=== MooDoo is now known as Guest56354 === Guest56354 is now known as MooDoo [22:16] no visible staff available here... so #freenode, here we come === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [22:17] cm-t: I asked for a ubuntu/member/cm-t cloak for you. [22:27] hggdh: when is IRC staff ever on when we want em to be xD [22:27] :P [22:27] heh [22:28] teward: but they do respond (and I already had an ack, but cm-t is probably sleeping now, so we will have to wait (he has to confirm the cloak name) [22:29] indeed [22:29] hggdh: indeed, but the original assessment remains :P [22:29] at least, when i lurk freenode they're never around XD [22:36] Murphy explains :-) [23:11] Flannel needs sasl already. :D [23:11] heh