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jamespagegnuoy, python-logutilsLiam Young <liam.young@canonical.com> (James Page <james.page@ubuntu.com>)10:23
jamespageshowing up on my merge report for wily if you want todo that10:23
gnuoyjamespage, ack10:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zzxcHey. Does anyone know if its possible to have mutliple machines on the same Subdomain, where the url path determines wheres to which machine the connection goes?13:24
zzxcroaksoax: I think you may have a slash.13:35
smoserstrikov, around ?13:41
strikovsmoser: yep13:41
smoserit seems that multipath might hav efoobarred some stuff13:41
smosergetting a console log for you just a minute.13:41
strikovsmoser: i wonder if this machine has multipath or not?13:58
smoser$ PS1="$ "13:58
smoser$ for d in /dev/sda /dev/sdb; do echo "$d:" $(sudo /lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-whitespace --whitelisted --device=$d); done13:58
smoser/dev/sda: 35000c5001feb99f013:58
smoser/dev/sdb: 35000c5001feb99f013:58
smoserit does not have mlutipath13:58
smoserbut it is identified as such. because we have the same scsi_ids13:58
smosernice, eh?13:58
strikovsmoser: such a naming is not multipath-friendly at all; i don't mean curtin-multipath but multipath in general;14:00
strikovsmoser: i suspect that if you manually install multipath-tools there machine won't boot14:00
smoserif i drop hte '--whitelisted' flag, i get ''14:00
smoserstrikov, yeah, its completely a bug there.14:00
smoserstrikov, '--whitelisted'14:01
smoser   --whitelisted                 threat device as whitelisted14:01
strikovsmoser: 'The --whitelisted option must be specified on the command line or in the scsi_id configuration file for scsi_id to generate any output.'14:01
smoserwhere'd you come up with that flag.14:01
smoserreally? where did you see that14:02
strikovsmoser: http://linux.die.net/man/8/scsi_id14:02
smoserstrikov, i think back to blkid then.14:02
smoserwe created a root filesystem on a device14:03
smoseroutside of UUID collision if we see other devices with that UUID, we can assume multipath14:03
strikovsmoser: raid114:04
strikovsmoser: scsi_id used with --whitelisted inside 60-persistent-storage14:04
smoserwell, we a.) dont set up raid114:04
strikovsmoser: i probably took it from there14:04
smoserb.) would know if we did14:04
strikovsmoser: we don't create multipath as well, system has it by default; same with raid114:05
strikovsmoser: we may mix some additional bytes into what we get from scsi_id14:08
smosersmb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/146253014:08
smoserwhat did you mean there ?14:08
smoseryou want multipath -ll output ?14:08
smoserno iscsi in place.14:08
strikovsmoser: not me, smb14:08
smoserthese are power8 systems like yours that have multipath on internal devices14:08
smoserstrikov, that suggestion might work also.14:09
strikovsmoser: oh, sorry, i misread the nick :)14:09
smbsmoser, whatever info to know what the environment looks like14:09
smbsmoser, at least multipath -ll to see how the devices got arranged14:10
smosersmb, sure. i can do that. i suspect if you try this on the power8 system that you have access too, you'lll see it also14:10
smosersmb, i'm pretty sure you have a power8 system, right? if not i can get you to that one14:11
smbsmoser, we should have one but I have not yet had need for access14:11
smband then I would not know whether the hw is the same and resulting whether things look the same14:12
strikovsmoser: okay, i think i know what's happening with that machines; i just read that scsi_id may return non-unique serial numbers for ATA/SATA devices;14:13
strikovsmoser: could you verify that hdds are indeed sata there?14:13
smoserstrikov, opened bug14:15
smoserstrikov, is lshw enough for you?14:16
strikovsmoser: i think so14:16
smoserattached to bug.14:16
strikovsmoser: attach it to the bug please14:16
smosersmb, all the power8 have these14:17
smbstrikov, hm... not sure but I thought the udev rules at least limited multipath to bus scsi but I would need to look14:19
strikovsmb: what i see is pretty strange, disk is 'ATA disk' but attached to 'scsi' bus as 'emulated'14:20
strikovsmb: i have no idea what it means14:20
smbah doh!. Yeah libata making all disks scsi-like14:21
strikovsmb: so we basically need to fetch the real nature of the device somehow14:24
strikovsmb: because scsi_id output for ata devices is not unique14:25
smbstrikov, one should how it would be. at least here it is different for those devices I could try quickly14:26
smbI am not sure what is taken to get the number I see14:26
