
zequenceholstein: I appreciate you communicating to Grant about helping out, but I think you might have missed a few things.19:35
zequenceFirst of all, there was an introduction made by him where he explained willingness to help out. This was his first post to the mail list.19:36
zequenceI answered, and since then he's been getting into how things work19:36
zequenceHe's followed the first setup guide I've written in the wiki19:36
zequenceSince you do not do a lot of development, you might not be in the loop with what is required, etc19:38
zequenceJust to report a bug can require a lot of preparation19:40
zequenceThe dailys are usually quite stable. Have been for many years19:40
zequenceDid you try to install one yourself? Is there a problem?19:41
zequence..with the iso, I mean. I havent tried it yet. But in order to make sure Grant is not having a very local problem, it may be best to first try installing the iso before anything.19:42
zequenceI'm doind that tomorrow19:42
len-1510zequence, 32 bit ISO tested in live and now installed. Same as vivid.  :P21:21
len-1510zequence, no troubles booting running or installing so far as I can tell.21:21
DalekSecThat could be fixed...21:23
len-1510I am sure it will be. Time to do some of that.  I would really like it if the logon screen did not default to white, needing a mouse click to get to the password text box.21:24
len-1510zequence, I like the new qjackctl (all comments about looks aside) at least the interface selector is easy to use.21:35
* len-1510 is off to reboot.21:50

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