
beterrabaactually, there's an output after a while: Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 103.21 seconds00:00
jarray52beterabba: You should see something like `inet addr:192.168.*.*` in your ifconfig for one of your interfaces.00:02
beterrabaon wlan0 i see inet addr:
jarray52beterraba: Do you have a router?00:05
meshuggahbeterraba, http://www.tcpiputils.com/browse/ip-address/ ?00:05
beterrabayes, but i dont have access to it00:05
jarray52Do you have another machine on the local network?00:05
meshuggahunder dns server, but not sure it would help00:05
jarray52beterraba: Can you ping that machine by its hostname?00:06
beterrabaof course, let me try00:06
beterrabawell.. i think i cant :(00:09
beterrabathats weird.. i ifconfig both of them. one is and the other is
beterrabai try to cross-ping them, but 'request timeout for ..'00:10
jarray52beterraba: Can you ping by ip address?00:12
jarray52beterraba: Are both boxes Ubuntu?00:12
beterrabaone is, the other is mac00:12
beterrabai tryied to ping by ip00:13
jarray52beterraba: Did that work?00:13
jarray52beterraba: That's a different issue.00:13
mherwegafter installing kernel 3.13.0-53 many drivers in /var/lib/modules are missing -> no sound. with 3.13.0-39 everything is fine00:14
mherweg/lib/modules   (not /var)00:15
__Myst__...how do I fix having two cursors?00:17
uioHello, how might I upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 via command line?00:18
Ben64uio: is there a reason you want 14.10?00:19
beterraba__Myst__: what do you mean? you have two cursor mouses?00:19
uioBen64: Well, 14.04 is having boot issues (ie, will hang every fifth boot or so) and I read that I cannot upgrad directly to 15.04....00:19
__Myst__Yes, beterraba00:20
beterrabalol, never heard of it00:20
Ben64uio: you should work on that problem then00:20
uioBen64: True.. I have to no avail....00:21
Ben64upgrading is unlikely to fix it00:21
uiouio: I guess this is not officially the channel for it... I thought I'd just ask for the command question. It's a lubuntu. No such issue with xubuntu, but indeed with lubuntu. Hangs at an illuminated screen around grub.00:22
Ben64illuminated screen around grub? whats that mean00:23
apoplexy_if i install elementary.io and need help can i ask for help in here00:24
apoplexy_its the same shit right00:24
dfcnvtAnybody know of any best media player that CAN play 60fps (excluding the hardware accelerated decoding in VLC)00:24
uioBen64: That it hangs at an illuminated screen around the same time that grub would (but does not) appear as grub is set to =0.00:24
Ben64apoplexy_: no00:25
apoplexy_Ben64, why not00:25
Ben64dfcnvt: mpv, mplayer2, mplayer00:25
__Myst__For some reason no "gnome-terminal -e" will work00:25
Ben64apoplexy_: because it isn't ubuntu00:25
dfcnvtA video like this can play so well on my chrome browser in linux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaaNLFFftrs00:25
__Myst__Either it throws an error or flashes00:25
__Myst__what should I do?00:25
dfcnvtBen64: mpv, I'll check it out.00:25
apoplexy_but the majority of the commands, etc are the same, right?00:26
uioapoplexy_: 'Same shit' would presuppose that : 1) it is shit and 2) it is the same....00:26
uioapoplexy_: Seeing as 1) is false, the statement is untrue....00:26
Ben64apoplexy_: maybe? still isn't supported here00:27
dr__Can I adjust the partion size Ubuntu 14.04 -- getting a message boot directory is almost full00:31
meshuggahdr__, you can with gparted, but i suggest you to do backup of important file first00:32
dfcnvtBen64: It doesn't look like it work.   "mpv --fps=60 StarWar60fpsTest.mp4"00:32
Ben64don't use --fps00:33
dr__Thanks I have tried that but it did not work00:33
meshuggahdr__, did u have tried it from a livecd, un an UNMOUNTED partition?00:33
meshuggahon* an00:33
dfcnvtBen64: Even without any arg/opts...It still look like 25fps or something.00:33
Ben64might be your cpu or gpu being too slow00:34
dfcnvtOh no, it's a fast system.00:34
Ben64or a bad file00:34
EriC^^dr__: just remove some old kernels from /boot00:34
dfcnvtNo, good file.00:34
Ben64send it to me00:34
dfcnvtJust incapable software to make it 60fps on linux system.00:35
Ben64nope, 60fps works fine00:35
meshuggahtalking about video, any magic i need to know for playing h.264 codec video, on vlc? without lag00:35
Bashing-omdr__: One removes old kernels that reside in /boot with terminal command ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' .00:35
dr__I used an install Ubuntu installation disk to start the system and access Gparted00:36
dfcnvtThen does this youtube video on my browser looked way better than what showed on mpv (media player) on linxu?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaaNLFFftrs00:36
dfcnvtwhy does***00:36
Ben64who knows, send me the video00:36
dr__What does a Kernel name look like thats safe to remove00:36
dfcnvtBen64: http://en.savefrom.net/1-how-to-download-youtube-video/00:37
dfcnvtBen64: paste the link then download 720p00:37
EriC^^dr__: type uname -r to get your current kernel00:37
meshuggahdr__, i had success with ext3, ext4, ntfs resizing partition often, if that dont do the job, deleting kernel and/or trimming fat(removing install software you know you dont need) can do the job(example: if u got chrome, opera, firefox, just keep one)00:38
EriC^^dr__: and dpkg -l | grep linux-image00:38
EriC^^for the list of kernels installed00:38
Ben64dfcnvt: the video is 30fps00:40
dr__Thanks for the quick replies, wife just called me for dinner.  I will try what you have suggested00:41
TechIsCoolAnyone already seen ex machina?00:42
dfcnvtBen64: ...Not sure how to get it directly from youtube...1080p6000:42
dfcnvtBen64: The left side is mpv & the right is youtube -- http://i.imgur.com/arMKh1B.jpg00:43
* gzcwnk bangs head against wall00:43
meshuggahTechIsCool, what is it about, deus ex?00:45
dfcnvtBen64: I guess it doesn't show very much difference since it's a still picture.   The right side seem very detailed than the left.00:45
TechIsCoolmeshuggah: No the movie that was ta sun dance this year00:45
Ben64not even the same frame00:45
__Myst__So... My Wi-Fi randomy stops working. Is that normal?00:45
__Myst__Just suddenly "plop", no connection00:45
__Myst__Works on other devices00:45
NegativeFlare__Myst__: of course not00:45
NegativeFlareYour driver my be messing up00:46
meshuggahTechIsCool, no i dont know about that00:46
__Myst__NegativeFlare: I have the official solution for my chipset00:46
__Myst__from Broadcom00:46
NegativeFlareheh, that's probably why00:47
NegativeFlareBroadcom has always had issues with Linux00:47
NegativeFlareI've always avoided using broadcom chips00:47
Ben64dfcnvt: got the 60fps version out of youtube, its not even 60fps, its terrible interpolation, try a good source next time00:49
Bashing-om!bcm | __Myst__00:49
ubottu__Myst__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:49
dfcnvtBen64: Err, then where's the good source?00:50
Ben64not from youtube00:50
SymbiosisHello. I'm trying to set up apt-get to work through a proxy.  My network configuration is setup such that all traffic has to go through my proxy, else it fails to connect.  I've gotten my browser to work with the proxy, but apt-get keeps failing. Is there a way to fix this?00:50
meshuggahTechIsCool, how is the movie, it seems not too bad00:51
NegativeFlareSymbiosis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto00:51
TechIsCoolmeshuggah: I was trying to decide if I was going to see it.00:51
=== robi is now known as Guest25875
meshuggahTechIsCool, it is rated 7.8 on imdb, that is not bad, and i like the title, seems like deus ex(but based on deus ex machina, god come from machine)00:52
dczhello guys, while i am playing games like Left 4 Dead, i am getting excellent fps, however laptop gets too much heat wheras windows not as much linux, is there any option cool down on linux or not ?00:54
NegativeFlaredcz: failcontrol00:54
NegativeFlareJust be careful with it00:55
dczhow do i check it ?00:55
NegativeFlaredcz: Check the temps?00:55
meshuggahdcz, if u got nvidia drivers installed, there is still nvidia-settings you can check to put the fan higher00:55
dczwhile in game , i looked at it , and it was about 90 for gpu and 85 for cpus00:55
dczyea nvidia gtx 860m00:56
meshuggahdcz, type <sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings> then run nvidia-settings from terminal or the menu00:56
meshuggahif u got the drivers installed00:57
dczi opened it , where is fan control ?00:57
meshuggahi dont remember exactly and i cannot check for it currently, but just check the menu00:58
meshuggahshould be in the middle somewhere00:58
SymbiosisI've figured out my problem, my dns requests when using apt-get are going nowhere due to the network. Is there a way to configure dns requests through a proxy?00:59
meshuggahi also see that to run from terminal : nvidia-settings -a "[fan:0]/GPUCurrentFanSpeed=100"       seems to put fanspeed to 100%00:59
dczisnt it harmful also ?01:00
meshuggahdcz, probably decrease fan life01:00
meshuggahdcz, but in the gui nvidia-settings there is an option to put it to auto, so low speed if no playing, high speed if playing and temperature rising01:01
meshuggahdcz, you can also put GHz of gpu and ram from the same place, to 100%, or auto01:01
dczcan you look at01:01
meshuggahfps: 289???01:02
dczbetter then windows , however too much heat01:02
meshuggahdcz, from the games option, can you setup max fps to 60 or 120 or more normal? this would lessen the heat01:03
meshuggahcheck thermal settings, powermizer options01:04
meshuggahdcz, i think thermal settings is for fan speed, powermizer for GHz of ram and gpu, sorry if my human ddr-ram is bad01:04
dczThere is nothing at thermal settings01:05
meshuggahdcz, and powermizer?01:05
dczthere is one more option at PowerMizer, Prefer Maximum Performance01:07
meshuggahdcz, or you still can send me via mail your computer...i will set it for you....;)01:07
dczhaha :D01:07
dczthank you for your help01:09
meshuggahdcz, cya, sorry for my lack of precision01:10
meshuggahhum, if he come back, nvidia-settings->thermal settings ->enable GPU fan settings01:12
Ben64mine doesn't let me change that01:12
meshuggahnvidia driver 349.16 seems to have bug about it01:13
Ben64running 33101:13
u53janyone with calculus knowledge?01:14
Ben64u53j: wrong channel01:14
meshuggahben64 if your gfx card let you do it, try another driver between the 331 and 349, like 346.35 maybe could help01:15
Ben64meshuggah: not really important to me, just interesting01:16
meshuggahwell, have all a good evening :)01:17
hetakusoUsing the standard installation medium (not mini.iso), is there a way to not install every package? There's no option in the installer01:18
Flannelhetakuso: No, the desktop CD installer is an image-based install (not a package based one)01:19
hetakusoFlannel: oh, I had no idea. That would make sense, then01:20
u53jcan i create a chatroom?01:21
Jack_The_RipperFor dualbooting win7 and mate, does it make a difference which I install first?01:22
svetastart with win01:23
svetait does matter01:23
psusihetakuso, there used to be the alternate installer but it went away, and there is still the server installer, but the expierence is the same as with mini.iso only it doesn't have to download all of the packages as they are on the cd01:23
svetabecause ubuntu knows how to install grub but windows does not01:24
Jack_The_RipperAh right. I shall hopefully get ti done in 5 hours...it takes so damm long01:24
hetakusopsusi: I'll just use the regular installer and then delete about 1,000 packages, then. haha01:24
psusihetakuso, like what?  the entire gui? :)01:25
hetakusopsusi: going to use xfce01:25
psusihetakuso, then download xubuntu?01:25
hetakusopsusi: is that pretty much the same as ubuntu+xfce?01:26
psusiubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde, xubuntu = xfce01:27
Daekdroomubuntu = unity, and a set of apps that is somewhat similar to GNOME01:27
DaekdroomUbuntu GNOME = GNOME01:27
noethicsit's simple01:28
noethicssudo apt-get purge *unity*01:28
hetakusonoethics: right, that's what I was going to do, and now I'm looking into xubuntu. Is there a difference?01:28
noethicsi was kidding, though i am on a ubuntu instllation that i removed like 80% of unity01:29
noethicsmy dashboard doesnt work01:29
psusiubuntu is 99% gnome... only uses unity as the shell instead of gnome-shell, which is easily enough installed01:29
noethicsand um, i would prefer xubuntu but for some reason there's a couple things are are buggy with my nvidia card01:29
m_Can someone help me get my GUI back? I have Ubuntu Studio 14.04, I just installed Gnome desktop just using the Ubuntu Software Center. When I rebooted, there's no GUI login screen. Can only Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get command prompt.01:29
hetakusonoethics: yeah, i'm worried things won't work exactly the same with xubuntu. I think I'll just do the same01:30
hetakusoI've had problems with installing mini.so followed by desktop environments01:30
noethicshetakuso, i think im an edge case, i would definitely try xubuntu first01:30
psusihetakuso, if you want gnome-shell instead of unity, just install it... if you want xfce ( which includes a ton of its own components instead of the gnome ones ), use xubuntu01:31
hetakusoAlright, then. Let me try that out.01:32
jarray52Is there a way to get Ubuntu to autoresolve dns names of machines on the local network?01:36
wastrelpoint its dns to the local dns server01:38
jarray52wastrel: What's the easiest way to do that?01:39
wastrelhave the DNCP server on the LAN set it on clients01:39
jarray52DNCP or DHCP?01:40
wastrelindeed DHCP01:40
wastreltypo :[01:40
jarray52wastrel: My DHCP server sets the correct dns server on all machines except Ubuntu 14.04LTS. Ubuntu seems to like its own DNS server on I suspect it is non-authoritative, but I'm not sure how to check.01:42
gogoat10^2<<- trolling. how do i install wine01:43
wastreljarray52: this is the resolvconf thingus01:44
Bashing-omgogoat10^2: Install wine " sudo apt-gt update ;sudo apt-get install wine ' .01:44
wastreljarray52: http://askubuntu.com/questions/152593/command-line-to-list-dns-servers01:44
Bashing-omapt-get install *01:44
wastreljarray52: in sort use nm-tool  to look at your dns setup01:44
gogoat10^2<< trollin01:44
gogoat10^2install *?01:45
gogoat10^2o .. trolling ^^01:45
EriC^^they see me trollin..01:45
psusijarray52, ubuntu runs its own local dns server ( hence ) that caches lookups and directs the real quieries to the correct server, which may change frequently during runtime as you establish and tear down connections01:46
gogoat10^2%you see me trolling... paTrolling...%01:46
somsipgogoat10^2: stop now. that's enough01:46
gogoat10^2++ trolling..01:46
wastreljarray52: nm-tool | egrep '(Device|DNS)'01:46
gogoat10^2does anyone use anything But ubuntu here?01:46
gogoat10^2thats not a troll Q either01:46
somsipgogoat10^2: ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic01:47
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gogoat10^2like.. why stop at ubuntu01:47
gogoat10^2o this is help. ok. how about the /bin/dash ln instead of /bin/bash?01:47
gogoat10^2like why?01:47
gogoat10^2and is anyone concerned with the kindle/amazon intrests in the ubuntu OS ?01:48
jarray52wastrel: My DNS is set to I wonder if I manually set that, which causes local DNS to fail.01:51
wastrelthat's google's dns01:53
jarray52I know.01:53
jarray52The machines that work are set to my local DNS.01:53
hetakusojarray52: like mDNS?01:54
hetakusojarray52: what do you mean by local DNS?01:54
wastreldns server on the LAN01:54
hetakusoyeah, then you want the nameserver to be set by DHCP01:55
hetakusoand it probably won't be
jarray52wastrel: Thank you! That command totally allowed me to figure out what the problem was.01:59
jarray52wastrel: The dns resolution issue is now fixed.01:59
=== gogoat10^2 is now known as openZuzzzzzz
babbbI am trying to add my local printer to my cups but i dont know what to type for connection?02:04
witheldAt one point, I installed fglrx-updates. It worked, everything was fine. I uninstalled it. Everything was still fine. I reinstalled it and now, I simply can't use it. Whenever I boot, I'm just using the open source X server with Mesa.02:05
witheldaticonfig tells me to do aticonfig --init, which creates /etx/X11/xorg.conf which is deleted on reboot02:05
witheldBy _something_02:05
witheldI don't understand02:06
Matty_r2How do I give another user permissions to access a share on another machine?02:10
threesixesMatty_r2, what kind of share, sshfs_fuse, samba, nfs?02:11
Matty_r2There is a program on another machine that has a specific account that it uses, and that requires read/write access to the samba share.02:12
threesixeshang on ill dig up my samba configs02:12
Matty_r2The permissions on the folder itself has 'nobody' 'nobody'02:12
threesixeshttps://gist.github.com/666threesixes666/5505323 Matty_r2 this is old...02:14
Matty_r2threesixes, the shares it's accessing is auto mounted with smbnetfs02:14
threesixes1 is read only, 1 is read write02:14
threesixesthat's the server end, i think the client end doesn't require configs02:15
Destroyercan anyone hear me'02:15
threesixeswhats up Destroyer02:15
Destroyercant talk atm02:15
Matty_r2threesixes, ok so it's probably just the public setting I need to add02:17
threesixesthat's a gentoo config from 2012, i was boblizar on ubuntu forums, then learned wiki syntax, approximately 1200 commits later im a funtoo wikimod and chat admin =)02:18
Destroyer i cant get my PC to work02:18
Ben64!details | Destroyer02:18
ubottuDestroyer: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:18
threesixeswhats the problem?02:18
DestroyerEvery time i turn my PC on and try running both windows and ubuntu my computer restarts02:20
threesixes...  its 1 or the other, unless you're virtualizing02:21
babbbI am trying to add my local printer to my cups but i dont know what to type for connection?02:21
Destroyerwhat i mean is when i try running either windows or ubuntu it restarts02:22
Matty_r2threesixes, Does ubuntu create shares differently than via /etc/samba/smb.conf? It appears my shares aren't in the conf file02:22
Matty_r2I did it via the gui02:22
threesixesthat's for samba 3.x series02:22
threesixesit could be using the dynamic share features of a file manager, that's a directory i cant think of off the top of my head02:23
threesixesi haven't touched ubuntu in ages other than using it for install media for rolling release distributions02:24
Destroyerthe only thing i have on the computer im using is Ubuntu02:24
Destroyeri mean back track 502:24
jeeves_mosshow do I find out why my netbook won't reboot correctly?02:26
threesixesjeeves_moss, what is it doing, just hanging?02:28
birch_jeeves_moss, http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ then use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ so we know your specs. also include your cpu architecture and ubuntu version and GUI02:28
jeeves_mossthreesixes, I turned off thesplash screen, and I can see it get all the way to "system halted", then it refuses to reboot the physical box02:30
dgarstangTomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04... CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME are _BOTH_ set to /usr/share/tomcat7. Is this normal?02:33
threesixesjeeves_moss, like birch_ said, post your hardware stuff...  but yeah...  probably http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/08/04/howto-fix-linux-hangfreeze-during-reboots-and-restarts/02:34
Silenced_v2Guys how to get a CLI login screen ?02:34
threesixesyou may need to adjust bios settings02:34
threesixesdisable the lightdm/xdm service Silenced_v202:34
somsip!text | Silenced_v202:34
ubottuSilenced_v2: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:34
threesixesctrl + alt + f1 to f7 will give getty terminals02:35
jeeves_mossthreesixes, thanks.  I'll have a look.  Trying to get this little netbook to work is turning into a challange02:35
dgarstangTomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04... CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME are _BOTH_ set to /usr/share/tomcat7. Is this normal?02:36
rafidi want to work with open source idea02:37
kernelhackrafid: moreso, what exactly would you like to do? programming, testing etc.02:38
leo34i just download progran how do i install it02:40
leo34is in a jar file02:40
reisioleo34: what program?02:40
kernelhackleo34: what is it?02:40
threesixesjava -jar file.jar02:40
kernelhackrafid: what language you like?02:40
reisiothreesixes: goof :p02:41
leo34i want to emule andron in ubuntu02:41
threesixeshi reisio lol02:41
reisioleo34: what's jenimmotyon have to do with that?02:41
kernelhackleo34: full english please.02:41
leo34sorry genimotyon02:41
leo34i was readiang that in ubuntu foros02:42
rafidi like c++02:42
reisioandroid has an official emulator, it's probably in the repos02:42
leo34i didin't know it02:42
leo34what is the name02:43
HellsZNCjoin server irc.deadchildren.info join channel #HELLNETjoin server irc.deadchildren.info join channel #HELLNET02:43
HellsZNCjoin server irc.deadchildren.info join channel #HELLNET02:43
kernelhackrafid: my suggestion, grab the source code of something that you already use and play around with the code. see what you can do to improve it.02:43
rafidi want to change in kernel of ubuntu02:44
jakeymagewhy do you want to change the kernel..different hardware, or to say you can02:44
kernelhackrafid: why? is there something wrong with kernel installed from ubuntu repos?02:45
dgarstangTomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04... CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME are _BOTH_ set to /usr/share/tomcat7. Is this normal?02:45
rafidi want understand how open source work02:46
rafid_i want understand how open source work02:47
kernelhackstart with something less complicated than kernel code.02:47
kernelhackit is very complex for new users.02:47
rafid_how can i start02:48
kernelhackas is said just before: my suggestion, grab the source code of something that you already use and play around with the code. see what you can do to improve it.02:48
rafid_from where i can start02:49
kernelhackuse you favorite search engine and type something like "nano source code".02:49
kernelhacknano is a nice simple terminal text editor and is good to play around with the source code.02:50
jakeymageI started with web programming before I tried C02:51
kernelhackjakeymage: same. seems like an eternity ago now.02:53
RickbHello. I'm new to this02:57
kernelhackRickb: hi.02:57
kernelhacknew to ubuntu you mean?02:58
RickbHey kernelhack02:58
Rickbare you familiar w/ the ubuntu system, kernelhack?02:58
kernelhackok then. welcome. i hope ubuntu suits your requirement in linux.02:59
kernelhackRickb: very familiar. many years.02:59
Rickbis it ok if I ask you a for help on something02:59
kernelhackyes. what is it?02:59
RickbHave you ever had a problem inputing data in a terminal. Like all of a sudden your keyboard doesn't work. The cursor flashes in the terminal but I can't type anything03:01
kernelhackRickb: no i can't say i have ever experienced that.03:02
kernelhackis it physical machine or inside a virtual machine?03:02
rafidkernelhack:i can nano but how to write code03:02
RickbKernelhack, it is in a terminal window03:03
kernelhackrafid: perhaps search your favorite search engine and get some examples.03:03
kernelhackrafid: questions like "how to code" are not generic and can not be answered with one line answers like that.03:03
kernelhackRickb: odd. tried a different k/board?03:04
bumnitHey can soemone help me with installing a program on ubuntu, I keep getting this error, http://pastebin.com/5eWJi9nE.03:04
RickbKernelhack, I'm using a laptop.03:04
kernelhackodd. did it work before.03:05
Ben64bumnit: what are you installing, and how03:05
kernelhackBen42: have you tried the suggested "apt-get -f install" command?03:06
kernelhackbumnit: have you tried the suggested "apt-get -f install" command?03:06
bumnitI am trying to install  SDL v1.2 libraries for a game.03:06
bumnitYes I have run that command and i get this error,http://pastebin.com/viZxhKj903:07
Ben64bumnit: ok you answered 50% of my questions03:08
kernelhackbumnit: it seems kernel related.03:08
bumnitWhat have I not answered?03:08
kernelhacklike a kernel upgrade has not completed.03:09
bumnitBen64: What have I not answered.03:09
bumnitkernelhack: I ran the command apt-get update and upgrade and i got the same error with the -f03:09
Ben64bumnit: what are you installing, and how03:09
bumnitSDL v1.2 but let me get the exact commands I have been trying.03:10
dgarstangTomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04... CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME are _BOTH_ set to /usr/share/tomcat7. Is this normal?03:11
rafidkernelhack:how can i play open source and know ubuntu is open source03:11
bumnitBen64: "sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 zlib1g libogg0 libvorbis0a libopenal1 libcurl3"03:12
rafidkernelhack:how can i play with open source and know ubuntu is open source03:12
Flanneldgarstang: I hope you're also asking in #tomcat, they're more likely to know what 'normal' is for configuring tomcat.03:12
bumnitand followed this tutorial as well, http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/01/how-to-install-sdl-12-simple.html03:12
bumnitit always ends in that -f thing03:12
Ben64bumnit: well we can't help  you with manually installed stuff like that03:13
bumnitand when I run the game(assaultcube) it says i need to install the sdl v1.203:13
bumnitok but the error is with the kernal as kernalhack said right?03:13
leetkingwhen i try to build the kernel 3.18.3 that from kernel.org ,i do 'make install', after 'make modes_install', but it print a error 'gzip: stdout: No space left on device'03:13
bumniti cant do an upgrade either without getting that error.03:13
Ben64bumnit: nope, probably that you overwrote files03:13
Ben64leetking: so free some space03:14
leetkingbut i have 1.2G free03:14
Ben64not wherever you currently are03:15
bumnitBen64: I cant run apt-get upgrade either with out getting "Unmet dependencies. Try using -f." error and then broken pipe when i do that.03:15
Ben64bumnit: yep03:15
QuantumVacuumHello all. I'm running Ubuntu 15.04 with gnome. When I move my cursor to the very top of the screen, it disappears. Any ideas?03:15
QuantumVacuumnot gnome, sorry, unity03:16
kernelhackbumnit: you are going to have to get dirty with dpkg and force removal of the stubborn packages.03:16
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kernelhackbumnit: might require some tail chasing of deps, but you will get it eventually.03:16
leetkingBen64: the error 'http://paste.ubuntu.com/11639409/'03:16
Ben64kernelhack: bad idea03:16
kernelhackBen42: why you say that?03:16
kernelhackBen64: why?03:17
bumnitleetking: 1.2G probably is not enough space..03:17
Ben64because the problem is manually installed software, not the normal packages03:17
apoplexywhat do you guys think about elementary.io ?03:17
apoplexyis it similar to ubuntu?03:17
Ben64apoplexy: still not supported here03:17
apoplexyBen64: my mom is not supported here03:17
kernelhackBen64: can still be manually removed with dpkg.03:17
Ben64apoplexy: correct03:17
kernelhackinstalled manually or not.03:18
Ben64kernelhack: incorrect03:18
kernelhackBen64: again, why you say that?03:18
kernelhackI have done it many times in the past.03:19
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Ben64because you're not looking at the issue here03:19
Ben64bumnit followed a guide from january 2012 made for 11.04 and 11.10, did it on 14.04 and overwrote some stuff, and thats causing important packages to have problems.03:19
kernelhacki seriously doubt anyone is going to rectify it without removing that packages causing the problems in the first place. it's simple conflicts which need resolving.03:20
apoplexyBen64: would you help me get ubuntu if i wanted to scrap elementary.io03:20
apoplexywhat are the most popular flavours of linux?03:20
kernelhackapoplexy: depends who you ask.03:20
Ben64kernelhack: except the packages complaining are not the ones he installed manually, you really need to look at the information that was posted03:20
bumnitBen64: i followed that guide long after I have been getting the errors.03:20
leetkinghow much space it needs at last03:20
apoplexykernelhack: whats your answer?03:20
Ben64bumnit: you said you follow the guide, and it ends with the problem03:21
kernelhackapoplexy: opinion = probably ubuntu. but that's not to state it's the best.03:21
apoplexykernelhack: what do you think is the best?03:21
kernelhackBen64: no but it's giving you a clean start.03:21
jeeves_mosshow do I install chipmunk?03:22
Ben64apoplexy: this is the ubuntu support channel, ask ##linux for advice on choosing a distro03:22
apoplexyBen64: what about elementary03:22
kernelhackapoplexy: best is determined by a specific users needs and requirement. there is no generic answer.03:22
Ben64#elementary is their support channel03:22
bumnitBen64: No i tried installing that after I installed the first one and got the errors, First i downloaded game .tar and extracted. then installed libraries, gave me that apt-get -f error tried runnign game and said needed sdl 1.2. ran -f comand and got broken pipe...03:23
Ben64bumnit: why not "sudo apt-get install assaultcube"03:24
bumnittried update and upgrade got same error then treid that tutuorial latter in hopes to manualy install sdl. but didnt change anything.03:24
bumnitThat is the old version of assaultcube03:25
bumnitno longer supported03:25
bumnitthe new one is only available manualy03:25
kernelhackas good as ubuntu repos are, sometimes you will find this is the case. old/outdated packages.03:25
Ben64well you followed a tutorial from 201203:26
bumnitTrue, if i could upgrade i can check for new ones but tahts giving me the -f error also03:26
Ben64so... undo all that, then come back03:26
kernelhackbumnit: go back through dpkg logs and have a look what exactly happened.03:27
kernelhackjust use cat03:28
meshuggahbumnit : http://www.playdeb.net/software/assaultcube03:29
apoplexyBen64: my elementary is not working03:34
bumnitThis looks like the problem: http://pastebin.com/ctsNQUNm03:34
apoplexyim considering getting ubuntu03:34
apoplexyim assuming a noob could come here and ask support questions?03:35
bumnitWhat is the linux image?03:35
Ben64apoplexy: about ubuntu, the questions can come from someone with any amount of skill03:35
histoapoplexy: yes03:35
Ben64bumnit: the kernel03:35
apoplexyubuntu would be a solid 1st flavour for a linux noob i assume?03:35
histoapoplexy: you could say so03:35
apoplexywhen people try diferent flavours, do the commands carry over from flavour to flavour?03:36
apoplexyor is everything completely different03:36
bumnitBen64: So a kernal upgrade didnt install fully?03:36
Ben64apoplexy: they're all linux, so they have a lot in common03:36
Ben64bumnit: possibly03:36
apoplexyok Ben64, thank you. btw im not a troll :] i've recently gotten into learning how to code and really want to step my computer knowledge game up03:37
bumnitIs there a way to fix that?03:37
Ben64apoplexy: i didn't say you were03:37
Ben64bumnit: pastebin the outputs of "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"03:38
Alkalinohello! I typed "unity" in terminal, now the wallpaper is blank xD how do I fix that ? :D03:38
bumnitSure, and is there a way i can search and delte all of that linux-image-3.13.0-53-generic file then re run the upgrade?03:39
Ben64bumnit: wait till we find the problem03:39
john_doe_jr1When I connect I use a ssh -y username@host for x11 forwarding…is there any way I can put this in my ssh config file?03:40
dgarstangTomcat7 on Ubuntu 14.04... CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME are _BOTH_ set to /usr/share/tomcat7. Is this normal?03:45
bumnitBen64: here you go: http://pastebin.com/6SszUK2d03:47
Ben64bumnit: now "sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-3.13.0-53-generic linux-image-3.13.0-53-generic linux-image-generic"03:48
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bumnitThis ones intresting.. http://pastebin.com/tKdsxUUd03:51
zorlachello all03:52
bumnitBen64: This ones intresting.. http://pastebin.com/tKdsxUUd03:53
Ben64bumnit: what did you do with linux-image-generic03:53
Ben64oh, and you need to clear space03:53
histozorlac: hello03:53
zorlachey i found something strange in my apache logs, i was wonding if anyone in here could help me and maybe tell me what it is03:54
zorlacwebsite.com:80 - - [08/Jun/2015:14:49:40 +1200] "P\xf4\x9b\x1f\x81~/\xfa\xbc\xbbS\xa4\x97\xb8\xdd9\xfda,{\xads\v\xeaPtAI\x86\xd4\xec8\xe6\xa7\x81\xcd+\xd7|\x01X\x17\xca\rl" 400 0 "-" "-"03:54
zorlacHey histo03:54
Ben64bots trying to exploit stuff03:54
EriC^zorlac: looks like shell code03:54
zorlacthat what i thought03:54
zorlacanyway of figuring out what it is? or trying ot do?03:55
Ben64not worth it usually03:55
histozorlac: someone trying to exploit03:56
Bumnit_Ben64: Sorry my irc client crashed.03:58
Ben64Bumnit_: you need to free up some space03:59
Bumnit_Ben64: oh right, I have 584gb free.03:59
Ben64not on /boot probably03:59
Bumnit_Ben64: its on the same hard drive?03:59
Ben64pastebin the output of "df -h"03:59
histoBumnit_: sudo apt-get autoremove04:00