smoserstrikov, so smb tells me that you can have the IO use both links14:32
smoserin multipath. that'd be a useful thing.14:33
strikovsmoser: smb: you mean some options to add to the default config?14:33
smoserstrikov, yeah.14:34
smoserman multipath.conf14:34
smbstrikov, yep to change grouping to multibus14:34
TeduardoHas anyone gotten apache2.4 logging to syslog properly for errorlog?14:34
smoserit *says* its the defualt, but smb disabrees14:34
smoserjust have to set defaults path_grouping_policy = multibus14:34
Teduardodoesnt seem to work at all for me14:34
strikovsmoser: what does multibus mean, i didn't get it14:38
strikovsmb: ^^14:38
smbstrikov, means all paths are usable at the same time14:39
smbWhich is not always true14:39
smbSame storage servers need manual scsi magic to switch active paths14:39
strikovsmb: are you sure about it? i read it as grouping all disks into a single mpath0?14:39
smbOr need time14:39
strikovsmb: you mean  path_grouping_policy = multibus, right?14:40
smbstrikov, yes, it depends on multipath -l, the multibus layout shows all sd* devices under the same path group14:40
smbwhile failover shows multiple path groups with one device in them14:40
smbstrikov, whatever the man page says. I read that myself to be sure :)14:40
strikovsmb: i just can't figure out if it is related to performance only or it changes device naming14:42
strikovsmb: let's say we have two multipath pairs14:42
strikovsmb: will it merge them into a single /dev/mpath (which is wrong) or not?14:43
smbstrikov, it will always be a one mpath device but the way that is created differs14:43
strikovsmb: oh, so we can't have two for two separate pairs of disks?14:44
smbstrikov, I can give more explanation later. I  have to bail out for a bit right now (real world appointments and such)14:45
strikovsmb: ack, ping me when you return please14:45
strikovsmoser: could you run scsi_id with additional -p 0x80 option please14:45
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smoser$ for d in /dev/sda /dev/sdb; do echo "$d:" $(sudo /lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-whitespace --whitelisted -p 0x80 --device=$d); done14:49
smoser/dev/sda: SATA_SMvDi02lGylQfF1qi02lGylQfF1qfjGL9Go614:49
smoser/dev/sdb: SATA_SMvDkoWziOynRqDDkoWziOynRqDDMpLqadMA14:49
smoserstrikov, ^14:49
strikovsmoser: interesting14:52
strikovsmoser: i really don't want to disturb you :( but could you get the same info from the power machine?14:52
strikovsmoser: from real multipath i mean14:53
=== strikov is now known as strikov-lunch
smoserstrikov-lunch, lk.15:01
strikov-lunchsmoser: i read that ata devices need to be identified by the id from page 0x80 and i think that we may read the same page for scsi as well15:02
smoser# for d in /dev/sd?; do echo "$d:" $(/lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-w15:02
smoserhitespace --whitelisted -p 0x80 --device=$d); done                              /dev/sda:15:02
strikov-lunchsmoser: okay15:02
smoser/dev/sdm: SIET_VIRTUAL-DISK15:02
strikov-lunchsmoser: okay, so scsi disks don't have such info at all15:03
strikov-lunchsmoser: so my proposal is to create scsi_id by combining 0x83 output (default) and 0x80 output15:03
strikov-lunchsmoser: this id should be truly unique15:03
patdk-wkwhy is it not using the wwn from scsi?15:04
strikov-lunchsmoser: does scsi_id return any errors with 0x80 or just empty string?15:04
strikov-lunchpatdk-wk: is it what scsi_id returns by default (with page 0x83)?15:06
strikov-lunchbrb in 15 mins15:06
patdk-wknot sure, don't have access at the moment to scsi disk (all in production, except one machine, but that is in storage powered off)15:06
smoserstrikov-lunch, //paste.ubuntu.com/11650647/15:09
smoserstrikov-lunch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11650647/15:09
smoserfsking gnome-terminal!15:09
patdk-wklooks like it is 0x83, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22072039/algorithm-to-get-scsi-id-as-page-0x8315:09
patdk-wkwith one extra info15:10
patdk-wkwwn are uniq per disk, but sata doesn't have wwn's only real scsi disks, unless the hba makes one for sata (depending on firmware, it will or won't)15:11
smoserpatdk-wk, thank you.15:23
smoserstrikov and i are learning of these things, when first fixing bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/137163415:24
smoserand then hitting bug 146304615:24
=== strikov-lunch is now known as strikov
