
davecheneythumper: can I do a 1:1 with you today ?00:30
davecheney'cos it was actual queens birthday yesterday00:31
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* natefinch wonders if it's worth the effort to propose something he thinks is better, but different.01:29
perrito666natefinch: isn't that like the best thing you can propose?01:31
natefinchperrito666: people don't like different, even if it's better01:32
natefinchperrito666: which means I have to fight for it.01:32
perrito666natefinch: are yo aksing us to tell you it is ok to be lazy? :p01:32
thumperdavecheney: yep01:32
natefinchperrito666: nah01:33
perrito666natefinch: too bad I was about to tell you it is ok to be lazy :p01:34
natefinchperrito666: heh.  Nah, I'm the type of person that always tries the hard way first.01:38
natefinchperrito666: I had an epiphany tonight - I realized our charms are actually plugins for juju that we ask other people to write.  And looking at them from that lens... our plugin architecture is pretty terrible.01:41
natefinchwhich is why we hide it with charm helpers and gocharm and the like.01:42
perrito666natefinch: ook01:53
perrito666natefinch: It would seem to me you are hitting the wrong plants :p01:54
* perrito666 wonders if his battery will run out before the tests finish the run01:55
natefinchanyway, I'm working on the spec for workload process plugins (i.e. plugins to run docker or rocket or whatever containers etc).... and trying not to make the same mistakes.  At some point I'd love to propose a "new-style charm" architecture.  But for now I'm just wondering if I can get these new plugins to not follow in the footsteps of the old ones.02:00
axwwallyworld: would you mind reviewing https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/2524 please? 1.22 and 1.24 differ a little bit02:08
wallyworldaxw: looks good. the block device stuff only came in 1.23 right?02:23
axwwallyworld: it seems it was in there in 1.22, but in a different form02:26
axwwallyworld: one which didn't have the issue I fixed in 1.2402:26
wallyworldok, so this fix isn't relevant02:27
axwwallyworld: I'm just going to rename that card to "port to 1.22 and master"02:30
axwnot really worth adding another card right?02:30
thumperwaigani: how goes the hunt on bug 1463117 ?02:54
mupBug #1463117: Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands hang indefinitely <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by waigani> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463117>02:54
waiganithumper: it came in on this commit: f35a8c6c2d2ca202:55
thumperwaigani: when is that commit?02:56
waiganithumper: so the commands in the debug-hook context are expecting stdin from the cmd context02:56
thumperwaigani: and what was the branch fixing / adding?02:56
waiganithumper: but that branch changes how it works02:57
thumperahh... I remember that branch02:57
* thumper looks at axw02:57
thumperluckily axw did the debug-hooks originally too :)02:57
waiganithumper: it also brought in a new juju/utils dependency, this is the log for that:02:58
waiganiexec: don't use stdin to send commands to shell02:58
waigani    02:58
waigani    Using stdin to send commands to the shell means that commands run with this cannot use stdin, or they will consume subsequent script input02:58
* thumper nods02:58
waiganithumper: but I don't think the bug is in the dep02:58
thumperby fixing the jujuc commands to support stdin, we broke debug hooks...02:59
thumper*sad face*02:59
waiganithumper: in summary, yes02:59
waiganithumper: I'm poking around cmd/jujud/main.go where we read from stdin and pass it in with the jujuc.Request03:00
waiganithumper: if we don't read from stdin and pass it in with the req, and instead set up the cmd.Context.Stdin with a nil bytes.Buffer pointer on the jujuc Server - it works03:02
thumperum... ok... I don't understand all those bits very well03:03
thumperwaigani: best thing would be to run a solution past axw03:03
thumperhowever my gut says "here be dragons"03:04
thumperI feel that any change may have repercussions in other unintended areas03:04
thumperhowever, saying that...03:05
thumperif we are able to test:03:05
thumperjujuc command simply03:05
thumperjujuc command piping stdin03:05
thumperjuju run03:05
thumperhooks in scripts03:05
thumperand debug hooks03:05
thumperif they all work,03:05
thumperthen it seems like we have probably got things in good order03:05
