
ochosiknome: ping08:01
ochosiknome: ok, to be more concrete, i improved the CSD window control look. however, the window-close icon still isn't as nice as it could be. do you still have the svg source of the icon you did for greybird's xfwm4 theme? http://i.imgur.com/Qr05GYl.png08:03
ochosiknome: and yes, we need an svg, for the current one, look in actions/symbolic in elementary-xfce08:05
=== davmor2_hols is now known as davmor2
bluesabreUnit193: so, about that package... any concerns about it, or does it seem sane?09:48
ochosihey bluesabre 09:50
bluesabrehey ochosi09:50
ochosijust the guy i was looking for... :)09:50
bluesabreuh oh09:50
ochosicould you reproduce something for me in wily?09:50
bluesabrenot running wily atm09:50
ochosiwhen tiling a CSD window to the right, i get messed up CSD button padding09:51
ochosioh ok09:51
ochosianyway, this is it (for reference) http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FJIqqMdw.png&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNH9tn-EdGpI-UjDZQSoIz84ciyXfw09:51
* ochosi shakes his angry fist at google hangouts09:51
bluesabreboth worked for me09:51
bluesabrebut wow09:52
ochosiin Numix, the close button is even pushed offscreen09:52
bluesabrethat's special09:52
ochosioddly enough, if i do the same thing on the left, everything is fine09:52
ochosijust noticed because i was working towards improving the CSD buttons/icons09:52
ochosialso, if we decide to opt in for more apps with CSD in xubuntu, i might have to change the WM theme a bit to not make them stand out so much09:53
bluesabrethe wm theme could use a refresh :)09:54
bluesabrebtw, that works fine for me with gtk 3.16 in vivid09:54
ochosioh you have 3.16?09:55
ochosianyway, that was what i wanted you to test (wrt wily)09:55
ochosiso ok, i won't spend more time hunting this down09:55
ochosii already have some ideas for refreshing the wm theme09:56
ochosiit'll likely only be the hover/click effects, not the icons09:56
ochosii still like the simplicity of them09:56
ochosiheh, i love how the xfpm plugin stands out as the only correctly colored one ;)09:57
ochosifor that alone, the ubuntu indicators suuuck09:57
ochosiok, gotta go shopping10:00
lderangood luck food hunting10:05
=== qwebirc384391 is now known as slickymasterWork
ochosimicahg: still around?15:32
ochosiwould you mind adding a tiny patch to xfpm 1.5.1 in our staging PPA?15:33
ochosii'm generally willing to release 1.5.2 soonish, but doing that because of a one-liner seems a bit over the top15:33
ochosihowever, it's a bit of a show-stopper (segfault with trayicon enabled)15:33
micahgochosi: you might want to release 1.5.2 for the benefit of other users :)15:34
ochosii don't think 1.5.1 is packaged anywhere yet15:34
ochosibut yeah, i will do 1.5.2 soon, i just want maybe some more bugfixes15:34
micahgochosi: you could do a depending on how bad of a show stopper, also, not everyone uses the packaged versions :)15:36
ochosiyeah, but those who don't use the packaged version can simply run a git pull and rebuild15:37
ochosiand meh, micro-versioning15:37
micahgI mean, they use the tarballs, not the distro versions15:37
ochosiseriously? what would the benefit of using a tarball be when you can grab git master?15:37
micahgstability of tagged versions15:38
micahgnot everyone likes bleeding edge ;)15:38
ochosiyeah, but if you use tagged versions, why not use the packaged versions15:39
ochosianyway, this isn't leading where i intended to go... :)15:39
micahgsorry, wasn't sure if you meant that packaged == tarball or packaged == distro15:39
micahganyways, happy to upload the patch if a new release isn't forthoming15:39
ochosiyeah, i'm not sure, maybe i will do a
ochosiit just isn't very xfce-typical15:40
micahgyou could do a .2 if .1.1 is too awful looking :), it's relatively common to spin a new release with a small number of fixes if there's a common crash15:41
ochosiactually, i think it's not even really possible with the major/minor version division in the configure file15:41
ochosiand it would sort of break the current documentation standard15:42
ochosiso if anything, it would be 1.5.215:42
dkesselhmm if i have tooltip rendering issues in chrome under xubuntu, would that likely be a chrome or a xfce/xubuntu issue?16:42
ochosidkessel: i've seen it too. chromium uses its own engine for drawing the UI, so chrome issue16:51
ochosiyeah, they switched over to "aurora" (i think)16:55
ochosihence the fancy animations and stuff within chromium16:55
dkesselis the parole crash on startup on wily known?16:57
dkesseloh wait it have not updated today16:58
dkesselmkay. still present17:00
dkesselalso, qt app theming in broken again. i have seen it in quassel-client, which luckily had a setting to change the theme, and am seeing it in vlc now.17:04
dkesselthe icons in vlc look much better than when it was broken in vivid ;) but the menu bar has the wrong color17:08
dkesseland some menus show unchecked checkboxes that normally don't display any checkbox17:09
ochosidkessel: yeah, those are pretty much all theming issues related to qt not applying the gtk theme17:28
ochosiand sucks that parole even crashes, seems new bugs are piling up there17:29
knomeochosi, i likely do, but i'll need to check my deksktop for that19:52
ochosiknome: ok, thanks!20:59
bluesabreevening all21:36
Unit193Howdy, bluesabre.21:36
bluesabrehiya Unit19321:36
micahgochosi: do you still need me to upload something?21:39
* micahg saw a build failure earlier21:39
bluesabremicahg: I can look into it... I know the daily has been failing to build for a few days, haven't had a chance to look until now21:42
micahgbluesabre: and sorry, I still need to look at your package as well21:43
bluesabremicahg: np21:47
Unit193bluesabre: Oh right, that thing you'd pinged.  No, didn't see it.  Link passed when I couldn't, and then I'd have had searched for it.  Also saw the note that micahg was going to review it, and he's at least 10x better than me sooo. :)21:56
micahgtrying to process some backports quickly21:56
bluesabreochosi: btw, I'm also of the opinion that a new point release is a better option22:58

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