
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Bring over the 'url_helper' module from bzr  https://review.openstack.org/17024203:38
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
Odd_Blokesmoser: Do you have any thoughts on moving cloud-init 0.7.x development to git in Launchpad?10:08
openstackgerritClaudiu Popa proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add the data source base classes and the HTTP OpenStack implementation  https://review.openstack.org/18832712:05
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
smoseri'm not really opposed to that.12:50
openstackgerritClaudiu Popa proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add the layout for a couple of Windows OS utils, especially networking  https://review.openstack.org/18836112:51
openstackgerritClaudiu Popa proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add the data source base classes and the HTTP OpenStack implementation  https://review.openstack.org/18832712:51
Odd_Blokeharlowja_: Do you know if we can get the bot to use notices rather than messages?12:53
claudiupopahey guys. Short question, what exactly is cloudinit.sources.DataSource.ds_cfg?13:16
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: It's generally used for configuring things that are specific to a datasource.13:24
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: See Azure, for example.13:24
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: Azure requires some DHCP hijinks on first boot, which are configured under the hostname_bounce key.13:25
Odd_BlokeIt wouldn't make sense to have that for any other data source.13:25
claudiupopait's taken from a config file or something?13:25
Odd_Blokeclaudiupopa: I'm less sure about that (I've only ever really played with the built-in config for the Azure source), but line 70 of cloudinit/sources/__init__.py suggests that is the case.13:26
Odd_BlokePresumably cloud.cfg.13:27
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
openstackgerritClaudiu Popa proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add the layout for a couple of Windows OS utils, especially networking  https://review.openstack.org/18836114:20
openstackgerritClaudiu Popa proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Add the data source base classes and the HTTP OpenStack implementation  https://review.openstack.org/18832714:20
harlowja_Odd_Bloke don't think so, but not sure (as for notices rather than messages)17:09
harlowja_Odd_Bloke https://github.com/openstack-infra/gerritbot is the code for it17:10
harlowja_i've modified it somewhat previously (i have a internal version running on internal y! irc that notifies whenever a yahoo employee puts a review up)17:11
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious
=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious
=== natorious is now known as zz_natorious

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