waiganithumper: right, also the solution can't break the bug the original commit fixed.03:07
waiganithumper: which was this guy 145467803:08
thumperwaigani: that was 'jujuc command piping stdin' IIRC03:08
mupBug #1454678: "relation-set --file -" doesn't seem to work <landscape> <relation-set> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454678>03:08
waiganithumper: yep03:08
waiganiaxw: ping?03:10
axwwaigani: pong. sorry, was making lunch03:29
waiganiaxw: hey, I think commit f35a8c6 broke debug hooks03:31
waiganif35a8c6 made jujuc support stdin03:32
axwwaigani: oh, what's it doing? eating atm, I'll have a look after03:33
waiganiaxw: I think where we read out the bytes buffer of stdin leaves the cmd.Context stdin empty and the commands in the debug hook context are expecting it03:34
waiganiaxw: I'm currently poking to back up that theory03:35
waiganiaxw: so I'll step back and give you the context03:35
waiganiaxw: I'm looking at this bug #146311703:35
mupBug #1463117: Juju 1.24-beta6.1 unit commands hang indefinitely <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by waigani> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463117>03:35
waiganiIf I comment out the lines where we read from cmd.Context.Stdin (around cmd/jujud/main.go:86) and don't set Stdin in the jujuc.Request, the bug is gone03:37
waiganii.e. I can debug a hook, call config-get and it returns instantly03:37
waiganiif I leave the change in, the call hangs indefinitely03:38
axwwaigani: odd, it should just get EOF?03:40
axwhm no, it's going to read from the terminal03:42
waiganiaxw: could we use something like peek to read from Stdin without emptying he buffer?03:43
axwwaigani: no, I think we need to do it differently: pass the FD to the server process03:44
axwgoing to get messy03:44
waiganithat was thumper's concern03:45
axwwaigani: it might be safer to back it out and reopen the bug, defer to 1.2503:45
waiganiaxw: yeah?03:46
axwwallyworld: ^^ that change to support passing config via stdin is causing problems03:46
wallyworldoh bother03:46
wallyworldsounds like breaking debug hooks is worse than relation set --file not working03:47
wallyworldwe would look to fix in a 1.24.1 though03:48
wallyworldthere's potentially other work queued up for 1.24.1 also03:48
axwsounds fine03:48
axwI just don't think it's worth blocking 1.2403:49
wallyworldat this stage, we need to get the release out yes03:49
wallyworldand the relation-set one seems like the lesser of 2 evils03:50
wallyworldunless i'm missing something03:50
axwwallyworld: yep, that's my take03:51
wallyworldaxw: would one need to back out the utils change too?03:52
axwwaigani: do you want to do that, or shall I take it off your hands?03:52
axwwallyworld: I don't think that's necessary03:52
wallyworldyeah, that's what i was thinking03:52
* axw looks03:52
wallyworldor hoping03:52
waiganiwallyworld: I've tested just the utils and it does not cause the bug to happen03:52
wallyworldwaigani: awesome. ty03:53
waiganiaxw: why would "peeking" at stdin not work?03:54
waiganiaxw: It fixed the bug in my testing03:54
axwwaigani: can you explain what you mean by that?03:55
axwwaigani: I mean, in terms of how you would do it. what change did you make in testing?03:55
axwwaigani: data may come into stdin at any time, you can't peek at what's not there yet03:56
axwwaigani: until the file is closed, whatever's reading from it will block until there's data03:56
axwI mean, block until there's data or it's closed03:57
waiganiaxw: right, what I did was a hack using mock data - not a real solution. But it did show the problem was reading from stdin left it empty. Is there a way of resetting cmd.Context.Stdin to os.Stdin and pre-populate it with the command we just read off?04:04
axwwaigani: the problem is not that we've read data off stdin and then something else wants it and can't get it. the problem is that there was no stdin data to start with, and the ioutil.ReadAll in cmd/jujud/main.go is waiting for it (forever)04:06
axwwaigani: it's not a problem when the jujuc commands are run by agents, because they don't have a terminal. but when you use debug-hooks, you're running the hooks from inside a terminal.04:07
waiganiaxw: ah, got it04:07
davecheneythumper: I think the LTS animal should be Xuanhuasauru04:10
davecheneybecause everyone will think it's spelt Xanthusela04:10
waiganiaxw: so your idea was to pass through the file descriptor so the alias command can be executed directly from the terminal?04:10
