=== karni-hols is now known as karni === davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2 === Malsasa is now known as Guest55203 === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [14:05] Anybody have any ideas why my laptop is always displaying the OOBE no matter what user I use on the system? [14:05] When I say "OOBE", it's the wizard that wants to set up the phone. [14:09] ChrisTownsend, in unity8 sessions? [14:10] yes [14:10] seb128: yep [14:10] why wouldn't it? [14:10] well, it's not a phone, for a start [14:10] you probably have that component installed and it has an upstart job that makes it show [14:10] I shout at it, but no one ever answers [14:11] any idea which upstart job has the bug? [14:12] Hmm, which component? It happens both with unity8-desktop-session-mir and with unity8-lxc which is basically the Ubuntu Desktop Next ISO in an LXC. [14:20] ChrisTownsend, bregma, no in fact it seems they changed it to be some unity8 component [14:20] mterry might know better the condition for it to show [14:20] * mterry reads back [14:22] ChrisTownsend, that wizard is in unity8 itself. It shows if the file ~/.config/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-has-run doesn't exist [14:24] mterry: Ok, I'll check that. But hat's kind of a poor wizard for desktop session users the first time they log in:) [14:25] ChrisTownsend, agreed. That is just one example of many where we need to adjust wording (no hardcoded 'phone') and behavior. We don't have stellar "mode" detection right now [14:25] mterry: Yeah, I don't have that file. Actually, I don't even have the .config/ubuntu-system-settings directory. [14:26] I'm not sure there is even a proper plan in place for solving that problem, and certainly the lack of suitable and effective QA continues to hurt the convergence effort [14:27] mterry: It now shows the regular greeter when I created that dir and file. [14:28] kgunn, is do we have any kind of design or plan in place for the initial experience of Ubuntu Personal on different devices? [14:29] bregma, ChrisTownsend, kgunn, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1435877 [14:29] Launchpad bug 1435877 in Ubuntu UX "[design] tutorial not adapted to desktop mode" [Medium,Triaged] [14:31] ChrisTownsend, so sounds like a problem that it couldn't make that dir. But good otherwise, right? [14:31] ChrisTownsend, mterry, couldn't it make that dir, or are you starting with a fresh profile every time? [14:32] (we have code to make that dir... but clearly isn't working here) [14:32] mterry: I didn't go all the way through the wizard. As a desktop user, I don't need to set a PIN or a passphrase. [14:32] mterry: So I bailed out wondering why I need to do that. [14:33] ChrisTownsend, right I just meant that you expected to see the greeter now that you have the dir [14:33] as I recall, you can go through the whole wizard and it doesn't actually affect anything [14:33] So the bug here is just around the dir/file creation [14:34] mterry: Yes, I created the dir and the wizard-has-run file and now the greeter shows as expected with no wizard. When is the dir and file supposed to be created? [14:34] ChrisTownsend, as the wizard ends [14:35] ChrisTownsend, ah... but you were bailing [14:35] mterry: Ok, I never ended the wizard. [14:35] mterry: Right [14:35] yay, so unexpected behavior and likely a bug that we show certain options on the desktop [14:35] but mostly working [14:35] a matter of UX [14:36] mterry: It was confusing to me as to why that wizard was coming up. And I supposedly know what I'm doing:) [14:36] ChrisTownsend, fair [14:36] mterry: Thanks! [14:39] bregma: i do know that design has it on their backlog to address the OOBE for desktop/converged devices [14:41] kgunn: I can tell you it's one f'd up experience when trying out Unity 8 right now. It confused the hell outta me. [14:41] kgunn: I was like, "What is this? I'm not on a phone!" And just powered off the machine. [14:42] ChrisTownsend, you are weird :-) [14:42] it's confusing but it has nothing scary, does it? why powering off the machine [14:42] seb128: lol, you're not the first to tell me that:) [14:42] you could have acked your language [14:42] and the few other things it asks about [14:43] ChrisTownsend, lol, sorry :-) [14:43] I agree it's confusing, but it's not the end of the world [14:43] seb128: The thing I kind of got nervous about is it asking for no password, PIN, or Passphrase. I wasn't sure how that would react to the one already set for my user. [14:44] I tried it earlier, it does nothing [14:44] which may in itself be a bug, I dunno [14:44] ChrisTownsend, oh, I see [14:44] I made the liveCD session write the timestamp file to not have the oobe on there [14:45] we should probably skip it on desktop as well, unsure how to detect "desktop" though [14:45] it only lets me enter a limited-length numeric-digit-only password, maybe 32 bits of entropy [14:45] seb128: We could have the unity8-desktop-session-mir package write that file out as well. [14:45] yeah [14:45] that's probably a good way to workaround it [14:45] want to mp a change for that? [14:46] seb128: It's user specific though, so how do we handle all current users of the machine and any new one's? [14:48] ChrisTownsend, /usr/bin/lightdm-unity8-session is run by the user no? [14:49] just add a mkdir && touch in there? [14:49] seb128: Ah, good idea, thanks! [14:49] yw! [14:50] seb128: And yeah, I'll do the MP. [14:50] ChrisTownsend, thanks! [14:50] seb128: You're welcome! [14:51] ChrisTownsend, maybe write some #TODO comment with a reference to 1435877 (or to an equivalent bug for the oobe wizard) [14:51] seb128: sure [14:52] thanks === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:16] willcooke: is there any work-around to the N4->HDMI sizing issue? [17:31] mhall119, dont know. I think that's a U8 thing, maybe Mir [17:32] but I think not, just have to live with it for now [17:32] ok, I was hoping to show it off at SELF this weekend, but not if it won't look god [17:32] good even === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh