[00:07] Unit193: link check please :) [00:09] hold off on link check, haven't moved them over to the wiki yet :) [00:09] ahoneybun: I wrote up some advice here just recently: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2015-May/006972.html [00:10] OK, was going to say, no link and a different person! :P [00:10] thanks pleia2 [00:10] I'm looking to do one in Florida [00:10] South [00:11] great :) [00:12] ahoneybun: btw, just adding author names & affiliations to these summaries [00:12] I have a spot picked out I think [00:13] I just need to find matter to go over [00:13] things to do [00:13] ahoneybun: also, make sure when you do include names, they're spelled properly (ie "Larabel"), names are very personal things, and people get grumpy when they're wrong :) [00:13] oh noes [00:16] otherwise, these look great, thanks again [00:16] yep [00:23] Unit193: ok, now we're ready :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue420 [00:25] aand sent off to editors [00:25] https://launchpad.net/~daniel-mcguire351 is a nogo. [00:26] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/daniel-mcguire351 [00:26] https://launchpad.net/~danielmcguire [00:27] * pleia2 updates [00:28] ^5 Unit193 ahoneybun [00:28] is that +5? [00:28] lol [00:28] 2.5 each lol [00:28] high five :) [00:29] XD [00:31] Glad to be of use. [00:40] thanks for the info pleia2 as well [00:47] ahoneybun: sure :) I hope it's helpful [00:47] it is [00:47] I still have some DVD's and pens to have at a Ubuntu Hour [00:53] that's a good start :) [00:55] yea just need to contact people with big networks [00:55] to let people know [00:55] I'm thinking of doing it next next wednesday [00:56] mine aren't very well-attended tbh, but it's a nice excuse to get out of the house, and people know it's there if they want to meet up [00:56] particularly useful when people come into town, or are new to the area and want to know what meetups are happenin [00:56] g [00:56] trye [00:56] *true [01:01] and now some LibreOffice stickers and such as well :) === ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun [02:51] thanks for the chiming in pleia2 [02:51] :) [02:51] You're welcome. [02:52] what? [02:54] ahoneybun: sure [02:54] * pleia2 off to dinner! [02:54] XD === MooDoo is now known as Guest56354 === Guest56354 is now known as MooDoo [21:15] PaulW2U: thanks for the review, as usual :) [21:17] pleia2: ah yes, forgot to announce that I'd done it :) [21:34] Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 420 for the week June 1 - 7, 2015 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue420 === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh