=== rusbus is now known as Russ_|Away [05:48] More almal [05:50] Môre. [06:20] ai! now they even check if they can remember how to cut my power [06:22] morning nlsthzn barrydk captine and all you others [06:24] morning [06:33] good mornings [06:33] lo inetpro [06:37] mornings [06:39] hi ThatGraemeGuy [07:02] aloha [07:02] hello superfly [07:02] hi fly [07:02] email some pizza [07:23] Morning everyone [07:23] hi mazal [07:24] 'lo [07:33] I need vodka , or witblitz , or green herbs , or anything [07:33] One of those Mondays [07:34] haha [08:07] hi elacheche Cryterion [08:07] o/ [08:07] How are you doing today Kilos :) [08:07] good ty and you? [08:07] Good thanks :) [08:14] Morning [08:17] I forgot the group name lol...found it again [08:18] what name? [08:18] I was joining #ubuntu_za the whole time [08:18] :D [08:18] add it in your irc client [08:19] yep just did lol...wondered why I was piet snot all on my own [08:19] haha [08:19] been there done that [08:19] I was thinking Jislyk these mense sleep late on a monday :) [08:20] hahaha [08:20] we are nearly always here [08:20] even got some owls [08:20] good to know if I ever get stuck [08:21] I can normally fix most things thou [08:21] good then you can help noobs too [08:21] keep record of fixes [08:21] was it you that couldnt get printers working [08:22] yea, but in my defense....they are Canon MF units [08:22] support for them is horrible [08:22] there must be a fix somewhere [08:22] I've trolled....its an MF5700 series [08:22] hp stuff is very ubuntu friendly [08:23] yea probably gonna buy the HP MF Lazer [08:23] pain in the ass printing to file then running Win7 in a VB just to print [08:24] http://www.computing.net/answers/unix/can-the-canon-mf5700-work-under-linux-driver/9073.html [08:25] somewhere someone must have had the same prob [08:25] you can always ask on #ubuntu [08:25] the whole world watches there [08:26] from what I have found trolling there's no fix as of yet [08:26] i cant keep up on that channel [08:26] and canon wont come to the party [08:26] ai! [08:26] are they scanners as well? [08:26] its cool thou, had the unit for about 5 years so its time for a change anyway [08:27] yep 4-1 [08:27] try run simplescan and see if it sees it [08:27] cant get my 3200F scanner working either :) [08:27] i think its called simplescan [08:27] yep tried lol [08:27] ai! [08:28] even tried sudo find-sanner command, it fails [08:28] blocks with permissions but even as root it doesn't ID the scanner [08:29] worse case, I'll set up a basic Win7 machine just for the stuff I cant get working on Ubuntu [08:30] the VB is ok but hellishly slow [08:31] ai! second short power cut this morning [08:32] was gonna say, hellkom or inefectiveeskom [08:32] They in stage 1 atm, stage 2 is scheduled for this afternoon [08:32] hmm they said on the radio stage 1 and reverting back to no load shedding [08:33] eish [08:33] honestly cant keep up with the flipping and flopping anymore [08:33] ECR said stage 2 this afternoon [08:33] im learning to hate eskom [08:33] prince of darkness [08:34] hmm ok maybe gridwatch is just not updating as quick :) [08:35] so weird though, we go over a week with no shedding then they get koeberg running and add 9megawatt power to the grid then next day shedding starts again [08:35] all about the next large increase they want [08:36] probably panic'ed "eish everything is waaaking, lets switch something off" [08:36] lol [08:36] * Cryterion lol [08:37] as a paristatal (sp?) they shouldn't be chasing profits, and run it as a business, no pay no power [08:37] think in 1990 koeberg was operating at 45% over capacity [08:39] man I need new/better clients lol [08:40] do you know how to use modprobe? [08:41] im just guessing now but that might help find the printer [08:42] man modprobe [08:42] I can give it a try, but doesn't it assume a drive it avail ? [08:42] i had to use it once to find something that the pc didnt see [08:44] I'll give a try later, but based on all I read, think its something to do with the firmware on the printer itself [08:45] that sucks [08:45] there's very little support for it on Win7 64b too, have to force it to use the 32b driver [08:46] anything takes longer than 2 hours to set up and configure, for me anyway, aint worth the time :) [08:47] lol [08:49] wouldn't be surprised if they finally managed to blow up the pump storage scheme turbines or something, those things were meant to operate only an hour or two a day for peak usage and they've been using them in overdrive [08:49] OTOH I wouldn't be surprised if the shortages are all manufactured like an african ENRON [08:49] yeah [08:50] don't really know what to think anymore === MaNL is now known as MaNI [08:50] does anybody know a number for capemail hub that they actually pick up on? [08:51] for updates u mean ? [08:51] oh u mean a telephone number [08:52] yeah telephone.. [08:53] isn't it localised ? [08:53] to area's I mean [08:54] Western Cape: 021 590 5400 [08:54] yes but each area has a big hub where customs is