[00:07] I looked throught the system logs and didn't see anything wierd. [00:34] shakes808: I'd bet ssh key issue [00:34] it's going to time out trying to auth if you leave it forever I bet [00:34] or you've got something in your ssh config messing things up. Try using https for hte urls vs git@ and see if that makes any diff [00:34] Hello rick_h_, I created a new one and associated on my computer and on GitHub [00:35] I will look into that [00:35] I seen you are shutting Bookie down. Why? [00:35] shakes808: understood, but unless you're using it on other repos just peachy I'd suspect that imo [00:35] shakes808: just shutting down hosting everyone's stuff for free. I've been paying for it for a number of years as my 'hobby' but no time these days for it to be hobby space [00:35] That I am not. New computer and trying to get things set back up to hack on my own stuff again [00:36] so honestly just want to not be responsible for keeping it up, everyone's data backed up, and paying for the two servers it runs on [00:36] shakes808: gotcha [00:36] Gotcha. Understandable. [00:36] No one wanted to help contribute? [00:37] shakes808: well, I think people like the idea but it's my baby and I can't make the time for it. [00:37] could have a small subscription fee ;) [00:37] the reason to run a hosted version for folks was that it was 0 effort [00:37] Gotcha. [00:37] so people used it, add effort and I bet most would not have used it [00:37] shakes808: yea, thought about that. But there were some 500 people with bookmarks, if 10% payed $10/yr I'd be going through it for $500 a year [00:37] How did the students do with it? (interns or whatever you had) [00:38] and then people would be justified in "I"m paying for htis...why isn't bug XXX fixed" [00:38] they did great. The google summer of code was one of the best (and hardest) things I'd done with bookie [00:38] Ah [00:38] Sweet. What is your next project? [00:38] getting a kayak next week :) [00:39] trying to work hard on getting outdoors as much as possible this summer [00:39] good for the work/life balance and teaching the boy to enjoy getting outside [00:39] Sweet! Lake or River Kayak? [00:39] come this winter we might see. [00:39] lake around here, but one that I can take on rivers as well [00:39] Cool. [00:39] mostly for fishing, but the wife and I do like going on the au sable and such [00:40] I take my boy "camping" at Stony Creek. I want to get out on some state land soon :) [00:40] Have you hit up the Field and Steam yet? [00:40] yea, we've been using the camper for the last bit. We're on our 3rd summer with it [00:40] hah no [00:40] I grew up reading that though [00:40] right now checking out kyak angler on the tablet :) [00:41] They opened up a shop at Oakland. [00:41] New building and all [00:41] Almost like Outdoor World / Bass Pro Shop up at Great Lakes [00:41] but less of a drive ) [00:41] :) [00:41] oh yea, pass by that on the way to CHCD [00:41] CHC [00:41] but the bass pro shops is a lot closer to me [00:42] I'll probably hit it up at some point just to check it out, but it's a half hour + from me [00:42] Where are you guys hacking now? I was in that area the other day and the coffee shop was vacant. I thought it was changing to a new coffee shop. [00:42] we've been in the royal oak 'bean and leaf' for the last year or so? [00:43] Oh, thought you lived out this way. I know I see CMaloney from time to time. It has been a while since the last sighting [00:43] yea, I'm up north by DTE energy [00:43] I always drive down for CHC [00:43] it was setup down south to get other folks, I like driving :) [00:43] Gotcha. I will have to stop in one day if I can break away from work at a decent time [00:43] though wed night has turned into fishing night for me and looking forward to getting the kayal this week [00:44] heh, it's at 8pm [00:44] if that's not a decent time to stop work I don't know what is [00:44] :| [00:44] yeah [00:44] Last Thursday I got out around 6 and then had to go back in at 8:30 for some database changes. I was there until 1AM [00:45] My schedule is all FUBAR [00:46] One of the reasons for me to mess around with NodeJS. There is an opening at a place down the street and they gave me an assignment and trying feverishly to learn and get that complete [00:46] Trying to leave the place I am at now [01:00] Evening everyone [01:00] it's 9pm and time for meeting [01:02] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-mi/916/detail/ [01:02] There's the agenda [01:02] as you can see, there's not a whole lot on the agenda. :) [01:05] So if there's something anyone would like to bring up please feel free. [01:08] I don't have anything to add [03:12] Had to reload my browser, not sure if this sent. [03:12] Can anyone take a look at http://pastebin.com/0J6u12gU [03:12] I don't know what I am missing. [03:13] It is a NodeJS tutorial. NodeJS's solution is on top and mine is on the bottom. [13:33] mornin' [13:37] party [13:37] woo! [17:23] awfully quiet party [17:23] library party [20:23] hrm... it appears something happened that should not have happened... [20:32] ? [20:52] that sounds like the way a Canadian would phrase an error message for a scenario they hadn't accounted for