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puffiGuys, not sure if this is the right channel. I have a script that checks for Ubuntu version and kernel version and installs an application based on it. I want to add in a step that will install a supported kernel version if one is not found. That part should be ok, the bit I'm unsure of is how to automate the edit to make sure the newly installed kernel will be set to the dfefault on next boot. Is thi14:57
puffis possible?14:57
apwpuffi, if we are talking x86 you can use the "title" of the kernel in grub to select a specific kernel15:00
apwpuffi, in /etc/default/grub you can set GRUB_DEFAULT to a string iirc15:01
puffiapw: Thanks looking into that now15:08
apwpuffi, pretty sure that is how one switches to 15:09
apwxen ..15:10
puffiapw: I'll need to know where it's going to be on the list of previous kernels.15:11
puffiis there a way to work that out before a reboot?15:11
apwpuffi, i thought you wanted to select a specific version15:11
puffiapw: I want to automate the edit, eg. automate kernel install, change newly installed to default. reboot new default15:12
puffiyou mean GRUB_DEFAULT="3.2.0-18-generic" for example15:12
puffithen it will always boot that kernel?15:12
apwpuffi, that kind of thing yes, you use i think the texttual name of the menuentry15:13
apwmenuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-53-generic'15:13
apwin the grub.cfg ...15:13
apwsmb, i think you use that for xen right ?15:13
puffiapw: works perfectly15:55
smbapw, yes16:58
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