and all parcels get stuck (like miniature black holes), for JHB people its WITS or OR TAMBO - here it is capemail :P [08:56] ahh I got a fax machine last time I tried that one, but now it works [08:57] "your call is important to us, umkillikilli telkom unbose" lol [08:57] I can hear them talking in the background about shopping in the school holidays :/ [08:57] mind u telkoms service has been suprizingly better the last year or so [09:02] great parcel located, its inside the black hole as anticipated [09:02] one day capemail will figure out how to actually send people notification slips, it will be a glorious day [09:03] lol [09:04] seriously - it takes like 5 days for package to come from hong kong to za, and then it sits at capemail for like 2-3 months :p [09:08] Tell them the package was only meant to last a few days and that the deadly virus that it contains will leak out into their workspace if you don't pick it up soon. [09:08] lol [09:09] im still crying about my mark signed ubuntu certificate that they put in one of their black holes [09:09] the swines [09:11] heh [09:12] and the package status says 'in transit' not 'sitting on shelf collecting dust', such liars :p [09:13] lol [09:13] but yeah customs seems to be the main problem always [09:21] sorry was explaining to a client why ad-words suck lol [09:21] Why does it suck? [09:23] well let me correct myself, ad-words suck if your actual website itself sucks [09:24] Heh. [09:24] Pretty much. [09:24] trying for force ranking just using ad-words is ineffectual I was meaning [09:25] :) [09:25] Wouldn't adwords have no effect on rankings? [09:26] aside from displaying it in the advert space. [09:26] but the non-ad rankings should be independent of adwords afaik [09:26] you get higher priorty ranking using ad-words [09:26] oh, that's lame [09:27] but using adwords up against a properly formulated site with proper tags and alt's etc [09:27] But I don't know the system very well. [09:27] the "natural" ranker will always outstrip the forced adwords [09:28] http://www.submitawebsite.com/blog/2010/03/does-buying-google-adwords-improve.html [09:28] That article is pretty old though. [09:28] but tl;dr google doesn't affect natural rank because of adwords [09:29] yep, adwords will just give priorty listing while you still have funds in the account, some say the increase in traffic might improve the ranking [09:29] but natural ranking is still the better option :) [09:30] But that makes sense, I think that the quality of results returned would go down if adwords impacted natural ranking because then money > good website. [09:30] So google wouldn't want to do that, because that is basically their business, quality results. [09:30] explaining it to clients is fun sometimes thou [09:31] yep, its really just a money stream for google to be honest [09:31] cant beat a good solid site formatted right :) [09:31] 80% of their revenue comes from advertising, and the value of the ads is directly linked to the quality of the search results that get people's eyeballs looking in the first place [09:33] Quality and Validity :)...you can basically put anything you want in adwords so validity of content could be debateable [09:34] not so sure about their business being quality results anymore [09:34] the ranking already pushes all sorts of other little hidden agendas of theirs [09:34] the natural method trolls your content, so the validity should in theory be higher [09:35] MaNI: fair enough, but I'm not talking about what you would consider quality content, but the average use case for google. [09:35] for a google search* [09:35] I use it mainly for spelling lol [09:35] the average use case is to find relevant results [09:35] punishing sites that have lots of content, because they aren't 'mobile friendly' flies in the face of that use case [09:36] but it suits googles use case of wanting everyone to use android for everything [09:36] yea mobile-friendly is a new thing, its a pain in the ass really [09:36] Perhaps if the search is from a mobile phone. [09:36] Don't they cater the result based on the platform you search from? [09:36] thats not how it works though, its punished for everyone [09:36] it effectively means every site has to be responsive [09:36] having long content now kills your page rank [09:37] That is what I mean though, what is relevant to the average use case then is easy mobile accessibility. [09:37] I think you can overcome it by using excerpts and "read more" structure [09:37] it long ago stopped being about relevance and started being about how google wants your webpage to look [09:37] And responsive websites should work well on all platforms? [09:38] yes, responsive is all about cross-platform [09:38] morning morning [09:38] So I'm for that actually then. [09:38] But, I use duckduckgo most of the time anyway. [09:39] I agree, but again, explaining to clients they have to rehash their sites now [09:39] Well, that is why I stopped doing webdev: clients. [09:39] most say "but I've had it for XX