Bumnit_"/dev/sda1                  228M  222M     0 100% /boot"04:01
Bumnit_Why is it not using the 500+gigs available?04:01
Ben64because you made a partition for /boot, and made it 228MB04:01
Bumnit_Can I Increase the partition size?04:02
Ben64possibly, or you can remove old kernels using the command histo said04:02
dupingpinghi everyone,04:04
EriC^Bumnit_: you can always just use /boot on the same partition if you don't mind losing the 228mb partition04:05
EriC^228mb is pretty tiny04:05
Bumnit_I get this error with the auto-remote command: http://pastebin.com/B2eLeCkA04:05
Bumnit_Yeah I dont know why I did that.04:05
dupingpingwho knows about self-extractor?04:05
dupingpingwho knows about self-extractor on ELF?04:05
Bumnit_I see the files linus image generic files in the boot folder , i could try deleteing them manualy04:06
histoBumnit_: does it remove the packages?04:06
ls007duplicate mount points are created for the external hard drive whenever the computer goes to sleep mode. any solution .04:06
Bumnit_histo: the auto-remove command? That is everything it did on the patebin. dont think it removed them.04:07
EriC^Bumnit_: try sudo apt-get -f install04:08
EriC^maybe it can't write the config files for the new kernels, you can manually delete a couple old vmlinuz and initrd files04:09
EriC^and then use sudo apt-get purge <kernel> to completely remove them04:09
Bumnit_EriC^: We have already tried that. Thats the whole problem im having.http://pastebin.com/viZxhKj904:09
Bumnit_belive that commands not working becuase there is not enough space in the partition.04:10
EriC^yeah, so delete a couple vmlinuz and initrd to have enough space04:10
EriC^then purge them properly04:10
xentity1xhey can anyone help me figure out how to get ubuntu to detect my alternate minitor04:11
Bumnit_I see a bunch of "initrd.img-3.13.0-39-generic" files in there I could possibly delete but it looks like there are cfg files with it and not sure which ones go with what04:11
Ben64Bumnit_: just delete the oldest, biggest files04:11
EriC^Bumnit_: delete the initrd and vmlinuz of the old kernel so you have enough space04:11
EriC^Bumnit_: nevermind the config files04:12
Bumnit_well I deleted all of them....04:13
Ben64don't restart then....04:13
EriC^ok, type sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic04:13
Bashing-omEriC^: Bumnit_ I have had good success with 'dpkg -P linux-image-3XXXX " when /boot is at capacity .04:15
Ben64didn't delete enough?04:16
Ben64Bumnit_: whats the line from 'df -h' now04:16
Bumnit_delted a lost, but still at 100%...04:16
Ben64how did you delete04:17
Bumnit_Ben64: opend nautilus as root and deleted files04:20
histohopefully only the old kernels04:20
Bumnit_histo: oops04:20
EriC^Bumnit_: using shift + delete ?04:20
Bumnit_EriC^: just delete04:20
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histoBumnit_: did you delete everything in /boot?04:20
EriC^look for .Trash-0 in /boot04:21
Bumnit_histo:  no just all the kernels04:21
EriC^press ctrl+h it might show up04:21
Ben64Bumnit_: you shouldn't open nautilus as root04:21
Bumnit_Ben64: why not?04:22
FantastiquePlastDoes the latest version of Ubuntu still have integrated search with Amazon.com?04:22
QuantumVacuum15.04 does :(04:22
Ben64Bumnit_: because you shouldn't04:22
QuantumVacuumwell I should have reserved my judgement04:22
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ls007 duplicate mount points are created for the external hard drive whenever my computer returns from the sleep mode. any way to solve this problem ?04:23
EriC^ls007: what do you mean by duplicate mount points?04:24
EriC^2 mountpoints in /media/user/.. ?04:25
ls007like , my if the directory for the hard drive is 'My Passport' in /media/ then a new folder is created named 'My Passport1'. the old folder stops working.04:26
Bumnit_Ben64: sorry. Ok so delete permenantly the files from trash and put latest kernal back in boot. Now patition is at 35%04:26
EriC^ls007: in /media or /media/user ?04:26
ls007in /media/user04:26
histoBumnit_: including the running kernel?04:26
Bumnit_histo: idk what the running kernel is.04:27
EriC^^ good idea04:27
EriC^type uname -r04:27
histoBumnit_: no apt-get autoremove and reinstall the current kernel04:27
ls007when again the computer recovers from the sleep mode then again new folder is created named ' My Passport2' .04:27
Bumnit_histo: autoremove still get apt-get -f error should I run it?04:28
EriC^ls007: did you modify anything with the program disks ?04:28
histoBumnit_: you can now04:28
EriC^ls007: try typing disks in the dash and click on the partition and the cog below it and edit mount options04:29
Bumnit_looks like its working...04:29
ls007automatic mount point is on , what should i edit ?04:32
EriC^ls007: same here04:33
EriC^which de are you using?04:33
Bumnit_Ok it did something this time but still gave me an error.. http://pastebin.com/JPHWXRwz04:33
Bumnit_and my boot partition only went up to 50%04:34
EriC^ls007: what mount options do you have?04:34
EriC^ls007: mine has this nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show04:34
Bumnit_Ben64: histo ^^04:34
ls007ya same here , but automatic mount is on04:35
EriC^Bumnit_: type uname -r please04:36
Bumnit_EriC^: 3.13.0-46-generic04:36
Bumnit_EriC^: which is the one i left in the boot folder04:37
EriC^ok, type sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.13.0-52-generic +linux-image-3.13.0-46-generic04:38
Bumnit_EriC^: http://pastebin.com/sXrNWrPu04:39
thatkidHow can I install gnome-sound-applet?04:40
EriC^Bumnit_: ok, try sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-52-generic04:41
Bumnit_EriC^: http://pastebin.com/2xAdTCAm04:42
EriC^Bumnit_: ok, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-52-generic04:43
EriC^then try to purge it again04:43
Bumnit_ok, it installed..04:44
EriC^ok try purging again04:45
thatkidHow can I install gnome-sound-applet? i couldn't find the package for it04:45
Bumnit_and purged..04:45
EriC^Bumnit_: ok, type dpkg -l | grep linux-image04:45
EriC^Bumnit_: do you have pastebinit?04:45
linuxuz3ranyone developing for steam04:46
Bumnit_EriC^: what?04:46
EriC^Bumnit_: it's a program that pastes stuff04:46
EriC^like dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit04:46
EriC^and it gives you a link to where it's pasted04:46
Bumnit_no I just use the website04:47
Bumnit_EriC^: http://pastebin.com/f060cpY404:47
EriC^Bumnit_: ok, does sudo apt-get autoremove remove them?04:49
Bumnit_looks like its removing them04:50
Bumnit_or not.. bunch of errors.04:51
Bumnit_maybe,, im not sure.04:52
EriC^Bumnit_: try Bashing-om 's command04:52
EriC^sudo dpkg -P <linux-image-....>04:52
uncle_beni just ran btrfs filesystem defragment -v -c -r -f and at the end it printed, "total 1 failures."  where do i find more information about this failure?04:53
Bumnit_EriC^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11640969/04:54
Bashing-omEriC^: What are your thoughts ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' ??04:57
Bumnit_EriC^: for all or should i leave the latest?04:57
EriC^Bashing-om: -f 3 or -f2?04:57
EriC^hmm f3 works here, but it's the 2nd field04:59
Bumnit_if I have to uninstall each one seperatly i will. just want to get it working.04:59
Bashing-omEriC^: I think we want the 3rd field . But, but, not sure what will result for sure with the state the package manager in presently .04:59
EriC^Bashing-om: sounds like a good idea04:59
Bumnit_should they all be removed or should i leave certian ones?05:00
pavlosBumnit_, I wrote an article a year ago, it may help ... http://azloco.org/node/18305:00
Bashing-omEriC^: I hope if worst comes to worst we can individually re-install an old kernel and then purge it .05:00
EriC^Bumnit_: try Bashing-om 's command05:01
Bumnit_"all but the newest two newest"05:02
Bumnit_how do i view which one im currently using again?05:05
Bashing-omBumnit_: 'uname -r '05:06
Bumnit_it says im using 46 and 53 is the latest in the list. should i remove 53,46 both all?05:07
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Bashing-omBumnit_: I think we should hold what we have and focus on fixing what is broke .05:08
Bumnit_Bashing-om: Is this not fixing it?05:08
Bashing-omBumnit_: Working on it ... let's see a current status ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' .05:10
Bumnit_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641174/05:12
Bumnit_Bashing-om: I can try running my original command and install a program if you think it will work now?05:12
Bashing-omBumnit_: Patience; This is what happens when we go behind the package managers back. Now we have to straighten things back up and make the package manager happy . I be back in a tic look'n at the latest "dpkg" .05:15
anshprathi, the stable ruby in trusty is still 1.9.3-p484, whereas ruby 1.9.3 has been EOL'ed https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2015/02/23/support-for-ruby-1-9-3-has-ended/05:22
anshpratruby2.0 still brings in ruby as dependency :!05:22
dgarstangThis is INSANE. How the hell do you debug tomcat7 not deploying a war file?05:22
Bashing-omBumnit_: Not real bad, what have we left ' ls -al /lib/modules/ | pastebinit ' ?05:25
Bumnit_I dont have pastebinit05:25
rafidi want to understand ubuntu open source05:26
Bumnit_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641532/05:27
dgarstangThis is INSANE. How the hell do you debug tomcat7 not deploying a war file?05:28
Bashing-omBumnit_: Look'n at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641532/. I am crafting up our next sequence of events.05:29
Bumnit_thats alright, im backing up important files...05:29
Bashing-omBumnit_: So far 2 modules to work/remove, OK, what about the headers ? show ' ls -al /usr/src | pastebinit ' .05:33
Bumnit_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641601/05:34
Bashing-omBumnit_: What kernel are you presently booting ?05:34
Bumnit_Bashing-om: 3.13.0-46-generic05:35
mulchanyone here?05:36
lotuspsychjemulch: 1600 users are05:36
mulch29/m bored anyone wanna chat05:37
lotuspsychje!ot | mulch05:38
ubottumulch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:38
Bashing-omBumnit_: ' sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-52 ; sudo rm -rf /usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-52-generic ; sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/3.13.0-52-generic ;  sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/3.2.0-23-generic-pae ; sudo rm /boot/linux-image-extra-3.13.0-39-generic ;  sudo rm /boot/linux-image-extra-3.13.0-40-generic ;  sudo rm /boot/linux-image-extra-3.13.0-43-generic ; sudo rm /boot/linux-image-extra-3.13.0-44-generic ; sudo apt-get -f install .05:45
Bumnit_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641711/05:48
Bashing-omBumnit_: Yeah, took a bit of time to finger that out too ! One more to go when ya run all that .05:48
Bumnit_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641711/05:49
Bashing-omBumnit_: All right. I am not surprised at not found . Did 'apt-get -f install' complete ?05:50
Bumnit_Bashing-om: sorry didnt see your post, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11641966/05:57
Bashing-omBumnit_:  K ;05:58
Bashing-omBumnit_: Look'n Good ! .. Ok ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ' . and then maybe a bit of clean up .05:59
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Bumnit_its doing stuff that looks somewhat correct :D06:01
Bashing-omBumnit_: May take a bit of time 248 updates ! patience .06:02
Bumnit_ik but its actualy updating for once, im excited.06:02
Bashing-omBumnit_: :) ; I know that feeling !06:04
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Bumnit_uh oh.. it froze on conecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com06:10
hetakusoIt seems that lightdm doesn't set X authorization (cookie method) by default, is that correct?06:11
Bumnit_D: its not moving06:12
Bashing-omBumnit_: We wait . and fingers crossed .06:12
Bumnit_ha it moved! phew06:17
Bumnit_alright nap time.06:18
Bashing-omBumnit_: Uh Huh .. long past my nap time, But I just got to know !06:18
Bumnit_yeah, what time is it there anyways?06:19
Bashing-omI be at GMT -6 ,, it be 01:19 here .06:19
Bumnit_same here :/06:20
Bumnit_wait am or pm?06:20
Bashing-omBumnit_: It be the AM in the night . Ya going to miss yer beauty sleep ?06:21
Bumnit_lol, yeah same its am. thanks for staying up and helping me tho.06:21
Bashing-omBumnit_: You said it was important !06:21
Bumnit_it is.06:22
Bumnit_Thats why im up at 1 am on monday to fix it.06:22
Bashing-omBumnit_: :) ; Just a bit of cleanup ( we hope, hope, hope ) .06:25
tristiananyone want to teach a newbie how to compile and exactly what is needed to execute make make install06:26
harishkrupotristian, there is no 'exact' method or dependencies for make and make install06:27
harishkrupotristian, it depends on what you have in your system06:27
harishkrupotristian, but the general procedure is ./configure , make and make install06:27
tristianbeen tryin to get BIMP  in Gimp06:28
VTSTristam, there shuold be a README in the sources that tell you what to do06:28
tristianthey suck and didnt tell me where to put anything06:28
harishkrupo./configure will print out all the dependencies that are required but not installed06:28
Bumnit_what exactly is ./configure and make make install doing. setting configuration settings in os somewhere?06:28
harishkrupoand always read the Readme first06:28
VTStristian what do you mean 'put anything'?06:28
Bumnit_nvm idc06:29
harishkrupo./configure will check for dependencies that the programs requires like gcc, g++ libraries...06:29
tristianabt to try06:29
harishkrupo./configure will create a make file if it succeeds to find everything06:29
harishkrupomake will read the makefile and compile the source code06:30
harishkrupoand make install (install is a target) will read the makefile and install the compiled programs06:31
VTStristian, looks like you just "make && make install": http://kosiara87.blogspot.fi/2014/07/ubuntu-1404-install-bimp-batch-image.html06:31
tristiansounds easy06:31
tristiannot used to linux yet sorry jus left windows06:32
tristianso the comand is slowing me down06:32
VTStristian, that's why there's this channel - so you can ask ;)06:32
tristiani love u guys at night06:33
tristianthe day people make me feel so dumb maybe i am but i shouldnt feel that way online for pete sakes06:33
tristianwell brb tryin to fig the next line06:34
harishkrupoday people? it is day in my place06:34
VTS9:34am here too06:34
tristianits night here in Houston Tx06:34
Bashing-omBumnit_: Status ? still doing updates ?06:34
VTSlol Texas06:34
Bumnit_Bashing-om: still updaiting away.06:35
Bumnit_I dont think i will be putting this into a paste for you, lol.06:35
Bashing-omBumnit_: patience Bashing-om !06:35
Bashing-omBumnit_: Ha ha . All I want to know is the bottom line ... all 0's .06:36
Bumnit_wow I never knew this many updates was possible. guess my automatic updates werent working.06:37
Bumnit_hey its done!06:38
Bumnit_no errors! D06:38
tristianno such file or directory06:40
tristianand i know i put it there06:40
tristiansuper frustrated06:40
VTStristian, after which command, in which directory, after which a couple of lines.. :D06:40
Bumnit_Bashing-om: it worked06:41
tristianthe root i think06:41
tristiangonna take a break guys06:41
tristianill be bak later thanks06:41
Bashing-omBumnit_: Making good progress, Let's do : ' sudo update-grub ' and then show me that the links to the kernels now exist : 'ls -al / | pastebinit ' .06:41
Bumnit_Bashing-om: lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root         33 Jun  7 23:29 initrd.img.old -> boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-53-generic06:43
Bumnit_lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root         30 Jun  7 23:29 vmlinuz.old -> boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-53-generic06:43
VTSthat's one old kernel06:44
Bumnit_53 is the new one06:44
VTSyea, but 3.13.x06:44
Bumnit_i was on 2.3 or something earlier06:45
Bashing-omBumnit_: Outstanding, looking good, cleanup time ! ' sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get autoclean ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' .06:48
weetAs a new user is it best to go with 14.04.2 LTS or is 15.04 fine?06:48
Ben64i'd go with 14.04, since its LTS, but its up to you06:49
weetwont be doing anything too hardcore with it, always used windows06:49
weetso yeah 14.04 it is thank you06:49
Bashing-omweet: "As a new user' Go fro 14.04 .. Long term support .. stable !06:49
Ben6414.04 is supported until April 201906:49
Bumnit_Bashing-om: all done. no problems.06:49
Ben6415.04 is supported until January 201606:49
Bashing-omBumnit_: Great .. happy trails to you .. and let's not do this again .. keep up with the updates and keep the package manager in a happy happy state of mind !06:51
Bumnit_no more installing kernals when boot is full?06:52
Bumnit_how do i check what kernal im using?06:52
VTSuname -a06:52
Bumnit_close enough06:53
VTSwell, -r just brings the version part06:53
VTS-a is everything06:53
Bashing-omBumnit_: When you install a new kernel do: ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' to remove the old kernels .06:53
kokutHello, anyone knows how to increase network link bandwith ?06:53
Bumnit_3.13.0-46-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 10 20:08:14 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux should i restart?06:53
Bashing-omBumnit_: Yeah , reboot .. I have seen it take 2 // and you should come up on the -53 kernel .06:54
blackflowkokut: isn't it auto-configured for maximum?06:55
PCatineanHello everyone06:55
PCatineanAny advice on what is the best way to get the latest skye working on Ubuntu with everything working (Camera, Screenshare etc)06:56
PCatineanDownload from site and install .deb?06:57
ubuntu791how can i get my bleuthoot wrking on ubuntu 15.04 gnome 64 ?06:57
ubuntu791i can't find any topic on that issue06:57
kokutblackflow: its set to 100mb/s and i've got 30006:58
xanguaPCatinean: the recommended way is to enable the partner repository and install it from the software centre06:59
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »06:59
kokuti'm trying sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg off and it says "Invalid argument" :\06:59
PCatineanOkay then if that is the recommended way I will do that, thank you xangua !06:59
PCatineanxangua, isn't it the one I ticked in the repositories int he gui named Canonical?07:01
PCatineanStrangely enough it appears in apt-cache search skype but not in software center07:01
ubuntu791how can i get my bleuthoot wrking on ubuntu 15.04 gnome 64 ? hp laptop07:01
ubuntu791please help07:01
Bumnit_Bashing-om: Ha! it finaly works perfectly, thank you so much. Your a life saver.07:03
blackflowkokut: for some reason it's limited to 100MBps. which NIC is that? Upstream router limiting link-level options?07:04
Bashing-omBumnit_: I am breaking my arm patting myself on the back .07:04
kokutblackflow: no, i'm on ubuntu, the other computers in the network are already configured07:04
Bumnit_haha, well goodnight!07:05
Bashing-omBumnit_: :) rest well .. come back more often; we do have fun here .07:05
blackflowkokut: pastebin 'ethtool eth0'07:06
kokutblackflow:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full07:07
rhaguHi, can I trust this software to connect with my ubuntu computer: http://tightvnc.com/download-old.php  ?07:07
blackflowkokut: which NIC is that?07:08
=== harishkrupo_ is now known as harishkrupo
kokutAdvertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full  100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full07:08
kokutblackflow: Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full  does this mean that i'm not able to use the 300mb?07:08
blackflowkokut: apparently. which NIC is that?07:08
harishkrupokokut, yes07:09
harishkrupokokut, lspci -v, this will give you the name and model of you ethernet card07:10
blackflowlspci | grep -i eth    is ehough07:10
marlincMy system can't resolve hostnames in my /etc/hosts its a Ubuntu Desktop 15.04 installation07:11
blackflowmarlinc: pastebin an example07:11
kokutblackflow: Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N + WiMAX 615007:12
marlincOf what exactly?07:12
marlincA DNS lookup?07:12
marlincAnd the matching hosts file entry?07:12
blackflowmarlinc: for instance, yes07:13
blackflowkokut: well it's wifi, you've got maximum there already. in fact, I doubt you'll get over 50Mbps in practice07:13
kokutblackflow: Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 05)07:14
blackflowkokut: that's more like it, I was kinda confused you've got wifi at eth007:15
blackflowmarlinc: I don't think nslookup considers /etc/hosts07:15
blackflowcan you ping the host or otherwise access it?07:15
marlincPinging does work07:16
blackflowmarlinc: so resolving works okay07:16
blackflow(if you pinged by name?)07:16
marlincYes, I pinged by the hostname07:17
blackflowmarlinc: there.07:17
marlincChrome does work sometimes, but not always07:17
marlincDo you know of any way to fix it? Because it has always worked07:17
blackflowmarlinc: yeah, I've noticed that Chromium sometimes does its own DNS or something... well, what else do you expect from spyware :)07:17
VTSChromium = spyware07:19
VTSthat's funny07:19
ubuntu791how can i get my bleuthoot wrking on ubuntu 15.04 gnome 64 ? hp laptop07:20
ubuntu791No adapters found07:21
blackflowkokut: according to the docs for RTL8101E, that's a 10/100Base-T card, ie. 100MBps is all you can get07:22
kokutblackflow: its fine i guess, ty07:23
bindi100MB is a lot :-)07:29
bindiespecially per second07:30
johndavehi to all good afternoon07:32
blackflowbindi: regardless of the B typo, it's still bits :)  the convention for MB per second is MB/s07:33
johndaveanybody can help me? this is always my problem every time i upgrade my system from fresh install disqus comment or website do not load. such as blogger.com and disqus07:35
johndavebut before I do apt-get upgrade it was still working I can browser blogger and disqus07:36
johndaveand when I upgrade my system It doesn' work anymore07:37
johndavehi leeyaa07:37
ikoniajohndave: whats the actual problem ?07:37
johndaveikonia, OK here it, when I upgrade my system some websites do not load, example blogger.com or disqus comment box do not load.07:38
PCatineanikonia, yesterday worked, apparently the automatic partitioning system allocates the number of physical memory to swap and the rest just one partition ext407:38
ikoniajohndave: define do not load07:39
ikoniaPCatinean: ok ?07:39
johndaveikonia, but before I do apt-get upgrade, everything is working fine07:39
ikoniajohndave: define do not load07:39
PCatineanjust wanted to mention that07:39
ikoniamention what ?07:39
johndaveikonia, uhm the full website do not appear...07:39
ikoniajohndave: does any of the website appear ?07:39
blackflowjohndave: stupid question, but, do you restart the browser after upgrade?07:39
johndaveikonia, sorry my english is terrible07:39
heySo,try another browser?07:40
ikoniajohndave: what is the error you get when you try to open one of the broken websites ?07:40
johndaveikonia, yes other website appear like my favorite site gsmarena or mynokiablog, but If i am going to comment disqus commentbox does not appear...07:41
johndaveblackflow, yes I did restart and still the same07:41
ikoniajohndave: can you give me a link to one of the broken URL's please07:41
johndavehey, i already tried firefox and google chrome07:42
=== VTS is now known as Det87
johndaveikonia go to mynokiablog.com then click any article, then scroll to disqus commentbox,07:42
ikoniajohndave: can you please take a screenshot07:43
heydownload some large files,is works?07:43
ikoniajohndave: lets see what you see07:44
johndavehey, yes i can download large files, i even downloaded firefox recently and also installed dropbox07:44
ikoniajohndave: downloaded firefox ?07:44
ikoniafirefox is managed by the ubuntu package manager07:44
johndaveikonia, yes I downloaded firefox.07:45
blackflowwell that explains it.07:45
ikoniajohndave: is that the version of firefox you are using ?07:45
johndaveyes It is from ubuntu package manager07:45
crazyhorse18if i go ls -b /some/dir/*.tar.gz   and i get a single file back, how can i untar it in one line?07:45
johndaveikonia, should i remove it?07:46
crazyhorse18i tried ls -b /some/dir/*.tar.gz | tar zxvf   but it didn't work07:46
ikoniacrazyhorse18: | tar xv07:46
ikoniajohndave: no07:46
blackflowcrazyhorse18:   | xargs tar xzvf07:46
TJ-crazyhorse18: "find /some/dir -name '*.tar.gz' -exec {} \; "07:47
TJ-crazyhorse18: typo! "find /some/dir -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar xvf {} \; "07:47
johndaveikonia, my laptop is not old, this was even my problem with my ancient laptop.....07:47
leeyaai have this short script to start/stop a nodejs application using start-stop-daemon http://paste.ubuntu.com/11643341/ i would like to redirect stderr and stdout to a log file i tried with 1>>$APPLOG_FILE 2>>$ERRLOG_FILE but it is not working07:47
ikoniajohndave: can you please take a screen shot, so we can see what you see07:47
leeyaawhat am i missing here ?07:47
TJ-johndave: Are you behind a HTTP proxy, maybe in a country with a restrictive network policies?07:48
crazyhorse18blackflow that worked07:48
blackflowcrazyhorse18: but the find command that TJ- gave is actually wiser07:49
johndaveikonia, ok i will take screenshot, TJ, nope i dont use proxy07:49
crazyhorse18tj: what's the {} do in your command?07:49
TJ-crazyhorse18: It's part of the 'find' - it is replaced by the name of the matched file07:49
crazyhorse18ah i see07:49
TJ-crazyhorse18: see "man find" and "-exec"07:50
crazyhorse18ok thanks07:50
TJ-johndave: Do you use browser add-ons such as NoScript which might be resetting and blocking those sites ?07:50
johndaveTJ nope, i only use flashgot add-ons for downloading thats it07:51
TJ-crazyhorse18: If you want tar to be run in the same directory as the file is found, do: "find /some/dir -name '*.tar.gz' -execdir tar xvf {} \; "07:51
johndaveIf i am in windows it is not happening....07:52
TJ-johndave: OK ... because losing access to only some sites, which are embedded in other sites, sounds very much like some kind of cross-domain blocker is in action07:52
kamel_Ubuntu is ROCKS!07:53
TJ-johndave: If you load a page at disqus directly does that work?07:53
johndaveTJ disqus website loads fine, but the disqus commentbox does not...07:54
johndavedoes not load07:54
TJ-johndave: That points even more strongly to having some kind of cross-domain blocking tool07:55
xanguajohndave: do you have noscript addon or similar¿07:55
johndavexangua, in firefox? no..07:55
TJ-johndave: You said, I think that this affects both Firefox and Chrome/Chromium on Ubuntu, but only after "apt-get update" when those packages are upgraded?07:56
neetzHow to check memory consumed by the installed packages ( libraries ) package by package in ubuntu 12.04 ?07:57
xanguawhay do you mean by consumed memory neetz¿ do you mean the space they occup in your disk?07:59
johndaveTJ, yes it affects all, Midori, Firefox, chrome after apt-get update upgrade08:00
johndaveTJ i can't even upload my screenshot right now T_T08:00
TJ-neetz: "PKG=mypackage;  apt-cache show "$PKG" | egrep '^(Package|Installed-Size):' "08:00
TJ-johndave: That suggests your system *is* behind some kind of filtering proxy08:01
TJ-johndave: Or else domain name resolution  (DNS) is failing for just those domains08:01
PCatineanHow does one hide windows partition (recovery, C:/ Drive and all) from ubuntu?08:02
PCatineanSo they are not available in nautilius anymore08:02
TJ-johndave: DNS failure doesn't make sense though, if you can load the sites directly but not when embedded08:02
neetzTJ-:  It just hangs up :/08:02
neetzxangua:  yes hard disk space08:02
TJ-neetz: is the package cache broken ?08:02
neetzTJ-:  command not found08:02
llutzneetz: aptitude -O installsize -F'%p %I' search '~i'08:03
neetzTJ-:  "PKG=mypackage;  apt-cache show "$PKG" | egrep '^(Package|Installed-Size):"08:03
=== athairus is now known as athairuzzz
johndaveTJ, i remember when I was still using my old laptop this was also my problem, I installed puppy linux and all website loads normally. i dont have problem with it.08:03
neetzllutz:  thanks that worked08:04
neetzllutz:  how do you learn all these commands ?08:04
llutzneetz: use linux for a longer while, read man-pages, use online-ressources etc08:05
neetzllutz:  and if i want to extend that command to give the total count of all the memory consumed by those packages ?08:06
llutzneetz: pipe it into awk and summarize last column08:06
neetzllutz:  latin and greek to me :/08:07
neetzllutz:  the command ?08:07
llutzneetz: man awk :)08:07
neetzllutz:  i'll learn from next time , can you tell me the complete command :p08:08
llutzneetz:  | awk '{SUM +=$2} END {print SUM}'08:08
xTheAredhi :D08:08
neetzllutz:  and if I want it in human readable form then ?  where do I put " -h " in the command08:09
llutzneetz: SUM/1024  or SUM/1024/1024 to make the result more handy08:10
leeyaahow to redirect stdout when using start-stop-deamon08:10
leeyaafor some reason --stdout is not working08:11
neetzllutz:  reg ex error :/08:12
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test
=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
llutzneetz:  | awk '{SUM +=$2} END {print SUM/1024/1024}'08:12
TJ-leeyaa: start-stop-daemon doesn't have "--stdout", at least on 14.0408:13
leeyaaTJ-: yeah seems so. how to redirect then ?08:13
leeyaais it possible at all ?08:13
johndaveTJ-, its me again, i rebooted in usb live installer of elementary OS. I dont have problem now. all website works fine. i will try to upload a screenshot08:14
leeyaai need both stdout and stderr08:14
neetzllutz:  it says 5.6 e -0.708:14
MagePsychowhich is the good mysql client for ubuntu?08:15
llutzMagePsycho: mysql08:15
Det87leeyaa: do you mean -v (--verbose) or..?08:15
leeyaaDet87: no08:15
MagePsycho mysql client app*08:15
llutzneetz:  {print SUM/1024} then08:15
MagePsychomysql gui tool*08:16
Det87leeyaa: is that what you're looking for?: http://stackoverflow.com/q/8251933/182154808:16
leeyaaDet87: i tried a few answers from stackoverflow, i wont come asking here otherwise ;p08:16
leeyaaand yes08:16
johndaveOk i decided not to upgrade my system, i will just reinstall my OS and no more upgrading.... thanks guys08:17
Det87leeyaa: so, that solves it then?08:17
johndavethanks for the help to all08:17
ikoniajohndave: that seems like the worst idea possible08:17
TJ-leeyaa: what are you trying to redirect? Output from some program that doesn't know how to log its own output? Wrap it in a script that does the redirection08:17
johndaveikonia, yeah i know, but i have no choice.08:19
ikoniayou do08:19
ikoniayou can work through the problem08:19
leeyaaTJ-: the program itself has logging. it is a nodejs app. however, for debugging purposes i need to redirect the stdout output for the init.d script too (so i can log console.log etc) this is the actual script http://paste.ubuntu.com/11643989/08:19
Det87leeyaa: what about the SO answer didn't work?08:19
leeyaaDet87: no i tried that08:20
Det87leeyaa: but how is it not working?08:20
leeyaaDet87: log stays empty? :P08:20
Det87leeyaa: you sure you got rights to the file you're trying to write?08:21
johndaveikonia, is there a posibilty that the problem is the kernel?08:21
leeyaaDet87: yes it wont start otherwise08:24
leeyaabut i double checked too08:24
TJ-leeyaa: Upstart controls that via /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf which executes /etc/init.d/rcS which in turn executes /etc/init.d/rc - there may be a way to induce an option in one of those to capture the sysvinit script output to be logged/captured08:24
leeyaaTJ-: that looks like an option too. for now i dont need this app in upstart though08:25
TJ-johndave: Have you tried accessing those same web sites from Ubuntu's Guest Login, not your regular user account?08:25
leeyaai will note it however08:25
leeyaathis is how i start the app    start-stop-daemon --start --background --no-close --exec $NODE_EXEC --user $NODE_USER --name $DNAME --pidfile $PID_FILE --make-pidfile --startas $NODE_EXEC --chuid $NODE_USER -- $NODE_APP $CONFIG_FILE08:25
leeyaamaybe im doing something wrong ?08:25
TJ-leeyaa: Upstart control those scripts being started and if I recall correctly it internally manages stdout/stderr redirection for writing to syslog08:26
leeyaaTJ-: isnt there an easier way ?08:27
johndaveTJ, no i haven't i will try when i am done reiinstalling08:27
leeyaamaybe ill ditch start-stop-deamon lol08:27
johndaveTJ-, i am currently reinstalling my elementaryOS08:27
TJ-johndave: Too late by then. Testing with the Guest account is a great way to find if a problem is caused by a user profile specific setting08:27
johndaveyeah, its ok TJ- ,08:28
TJ-leeyaa: What is the actual problem --- node not starting?08:28
leeyaaTJ-: node is working fine. i just need to log stdout and stderr for its process for debugging purposes08:29
leeyaaTJ-: before moving to start-stop-deamon i just had $NODE_EXEC $NODE_APP $CONFIG_FILE 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &08:30
leeyaai need the same thing ;p08:30
TJ-leeyaa: a more sensible independent solution would be to hook node.js console.log with a simply function that writes the output to disk file08:35
