[05:21] jutro [05:56] o [06:08] evo, gay propaganda wins [06:08] http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-33024951 [06:08] Is the Pope a communist? - BBC News [06:08] »Pope Francis's critique of free-market economics has made him an icon for the Left and prompted claims that he is a communist. Is he?« [06:18] banda rdeca! [06:18] more good news [06:18] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33043812 [06:18] Turkey's AKP faces challenge to form government - BBC News [06:18] »Turkey's AK party faces a challenge to form a government after losing its majority at a general election for the first time in 13 years.« [06:25] more more good news [06:25] http://www.24ur.com/novice/svet/portugalska-s-15-let-izkusenj-kaze-da-ima-dekriminalizacija-drog-pozitivne-ucinke.html [06:25] 24ur.com - Portugalska s 14-letnimi izkušnjami kaže, da ima dekriminalizacija drog pozitivne učinke [06:25] »Portugalska je po letih neuspešnega boja proti drogam leta 2001 dekriminalizirala vse droge, tako mehke kot težke. Število uporabnikov drog je upadlo, zmanjšalo se je število z njimi povezanih smrti. Zaradi prevelikega odmerka tam letno umrejo tri osebe na milijon prebivalcev, v Sloveniji 19, v Estoniji pa kar 126.« [07:06] https://twitter.com/_youhadonejob/status/607676910794076162 [07:06] You had one job auf Twitter: "Is there any other way to sob? http://t.co/SFQk8aF7FC" [07:06] https://twitter.com/iatemuggles/status/599624810801602560 [07:06] hiba auf Twitter: "Why are these people attacking the father of modern medicine http://t.co/xyrEPtLShs" [07:08] zdobersek: to si ti hasisar [07:08] zihr se hoces vselt pod yangov stanovanje pa mu kadit marihuano. [07:08] da ne bo mogu zracit [07:09] you have seen through me cunning ruse [07:09] you are transparent [07:10] i did not say this, i was never here [07:13] well it's all logged so dunno myabe [08:19] hah.. what comes after Popcorn Time? [08:20] jsm popcorn hour posodu bratu od suni pa ga ma ze prakticno 3 leta pa mu je se zmeri cist vsec [08:21] !g popcorn time [08:21] Popcorn Time - Watch movies and TV shows instantly! https://popcorntime.io/ [08:21] naughty naughty! [08:22] !g popcorn hour [08:22] Popcornhour predvajalniki http://www.popcornhour.si/ [08:22] zdej mam rpi [08:22] mi je vsec k loh vrtam po njem [08:32] :) [08:34] pa koncno mam decent sounding zvocnike za u racunalnisko sobo [08:38] Danes do 33 stopinj Celzija, na Primorskem razglašen rumeni alarm [08:43] jeeej [08:43] poletjee! [08:45] .vreme lj [08:45] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 25°C @08.06.2015 8:00 UTC. [08:45] Vlažnost: 49% severovzhodnik 2.7 m/s jasno [08:45] Sončni vzhod: 03:13:02, Kulminacija: 11:02:13, Sončni zahod: 18:51:23 [08:45] Dan je dolg: 15ur 38min 21s, Luna je v ščipu [09:08] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncOA5GbU-ZI [09:08] STEVE STEVENS AMAZING GUITAR SOLO - YouTube [09:08] »STEVE STEVENS AMAZING GUITAR SOLO live 7/7/2012 piazzola sul brenta VILLA CONTARINI PADOVA ITALY HYDROGEN FESTIVAL 2012« [09:11] STEVE STEVENS STEVENSON'S SON [09:14] Google reads my mind , vpisem "all" in mi vrze tole ven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRDivUb5EeA [09:14] The Allman Brothers Band - Jessica - YouTube [09:14] »"Jessica" is a rock instrumental written by Dickey Betts, guitarist of The Allman Brothers Band, and Les Dudek, who played with them soon after Duane Allman'...