years", it works lol [09:40] I've been doing mostly out the box dev recently [09:40] saves the manual dev [09:40] out the box? [09:40] stuff like weebly? [09:40] the lazy web dev using wordpress, joomla, drupal that kinda platform [09:40] ah [09:41] most are code heavy but saves alot of time [09:41] Yeah. [09:42] I'm building a site for a friend as a favour using weebly, but nice thing is since it is very wysiwyg and user friendly he can maintain it once I'm done. [09:42] 10 years ago it was unheard of to be able to do a e-commerce roll out in under an hour :) [09:42] hehe yep [09:42] never tried weebly, must take a look [09:43] been using primaryly wordpress for the main reason I dont have to re-invent the wheel for each requirment [09:44] Only time I used wordpress was for updating an existing website. [09:44] But that site was a disaster in terms of speed. [09:45] was it on shared hosting ? [09:45] Don't remember, probably. [09:45] yea wordpress on shared hosting can tend to be sluggish [09:46] Our firm didn't build it, we just reskinned it and updated it. [09:46] :) using Artiseer for the theme ? [09:47] or manual CSS [09:47] completely custom design, so manual CSS [09:48] :) I'm too lazy these days for even that, so many theme's availible already, just modify to clients needs :) [09:48] one of the major problems these days is clients are getting "smarter" and think its easy so they just wont pay for good dev [09:50] Thats why I'm slowly trying to transition into streaming TV content :) [10:01] Well, that was a design and marketing firm, so pretty and custom design was their thing. [10:02] Man. [10:02] Soup + break = heaven [10:02] bread* [10:03] nice freshly baked German Landbrot [10:05] Shame solidity hope you get well soon [10:05] nah, I'm 100% [10:05] 100% sick? [10:05] har [10:06] Just because sick people eat healthy food doesn't mean healthy people should eat sick food. [10:06] Anybody know where be oom Kilos ? [10:06] he mentioned power issues in his area mazal [10:07] oi , ok ta chris_za [10:07] I only eat soup if i can eat it with a knife and fourk i still can chew my food [10:07] maaz tell Kilos Oom herhinner my aan 2de deel van terugvoer [10:07] mazal: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [10:08] You can emulsifiy your soup by adding (wholewheat) flour and ground flaxseed, and just use chunky ingredients. [10:09] Apply knife before cooking, should able to use a fork then with the emulsification. [10:10] :P [10:10] aaaah hot coffee , soos koekies in die weeshuis :) [10:14] That is... actually rather depressing. [10:15] so is anyone streaming TV content in here ? [10:16] Like twitch? [10:16] Or stream tv shows? [10:16] live stream TV [10:17] So like twitch then. [10:17] I think. [10:17] yea looks similar [10:18] twitch just for game channels ? [10:19] I don't know. [10:19] But everything I have seen from twitch is based around games. [10:19] yea looks like it, I was meaning more TV from around the world [10:20] What do you stream? [10:20] 200 channels lol :) [10:21] can post a link if its allowed [10:22] As long as it is sfw I'm pretty sure it would be allowed. [10:22] http://www.filmon.com/?affid=161961Bs [10:23] got an android app too :) [10:23] hmm... [10:24] I did ask :) sorry Kilos [10:24] what? [10:24] oh, to post a link [10:24] just had 3rd power cut today, sigh [10:24] 99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code, take one down patch it around, 127 little bugs in the code...... [10:24] thats fine [10:24] ouch 3rd one in a short time, sounds more like a substation [10:25] They just switched mine back on, 30mins [10:25] now its the pta power peeps messing around [10:25] and dbn ones [10:25] doesnt help to ask them to pay for damaged equipment either [10:26] im in ptown [10:26] yea, I lost a couple of PSU's and 2 or 3 HDD's [10:26] send scrap hdds this way [10:27] i use the parts to repair others [10:27] code with only 99 bugs in it, that sounds like a lie :p [10:27] got piles of them, well I has a clean out end of last year, musta dumped about 100 [10:27] Bugs are just features in disguise. [10:27] down to about 20-30 laying around now [10:28] 20-30 known ones you mean :p [10:30] hi Trixar_za hows things [10:30] alive and kicking :) [10:31] Hey Kilos. Could be better, but I'm working on that :P [10:31] good [10:32] I recommend some nice warm soup and break. [10:32] damnit [10:32] bread* [10:32] I cant take lunch yet :D had done sod all work yet lol [10:33] havn't* [10:33] So, I just read that Kanye West called his daughter North. [10:33] So her name is North West. [10:33] haha [10:34] I can't figure out if this awesome or terrible, or terribly awesome. [10:34] she will have enough money not to care :) [10:35] bad for the kid [10:35] much ragging throughout lifetime [10:35] kid is rich so will be fine [10:37] should be more concerned about having such an ass of a father than its name when it comes to ragging anyway [10:37] urg, suppose I should do some work or fake some work at least [10:38] back in a