axwwaigani: that's one option, though I'm not sure how that'll work on Windows. it might be simpler to ditch net/rpc for juju/rpc, so we can have the server request data from stdin on demand04:11
axwwaigani: anyway, I don't think we should do that yet04:12
waiganiaxw: yep, not a quick fix. I'll update the bug report, back out that commit and reopen the bug it fixed.04:12
axwwaigani: thank you04:12
waiganidavecheney: http://www.teamnameshirts.com/teamshirts.php?name=XUANHUASAURUS04:15
davecheney% go test -race -timeout=600m ./state04:18
davecheneysmoke me a kipper04:18
davecheneywaigani: nailed it04:19
wallyworldaxw: can i edit the resources spec so i can add a link to the new delivery schedule doc?04:36
waiganiaxw: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1895/04:36
axwwallyworld: sure, just a moment04:36
axwwallyworld: you have edit rights now04:37
davecheneythumper: % go test -race -timeout=600m ./state04:37
davecheneyok      github.com/juju/juju/state      808.283s04:37
thumperheh... 600m04:37
axwwaigani: thanks, LGTM04:38
waiganiaxw: cheers04:38
axwwallyworld: I'm going to have to do the lifecycle card before the persistent volume deletion one. we don't currently trigger lifecycle changes in all hte necessary places04:47
wallyworlddo we need to do for 1.24?04:47
axwwallyworld: doesn't have to be done for 1.2404:48
wallyworldeven better04:48
mupBug #1454678 opened: "relation-set --file -" doesn't seem to work <landscape> <relation-set> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1454678>05:13
thumperdavechen1y: with go, is it safe to delete entries from a map while iterating through it?05:14
thumpermy gut says no05:14
thumperbut perhaps go is "special"05:14
davechen1ythumper: your gut is correct05:15
thumperkk, ta05:15
davechen1ylet me look up the specifics05:15
davechen1yThe iteration order over maps is not specified and is not guaranteed to be the same from one iteration to the next. If map entries that have not yet been reached are removed during iteration, the corresponding iteration values will not be produced. If map entries are created during iteration, that entry may be produced during the iteration or may be skipped. The choice may vary for each entry created and from one iteration to the next. If 05:16
davechen1yi guess that is less pesimistic than I suggested05:16
davechen1yit certainly won't cause an infinite loop05:17
davechen1ythumper: some good news, the reflection crash on ppc64 that I reported last month is fixed05:21
davechen1yso I'll roll back the workaround this arvo05:21
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thumperdavechen1y: I guess I was wanting confirmation that removing elements from a map won't cause elements that should be iterated over to be skipped due to some underlying structure rebalance05:28
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dimiternvoidspace, hey there08:32
voidspacedimitern: hi08:34
dimiternvoidspace, I've confirmed that lxc-stop does not trigger a DHCPRELEASE on a normal container, but adding a quick upstart job to call ifdown -a does the trick (as observed using dhcpdump)08:34
voidspacedimitern: awesome, that would help for the graceful shutdown08:34
voidspacedimitern: but not forcible termination of host08:35
voidspacedimitern: do we have to deal with vivid containers yet (systemd)?08:35
dimiternvoidspace, I suppose for vivid should be the same, just the job is different08:36
voidspacedimitern: yep08:38
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, not forcible termination of the host08:38
voidspacedimitern: anyway, your findings match mine08:38
voidspacedimitern: that graceful shutdown doesn't release but an explicit ifdown does08:38
dimiternvoidspace, yes indeed08:40
voidspacedimitern: fixing the graceful shutdown case would be a big step forwards08:42
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, and it's easy to do I guess08:48
dimiternvoidspace, that's the job I verified to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11667420/08:49
dimiternmy tests so far were with a normal lxc container, now trying on maas08:51
voidspacelooks good08:51
dimiternvoidspace, it works!08:55
dimiternjust deploying a container on maas and injecting the shutdown job causes it to trigger ifdown on shutdown (e.g. destroy-machine 0/lxc/0 --force)08:56
voidspacedimitern: awesome08:57
voidspaceShip It!08:57
dimiternvoidspace, I haven't even proposed anything yet :)08:57