strikovThanks patdk-wk. We basically trying to detect multipath w/o multipath tool installed. So we initially wanted to do that by looking for two disks with the same scsi_id (0x83). Unfortunately sata disks may have the same scsi_id (0x83) even if they different disks not multipath ones. So I think that we may want to generate id by concatenating scsi_id(0x83) and scsi_id(0x80).15:38
patdk-wkno problem, I haven't done this *much* on linux, but do this a lot on solaris15:39
patdk-wkand on solaris, I stick to just wwn for everything15:40
* smoser thinks of some snarky comment wrt solaris, but doesnt find one.15:40
patdk-wkmakes it simple to know what disk failed :)15:40
patdk-wkya, on linux the best we have is disk-by-id, that I kindof don't like15:40
patdk-wkby path is nice, but also annoying15:40
Walexstrikov: SCSI IDs may be a lot longer than that...#15:41
Walexstrikov: why not use WWNs15:41
Walexahhh SATA. Oops.15:42
strikovWalex: how can I get WWN for a scsi disk? Which command line tool does that?15:42
Walexstrikov: well, in that stackoverflow page the WWNs are listed too15:43
Walexstrikov: but note that when you say "SCSI disk" you are talking of somewhat mythical entities.15:43
Walexstrikov: for Linux "SCSI" means "the storage abstraction layer called 'scsi'". Then you have SAS, SATA, FC, ... devices.15:44
Walexif you want to uniquely identify devices that's device-type dependent.15:45
strikovWalex: Yeah, thats a good point. The problem here is that multipath-tools afaik identify multipath by looking for two disks with the same scsi_id. Taking all ^^^ into account I suspect that this is wrong.15:46
strikovBecause scsi_id returns some data from the page 0x83 which contains useful info for iscsi disk but contain non-unique info for sata disk.15:47
patdk-wkyep, cause sata lacks wwn15:47
patdk-wkhow exactly are people doing multipath over sata?15:48
patdk-wkor is it a mixture of scsi + sata, that is confusing it?15:48
strikovpatdk-wk: i don't think they do; the problem is that we can't detect multipath reliably :)15:49
strikovpatdk-wk: because sata disks destroy 'two disks with the same scsi_id ==> multipath' logic15:49
patdk-wklooking here15:50
patdk-wkhmm, mine is giving my sata disks wwn's15:50
strikovpatdk-wk: another side of this issues is that systems fails to boot with multipath-tools installed if sata disks are available; they return same iscsi_id, multipath try to use them as multipath, everything fails because they are not multipath (just two disks with the same scsi_id)15:50
patdk-wkso not borken, atleast for my workstation :(15:50
strikovpatdk-wk: it return something, it's just not unique!15:51
patdk-wk for d in /dev/sd?; do echo "$d:" $(/lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-w hitespace --whitelisted -p 0x83 --device=$d); done15:51
patdk-wk/dev/sda: 350014ee6ad4008e715:51
patdk-wk/dev/sdb: 350014ee6ad400df415:51
patdk-wktwo sata 2.5" laptop disks15:51
patdk-wkya, it depends heavily on the hba used, and firmware on that hba15:51
strikovpatdk-wk: hm, you're lucky :) you can install multipath-tools w/o any issues I think ;)15:51
patdk-wknow, people using lsi hba with IR firmware, should have issues I believe15:52
patdk-wkIT firmware makes uniq wwn's, IR doesn't make wwn15:52
patdk-wkthat one above was from just build in intel sata ports15:52
patdk-wklooking to see if I have anything that doesn't behave right for wwn's15:53
patdk-wkah nice15:53
patdk-wkscsi vm disk has no wwn :)15:53
patdk-wkit's blank15:53
patdk-wkmaybe I should multipath it :)15:54
patdk-wkmy lsi IT card behaves also15:55
strikovpatdk-wk: yeah, so my understanding is that multipath requires some manual setup in general case; you need to know which exact disks are multipath and tell it to the system; auto detection is somewhat problematic15:55
patdk-wkbut that is also in a vm15:55
patdk-wkfor d in /dev/sd?; do echo "$d:" $(/lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-w hitespace --whitelisted -p 0x83 --device=$d); done15:55
patdk-wk/dev/sdb: 350014ee601eaa88b15:55
patdk-wk/dev/sdc: 350014ee05859790a15:55
patdk-wk/dev/sdd: 350014ee3aabd024015:55
patdk-wk/dev/sde: 350014ee0ad16a2fe15:55
patdk-wk/dev/sdf: 350014ee2afd87b0515:55
patdk-wkthe vm (root) disk is blank15:55
patdk-wkthe passed though lsi card, gives the wwn's15:55
patdk-wkyes, when I used multipath in linux, I always manually configured it15:56
patdk-wkbut maybe using a vm will help *fix* the issue? since it seems to have the same problem with empty disks15:56
patdk-wkand could, like if I did the above system, with multipath for the attached disks, could have issues with the vm virtual disks15:57
patdk-wkI imagine that will become a more common setup15:57
strikovpatdk-wk: could you run last command with -p 0x80 please?15:58