bit :) [10:40] ohi superfly sudo add-apt-repository link is the right way isnt it [10:40] the update gets the key things [10:44] yes [10:44] Kanye should call his next child "Wild WIld" [10:44] ty [10:44] or go [11:05] Maaz seen jacques_stry [11:05] Kilos: jacques_stry was last seen 21 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes and 52 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-05-17 22:41:22 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-05-18 06:20:56 PDT [11:05] sjoe === cryterion_ is now known as Cryterion [11:59] Oom Kilos hier ? [12:06] ja [12:06] was buite innie son mazal [12:08] Kilos: Second bit of feedback RE systemback app [12:08] The snapshot part [12:08] ah [12:09] It seems to basically be a straight copy of the whole system to the destination drive [12:09] Each one has a sub folder with it's date [12:09] Home folders are included , but only hidden folders inside homes are included [12:10] Documents , pictures etc. are not included [12:10] The snapshots can be schedules for every x amount of days or hours or minutes [12:10] Scheduling works fine , I scheduled mine last week for every 4 days , and it ran today [12:11] As for loading back a snapshot , I don't know. Couldn't find time to break my system on purpose to test [12:13] lol [12:13] hi there. need some advice. Am a long time cybersmart user for ADSL and their capped packages are great, but am needing to save some cash. Currently on a 10 meg capped line, but thinking of moving to a 4meg uncapped as that seems to be the cheapest option. just wanting to know if anyone has a recommendation as I have tried the cybersmart offering and it was terrible the last time I went onto it [12:14] mazal, what snapshot tool are you talking about there? [12:14] I only ever had bad performance on uncapped so can't recommend [12:14] systemback captine [12:14] Oom Kilos had link to it [12:14] thnx [12:15] so mazal is it a good alternate to remastersys in your opinion [12:15] Yes and no [12:15] make up your mind [12:15] for your own pc , yes , defnitely yes. Works really easy once you know what to do [12:16] ah [12:16] For iso's to share. Defnitely no , due to your configs that is included in iso [12:16] ok ty for the feedback lad [12:16] The snapshots is a nice extra to have. Should be handy when you just broke a few files and need to restore them [12:17] ill try keep remastersys going and see when it stops working [12:17] For the snapshots though I would have prefered it included all home data , not just the configs [12:18] can you not change it to suit? [12:18] Then it would have been a nice all-in-one solution , but as is you still need to ran seperate backup for home data [12:18] ah [12:19] find the remastersys src file [12:19] I can't find any setting for the snapshot to include all home data [12:19] pity no one downloaded the source while it was still free [12:22] Ok now this is strange [12:22] lol what [12:22] Mine is set to NOT include hidden folders in home , but it does [12:23] hmm... [12:24] Ok , that must be one AND you must manually select which hidden folders to exclude [12:24] But no option whatsoever for the data folders like Documents etc. [12:24] Strange decision. [12:24] Maybe they will add it in later [12:25] ya i think they are still working on it [12:25] The only option for data folders is for the iso , not the snapshot [12:26] no source code available for it anywhere? [12:27] I dunno MaNI [12:27] mazal you still have the link [12:27] Nope [12:27] i lost that last week already [12:27] oh my [12:27] Ditto [12:28] google should find it though [12:28] let me see what i can find [12:28] http://www.techrepublic.com/article/create-a-live-system-iso-for-your-ubuntu-based-linux-machines-using-systemback/ [12:29] ya that was it [12:29] MaNI see if you can find source [12:29] https://launchpad.net/systemback [12:29] sounds like quite a scandal [12:29] its GPL software so they can be legally compelled to provide the source [12:29] http://sourceforge.net/projects/systemback/ [12:30] It defnitely have an "unfinished" feel to it , and I assume they will be adding features [12:31] lets hope [12:31] Yeah remaster is not going to be working for much longer [12:31] We been lucky so far that the old one works [12:32] one guy said to me if you have the packages they should keep working because it copies /root [12:33] I already had issues with config in x that changed [12:33] Had to fiddle to get it to work [12:34] oi, mine i did last week on 14.04 kde worked perfectly [12:34] Yeah once set it works [12:35] But remember there was a config file that had to be created first , a file that's location moved [12:35] lol i dunno how to set stuff, i just run it [12:35] Can't remember now what that file was [12:35] lightdm [12:36] had something to do with that [12:36] ah [12:37] I should have noted that process down me thinks :P [12:37] ya [12:38] do like me, make notes of everything then lose the notes [12:42] I usually create files , then can't remember in which folder I put