchpad at the start of the year [12:43] cyphermox, infinity Can you explain how Ubuntu MATE can create an alternate iso image? [12:43] cjwatson, ok. The last four ubiquity uploads were four different people, and you were one of them, so I guessed. :-) [12:43] I've tried to identify where lubuntu configuration is for doing this and can find it. [12:47] cjwatson, no withdrawal symptoms yet when not getting 300 installer bugs per day in your inbox ? [12:48] I filtered those a very long time ago, so not so much, no [12:48] heh [12:50] cyphermox, hi, Andreea and I have been trying to see Ubiquity’s “Connect to the Internet” step in action, but haven’t managed it. VirtualBox helpfully provides a virtual wired connection, so Ubiquity skips the step as it should. But it also skips the step on a real-life Dell laptop with no Ethernet. Any ideas? [14:14] mpt: "real-life Dell laptop" should also have a "wifi card" which is detected by network manager, and e.g. has free drivers. [14:14] mpt: as a quick check on that laptop, does the network indicator have wifi options, on the top? [14:15] mpt: if it doesn't have any wifi there, ubiquity will skip as well. [14:15] mpt: e.g. dell laptop also has "airplane" kill switches on the keyboard, you can try Fn+F2 (or some such) to toggle it, maybe then wifi card will be actived, and then ubiquity should show the network page.... [14:18] Hey xnox! Thanks, we’ll try that [14:28] * mpt marks a four-year-old Ubiquity bug report as a duplicate of an even older one [15:01] mpt: \o/ how many digits in the bug? =) [15:03] xnox, three [15:03] wow [15:03] mpt: which one? [15:03] xnox, but one of the digits is reported four times :-P It’s bug 888380 [15:04] mpt: haha, that "bug" has a wiki page =) [15:04] mpt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/KeyboardBug [15:05] Wrong locale/cannot change locale on OEM ID ( http://pad.lv/290421 ) [15:05] Wrong locale/cannot change locale on the WiFi step ( http://pad.lv/871752 ) [15:05] Full Disk Encryption passphrase locale != boot time locale ( http://pad.lv/1047384 ) [15:05] Geolocation cannot be type in Latin (~ish) locale ( http://pad.lv/630990 ) ( http://pad.lv/1055124 ) [15:05] Cannot change locale at user info step ( http://pad.lv/511956 ) [15:05] There are possibly other subtle bugs like that. [15:06] Oh, if I’d known that page existed I could have been quicker at designing the “keyboard-requiring step” dingus [15:09] mpt: i know that page exists, only because i created it. [15:09] Does the “OEM ID” step still exist? I’ve never seen it [15:10] mpt: imho at all input fields we should say "if you need to change keyboard layout, use indicator on top" [15:10] but we have indicators to do that only on some flavours, e.g. on ubuntu, but not some others. [15:10] Yes, but only if you boot the image in "OEM install (for manufacturers)" mode [15:10] mpt: OEM ID is visible only when doing OEM "golden image install" which one needs to specially boot into. [15:10] (i.e. the oem-config/enable=true kernel parameter) [15:11] xnox, we currently have another designer proposing changes to the installer design (because CONVERGENCE!!!1), and one of her suggestions was that we don’t have indicators in the installer session at all [15:12] mpt: ubiquity is not meant for installation in convergence mode...... especially not in click/snap world of convergence. [15:12] yeah [15:12] mpt: if confergence implies click/snap, we should instead interating/adapting the first boot welcome experience to do something sensible on the desktop. [15:13] not say "setting up your phone" and stop forcing "put your sim card in" [15:13] and just use that, without any ubiquity. [15:13] Yeah but then, dual booting, and partitioning, and LUKS, and LVM, and [15:13] e.g. "converge mode" is mostly end-user oem-config. It would be cool to replace that portion of ubiquiyt, the the converged/phone first user boot experience. [15:14] right [15:14] which i did propose to do with ubiquity always, when doing U1 stuff in the installer, which got shot down by rick saying ubuntu desktop should boot to desktop without anything. [15:15] kind of contrary what we do on the phone nowadays. [15:17] Well, there shouldn’t be both. And since some Ubuntu users install themselves, that means everything belongs in the installer [15:17] (install Ubuntu themselves, I mean) [15:30] Ok, I think all those bug reports are now linked to the spec and vice versa [16:01] cyphermox, I'm back from vacation :) [16:01] cyphermox, Would you expect Ubiquity to be able to install onto a USB drive? [16:01] show all