PCatineanWould you guys recommend intalling python-virtualenv via package manager or pip or direct download?08:35
Johnny_Linuxi would prefer writting it down on paper, this way, you dont have to worry about losing it.08:37
cfhowlettPCatinean, direct download - least desirable option08:37
polyphagiayeah esentially the order you described PCatinean08:38
PCatineanokay :D08:38
PCatineanthank you!08:38
PCatineanHow do I add newlines with the tee command?08:42
polyphagiatee is for piping its stdin to stdout and a file08:44
TJ-PCatinean: that's not something tee does, it simply mirrors input to output and stdout08:44
PCatineanso it cannot be done?08:45
polyphagiause echo to add newlines08:45
PCatineanI did, didn't work08:45
PCatineanI mean I do echo and tee because I need to do sudo08:45
TJ-PCatinean: if you're trying to add newlines in pipes, use 'tr'08:45
PCatineanto add a file in xorg.conf08:45
PCatineanjust tr? or escaped tr?08:45
TJ-PCatinean:  "echo -e "some stuff\nsome more stuff" | sudo tee /path/to/file"08:46
PCatineanecho -e uuuhh08:46
* PCatinean tries08:46
tnkhanhhi everyone08:47
PCatineanTJ-, you're brilliant, you deserve a medal :D08:47
PCatineanthanks so much08:47
polyphagiahi tnkhanh08:47
tnkhanhanyone remember me?08:47
* tnkhanh waves hand08:47
TJ-PCatinean: I've already got several, thanks :D08:47
cfhowletttnkhanh, errrr, no.08:47
PCatineanIn multiple domains? :D08:47
cfhowlett!ask | tnkhanh08:47
ubottutnkhanh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:47
TJ-PCatinean: but of course O:)08:48
Johnny_Linuxtnkhanh , you stole my lawn mower08:48
tnkhanhJohnny_Linux: don't worry I just borrow08:48
PCatineanhmm, whitepace seems not to work with \w08:49
tnkhanhI came here before to ask silly questions08:49
tnkhanhlucky noone rmb08:49
cfhowletttnkhanh,  , please do not ask silly questions here.08:49
TJ-PCatinean: "\w" is a regular expression shortcut, not an escape code08:50
TJ-PCatinean: if you're referring to echo, then see "man echo" for the escape codes it recognises08:50
PCatineanhmm, apprently there is no such character08:51
PCatineanjust tab08:51
TJ-PCatinean: be aware if you just call 'echo' using "echo" you may be invoking the shell's implementation, *not* "/bin/echo" which the man-page refers to. There may be subtle differences depending on the shell08:52
PCatineanThink there is a subtle difference you are right, but not for the case i'm after, tab should be more than fine as well I think08:53
avelldirollHi all, on ubuntu 14.10 and xubuntu 14.10, this past few weeks, me and some colleague have been hearing a "2 tones" alert sound from different machines, with no other notifications or pointers in the logs, does anybody have an idea where this could come from? is there a way to dump the list of process that access the sound output (i.e., is there something more friendly to use than lsof on the proper08:54
avelldiroll/dev/device?) ?08:54
ikoniaavelldiroll: that sounds like a hardware warning more than thhe OS08:54
cfhowlettavelldiroll, agreed.08:54
avelldirollthe 2 tones alert happens rougly once a day08:54
cfhowlettavelldiroll, check your logs08:55
avelldirollikonia: that is what i thought ... but it is happening on several machines with different specs and manufacurers]08:55
ikoniaavelldiroll: seems unrealistic08:55
avelldirollcfhowlett: i found nothing related08:55
TJ-avelldiroll: Does it sound like the basic PC speaker output (usually built onto the motherboard or the chassis), or coming from speakers attached to the audio output?08:56
avelldirollTJ-: no, it sound like a mp3 recording of firefighter truck alarm08:57
TJ-avelldiroll: OK, so that sounds like its generated by software08:57
avelldirollTJ-: and i am hearing it through earphones08:57
TJ-avelldiroll: I get something similar when I'm in a terminal and I cause the Bell to ring by trying to scroll too far in some direction, for example08:58
cfhowlettTJ-, accessibility options??08:58
TJ-avelldiroll: Is there any pattern to which application is being used, or run, when it happens?08:58
leeyaaTJ-: nvm i figured it08:59
avelldirollIt happens at times with no interaction with keyboards and mouse, and i did not find some common software used (apart from firefox)08:59
avelldirollit happens to multiple users, using different machines, using different softwares09:00
avelldirolland re-reading what i just wrote … it is sounding like it could be an opened webpage09:00
polyphagiamost likely09:01
Johnny_Linuxsounds right09:01
avelldirollthat would be used by all users, i have to investigate that09:01
TJ-avelldiroll: some side-channel chat/notification for a logged-in service, perhaps?09:01
eduardoanyone can help to create vpn connection using only server address, user and password.... in windows i can do it very easy but ubuntu is impossible it asks me about a certificate that isnt avalaible for me09:01
avelldirolleduardo: what kinf of VPN ? openvpn? anyconnect?09:02
leeyaathanks for the help earlier09:02
leeyaaapparently my app was not making any requests, so i was not getting any log entries :D09:03
eduardoavelldiroll i dont know, suppose vpn in windows they ask me for new connection09:03
eduardoive also tried ptp but it doesnt work...09:03
TJ-leeyaa: doh!!09:04
eduardoi want to connect to my university cluster and they gave us a address, user and password thats it.....09:04
avelldirolleduardo: by default, windows only support pptp vpn, so there should be a specific client used on windows, which one is it ?09:04
nvkI'm trying to run an application and I'm getting this error "./bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstlport.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"09:05
nvkwhich package should I install?09:05
lotuspsychjenvk: wich application are you trying to run?09:06
eduardoavelldiroll http://imagebin.ca/v/24INV3jhtFR3 click in the image and download a pdf tutorial.. in spanish very very short09:06
eduardowith images you can easily understand09:06
nvkits a license manager, from my company09:07
lotuspsychjenvk: ubuntu version?09:07
lotuspsychje!find libstlport09:07
ubottuPackage/file libstlport does not exist in vivid09:08
nvklotuspsychje 15.0409:08
lotuspsychjenvk: you have an url of that application, howto install?09:09
eduardoavelldiroll i do it well but it says connction has failed.....using ptpt09:09
avelldirolleduardo: so it looks like a pptp VPN, be sure to install the following packages: network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome09:09
lotuspsychjenvk: apt-cache doesnt find that libstlport09:09
PCatineanIn the case of not requiring video editing or performance whatsoever, should I stick to xorg noveau drivers for my notebook with dual video cards in it?09:09
nvklotuspsychje: I have nothing but the binary, will ask my mates when they come then09:09
TJ-nvk: libstlport is the Sun c++ compiler standard library. Looks like you need that to run the application09:09
eduardoavelldiroll i have yet installed09:10
nvkTJ-: how can I install that?09:10
TJ-nvk: see http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris/cmp-stlport-libcstd-142559.html09:10
nvkTJ-: will have a look, thanks!09:10
lotuspsychjePCatinean: use the drivers that work best for your system mate09:11
k1lnvk: seems like that libstlport is quite old? i see 12.04 packages but no since 14.0409:11
PCatineanI mean they work fine now not sure if I would get better rendering/refresh-rate/quality if I switched for the nvidia proprietary drivers09:11
avelldirolleduardo: so when configuring a pptp VPN in network-manager, it does not ask for a certificate, what is the issue then ?09:11
polyphagiaif the free drivers are working for you i don't recommend switching PCatinean09:11
PCatineanThen I will stick here :))09:12
lotuspsychjepolyphagia: +109:12
nvkk1l: I saw that aswell... I don't know which SO they have in production09:12
k1lnvk: so what program is it that needs that?09:12
eduardoavelldiroll  http://imagebin.ca/v/24VnDkfy17Rs it always failed the connection although they are right...09:13
nvkk1l: it's a license manager for my company09:13
eduardoavelldiroll if you want i can pass the login in private and you can try... for my in windows is easy and ubuntu impossible...09:15
avelldirolleduardo: you should never suggest that, those are private09:15
avelldiroll(and you don't know what i could do with them :) )09:15
lotuspsychjenvk: the name of the package would be usefull, is it a .deb or..?09:16
eduardoavelldiroll i would change it, and is nothing imporant there only access to terminal of cluster09:16
avelldirolleduardo: looking at the pdf and the image, you don't seem to use the same server adress09:16
eduardoaverlldiroll sorry i know it, they have told us to change the address.. the new addrss that works in windows is the one i wrote....... the tutorial is for windows xpp so i bit outdated jaj09:17
nvklotuspsychje: it's just a binary file... LicenseManager, no extension whatsoever09:17
k1lnvk: seems like you need the oracle solaris studio09:17
avelldirolleduardo: i read "tunels.udl.es" on the pdf and "tunelsalu.udl.cat" on the image (i am probably wrong as the resolution is low on both)09:17
nvkk1l: ok, will download, thanks!09:18
eduardoaverlldiroll sorry i know it, they have told us to change the address.. the new addrss that works in windows is the one i wrote....... the tutorial is for windows xpp so i bit outdated09:18
avelldirolleduardo: last thing would be to check your firewall09:18
TJ-eduardo: is listening on the standard PPTP port, as well as exposing the Windows network it is on... you may want to report that to your university security/IT department09:18
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TJ-eduardo: You should check the log files for reasons why it fails to connect. In a terminal do "tail -f /var/log/syslog" then try to connect, you sohuld get some clues09:19
eduardoas long as i know i have it disabled ( my firewall)09:20
avelldirollfrom memory, for pptp vpn, you need 47 and 1723 opened, but please to take that for granted (i don't use pptp much)09:20
TJ-avelldiroll: No, only 1723 TCP09:21
avelldirolleduardo: it could be the firewall of your machine, or the firewall of the network you are currently in09:21
mikubuntuday 4: damn hp mini, it wants to load lubuntu live 1404, but screen blacks out just after splash screen with 'try w/o install' option -- which, according to this page: https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/ i NEED to run live first to use gparted to alter partitions. also, someone had suggested i get into f6 to click nomodeset, which i did, but still goes to black screen.09:22
avelldirollTJ-: oh yes you are right09:22
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: did you try xubuntu aswell?09:22
kk_dropis there a keyboard shortcut for moving window between screens (not between desktops - shft+ctrl+arrow09:22
eduardothis is my log... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11645033/09:23
TJ-avelldiroll: The '47' you're thinking of is the IP protocol number 47, otherwise known as GRE, used by Cisco and other Tunnelling services09:23
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: is that box an uefi?09:23
mikubuntulotuspsychje: i went to answer that yesterday, but you had left -- no, but why do you ask. it looks like the problem is associated with the peculiarities of hp netbook09:23
mikubuntulotuspsychje: not sure what uefi is -- its an hp mini 1000 netbook09:24
avelldirollTJ-: yes, just memory association, due to having dealt with it a while ago, it is alreadty mixed up in my memory soup09:24
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: whats the Default Os on that hp?09:24
mikubuntulotuspsychje: currently running xp (not sure what it came with, was given to my sister)09:24
TJ-avelldiroll: I know the feeling :)09:24
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: does your system have less then 2gig ram?09:25
TJ-eduardo: Is your system behind a router that is doing port address translation? Does Windows work behind the same router?09:25
k1leduardo: network-manager-pptp is installed?09:26
mikubuntulotuspsychje: here's a page that expains some of hp mini problems/solutions to installing ubuntu09:26
avelldirollTJ-: he sais it is working on windows, so i assumed it was working on windows "on the same network"09:26
mikubuntulotuspsychje: https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/09:26
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: how much ram does your box have?09:26
mikubuntulotuspsychje: how do i find that out from xp09:27
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: system settings09:27
TJ-eduardo: Your log file looked like it didn't capture the pptp service starting, which will contain more accurate details. Can you pastebin the last 2000 lines from that file? "tail -n 2000 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit"09:27
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mikubuntulotuspsychje: lemme look09:27
TJ-avelldiroll: me too, but I've learned to my cost never to assume when doing support!09:27
avelldirolleduardo: TJ- :  I have to go, but from what i recall, windows pptp servers can be very picky on the auth protocol they choose, i remember having to force one (pap, chap, eap,…) as the negaociation with the server was failing09:29
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avelldirollTJ-: and you are right to do so :)09:29
TJ-avelldiroll: yes, we need more info to determine but that's my thought right now09:29
TJ-eduardo: Are you connected to the VPN from a Windows PC when you try to connect from Ubuntu, or do you try it when Windows isn't connected to the VPN?09:30
mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok i have system properties open, has tabs for updates, remote, general, hardware, and advanced09:32
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: should show in system properties, ask in ##windows if you dont find09:33
vanschageni  have now ATtin working on  win7 ,linux mint and MAC works now fine09:33
lotuspsychje!mint | vanschagen09:33
ubottuvanschagen: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:33
eduardoperhaps this is better with more info....http://paste.ubuntu.com/11645324/09:36
eduardoTJ- i ve tried in a windows laptop i have, and also i have tried from a virtual machine ( windows 10) with vmware09:37
eduardolaptop - different computer... virtual machine inside same desktop pc09:38
cotalinuxHello, does anyone use something for time tracking on ubuntu? I've tried Hamster but it lacks some features09:38
lotuspsychjecotalinux: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4113/which-time-tracker-application-do-you-recommend09:39
TJ-eduardo: That's a great log :)   CHAP authentication is good but then Link Control Protocol reports an error: "LCP terminated by peer (MPPE required but peer negotiation failed)"09:40
eduardoTJ- so any solution ?09:41
avelldirolleduardo: enable MPEE encryption in the advanced settings then09:42
TJ-eduardo: Yes, in the PPTP options enable MPPE09:42
mikubuntulotuspsychje: intel atom cpu n270 @ 1.60 ghz 1.32 ghz, 0.99 gb ram -- says on sys prop window09:43
TJ-eduardo: MPPE == Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption09:43
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: for system less then 2gig, try force_pae  option, the same way you untered F6 nomodeset09:44
cotalinuxlotuspsychje: thx. Hamster seems like a good app, however I would have liked to set idle detection to 5 min. Insted the app uses the "turn screen off when inactive for" system settings09:44
mikubuntulotuspsychje: i don't think i remember there being a force pae option09:45
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: you can enter manualy09:45
lotuspsychje!pae | mikubuntu09:45
ubottumikubuntu: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info09:45
mikubuntulotuspsychje: is that in grub?09:45
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: read the trigger mate09:46
TJ-PAE should have no effect on a system with 1GB of RAM09:46
mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok, i see those instructions -- were you able to read the page i posted above about hp mini's partitions?09:49
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: yes, did you try those aswell?09:49
mikubuntulotuspsychje: no, because i could never get the stick to run live yet09:49
avelldirollTJ-: PAE consumes some resources (ram, cpu-cycles) even when not used, so a system with less than 3GB will perform marginally better with PAE disabled (marginally here is roughly 10% overall)09:49
mikubuntulotuspsychje: does that need to be addressed b4 or after forcepae process?09:50
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: try the boot options first: nomodeset or no_acpi or forcepae to test if you can bypass your black screen09:51
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: if you cant, must be that partitioning issue09:51
stevenmHi, anyone here use catfish? and have you noticed it doesn't seem to use 'locate' like *at all* ?09:52
mikubuntulotuspsychje: are you suggesting i try nomodeset, no_acpi, and forecpae all simultaneously? i had ticked the nomodeset in f6 yesterday, but no luck still went to black screen09:53
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: no, each one at time test09:53
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mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok guess that will take a few mins you gnna be around for little while?09:54
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: not sure, if not ask away what you tested in this channel09:54
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: always some good helpers here09:54
TJ-mikubuntu avelldiroll: Indeed, but PAE shouldn't have any effect on a 1GB system displaying a black screen. PAE adds another layer of page tables to increase addressable memory in the kernel, but not the user-space VMA09:54
mikubuntulotuspsychje: yes i know, but some better than others ... lol09:55
wellyHello all. Can anyone recommend a terminal app to replace the default terminal?09:55
lotuspsychje!info terminator | welly09:56
avelldirollTJ-: agreed, i just read your messaged, answered, and then backlogged to realize my answer was out of scope of the issue09:56
ubottuwelly: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-4 (vivid), package size 234 kB, installed size 2049 kB09:56
mikubuntuTJ-: what about acpi_off ?09:56
k1lwelly: well, if you want to replace it see what other terminal can offer you the stuff that the regular terminal cant09:56
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: you have been tested for days now, in your case its worth a try to test it all09:57
wellycool, going to check out terminator. Just found that one. I'm finding the regular terminal just a bit limiting.09:57
mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok, i try acpi off first since i've tried nomodeset already several times09:58
lotuspsychjewelly: limited in wich way?09:58
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: did you try 12.04 also?09:58
TJ-mikubuntu: acpi could have an effect, but my focus would be on why the integrated intel GMA945 video chipset driver is failing to work09:58
wellylotuspsychje: I've just installed ubuntu on my macbook pro to replace osx. used to use iterm2 on osx. It was a bit more configurable, a bit more immediate. Tabbed terminals was particularly handy09:59
polyphagiagnome-terminal has tabs09:59
polyphagiathey just did a really good job of hiding them10:00
k1lgnome terminal got tabs, too10:00
polyphagiaand i'm not sure why tbh10:00
wellydoes it? I certianly can't find it if it does10:00
wellynew terminal opens a new window10:00
polyphagiashift ctrl t10:01
wellyOh i see10:01
mikubuntulotuspsychje: and TJ- acpi-_off and went right to black sreen10:01
wellythank you10:01
TJ-mikubuntu: I'm reaidng HP's service manual for that model now, in case there's some clues10:01
k1lgnome guys think too much settings are too confusing. at least the settings still work with shortcuts10:01
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: can you tell us again wich ubuntu versions you tested on that box10:02
mikubuntuok, i'll try the forcepae in meantime10:02
mikubuntulotuspsychje: just lubuntu i have been using for quite a while and i like it -- need something simple for my sister to use10:03
TJ-mikubuntu: According to this document, the mini 210 has an Intel GMA3150 video chipset. That should help us further diagnose whether the correct driver is loading and any options that you could tweak for it10:03
lotuspsychjewelly: http://www.tecmint.com/linux-terminal-emulators/10:03
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: yes but you tested different version of lubuntu no?10:04
mikubuntuTJ-: problem is i can't even get a terminal with that damned black screen10:04
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: ive suggested you xubuntu also yesterday, as someone succeeded on a forum to install it on your hp10:04
mikubuntulotuspsychje: no i only have one usb10:04
mikubuntulotuspsychje: oooohhhhhh, you never said that -- i asked you why you asked about xub .. lol10:05
mikubuntulotuspsychje: but also many apparently have loaded lub also, and i really do prefer it if we can get to the bottom of the problem10:06
polyphagiaah welly you can also go into Edit>Preferences10:06
polyphagiaand change it to open new terminals in tabs10:06
polyphagiainstead of windows10:06
polyphagiastill though, i don't find that very intuitive10:07
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: by testing out, you can find your specific issue10:07
TJ-mikubuntu: There are ways. At the boot kernel command-line editor, put on the end: "init=/bin/sh" and it will start the kernel and a basic shell and nothing else. If that works you can work forward from there.10:08
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: check bios settings, check bios flash updates,try xubuntu,try force_pae,try 12.04,...10:08
mikubuntulotuspsychje: "Now a string of options is visible, often with 'quiet' or 'quiet splash --' at the end. Add 'forcepae' to the string before and after the two dashes ("forcepae -- forcepae")." from page you sent -- but i don't know how to edit that string.10:10
mikubuntulotuspsychje: nevermind i edited it -- now to test it10:12
mikubuntulotuspsychje: nope -- straight to black screen with forcepae added to string10:14
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: ok then you've tested all boot options now, try other things10:15
TJ-mikubuntu: long shot but... have you got an external monitor connected?10:16
__Myst__How do I make something done in dpkg-reconfigure permanent?10:17
__Myst__Everything I set there gets deleted on reboot10:17
svetait is permanent by default and by design10:17
svetaplease be more specific10:17
mikubuntuTJ-: ok, so i'm back at black screen, do you want me to try to start a shell? is that the same location to insert init bin sh as where i put the forcepae?10:17
mikubuntuTJ-: no ext monitor -- i'm on my laptop with the target box next to me10:18
TJ-mikubuntu: I'm reading it is caused by the video chipset being set into an illegal resolution. Try this on the kernel command-line: "video=1024x600"   - change those X and Y resolution values if you know your mini's resolution is different to those10:19
TJ-mikubuntu: I took those values from the service manuals' list of screen's fitted to that model10:19
mikubuntuTJ-: where is the 'kernel command line' is that the same place i earlier inserted 'forcepae'?10:22
TJ-mikubuntu: Correct, that is it10:22
__Myst__Let me be more specific:10:22
__Myst__Whenever I run the command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure' to set my keyboard layout to Generica 105 PC Italian10:22
__Myst__After reboot it gets set to Generica 105 PC English10:23
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: try 12.04 on that box also10:23
mikubuntuTJ-: ok, so insert "video=1024x600" (without quotations) at the end of that line?10:23
__Myst__How can I fix that?10:23
TJ-mikubuntu: Yes10:23
mikubuntulotuspsychje: ok after i try these options, because i'll have to erase the 1404 and download and write the new stick for 120410:24
TJ-mikubuntu: I've also read that on some GMA chipsets the backlight setting is inverted so when the operating system thinks it has turned it on, it has turned it off. That's controlled by ACPI, and the fix for that one is to use "acpi_osi=linux" which tells the ACPI sub-system it is using Linux not Windows10:24
__Myst__The command is running is not only "sudo dpkg-reconfigure", but "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"10:25
__Myst__And the automatically selected options are all the correct ones10:25
k1l__Myst__: unset "use system defaults" in the keyboard settings10:28
mikubuntuTJ-: ok, back to black screen -- are you suggesting then to add acpi osi linux to kernel string after 1024x600?10:28
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: how big is your netbook screen exactly?10:29
k1l__Myst__: what desktop do you use?10:29
mikubuntulotuspsychje: you mean physically?10:30
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: yes10:30
mikubuntulotuspsychje: small its just a 'netbook'10:30
TJ-mikubuntu: Try them together first, then acpi_osi on its own. One other thing I can think of... try connecting an external monitor in case the outputs have been switched at boot time... that might be seeing the output. I once dealt with a system that do that and it took me a day until I thought to try an external monitor :)10:30
lotuspsychjeTJ-: +1 good idea about the external10:31
TJ-lotuspsychje: According to the service manual the mini 210 has a 10.1" 1024x600 screen10:31
lotuspsychjeTJ-: sounds like those atom netbooks with ubuntu remix on10:31
mikubuntulotuspsychje: if you want the screen res that xp is currently using i have to boot xp and look.10:32
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: no its ok, try what TJ- suggests10:32
TJ-mikubuntu: If you want to test the 'inverted backlight" theory, shine a bright torch onto the screen and you should be able to illuminate the LCD pixels and if you can see things drawn on screen you know it is the backlight issue10:33
mikubuntuTJ-: ok black screen using both together -- going to try just osi linux now10:37
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: wich lubuntu did you put on stick 32 or 64?10:37
TJ-mikubuntu: I'd suggest the 2nd monitor *and* the bright torch right now. you need to prove whether this is really a no-pixels-written-to-screen or a backlight-is-off issue10:39
PCatineanDoes anyone have issues with google hangout in chromium on ubuntu 14.04.02?10:42
mikubuntuTJ-: arrrrrrrrrrrrgh ... black screen of death ... lol. lotuspsychje 32 bit. don't know what the bright torch is -- is it something like a hammer? hey -- i don't remember that kernel string editor ever being on the install disks is it fairly new? very cool for troubleshooting huh?10:45
mikubuntuTJ-: external monitor is a problem right now, don't know if i can track one down from someone10:47
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: try a 12.04 ubuntu or xubuntu perhaps10:49
mikubuntulotuspsychje: they've always said if you're not sure to use 32 bit, right? i couldn't find any reference to 64 type so i used 32 bit10:50
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: that should be good to go10:50
sliddjur Im getting a blank screen when trying to connect to a mikrotik router via ubuntu sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200. Works via putty on a windows machine at same baud rate10:50
TJ-mikubuntu: Could you 'borrow' the monitor from the PC you're using on here?10:50
mikubuntulotuspsychje: regular full flavor ubuntu?10:50
lotuspsychjeanyway im out, let us know how you fixxed it mikubuntu10:50
lotuspsychjemikubuntu: as long as its 12.04, just to test if you can bypass the black screen10:51
mikubuntuTJ-: its a laptop, can i hijack part of the monitor?10:51
__Myst__Is it more efficient to use tmux/Terminator than i3 for stacking terminals?10:51
TJ-sliddjur: Try "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8,-ixon,-ixff,istrip"10:52
mikubuntuTJ-: naturally, you'd have to tell me how to do that :(10:52
TJ-mikubuntu: Ahhhh! No :) I thought I saw you mention a desktop10:52
TJ-sliddjur: typo "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8,-ixon,-ixoff,istrip"10:52
sliddjurTJ-:  nope, still blank screen10:53
sliddjursame with cutecom gui, 8 dat 1 stop bit.10:56
mikubuntuTJ-: i had to go back and find your bright torch comment, i din't know what you were talking about. i do have a double lcd headlamp that i just shone onto the black screen, and no i don't see any writing or images visible. i do, however, have two floaters in my eyes now, surprisingly similar to the lamps on the lcd shining back at me from the screen. lol.10:57
mikubuntuTJ-: so do you agree with lotus that i should burn and try 12.04 versions of xub and ub? should i try 12.04 lub by the same token?11:00
TJ-mikubuntu: OK, so that suggests the issue is a problem with initialising the video chipset, posibly switching to the external output which has nothing connected, or possibly the wrong resolution being requested which would have the effect of turning the video chipset off for some combinations.11:02
mikubuntuTJ-: offhand, can you tell me -- is it possible to load multiple bootable OS on one usb? the stick i have is 16gb, so it has space, but i don't know if thats a workable thing?11:02
TJ-mikubuntu: IT won't hurt to try an older version, at least you'll be able to confirm whether an older release can operate the screen, which if so will point to a regression11:03
ablest1980wheres lotus?11:03
TJ-mikubuntu: It is possible, but you have to step through some hoops to di it, oyu can't simply write several ISO images onto the USB flash in different places11:05
mikubuntuTJ-: so i'll set you free now for awhile, thanks so much for all the help -- i'll report back whatever happens using 1204 versions11:06
TJ-mikubuntu: You might try this Windows tool if you think it suitable   https://sites.google.com/site/shamurxboot/11:06
mikubuntuTJ-: cool tool i'd have to use it on the netbook b4 i wipe xp i guess, nothing else running windows around here11:08
TJ-mikubuntu: There are Linux tools too11:08
TJ-mikubuntu: I see this one suggested at penlinux site: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:10
michael_mbphey guys11:11
michael_mbphow can I get a command to run backgrounded but not return an exit value?11:11
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michael_mbp2>&1>/dev/null &11:12
Axsexelanyone here?11:12
Saturn812michael_mbp, nohup command args > /dev/null 2>&1 &11:12
michael_mbpnohup ?11:13
michael_mbpso I'm doing11:13
michael_mbpservice sendmail start &11:13
michael_mbpthat would return '...done' and exit 011:13
Axsexelanyone here an expert on windows 8.1 conflicts?11:13
michael_mbpyou're asking in a linux chan...11:14
Ben64Axsexel: ##windows for windows support11:14
Saturn812afaik services should run on the background by itself. If it's a legit service11:14
mikubuntuTJ-: cool, it never really occured to me before to have multiple os on one stick, probably because i never had a big enough stick :P11:14
michael_mbpSaturn812: it does11:14
Axsexelnono, my problem is with windows having possible conflict with ubuntu11:14
michael_mbpbut I'm running it through something called foreman11:14
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michael_mbpit's a simple process runner11:14
michael_mbpthat exit 0 causes it to TERM.11:15
michael_mbpso I just want to trigger sendmail to start...background away11:15
michael_mbpand don't want it to 'exit 0'.11:15
michael_mbpif I just do service sendmail start, then it's fine... BUT takes a long time.11:16
michael_mbpSaturn812: thoughts?11:16
TJ-michael_mbp: bash shell "set +m" (monitor) might do what you want11:16
michael_mbpah I wonder if it's cause of set -e11:17
michael_mbpexit on first failure?11:17
Axsexelok, I'll just ask and maybe someone nice enough will answer me straight . Is it possible if I had linux on one HDD partition and installed windows8.1 on another partition, for windows to wipe clean my linux partition? and no, it's not just a boot problem, i ran GParted and other softwares and the linux partition is just gone11:17
Axsexelit either says "free space" either no partition at all11:18
geirhamichael_mbp: well, 0 means success, and won't trigger errexit (set -e)11:18
Ben64Axsexel: maybe? ask ##windows about how the windows installer behaves11:19
TJ-Axsexel: If you installed Windows after Linux it is possible, yes11:19
Saturn812windows installer wipes out any linux partitions11:19
Saturn812*boot partitions'11:19
Axsexelno, not just the boot11:19
Axsexelthe actual partition where linux was installed11:19
michael_mbpgeirha: true...11:20
Saturn812if you didn't do anything bad on windows install, it just erases the boot sector11:20
michael_mbpnot sure what the exit code from command & is11:20
geirhamichael_mbp: always 011:20
michael_mbpit's cause that process dies once sendmail starts11:20
michael_mbpso right now, it's a docker container, running an entrypoint.sh11:20