it [12:43] dropbox is my go-to for that sort of thing [12:45] lol [12:45] thats actually a good plan ThatGraemeGuy [12:45] save notes on dropbox [12:46] good afternoon [12:46] hi magespawn [12:46] you missed lots [12:46] all kinds of code chat here [12:48] Bye everyone , have a nice evening. God bless [12:49] cheers mazal [12:49] ty you too [12:49] ai! [12:49] Cheers everyone [12:49] cheers barr [12:49] ai! again [12:54] hi Kilos [13:23] Oh, happy birthday ThatGraemeGuy! [13:23] wooo happy happy ThatGraemeGuy [13:32] thanks :-) [13:32] coffee on you [13:32] Maaz coffee on [13:32] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [13:33] Maaz and cake [13:33] Here is a large cake for the birthday boy. [13:34] inetpro coffee and cake while its quiet [13:36] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [13:38] ThatGraemeGuy: congratulations [13:38] pack up time later all [13:39] Maaz danke [13:39] Bitteschön [13:39] cheers magespawn [13:43] * Kilos drinks coffee and eats cake all on my lonesome [13:43] thanks [13:43] sigh [13:44] lol [13:48] Heya everyone :) [13:49] hi Xethron_ hows things by you [13:49] Greetings Kilos, good and with you? [13:49] good ty [14:52] Its quiet today [15:15] ya [15:19] was a madhouse last night [15:19] where you been Xethron_ [15:19] dont say busy [15:23] woo me rich [15:23] last lids laptop i fixed sent me R450 [15:42] kids not lids === Russ_|Away is now known as rusbus [15:55] o/ [15:55] o/ [15:59] haha mazal minetest time? [16:02] bliksem dit raak nou koud [16:02] ja kwaai [16:03] tyd om weer my here klerekas aan te trek. [16:03] haven't seen him join yet [16:03] who? [16:03] mazal [16:03] on minetest [16:04] oh there [16:04] minetest? [16:04] making food actually Kilos [16:04] on your pc?? [16:04] nope [16:05] i need one of those [16:05] I heard ding !!!!! [16:05] haha [16:05] So came to check who is skinnering of me :) [16:05] lol [16:06] yeah ! It's ready. I go eat [16:06] my old p3 used to blow hot air out the back, this one only blows cold, too efficient [16:06] enjoy mazal [16:06] oh and the ding is a pling [16:06] minetest?? [16:07] game like minecraft but free [16:07] very lekker and addictive [16:07] just expensive on 3g [16:07] oh neat [16:08] Bit of a minecraft addict myself but due to driver issues and other things I don't want to sukkel with I stopped. [16:08] I'll check it out. [16:08] try minetest, graeme and Cryterion run a server [16:08] hi smile === smile_ is now known as smile4ever === smile is now known as Guest9406 === smile4ever is now known as smile [16:14] hi :p === smile is now known as Guest83044 === smile_ is now known as smile [16:31] Well, it runs but it is still sluggish on this cheap and old laptop. [16:31] what? [16:35] minetest [16:37] join a server. so you don't have the server side running as well [16:37] ok, I'll try, details [16:38] mt.thatgreameguy.co.za:30000 [16:38] solidity join #minetest-za [16:38] spelling Cryterion [16:46] * stickyboy is writing a blog post on systemd timers. [16:47] good evening [16:47] hi [16:49] hi my magespawn [16:50] Kilos: spelling ? [16:50] thatgreameguy [16:51] maybe i misread [16:51] * Kilos scrolls back [16:51] hmm. often do that [16:51] lol [16:52] solidity is connected now anyway [16:52] yeah you must teach him to untick some of the stuff so it starts quicker too [16:53] I'm still messing with settings. [16:53] i forget what they were [16:53] all default now in lastest version [16:54] some no longer an option [16:55] http://pasteboard.co/14ALZC0s.png [16:55] that's how it looks to me [16:56] As you can see, not very nice [16:56] hmm. you running on windows [16:56] yes [16:56] I'm the black sheep in this channel. [16:57] eeeeek [16:57] Why the hate? [16:57] don't know if the win build is updated enough yet. server is on latest dev [16:57] I don't get those glitches when I host [16:57] or run single player [16:57] no hate [16:58] just sympathy [16:59] why? [16:59] won't if you hosting. as client and server are both you [16:59] Don't confuse these bugs with a windows issue, this is more a laptop issue. [16:59] since I installed win8 on hardware that only has win7 drivers. [17:00] and no ubuntu/linux isn't much of an improvement in this regard [17:00] possibly. just saying the win builds might be a bit out of date [17:00] fair enough [17:00] i go eat [17:00] but oh well then [17:00] I have to go drop off some things anyway, bbl [17:00] we picked up that the latest release couldn't connect. but dev version could [17:01] ok, I'll check when I get back then [17:36] maaz tell solidity I use sfan's latest build on Win 7 and have no issues , give it a try https://sfan5.pf-control.de/minetest-builds/?f [17:37] mazal: Righto, I'll tell solidity on freenode [17:38] Maaz botsnack [17:38] YAY someone cares about me too! [17:45] * rusbus is now listening to: - Dancing in the Moonlight [17:56] Night everyone [17:57] night mazal [17:57] lekker slaap [18:00] i am also off to my room, chat later [18:00] night magespawn [18:00] oh later then too [18:14] yay