strikovpatdk-wk: i'm trying to convince myself that 0x80+0x83 approach is something useful15:58
patdk-wkfor d in /dev/sd?; do echo "$d:" $(/lib/udev/scsi_id --replace-w hitespace --whitelisted -p 0x80 --device=$d); done15:59
patdk-wk/dev/sdb: SATA_WDC_WD20EARX-00P_WD-WCAZAD47328315:59
patdk-wk/dev/sdc: SATA_WDC_WD1502FAEX-0_WD-WMAY0401879715:59
patdk-wk/dev/sdd: SATA_WDC_WD2002FAEX-0_WD-WMAWP032886215:59
patdk-wk/dev/sde: SATA_WDC_WD1501FASS-0_WD-WMAY0024153615:59
patdk-wk/dev/sdf: SATA_WDC_WD15EARS-00S_WD-WCAVY607233815:59
strikovpatdk-wk: bah, still no idea for sda15:59
strikov*no id15:59
patdk-wkya :)15:59
patdk-wkbut that is a vmare disk15:59
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
patdk-wklikely if both produce no id, I would ignore that disk totally16:03
patdk-wknothing you can do16:03
solo1is there a way to share a folder on a server to download ( option to upload ) files from gdrive ?16:15
solo1is there a way to share a folder on a server to download ( option to upload ) files from gdrive ?16:19
med_do any services need to be manually restarted after a tzdata (leapsecond) update? It doesn't seem to do any itself.16:53
med_do any services need to be manually restarted after a tzdata (leapsecond) update? It doesn't seem to do any itself.16:53
med_Do any services need a manual kick in the pants (HUP, etc) in order for the tzdata leap second change to be effective. The tzdata upgrade/install doesn't restart any services afaict.16:53
hallynzul: groan,16:54
hallynubuntu@lw1:~/qa-regression-testing/scripts$ virt-install --connect=qemu:///system --wait=0 --force --name qt --ram 64 --disk /home/ubuntu/qa-regression-testing/scripts/libvirt/qatest/qatest.img --import16:54
hallynStarting install...16:55
hallynring any bells?16:55
hallynERROR    XML error: No PCI buses available16:55
zulhallyn: nope16:55
sarnoldmed_: I believe all services that do time -> string conversions via the tzdata packages will automatically use the new databases without any effort on your part17:19
med_sarnold, I got some good feedback from the maintainer of tzdata, infinity, in #ubuntu-motu.  Basically, if you are using ntpd (and we are) we don't have anything to do or to worry about.17:22
sarnoldmed_: though I'll note java has their own time -> string generation things, I haven't got a clue if those auto-recognize updates of their version of their tzdata..17:24
=== Wiched is now known as Guest74012
hallynzul: d'oh!  you dropped debian/patches/ubuntu_machine_type.patch17:58
zuloh shit i didnt think i did17:58
hallynand now i just lost an hour of compile time by doing debian/rules clean in the wrong window17:58
hallynyeah you rediffed it properly, but left it commented in series :)17:58
zuloops :(17:58
zulhallyn: coreycb should be able to figure this out shouldnt he? ;)17:59
hallynzul: that patch probably ought to be sent upstream, ther'es no reason for delta there18:08
hallynand btw while i lost a lot of time to this, i should have started by looking at the debdiff and i'd have noticed it - myown fault :(18:08
zulsorry about this18:09
hallynno i shoulda noticed.  anyway should have coreycb send that patch upstream? :)18:10
coreycbhallyn, I'm sure zul can handle it18:11
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hallynhrmph, still a lot of failures.18:57
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tewardstupid totally not insane question: is it possible to get OpenSSL 1.0.2 and OpenSSL included with 14.04 working together?21:53
tewardsuch that I have 1.0.2 executable via openssl_1.0.2 or similar21:54
tewardit's needed for a CLI script I use to test SSL settings, hence why I need both, one for Ubuntu normal stuff to use, and one for the script to use :/21:55
cryptodanteward: you can compile one and place it in /usr/local/sbin21:56
tewardcryptodan: mmm, know what deps I might need for that?21:56
cryptodanteward: not sure21:56
tewardi'll go hunting, starting with the openssl build deps we already have, then21:57
cryptodanwelcome that way those in /usr/local/sbin remain untouched22:01
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TheEagerPadawanhi does anybody know where i could find some good videotutorials relating to linux server configuration (like DNS, DHCP, Web servers, FTP, Samba, NFS etc ...)23:13
tewardTheEagerPadawan: unfortunately not, each of them has their own quirks and hellish configuration problems23:20
tewardTheEagerPadawan: and are totally different from eac other23:20
TheEagerPadawanwell i do know there is a diffrence between ubuntu and centos, starting from the package manager alone, and file setup23:21