Axsexelso afterall it could be me wiping it by mistake? and if so any quick tip on it's recovery?11:20
michael_mbpgeirha: this service start & is inside that entrypoint script.11:21
Saturn812Axsexel, data recovery is very tricky. You have good chances if it is a separate from windows 8 hdd, but if you installed something on it already, chances are very slim11:21
geirhamichael_mbp: I really don't see the point in running the service command in the background. If you want to ignore its exit status, just put   || :  behind it11:21
Axsexelthe HDD space where linux was is free, haven't touched it11:22
geirha(I also think it's a bad idea to ignore its exit status)11:22
michael_mbpgeirha: cause it delays the container starting11:22
michael_mbpand sendmail eventually starts after about a minute or so11:22
michael_mbptrue... ideally, I'd have some process monitoring on sendmail11:23
michael_mbpand true, I'd run it inside its own container.11:23
michael_mbp(which I'm working on)11:23
geirhait shouldn't take long to start a service11:23
michael_mbpsendmail seems to take an age.11:24
michael_mbpthink it has trouble determining the containers fqdn.11:24
geirhafrom starting the service till the service is up and running, could take anything from a few milliseconds to several minutes, but the service command should return much sooner regardless11:24
michael_mbpit returns '* starting sendmail MTA...' and takes about a minute11:25
michael_mbpthe text ^^ is along those lines :)11:25
frendaThere is a website for 'linux terminal video clips' that I can't remember it; Does anybody know it?11:36
frendaa place for sharing11:36
backboxi need some help here guys11:38
Ben64backbox: you running backbox linux?11:38
backboxbut not installed it yet11:38
Ben64their support channel is  #backbox on irc.autistici.org11:39
backboxand i wana install it on hdd11:39
backboxokay thx im going there11:39
backboxbut no one is there bro11:40
alnkpahi guys, I installed papi from the repos on a system only using Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8890 v3. it reports "No uncore PMUs or events found", while perf list sees a multitude of PMU events. does anybody have an idea, what the problem might be11:40
Ben64backbox: theres 7 people!11:40
backboxBen64: i joined the channel u put it and no one is there my bro11:41
Ben64well backbox isn't supported here11:41
backboxBen64: can u give me the link again pls11:42
Ben64scroll up a few lines?11:42
Omnipotentwell like a total noob I have accidentally removed /etc/apache2/apache.conf from my system11:43
Omnipotentand using everything provided over S.O. and stuff... I can't seem to retrive..11:43
Omnipotentthe apt-get for retriving configuration..11:44
kk_droptry to reinstall apache, it will create it again11:44
OmnipotentDid that too.11:44
Omnipotent--purge remove too11:44
Omnipotentand then manual install..11:44
Omnipotentbut it just removes 29 KBs11:44
Omnipotentand installs the same11:44
TJ-Omnipotent: Do you mean "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" ?11:44
Omnipotenterr yeah that11:45
Omnipotentit was just default configuration11:45
Omnipotentso no big loss11:45
Ben64yep, reinstalling apache2 will recreate it11:45
OmnipotentBen42, as I said, I tried, but it doesn't.11:45
TJ-Omnipotent: OK ... making sure you weren't looking for a non-existent file!11:45
Ben64then you didn't do it properly11:45
Omnipotenttried --purge remove .. autoremove11:45
Omnipotentand everything else.11:45
Omnipotentwhat can I do now?11:46
Omnipotentdoes anyone have a copy of default file which I can literally copy paste?11:47
Ben64reinstall apache211:47
OmnipotentI did.11:47
OmnipotentI mentioned I did.11:47
Ben64right, but you must have missed something11:47
OmnipotentRight, then what exactly? sudo apt-get --purge remove apache211:47
Omnipotentsudo apt-get install apache211:47
Omnipotenthow about that?11:47
Omnipotentshould it work?11:47
TJ-Omnipotent: which release of Ubuntu?11:48
OmnipotentTJ-, 14.0411:48
Ben64just tried it on my test vm, works fine11:48
OmnipotentI dunno.. it's not working.11:48
Ben64resintalled apache2 and it recreated the file. try harder11:48
OmnipotentIt removes only 29 kbs11:48
Omnipotentfor some  reasons.11:48
Ben64who cares how much it removes11:48
OmnipotentI've also made sure that apache2 is not running.11:48
OmnipotentHow about you give me some proper command instead of just telling me to try harder :\11:49
OmnipotentSorry about being rude.. but that is really vogue answer :(11:49
Ben64you just keep saying you've tried everything, but i doubt you've tried it while here11:49
OmnipotentWell, you didn't tell me anything that I didn't.. I tried reinstall.. reinstall with config option passed using -o for apt-get .. I also tried --purge remove and then install11:50
OmnipotentI also tried autoremove and then install11:50
Omnipotentwhat is left?11:50
OmnipotentCan you tell me that?11:50
OmnipotentI can't find any more solutions...11:50
Ben64if you can't be bothered to follow the steps, i can't help you11:50
kuba7447every time i start ubuntu , its says "MPU device not found" , whats wrong?11:51
OmnipotentI am done with regular channel troll it seems heh11:51
TJ-Omnipotent: reinstalling all files would require: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install apache2"11:51
Omnipotentyeah did that .. as mentioned about.. "I tried reinstall'11:51
Ben64stop saying you've tried it, and TRY IT11:52
OmnipotentI tried the exact same command11:52
Omnipotent.it doesn't work11:52
Omnipotentwhich part of it did you not understand?11:52
TJ-Omnipotent: show us the terminal output when you try it11:52
OmnipotentA min please.11:52
TJ-Omnipotent: Have you checked the disk space is not running out, etc?11:52
OmnipotentYes, there's A LOT Of space here11:52
Omnipotentaround 100 GB left.11:52
TJ-Omnipotent: Any quotas set?11:53
OmnipotentNope, clean fresh install of ubuntu11:53
Laurenceb_I have a problem ,metacity has huge and i have lost my window decoiration11:53
Laurenceb_how do i restart metacity?11:53
Laurenceb_i only have ssh access11:53
kuba7447what is an MPU device?11:53
TJ-Omnipotent: Desktop with Unity, or Server ?11:53
OmnipotentServer, VPS11:53
Omnipotentno Unity installed.11:53
Ben64Laurenceb_: DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace&11:54
OmnipotentTJ-, http://ideone.com/kZAA7311:54
Omnipotentoutput after --reinstall11:54
TJ-Omnipotent: OK, that helps. I'm wondering if the download of the .deb archive is somehow broken11:54
Omnipotentwell, I originally installed from same repos.. 3 days ago.11:54
Laurenceb_ok, trying11:54
OmnipotentI didn't fiddle with anything..11:54
Ben64doesn't look like ubuntu11:55
OmnipotentI just accidently hit enter where I was not supposed to and deleted apache2's config.11:55
Ben64and definitely isn't x86 based11:55
OmnipotentIt's arm based system .. the 14.04 is available for that under ARM ISO..11:56
TJ-Omnipotent: that looks like a Debian Wheezy package... on ARM hard float arch11:56
Ben64raspberry pi running raspbian maybe?11:56
Ben64google only comes back with results from debian, raspbian, and kali11:57
OmnipotentNo idea.11:58
Ben64probably because you're not on Ubuntu. please use the correct channel for your distro11:58
DJonesBen64: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi11:59
OmnipotentI'll ask in Raspbian channel if you want... but I am pretty sure it is Ubuntu for ARM11:59
Omnipotentalthough the device is not at my place.11:59
kuba7447what is MPU-401 ???11:59
DJonesThere is a 14.04 image for the Pi 211:59
Omnipotentregardless shouldn't packet manager commands be same..12:00
Omnipotenteven if it happens to be Raspbian?12:00
Ben64DJones: yes, i know it exists, i'm looking at the specific package for apache, and every result on the internet points me to not ubuntu12:00
OmnipotentThanks TJ- for all the help :-)12:00
TJ-Omnipotent: It's definitely a Debian package, has no Ubuntu version identifier, but it is in the ISO. And you *have* found a legitimate bug which I've reproduced here12:01
wellyHey all. Got a question regarding the gnome key storage. I copied my gpg and pass config over from my desktop and ran pass. all worked fine except it prompted me if I wanted to save the password. Made the mistake of saying yes12:02
OmnipotentWell it isn't even my system, I am just SSHing into a friends system who just gave me the address and asked me to fix it.. so I dunno what exactly lies underneath.12:02
OmnipotentWhy would I lie if it's not ubuntu... the friend just told me it's ubuntu so I was trying12:03
OmnipotentI mean there isn't a great point in saying it's Ubuntu if it's not heh12:03
__Myst__I just spent the past 15 minutes manually making a gnome-terminal theme for Solarized12:03
wellyNow every time I run the pass command it dones't prompt me for my gpg password anymore and it reports a GPG warning about Key storage taking over GPGP12:03
wellyer GPG12:03
OmnipotentTJ-, can you kindly paste the default apache2.conf??12:03
Ben64Omnipotent: easy test would be to check the sources... cat /etc/apt/sources.list12:03
OmnipotentBecausae I only need that.12:04
TJ-Omnipotent: Here's the issue. That file isn't in the apache2 package it is in apache2.2-common, but reinstalling *that* package doesn't reinstall the file: "dpkg -S /etc/apache2/apache2.conf" will show you which package to reinstall12:04
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OmnipotentTJ-, Yeah that does show that apache2.2-common is the package12:07
Omnipotentbut reinstalling that doesn't help either12:07
Omnipotentso what can I do?12:07
Ben64purge it and install12:07
Ben64reinstall may not cut it12:07
dmytroРусские есть?12:07
__Myst__Can anybody give me an opinion of my Solarized pallete?12:07
__Myst__I'll post a scrot in a minute12:07
dmytroHello comrads12:07
Ben64Omnipotent: and you should check in /etc/apt/sources.list12:08
__Myst__^ Solarized for gnome-terminal12:08
OmnipotentBen64, there's some comments in it.12:09
Ben64whats the http://blah.blah part12:09
OmnipotentAh, archive.raspian.org.12:09
Omnipotentseems like you are right.12:09
OmnipotentI am sorry.12:09
Ben64purging and reinstalling works everywhere i've tested here on ubuntu12:10
Ben64if it doesn't work there... idk12:10
Omnipotentbut shouldn't the apt be similar?12:10
OmnipotentEitherway I _am_ purging 2.2-common12:10
OmnipotentIt's taking some time.12:10
Ben64raspbian is based on debian, ubuntu is based on debian. they can be quite different12:11
* Omnipotent fires install command after purge and prays to god12:11
zykotick9s/can be/are/12:12
TJ-Omnipotent: Here's how to extract that single file from the .deb file: "dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile /var/cache/apt/archives/apache2.2-common_2.2.22-13+deb7u4_armhf.deb | tar x ./etc/apache2/apache2.conf"12:12
Ben64zykotick9: stuff like sed is going to work the same i'd bet, but packages yeah are going to have a lot of differences12:12
Omnipotentdamn purge removing apache2.2-common and reinstalling it fixed it12:13
Omnipotentjust purge removing apache2 didn't.12:13
OmnipotentThank you so much TJ-12:13
Omnipotentand Ben64, I am sorry to be rude, thanks for the help.12:13
OmnipotentI honestly didn't knew that it's not Ubuntu.12:14
OmnipotentI wouldn't really pointlessly lie.12:14
Ben64usually people come in here knowing its not ubuntu :)12:14
OmnipotentBen64, I don't use anything except Ubuntu anyway.. as I said not my device.12:14
TJ-Omnipotent: after using that command you'll have in the current directory "./etc/apache2/apache2.conf"12:15
XLVanyone else here facing the "acpi pcc probe failed starting version 219" problem?12:16
OmnipotentTJ-, No need, I just simply purge remove and installed .. because you took a while to figure that out meanwhile impatient little me went and removed and installed it again :D12:16
XLVjust upgraded to 15.04 on a i7 4770K/z87/nvidia gtx 76012:16
TJ-Omnipotent: From looking at the installer scripts it looks like if "/etc/apache2/conf.d/" exists then none of the .conf files are reinstalled12:16
Omnipotentwhat an odd ... logic.12:17
Omnipotentshould have just rm -rf'ed /etc/apache212:17
XLVfunny thing is, the upgrade went well on a laptop with i7 4700qm, h87m or something, optimus with a gtx 765m, and on another laptop with i7 2720qm, gtx 560.. and failed on the desktop12:18
TJ-Omnipotent: That looks like a legitimate bug when doing a reinstall, but the scripts are written so that usually the absence of the file is assumed to be a deliberate act by the sysadmin indicating that the apache service should NOT start automatically, which is why it wasn't being replaced12:19
OmnipotentBut in that case noone would --reinstall it.12:20
Omnipotentheck I even tried that.. apt-get -o "config: .. command.. which I don't recall off the top my head12:20
Omnipotentbut I did read and wrote it.12:20
zykotick9Omnipotent: TJ- fyi, this is #debian's confmiss factoid (formatting isn't fantastic) http://paste.debian.net/212149/12:20
Cyb3rn3tubuntu 14.04, does somebody know?: when I'd like to upload image for example facebook, and I need to browse, how can I see the thumbnails instead of the file names list ?12:21
Omnipotentright right .. that force-confmiss12:21
OmnipotentI did that with apt-get12:21
Omnipotentthat didn't work either.. It was the FIRST accepted answer in Stack Overflow.12:22
Omnipotentso yes I dod.12:22
TJ-zykotick9: Thanks, that confirms my understanding. Nice to know there's an option "-o DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' " to force reinstall12:24
OmnipotentTJ-, Thank you very much :-)12:27
TJ-zykotick9: Omnipotent actually it seems confmiss won't replace, as Omnipotent said: "confmiss: If a conffile is missing and the version in the package did  change" In this case the package version did not change12:28
BluesKajHiyas all12:28
Laurenceb__something is wrong with my desktop12:29
Laurenceb__i have no task bars12:29
Omnipotentanyone is aware of any streaming servers that support authentication?12:29
OmnipotentA simple authentication before starting the  stream is enough.. no need of encrypting entire stream.12:30
TJ-zykotick9: Omnipotent Actually, "confmiss" DOES work  I tested it, despite what the man pages say12:33
Cyb3rn3tLaurenceb__: did you tried to logout, login on tt2 and clear your cache dir ?12:33
OmnipotentWell, it didn't under this "Raspbian" it seems12:33
OmnipotentTJ-, you tried it with.. apt-get or aptitude?12:33
TJ-Omnipotent: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install apache2.2-common -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' " -> "Configuration file `/etc/apache2/apache2.conf', does not exist on system."  "Installing new config file as you requested."12:33
Laurenceb__<Cyb3rn3t> no i have unsaved work12:33
Laurenceb__this is a major headache :-/12:34
OmnipotentTJ-, oh.12:34
TJ-Omnipotent: I'm testing it on the same system you have there12:34
Cyb3rn3tLaurenceb__: fuck :/12:34
Laurenceb__I dont know how to get my machine into a usable state12:34
Laurenceb__ Window manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x4e6b7ac (@l); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.12:34
Laurenceb__taskbars are back12:34
Laurenceb__but i cant open any more windows12:34
TJ-Laurenceb__: Sounds like the GPU ran out of memory for textures12:35
Cyb3rn3tLaurenceb__: I think your wm crashed12:35
Laurenceb__yeah i restarted my wm12:35
TJ-Laurenceb__: Which release of Ubuntu, and which desktop are you using?12:35
Laurenceb__metacity, this is an old 10.04 desktop im trying to upgrade12:35
Cyb3rn3tLaurenceb__: maybe I should try to restart the WM, or just the compiz, as compiz --replace12:36
svetaLaurenceb__: does alt+tab work?12:36
svetato switch to another program and save your work, that is12:36
Cyb3rn3tif his WM crashed, he cannot use alt tab anymore12:36
Cyb3rn3tdepends on what distro are you using12:38
TJ-Laurenceb__: You ought to be able to use wmctrl from a command-line12:39
zambawhat is this nonsense with the emX interfaces? and how do i get rid of it?12:41
zambai want my ethX12:41
zykotick9zamba: using specific driver names is the _new_ way for network devices... this is a way to go back to ethX/wlanX but i don't know it...12:43
TJ-Laurenceb__ (and others if the user returns): Switch to a VT with Ctrl+Alt+F1, login, then use " DISPLAY=:0.0 wmctrl -a "partial window title string"  "12:43
zambazykotick9: *sigh*12:43
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TJ-zamba: It's a systemd-udevd/biosdevnames change to avoid interface renaming race conditions leaving interfaces unconfigured12:45
cavallariis there a way to create a bash in windows, and run on linux, without any problem?12:45
TJ-cavallari: Bash scripts are just text, so as long as they don't refer to OS-specific file paths or services, shell scripts should be portable12:46
llutzcavallari: a script you mean? its only a plain textfile, just make sure to use proper lineendings in your editor12:46
Cyb3rn3tcavallari: it doesnt matter where you write the script, but dont test under powershell...12:46
cavallariBut I created a .sh wich writes out another file with EOF and a command in the end... but it writes the EOF and the command into the file12:47
userhelp for ltsp12:47
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Guest49458want to configure ltsp on 12.04 and connect client to rdestop12:48
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: intresting12:48
Guest49458yup already done on open suse but now moved to ubuntu .. so need help12:49
__Myst__Do I need to do anything special to install feh?12:49
__Myst__Other than sudo apt-get install feh12:49
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: what I did once, to integrate the xfreerdp in to thei client image12:49
__Myst__It tls me I don't have an imlib2 loader for jpeg12:50
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: so client booted from ubuntu ltsp, and he got a windows rdp login session12:50
Guest49458correctr i need that12:50
zykotick9__Myst__: i'd suggest trying to install libjpeg-progs12:52
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: not a big deal, I found some instructions to create ltsp under ubuntu, but its a little tricky, so better to start searching on ubuntu forums..., as I remember, I had to add something in to the pxeboot config file12:52
gojuMy Ubuntu software centre crashes and I have a white hypen in a red button beside network icon which says : n Error occured please run package manager from right click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong12:53
__Myst__I already have it, zykotick912:53
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: after all you need to install the xrdp on to the ltsb build directory, and rebuild the images12:53
Guest49458come at prvate chat12:54
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: AFAIK, there is complete solutions for this12:54
Cyb3rn3tGuest49458: openClient ?12:54
gojuApart from this my Ubuntu sometimes darkens and freezes for 15-20 seconds and I often get repair option at start up12:54
gojuwhat is hthe solution ?12:55
zykotick9__Myst__: ummm, sorry i got nothin' to suggest then.  good luck.  /me uses feh and has jpeg support... you might want to check "apt-cache depends feh" (on ubuntu) and see if anything is recommended that isn't installed.12:55
gojuI am unale to run the package manager as suggested12:58
TJ-__Myst__: Have you "sudo apt-get install libimlib2" ?12:58
gojuPlz Plz Plz any solution ?12:58
Cyb3rn3tgoju: I remember that12:59
Cyb3rn3tgoju: that is just an alert if something is went wrong with upgrade...12:59
Cyb3rn3tgoju: that is not a problem, and it wont disappear until a new upgrade is finished successfully13:00
Cyb3rn3tgoju: so just do the follows in a terminal window:13:00
PCatineanMy internet connection seems to buffer badly and go really slow sometimes in this fresh install of ubuntu 14.04 when in windows it seems all ok13:00
PCatineanAny idea how I can debug this?13:00
Cyb3rn3tgoju: sudo apt-get clean; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y13:00
Cyb3rn3tPCatinean: It looks like a wifi driver problem13:01
PCatineanStandard, and I think in the previous install I did nothing different and it worked ok13:01
Cyb3rn3tPCatinean: What does it mean Standard ? :D Go to system setting, software and updates, and addictional drivers tab13:02
Cyb3rn3tPCatinean: what choises do you have there ?13:03
TJ-PCatinean: buffers for all content or specific types, or from specific sites?13:03
PCatineanCyb3rn3t, strictly vga related ones13:03
PCatineanTJ-, youtube the most common13:03
TJ-PCatinean: so, video content?13:03
PCatineanonly yes13:04
TJ-PCatinean: Have you run a remote latency/speed test on the connection just in case there's some intermittent issue?13:04
gojuCyb3rn3t: do I have to type out these commands one after the another in the terminal window or any on e of them will do13:04
PCatineanTJ-, no I have not to be honest13:04
TJ-PCatinean: always worth doing to save pulling your hair out when it's a temporary network issue13:04
Cyb3rn3tgoju: whatever13:04
gojuok trying the commands one after another.13:05
PCatineanThat sounds about right, how do I do it TJ- ?13:05
gojuplz do not go afk13:05
TJ-PCatinean: find some speedtest internet site like http://speedtest.net13:06
TJ-PCatinean: although that site require (urghh!) flash!13:06
TJ-PCatinean: an alternative is http://http://speedof.me/13:07
TJ-PCatinean: an alternative is http://speedof.me/13:07
mikubuntuTJ-: success with ubuntu 1204 running live, but i wonder if it will be too clunky for this little netbook. do you think i might have luck with lubuntu 12.04 as well? oops, spoke too soon, some problem activating broadcom driver13:07
TJ-mikubuntu: Always issues with Broadcom :p  You can install lubuntu as an alternative desktop with "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop^"13:09
mikubuntuTJ-: hmmmm ... i suppose the problem downloading the broadcom driver is that i don't have a wired connection on the box, huh.13:09
TJ-mikubuntu: Then, next time you start the display manager you'll get an option to choose between desktops, Ubuntu or Lubuntu13:10
TJ-mikubuntu: That would sound sensible, yes :)13:10
gojuapt-get upgrade -y returns : E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)13:10
mikubuntuyes, i forgot about that just adding the the desktop alternative TJ-13:11
TJ-goju: Those commands need root privileges; prefix them with "sudo "13:11
Cyb3rn3tTJ, PCatinean: BTW, last week I installed ubuntu 14.04 on my old laptop, and I had this issue :S Every day morning I had to restart the router, and it worked for 1 day, but after the transmiss speed go down under 1MBit...., there was no simmilar channel there, and the tr signal was very good.... I changed the OS, and it works well now13:11
TJ-Cyb3rn3t: That sounds like a network driver issue13:11
Cyb3rn3tTJ-: that was I suppoused13:12
AppAraathello, I'm a bit familiar with the CLI and wanted to install the latest 15.04 Ubuntu minimal. My end goal is to have i3wm desktop configured and perhaps along with an XFCE desktop. Is there anything I should keep in mind?13:12
TJ-Cyb3rn3t: Used to see that alot with Intel IWL{3,4}9x5 chipsets when trying to use 802.11n (MIMO) - the solution was to lock them to use only 802.11G13:12
gojuIt returns: Reading package lists... Error!13:13
gojuE: Read error - read (5: Input/output error)13:13
gojuE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.13:13
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TJ-goju: That suggests the system's package lists under /var/lib/apt/lists/ may be corrupted13:13
brainwashAppAraat: anything? like what?13:14
TJ-goju: If the /ar/lib/dpkg/status file is corrupt you'd need to restore it from a back-up13:14
AppAraatbrainwash: like some gotchas or required and/or interesting reading material. Otherwise experience from other people would be fine too :)13:14
maxbHaving upgraded an old netbook from trusty to utopic to vivid, it now tries to sleep / suspend-to-memory spuriously during boot - sometimes repeatedly. I'm inclined to blame systemd. Any thoughts on how to further analyse the problem, anyone?13:15
Cyb3rn3tgoju: try to remove any added repos from the sources.list13:15
brainwashAppAraat: well, you have to be a bit more specific. ideally, you should just go for it and then ask here if you encounter some issue(s)13:16
PCatineanTJ-, I might be able to do that as well but why did the previous installation have no problems and this one does? because it's 14.04.2?13:16
TJ-maxb: Look for clues in the system logs, especially "/var/log/kern.log"13:16
Cyb3rn3tmaxb: this bug is present in 14.04 too, this is happening with my laptop, when the battery is running out of powaaaaa13:16
TJ-PCatinean: I can't explain it, it might be a driver config issue or something else entirely. These issues need to use a process of elimination  to reduce the possibilities13:17
drake766hey guys how safe is to store cronjob in /home/someholder?13:17
maxbTJ-: I'm tentatively thinking this is a userland problem, something seems to be causing systemd to fire off its sleep handling for no reason13:17
PCatineanDownload speed is 1.47mb/s and upload 10.21mb/s13:17
ikoniadrake766: why would it noot be safe ?13:17
TJ-maxb: Is the battery reporting good charge at the time?13:18
maxbYes, it's fully charged13:18
TJ-PCatinean: that download looks very low13:18
PCatineanThough it simply stops streaming videos from time to time on multiple streaming services13:18
PCatineanNo problems in Windows though, hmm13:18
TJ-maxb: Does the same happen if the netbook is powered by the charger13:18
molgrumwhat's the difference between package "node", "nodejs" and "nodejs-legacy"?13:18
drake766i dont know my client complains so i dont know what to answer him13:18
AppAraatbrainwash: yeah I suppose I should. Could I install it on one computer, transfer its HDD to another computer... would everything be able to work on that second computer without issues (since the kernel 'autodetects' hardware by itself) ?13:19
TJ-AppAraat: If the 2nd doesn't have hardware that requires proprietary binary blobs to be loaded, it should be fine13:19
zykotick9AppAraat: as TJ- mentioned proprietary wireless/video could be an issue.  as would amd64->i386 architecture.13:20
maxbTJ-: Yes. It really doesn't look like a low-power event is related at all13:20
AppAraatah hmm, I'll keep that in mind13:21
TJ-maxb: Hmmm. I'd *hope* there was something in the log files13:21
maxbThere are messages saying systemd is activating sleep.target, but not why13:22
gojuThanks a lot Cyb3rn3t I ran all the command as you suggested as root adding sudo and the red sign is there no more.13:22
TJ-maxb: The other option is to configure the kernel with netconsole logging over a wired network and capture the console log message on another PC13:22
maxbYou think log messages are being lost that aren't making it to normal files, even though it's just doing a suspend-to-memory?13:23
TJ-maxb: it depends on when the sleep occurs. It could be before the root FS is mounted r/w13:24
maxbit's fairly late. the FS is definitely up13:25
maxbplus, I can just resume and continue looking at the system state13:25
TJ-maxb: OK, then you might find something there to give a clue13:26
maxbSadly there really isn't anything13:30
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TJ-maxb: take a read of this answer and the thread it is on generally; it may be related13:31
TJ-maxb: https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/10/msg02213.html13:31
TrebleChefi have a 8core cpu and I notice compiz is taking around 60 percent of that. I have changed it to "fast" but it still consumes massive amounts of cpu, this is a virtual machine, any way to forgo the fancy compiz visuals in exchange for my cpu back?13:32
maxbOther interesting datapoints - the sleeping seems somewhat blocked by entering a desktop session, but if I go to tty1, it repeatedly sleeps13:32
maxband, by creating a hook in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ that never exits, the sleeping seems delayed13:33
TJ-maxb: what make/model of PC is it?13:33
OmiKrOnso I have these routes13:33
OmiKrOn10.50.0.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
OmiKrOnx.x.x.x via dev eth0  proto static13:33
OmiKrOny.y.y.y via dev eth0  proto static13:33
maxbAspire One D15013:33
OmiKrOnthe y.y.y.y (2nd) one is failing at random times13:33
OmiKrOnany ideas?13:33
trijntjeTrebleChef: maybe give the virtual machine access to your video card? 3d/2d acceleration. Or just install a light version of ubuntu like lubuntu13:34
TJ-maxb: Haha!!!! ACPI bug ... in that thread I linked for you, is this one, see footnote [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/10/msg02168.html13:34
TrebleChefi see, apparently its not enabled by default in virtualbox.13:35
TJ-maxb: In summary, you need the latest BIOS update from Acer than fixes a bug where ACPI is continuously reporting to the operating system that the lid has been closed13:35
ikoniaTJ-: excellent work !13:35
mikubuntuTJ-: so if i manage to get ubuntu 1204 installed, and then i sudo add lubuntu desktop, will it automagically retrieve lubuntu 1204 or will it reach for the most current version which will be a problem?13:36
Alina-malinamaxb, this drake766 asked a question i am curious about it as well? Does the files created by root will be seen in this /home/somefolder directory?13:37
maxbTJ-: Wow. Thanks. If only something logged something about lid state, that would have been much less frustrating! :-)13:37
trijntjemikubuntu: you will get the 12.04 version, but why not intall lubuntu directly?13:37
TJ-mikubuntu: Lubuntu is just an alternative set of packages nothing magically, it's packaged as an ISO to make it easy to install from scratch. If it installs and works OK you can remove the ubuntu-desktop packages13:37
TJ-maxb: Don't say that until you've proved this is the issue!!13:37
TJ-maxb: My next suggestion would have been to enable a lot more kernel debug messages including acpi.debug=xxxx13:39
mikubuntuTJ-: i don't mind having both desktop environments available. now i'm seeing i have another (unexpected) problem. this hp mini 1000 doesnt appear to have ethernet port, how am i supposed to download the wireless driver for broadcom? arrrrgh.13:40
TJ-mikubuntu: Are you ready to throw it at the wall yet? :D13:41
mikubuntuTJ-: getting close13:41
TJ-mikubuntu: I'm reading that the 210 does have an ethernet port13:42
maxbTJ-: It looks distinctly like HandleLidSwitch=ignore has worked around it nicely, so this seems fairly proven - thanks again!  Off to find a BIOS update, I guess13:42
mikubuntuTJ-: can u give me the pagelink so i can see it i can't locate one13:43
TJ-mikubuntu: Page 2 "Integrated Realtek RTL8105EL" http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c02501444.pdf13:44
QuantumVacuumHello all. I'm running Ubuntu 15.04 with unity. When I move my cursor to the very top of the screen, it disappears. Any ideas?13:48
mikubuntuTJ-: this apparently not the same unit, does not look the same. i notice that i've seen many references to hp mini 210 1000, but the sticker on the bottom of this just says hp mini 1000, so there is some difference13:50
OmiKrOntop of the screen is the door to Narnia13:51
Peter-CI have a Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 with a 1GB/s connection. When I run Speedtest-CLI I am only getting 40 up 40 down. Mii-tool says this: eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-FD flow-control, link ok13:51
QuantumVacuumHaha indeed13:51
TJ-mikubuntu: is there any model reference number on the sticker beside that13:51
TJ-mikubuntu: If it's running try: "lspci -nnv" and look for 'Ethernet" or "Realtek"13:52
OmiKrOnPeter-C:maybe that's the limit set up by your ISP on their end13:52
Peter-CServer is on a VM. It runs a full 1gb/s on a Windows box which works13:52
mikubuntuTJ-: ok lemme see13:52
Peter-COmiKrOn, http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4416221261 this is the Windows VM, same connection. Tried turning the Windows VM off, still only get 40 up 40 down13:52
freezer__Peter-C, ubuntu is a VM or windows?13:53
OmiKrOnPeter-C: what CPU do you have there?13:53
Peter-CBoth run off an ESXI box13:53
freezer__Peter-C, and the windows VM does get full 1Gbit in speedtest?13:53
Peter-CYes freezer__ - http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/441622126113:53
OmiKrOnI hardly imagine that to happen freezer__13:54
freezer__Peter-C, which country is the server hosted in?13:54
Peter-CIt's in a Datacenter. No access to physical box.13:55
freezer__Peter-C, try wget -O /dev/null http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso13:55
TJ-Peter-C: Any bandwidth limits set in the port group definition?13:55
freezer__Peter-C, in the ubuntu shell13:55
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Peter-CI get ~40MB down. Now idea how to do a preformance test for upload though13:56
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Peter-CLast night I was getting 200 down, 40 up.13:56
Peter-CTried making a new Ubuntu server fresh. Same issue.13:57
freezer__Peter-C, 40Mbyte or 40Mbit?13:57
Peter-CIt runs the same config as the Wundows13:57
Peter-Cfreezer__, Byte13:57
OmiKrOnPeter-C:what does mii-tool say?13:57
Peter-C*40 MB now on a download, 40 megabit upload13:57
freezer__does it use native drivers for the NIC or legacy? Not that familiar with VMWare though13:57