doing free family tech support [18:14] solidity: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell solidity I use sfan's latest build on Win 7 and have no issues , give it a try https://sfan5.pf-control.de/minetest-builds/?f" 37 minutes and 36 seconds ago [18:14] Yes thank you. [18:14] * solidity gives Maaz some oil. [18:15] lol [18:51] http://arstechnica.com/apple/2015/06/apple-open-sources-swift/ [19:06] bye [19:09] hmm, is apple waking up [19:10] cheers smail [19:10] smi [19:10] ai! [19:13] last night i could have stayed up then power cut at 8pm [19:14] tonight im tired and power stays on [19:14] sigh [19:29] lol [19:29] we had none 5 til 6 [19:31] drives me nuts [19:33] we were supposed to go out at 8, but the lights are still on [19:35] so frustrating [19:35] ? [19:36] be happy if it's still on [19:36] lol [19:36] good evening [19:36] hi inetpro [19:37] Kilos: what did I miss today? [19:37] not much , was very quiet [19:37] hmm... [19:37] does that mean I can go sleep now? [19:38] lol will you really [19:38] bit early still, I guess [19:38] haha thought so [19:38] i overdid the garlic magnet cure [19:38] ai! [19:39] bp dropped to 103/63 [19:39] now im vreeting salt again [19:39] hehe [19:39] yikes! [19:40] lol [19:40] im not going to quacks [19:40] you be killing yourself if you seesaw like that [19:41] yeah ill try do things gradually [19:41] then stop when back at 120/80 [19:48] oh my [19:48] what did he do wrong [20:00] night all. sleep tight [20:00] hi all [20:00] you lucky inetpro [20:00] i forgot what i wanted to ask you [20:00] hi georgelappies [20:00] hi Kilos [20:00] thanks for forgetting Kilos [20:00] you well? [20:00] good night [20:00] lol [20:00] * inetpro only tired [20:00] what up [20:00] as usual [20:00] if you chat ill stay a while [20:01] georgelappies: talk to him [20:01] while I go sleep [20:01] rofl [20:01] hehe [20:01] you going to bed really inetpro ? [20:01] in a few minutes yes [20:01] i wont remember till im in bed [20:02] huh [20:02] wat is dit van bed [20:02] are you well too georgelappies [20:02] * solidity sips wine. [20:02] die ou mense is moeg man [20:02] always well, maybe too well now [20:02] Oud, koud en benoud. [20:03] solidity, have another sip [20:03] Just did. [20:03] kwaai [20:03] what wine [20:03] i used to enjoy old brown [20:03] cheap stuff [20:04] yeah, maak nie saak nie [20:04] Du Toitskloof Cellar - Cabernet Sauvignon ~ Shiraz [20:04] But, to me I just see it sa "red" wine. [20:04] :P [20:05] good night everyone [20:05] did you guys donate to wikipedia yet [20:05] Maaz: watch them [20:05] OK inetpro I'll keep an eye on them for you [20:05] * solidity does not pretend to have a sophisticated palate. [20:05] night inetpro [20:05] night night [20:05] sleep well and warm [20:06] I'm busy installing win8 for family. [20:06] donate what? [20:06] eish [20:06] 8 sucks [20:06] 7 far better [20:06] Wikipedia donates free information to me. [20:06] 8 is better. [20:06] I'll fight you. [20:06] you are the first one i hear say that [20:07] yeah some dollars for the biggest source or info on the planet earth [20:07] I get that sentiment alot. [20:07] you cant fight me man, you still a child [20:07] how old are you Kilos [20:07] i donate my views on wiki [20:07] 64 later this month [20:08] Fair enough, I at least have some degree of respect for those older than me regardless. [20:08] But I'll rebel and dye my hair! [20:08] I should donate to wikipedia. [20:08] But I'm poor. [20:08] Like really poor. [20:09] hahaha [20:09] I spent like one hour on it today without even planning, reading up an ancient Greece and Greek mythology. [20:09] Donate to libreoffice that team needs more support :) [20:10] Wikipedia already has millions [20:10] Everybody has a cause they will fight for. [20:10] i can not remember a day when I did not right click some link to confirm it on wikipedia [20:10] Mine isn't those. [20:10] guys, wikipedia is a non profit [20:10] But I do consider them to be kindred spirits. [20:10] my cause is ubuntu [20:11] lol @ solidity [20:11] I believe a person is most effective in a cause they are most passionate about. [20:11] sure [20:11] whyUlol@mebrah [20:11] i love information [20:11] I just think wikimedia foundation is wasting money on some of their projects [20:12] like what smile [20:12] The media viewer was outsourced and very expensive in development in terms of money [20:13] solidity, just the usage of the language , kindred spirits [20:13] I think it was a million dollar [20:14] do you use them at all smile [20:14] efficiency is relative [20:15] The media viewer isnt even good. And what do you mean by using "THEM" [20:16] There is always some way to do things better, more often than not several orders of magnitude so, but because I know how to x and you are a rich person that does y, I get to charge a buttload because you can't x. [20:16] smile show him your wiki edits [20:16] but smile, dont judge all of human knowledge on the implementation of a media player [20:16] I am the human