tewardTheEagerPadawan: i mean service to service23:21
tewardnot OS to OS23:21
TheEagerPadawanoh :)23:21
TheEagerPadawanmy bad23:21
sarnoldTheEagerPadawan: the serverguide in the /topic is the best intro-level resource I can think of; I can't say I've seen videos, but I've never gone looking23:21
teward^ that23:21
tewardi agree with sarnold23:21
tewardstart with the server guide23:21
tewardand ask questions here if you get stuck (we'll try and help you probably)23:22
sarnoldthese things are just complicated enough that it doesn't lend itself well to a linear video presentation: there's dozens or hundreds of choices to make for each service based on what you're trying to accomplish23:23
tewardsarnold: stupid question, but would replacing 14.04 LTS OpenSSL 1.0.1 with 1.0.2 from upstream break any core functions that you're aware of?  Putting it on a server because it's going to run scheduled SSL checks with a given tool that needs 1.0.2 for bit strength checks for ciphers andsuch23:23
tewardalso agree with sarnold there23:23
teward(dedicated to this server, that is)23:23
sarnoldteward: yikes, uh... that's definitely a "you get to keep both pieces" situtation. I'd compile from source, stick it in /usr/local/. and compile whatever tools you need against that version.23:24
tewardsarnold: the tool uses openssl binaries for all the checks, and has fun with the output (the tool is a bash script xD).   i was planning a from-source compile anyways, Debian only has 1.0.2a23:24
tewardthis is a very specialized use case I know but... :P23:25
sarnoldteward: it has somewhat bothered me that we've neutered our packages for forensics use, forcing someone to maintain their own copy if they're writing tools, but honestly, keeping up with the security issues in these crypto toolkits is bad enough that having purpose-written tools is probably for the best23:25
tewardsarnold: was also going to see if I could get the thing to compile the binary as openssl_1.0.2 so i don't break existing functions but meh23:25
tewardsarnold: agreed.23:25
tewardsarnold: before i went and started stabbing the openssl source tarball to try and build openssl as openssl_1.0.2 i wanted to see if using 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.1 would nuke anything core, my guess is "Yes, it will"23:25
tewardjudging by your statement23:26
sarnoldteward: you might get away with doing some namespace hackery, create a new private filesystem namespare with unshare,  mount -o bind the binaries and libraries you need..23:26
tewardyeah, perhaps, i'll give it some thought :P23:26
sarnoldteward: I think the openssl team -tries- to maintain ABI, but .. keeping the abi within an upstream release is a lot more likely than across upstream releases.23:27
tewardsarnold: BTW, next not as stupid question, I assume 1.0.2a in Wily is patched up for any bugs between a and b?23:27
tewardor rather, security bugs23:27
tewardyou would probably have a better insight on that answer than me after all :P23:27
sarnoldteward: everything I know is here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/openssl.html :)23:28
tewardsarnold: might want mdeslaur to double check the upstream link on 2015-1791 that isn't the 1.0.1 one... getting 400s from upstream git tracker there23:29
sarnold(and that lone CVE I very nearly marked 'low' last week; multithreaded ssl servers just seemed like a strange strange thing, but I decided 'medium' since it -is- openssl after all..)23:29
tewardsarnold: oh so you set that one there, good, you can check the upstream links :P23:30
sarnoldteward: openssl git is _funky_, half the time I get ABE errors from noscript23:30
sarnoldat least noscript lets you resubmit the requests unsafely, and that usually works23:30
tewardsarnold: well, "400 - Invalid hash parameter" from their system sounds different :P23:30
tewardo wait that's the 1.0.1 one23:30
* teward bashes head against screen23:30
tewardsarnold: cve breakage on the second upstream link - the space and the 1.0.1 break the link23:31
tewardotherwise it works23:31
sarnoldheh so it does23:31
sarnoldwe use that (..) notation everywhere; it might be worth fixing our html-generator some day23:31
tewardsarnold: probably :023:31
tewardsarnold: probably :P23:31
tewardsarnold: or maybe add a comment to the bug, such that "This link works, the one below for 1.0.1 doesn't - linkhere"23:32
tewardbut that's your guys stuff23:32
* teward is mostly hands off :P23:32
tewardexcept where it comes to nginx usually :)23:32
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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