TheMuefwereade: thx for the hint with the bulk calls, thats a better approach09:14
dimiterngsamfira, hey there09:39
dimiterngsamfira, are you around for a quick chat?09:39
gsamfiradimitern: heya11:23
gsamfiradimitern: I am now11:23
mupBug #1463399 opened: TestMachineAgentSymlinkJujuRun fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463399>13:14
mupBug #1463401 opened: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core jes-cli:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>13:14
wallyworldgsamfira: hey, so looks like bug 1451626 now has a fix ommitted? can you update launchpad to reflect the status of the bug?13:18
mupBug #1451626: Erroneous Juju user data on Windows for Juju version 1.23 <1.23> <blocker> <juju> <oil> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by gabriel-samfira> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1451626>13:18
wallyworldso we know the beta7 is good to release13:19
wallyworld(once CO passes)13:19
katcowallyworld: aren't there still open bugs?13:19
katcowallyworld: ah nm, just saw your previous message to gsamfira13:20
wallyworldkatco: just the cloud sigma one which we agreed coud be deferred as it's ehind a flag13:20
mgz_wallyworld: the issue is juju doesn't build with that fix landed13:20
wallyworldmgz_: katco: do we know the issue? is "someone" fxing?13:21
mgz_we need go 1.4 for it, which curtis raised a ml thread about13:22
katcowallyworld: ericsnow was working with sergey on a work-around13:22
katcowallyworld: i will follow up in our standup13:22
wallyworldmgz_: i thought the idea of this bug fix was to remove the need for 1.4 by vendoring some other code13:22
wallyworldi'll go away now :-)13:23
wallyworldkatco: and let's no mention the soccer :-(13:23
mgz_wallyworld: you lost? :P13:23
wallyworldnot that i know of :-)13:23
wallyworldsome would say so13:24
katcowallyworld: aus was amazing in the first half13:24
katcowallyworld: i thought you were going to take the us13:24
wallyworldkatco: well, the usa goal keep was simply brilliant :-(13:24
katcowallyworld: she really is... 2 or 3 huge saves13:25
wallyworldyup :-(13:25
katcowallyworld: aussies right forward is a beast13:25
mgz_ah, actual internation match13:25
katcowallyworld: she is so fast13:25
katcomgz_: woman's world cup13:25
katcowomen's world cup rather13:25
wallyworldkatco: sadly i didn't see the matc, just the highlights on the news13:26
wallyworldi was going to ask "which woman" :-)13:26
mupBug #1463399 changed: TestMachineAgentSymlinkJujuRun fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463399>13:26
mupBug #1463401 changed: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core jes-cli:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>13:26
mupBug #1463399 opened: TestMachineAgentSymlinkJujuRun fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463399>13:38
mupBug #1463401 opened: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <juju-core jes-cli:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>13:38
abentleymgz_: Could you take a look at this?  It looks like a coding error, but it also look intermittent: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/2741/job/run-unit-tests-trusty-ppc64el/attempt/317613:42
mupBug #1463408 opened: TestRunCommand fails <ci> <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core db-log:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463408>13:44
perrito666https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/1e/49/a9/1e49a91eeb15dcd60cf9a935a9b70e0e.jpg <-- google hangout13:48
mgz_abentley: looking13:49
mgz_abentley: I can't see how a build issue like that could be intermittent13:52
mgz_most confusing13:52
abentleymgz_: Me neither, but if you click "next", the next attempt got further.13:53
mgz_is the clock skew somehow making us not run all the right code?13:53
mgz_but the next run doesn't have clock skew...13:53
mgz_are they run against different machines?13:53
mupBug #1451626 changed: Erroneous Juju user data on Windows for Juju version 1.23 <1.23> <blocker> <juju> <oil> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by gabriel-samfira> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1451626>13:53
mupBug #1463420 opened: Zip archived tools needed for bootstrap on winows <juju-core:New for bteleaga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463420>13:53
mgz_nope, both .13713:54
mgz_abentley: my best guess is our script cleanup is not good enough13:55
