[00:09] looks like I'm finally able to tether, but how can I seep it up? [00:09] speed [00:39] cwayne: why can I never add an untappd account to Online Accounts? [01:21] mhall119: signon plugin was updated and broke it :/ fix is stuck in a silo for a month === howefield is now known as howefield_afk [02:41] join server irc.deadchildren.info join channel #HELLNET [02:41] join server irc.deadchildren.info join channel #HELLNET === 5EXABD84D is now known as infinity === mibofra is now known as Guest38719 [05:06] does anyone know how to use the alertDialog in Webview at https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Web.WebView/? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [06:26] good morning === danilos` is now known as danilos === davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2 === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss === mandel|lunch is now known as mandel [08:33] Is there an image for nexus 7, which has vivid and updates ? [08:34] (i.e. which channel should I use for getting a Nexus 7 image which is comparable to a bq / meizu one) === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [08:35] popey, ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu [08:35] thanks ogra_ [08:35] the community buiold (no HERE) [08:37] perfect [08:51] pitti: hey, once we get all the translations done and verified, would it be possible for you to run the translation upload job manually for us? [08:52] sil2100: I can, but we first need a Launchpad export [08:52] Since I guess the auto-uploads are happening on Tuesdays, right? [08:52] and after that lands, we run the langpack build automatically anyway [08:52] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+language-packs [08:52] we should actually get one today [08:53] but the export might already be running, so it could have missed my German translations from an hour ago [08:53] let's ask wgrant in #u-devel === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [08:54] pitti: I think we also have some unverified spanish translations [08:54] ah, so those would be missing either way [08:55] Yeah, if we missed the export, will we be able to re-trigger it somehow? [08:55] sil2100: yes, wgrant can re-run them [08:56] I pinged in #u-devel [08:56] wgrant | pitti: Not for another 90 minutes. [08:56] sil2100: so if we can get them verified in the next 1.5 h, it's all good [08:57] ah, jibel is just asking fgimenez about those [08:58] \o/ [09:01] ogra_: checked again, krillin and arale very comparable scrolling speed in browser viewing news.bbc.co.uk [09:01] popey, not here [09:01] * popey shrugs [09:01] scrolling in my G+ app on both devices i see the arale draw the tiles [09:09] popey, what i note on the arale is that it feels a lot snappier with adjusted GU [09:09] interesting [09:09] i wonder if the slowness comes from some downscaling that happens or some such [09:15] uh, oh [09:15] "Your membership in ubuntumembers is about to expire" [09:15] * ogra_ quickly renews [09:20] * popey notes victorp expired from ubuntumembers over the weekend. victorp want me to add you back in? [09:29] Good morning all; happy Monday, and happy Upsy Daisy Day! 😃 [09:35] good morning [09:40] dholbach, popey, dpm: Ping [09:41] SturmFlut: wassup [09:41] SturmFlut, pong [09:41] Nice, synchronized pongs [09:44] dpm, SturmFlut just pinged me about his ideas for an app contest - maybe you can take a look later on? [09:45] although I guess you're going to be busy catching up [09:45] psst! ;) [09:46] hi SturmFlut, dholbach, I'm still catching up, yes. I think I saw a link to a doc on my inbox, is everything on the doc? [09:46] yeah, dpm was just away for a week, so I imagine his inbox to have exploded :) [09:46] dpm, yes, should be [09:46] dpm, the idea was to have a hangout together to talk some more about ideas [09:46] dpm: Yes, hasn't changed for a few days now, should be quite stable [09:47] SturmFlut, dholbach, cool, thanks, I will have a look at it today [09:48] <3 === howefield_afk is now known as howefield [09:48] \o/ [09:50] Does anybody here do a lot of system-level debugging on the phone? Not gdb, but ps, top, etc. and maybe even stuff like ftrace. I'm working on a new article and could need some input. [10:28] hi [10:29] hello [10:47] pitti: the translation export happened already, do you know? If yes, could you make sure the new translations are uploaded to the overlay PPA? :) We'd like to kick a new image once those are in [10:49] sil2100: it's happening right now (takes a few hours) [10:49] sil2100: it'll appear on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+language-packs [10:50] Ok, thanks [10:50] Will be watching that one closely [11:15] pitti: oh, I see a delta from 2015-06-08 13:12:54 CEST - will the translations be now auto-uploaded, or do you have to force it manually? [11:16] sil2100: no, it has been cron'ed for several weeks already [11:16] sil2100: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay has langpacks from June 1 (previous LP export) [11:16] sil2100: ah, the LP export is ready now [11:17] pitti: yep :) I know it's cronned, but I was wondering what we can do to get the new ones uploaded :D [11:17] sil2100: so I can trigger the update now, instead of tomorrow, if that helps [11:17] Yes, we would be super grateful [11:18] running [11:18] Thanks! [11:22] popey, please :) [11:23] done [11:37] dobey, ogra_ : ping [11:38] SturmFlut, whats up ? [11:39] ogra_: Quick question! When you're debugging system and process issues on the device, which tools do you use? ps, top, vmstat, strace, tcpdump, anything else? [11:39] usually ps and top and logs [11:40] i rarely work on stuff that requires anything beyond that [11:40] ogra_: anything "advanced", like ftrace? [11:40] s/work on/used to work on/ [11:40] not for the stuff i usually do ... [11:41] my main environemnt are scripts, init jobs/services etc [11:41] Okay, thanks a lot! [11:41] (or the initrd) [11:41] if you actually need to debug binaries thats indeed more tricky [11:41] (gdb, strace, valgrind ) [11:43] ogra_: Yeah, I'll get into strace in a future article. [11:43] though thats all easy ... it gets really funny if you need to debug something in the android container :) [11:44] (for which you need bionic linked binaries you need to cross build yourself) [11:47] ogra_: I noticed that everything in the Android container runs unconfined. Will that change at some point? [11:47] i doubt that [11:47] it might run unconfined, but it is inside a container :) [11:50] ogra_: Jep. it still has full access to anything, including things like /dev/kmem, right? [11:51] it has its own /dev [11:51] (and its own /proc) [11:51] but yes, if there are identical devices in both /dev trees both systems have access to them [11:51] and the in-container bits have it unconfined [11:52] SturmFlut: yep, it can access any device node and so do whatever it wants on the phone. There's really no way around this though. We use Android for hardware initialization and management... [11:52] even if we restricted it to the bare minimum it needs, it'd still be allowed access to the firmware interface in the kernel which lets it do just about anything (not to mention that most of the devices it's pushing firmware to, can then do DMA) :) [11:53] SturmFlut, the img that gets mounted under /system is readonly ... and lives on a readonly device, breaking out of that to make any changes to the img isnt actually possible on the running system [11:53] ogra_, stgraber: Thanks a lot. I'm just asking to confirm that I've got it right. [11:53] so if you wanted to inject something you would have to do it from an unlocked recovery [11:54] where you can mount that img RW [11:56] ogra_: My thought was that I don't really trust all those proprietary Android bits in the container, so it might be interesting to confine them, but at the end it's like stgraber already said, still too many possibilities to mess with the system. [11:56] right, all we can do here is make it hard to change the contents ... [11:57] in case of "normal" phones where the recovery.img has no adb you shouldnt have an easy way to tinker with it [11:58] Glad I got this right [11:58] sil2100: updated langpacks are in the overlay PPA [11:59] pitti: Have you found anybody who'll help you with systemd? [12:00] SturmFlut: several people raised interest (but more like "drive-by" contributions), and I got one volunteer for more in-depth maintenance [12:01] pitti: Great! I have no clue about init systems, otherwise I would've stepped up :/ [12:04] stgraber: May I ask you the same question about which tools you usually use to debug system and process activity? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [12:11] pitti: excellent, I see the notification [12:11] Thanks again [12:16] rsalveti, ondra: Ping [12:30] oSoMoN: forgot to mention, i fixed the failing test in keyboard navigation. hope it is all good now [12:40] SturmFlut: pong === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:00] nerochiaro, thanks, I’ll take another look === Guest38719 is now known as mibofra [13:45] Elleo, i added a test for file uris in my url-dispatcher-tests branch, can you give it another review? [13:45] and the backport branch too [13:45] kenvandine: sure thing [13:45] Elleo, thx [13:46] no problem :) [13:50] kenvandine, I don't know if APN and MMSC should be translated. mpt, any thoughts? [13:51] i wouldn't think those would be translatable, but i'm not an expert [13:51] I think yes for APN and no for MMSC. [13:51] jgdx, translators would know that better than I do [13:51] really? [13:51] would you find carrier help pages that refer to APN as something else? [13:51] in Norwegian, yes. [13:51] seb128, ^^ what do you think? [13:52] jgdx, interesting... ok [13:52] if so then it should be translated [13:52] why wouldn't MMSC then? [13:52] kenvandine, it actually does, looking at my carriers pages [13:52] MMS-proxy, MMS-tjener [13:52] :) [13:52] so it stays I guess [13:52] ok [13:52] fine with me [13:52] kenvandine, what jgdx says I guess ;-) [13:53] kenvandine, Windows Phone calls the MMSC the “WAP Gateway”. Maybe in other languages that term is more common than MMSC, and if so, they’d probably translate “gateway”. [13:53] jgdx, just comment on the MP, and we're good [13:56] kenvandine, oke doke [13:56] thx === howefield is now known as howefield_afk [14:04] kenvandine, hey, wrt https://launchpad.net/bugs/1459649, could you transfer ownership of the webbrowser-app project in LP to me? [14:04] Launchpad bug 1459649 in webbrowser-app "Browser app has two unsynced bug lists" [Undecided,New] [14:04] oSoMoN, sure! [14:06] oSoMoN, oh, i don't think i really own it... it's maintained by pspmteam [14:07] kenvandine, ok, I’ll ask dbarth then, thanks! [14:07] np [14:07] i just did a mass project creation :) [14:07] dbarth, is it possible to transfer ownership of the webbrowser-app LP project to me, or at least to give me edit rights for it? [14:10] oSoMoN: sure [14:10] why the hell is it so hard to get to the code on launchpad -.- [14:12] s/hard/impossible/ [14:13] seriously, how do I get to the commit log of system-image client https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image [14:17] Tassadar: bzr log lp:ubuntu-system-image [14:17] yeah, that's why you have that whole launchpad running [14:17] Tassadar: how is it so hard? [14:18] do you see any way to get to the log on that page? [14:18] not mentioning that "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-system-image/"." [14:18] oh [14:18] barry: ^^ wtf? [14:19] I mean, if the code is not there, that would explain it) [14:19] the code is obviously not there [14:19] might be related to the git support? [14:19] Tassadar, dobey i moved it to git [14:19] https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+git [14:20] ah [14:20] launchpad might have some ux work to do, then) [14:20] barry: is it not in the ubuntu archive? [14:20] Tassadar: yep, but they're aware of it [14:20] Tassadar: it does, the git stuff is not complete :) [14:21] that's why it's "beta" :) [14:21] system-image | 3.0-0ubuntu2 | wily/universe | source [14:23] oh [14:23] i see. you are evil and used a different source name [14:24] dobey: the mistakes we make in our youth continue to haunt us === howefield_afk is now known as howefield [14:41] hey all [14:43] I would like to test OTA-4, so I have two questions about this topic. First, how can I backup my phone (everything), then how can I try the OTA-4, which channel I need to use, and finally how can I restore the backup from point #1 ? :) [14:45] robin-hero, be a machoman and jump into the ice without restore! Wooo! [14:46] robin-hero: i just make a tarball of $HOME, after deleting some extraneous cache files or such, and then copy it over to my workstation. if you want to back-up any apps you installed too, you can tar up /opt/click.ubuntu.com/ preserving the permissions as well, but the apps can easily be re-installed from the store, so i don't usually back those up [14:47] dobey: does that keep stuff like e-mail accounts on dekko? [14:47] dobey: Thanks, I will try this later. [14:47] but I didn't get answer my most important question :) which channel I need to use? [14:48] brunch875: should yes. as long as you don't delete them first :) [14:48] robin-hero: rc-proposed i think [14:49] * brunch875 holds the urge to jump onto the devel channel [14:49] brunch875: remember, apps are confined, so can only write into certain paths underneath $HOME anyway. so they won't have any data outside $HOME at this point (maybe when we have support for allowing apps to read/write to an SD card, there will be things outside home [14:50] brunch875: you definitely don't want to switch to devel-proposed [14:50] what's the worst that could happen? [14:51] Even if it stops booting, I'd still be able to flash from fastboot... right? [14:51] brunch875: devel-proposed is wily, which is not targeted to be on any phones, and there are going to be some big changes coming in the next few months in wily, which may break stuff on the phone [14:51] Hmm. gotta go willy on n7 [14:51] Aand rip. [14:52] well, sure. but if it boots and is totally useless, don't want to waste your time filing bugs against things that work fine on the supported phone images, and that are only broken as a matter of disruption as wily moves toward snappy based system [14:53] Hmm.. I'm not sure if UT drains mor battery than android, damn :D [14:54] Still on nexus 7 [14:57] dobey: But call log and sms messages are strored out of home dir If I right [14:58] robin-hero: nope, they are stored in the home dir too, iirc [15:01] dobey: yes, you are right, it is ~.local/share/history-service/history.sqlite [15:05] the db for usermetrics (the stuff displayed on the lock screen) /might/ be in an external dir, but i don't recall exactly [15:06] hello, will the ubuntu phone be insatallable in LG g4, they have unlocked their bootloader? [15:06] varikonniemi, if someone does a port [15:10] ogra_: is the developer mode without passcode looking any good? [15:12] brunch875, no idea, i'm not working much on phone stuff currently and i dont know if there is anyone in the phone team yet to take over the developer mode stuff [15:12] I see! [15:12] i fear it will still take a while [15:12] it's just a comodity either way [15:13] yeah, as long as the current way works it should be fine ... [15:13] it will likely break as soon as someone bumps the container bits to lollipop though [15:13] (without moving adb forward) [15:19] rvr, sil2100: hello [15:20] pitti: Please, log into #ubuntu-ci-eng [15:20] sil2100: so, rvr just pointed out a problem [15:20] sil2100: our overlay PPA doesn't have any support for translations/message sharing [15:20] as it's neither vivid nor wily [15:21] so while e. g. trunk has a new message "Got it": https://translations.launchpad.net/dialer-app/trunk/+pots/dialer-app/es/+translate?search=Got [15:21] the same message isn't in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+source/dialer-app/+pots/dialer-app/es/+translate?search=Got [15:23] !devices | varikonniemi [15:23] varikonniemi: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [15:24] sil2100: moving to #ubuntu-ci-eng (for whatever reason) [15:25] uuuh === tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner [16:38] I flashed the rc/bq-aquaris.en and in the Settings it is show this is r23. But the apps have the old icons, it has the old header. Did something go wrong? [16:40] ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en [16:40] that's where I am at [16:40] r27 [16:41] rc-proposed r27 is equal to r23 in rc channel, right? [16:42] 2015/06/08 18:40:18 Rebooting into recovery to flash Failed to enter Recovery [16:42] that's normal [16:42] just wait for it to reboot, it takes long. [16:43] oh, I think I need to use rc-proposed, jut trying with that [16:44] the failed to enter recovery is a normal message [16:45] brunch875: Yes, I read that. But the last release in the rc channel is created at today 12 hour, and in the rc-proposed it is created 14 o'clok [16:47] robin-hero: the new header was reverted a long time ago in all places [16:48] robin-hero: as for the new app icons, they will all be changed in one go..which should happen *after* OTA-4 [16:48] atleast for core-apps afaik [16:49] but I don't have the bottom edge gesture for tab management in browser too [16:49] *doesn't [16:49] - [16:51] I do have it [16:51] And I noticed LED notitifications are now green instead of blue [16:52] also, an overall performance gain. But that might just be a placebo effect. [16:54] robin-hero: did you try rc-proposed? [16:55] yes, has just finished the flasing... [16:58] oh, yes :D i needed rc-proposed :) === tvoss|dinner is now known as tvoss [16:59] the PIN code screen uses the wallpaper :) [16:59] yeah, gets pretty confusing if you have a sim pin [16:59] (which now uses the wallpaper too) [16:59] barry: where is archive-master.tar.xz keyring put into the image? [17:00] i always miss hitting the little checkmark [17:00] Tassadar: with si 3.0 it's in /usr/share/system-image iirc. with si 2.5 it's in /etc/system-image [17:01] yeah, but how does it get there? [17:01] still from keyring-xxxxx.tar.gz file? [17:02] oh, keyring-xxx is just for custom servers [17:02] aaand it's wrong :x [17:02] I wish I could add one wallpaper to the lock-screen and another to the pin-screen [17:03] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-system-image/ubuntu-system-image/server/view/head:/lib/systemimage/generators.py#L1058 