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alan_galf_: anpok got time today for a little USC MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/unity-system-compositor/incorporate-logo-into-spinner-binary/+merge/26118108:44
duflualan_g: Let me know if you ever find a vectorized version? (just a list of vertices is enough) I like the idea of infinite scalability and 3D effects using the logo in future projects :)09:20
dufluAlthough it has rotational symmetry so should not be too hard...09:20
alan_gduflu: sure. Maybe someone in design has something more tractable than a png?09:21
duflualan_g: Dunno. Although I suspect the basic list of coordinates required and then repeated 3/6 times would be hilariously simple09:22
alan_galf_: do you know a way to get a premultiplied image out of any tool? I really don't want to write a script to edit the header.09:24
duflualan_g: Frankly that's the best option to edit in situ. Because the requirement for pre-multiplication is in the code using it and not the image. If someone were to extract the image header and want to edit it, they would not want it pre-multiplied09:28
alf_alan_g: I would say don't care about this for now, the sizes are small. I am more concerned about having both .h and .png09:29
dufluEven better if we generate the header from png at build time, which I'd recommend09:30
alf_duflu: alan_g: Ideally we would produce the .h from .png and change to pre-multiplied alpha there09:30
alan_gCreating the header during the build would introduce a dependency on a tool that does that.09:30
duflualf_: Maybe, probably not. If you're using a generic bin2c tool then it should not interpret the bytes it's converting09:31
alan_g(And I don't know one that does pre-multiplication09:31
duflualan_g: I've done it many times. Write a bin2c.c tool and generate it at build time too :)09:31
alf_duflu: we need to use a tool that dumps the pixel data, so it does know about the pixel format09:32
alf_alan_g: I am fine on USC build depending on such a tool09:32
duflualf_: "need" is over-used there :)09:33
dufluJust generate your tools at build time. It's a simple matter of *make*09:33
alf_alan_g: (and I am fine not doing premultiplication for now)09:33
dufluIt's not a performance issue. Running through the image once even on a slow device is quite fast enough09:34
alan_gHow about I delete the .png and if anyone wants to generate the headers they can MP that?09:35
duflualan_g: Reproducability says probably keep it09:35
alf_alan_g: In that case don't delete it, I will try to propose an MP with the build time generation later today or tomorrow09:36
alan_galf_: works for me.09:38
alan_gGuys, any preferences for which client API? Two options here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11645578/10:00
duflualan_g: The second one will eventually be required (for type morphing) so probably better10:08
alan_gduflu: we can do type morphing with either10:09
dufluWell the second one makes more sense to me. You shouldn't need the connection object to morph10:09
alan_gThe fist one is one call fewer and makes the existing mir_connection_create_spec_for_changes() more reasonable.10:11
alan_gBut I too lean towards the second10:11
duflualan_g: On that note, why is connection here? mir_connection_create_spec_for_changes(MirConnection* connection);10:12
alan_gI've a vague recollection it was for consistency with code we've now deleted.10:15
alan_gBut I guess we don't need it for the new API10:15
alan_gHmm. mir_surface_create() used the connection supplied to mir_connection_create_spec_for_XXX. Shouldn't the connection just be supplied to directly?11:33
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SturmFluttvoss: Ping20:20
tvossSturmFlut, pong20:20
robert_ancellRAOF, ping21:09
kgunnrobert_ancell: is it a holiday over there...wonder if he's off22:54
robert_ancellkgunn, ah, is that it22:54
RAOFrobert_ancell: Pong22:54
RAOFkgunn: No, that was yesterday :)22:54
kgunnQueen's birthday :)22:54
robert_ancellRAOF, had a question about X drivers and Mir - why do the drivers need to know they're running inside Xmir?23:05
RAOFrobert_ancell: For new glamor-based XMir they don't, because there are no X drivers.23:05
robert_ancellRAOF, ah, so we can drop all those patches?23:05
RAOFAlthough this is a bit of a bone of contention.23:06
robert_ancellRAOF, oh, why?23:06
RAOFMy understanding is that nvidia would very much like to have the same sort of DDX interface that the Xorg binary provides.23:06
RAOFSo that they can provide their own GLX, and expose all the funky features that their hardware supports.23:07
robert_ancellRAOF, right, but there's always the option of other driver interfaces to Mir like Android23:07
robert_ancellRAOF, and I should be pushing these all into Debian git?23:07
RAOFIf you've got access, please.23:08
robert_ancellRAOF, I'm not sure - I guess I should just try and push23:08
RAOFOh, that reminds me...23:20

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