abentleymgz_: Yes, that could be it.13:56
abentleymgz_: The clock skew can be explained because the second run happened later.13:56
mgz_yeah, with the same tarball13:57
* mgz_ pokes fun at bogdanteleaga for tyoping windows as 'winows'14:08
mgz_it's like a small fish14:08
mgz_(thanks for filing the bug :)14:09
bogdanteleagamgz_: oops :)14:12
mupBug #1449210 opened: cloudsigma index file has no data for cloud <bootstrap> <cloudsigma-provider> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Committed by s-matyukevich> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by s-matyukevich> <juju-core db-log:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1449210>14:23
mupBug #1463439 opened: golang.org/x/sys/windows requires go 1.4 <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Committed by gabriel-samfira> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463439>14:53
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natefinchericsnow:  I was thinking of putting the plugin stuff in a directory under procmanager, just to try to keep things contained some. What do you think?15:27
mupBug #1228243 changed: juju provided peer relation leader feature <feature> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1228243>15:29
mupBug #1463455 opened: package github.com/juju/txn has conflicting licences <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463455>15:29
ericsnownatefinch: sounds good15:30
katconatefinch: was bug 1424901 fixed with our latest log changes?15:49
mupBug #1424901: Agents don't sent logs to any rsyslogd unless all targets are available <logging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1424901>15:49
natefinchkatco: not likely.  I didn't change rsyslog at all15:53
natefinchkatco: at least functionally... just cleaned up the API of the function15:53
katconatefinch: yeah, not the lumberjack stuff... i thought you had coordinated around rsyslog though?15:55
natefinchkatco: wwitzel3 did most of the rsyslog work.  I don't know the specific details of the code.15:56
katconatefinch: k ty. wwitzel3, any comments?15:56
natefinchkatco: although, this might be the Go syslog stuff, which gsamfira wrote15:58
natefinchI think wayne just did the receiving side15:59
wwitzel3I don't remember what I did for rsyslog15:59
natefinchdefensive amnesia, it's understandable16:00
katcowwitzel3: no worries. just wondering if we could close out that bug16:01
natefinchkatco: I betcha it still exists16:01
wwitzel3my guess is no, it looks valid16:01
natefinchthe package hasn't been updated since way before that bug was filed16:02
natefinchwwitzel3, katco: yeah, looks like any error connecting will exit out: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/worker/rsyslog/worker.go#L20316:05
katconatefinch: ty16:08
katconatefinch: maybe comment on the bug since you went through the trouble to find that line?16:08
katconatefinch: make sure you pin the GH link to that revision so its a perma-link16:09
natefinchkatco: I copied the link, but how do I pin the revision?  I was actually thinking that it would be easy for that link to get stale16:10
natefinchkatco: nvm I got it16:10
natefinchdammit, I wish you could edit bug comments on launchpad :/16:11
katconatefinch: can't you?16:11
katconatefinch: or do you mean comments which aren't yours?16:11
natefinchkatco: I mean my own.  I don't see a UI to do anything other that "hide"16:11
wwitzel3I just make sure everything I do is perfect the first time.16:12
natefinchwwitzel3: ahh, that was my mistake16:12
katcowwitzel3: "i disagree!" /slap16:12
wwitzel3katco: actually, I just shout No .. I disagree is too formal16:13
wwitzel3ericsnow: you are frozen16:19
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mupBug #1463480 opened: Failed upgrade, mixed up HA addresses <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463480>16:36
voidspaceah well16:39
voidspacebootstrapped without allocatable addresses on16:39
sinzuikatco: wwitzel3, natefinch. I see menn0 added the prune files to github.com/juju/txn as agpl. the project is LGPL. Can you confirm this is a mistake? Would you accept my patch to change them to LGP?16:48
natefinchsinzui: I'm sure it was a mistake16:49
katcosinzui: ditto16:49
sinzuifab. I will take care of this16:49
natefinchI hate it when people make a type that could implement io.Writer or io.Reader, but don't16:59
* natefinch is looking at you, loggo17:03