mikubuntuTJ-:  looks like model# 1030NR13:57
Peter-Ceth0: negotiated 1000baseT-FD flow-control, link ok13:58
freezer__Peter-C, so thats like 350Mbit download13:58
Peter-CThe upload is still poor, which is really what I care about.13:58
Peter-CIt is still weirds that the download is pretty decent, but upload is bad.13:58
freezer__Peter-C, that doesn't have to mean anything, could still be some sort of compatability driver13:59
freezer__maybe you need to install some sort of guest modules for best NIC performance13:59
OmiKrOnPeter-C: have you played there with tc qdisc or something similar?13:59
Peter-COmiKrOn, no13:59
OmiKrOnhave you installed vmware-tools?13:59
TJ-mikubuntu: "Integrated 10/100 network interface card (NIC)" according to page 2 of http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c0168346913:59
OmiKrOnPeter-C:  have you installed vmware-tools on that guest?14:00
Peter-COmiKrOn, neg,14:00
Peter-Cwill try that now14:00
OmiKrOndo it, reboot and test again14:00
TJ-mikubuntu: According to the illustrations its on the left side nearest the hinge with a cover over irt14:01
OmiKrOnthen google for answers if it's still not working because this is a HAL layer issue14:01
OmiKrOnI am sure it will work with something with e1000 or vmxnet3...not sure which one is compatible with yours14:01
smainoohi guys , is there anyone who know how i can compile an old linux kernel like v2.0.1 on host machine with a new kernel ?14:02
OmiKrOnsmainoo: what troubles are you running into?14:03
smainooOmiKron : problems with Gcc , i read some articles on how you can use an older Gcc version in the same host machine , but seems ver annoying path14:04
OmiKrOnyeah I think you have to go to #gcc for that14:05
TJ-mikubuntu: In the bug tracker someone claiming to have the 1030NR has an lspci that shows: "02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller [11ab:4354]"14:05
nickhssmainoo: You may prefer to run an old release of ubuntu in a virtual machine - you fetch old releases from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ and tools like vagrant and virtualbox will help you14:06
TJ-smainoo: quickest way might be to use a virtual machine or chroot or LXC and install a very old version of Debian in it that has the GCC version required to build the 2.x kernel14:06
smainoonickhs & TJ- : this is the idea i was searching for ;)14:07
smainoonickhs : thank you14:08
smainooTJ_: thank you14:08
smainooTJ- : thank you14:08
TJ-smainoo: my mainline/Ubuntu git repos don't have tags for 2.01 so I'd guess you'll need Debian rather than Ubuntu gcc packages to do it14:09
mikubuntuTJ-:  this looks like the right unit, but it doesn't show an ethernet port that i can see http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c01683469 -- i just took a pic of the lspci nnv readout, and its similar to what you say with the marvel tech but i CANT find an eth0 port14:09
mikubuntuTJ-: gnna post pic to imagebin14:09
TJ-mikubuntu: Everywhere I've seen it mentioned its behind a plastic cover with a very small network icon i it14:09
Guest49458help about ltsp14:12
TJ-mikubuntu: Left side, nearest the front with a headphone jack socket next to it?14:12
beterrabahelp ltsp14:12
cfhowlett!ltsp | beterraba14:13
ubottubeterraba: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project14:13
mikubuntuTJ-: http://imagebin.ca/v/24XGIzGm0dD614:14
TJ-mikubuntu: Now take photos of the left, right, and rear edges please :)14:15
BluesKajmikubuntu, don't use the flash on your camera14:17
mikubuntuTJ-: dOH! yes, left side front with a little rubber cover -- let me go hook up and see if i can dl the driver. but the driver installer has been hung up for the last half hour going back and forth and won't shut down, don't know if that's gonna be a problem.14:17
TJ-mikubuntu: YAY!14:17
dougquaidI'm running 14.04 and I want to change my hostname. I've edited /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname. How do I make the changes take effect. In earlier versions of ubuntu I thought it wast /etc/init.d/hostname restart, but that file doesn't exist in 14.0414:17
BluesKajdougquaid, rebot14:18
BluesKajer reboot14:18
mikubuntuBluesKaj: yeah i see that, sry14:18
Alina-malinamaxb, this drake766 asked a question i am curious about it as well? Does the files created by root will be seen in this /home/somefolder directory?14:18
BluesKajare you a bot cfhowlett, you reacted too quickly :-)14:19
dougquaidBluesKaj: What is this, Windows? I'm sure there's a way to do it without reboot14:19
TJ-dougquaid: "sudo hostname myhostname"14:19
kev999Hi, just installed suPHP on ubuntu 14.04lts and new folders / files are being created with permissions 700 and 755 - I want them as 0755 644 - where do I make the update - read something about umask, but don't know where this is defined either - plse help14:19
BluesKajdougquaid, when I changed hostnames I had to reboot, dunno whay tho14:19
dougquaidTJ-: Thanks14:19
nicomachushi guys, question about installing a second distro alongside ubuntu: if my full disk is encrypted currently, can I still install a second partition the normal way? I know I can't change the size of an encrypted petition with gparted because it has to be manually, but I'm not sure how the partitioning is done on install14:21
TJ-nicomachus: No, not easily *unless* the current OS is installed using LVM inside the encrypted partition14:22
nicomachusyea it's LVM.14:23
nicomachuswait, nvm, I see what you're saying.14:23
nicomachuscould I install a *second* OS inside the partition? Or would it just wipe the first?14:23
TJ-nicomachus: It would depend on the installer. In that situation I'd do it manually. Create a new LV with sufficient space, mount it as a drive for a virtual machine, and then install the new OS into the VM without allowing it to install a boot-loader. Then I'd shutdown the VM and have the system boot-loader discover the alternative OS and add it as a boot option14:26
TJ-nicomachus: If the installer insists on a boot loader being installed I'd configure the VM with a 2nd, small LV, for it to write the bootloader to, and then destroy that later14:27
nicomachusThat's a pretty interesting way to do it. Worth a shot.14:29
nicomachusThanks for the advice, TJ-14:33
The-Silencehi there14:33
The-Silencei need to upgrade my activemq (5.6.0) in ubuntu trusty...14:34
MonkeyDust!find activemq14:34
ubottuFound: activemq, libactivemq-activeio-java, libactivemq-activeio-java-doc, libactivemq-java, libactivemq-java-doc14:34
The-Silencei've installed, but always going to version 5.6.014:35
MonkeyDustThe-Silence  yes, vivid has 5.6.0 in the repos14:35
The-SilenceMonkeyDust: i've install puppetlab repo14:36
The-Silenceso, it's suposed to going from there...14:36
The-Silencethis is weird14:36
The-SilenceMonkeyDust: there's a way to upgrade it?14:37
MonkeyDustThe-Silence  i'm not familiar enough with puppet14:37
nicomachusThe-Silence: if you've run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade then it should be up to date14:37
The-Silencei've done that :\14:37
The-Silencei've removed the packages and install it again..14:38
TJ-nicomachus: I've often fooled installers in the past in that scenario by using several separate loop mount devices to make up a single md device in RAID-0 config, so I'll have a 2048 sector file for the MBR area then an LVM for the first partition. Then use the MD device in the VM to install to and it thinks it sees a single device and writes the MBR code into the 2048 sector prefix file. You set it up so the first partition starts where the 2048 sector file ends14:39
TJ-and then you get a complete install without issues and can ditch the 2048 sector file after.14:39
TJ-nicomachus: If you choose that route you should use MD metadata veresion 1.0 (which stores its metadata at the end of the MD device) and have a small binary file *after* the LVM as well where the MD superblock will be written to, which can be discarded later. I usually make that the same size as the prefix (2048 sectors) although I think it only needs to be 64 sectors14:43
ANJ7I'm not receiving the update of messages in chatbox of facebook14:48
ANJ7I'm using ubuntu 14.1014:48
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nicomachusfacebook <----there's your problem14:48
mikubuntuTJ-: don't know what to do -- i had to restart the unit to get the driver installer to shut down so i could restart in on ethernet. now it tells me that its connected, but i started firefox to make sure, and it's hung up again. if i power off to shut it down will it lose all live settings?14:48
ANJ7nicomachus: its the problem of operating system.14:48
ANJ7all the browsers do that14:49
PCatineancan someone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221901414:50
mikubuntuTJ-: cursor stopped working as well14:50
nicomachusJust a joke, ANJ7. What's the problem specifically? You're using facebook chat in the browser, but you aren't receiving messages?14:50
TJ-mikubuntu: You mean the PC is claiming to be connected over Ethernet?14:50
PCatineanI tried the commands but it says on the first modprobe that the driver is in use14:50
PCatineannot sure where to move onto14:50
TJ-mikubuntu: Is it using the Ubuntu desktop or lubuntu?14:50
MicromusSay I need a simple nginx webserver, what version/how do I install ubuntu so that it takes as little space as possible? My current "mini" install over the internet takes 1200mb before anything else is installed!14:50
mikubuntuTJ-: its actually claiming to have made the wireless connection, which is conceivable14:50
ANJ7nicomachus: hmm...ok, i'll just leave. It'll be solved when I update my system to 1514:51
mikubuntuTJ-: i mean, it did seem to download the driver14:51
zerowaitstateis anyone here familiar with auditd?14:51
TJ-mikubuntu: but if the wifi driver is bad, incomplete (broadcome sometimes need binary blobs for firmware) then it won't work. I'd prefer to work off Ethernet wired until I was sure14:51
ANJ7after 2-3 months...14:51
nicomachusANJ7: Sorry, I'm trying to help.14:51
nicomachusANJ7: I tried to ask what exactly your problem was.14:51
ANJ7nicomachus: oh, ok. lets try14:51
TJ-Micromus: Server ISO is usually the base for that14:52
nicomachusYou're using facebook chat in the browser, but you aren't receiving messages, correct?14:52
MicromusTJ-: well yes, but can I use snappy core for example as well?14:52
ANJ7nicomachus: the messages in my inbox aren't showing up until I refresh the browser.14:52
mikubuntuTJ-: oh. the eth0 cable is in another room was part of why i took so long14:52
nicomachusOk, ANJ7.14:53
nicomachusGive me a minute.14:53
TJ-Micromus: I'm not sure, I've not looked14:53
nicomachusand just for clarity, ANJ7, what browser and ubuntu version?14:53
mikubuntuTJ-: should i power it down now, and see if the wireless is working on restart?14:53
ANJ7nicomachus: Firefox, 14.1014:54
nicomachusThanks ANJ714:54
mikubuntuTJ-: i think ubuntu is using all her little resources14:54
TJ-mikubuntu: You can test it from the command line14:54
mikubuntuTJ-: i wish there were a damn small ubuntu14:54
TJ-mikubuntu: Yes, if the cursor is lagging thats why I asked if you're using the Ubuntu desktop because that will hog the system. Lubuntu should be a lot lighter on the system14:55
cfhowlett!mini | miku14:55
ubottumiku: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:55
mikubuntuTJ-: don't think i can get a term up even -- all froze up14:55
nicomachusANJ7: This look similar: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1612922.html14:55
TJ-mikubuntu: Try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a different Virtual Terminal, then log-in14:55
nicomachusANJ7: have you tried clearing cache/cookies? And then if that doesn't work, purging and reinstalling firefox?14:55
ANJ7nicomachus: yea, I tried everything.14:56
mikubuntucfhowlett: problem is that i need a live session to gpart another problem before installation :: see this https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/14:57
nicomachusI wonder... does facebook chat work though Flash?14:58
mikubuntuTJ-: ok cntrl alt f1 ... lemme try14:58
hplc_whenever i experience a "freeze-up" i do r.e.i.s.u.b havent failed me yet14:58
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nicomachusANJ7: Any add-ons or extensions on firefox that might be interfering?14:59
mikubuntuhplc -- i've been a newbie for so long (7.04) that i forgot what a reisub is -- i know its something, but i forgot what15:00
hplc_a key-pushing combination that is guareenteed to reboot a stuck linux cleanly15:00
TJ-mikubuntu: It's the Linux kernel commands with SysReq15:01
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TJ-mikubuntu: raw keyboard, TERM processes except init,  KILL process except init, sync file-system, remount read-only, reboot15:02
mikubuntuTJ-: not getting a term with control alt f115:02
wastrelterminal is ctrl-t isn't it?15:03
TJ-mikubuntu: is the cpu hung up with trying to paint the screen and lagging ?15:03
nicomachuswastrel: ctrl-alt-t15:03
k1lwastrel: ctrl+alt+t15:03
nicomachusbut mine is set to ctrl-t15:03
wastrelmine is ctrl-space15:03
hplc_....noone ctrl space, its a global agreement :p15:03
nicomachusweirdo* (hand in the wrong spot...)15:04
mikubuntuTJ-: i could take a screenshot with my phone if you want to see it -- i assume the cpu is hung up on something, but i don't know what15:04
rory"ip -4 addr show" gives: inet brd scope global eth015:05
roryDoes this mean the entire /24 is available...?15:05
kuba7447is synaptic package manager better?15:05
rorykuba7447: better than what?15:05
kuba7447better than the default thing in Ubuntu?15:06
TJ-mikubuntu: Is this the Ubuntu Live image you're running, or an installed OS?15:06
rorykuba7447: It depends what you want to do. In many ways Ubuntu Software Centre is better (not least because it also handles .deb)15:07
rorykuba7447: But in many other ways, synaptic is better15:07
kuba7447ok, but if i install synaptic package manager, how will i install .deb ?15:07
kuba7447via terminal?15:08
rorykuba7447: well you can still use Ubutnu Software Centre, you're able to have both at once, you don't have to choose one or the other15:08
rorykuba7447: they are both just graphical interfaces to the package manager15:08
TJ-rory: The /24 means the subnet the interface/IP will route is 256 addresses wide15:08
mikubuntuTJ-: live -- i have to get a live session to fix the hp mini partitions, according to https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/15:08
lyndelguys i am having a problem, every time i boot up lightdm fails to start some times it starts other times am forced to go to tty 1 and use sudo service lightdm stop then start just to get login screen will the boot help with this? to see why its failing to start?15:09
roryTJ-: So it does not mean I am able to listen on all of those addresses?15:09
lyndelboot log i ment15:09
roryTJ-: I[m just trying to clarify if my host has given me an entire /24 which seems excessive, but could be erroneous15:09
TJ-mikubuntu: Ahhhh! and it expects to have video GPU 3D acceleration, which is having to be emulated in software which overloads the CPU. It'd probably make more sense to use another live image with a less demanding desktop; not sure what's available but xubuntu is one I think15:10
mikubuntuTJ-: thats why i'm asking if i should power off and then restart, wondering will it save wireless driver stuff (if in fact it really did download and connect, as it notified)15:10
TJ-rory: Correct, the sub-net mask is the range of address that can be 'seen' on that interface15:10
cfhowlettmikubuntu, lubuntu is the least resource hungry *buntu15:10
roryahh, without using a different route15:10
TJ-rory: you can have multiple IP address assigned to an interface each with their own subnets of course15:11
TJ-cfhowlett: do you know if lubuntu has a live ISO?15:11
cfhowlettTJ-, it does.  all *buntus have live except server and mini IIRC15:11
PCatineanHey gus, I have a RT5390 wireless module and I've read it's buggy regarding the N channel or something of that sort, can someone help me stop it please?15:11
PCatineanI can't seem to figure it out on my own15:11
lyndeli tryed the wiki but i get no help i tryed ubuntu faq and troubleshoot page but when i thought it was fixed next day same problem again15:11
PCatineanTrying this atm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221901415:12
mikubuntuTJ-: cfhowlett i prefer lubuntu -- i wonder if 1204 will work or give me the black screen of death15:12
TJ-cfhowlett: Hmmm, I seemed to recall being caught out by that once with a low powered netbook and there not being a Live ISO for it15:12
TJ-mikubuntu: Is it the lubuntu Live image you're using now, ir the Ubuntu Live? I'm getting confused and tired :)15:12
k1llyndel: see dmesg, syslog and xorg.log in /var/log/ to get to know why its not starting15:12
cfhowlettTJ-, 14.04 def has a live boot15:13
lyndelthanks kil15:13
meandrainI've done some tests so I just dd-ed first 512 bytes of my hard drive. I am on ubuntu livecd now, and pvscan and vgscan show "no matching physical volumes found. Any idea what to do?15:13
mikubuntuTJ-: ubuntu live -- lubuntu 1404 was giving me black screen of death15:13
TJ-cfhowlett: mikubuntu us having to use 12.04; the netbook has a black-screen issue with the 14.04 live images we were trying earlier today15:13
TJ-mikubuntu: You're not having much luck are you!?15:14
mikubuntuTJ-: everything is a gotcha. going on day 4 i guess with this little box.15:15
TJ-meandrain: replace those first 512 bytes you erased; that's the partition table if its an MBR disk not GPT15:15
meandrainTJ-: I need to mount the lvn volume in order to restore grub15:15
TJ-mikubuntu: I feel your pain. If it were me I'd pull the hard disk out connect it to another PC, mount it in a virtual machine, and install into it there to get the config correct, then move it back to the HP mini :)15:16
lyndelKil what to look for in the logs?15:16
mikubuntuso, i dont see this getting unhung anytime soon -- whats the consensus recommendation -- lubuntu 1204?15:16
TJ-meandrain: Well, you *did* backup sector 0 before you wrote to it, didn't you?15:16
cfhowlettof COURSE he did a backup!15:17
meandrainno, I did not. I am learning how to restore it without backup15:17
meandrainthe hard way15:17
mikubuntuTJ-: thats because you're smarter than me :P15:17
TJ-mikubuntu: Why not install 'server' that has no GUI to get in the way of the installation... then you can add the desktop packages afterwards when the PC is configured for all its hardware and is booting reliably15:17
TJ-meandrain: The only way to recover is if you can remember precisely what the partition layout was, or in a Live session install and use the 'testdisk' package to recover the partition table15:18
meandrainTJ-: but lvm touches first 512 bytes?15:19
TJ-mikubuntu: Install from a server ISO then, that keeps you using the console terminals15:19
lyndelcan anyone help?15:19
mikubuntuTJ-: i'll try anything once -- but you said you're getting tired, and i KNOW i'll need a babysitter for that one.15:19
TJ-meandrain: No it doesn't but it needs to know where the partitions are to identify the PVs15:19
TJ-mikubuntu: The server install uses a text-based installer that draws dialogs and menus using text windows, it's pretty easy to use15:20
k1llyndel: stuff that says its an error15:20
mikubuntuTJ-: so can you tell me ezackly which image to burn?15:20
lyndel guys i am having a problem, every time i boot up lightdm fails to start some times it starts other times am forced to go to tty 1 and use sudo service lightdm stop then start just to get login screen will the boot help with this? to see why its failing to start?  looking at the logs i confusing15:20
TJ-mikubuntu: I'd choose the 14.04 i386 server ISO15:20
k1llyndel: you can put them into a pastebin and then show the urls here. be sure to have the logs from that boot where the problem was.15:20
lyndeloh ok15:20
mikubuntuTJ-: but wait -- what about the partition problem :: https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/15:20
TJ-mikubuntu: At the end of the server installer when it asks which specific server packages you want to install (LAMP, web-server, mail server, etc) simply don't select any and you'll have a minimal installation15:21
k1llyndel: what video card do you got? is it a hybrid card (video card and build in cpu video?)15:21
lyndelkil its ATI15:21
TJ-mikubuntu: There is a partitioning tool in the installer. You can use that to delete the HP Tools partition and create a new empty partition in its place15:22
k1llyndel: "which car do you have?" " a ford" :)15:22
kuba7447should i get an NAS ?15:23
TJ-mikubuntu: review this link: http://ubuntuserverguide.com/2013/02/manual-disk-partition-guide-for-ubuntu-server-edition.html15:24
TJ-mikubuntu: It gives you some idea of how the partitioner in the text installer works so you can perform the same tasks as shown in that GPartEd tutorial15:24
lyndelkil this? http://paste.opensuse.org/507658615:25
lyndellol i dont have a car man :P15:25
k1llyndel: (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)15:25
mikubuntuTJ-: ok i will, but doesnt the partitioning have to be done PRIOR to the rest of the installation? should i dban the netbook would that 'clear' the space for partitioning?15:26
k1llyndel: what card do you have _exactly_ and how did you install the driver?15:26
lyndelwhat does it mean?15:26
roryIs there some way to tell Firefox to ignore all invalid certificates for a domain (e.g *.foo.com)15:26
rory"This connection is untrusted" message15:26
TJ-mikubuntu: No, partitioning can, and is, usually done during installation.15:26
rorypreferably without an attached lecture on HTTPS15:26
lyndeloh am using the driver that came with ubuntu 15.04 and i said ATI is there a command to show u my card?15:26
k1llyndel: my joke was about to tell you that details matter.15:27
TJ-rory: for subdomains as well you mean?15:27
k1llyndel: "lspci" into a pastebin too please15:27
roryTJ-: Yes15:27
d3bughello everyone15:27
meandrainTJ-: thanx for the help, I really appreciate it! So if I understand correctly if I install windows and it wipes my boot sector then when booting using a live cd I will not see lvm partitions?15:28
lyndelkil http://paste.opensuse.org/4754776515:28
d3bugI have (what will probably amount to a simple problem) an issue.  maybe someone can help....  I want to rip a multisession data disc into individual track files (not CDDA)... 1st track is ISO9660, others are RAW data tracks.  I want to do this so I can add boot info to track 1 and then re-record these tracks onto another disc so the disc will be bootable.15:29
TJ-rory: I don't believe it can do that15:29
roryOK never mind15:30
TJ-meandrain: correct, if windows (re)wrote the first sector on a Master Boot Record (MBR) partitioned disk, the partition info was in the last 64 bytes of that sector15:30
meandrainTJ-: so if I (for learning reasons) want to wipe boot and keep partition info, then it is ok to wipe first 512-64 bytes?15:31
mikubuntuTJ-: ok -- can you point me to the right image to download for lubuntu server? does it need to be 12.04 also, i guess?15:32
TJ-mikubuntu: I'd recommend trying to use the latest LTS for 14.04 since it'll (probably) contain bug-fixes and improvements that haven't made it to 12.0415:33
TJ-mikubuntu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/  "32-bit PC (i386) server install image"15:33
mikubuntuTJ-: but what about the black screen of death?15:33
TJ-mikubuntu: because the server installer doesn't use graphics mode I'd be very surprised if it happens - unless the cause *is* the inverted backlight control we experimented with earlier, but you seemed to discount that with the flashlight test.15:35
TJ-mikubuntu: If you get server installed and working you can use your other PC to remotely connect using SSH and operate it even if the GUI fails, which means we can quickly diagnose and fix the cause from another PC accessing it15:36
mikubuntuTJ-: but after we install the server we have to apply a gui environment to it, right? and we know that we don't know what was causing the black screen with the lubuntu 14.04 desktop iso.15:37
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TJ-mikubuntu: as long as you have an Ethernet cable linking the mini to your router and make sure that "openssh-server" is installed (I seem to recall it is installed by default on the server but you should check as you go along - it may ask you what/whether to install)15:38
mikubuntuTJ-: ok, you da boss man.15:38
TJ-mikubuntu: You'll use your good PC to operate the mini over the network then, using the SSH connection over the wired ethernet. From that you can install drivers, configure network, install the desktop, and test it and retain full control over SSH15:39
TJ-mikubuntu: bear in mind I'm probably 6-7 hours ahead of you (in England) and I've been programming since 0500 so we might have to hand over to someone else to continue, or else wait until I'm available on Tuesday15:40
d3bugTJ:  any ideas on my issue?  I mean is there anything you can think of that can rip individual data tracks from a multisession disc?15:40
mikubuntuso do i need to have my laptop in that other room with the mini? no accessible power plugs in there, and batteries will problably die in the middle of something. omg.15:40
TJ-d3bug: It's not something I've done much with in several years, but I thought things like k3B could do that via the various backend tools15:41
k1llyndel: ok, you video card is old and not supported by fglrx anymore. so dont use fglrx. remove that with apt-get please15:41
mikubuntuTJ-: it all sounds so easy when YOU say it -- lol15:41
lyndelu serious?15:41
lyndelcan u explain please15:41
d3bugTJ: installing it real quick... I'll let you know.15:42
TJ-mikubuntu: That depends on the length of your available Ethernet cables. If you can get a long one that'll reach the router from where it is now, but it'd make sense to have the PCs side-by-side ... so maybe better to get hold of an extension mains power block15:42
lyndeli dont understand what fglrx does and why to remove it?15:42
k1llyndel: your video card is from 2005. amd/ati dropps old cards from their driver. so you need to use the opensource driver (which is running automatically when you remove the fglrx)15:42
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TJ-mikubuntu: Yeah... how many times do you think I've gone through this type of scenario to make it sound this easy? :D15:42
mikubuntuTJ-: another day is not going to make any difference to me either, i'm just trying to figure it out.15:43
k1llyndel: fglrx is the prop. amd/ati driver. radeon is the open source one. radeon still supports your card. amd doesnt15:43
lyndelbut i thought i was using then sorce driver all this time15:43
TJ-mikubuntu: I'm trying to recommend for you the most stable, reliable approach that has least chance of tripping you/us up15:43
lyndelso what to do again?15:43
TJ-mikubuntu: and at the same time get 14.04 installed15:43
mhammonshi, i created a new user on ubuntu server with adduser and he can't access java or javac for some reason15:43
mhammonsalthough both are installed15:44
lyndelwhat commands?15:44
k1llyndel: remove all "fglrx" packages15:44
TJ-mhammons: what error is reported?15:44
lyndelbut how?15:44
mikubuntuTJ-: yes of course i prefer to have lub 140415:44
lyndeltell me safe way so i get no errors15:44
k1llyndel: sudo apt-get purge fglrx15:45
mhammonsTJ-: the program 'java' can be found in the following packages:...15:45
TJ-mhammons: For that user what does this report?  "which java"15:45
lyndelok brb15:45
TJ-mhammons: but you say it is installed in the system and available to other users?15:45
mhammonsTJ-: it's available to root at the very least15:45
TJ-mhammons: is the user's PATH setting customised in some way?15:46
mhammonsTJ-: nope, fresh user from adduser15:46
TJ-mhammons: what does root report for "which java" ?15:46
mhammons /usr/bin/java15:46
lyndelkil its saying its not installed so it removed nothing15:47
TJ-mhammons: Can other regular users see java ?15:47
mikubuntuTJ-: so just to verify -- this server image is the ubuntu server 32 bit -- "32-bit PC (i386) server install image" and we'll install lubuntu desktop to it after installation?15:47
k1llyndel: dpkg -l | grep fglrx15:47
mhammonsTJ-: wouldn't know, this thing's old and everyone uses the root user to do stuff15:47
mhammonsit's a mess15:48
TJ-mikubuntu: You got it :) To install lubuntu afterwards you'll simply do "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop^ "15:48
mhammonsTJ-: at the very least, another user I created with adduser has the same problem, as well as postgres user15:48
lyndelkil nothing happened15:48
lyndelwhat now?15:48
TJ-mhammons: maybe the user's command hash table has a bad value for that file? have you tried "hash -r" ?15:48
lyndelk1l, this is confusing15:49
mhammonsTJ-: still got nothin15:49
TJ-mhammons: That sounds like a PATH issue. Is "/usr/bin" in the user's PATH ?15:49
mikubuntuTJ-: ok, dl the server now i'll see if you're still here after i rip the stick and start the installation -- i'll really need guidance on that partitioning thing15:49
TJ-mikubuntu: OK, I'll be around for a few hours yet15:49
TJ-mikubuntu: I'm programming for a while yet15:49
mikubuntuTJ-: okey dokey then :P15:50
mhammonsTJ-: /usr/bin is in PATH15:50
TJ-mikubuntu: I'll download it here too and follow along with you in a virtual machine15:50
mikubuntuTJ-: see how you are -- who knows how to do these things. lol.15:51
TJ-mhammons:  what does this report? "readlink -e /usr/bin/java"15:52
d3bugTJ:  no such luck... no tools in there to rip individual tracks.15:52
TJ-mikubuntu: I have the 14.04.1 server i386 image here already so I'm good to go when you are15:52
mhammonsTJ-: absolutely nothing15:52
TJ-d3bug: I must be mis-remembering I thought I'd at least extracted multiple tracks15:53
k1llyndel: ok, then its not installed. but then that was not the issue.15:53
mhammonsTJ-: hmm, I get permission denied when I try to access /usr/bin/java15:53
TJ-mhammons: That suggests that java isn't installed at all :)15:53
k1llyndel: so was this boot the issue with lightdm?15:53
d3bugTJ:  lots of tools will rip the whole disc as a bin image but that is useless because I cannot add boot information to a raw image.  that is why i need to rip individual raw data tracks.15:54
TJ-mhammons: it is usually a symbolic link; if it is broken and there's nothing on the end, then that makes sense15:54
mhammonsTJ-: nah, it works, got a tomcat server up and rnning15:54
TJ-mhammons: "ls -l /usr/bin/java"15:54
lyndelk1l, yes it seems if i boot i get blank screen if i go to tty1 and use sudo service lightdm restart it works so am sure its a lightdm problem its not starting as it should15:54
mhammonspoints to /etc/alternatives/java15:54
TJ-mhammons: That doesn't mean Tomcat started from that link though15:54
mhammonsTJ-: ah, I see the issue15:55
TJ-mhammons: and what does "ls -l /etc/alternatives/java" report?15:55
k1llyndel: no. that was not what i asked. i asked if _this boot_ was the issue with lightdm15:55
lyndelits annoying to have to force lightdm to start everytime at boot up15:55
lyndelyes it was15:55
lyndelshould be in the logs15:55
k1llyndel: because if this boot was ok with no issue we will not find any error in the logs from this boot, becuase there was no issue.15:55
mhammonsTJ-: java's currently linked to a jdk in /root15:55
TJ-mhammons: there you get!15:56
k1llyndel: so see dmesg and syslog then15:56
d3bugI'll check back after lunch to see if anyone else knows how.  Thanks TJ for trying.15:56
TJ-mhammons: The system packages install to "/usr/lib/jvm/*/jre/bin/java"15:56
lyndelk1l,  dmseg is empty and syslog too big paste calls me scammer if i try to paste it15:56
mhammonsTJ-: I already have them installed, I wanted java 8 though15:56
mhammonsTJ-: need to set update-alternatives to point to the jdk in /opt15:57
k1l!paste | lyndel15:57
ubottulyndel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:57
TJ-d3bug: have you tried "cdrdao" ?15:57
k1llyndel: use that paste15:58
lyndelok thanks15:58
TJ-mhammons: I installed it to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java" and added it to update-alternatives as the default15:58
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lyndelk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11651358/15:59
mhammonsTJ-: ok working now15:59
TJ-mhammons: I built Java 8 for 14.04 and it's in a PPA of mine, you might want to simply add that: https://launchpad.net/~tj/+archive/ubuntu/java-for-14.04/16:00
mhammonsTJ-: unfortunately, this thing's a 12.04 server16:01
TJ-mhammons: Ahhh OK :)16:01
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mhammonsTJ-: ubuntu 14.04 doesn't have java 8 already?16:05
TJ-mhammons: No; we have a backport bug opened which I've built it for testing16:06
mhammonsTJ-: ah16:06
mhammonswell it works pretty great, glad they got rid of the permgen16:07
k1llyndel: dont know right now. open a thread on the forums and attach that logs to it.16:07
k1llyndel: i need to leave in a few minutes16:08
lyndelk1l,  ok thanks alot16:08
lyndelfor all your help man16:08
TJ-mhammons: Yeah, I've been running most stuff on it even when building for 1.716:08