« [09:15] tut eden boljsih kitarskih komadov [09:37] .vreme koper [09:37] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 30.4°C @08.06.2015 9:00 UTC. [09:37] Vlažnost: 29% severovzhodnik 2.7 m/s [09:37] Sončni vzhod: 03:18:10, Kulminacija: 11:05:28, Sončni zahod: 18:52:47 [09:37] Dan je dolg: 15ur 34min 37s, Luna je v ščipu [09:37] kr nesi si poletje domov napsy [09:52] http://blog.elnino.si/post/121008289255/flatfish-firefoxos-3 [09:52] elnino blog - Nino Vranešič [09:52] »Short teaser Firefox OS 3.0 on TabletsFirefox OS 3.0 on “Flatfish” - Foxconn InFocus New Tab F1More about tablet:- Foxconn InFocus New Tab F1, Firefox OS tablet- Gesture navigation on Firefox OS...« [09:59] .vreme Celje [09:59] ARSO: Celje (244m): 26°C @08.06.2015 9:00 UTC. [09:59] Vlažnost: 54% jugovzhodnik 3.8 m/s [09:59] Sončni vzhod: 03:09:14, Kulminacija: 10:59:19, Sončni zahod: 18:49:24 [09:59] Dan je dolg: 15ur 40min 10s, Luna je v ščipu [11:12] o [11:14] o yourself [11:31] o obedva [11:31] so that's how it's gonna be [11:35] it has come to this [12:03] pa neka! [12:05] fyfi http://www.girorosa.it/pagina-principale.html [12:05] Pagina Principale - Giro rosa [12:05] »homepage del sito web« [12:10] http://www.delo.si/novice/politika/sodisce-o-referendumu-o-zakonski-zvezi-predvidoma-v-sredo.html [12:10] Sodišče o referendumu o zakonski zvezi predvidoma v sredo [12:10] »Državni zbor je 26. marca zavrnil razpis referenduma o noveli zakona o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih.« [13:56] .vreme lj [13:56] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 29°C @08.06.2015 13:00 UTC. [13:56] Vlažnost: 30% jugovzhodnik 2.4 m/s pretežno jasno [13:56] Sončni vzhod: 03:13:02, Kulminacija: 11:02:13, Sončni zahod: 18:51:23 [13:56] Dan je dolg: 15ur 38min 21s, Luna je v ščipu [14:02] .vreme koper [14:02] ARSO: Koper Kapitanija (4m): 26.5°C @08.06.2015 13:30 UTC. [14:02] Vlažnost: 48% zahodnik 6.3 m/s [14:02] Sončni vzhod: 03:18:10, Kulminacija: 11:05:28, Sončni zahod: 18:52:47 [14:02] Dan je dolg: 15ur 34min 37s, Luna je v ščipu [14:02] pfft [14:02] bullsh1t [14:03] https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11401519_10206853285111308_4911764246092881717_n.jpg?oh=90c74d06643504b8103cc68bfffb8c01&oe=55E8ADED [14:03] smart cat [14:30] yo [14:30] CrazyLemon ti si iz kopra ne? [14:31] moogce poznaš kakega zobozdravnika ki ima tudi koncesijo [14:34] pitastrudl: Dr. Vesel [14:34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHA9G_Hu_aU [14:34] Jurij Zrnec - Zobozdravnik - YouTube [14:34] »Predstavitev poklica Zobozdravnik« [14:34] hehe [14:58] pitastrudl v šalari naj bi bila ena [14:58] tu nasproti merkatorja [14:58] gugl it :D [14:59] pitastrudl https://www.zd-koper.si/sl/zasebne-ambulante [14:59] Koncesionarji [14:59] see how easy it was? :) [15:03] sem našel to stran ja, sem hotel vprašati še tebe če že obiskuješ kakega, ki je vredu [15:03] da naum na napačnega naletu [15:03] :D [16:08] .vreme lj [16:08] ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 29°C @08.06.2015 15:00 UTC. [16:08] Vlažnost: 32% jugovzhodnik 1.5 m/s pretežno jasno [16:08] Sončni vzhod: 03:13:02, Kulminacija: 11:02:13, Sončni zahod: 18:51:23 [16:08] Dan je dolg: 15ur 38min 21s, Luna je v ščipu [16:27] http://webcafe.net.hr/2015/06/05/0331007.63.jpg [16:27] lol [16:32] jsm bil 19 pa ze takoj sm ful obvladal [16:33] sm vedu slovenska angleska in latinska imena za vse dele telesa k sm jih prvic od bliz gledu [16:37] pa ti si borderline genij madona! [16:37] borderline zihr ja [16:37] genij pa vprasanje [16:40] borderline-what then? [16:41] borderline everything? [16:43] bpd [17:21] [Ubuntu Security] USN-2628-1: strongSwan vulnerability http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2628-1/ [17:35] .yt children of the wild [17:35] Steve Angello Feat. Mako - Children Of The Wild https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkTZmSGlwFM [17:52] .yt magic dragon [17:52] Piff the Magic Dragon: Heidi Klum Helps Comedic Magician in Dragon Suit - America's Got Talent 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HybdQUCepFw [18:00] * CrazyLemon is doing an unthinkable thing [18:02] Primorska avtocesta je med predorom Tabor in Sežano - vzhod v smeri Gabrka zaprta zaradi gorečega vozila. [18:02] torej..že drugo v dveh dneh [18:05] mhm [18:05] ja jmte vroče [18:18] yay swift [18:18] the other swift [18:18] a confused 'yay' [18:22] you high boy? [18:22] unthinkable? [18:22] a si vse linuxe pobrisal pa sel na win? [18:23] Apple Swift to be open source (8 points) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9680983 [18:23] Apple Swift to be open source | Hacker News [18:24] dz0ny: no worries, pride tud na Windows [18:24] but no [18:29] dz0ny close [18:29] * CrazyLemon is upgrading win7 to win10 [18:30] prever ce ti ni linuxov pobrisal :> [18:30] grub še dela! [18:30] uu [18:30] napredek [18:31] a to si pognal z usb al z live isntalacije [18:31] dz0ny update sm pognal [18:31] aha, logis [18:31] mislim..zdownloadaš en .exe [18:31] pa on nato nekaj nastavi v windows updateu [18:31] in prek tistega potem zdownloadaš [18:32] cca. 2.4GB z win7 professional [18:32] ampak inštalira se že celo večnost madona [18:32] wat en surprise [18:44] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiq-SbIW_Oo [18:44] Piff the Magic Dragon On Penn And Teller! - YouTube [18:44] »This guy is hilarious! Please subscribe! COPYRIGHT INFO: This is not my video, this is all from Penn & Teller« [18:44] zdobbie ^ [18:45] old material [18:45] ooooh I'm soooorrrryyy [18:51] tis ok [18:52] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ8WGsV2FVU [18:52] VÉRITÉ - Sentiment - Official Audio - YouTube [18:52] »Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/verite Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/veriteohverite Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/verite --------------- Written by...« [18:55] its done [18:55] cca. 90min [18:56] o' what? [18:57] of time.. what else can be measured in minutes?? [18:59] dem angles [18:59] .gif oh snap [18:59] http://media.giphy.com/media/3oEduUoblEUGMklYkw/giphy.gif [19:07] zgleda kr ok [19:19] kul feature je "remove everything and reinstall windows" [19:52] TIL da nisem kriminalec http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2015/06/filesharing-a-gateway-into-the-dark-side-according-to-uk-police-chief/ [19:52] Filesharing “a gateway into the dark side” says UK police chief | Ars Technica UK [19:52] »And claiming "piracy is theft" is a gateway to even more absurd statements.« [19:52] vsaj v UK ne