yup === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:22] Tassadar: it is supposed to get laid down in the system-image client tarball. archive-master is the only one that doesn't get downloaded ever. and yeah, i guess we need to fix the server now too [17:31] hi [17:32] it's possible to install touch on a sony xperiaE dual? [17:34] !devices | egon1 [17:34] egon1: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [17:36] so ist definetly impossible to a sony xperiaE? [17:38] nothing is impossible [17:39] mhm i'm interessted for testing ubuntu on my phone [17:40] Does UT got newer androidstack whatever compared to Jollas? [17:40] Would be cool to run UT on a Jolla.. [17:40] :D [17:41] tathhu, it uses kitkat drivers [17:41] Ok so it's a no [17:41] And apparently someone tried it already :D [17:42] Elleo, if you want to test your app with my branch, there should be debs soon at https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/content-hub/all_content_type/+merge/261432 [17:42] tathhu, what does jolla use ? even older stuff ? [17:42] iirc they released the phone before kitkat came out [17:43] (4.1.2 on the jolla1) [17:43] Stskeeps: <3 [17:43] Stskeeps, any plans to move forward at some point ? [17:43] ogra_: well, we support 4.4 and all that just fine, it's just that every device is practically stuck on the release it's delivered with [17:44] ah [17:44] you dont upgrade the android bits ? [17:44] well, we do, but let's say, upgrading kernel is out of the question and typically ODMs stop caring about certain chips every 6 months ;) [17:45] heh, yeah [17:45] we only dont touch the bootloader ... [17:45] everything else gets upgrades as they come [17:45] so, aiming to put 5.x based adaptation on the bq? [17:45] i.e. we might switch to lollipop at some point if we have matching branches for all phones [17:46] real question is what the cost benefit would be [17:46] it may very well trigger recertification [17:46] if there is a branch anyway it shouldnt be to hard [17:49] our image design allows upgrading either the generic rootfs, the device bits (android HAL) or the customization bits separately ... so technically we arent stuck [17:49] sure, i just know how chinese ODMs work ;) [17:49] practically it is surely a ton of work to move forward ... and it only makes sense if we dont bloat the generic rootfs with backwards compatibility to much [17:50] so i would expect a lollipop move only if we can upgrade all the phones [18:05] egon1: if there is no existing port, then you will have to do the porting work yourself. follow the porting guide in the topic [18:32] kenvandine: great === everbrew_ is now known as everbrew === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss === pat__ is now known as pmcgowan [20:12] Hmmmm, I'm reading /proc/timer_stats on my bq Aquaris E4.5 and it keeps showing events for some process IDs which seemingly don't exist. Any ideas? [20:17] Ooooh, those are thread IDs [20:17] Bad documentation :/ [20:22] tvoss: I was looking through cking's system tool collection, and while using "eventstat" I noticed that ubuntu-location-serviced apparently causes ten timer events per second on my bq with OTA-3.5, even though Location detection is completely turned off. Could that be possible? [20:23] SturmFlut, I looked at that some time back, and it turns out that the android gps hal implementation for the bq keeps on "ticking" at that rate [20:24] SturmFlut, I might have missed something, best way to check: edit the location service upstart job override and remove the --provider gps::Provider [20:24] reboot, and see again [20:24] tvoss: Ah, nice to know, I was mostly asking to confirm that I actually understand things [20:26] tvoss: Any chance to turn that "ticking" off if Location detection is turned off completely? Does this increase power consumption by a noticeable margin? [20:27] SturmFlut, unlikely, specifically as it does not prevent deep sleep. So the answer probably is: if it is our last problem to solve, we are in a very good position power-save wise [20:27] SturmFlut, also note that we do not have control over the gps HAL implementation [20:27] tvoss: Ah, if it doesn't prevent deep sleep then it's a completely different story, right [20:28] SturmFlut, yup, it should be addressed at some point, but I think we can identify more pressing power saving issues with cking's tooling [20:30] tvoss: He just told me about his tools a couple of hours ago, I'm currently writing a special article to make them known to a wider audience. Any hints on how you "usually" use them? For example, how did you