__Myst__Question: How do I blur an image?16:09
__Myst__I saw convert -blur is a thing16:09
mhammonsreally looking forward to java 9's project jigsaw16:09
mhammonsespecially if modules are hotswappable16:10
TJ-I still get confused by the lambda syntax; it's the worst choice ever, couldn't be more obtuse!16:11
ianpwhat would have been better16:11
mhammonsthe only thing that confuses me about java lambdas is all the different types of functions. wish they'd do like scala and allow "Integer -> Void" style types16:12
TJ-ianp: Not sure, but choosing the C/C++ pointer operator and also allowing inferred types for arguments is not going to help code readability16:12
mhammonsTJ-: I think they were going more for ML style lambda syntax16:13
mhammonswith stuff like (input,parameters) -> {function body}16:13
ianpit's not the C/C++ pointer operator, it's the Java lambda syntax :)16:14
ianpI prefer scala's =>16:14
TJ-ianp: not to me it isn't!16:14
ianpwell you're wrong! :D16:14
binar33what does ubuntu1, ubuntu2, ubuntu3, ubuntu4 means?16:14
histobinar33: what?16:14
TJ-ianp -> has been the pointer operator for me since the early 1980s; i see code fragments and I can't tell C++ and Java apart now :)16:15
binar33I was checking packages here.. https://launchpad.net/~nicolas-zin/+archive/ubuntu/ossec-ubuntu/+packages  . they have ubunut1, ubuntu2 ubuntu3 tails16:15
ianp-> only appears in a lambda tho.. usually there's a space in front of it too16:15
NoImNotNineVoltis 14.04.1 still available for download somewhere?16:15
guest8574Is there a way to set a keyboard shortcut for XKill? When my computer stops responding, I want to be able to press Ctrl+Alt+X and kill the offending program.16:16
histobinar33: you'd have to ask the maintainer there16:16
binar33histo isn't that something common?16:16
histobinar33: not that I'm familiar with maybe someone else has seen that version numbering before16:17
histoguest8574: in what desktop environment?16:17
histoNoImNotNineVolt: yes should be on cdimages16:17
NoImNotNineVoltnevermind, found it at the unintuitively-named http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.0/16:17
TJ-NoImNotNineVolt:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.1/release/16:18
NoImNotNineVoltaha, that works too. thanks.16:18
meandrainI've searched through the list of packages with:  apt-cache search nload but I get like two screens of apps not related to nload. Any idea what command should I use instead? I want apt related command, not dpkg16:18
binar33histo thanks!16:18
histoNoImNotNineVolt: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/16:19
stayonthehustle /join #stripe16:19
stayonthehustleoops. don't mind me16:20
TJ-meandrain: "apt-cache search -n ^nload "16:20
histo!info nload16:20
ubottunload (source: nload): realtime console network usage monitor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.4-1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 175 kB16:20
meandrainTJ-: thanx, that worked16:20
TJ-meandrain: the search term is a regular expression and the ^ anchors the search to the start of the line16:21
histomeandrain: -n is name only also16:21
guest8574histo: Unity16:22
histoguest8574: yeah you can create a keyboard shortcut. Press the dash key and start searching for keybaord16:24
RazzdollHello - I need help on this terminal. The terminal will minimize and when I try to resize it, not maximise it, it doesnt let me.16:29
RazzdollHow can I fix this16:29
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue16:29
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: does it happen with all application windows?16:29
RazzdollActionParsnip,  Ubuntu 15.04 n\ l\, no ActionParsnip16:30
RazzdollI can't even read any outputs without looking very closely16:30
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: if you use terminal a lot, I can recommend you install and use guake (or if you use kde, yakuake)16:30
RazzdollI use terminal alot yes16:30
RazzdollThanks ActionParsnip  I will try16:30
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: try it, you might like it :)16:30
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: plus it's free16:30
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: F12 is the default key, hide and show the terminal as you need it (should be default imho)16:31
CodmadnessproHow can I allow one other user passwords instead of privatekeys?16:31
RazzdollActionParsnip, Free? So is the built in one I think. You kinda confused me lol16:31
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: yes, its just a hidable terminal. Great app16:32
RazzdollActionParsnip,  it's giving an error saying I need to install guake-schemas /properly/ .. but I didn't install any of that, I just installed ubuntu16:33
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: just re-launch it, it'll be fine16:33
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: it moans first time. No idea why16:33
NoImNotNineVolthaven't touched upstart in quite some time, and now i'm porting systemd unit files to it... how do i source env vars from /etc/defaults/foo in an upstart script?16:33
RazzdollActionParsnip, wow! It's transparent. Lol. Its hard to see the white text on top of other things now though :)16:34
RazzdollActionParsnip, just found the preferences :)16:35
CodmadnessproHow can I allow someone to use a password just for their user?16:35
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: easy peasy16:35
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: password to do what?16:35
CodmadnessproActionParsnip, well my user uses private keys but he wants to use passwords on his user16:35
RazzdollActionParsnip, thank you. I'll replace the original one :)16:36
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: so..to SSH in?16:36
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: why wasnt that on your first question? Why did I have toguess?16:36
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: computers use tonnes of passwords and keys so without stating this your question is meaningless16:36
CodmadnessproIt has a meaning now :)16:37
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: by default, openssh-server requests SSH keys, then will fall back to passwords if no key is offered16:37
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: in future, please give some scope of the question. It makes things quicker16:37
CodmadnessproNo supported authentication methods available16:38
Codmadnessproserver sent: pubkey16:38
ActionParsnipRazzdoll: what do you reckon. You can add and remove tabs too (Shortcut is CTRL + SHIFT + T for new and  CTRL + SHIFT + W for close (you can also use mouse))16:38
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: ok, did you change your openssh-server config?16:39
histoCodmadnesspro: for ssh?16:39
CodmadnessproActionParsnip, Yes, I want my user to use only private keys and his user only passwords16:39
Codmadnessprohisto, yes16:39
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: http://serverfault.com/questions/285800/how-to-disable-ssh-login-with-password-for-some-users16:41
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: obviously, keep an account logged in so you can manage the server if you screw up the config16:41
CodmadnessproI've got console access if needed16:42
ActionParsnipCodmadnesspro: even better16:42
histoCodmadnesspro: hrm.16:42
histoAhh nice match16:43
NoImNotNineVoltso after i add a /etc/init/foo.conf upstart script, do i need to notify upstart?16:51
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NoImNotNineVolt(ala systemd's systemctl daemon-reload ?)16:51
trismNoImNotNineVolt: no16:53
NoImNotNineVoltor can i start doing service foo start immediately after dropping the script in /etc/init16:53
trismNoImNotNineVolt: yes, you can16:53
NoImNotNineVoltfantastic, thanks.16:53
michael_mbpUsing Ansible NoImNotNineVolt ?16:54
NoImNotNineVoltmore like abusing ansible :P16:55
michael_mbpusually the case :)16:55
NoImNotNineVoltone playbook, three different target platforms.16:55
NoImNotNineVoltoriginally developed for debian. that's fine. then they wanted redhat. turned debs into rpms, at least systemd stayed the same, fine.16:55
NoImNotNineVoltnow they want ubuntu support. the debs assume systemd is there. /me rips hair out.16:56
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ActionParsnipRazzdoll: what do you reckon?17:00
xentity1xHi can anyone help me figure out why ubuntu doesnt detect my secondary monitor17:02
* summix Hello There17:02
NoImNotNineVoltany idea what the 'ansible_distribution' fact for ubuntu is?17:02
k3asd`how can restart my server at a specified time?17:02
ActionParsnipk3asd`: look into 'at'17:03
k3asd`ActionParsnip: like shutdown -r | 23.00 ?17:03
k3asd`shutdown -r | at 23.00 ?17:03
* summix Hello There17:04
k3asd`or the opposite?17:04
ActionParsnipk3asd`: sudo at 23:00    [press ENTER]      reboot      [press ENTER] [press CTRL + D]17:04
ActionParsnipk3asd`: etc etc17:04
xentity1xHi can anyone help me figure out why ubuntu doesnt detect my secondary monitor17:04
k3asd`ActionParsnip: I wanto to do this automatically in bash script17:05
ActionParsnipk3asd`: k3asd` let me search17:07
histok3asd`: crontab a reboot17:07
k3asd`histo: I need to reboot my server when a condition is verified17:07
k3asd`histo: I don't need to reboot my server always17:07
histok3asd`: write a script that verifies the condition and then reboot17:07
k3asd`histo: before I need to send me an email17:08
k3asd`histo: the server is in production and I need to reboot them at a specific time17:08
histok3asd`: yeah it can be accomplished with cron and a script17:09
histok3asd`: what's the condition?17:09
k3asd`for istance17:09
ActionParsnipk3asd`: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-job-scheduling/   has a few at examples in one-liners17:09
k3asd`if [ -f $file]; then17:10
k3asd`mail -s "bla" email@gmail.com17:10
k3asd`ActionParsnip: let me see17:10
histok3asd`: yeah this is trivial with cron17:10
ActionParsnipk3asd`: but cron is for recurring tasks. At is for a single shot job17:11
k3asd`ActionParsnip: yes17:11
k3asd`let me explain more better (I hope :) )17:12
k3asd`in my server run ubuntu 14.04 with unattended-upgrades installed17:12
k3asd`the upgrades works every day and when there are a security upgrades the system creates a file called reboot-required in /var/log17:14
k3asd`I need to verify this condition and:17:14
k3asd`email me to alert17:14
k3asd`reboot the machine17:14
k3asd`of course at a specific time17:14
ActionParsnipk3asd`: but the reboot is only needed to change kernel. Your OS is geared around uptime. Why reboot at all?17:14
ActionParsnipk3asd`: I'd do it with cron, check file exists at 1am. If it exists then reboot17:15
OerHeksupgrade to 15.04, no reboot needed with systemD17:15
jaaaaythen rm the file17:15
Mateo_Hi everyone !17:15
finisherrDoes anyone happen to know if xvfb-run is supposed to be able to run on a headless server?17:15
YamakasYswapoff -a and swapon -a will give me all performance back or do I still need a reboot ?17:16
Mateo_I have installed nginx a while ago on my server. But it seems that I need the nginx-extra instead of the default one. What’s the proper way to replace the package with the new one while preserving my nginx configuration please ?17:16
wastrelhi my login screen is frozen how do i fix it17:19
ActionParsnipwastrel: does a reboot help?17:19
ActionParsnipwastrel: has it worked before in thesame installation?17:19
wastreli'm not going to restart17:19
k3asd`ActionParsnip: ok - and about email?17:19
wastrelit always works except i left it locked and my cat sat on my keyboard and now it's frozen17:20
ActionParsnipk3asd`: cron can be told to send an email17:20
rathi123hello everyone17:20
jaaaaywastrel - is your keyboard unplugged? :)  also...   wth just reboot17:21
ActionParsnipk3asd`: you will need to configure postfix / exim / sendmail first17:21
rathi123i would like to setup xchat on my laptop17:21
HumbleMumbleWhats up, peoples.17:22
rathi123it is not connecting to any channel17:22
ActionParsnipisnt xchat dead?17:22
ActionParsniprathi123: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:22
xangualong live hexchat17:22
HumbleMumbleim using xchat. xD17:22
wastreli don't want to reboot17:23
wastrelmy cat just hacked my computer17:23
ActionParsniphttp://xchat.org/   no update since 2010  .... yep. dead17:23
ActionParsnipwastrel: why? You havent even logged in.17:23
wastrelapparnetly anyone can just crash a ubuntu by sitting on the keyboard17:23
wastreli was logged in the session was locked17:23
rathi123@actionparsnip : Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l17:23
ActionParsnipwastrel: can you press CTRL + ALT + F1 and get actibvity there?17:23
ActionParsnip!info xchat trusty17:24
wastrelthat's how i am loggedinto irc17:24
wastreli'm on tty117:24
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.1ubuntu5.1 (trusty), package size 278 kB, installed size 899 kB17:24
ActionParsniprathi123: well, you are connected to #ubuntu which is a channel.17:24
rathi123which irc client would you suggest..?17:24
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:24
rathi123i am connected through a web client not through xchat17:25
ActionParsniprathi123: what features do yu like in xchat?17:25
ActionParsniprathi123: ahh I see17:25
xanguahexchat is an updated and maintained xchat fork17:25
rathi123i dont know actually17:25
rathi123i am new to irc17:25
ActionParsniprathi123: try a few, see which you like17:25
wastreldo you think a cat could break gnome or just unity17:25
wastreldoes gnome use lightdm or gdm still17:25
wastrelwhy can a cat crash my ubuntu by sitting on the keyboard17:25
rathi123which client do you use..?17:26
ActionParsnipwastrel: default in Gnome is gdm but Ubuntu uses Lightdm by default17:26
k3asd`ActionParsnip: it's configured17:26
ActionParsniprathi123: Im on the web client also but I use pidgin under ubuntu. AndChat on Android17:26
xanguawastrel: ubuntu gnome uses gdm17:26
wastrelmaybe GDM isn't subject to feline hacking17:27
xentity1xHi can anyone help me figure out why ubuntu doesnt detect my secondary monitor17:27
k3asd`ActionParsnip: I don't understand how mix at and cron and my script17:27
rathi123thanx.. i will uninstall xchat and install some new client17:27
wastrelhere's an interesting exercise:  sit on your keyboard on the login screen and see if you can crash ubuntu17:27
ActionParsnipk3asd`: you dont need at, you only need cron to check for the reboot file once a day and reboot the server if it sees it17:27
TJ-xentity1x: What does "xrandr -q" report? (pastebin it)17:28
k3asd`ActionParsnip: aaaaa ok. thank you17:28
wastrelwhat package should i file a bug against17:29
tgm4883wastrel have you looked at the lightdm logs?17:29
tgm4883also why can I not tab-complete your name17:29
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NetworkingProHey everyone. does anyone know about fail2ban on Ubuntu?17:30
OerHeksNetworkingPro, there is a good wiki about it >>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban17:31
egon1you are firm in ubuntu-phone too?17:31
NetworkingProOerHeks: Thanks, let me check it out. Think I already checked that URL17:31
NetworkingProUn momento17:31
brainwashegon1: better join #ubuntu-touch17:31
RobinHood2015Is there a way to get a program to start with LightDM and the Unity Greeter?17:31
xentity1xTJ, http://pastebin.com/6q0QuHvK17:32
Mateo_Ok so I tried to install nginx-extras after backup of my config, but here is the error I get :  trying to overwrite '/usr/sbin/nginx', which is also in package nginx 1.8.0-1~trusty17:32
TJ-xentity1x: You've got another monitor connected to the VGA1 output?17:32
xentity1xTJ, yep17:32
rathi123is there a seperate channel for xmonad questions..??17:33
TJ-xentity1x: OK, try "xrandr --output VGA1 --auto"17:33
xentity1xTJ, That doesn't generate any ouput17:34
brainwashRobinHood2015: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM > Adding System Hooks17:34
TJ-xentity1x: No, it should simply turn the output on17:34
TJ-xentity1x: does "xrandr -q" report anything different now? If now can you pastebin "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?17:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1463112 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cat sitting on keyboard crashes lightdm" [Undecided,New]17:35
xentity1xTJ, Output of the first command is still the same17:36
xentity1xTJ, Here's the log file http://pastebin.com/LX18mDdk17:36
tgm4883wastrel did you look at logs?17:36
wastreltgm4883: before or after i restarted lightdm17:36
Johnny_Linuxlol,  Ubuntu bug 1463112 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cat sitting on keyboard crashes lightdm" [Undecided,New]17:36
wastrelno in either case actually17:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1463112 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cat sitting on keyboard crashes lightdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146311217:36
Johnny_Linuxget a dog17:36
xentity1xTJ, I think the VGA outout might be coming from my discrete graphics card, and I'm using that with bumblebee. That may be why it's not showing up.17:36
brainwashbug 1463112 ?17:36
tgm4883wastrel well while it was frozen.17:37
xentity1xTJ, but I'm not 100 percent sure17:37
wastrelthe answer is no17:37
Johnny_Linuxjust reboot and stop waisting everyones time17:37
tgm4883wastrel reproduce the issue then take a look at the lightdm logs17:37
wastrelreporting a crash bug is not wasting time Johnny_Linux17:37
tgm4883Johnny_Linux: that's not helpful17:37
NetworkingProOerHeks: I suppose the two quesitons I have aren't really answered there.  1. I don't really understand the deamon name, does that really matter? and 2. It appears I have to have a custom regex?17:37
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NetworkingProI am trying to create a custom filter that processes a new log file (for a custom application).  Is there an easy way to write the regex?  I have zero experience using regexs17:38
TJ-xentity1x: Does that PC have dual GPUs for low/high power, as in Intel integrated + Nvidia discrete with Bumblebee for switching?17:39
xentity1xTJ, Yeah I'm using the intel one right now17:39
TJ-xentity1x: I've stayed away from that stuff because it's generally been a mess of problems on Linux, but I'd suspect the issue has something to do with the current output being on the Intel chipset rather than on the nvidia. Someone more familiar with the bumblebee stuff might be able to help better17:42
xentity1xTJ, thanks17:42
TJ-xentity1x: long shot but maybe you sohuld be enabling the VIRTUAL1 output? you could try that: "xrandr --output VIRTUAL1 --auto"17:43
wastrelwhat appears to be happening is that it's buffering the keyboard input and just feeding it into the password dialog glacially slowly17:44
wastreland that is also preventing mouse events from reaching menus or anything else from happening17:44
TJ-wastrel: probably causing a buffer overflow17:44
wastrelyou're locked out until it's done reading in the keys to the password text input17:44
wastrelthere's nothing in the logs17:44
TJ-wastrel: so it eventually does respond once its drained the keyboard input?17:45
wastreli assume so, it did in my tests just now17:45
Zack263can someone help a ubuntu noober find firefox developer edition... I have regular firefox icon... but i also have firefox developer edition but I dont have an icon on my window17:45
Zack263tried to search firefox developer edition and nothing comes up17:45
Zack263i'll try modzilla17:45
xanguawhat's "modzilla"¿17:46
brainwashZack263: how did you install the developer edition?17:46
wastrelno way of knowing how long the cat was sitting there and i didn't feel like staring at my login screen for more than a couple of mniutes while i tested :)17:46
Zack263i might of done it from the command line if i remember..but i dont remember17:46
SlaizerI need some help getting my Qualcomm card working. I have a Acer VN7-791G.17:46
tgm4883wastrel, well now that is information that you can put in the bug report that will be useful17:47
Zack263i found it under firefox search17:47
Zack263but i want it to be an icon17:47
Zack263on my list17:47
ActionParsnipSlaizer: wifi?17:47
SlaizerActionParsnip, Yes.17:47
ActionParsnipSlaizer: if you run:   sudo lshw -C network     what wireless chip do you see?17:48
Zack263looks like i downlaoded it as a tarbz and unzipped it but never got an icon to the bar17:48
xanguahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles Zack26317:48
SlaizerActionParsnip, I think this tutorial could be the answer to solving this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184/comments/11517:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC [168c:003e] not supported" [Medium,Triaged]17:49
ActionParsnipSlaizer: worth a punt17:49
kunjiHey everyone... I have a disk problem, some folders return "ls: reading directory .: Input/output error" when they are read.   What is the best way to fix this considering that I do not think these are bad blocks.  I believe the problem was caused by a loose SATA cable.  The contents are the drive are too big for me to move at the moment.17:49
sla_Hi all. I am currently trying to install ubuntu on my laptop beside Windows 7. During the installation i get the message "no root system defined". I guess the problem is, that my windows installation already uses 3 primary partitions and only 4 were possible. I have tried to create a extended partition with unallocated space with gparted, but the installed didnt got the partition.17:49
sla_Further I have allocated the space of the extended partition and created a swap partition (logical), a boot (ext4) and a home (ext4)17:50
sla_but the installed didnt got this too17:50
SlaizerActionParsnip, Could you guide me through it?17:50
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sla_Any ideas how I ca go on?17:50
kunjisla_: Did you just forget to assign / to the partition you created in the extended partition?17:50
sla_kunji: actually I couldn't figure out how I can do this in gparted.17:51
SlaizerActionParsnip, here are the drivers. Which one do I need of the wifi drivers?17:51
ActionParsnipSlaizer: what is to guide. Its all there for you. Just read17:51
sla_actually gparted does not provide the option to choose a mount point17:52
ActionParsnipSlaizer: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue17:52
SlaizerActionParsnip, Qualcomm Atheros17:52
SlaizerActionParsnip, Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l17:53
ActionParsnipSlaizer: does it work ok under the 4.1 kernel?17:53
SlaizerActionParsnip, I think I tested the 4.0 Kernel and it did not work17:54
kunjisla_: Hmm, I'm not sure where you do it in the normal gparted, I'm sure it's part of the gparted interface presented during installation though17:54
SlaizerActionParsnip, which kernel am I using right now?17:54
jParktonSlaizer: uname -r in terminal will tell you17:54
SlaizerActionParsnip, I am using 3.19.0-1517:55
sla_kunji: well I have started gparted manually from the live CD since the installer crashes when I try to press "create", "+" or "-" buttons17:55
nnnnooiiiocan i get lil help?on my old laptop ibm thinkpad t42 trying to instal lubuntu with usb flash and its hangs when i press instal or try lubuntu17:55
ActionParsnipSlaizer: worth a try, may make it work OOTB17:56
kunjisla_: O.o, that's not good, have you also tried the curses based installer instead of the graphical one?17:56
ActionParsnipnnnnooiiio: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:56
sla_kunji: no - not yet17:57
Zack263it says fdeveloper.desktop is not marked as trusted17:57
jParktonI can say in 14 years using Linux I have only checked a MD5 once iirc17:57
nnnnooiiio@actionparsnip how to do that?17:57
sla_kunji: do you think I will be more successful?^^17:57
ActionParsnipZack263: mark it as executable17:58
ActionParsnip!md5 | nnnnooiiio17:58
ubottunnnnooiiio: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:58
ActionParsnipnnnnooiiio: you have no way of knowing the data you downloaded is complee and consistent.17:58
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kunjisla_:I don't think gparted can set mount point, just reads and displays them.  They're normally handled by the fstab file, I'm not sure what is done during installation though17:58
SlaizerActionParsnip, So how do we progress?17:58
ActionParsnipSlaizer: Id try the newer kernel, you can always roll back to the official ubuntu kernel17:59
kunjisla_: Maybe via chroot?17:59
SlaizerActionParsnip, How do I do this?17:59
Zack263error launching application... in the exe path... do u need to include the file name to be executed... it just said put path18:00
ActionParsnipSlaizer: lots and lots of guides online...you really have to ask. I gotta jet18:00
sla_kunji: when should I use it? When I have started the live cd?18:00
sla_kunji: I have not seen any way to start a terminal during normal installation?18:00
x-ipquestion: redis is starting after i reboot the machine, and i checked at /etc/init.d and redis-server has not exec permissions, i did chmod -x /etc/init.d/redis-server, how is starting at system boot anyway? where can i check?18:01
kunjisla_: That's my best guess, live CD, do the chroot and set the mount points, then start the installation from the desktop of the live session18:01
kunjisla_: No guarantees though, I haven't tried anything like this18:01
bao_hi, has anyone successfully configure kdump on EC2 HVM instance?18:01
n-iCeWhy would you guys say to choose Ubuntu over any other Ubuntu alternative?18:02
jParktonUbuntu != Amazon18:02
sla_kunji: I will try :/18:02
jParktonn-iCe: I use/have used Kubuntu for a longggg time, and I would steer anyone to it over Ubuntu18:02
kunjisla_:good luck18:03
cjohnsonHow can I apt-get install a package without asking the user if they definitely want to install it, but while sitll letting any subsequent problems pause for user input?18:03
akhileshwhat does kubuntu offer over ubuntu?18:03
n-iCeyeah, what18:03
tgm4883Personally I prefer ubuntu over kubuntu18:03
n-iCeI don't like KDE18:03
akhileshyea same here18:04
jParktonKubuntu has never included spam in its releases unlike Ubuntu18:04
kunjiKDE is spam18:04
brainwashKDE is love18:04
tgm4883lets keep this on topic please18:04
n-iCeand xubuntu?18:04
brainwashyou can easily test the different flavors18:04
BluesKajkunji, stop that, KDE is a  legit desktop highly regarded by many people18:04
kunjiXubuntu = Ubuntu + XFCE - Unity18:05
kunjiBluesKaj: I never said otherwise18:05
n-iCeI will try Ubuntu then18:05
BluesKajyou called it spam18:05
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde18:05
n-iCewhat favlor would you guys say is the lightweightest one and runs faster18:05
kunjiSpam is a meat product highly regarded by many people as well18:05
kunjiEspecially in Hawawii18:05
jParktonXubuntu is lightest18:05
tgm4883BluesKaj: and jparkton said ubuntu shipped with spam but you didn't call him out on it. Now can we all just keep things on topic?18:06
n-iCethan lubuntu?18:06
jParktontgm4883: because its a fact18:06
BluesKajtgm4883, stupid remarks deserve to be pointed out18:06
nnnnooiiio@actionparsing did mdp test its match18:08
jParktonkunji: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/09/24/ubuntu_amazon_suggestions/18:08
nnnnooiiiocan i get lil help?on my old laptop ibm thinkpad t42 trying to instal lubuntu with usb flash and its hangs when i press instal or try lubuntu already did md5 test18:09
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kunjijParkton: Search results are not quite the same as adware, you could have just stated what you were referring to, I was thinking it would be that18:09
jParktonI see18:10
jParktoncool dismissal though18:10
kunji Nor are they the same as spam18:10
jParktoncool dismissal18:11
kunjiI know, it's a fine line though :P18:11
jParktonI personally despise amazon and never do business with them, why should I be fine with them installing 'premium search results' or whatever they were getting paid by amazon to do18:11
BluesKajjParkton, good one ! heh now which OS is the spam one kunji ?18:12
nnnnooiiiocan i get lil help?on my old laptop ibm thinkpad t42 trying to instal lubuntu with usb flash and its hangs when i press instal or try lubuntu already did md5 test18:12
tgm4883since we're completely off topic now, jParkton why do you despise amazon?18:12
kunjiBluesKaj: ChomeOS?18:12
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kunjiBluesKaj: Or is it Android via carriers?18:12
jParktonmultiple reasons but that is neither Ubuntu nor on topic lol18:12
jParktonim in offtopic though18:13
BluesKajkunji, keep trying ...it's not working18:13
kunjijParkton: sorry, yes, lets get back on topic18:13
tgm4883jParkton: well it's good that you'll go offtopic to take shots at ubuntu (even when asked to stay ontopic) but will refrain from mentioning anything off topic when asked a direct question. Cool motives though18:14
kunjiSo then, back on topic, fixing a bad input/output that was not the result of a bad disk?18:14
RazzdollHi again. How would I stop the network manager from interfering with my usb adapter but still be able to use both my wireless usb, and ethernet connections?18:14
nnnnooiiiocan i get lil help?on my old laptop ibm thinkpad t42 trying to instal lubuntu with usb flash and its hangs when i press instal or try lubuntu already did md5 test18:14
histoRazzdoll: What usb adapter18:14
histo!nomodeset | nnnnooiiio18:15
ubottunnnnooiiio: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:15
Razzdollhisto; alfa awus036nha18:15
histoRazzdoll: how is it interfering?18:15
kunjiRazzdoll: You could ditch the network manage and manage the connection manually...18:15
histoRazzdoll: you could always deactivate that device18:15
rafidhow i start to write system call in linux18:16
historafid: for what service?18:17
kunjiIs ntfsprogs no longer in the repos?18:17
rafidany service18:17
histo!info ntfsprogs18:18
histo!info ntfs-utils18:18
ubottuPackage ntfsprogs does not exist in vivid18:18
ubottuPackage ntfs-utils does not exist in vivid18:18
histokunji: ntfs-3g18:18
sla_kunji: I have tried something different first now - I have deleted one of my primary partitions (I have backed up the data before) and deleted it. Now I have just 2 primary partitions and the installer still does not show anything where I can install ubuntu on...18:18
Razzdollhisto, well i'm trying to use aircrack (for knowledge only), and its giving me an error about the other devices/software. (pid #'s and such), so in order to fix it, I need to kill all instances of such, but with that, im afraid will be my wired connection18:18
jhultenAre there any know issues with  http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com18:19
histoRazzdoll: what's giving the error18:19
SlaizerI don't have any internet connection on the computer which I would like to get the latest kernel on. I have an i7 processor. Which files do I need to download from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.1-rc1-vivid/?18:19
kunjisla_: You created an EXT4 partition?18:19
histoRazzdoll: and what is the error18:19
OerHeksUbottu, please add: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/vivid/man8/ntfsprogs.8.html18:19
ubottuOerHeks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:19
Razzdollhisto http://pastebin.com/7K2LFJ1618:20
histoRazzdoll: that's just a warning18:20
histoRazzdoll: you should stop network manager first18:20
TJ-Razzdoll: you might be able to do it using "no-auto-default=", see "man NetworkManager.conf", if that is sufficient18:20
jhultenWe are seeing, first mergelist errors, then this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/11653820/18:21
dczis there anybody  here how to use prolog ?18:22
OerHeksdcz, if prolog means a music device, you might ask in #ubuntu-studio18:23
jhultendcz: You ask in #prolog?18:23
kunjiHmm, ntfsprogs don't seem to have anything to do what I want, unless I'm misreading ntfsfix...?18:23
l0p3nI recently installed ubuntu using the command line option (installing Ubuntu without a desktop environment). Now when I boot the computer all I see is a black screen. Any ideas?18:23
d3bughello again18:24
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | l0p3n start here18:24
ubottul0p3n start here: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:24
jParktonI fail to see how that has anything to do with motives, but cool childishness level thar18:25
Slaizerwhich files do I need to install kernel 4.1, from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.1-rc1-vivid/?18:25
d3bugdoes anyone know how to read a single mode 1 data track RAW from a multisession CD?18:26
Razzdollhisto, TJ- - I just did NetworkManager stop, and everything went offline. So yea. lol. not doing that til I read more about it. I just want to be able to use this usb adapter with my ethernet connection, but its giving me problems because of the NetworkManager and the like.18:27
sla_kunji: no - not yet...  I am too wired right now ^^ I am creating18:27
l0p3nubottu: Thanks I'll have a look at that18:27
ubottul0p3n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:27
jParktonSlaizer: what are you trying to do?18:27
l0p3nMonkeyDust: :)18:27
histoRazzdoll: that's not a problem it's just a warning18:28
histoRazzdoll: and like I said you can tell network manager not to manage that device18:28
