[01:23] Can someone help me get my GUI back? I have Ubuntu Studio 14.04, I just installed Gnome desktop just using the Ubuntu Software Center. When I rebooted, there's no GUI login screen. Can only Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get command prompt. [08:21] whois [08:21] here? [08:22] norbertnorris, ask your ubuntu questions === likevinyl is now known as LikeVinyl === roland is now known as Guest50351 === likevinyl is now known as LikeVinyl === roland is now known as Guest21533 [17:17] I've got the sensitivity turned all the way down for my Laptops Touchpad, but every-time I start to type my mouse pointer goes crazy dancing around the screen and randomly right clicking. Is there any way to fix it? === joe__ is now known as len-1510