knowledge [20:17] I can look at everything and think of a better way it could be done. [20:17] Hold on, I have an annoying self-righteous quote image thingy... [20:17] :D [20:17] If you want to preserve human knowledge I suggest you donate to archive.org they really do a great job [20:18] who here knows "Joy Division - Atmosphere" [20:18] http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciaal:Bijdragen/Smile4ever [20:18] I know joy division. Why? [20:18] http://vinemultimedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/rosevelt.jpg [20:18] smile, you linking a wikiepedia page [20:19] Its my edit history on wikipedia [20:19] Joy Division is an awesome band, and atmosphere just starting playing now ;p [20:19] Over 36000 edits [20:19] Nice. [20:20] smile [20:20] this might be the wine talking [20:20] well [20:20] it is the wine talking [20:20] but [20:20] real respect smile, you know more than what I do about wikipedia [20:21] Of course I do. I am with them since 2009 [20:21] :-D [20:21] :D [20:21] I even have my own bot [20:22] every time I see you name I think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNrXMOSkBas [20:22] And I was in the papers twice [20:22] :) [20:22] night guys. sleep tight [20:22] Good night [20:22] :D [20:22] http://hugsmile.eu/tools/media [20:22] mmmm, why go o sleep now [20:23] He is old [20:23] :-P [20:23] waarom nederlandse links [20:23] Omdat ik Nederlands praat [20:24] :-O [20:24] is jy van nederlands [20:24] Nee, België [20:24] :) [20:24] Hoekom jy wonder [20:24] lekker [20:24] :-P [20:25] want my vrou is van Nederland [20:25] Waar woon julle? [20:26] Secunda [20:26] so 200 km vanaf Jhb [20:27] Hoe het jy haar ontmoet? [20:27] maar ons gaan o elke twede jaar na Rotterdam vir haar ouers kuier [20:27] :-D [20:28] ek het na skool in Europa in rond neuk [20:28] Lol [20:29] Wat n sin [20:29] :-P [20:30] Het jy die artikels gelees? [20:30] nog nie [20:31] Die is steeds beskikbaar 24/7 [20:32] Refdag.nl is ni steeds beskikbaar ni, slegs 24/6 [20:32] so jy is vanmening dat wikimedia deur bots gepubiseer word>/ [20:32] Nee. Maar die importansie van bots is hoog vir n goeie werking te garandeer [20:33] Daar is ni genoeg redigeerders ni [20:34] Het jy geweet meer as 90% van die redigeerders is n man? [20:34] bots kan nie nuwe kennis skep nie, slegs ou kennis publiseer [20:35] Of probleme met dooie skakels oplos, soos my bot [20:36] wat bedoel jy met "meer as 90% van die redigeerders is n man?" [20:37] Daar is ni baie vrouwe op Wikipedia [20:38] wel, daar is nie 'n aktiewe verbot op vroue om te redigeer nie... ;) [20:40] Ek weet, maar die vroue is vaak ni technies aangeleg wat nie motiveer om by te draag nie [20:42] got kicked for some reason [20:43] Ek weet, maar die vroue is vaak ni technies aangeleg wat nie motiveer om by te draag nie [20:43] That was my last reply [20:44] You didnt got kicked, freenode just lost contact with your client [20:45] * smile hugs georgelappies_ [20:46] is terug [20:47] Welkom :) [20:48] Its a town, too [20:48] :-D [20:49] yeah, worked there for a year [20:49] Odendaalsrus, virginia, Welkom ;p [20:50] Lol :) [20:50] been to walmaranstad before [20:50] Het staat op de lijst van vreemde plaatsnamen op wikipedia [20:50] :-D [20:51] Where is that, Cryterion [20:51] ? [20:52] Lijst van opmerkelijke plaatsnamen is an article on the dutch wikipedia [20:52] aah ek sien [20:52] You should google for it [20:52] Goed. :) [20:53] Middle of nowhere, get to potjestroom and go on a road [20:53] :-P [20:54] I will have a pleasure exploring south africa once I get there [20:54] ;-) [20:54] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nkandla_compound_firepool_controversy - lol pols won to make it official - edited though [20:54] :D [20:54] :-D [20:58] me - listening to Leonard Cohen - The Future - and trying to make sense of it all [20:59] Do you use vlc? [20:59] nope, audacious [20:59] on Fedora 22 [20:59] :-( [20:59] :-O [21:00] Manjaro/arch here [21:00] I use vlc for video [21:00] Manjaro is nice [21:01] I have a lyrics extension for vlc in development [21:01] I have taken a liking to GNOME 3 and Fedora seems to best at it [21:01] cool [21:01] Yeah, the fact it combines stability with rolling is nice [21:02] yeah, just fedup every 6 months ;p [21:02] It works almost the way I want it, but there are some crashes that need to be worked out [21:02] Its because of the bad scripting engine at the core of vlc [21:03] anyone here know much about gnupg? [21:03] Ask the free software foundation :-P [21:03] install probs, it's already free :) [21:04] The free software foundation is just an entity to promote free software :) they recommend using pgp [21:05] A good place for such questions is askubuntu.com [21:06] Yeah I know, but Email client swears at me everytime I open it, got all the details to update, but have a problem with them [21:07] I am out for the night, may the source be with you [21:08] been there, done that, bit further, script isn't realising a newer version [21:08] Maaz [21:08] Maaz: help [21:08] Cryterion: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [21:08] Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [21:08] Maaz: hello [21:08] Howzit smile [21:10] Maaz help me with south african stuff [21:10] solidity: I use the following features for south african stuff: lotto [21:10] Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details. [21:11] Maaz how do I use lotto [21:11] solidity: Gets the latest lotto results from the South African National Lottery. You can use it like this: [21:11] lotto [21:11] Maaz: tell inetpro need help with gnupg2 upgrade. [21:11] Cryterion: Righto, I'll tell inetpro on freenode [21:11] ha, done :) [21:11] I like him [21:11] Maaz tell solidity stop talking to yourself you crazy badger. [21:11] solidity: Righto, I'll tell solidity on freenode [21:11] :-D [21:12] Maaz: tell feybart hi from smile [21:12] smile: I don't know who feybart is. Say 'feybart on freenode' and I'll take your word that feybart exists [21:12] Maaz: tell feybart on freenode hi from smile [21:12] smile: Okay, I'll tell feybart on freenode [21:12] Maaz tell Maaz stop hitting yourself [21:12] solidity: I can't deliver messages to myself [21:12] solidity: By the way, solidity on freenode told me "tell solidity stop talking to yourself you crazy badger." 1 minute and 13 seconds ago [21:13] Maaz tell Maaz I can't deliver messages to myself [21:13] solidity: I can't deliver messages to myself [21:13] close nough [21:14] 99 liitle bugs in the code [21:14] 99 little bugs in the code [21:14] Maaz: can you fix me? [21:14] smile: Excuse me? [21:14] Take one out, patch it about [21:14] 127 little bugs in the code [21:14] Maaz: help me with bugs [21:14] smile: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features. [21:14] :-O [21:15] Maaz: 99 bugs in the code [21:15] Cryterion: *blink* [21:15] hmmf [21:15] Maaz: remember to wash your clothes at six [21:15] smile: Excuse me? [21:16] Maaz: 99 little bugs in the code [21:16] Cryterion: What? [21:17] Maaz: sorry it 127 now [21:17] Cryterion: *blink* [21:17] yeah, lol [21:17] hehe [21:19] so yeah [21:20] My body is telling my eat cheese. but my mind is telling me not to eat cheese. [21:20] Then you should ask your heart [21:20] :-O [21:21] My heart is a dumbass. [21:21] (which means my heart is saying yes to cheese) [21:21] * Cryterion smells cheese [21:22] * smile touches the cheese [21:22] * Cryterion 's rat starts going crazy [21:22] I wonder if the fermeting bacteria in cheese evolved to create the ultimately seductive smell in order to lure us into making more cheese. [21:22] hmmm [21:23] maybe it formed other things too [21:23] Maybe that is a kind of psychological parasitism. [21:23] Or maybe not. [21:23] Or maybe not not. [21:23] Maybe it was all meant to be [21:23] Exactly. [21:23] Our destiny. [21:24] Cheese is good, love it [21:24] :-P [21:24] I refuse! [21:24] eat it, healthy [21:24] Lets fuck it then [21:24] hmm [21:24] na [21:24] I shall resist all carnal temptations that defy the cold indifferent discrimination of science! [21:25] science atm is wrong [21:25] I'm listening. [21:25] Do you know what margerine is? [21:26] Yes. [21:26] Then why won't fly's eat it? [21:26] Maaz: wake up [21:26] smile: What? [21:26] Maaz: dance for me. [21:26] solidity: Huh? [21:26] Maaz: be confused by my commands. [21:26] solidity: What? [21:27] Maaz: Gimme five. [21:27] FeyBart: Sorry... [21:27] The original margarine was 1 molecule different from plastic [21:27] Maaz: Be apologetic. [21:27] FeyBart: Excuse me? [21:27] Stick to Butter [21:27] Maaz: Yeah, like that. [21:27] FeyBart: What? [21:27] Maaz: Eat you butter [21:27] Cryterion: Huh? [21:27] Maaz: Just Eat it [21:27] Cryterion: What? [21:28] >implying butter isn't inferior to many other alternatives [21:28] Maaz: Taste it [21:28] Cryterion: What? [21:28] Maaz: homo says What? [21:28] solidity: Sorry... [21:28] Maaz: Are you hungry [21:28] Cryterion: Sorry... [21:28] damn [21:28] hmm [21:30] anyway [21:30] poor bot [21:30] so abused [21:30] Anyway Butter is better than marg, and cheese is good [21:31] I disagree on the cheese is good part. [21:31] * Cryterion needs to find an article he seen on fb [21:31] But agree on the butter > margarine part [21:31] Ah yes facebook, the most reputable of all scientific journals. [21:31] Please do. [21:32] About colestrol [21:35] * solidity is still waiting for facebook science. [21:41] * Cryterion is still searching, and hates fb now [21:42] saw it this morning sometime, it changes itself in what it thinks you want to see [21:51] solidity: https://www.facebook.com/gerry.retief/posts/10153924620048032?pnref=story [21:52] found it [21:52] lets just hope I don't need facebook to view it [21:53] can copy paste etc [21:53] didn't read the source yet http://www.statinnation.net/ [21:53] statinnation.net [21:54] without even opening it I'm filled with a sense of dread [21:54] hmm [22:05] Slaapwel :) [22:06] nag [22:06] mag die goggas in jou bed harder droom as jy. [22:06] Dankie [22:06] :P