TJ-jhulten: That sig is not good, have you run gpg on the file manually?18:28
SlaizerjParkton, install the latest Ubuntu kernel on a computer that doesn't have any internet connection. I think I need the following:  linux-headers-4.1.0-040100rc1-generic_4.1.0-040100rc1.201504270235_amd64.deb, linux-headers-4.1.0-040100rc1_4.1.0-040100rc1.201504270235_all.deb, linux-image-4.1.0-040100rc1-generic_4.1.0-040100rc1.201504270235_amd64.deb. Am i right here? I have this issue: Qualcomm Atheros doesn't work, and hoping that the latest kernel wil18:28
Slaizerl fix that.18:28
kunjiHmm, no chkdsk equivalent in Ubuntu right?18:28
d3bugkunji:  fsck18:29
jParktonSlaizer: you need an internet connection18:29
histokunji: there is, what file system are you trying to check?18:29
SlaizerjParkton, I need to install the files from an USB.18:29
jParktonisnt there a modprobe you need to do?18:29
jParktonfor the qualcomm?18:29
SlaizerjParkton, To install the latest kernel 4.118:29
kunjid3bug: Ah, that's right, was that for NTFS though?   histo: NTFS18:29
SlaizerjParkton, hoping wifi work with the latest kernel.18:30
d3bugkunji: fsck.ntfs18:30
jParktonprobably not18:30
histokunji: ntfsfix18:31
Razzdollhisto, ok I did that, but now its not recognizing one or the other when I do ifconfig18:31
kunjihisto: I don't think that does quite the same, it's a very light version that sets also sets the flag for windows to do it on next boot18:31
histoRazzdoll: you did what? You're not making any sense whatsoever.18:31
jhultenTJ-: We got it fixed. Thx.18:32
d3bugdoes anyone know how to read a single mode 1 data track RAW from a multisession CD?18:32
jParktond3bug: is it mounted?18:32
histokunji: fsck.ntfs = ntfsfix18:33
sla_kunja: sorry lost connection - I have created now that it looks like this: https://media-cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/02/01/gp_fertig.png18:33
d3bugjParkton: no, it's not mounted... can't be.  it's not a filesystem that can be used directly.  I need to duplucate the track bit for bit which is why I saw RAW.18:33
sla_kunji: but the installer doesn't find it18:33
Razzdollhisto, haha, what? I want aircrack-ng to work using the usb adapter I got (alfa awus036nha), but it isnt because of my ethernet (wired) connection. it's interfering.18:33
histoRazzdoll: Again why do you think your ethernet is interfering?18:34
kunjiThere is no fsck.ntfs...18:34
jParktonhonestly I dont think it possible but best of luck18:34
Razzdollhisto, because when I try to start the monitoring process, it gives me trouble.18:34
TJ-d3bug: have you tried "cdrdao" ?18:34
kunjiThere is ntfsck18:34
histoRazzdoll: WHAT trouble?18:35
d3bugTJ:  that will read the whole disc into a single file which is impossible to manipulate after that.18:35
histokunji: right because fsck.ntfs is just a shell script to run ntfsfix18:35
TJ-d3bug: According to "man cdrdao" read-toc and read-cd will read the tracks18:35
d3bugTJ:  I need separate files for each track.18:35
sla_kunji: can it be, that the installer has changed in 14.04? I can not find the step shown here (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-ubuntu-desktop) in step 318:35
kunjihisto: Ah, but ntfsfix doesn't do what chkdsk does, this will require  a reboot T.T18:35
Razzdollhisto, everytime I do 'airmon-ng' or 'airmon-ng start <interface>', it keeps saying the device is busy (-16) or adding another extension to the device name (ie wlan0 wlan0mon wlan0monmon wlan0monmonmon)18:36
histokunji: ntfsfix runs several consistency checks. If you need more than that run windows18:36
histoRazzdoll: make sure you using the right device. Also see what else is managing the device you are trying to start a mon interface on.18:36
kunjisla_: O.o no step 3 would be a problem indeed, try the ncurses installer18:36
al2o3-crRazzdoll: wlan0mon is your newly created monitor interface18:37
d3bugTJ:  those options are for CDDA not Data18:37
kunjihisto: I do need more :P, as also indicated by the output of ntfsfix.... unless... does it need to be unmounted?18:37
al2o3-crso it looks like you've created 3 ;p18:37
histoRazzdoll: lsof | grep wlan0  or whatever18:37
TJ-d3bug: it says cdrdao creates audio and data CD-Rs" ... isn't that what you want?18:38
kunjihisto: nvm, no luck that way either18:38
histokunji: yes it needs to be unmounted. What is the problem you are trying to fix in the first place?18:38
Razzdollhisto, no other is managing. that command resulted to an empty terminal line.18:38
kunjihisto: I believe a loose cable created some problems while a large right was occuring to the drive18:38
histoRazzdoll: are you sure it's wlan0 ?18:38
Jordan_Ukunji: If you have filesystem corruption on an ntfs volume you really need to use chkdsk from Windows to fix it.18:39
kunjiJordan_U: Yeah, looking that way18:39
Razzdollhisto, both eth0 and eth1 say ethernet, but i know that is not the case. So, now I am unsure18:39
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d3bugTJ:  no.  this CD is data only (BeOS 4).  unfortunately the developers (in their infinite wisdom) decided that floppy drives would be around forever, and didn't make the CD bootable.  what I am trying to do is rip each data track individually, then make the ISO9660 part bootable, and burn each track in TAO mode onto a new disc.18:39
histoRazzdoll: if you aren't sure then how did you tell network manager to stop managing the device?18:40
Razzdollhisto because under system settings > Network, it said Wired, Wireless.18:41
Razzdollhisto, but I turned the wireless back on,b ecause all it did was turned it off18:41
owen--Hello all. Is there such a package in the repos that enables one to manage a whole series of applications, for a particular task? So instead of opening up several different applications for a specific job/project. I could for example name the project and it will manage several applications. Using Kubuntu 14.0418:41
histoRazzdoll: well once you sort your devices if you put iface whatever inet manual into your /etc/network/interfaces file network manager won't manage it18:42
RazzdollThanks histo18:42
histoRazzdoll: you really should just boot to kali linux or something already setup to do this sort of thing.18:43
Razzdollhisto, I'm not mischievous, I'm just wanting to learn :/18:44
histoRazzdoll: I know18:44
histoRazzdoll: have fun crack away at your own stuff18:44
sh0thi guys18:44
Razzdollhisto, actually, going to go over to my relatives and try it on theirs. lol18:44
Razzdollhisto (i already know their password)18:45
histosh0t: hello18:45
OerHeksowen--, there are metapackages, like kubuntu-restricted-extras and ubuntustudio-photography ( my favorite)18:45
sh0thow do i install a specific version of a package on ubuntu? For instance I need to install ocaml 4.02 but if do: apt-cache madison ocaml i can only see the version 4.01...18:45
sh0tis it possible to do with apt or do i need to go with tar.gz?18:45
OerHeks!info games-fps18:46
ubottugames-fps (source: debian-games): Debian's first-person shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB18:46
Razzdollhisto; if I can get this damn terminal window to not always reduce to the size of a .... pretzel rod18:47
histosh0t: you18:47
histosh0t: you'd have to install from source or use a ppa repo18:47
MonkeyDustsh0t  if you want something that's newer than what's in the repos, you need a ppa or .deb or so, but that's not supported here18:47
SlaizerI have an Qualcomm internet card, can't get it working. Someone to help me out?18:47
brainwash_sh0t: 4.02 is not available in the official repo (not even in the current development release)18:48
owen--OerHeks: I was thinking along the lines of if I was doing a specific jobA, then I would need a file manager open in a specific place, with a text editor open, perhaps two command line windows and libre office. The when I go back to doing jobA the next day I could have all this stuff opened automatically.18:48
Jordan_Ush0t: What is your end goal?18:48
Razzdollhisto,  yes it is called wlan0, but it has no ip information18:48
sh0tJordan_U, installing all this software: http://pastebin.com/MZNRXpv818:48
histoRazzdoll: it's probably not up that's all18:48
Razzdollhisto, the blue light is on the adapter, it has to be18:49
OerHeksowen--, add those apps to startup applications?18:49
Jordan_Ush0t: That's not an *end goal*. What are you actually trying to accomplish?18:49
sh0tok histo MonkeyDust i ll try this ppa thing... brainwash_ i see it's not suppoerted..is there a irc channel I can specifically ask for this kind of question?18:49
Slaizersomeone to guide me through this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184/comments/115?18:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC [168c:003e] not supported" [Medium,Triaged]18:49
d3bugthis is frustrating... you would think at some point SOMEONE would have tried to do what I am trying to do, get frustrated, and write some kind of utility to do it... esp. considering Linux is made for this sort of thing.  :S18:50
sh0tJordan_U, how specific do u want me to be. I need to attend a school and that software is required.18:50
Razzdollhisto, http://pastebin.com/A45gGXLU - it lies to me!18:50
sh0tI don't know why they want that specific version...18:50
Jordan_Ush0t: That's a great answer, thank you.18:50
owen--OerHeks: But what if I then wanted to do jobB that uses another set of applications?18:50
sla_kunji: what shall I do with ncurses? How does it help me to install ubuntu?18:51
sh0tJordan_U, are you being ironic? I didn't mean to be rude...it's just i don't know how to answer your question more than like I did...18:51
owen--OerHeks: I guess what I'm looking for is some kind of session manager, if such a thing exists.18:52
d3bugI can see it now... I'm gonna have to spend 6mo learning c++ just to do this one thing.   :|18:52
MonkeyDustd3bug  if you find a solution, then you are the expert18:52
EriC^^d3bug: what are whining about?18:52
Johnny_Linuxit will be a continual asset if you learn it18:52
EriC^^*are you18:52
brainwash_sh0t: debian experimental has 4.02. maybe it will make it's way to 15.10, maybe even as backport for older releases18:53
d3bugEriC^^: I need to read a data CD (multisession) as separate tracks instead of reading the whole thing as one big BIN file.  I do not wish to mount the filesystems, but get a bit for bit RAW copy of these tracks.  Anyone got any ideas?  (there is no CDDA on this disc)18:53
Jordan_Ush0t: No, I'm being completely serious. "I was told I need it for a class" answers my question. Now I know that you're not trying to build a specific project (which is what most people looking to install such packages are trying to do, and they usually should accomplish that goal another way).18:54
histoRazzdoll: did you edit /etc/network/interfaces?18:54
sh0tah ok Jordan_U :)18:54
Razzdollhisto,  no. didnt even know i had to18:54
sh0ti guess i'll go with .tar.gz...18:55
sh0tnot very elegant18:55
sh0ti am sure i am gonna have problems18:55
Razzdollhisto,  nothing is in there but # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)18:55
Razzdollauto lo18:55
Razzdolliface lo inet loopback18:55
brainwash_sh0t: you can try to install the package (and its dependencies) manually from https://packages.debian.org/experimental/ocaml18:55
MonkeyDustd3bug  try 'jack' in a terminal... jack -k saves as .wav ... 'man jack' for more18:55
histoRazzdoll: you don't have to do anything. What are you trying to do with wlan0?18:55
sh0tis it the same brainwash_ for ubuntu?18:55
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histosh0t: use checkinstall18:56
d3bugMonkeyDust:  these are not CDDA tracks.  they are Mode 1 data tracks18:56
sh0thisto, what's that?18:56
histosh0t: it will make a deb for you from source for easy removal18:56
sh0tah ok18:56
histoRazzdoll: if you are just trying to bring the interface up for whatever reason it needs to be defined in interfaces or you have to manage it with somehting like network manager.18:57
dgarstangDoes ubuntu support authorized_keys.d ?18:57
histodgarstang: do you mean does ssh support authorized keys?18:58
brainwash_sh0t: it can work, and it will work in many cases. still, you may encounter problems when installing packages from debian (or newer ubuntu releases)18:58
MonkeyDustd3bug  find 'mode 1' on this page18:59
Jordan_Ush0t: https://launchpad.net/~avsm/+archive/ubuntu/ocaml42+opam1218:59
dgarstanghisto: on ubuntu, with a plugin directory, yes18:59
hplcis there any librarian program for us who wich to get the e-books sorted after such as year of publish?18:59
sh0tthanks Jordan_U it looks like what i needed19:00
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jmfurlottAnyone know of some good Unity theme collections?19:00
owen--hplc: Have you tried Calibre19:00
MonkeyDustd3bug  oops, this page http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/cdrdao.1.html19:00
sh0ti'l ltry in a while19:00
hplc_can calibre do that? an ebook viewer?19:01
NoImNotNineVoltokay, so i added a /etc/init/foo.conf upstart script, and when i sudo service foo status, i get foo: unrecognized service19:01
QuantosHey guys, 14.04.2 LTS fully patched, my bottom taskbar has gone kaput.  It's still there but instead of being black it's light grey and I can't right click on it19:01
MonkeyDustQuantos  bottom task bar? what DE are you using?19:01
owen--hplc: I think it can do that and much much more19:01
NoImNotNineVoltis there some additional step i need to perform to get upstart to recognize this new service?19:01
hplc_owen--, thanks :)19:01
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Jordan_Ush0t: You're welcome.19:02
Johnny_Linuxcan linux do my dishes ??19:02
NoImNotNineVolt(i know systemd requires a `systemctl daemon-reload`, but i was told here that upstart will recognize the new service automagically (which seems to not be the case based on my testing))19:02
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: it's sudo status foo19:02
MonkeyDustJohnny_Linux  try dishes.wash --fast19:02
NoImNotNineVoltbrainwash_: that doesn't work either. status: Unknown job: foo19:03
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: service is for sysvinit19:03
NoImNotNineVoltservice is also for systemd.19:03
owen--Johnny_Linux: I think you could probably program the dishwasher with Linux19:03
NoImNotNineVoltservice is also a generic wrapper that calls your init's binary of choice.19:03
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: thought it's systemctl19:03
Johnny_Linuxprolly, it does everything else, maybe walk my dog next19:03
NoImNotNineVoltbrainwash_: nope, service still works. for backwards compatibility.19:03
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: I see19:03
NoImNotNineVoltanyway, `status` gives the same problem.19:04
Jordan_UJohnny_Linux: Please take offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is for productive Ubuntu support discussion only.19:04
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NoImNotNineVolteven though i'm looking at /etc/init/foo.conf19:04
d3bugJohnny_Linux:  yes, it can do your dishes... just install linux on an RB5X robot with the arm and wala...19:04
MonkeyDustd3bug  did you find 'mode 1' on this page (use ctrl f) http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/cdrdao.1.html19:05
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: I guess your upstart service file contains some invalid syntax or sth like that19:05
NoImNotNineVolt`initctl reload-configuration`19:06
NoImNotNineVoltapparently you guys were wrong. upstart doesn't automagically recognize newly-added scripts.19:06
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kunjiGuys, what happened to the text based installer?  Does it no longer exist?19:15
NoImNotNineVolti used a console installer earlier today. looked fine to me.19:15
Jordan_Ukunji: The server and minimal isos still use the text based debian-installer.19:15
kunjiJordan_U: But if you wanted a normal desktop install and the graphical one wasn't working?19:15
kunjiJordan_U: Is using the server one the closest to that now then?19:15
Jordan_Ukunji: The minimal would allow you to do that, though you need to be connected to the internet (preferably via ethernet) during install.19:15
Jordan_Ukunji: What "isn't working" about the graphical installer for you?19:15
sh0tJordan_U, what if I now cannot isntall ledit because it says it requires ocaml 4.01?19:15
sh0tmy god...:/19:15
kunjiJordan_U: For sla_ actually, it isn't showing the page where it allows you to choose something else for your partition configuration so he isn't able to assign the mount points to his partitions for the install.19:15
jParkton4.01 is in the repos19:15
Jordan_Ush0t: You may want to create a chroot with Ocaml 4.0.2, unless ledit needs to interface directly with the compiler you're using (I'm not very familiar with either OCaml or ledit).19:15
sh0tJordan_U, too late I already installed it in my vm without chroot19:15
sh0twhat if i remove the ppa of ocaml4.02 install ocaml 4.01 install ledit and then remove ocaml 4.01?19:16
Jordan_Ush0t: You can always uninstall packages (ppa-purge is the tool to use to remove ppas completely, including reverting back to official versions of packages).19:16
sh0tmm ok Jordan_U  thanks19:16
Jordan_Ush0t: You're welcome.19:16
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: just curious, does `init-checkconf` return that your job file is valid?19:16
sla_Jordan_U: the installer also doesn't provide me the step were I have to choose "something else.." - first it shows me the language, followed by the network setup and the immediately leads me to the partition setup, where nothing is shown19:16
dgarstangDoes ssh on ubuntu support something like authorized_keys.d ?19:16
Jordan_Usla_: Debian-installer isn't organized the same way as Ubiquity, there is no option called "something else", but everything that you can do with Ubiquity can also be done with debian-installer.19:16
NoImNotNineVolttouche :P19:16
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sla_Jordan_U: but I should see the Ubiquity installer when I try to install Ubuntu, right?19:16
Jordan_Usla_: Sorry, mistook you for kunji (who was planning to use debian-installer).19:16
sla_hehe :D19:16
NoImNotNineVoltthat was the problem. description wasn't quoted.19:16
p_lHello! Anyone here knows workarounds for UEFI-booting machines that do not respect bootvars using Ubuntu's GRUB-signed stack? (14.04 LTS in this case?)19:16
NoImNotNineVoltapparently initctl reload-configuration is implicitly run when you start/stop/status ?19:17
Jordan_Up_l: Please describe the symptoms of the problem you're having.19:17
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Omnipotentman you know you have a pro when you see them like Jordan_U19:17
brainwash_NoImNotNineVolt: I don't know. I'm not that interested in upstart anymore tough :)19:18
p_lJordan_U: I've got an intel NUC which has broken efi bootvar handling - as such, I need to use fallback bootloader path (i.e. BOOTX64.EFI). The question is now which file(s) from Ubuntu's GRUB to copy there so that it finds its config properly and boots - right now, I get "no bootable device found" in the end19:18
sla_Jordan_U: so any idea what is wrong with my installation? here you can see the current fdisk output: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1n-ApJhSe_XNHhnQUxLc2RlVkk/view?usp=sharing19:18
EriC^^p_l: /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi or shimx64.efi for secureboot19:18
EriC^^p_l: when you mean copy there you mean copy and rename as bootx64.efi right?19:19
Jordan_Up_l: sudo grub-install --removable19:19
MonkeyDustd3bug  keep it in the channel please... try contacting the author of cdrdao ... Andreas Mueller <andreas@daneb.de>19:20
p_lJordan_U: was that included already in the version used by 14.04?19:20
Jordan_Up_l: Yes.19:20
edvehow to install ffmpeg on ubuntu 14.04 ?19:20
edvethe command line ?19:20
MonkeyDustedve it should be there by default ... but better try avconv ... winff is a nice gui for ffmpeg/avconv19:21
edvei need that command to catch a stream and save it into a file.19:22
edveso I need a CLI command cause it's a Ubuntu server that will save it19:23
MonkeyDustedve  i guess vlc can do that19:23
MonkeyDustah ok19:23
Slaizerwill Qualcomm Atheros ever work under Linux?19:23
edveYeah but a guy into the VLC irc told me to use ffmpeg to catch it :/19:24
p_lJordan_U: so, grub-install --removable /dev/sda is now in the script, waiting for the install to go through...19:25
al2o3-crSlaizer: works perfectly fine19:26
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Slaizeral2o3-cr, how do you mean? not having an internet connection with Qualcomm Ahteros is your definition of just working fine?19:26
OerHeks"Qualcomm Ahteros" has many chipsets19:27
MonkeyDustedve  type this in a terminal, then use /save to look for "save" (or any word you're looking for) : vlc --longhelp --advanced > vlc_help; less vlc_help19:28
Slaizermy Qualcomm Atheros Device 003e is not one of the functioning chipset19:30
NCS_Oneis there some way to recover a file I just deleted with rm?19:30
EriC^^NCS_One: there's testdisk and photorec19:33
EriC^^!info testdisk19:33
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB19:33
Ben64NCS_One: if the file is open, yes. if not, you'd have to use testdisk or photorec19:33
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Jordan_Up_l: In what sctipt? You shouldn't pass /dev/sda as it's meaningless (and therefore ignored) on UEFI.19:38
al2o3-crSlaizer: what does `modinfo ath9k | grep 003E` ?19:38
p_lJordan_U: the machine is few hundred kilometers from me, installing with preseed and a post-install script downloaded into chroot19:40
p_li can only watch it from syslog data sent to boot server by debian-installer :)19:40
d3buganyone know of a linux tool to edit an existing ISO to make it bootable?19:40
Slaizeral2o3-cr, nothing19:41
al2o3-crSlaizer: also try with ath10k_core and ath10k_pci19:41
p_lJordan_U: anyway, thanks - the braindamaged intel nuc booted :)19:43
MonkeyDustd3bug  http://sourceforge.net/projects/systemback/  <-- "Live system creation"19:44
Jordan_Up_l: You're welcome :)19:44
p_lI have >50 of them to autoinstall remotely :)19:44
Slaizeral2o3-cr, http://pastebin.com/9M4eZGHp19:45
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kuba7447hi, how do i delete the example folder?, i moved it to trash and deleted it, but i can still see that sample song19:45
TJ-d3bug: I used k3d  with a boot.img I created especially19:46
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al2o3-crSlaizer: try: sudo modprobe ath10k_pci ?19:46
d3bugTJ:  thx  let me give it a whirl.19:46
d3bugMonkeyDust:  that is not even in the same universe as what I am trying to do... but ty anyway.19:48
Slaizeral2o3-cr, nothing. And I have the latest kernel, 4.1.19:48
TJ-d3bug: a long time ago, I'm not finding my notes or the project now, probably on another system19:48
histoisn't the ath10k driver busted19:48
Slaizeral2o3-cr, will this Qualcomm Athero card work in a near future under Linux? This Acer Aspire VN7-791G is brand new.19:49
TJ-d3bug: I know I wrote up extensive notes on the steps19:49
lavinhoalgum tuga por aqui19:49
d3bugTJ:  I am sure if it allows me to open an existing ISO, the steps won't be too hard.19:49
al2o3-crSlaizer: probably will in due time, that chipset is brand new19:50
Slaizeral2o3-cr, I am better off waiting a couple of months?19:50
d3bugSlaizer:  if that long... one thing that is great about Linux is someone somewhere is working on everything you can imagine at any given moment... :)19:51
al2o3-crSlaizer: I would if I were you, because that is a spanking brand new chipset19:51
al2o3-crSlaizer: I can't even find the firmware for it anywhere19:51
Slaizeral2o3-cr, Okey, I am going to windows and hope this issue will be fixed at the end of the summer.19:52
al2o3-crSlaizer: or just buy a cheap usb one for now if that is an option to you?19:52
Slaizeral2o3-cr, This card will be fixed under Linux at the end of the summer, definitely?19:52
al2o3-crSlaizer: I can't say for certain19:53
Slaizeral2o3-cr, I have an expensive USB, like 70 dollar. But it does not work19:53
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al2o3-crSlaizer: what is it?19:53
Slaizeral2o3-cr, Zyxel, model number: NWD270519:54
d3bugTJ:  ok, there is nowhere to edit the existing ISO in K3b.19:54
Slaizeral2o3-cr, http://www.zyxel.com/se/sv/products_services/nwd2705.shtml?t=p19:55
TJ-d3bug: you need to extract the boot.img first - I think that requires a cmd-line tool, then the boot.img can be specified when authoring a new image19:56
Slaizeral2o3-cr, will this card work?19:57
al2o3-crSlaizer: yep, no support for that to upto yet19:57
Jordan_USlaizer: Internal wireless cards are much more likely to work than USB ones.19:57
Slaizeral2o3-cr, So will I be able to use Linux in a near future, less I switch to a external USB port?19:58
TJ-d3bug: I think probably it requires extracting the ISO contents and rebuilding to use K3B to include a boot.img19:58
al2o3-crSlaizer: yep, but how long I don't know19:58
TJ-d3bug: this is bugging me because I spent a lot of time figuring out how to create a bootable device with multiple boot options in the El Torito image19:59
Slaizeral2o3-cr, can you PM your guys and say that a guy wants this working? :P19:59
d3bugTJ:  it's not going to be that simple... let me explain.   This is a BeOS 4 CD.  The boot image is in the format of a 720k floppy image called IMAGE.Z on the iso9660 session of the disc (track1).  I have copied that boot image to ~ to work with it.  If I were under windows it would be simple... MagicISO or PowerISO do these things.19:59
histod3bug: are you sure no one else has done this work already?20:00
al2o3-crSlaizer: I'm still waiting for support for the Realtek RTL8188EUS20:00
d3bugTJ:  I want to do this without extracting the files or otherwise editing the ISO (only adding the boot image if possible).   I am sure unfortunatly.20:00
TBotNik /msg NickServ identify myisp20:00
Jordan_UTBotNik: Change your password.20:01
histoI wonder how many peoples passwords I have logged20:01
Jordan_UTBotNik: And in the future, always use the "server" window when messaging nickserv, so that this type of mistake can't happen in the future.20:01
d3bugwhat (s)he said.20:02
TBotNikJordan_U: What Server window, there is none20:02
=== Guest28455 is now known as Bl4ckSh4d0w
d3bugTBotNik u using webchat or something?20:02
savino_where you see a large text of info with Mod files with rulles20:03
TJ-d3bug: It should be possible to create a new image with a boot.img included, based on the original20:03
histolol there's some good ones in my logs20:03
Jordan_UTBotNik: First change your password, and just be careful to not include a space before the '/', then (and don't skip this step!) join #quassel and ask them how to safely /msg nickserv in the future.20:04
TBotNikJordan_U: Used Trillion, when back on Windows, 10+ years ago and it had the NICKSERV window, but not this beast20:04
=== Bl4ckSh4d0w is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
d3bugTJ:  I may just put in wine and PowerISO to make my life easier... :P20:05
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TJ-d3bug: yeah :) ... I know I worked on it because I submitted patches for a bug with the boot.img code where it assumed a fixed sector size20:06
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TBotNikJordan_U: It worked when I ran it in the #freenode chat session!120:07
d3bugTJ:  how is wine64 coming along (if you know)?20:07
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nonnnnhey who helped me with old t42 thinkpad?forgot to say thanks...20:07
Jordan_UTBotNik: You still don't understand the problem.20:07
TBotNikJordan_U: My Q: Is there are release of 14.04 out yet that has the "recovery" mode option, when booting the Live DVD?20:08
yecril71plWhich package provides libbz2.pc?20:08
d3bugTBotNik:  no... that you did was give everyone in this chat room your password.20:08
TJ-d3bug: I have no idea, I don't use it. I've found the bug, that's helping me get a timeline for when and where my notes may be: bug #126646120:08
ubottubug 1266461 in isomaster (Ubuntu) "El Torito boot image corrupted by truncation" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126646120:08
Jordan_UTBotNik: You mistypted, and included a space before '/', so you meant to type "/msg nickserv ..." and instead typed " /msg nickserv". You *will* accidentally make this typo again, so you need to learn how to get to the server channel or otherwise message nickserv without having a simple typo announce your password to the world.20:09
TBotNikJordan_U: No I did not include the space before the command.  Do not know how it got there, so following your suggestion on changing the password20:10
OerHeksthere is no such thing on any live cd, recovery option is only on installed ubuntu20:11
Jordan_UTBotNik: And you will also follow my suggesting of joining #quassel and figuring out how to do this safely in the future?20:11
OerHekswhat do you want to recover from live iso, TBotNik ?20:11
TBotNikJordan_U: PWD already reset, Thanks20:12
Jordan_UTBotNik: But you still haven't joing #quassel and asked how to safely identify or otherwise message nickserv.20:14
TBotNikI run 8 Ubuntu boxes and 14.04 has been so unstable, they are all not running the same and should be.  I need uniformity to correctly enable syncing between them as they cross compile data20:15
TBotNikJordan_U: I did all with NICKSERVE20:15
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goldenucfhi all... I got a DVD-R that was recorded by a video device, and it didn't seem to burn correctly and I can't open it... is there any way to get the data off of it?20:16
Jordan_UTBotNik: I'm going to quiet you in this channel for one hour, or until you join #quassel as I asked you to. If you wish to discuss your quiet please join #ubuntu-ops. Again, all you need to do is "/join #quassel" and ask them how to safely identify and communicate with nickserv and I will remove the quiet immediately.20:17
=== goldenucf is now known as aent
Ranger15Jordan_U  OT but do you like Quassel?20:22
Spec-ChumI do :)20:22
Spec-Chumpity I don't like KDE tho :p20:22
Ranger15I see20:22
Ranger15Looking at the wiki now.20:22
Ranger15Looks interesting20:22
Jordan_URanger15: I only tried it briefly, years ago, so I have no opinion.20:23
Ranger15I see thx.20:23
Christopher-WereHi, I can't seem to find the config files for Deja Dup. How would I go about finding out where they are?20:23
Spec-ChumChristopher-Were, I've never used it (use grsync) but try in .config20:24
Christopher-Werei can't find it there. I've looked in all the obvious places20:24
Spec-Chum~/.gconf/apps/deja-dup/ ?20:24
Jordan_UTBotNik: I thought you were referring to doing "/msg NICKSERV" rather than "/msg nickser", where you appear to be saying you're using a different window or equivalent now. Your quiet has been lifted.20:25
Spec-Chum~/.config/dconf ?20:25
Christopher-WereIt's not there Spec-Chum20:25
TBotNikSpec-Chum: Wouldn't leave home without KDE, beats native Ubuntu, and crushes that "UNITY" windows wannabe crap!20:25
Spec-ChumTBotNik, I can't put my finger on it, something just doesn't click with me20:26
Spec-Chumlooks nice tho20:26
HobbyboyWhen I try to reboot networking with sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0, it doesn't bring the network back up20:26
Spec-ChumI think it's partly due to me using gnome apps for so long20:26
TBotNikJordan_U: Back to my 14.04 Q.  Do you have an answer?20:26
acz32is there a way to hide AM/PM in KDE's digital clock? takes too much space in panel20:26
Spec-ChumTBotNik, saying that, I've nbot tried plasma 5 yet20:27
Spec-Chummight give the live a whirl20:27
stacks88by ust running a2dismod php5 , that "php5" is essentially mod_php right?20:27
Christopher-WereWould it be possible for someone to help me please?20:28
Jordan_UTBotNik: The recovery shell that was included in the text based installers simply setup a chroot. That's easy enough to do from a LiveCD if you know how, and then you also have the full Live environment at your disposal.20:28
badboy17Out of curiosity, what distro are you guys running?20:28
mrwni have a aws ec2 instance, now i can't connect to it, before that happens, i deleted all files under /var/cache, is this the reason?20:29
k1l_badboy17: we try to keep this channel clear for ubuntu support. for chatting we have #ubuntu-offtopic20:29
savino_12 14 lts 1520:29
TBotNikJordan_U: The 3 packages that have to work on all 3 are LAMP, Dropbox and Teamviewer.  One machine will not install TV, one has LAMP issues, another has Dropbox, but it is not syncing with the host.  All part of the 14.04 crap load we've been dealing with since it first appeared!20:29
savino_with XFCE20:29
tgm4883mrwn: shouldn't be. You should just need to specify the SSH key that you downloaded from them20:30
mrwntgm4883:  i login as i do normaly, i get "connection timed out"20:31
Christopher-WereDoes anyone else here use Deja Dub?20:31
Jordan_UTBotNik: What does that have to do with the "recovery mode" question you asked earlier, or is this a new question?20:31
royg59 n00b question: How do I go about adding a simple "print as booklet" feature to evince?20:32
royg59 currently, the only way to do it is this tedious thing that could easily be scripted -- (https://help.gnome.org/users/evince/stable/duplex-npage.html.en)20:32