find out that this GPS "ticking" doesn't prevent deep sleep? So I don't have to bother you next time [20:31] SturmFlut, it's a case-by-case basis, and you probably want cking's input on the usual usage pattern. I usually just react to his findings :) [20:31] tvoss: Hehe [20:32] tvoss: I'll ask him to proof-read the article if he has the time [20:32] SturmFlut, that's probably best [20:32] tvoss: btw, do we have any plans in place for apps that want to track location while the screen is off (think like a run-tracking app)? [20:33] maybe even just the ability to write coords to a file every x seconds could work.. [20:33] cwayne, yup, we started talking about that ... however: it's a very delicate balance between privacy and flexibility. there obviously also is a power consumption concern but to me, the privacy concern is more important [20:34] cwayne: you can run in background if the app doesn't spawn a gui (which is really hacky) [20:34] mcphail, and actually a known bugby now :) [20:34] tvoss: right, that's certainly a fair concern, but it's also a pretty common use case really [20:34] mcphail, which will be fixed soon'ish [20:34] tvoss: don't close it... :) [20:34] mcphail, we have to :) [20:34] aargh [20:35] tvoss: Probably display some kind of authorisation dialogue to the user, with the option to remember the answer? [20:35] cwayne, sure, not questioning that :) it will require a specific trust prompt and the ability to register a hook with the service when significant changes to the position occur [20:35] SturmFlut, yup, that's what we call a trust prompt [20:40] tvoss: Are you collecting public input for that hook/callback API? I could come up with some quite interesting use cases I think [20:40] SturmFlut, we have mostly brainstormed thus far, I will ping you a link once we have a bug/document open for input [20:40] \o/ [20:43] tvoss: is this API going to be available for any task to run in background, or only specific things like hooking into GPS changes? [20:43] mcphail, this is service-specific, not a general "run-in-background" api [20:43] hmm. shame [20:46] Would be good if you could permit a service to run in background for, say, 1% of screen-off time. If permission was explicit the app would still be running under the usual confinement so I can't see the privacy concern [20:47] Is this a joke or is the new Mac OS X actually called "El Capitan" [21:08] SturmFlut: I guess it tis [21:24] hi [21:24] is it known bug that Ubuntu market stops working when localized? (it broke after some recent update) [21:25] 'Ubuntu Store' to be precise [21:25] I'm using Czech localisation [21:26] aquaris 4.5 ubuntu edition [21:27] 'stops working' = after some recent update it doesn't do anything [21:28] as I noticed Ubuntu Store button localized, I tried to set tu US localization and it started to work again [21:29] Sleep_Walker: please switch back to the translated version, and file a bug, attaching ~/.cache/upstart/scope-registry.log to the bug report. [21:30] that isn't a known issue to me. should be working, and nothing has changed with the scope in some time. it might be that a translation update broke something that causes the scope to fail to start though :-/ [21:30] please file a bug though. :) [21:30] after switch it works again even localized :| [21:30] but didn't work before [21:31] oh [21:31] maybe just bad timing then [21:31] is log still worth of attaching? [21:31] it didn't work for week or so [21:31] would need the log from when it was failing [21:31] a log of it working won't help :) [21:31] I assume that log is created/truncated on boot :( [21:32] OK, I'll attach the file next time I'll meet it [21:32] thanks [21:32] i don't recall when it gets truncated/rotated. you could look at the rotated compressed log files and see if it's still in there anywhere [21:32] if you have one that is dated for a day that was failing, it probably has it [21:33] anyway, i have to go now. if you find a useful log file, please file a bug with the log :) [21:33] later [21:33] ack [21:36] what are the possible players for RTSP streaming on ubuntu touch? [21:43] I can see some dbus error in the log, but "preferred method for filing bugs" is not working for me [21:43] either view report or send report does nothing [21:44] I assume I chose the command correctly `adb shell ubuntu-bug unity-scope-click' [21:44] what are the possible players for RTSP streaming on ubuntu touch? [21:44] i tried Mplayer but video codec is not working [21:45] VLC Control is also not working === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [22:19] Hum... === salem_ is now known as _salem