royg59so I want to script it, and incorporate it directly into the standard print menu20:32
royg59I've downloaded the evince source package, but I have no idea where the print menu and the print features are.20:33
TBotNikJordan_U: You are talking GRUB recovery.  Do not even have that issue (well one machine just took that dive last week.  I have Ubuntu core recovery issues!  The 14.04 core has been corrupt since day one.  It think it finally got fixed 3 weeks ago, because I successfully and seemlessly upgraded my 12.04 box at work, without issues, where attempting this on other machines always caused extreme problems!20:33
TBotNikJordan_U: Some call it the "Resue" mode, not the "Recovery" mode.  Means the same to me, but saw all the Grub Recovery stuff online, which is not part of my problem accross these machines.20:36
Jordan_UTBotNik: I am not talking about grub recovery at all. What "recovery" feature are you missing, and what did it do?20:36
TBotNikSP: Rescue not Resue20:37
Christopher-WereDoes anyone here use Deja-Dup? Have you had this issue?20:37
Jordan_UTBotNik: If you're talking about the option that would allow you to get to a shell on your installed system, while actually booted into the installer, that was a very thin wrapper around chroot. If you're talking about something else, you need to describe better what exactly it allowed you to do.20:38
TBotNikJordan_U: The recovery I'm talking about completely replaces all core/kernel files with new to restore any corrupted or incorrect files, giving you a new OS without formatting or touching any personal stuff.20:39
k1l_TBotNik: ubuntu doesnt have such a thing. the only thing you can try is a reinstall over an existing ubuntu.20:40
TBotNikJordan_U: This "Recovery" did not require chroot to anything and always was available before.20:40
Jordan_UTBotNik: The closest I have seen to what you describe is the option to re-install while preserving /home/ (which, despite what many people claim, does *not* require /home/ to be on a separate partition).20:40
k1l_personal stuff will be kept in the /home partition. so if you dont format that it will be kept20:40
tgm4883TBotNik: I've never seen that. What version was it available on?20:41
TBotNikJordan_U: Show me what you have cause not going through that crap of reformatting or creating a new partition again!20:41
TBotNiktgm4883: I've always had it on every version from 6.04 to 12.04!20:42
blimpOShi all, i have a weird question can  a programmer become an entreupreuner or is it better that the entreupreuneur be a business mind more than a geek/programmer?20:42
TBotNikAlways came us in my Grub boot options menu20:42
royg59n00b question: How do I go about adding a simple "print as booklet" feature to evince?20:43
Jordan_UTBotNik: What do you mean by "show me what you have"? You want me to explain how to re-install while preserving /home/ ? Note this will *not* preserve any of your system wide configuration, so you will lose all of /etc/ and any extra packages installed.20:43
tgm4883TBotNik: and it's in the live environment, or the boot menu when you launch the live cd?20:43
royg59n00b question: How do I go about adding a simple "print as booklet" feature to evince?20:43
royg59Currently, the only way to do it is this tedious thing that could easily be scripted -- (https://help.gnome.org/users/evince/stable/duplex-npage.html.en)...20:43
royg59So I want to script it, and incorporate it directly into the standard print menu...20:43
royg59I've downloaded the evince source package, but I have no idea where the print menu and the print features are...20:43
royg59Can someone hold my hand, and walk me through the process?...20:43
TBotNikblimpOS: Depends on the audience!!20:43
tgm4883TBotNik: ah, I think I know what you're talking about20:43
k1l_!ot | blimpOS20:43
ubottublimpOS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:43
blimpOSTBotNik: technology entreupreuneruship20:43
Jordan_UTBotNik: The recovery mode boot option in grub never did what you're explaining, and it's still there. You can select it through the "Advanced options for Ubuntu" submenu at the grub main menu.20:44
TBotNiktgm4883: Was in both for me!!  Could always recover either way!20:44
royg59sorry about flooding. i accidentally into the wrong channel20:44
blimpOSso better ti be technica lright?20:44
savino_drone need hard works this day see i /Giggles20:44
TBotNiktgm4883: There is a recover or debug mode in the Grub boot after install, but not the full set, so does not fix any broken packages.20:45
TBotNikJordan_U: You were telling me about a "re-install" option! Please continue!20:51
Jordan_UTBotNik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuReinstallation20:52
TBotNikJordan_U: Example is my laptop here!  Has Apache issues within LAMP, so all web pages at root level do not work and none of the aliases! Does not synce anything to Dropbox20:55
phy1729Is it possible to give debconf answers from the command line (apt-get invocation)?20:58
TBotNikJordan_U: The link you sent, the write up has major holes!  EX: Run the Ubuntu installer, repeated twice and does not at all tell what this is!  Is this the Live DVD, or if this is cmd line, should give the command.  If application within the launcher, needs explaination of where or pix of it!21:00
royg59how do I modify the global print dialog? I wan to add a "print as booklet" feature to the Page Setup tab21:00
Jordan_UTBotNik: These instructions apply to the graphical installer (there is only one graphical installer), ubiquity.21:01
TBotNikJordan_U: Calling ubiquity from cmd line?21:05
aethersishi, is there a possibility that if I run a trojan or a virus inside of Wine, it will infect my operating system?21:05
tgm4883aethersis: yes21:06
Jordan_UTBotNik: Yes. Or just click the "install Ubuntu" icon on the Desktop of the Live environment.21:06
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MonkeyDustaethersis  yu mean your ubuntu system?21:07
* tgm4883 wonders why we're doing a reinstall instead of just fixing each piece21:08
TBotNikJordan_U: Not on my machine, so installing with apt-get install ubiquity21:08
Jordan_UTBotNik: *NO*21:08
Jordan_UTBotNik: You don't run Ubiquity while booted into your installed system. Ubiquity is on the LiveDVD install image. Boot from an Ubuntu LiveDVD/USB to re-install Ubuntu.21:09
TBotNikJordan_U: but that just wants to reformat and install a new instance, not repair my current vesion, which is totally unacceptable.  The old recovery did not do that!21:10
danieladiego menotti21:10
Zack263do you guys know of an oldstyle theme for ubuntu that has the colors of QMODEM from the 1980s... blue background, yellows and grey texts?21:11
k1l_TBotNik: there is no "old recovery". you seem to mix things there.21:11
Zack263I like retro styling21:11
Zack263like bbses of old time21:11
aethersisMonkeyDust: I mean my ubuntu system21:12
MonkeyDust!theme | Zack263 start here21:12
ubottuZack263 start here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:12
TBotNiktgm4883: Have no idea of what to fix.  The old recovery installers autoided and fixed the broken packages, so fixing a broken install was easy.21:13
MonkeyDustaethersis  windows viruses do nothing on linux21:13
Zack263ok i'll give it a search21:13
aethersisbut they can be run on wine lol21:13
Zack263they need to get paltalk to run on wine! :p21:14
TBotNikGuys gotta run, be back later!21:14
tgm4883aethersis: yes, windows viruses that you run in wine can affect your system21:14
aethersisoh no21:14
Zack263ekkk that dont sound so good21:14
tgm4883aethersis: wine isn't a sandbox21:15
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: aethersis: If you install spyware in wine that searches for credit card numbers and other sensitive files, it is quite likely that it will find such files even if they're outside of the fake "Drive C:" wine creates.21:15
tgm4883aethersis: what did you do....21:15
aethersisnothing, it's a purely hypothetical question21:16
aethersisbut if I uninstall wine, then it will kill the viruses righ? :T21:16
MonkeyDustaethersis  what are you worried about?21:16
aboudreaultshould I get a coredump when the  OOM killer kills a process? I assume so with oom_dump_tasks set to 1?21:16
tgm4883aethersis: this feels like homework...21:17
aethersishomework? no lol21:17
aethersisI'm worried that if I install crack for Age of Empires II, it will infect my ubuntu21:17
tgm4883aethersis: simple, don't install a cracked version of AoE 221:18
polishpoliceforcanyone way to use gucview to make changes to a webcam permanent?21:18
MonkeyDustaethersis  illegal actions are not supported here21:18
aethersisI cannot install not cracked version of AoE2 because I don't have an optical drive21:18
aethersisI have original version of AoE2 on CD though21:18
tgm4883aethersis: so get one?21:18
aethersisso what I am doing is perfectly legal21:18
tgm4883no, no it is not21:19
aethersisit is21:19
aethersisin my country21:19
k1l_!wine | aethersis ask the wine specialists21:19
ubottuaethersis ask the wine specialists: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:19
tgm4883aethersis: lets say that is it perfectly legal in your country, those shady activities are not supported here21:19
aethersisI already did21:19
aethersisthey said it can be infected21:20
aethersisI mean that it can infect my OS21:20
quantsHi guys, I cant download from the download links on this website. any advice??  http://www.cyberage.cx/index.php?page=archives21:20
pankidI keep getting flagged as not PCI compliant for CVE-2014-8109 on Ubuntu 14.04. It is pertaining to mod_lua, which as far as I can tell does not ship with apache2 on ubuntu 14.04. I feel like this pci scanner is being dumb and just flagging it based on the apache2 version.21:20
ubottumod_lua.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.3.x and 2.4.x through 2.4.10 does not support an httpd configuration in which the same Lua authorization provider is used with different arguments within different contexts, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging multiple Require directives, as ... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-8109)21:20
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:20
acz32aethersis: you have asked the same question in at least 3 different channels now. are we done yet?21:20
tgm4883aethersis: just go buy a CD drive21:20
aethersisthank you21:20
aethersisno, I don't need one21:20
tgm4883aethersis: apparently you do21:21
aethersisand it makes noise. My PC is perfectly quiet21:21
Seveaspankid: if mod lua is not installed, or not enabled, show your PCI auditor evidence of that and you should pass.21:21
aethersisI disassembled 5 optical drives trying to get laser diodes out of them and only a very old one had a laser diode that could be refurbished :p21:22
MonkeyDustaethersis  what was your initial question? stick to support questions21:22
Seveaspankid: and in general pci scanners are extremely dumb.21:22
k1l_aethersis: we cant tell you what a windows virus can do to wine and if that can get out of the wine layer (i would guess it could because xorg security is a nightmare) and harm the ubuntu system.21:22
pankidSeveas: Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing something. I am new to the whole PCI thing.21:22
quantsAny idea why I cant download from these links?? http://www.cyberage.cx/index.php?page=archives21:22
aethersisyeah, not to mentions I have packets from xorg-edgers installed xD21:23
Seveaspankid: you're in for a world of pain. And learn to love the term "compensating control" :)21:23
aethersisso I think it might be even worse now21:23
aethersisis there any better alternative to Xorg?21:23
aethersisit's pretty damn old I think21:23
k1l_aethersis: not a working solution for daily usage so far21:23
aethersisanyway thank you k1l_21:24
quantsk1l_ hows it going?21:24
pankidSeveas: I have never heard of that term before you mentioned it. I opened up the dispute findings tab and there it is again.21:24
tgm4883k1l_: well being that you can browse and write to the linux filesystem from within wine, I'd say it can do almost whatever it wants21:24
Seveaspankid: it basically means "I think your control is bonkers, and here's what I tend to implement instead, which will satisfy the intent of the rule"21:25
Jordan_Uaethersis: Wayland is *almost* ready for daily usage IMHO. I've used a wayland session for a few days (with only a few apps using Xwayland) with only a few minor glitches.21:25
k1l_tgm4883: i thought it was some windows c drive layer between. but that is even worse than.21:25
Blue_SapphireA new update for Android Studio has come out, i have 1.0.1, and I am not sure of how to go about updating. I do not have the option to automatically update so I downloaded the stable patch (.zip) and i'm not sure what to do with it. According to the website it should install a patch instead of a full IDE image but i dont know what to do with the .zip file.21:25
aethersisdoes Wayland work with KDE?21:25
tgm4883k1l_: there is a fake C drive, but IIRC there is another drive that is your home directory21:26
pankidSeveas: Like when it flags me for having port 22 open even though I use ssh keys, disable root login, and have fail2ban running.21:26
Jordan_Uaethersis: KDE is much less far along with implementing full wayland support. GNOME3 is what I tried.21:26
tgm4883k1l_: wine isn't a sandbox, I don't believe they have ever pretended to write for security21:26
k1l_Jordan_U: aethersis there is still _a lot_ of xorg stuff used in the wayland desktops.21:26
aethersisJordan_U: I see. I found KDE to be the best environment for me21:26
Seveaspankid: yup.21:26
Seveaspankid: though on public IP addresses I'd still move ssh to a different port to get quieter logs :)21:27
k1l_tgm4883: i dont use wine. i dont even blame wine. they try to provide a solution that is requested.21:27
quantsI need help!!!21:27
Seveaspankid: It doesn't make you safer (you're pretty safe already), but helps staying sane :)21:28
tgm4883k1l_: me neither. I used to, but I've found alternatives for my software21:28
Seveasquants: don't we all21:28
quantsSeveas so true, can i see some advice?21:28
k1l_quants: ask the admin21:28
Seveasquants: don't eat yellow snow!21:28
quantsSeveas, thanks :021:29
quantsSeveas, can you tell me why i cant download from a download link?21:30
bekksquants: Can you tell us an error message you get?21:30
Jkesslerquants: what browser?21:30
k1l_quants: ask the admin of that site, why their site is broken. not us. we cant fix their site21:31
SeveasI use right-alt as compose key. But since a while (don't know when exactly, could be since I upgraded to 15.04), the compose key sometimes stops working. It then only works in the unity dash. not in gedit, not in terminator, not in firefox or anything else I tried. A reboot doesn't always fix this. What could possibly cause this?21:31
Jkesslerquants: if using firefox, try creating a new profile. or install chrome to troubleshoot21:32
Blue_SapphireA new update for Android Studio has come out, i have 1.0.1, and I am not sure of how to go about updating. I do not have the option to automatically update so I downloaded the stable patch (.zip) and i'm not sure what to do with it. According to the website it should install a patch instead of a full IDE image but i dont know what to do with the .zip file.21:32
Jkesslerdon't know about the compose key21:32
quantsbekks, i dont get an error message, jkessler i have tried Firefox and Crome21:33
bekksquants: So tell us whats happening.21:33
=== foxy_ is now known as Guest4189
quantsBekks I am trying to download some music from this site http://www.cyberage.cx/index.php?page=archives but i just cant seem to do it21:34
=== Guest4189 is now known as MLC
bekksquants: Why not? Could you start to provide some details?21:35
quants<bekks> Bekks I am trying to download some music from this site http://www.cyberage.cx/index.php?page=archives but i just cant seem to do it21:35
bekksquants: Why not...?21:35
Jkesslerquants: just no action when clicking hyperlinks? i'd try a clean install if you upgraded from an earlier version. upgrades can be buggy. maybe not the best answer but it's what i'd do, backup, install common packages, update and be done. but i've moved to mint since they started pushing unity over knome.21:35
buntywhat are the possible players for RTSP streaming on ubuntu touch?21:36
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:36
xanguaquants: right clic, save as21:37
Blue_SapphireA new update for Android Studio has come out, i have 1.0.1, and I am not sure of how to go about updating. I do not have the option to automatically update so I downloaded the stable patch (.zip) and i'm not sure what to do with it. According to the website it should install a patch instead of a full IDE image but i dont know what to do with the .zip file.21:37
quants<bekks> sorry im a newb,  im trying to (save link as) and i get this message: The download cannot be saved because an unknown error occurred.  Please try again.21:37
quants<xangua> not working21:38
bekksquants: So try another browser. If that doesnt work, ask the admin of that site.21:38
k1l_quants: ok again and last time now: their site is broken. so talk to the website admin to fix their page.21:38
quants<k1l_> <bekks> thanks guys, im new to computers.  ill contact them now.21:39
kostkonBlue_Sapphire, use Ubuntu-make aka ubuntu make21:43
kostkonBlue_Sapphire, from now on*21:43
Blue_Sapphirekostkon, i use a hashtag before? like #ubuntu-make?21:43
kostkonBlue_Sapphire, http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Ubuntu-Make%3A-the-new-Ubuntu-Developer-Tools-Center-name!    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make21:45
Blue_Sapphireok, thank you21:45
mikubuntuomg. losing my mind. finally got a live session going of lubuntu 1204 running on this hp mini 1000. but it won't recognize ethernet, so i can't download broadcom wireless drivers and i don't know how to export the jockey log so maybe someone could help me diagnose. any ideas?21:52
tgm4883mikubuntu: why 12.04 and not 14.04?21:54
tgm4883mikubuntu: I thought the ethernet on that worked OOTB, I'd have to go home and boot mine up21:54
mikubuntu1404 was giving me black screen of death21:54
mikubuntuhad several people helping me, and one of the suggestions was to try 120421:55
OerHeksTHe BCM driver should be available in additional drivers21:55
lessbiushow can I block all connections except for those initiated by the browser or flash?21:56
tgm4883lessbius: block all outgoing connections?21:56
mikubuntui tried 1204 full flavor ubuntu, but it seemed like too much for the little box to handle and just froze up -- so after a break i came back and burned a 1204 lubuntu stick -- the box is not getting hung up per se, but i can neither get it to connect on wire, so i can't dl the wreless drivers for broadcom21:57
hplc_how will html5 affect PHP and ASP?21:58
lessbiustgm4883: I'm trying to analyze traffic generated by a specific flash app, but it spawns enough separate connections to make it a pain to isolate its stuff in wireshark. So I'm looking for a way to minimize what wireshark's picking up.21:58
bazhanghplc_, not on topic here21:59
hplc_mikubuntu, if possible, plug in a usb wifi card or usb rj45 and access the machine with ssh from another computer?22:03
hplc_mikubuntu, ...perhaps u tried that though22:04
tgm4883personally I'd try a non-unity version of 14.0422:06
tgm4883xubuntu perhaps22:06
nomicxubuntu is xfce22:08
nomicis very good22:08
savino_i like xfce she is so small22:09
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukitteru
hplc_in absolutely worst case i would have tried to go serial cable and ....eeeehm, name of that app?? "Kermit"? was it?22:09
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukkii
mikubuntuhplc_: no, how could i do that? the rj45 connection i mean -- the little box only has one usb port and that has the live stick in it, but if i could do with the ethernet cord that would be cool22:11
mikubuntuhplc_: is ssh built in to the live lubuntu 1204?22:15
hplc_wasnt the standard nic down?22:16
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hplc_then you need an usb rj45 adapter, or bluetooh, or direct usb to usb link22:18
mikubuntuhplc_: so you can't just connect rj45 to rj45?22:21
hplc_yes, but i thought you said the network card did not start at all?22:24
=== apofis_ is now known as apofis
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
skitsJust got a new server. Default and only option was for ubuntu 10.10.  I want to install Ubuntu 14.10server. I only have access via ssh atm. so any restarts or interaction need to be able to be maintained through ssh. Is this possible using apt-get or some other means without using ssh functionality?22:25
mikubuntuhplc_: are you talking to me?22:26
hplc_mikubuntu, yes22:26
pavlosmikubuntu, looked at the hp mini 1000 specs, it does have an ethernet connection so you should be able to have wired ethernet.22:26
mikubuntupavlos: yes but it wouldn't work when i had it wired right to the modem22:27
OerHeksskits, 10.10 ? then you would need to go trough 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.04 > 14.04 > 14.10 ...22:27
mikubuntuthe wireless card would work if i could get the driver installed, because it works on xp thats running on the box22:28
OerHeksskits, "new server" .. is it a VPS by any chance ? then you would need their images22:28
OerHeksmost of them are heavily tweaked.22:29
skitsNo its a dedicated server. and I saw something about the do-release upgrade thing being depreceated22:29
welsh1lad<skits> upload a ver 14 iso to your server , set apt get sources.list to point to the iso , then do a aptget update .22:29
welsh1ladyou are also going to need to a do a kernel upgrade as well22:29
mikubuntuhplc_: pavlos is there a way to connect them with ethernet to ethernet cord?22:30
skitshmm. I only recently jumped headfirst into headless. I might need ot garner some help from the provider here.22:30
pavlosmikubuntu, can you tether the laptop to a smartphone?22:30
welsh1ladyou may also need to upload ver 12 as well and do a two part upgrade ie 10 too 12 and then 12 to 1422:30
john02139i'm having trouble installing ubuntu 14.04.2 on a mac22:30
=== apofis_ is now known as apofis
skitsi'll do some research on what you said and give it a shot. Thank you for your time22:30
hplc_mikubuntu, if network mikubuntuyes with a RJ45 crossover cable, and basic know-how of how to use ifconfig22:31
* skits waves to the nice people22:31
mikubuntupavlos my laptop, or the target machine?22:31
welsh1ladit will be much quicker if you pre-load the iso , than access the internet22:31
OerHeksjohn02139, did you take a look at the mactel pages?22:31
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:32
pavlosmikubuntu, the hp mini unless I did not follow the issue ... I thought the hp mini cannot connect to the net so you can d/l wifi drivers22:32
john02139not yet.22:32
hplc_anyways, time for me to sleep22:32
mikubuntupavlos: thats correct, the mini is the target machine -- but it only has one usb port, and the live lubuntu is occupying that port22:33
polishpoliceforcanyone know of a way to change the default settings of the webcam permanently? namely the microsoft life 300022:33
savino_test done22:36
emanuelheh, trying to work this irssi window thingy22:37
savino_it works22:37
savino_congrates you irssu works correct22:37
emanuelim trying to have two windows with each their own channel22:37
pavlosmikubuntu, according to the HP manual, there is one usb port on the left side and one on the right side ...http://www.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c01683469.pdf22:37
savino_yeah i know its not a easy system22:38
savino_have you tree weechat as alternative22:38
savino_apt-get install weechat22:38
emanuelis it console based?22:38
mikubuntupavlos: omg. you're right, i thought that was an hdmi port :P22:39
pavlosmikubuntu, pages 17, 1822:39
mikubuntupavlos: so thats a good thing, right? lol.22:39
savino_https://weechat.org/  as you like compilate this can also22:40
pavlosmikubuntu, yes, le left port takes the live usb, the right can be thethered to a smartphone, enable wifi so it can get Net. Then grab the wifi driver22:40
mikubuntupavlos: so yes i have an android phone with a data cable22:40
mikubuntupavlos: but it won't receive wifi until it has the driver right?22:41
savino_have you a screen splash as xfce or gnome then can you also work with a websystem    https://kiwiirc.com/22:42
savino_my idea is better you take Gnome as internet browser22:42
pavlosmikubuntu, enable wifi on android, connect to laptop, click on Network manager to connect, then you can see the Net. So far it is not using the wifi of the hp mini, just usb to adroid22:42
emanuelsavino_: im using weechat and it has more info, but im still not sure it solves my problem22:43
pavlosmikubuntu, strange that wired does not work22:43
mikubuntuk, trying to download foxfi to android22:44
emanueloh nvm, i got it :D22:44
dubhdaraCan someone help me when i reboot me ubuntu my eth0 says it is down how do i get it from doing this all the time22:45
mikubuntupavlos: strange doesn't begin to get it, going on the end of the 4th day messing with this thing, and every little thing seems to go wrong, starting to wonder if its haunted22:45
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savino_what is you network card22:45
savino_normal is it most of time compatible on ubuntu22:46
dubhdarayeah usually works great22:46
savino_what is you desk screen22:47
matthias_hi,I'm trying to manually compile a package using autoconf with different gcc options (-O0). where does autoconf get the default CXXFLAGS when using dpkg,..etc?22:47
dubhdaranope got the minimal install text22:47
savino_ah ok22:48
dubhdararunning a mumble server on top of it22:48
savino_i need real real think this22:48
dubhdarawell i get it back up by doing a ifconfigh eth0 up22:49
Seveasmatthias_: in the debian/rules file in the source package (apt-get source packagename)22:49
dubhdaraand then i do ifconfig eth0
savino_have you a model of you card22:50
dubhdaraas local inet but it doesn't stay that way after reboot22:50
dubhdarano unfortunately not22:51
savino_range of 8000 of realtek have problems22:51
dubhdarajust know the brand is realteak22:51
savino_what is you version of ubuntu22:51
savino_13 14 1522:51
dubhdara15.04 minimal/alt22:51
savino_and have you this problem with other versions of ubuntu22:52
savino_or allone with v 1522:52
dubhdarano just running the version 15 here22:52
savino_i think you better migrate to ubuntu 14 so far is ubuntu 15 a Dev version22:53
tewardsavino_: 15.04 is released as 'stable'22:53
tewardsavino_: so you need to state your source :P22:54
teward'stable' but not long term support22:54
teward(it's an intermediate release, yes)22:54
savino_hmm ok this can allone some things can gone wrong in versions22:54
lunat1ki use 15,04 work perferct22:54
matthias_Seveas: thx, but in the package rules file there are only 2 includes (/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk)) and python related stuff (this is a python package))22:54
dubhdarayeah i have not any problems with 15.0422:54
dubhdarajust this one network prob22:54
mikubuntupavlos: i think theres a problem -- foxfi says i need pdanet desktop 4.0 or higher on the computer side. and i just got a call to go pick someone up, so i have to table. sorry to have bothered you guys. be back later i guess.22:55
savino_i know realtek are most of time compatible on ubuntu22:55
matthias_ah, got it. stupid me...ofc just override it...22:56
dubhdarawell after i reboot and i do a ip addr22:56
dubhdarait says eth0 is state DOWN22:56
dubhdarawe got to solve this down thing22:57
savino_nah have you not cable problems or so this can also give a down22:57
savino_or try reset you modem22:58
savino_and go reboot and see in ifconfig22:58
=== angel_ is now known as Redmega
dubhdaraokay i think i have found the solution23:03
savino_i am happy as it works23:04
dubhdaraokay rebooting now to see if it works23:06
dubhdarayeah it works in the /etc/network/interfaces file the eth0 lines was missing23:07
dubhdaraauto eth023:07
dubhdaraiface eth0 inet dhcp23:07
savino_i am so happy now23:07
dubhdarabut they was there23:08
savino_detect fine oh i am so happy23:08
dubhdarayep its fixed i hope now23:08
dubhdaranow i will try and get to the mumble server again23:08
savino_this is a other stuff23:08
savino_not my deparment23:08
savino_ /giggles23:09
TBotNikJordan_U: Back!23:09
TBotNikJordan_U: So if I follow the install process you sent, what do I loose?  Noticed the process suggested installing Clonezilla, but will not install, because of the issues on this computer!23:11
lessbiusI'm using wireshark to capture traffic related to chrome/flash in linux. Is there an easy way to block all other connections so that I don't have to spend a lot of time manually filtering stuff out?23:12
dubhdarawell if you need to know how to set one up yell at me its hard but its fun having a mumble server23:12
savino_hmm i am a opensimulator manager23:13
savino_a virtual world23:13
savino_not a mumble hoster23:13
savino_sort of secondlife23:13
savino_i like it create things on opensimulator23:15
TBotNikJordan_U: Clonezilla and Teamviewer are the 2 packages that will not install when 14.04 corrupts itself on an install.  I say "corrupts itself" because used the same LiveDVD on the first round of installs, but when I found all the problems have kept downloading each new version, based on patches and only the online upgrade has worked since.  That is what I ran on the work machine, that went seemlessly23:16
GeoHi, has anyone moved cvs from one server to another? I have absolutely no experience with it, but need to get the cvs repo over to a new machine- what do I need to do beyond moving files?23:23
GeoI tried cvs -d init prior to moving files in the dir, but that only gave me an error23:24
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tsydHow do I get upstart to log the stdout/stderr of my job/service?23:27
tsydPutting `console log` in the upstart script does not log anything to /var/log/upstart23:28
ShapeShifter499does anyone know how to boot and install if the onboard memory is bad?23:29
Ranger15if you know its bad why would you want to?23:30
ShapeShifter499Ranger15: I have one ram slot I can boot off of23:31
Ranger15ShapeShifter499,  the way you say onboard, what hardware are working with?23:31
ShapeShifter499there is no bios option to disable the on board ram23:31
ShapeShifter499acer aspire one23:31
ShapeShifter499zg5 model23:31
savino_as my brains are sick need i go to a psygiater23:32
Ranger15ShapeShifter499,  so no removal of the it?23:32
ShapeShifter499Ranger15: nope23:33
Ranger15attached to the main board23:33
ShapeShifter499Ranger15: lol yes23:33
Ranger15Well that is sucko position to be in.23:33
Ranger15ShapeShifter499,  I dont have answer for you, maybe someone else does.23:34
ex0rHello, im having an issue with ubuntu. I cannot log into my ubuntu system using the default 'Ubuntu' login selection. If I click on the ubuntu logo on the right corner of the login prompt and select something different, I can log in, but if I try to log in using the default ubuntu system, it takes me back to the login screen23:36
ex0rany idea why?23:36
ex0rI can log into MATE, but that's it23:37
Jervachmm, none of my /help commands do anything...23:37
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Bashing-omexekias: Lost authoriztion to access your /home ? At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F1 to gain a console . Login here with username and password . Pastebin terminal command result ' ls -al | pastebinit ' to show who owns the files.23:43
leafybasilCan anyone tell me why my ~/.xinitrc is being ignored?23:44
leafybasilWhen used in conjunction with DWM that is!23:46
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skitsThanks for the help earlier. I safely made it to 14.04.02 Now looking to hit the 14.10 mark but oddly apt-get dist-upgrade is not working after apt-get update23:50
skitsanything i might be missing or overlooking?23:50
bazhangskits dist-upgrade is not a version changer23:51
ObrienDaveskits, do-release-upgrade23:51
skitsok, so it won't change minor versions then. I was worried the do-release-upgrade would tak me to 15.0*23:51
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ObrienDaveit can only do one version at a time. 14.10 next, then 15.0423:52
skitsok, thats what i did in hopes to get to 14.04 but i only needed to do it twice to get here. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!23:52
ObrienDave14.10 is EOL at the end of the month23:53
=== Kartoffelsalat is now known as Koyaanis
skitsany know caveeats with the ltsserver version that would stop someone from upgrading. specifically with lamp servers or java implimentation?23:54
skitsany known^23:54
B0g4r7skits, you may be stopped from upgrading unless you modify /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal.23:57
skitsi think your right, just ran update twice and tried both methods to update distro and said not found :3...Good call :)23:57
B0g4r7I like to stick with the LTS releases myself.23:58

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