sinzuikatco: natefinch: can either of you review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1898/17:06
natefinchsinzui: ship it!17:07
sinzuithank you natefinch17:07
natefinchkatco, ericsnow: start of the plugins code here: https://github.com/natefinch/juju/blob/wpt-plugins/procmanager/plugins/plugins.go17:19
natefinchafk for a couple hours17:19
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ericsnownatefinch-afk: cool17:23
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sinzuiericsnow: katco: do either of you have a few minutes to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1899/18:20
ericsnowsinzui: sure18:20
ericsnowsinzui: ship-it!18:22
sinzuithank you ericsnow18:24
sinzuikatco: ericsnow: Do either of you have a few minutes to review a change for proposed 1.24.0? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1900/18:45
ericsnowsinzui: LGTM18:45
sinzuithank you ericsnow18:46
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katcoall: we have a new blocking bug (bug 1463480) for 1.22.6 and 1.24.1. please consider this top priority. i need a volunteer to do some triaging19:15
mupBug #1463480: Failed upgrade, mixed up HA addresses <blocker> <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <juju-core 1.22:New> <juju-core 1.24:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463480>19:15
katcoperrito666: cherylj: wwitzel3: ericsnow: natefinch-afk: cmars19:15
katcoperrito666: cherylj: wwitzel3: ericsnow: natefinch-afk: cmars: anyone there?19:21
ericsnowkatco: I can take a look in a sec19:21
katcoericsnow: ty, please remember to assign yourself to the bug (1.22 first) and mark as in progress19:22
katcoericsnow: i added a card for you on the kanban19:23
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
perrito666katco: sorry I was not paying attention at the irc monitor19:24
katcoperrito666: np, happens to me too19:26
* perrito666 swims in test failures19:26
sinzuikatco: ericsnow : do either of you have a moment to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1902/19:47
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
katcosinzui: tal19:47
katcosinzui: ship it19:48
sinzuithank you katco19:48
katcosinzui: yw19:48
wwitzel3mbruzek: ping19:59
mbruzekwwitzel3:  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/dockercon?authuser=020:00
wwitzel3ericsnow: in moonstone now :)20:18
alexisbthumper, ping20:26
thumperalexisb: pong20:26
alexisbheya thumper20:26
alexisbhad a critical bug come in on 1.22.6, I assigned it to waigani20:26
alexisbit is a port of an existing fix he has already done20:27
alexisblp 146348020:27
mupBug #1463480: Failed upgrade, mixed up HA addresses <blocker> <canonical-bootstack> <ha> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.22:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.24:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463480>20:27
alexisbthere we go20:27
alexisbwait wrong bug :)20:27
mupBug #1441478: state: availability zone upgrade fails if containers are present <canonical-bootstack> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Committed by waigani> <juju-core 1.22:New for waigani> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by waigani> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441478>20:28
thumperalexisb: so this is just a backport of an existing fix?20:28
thumperkk, I'll bring it up in the standup20:29
alexisbif for whatever reason we cannot do a port to 1.22 please update the bug with a summary and mark it as will not fix20:29
alexisbso that I can report back20:30
natefinchback in a while folks20:58
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
mupBug #1463455 changed: package github.com/juju/txn has conflicting licences <packaging> <juju-core:Fix Released by sinzui> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Committed by sinzui> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463455>21:09
Syed_AHello, I am curious as how "juju-trusty-lxc-template" is generated and where does it reside on the "juju deploy" node21:43
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
katcoericsnow: meeting22:03
mupBug #1463401 changed: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.24:Invalid> <juju-core jes-cli:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>22:15
thumpercmars: sorry for missing our chat22:17
thumpercmars: did you want to catch up?22:17
mupBug #1463401 opened: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.24:Invalid> <juju-core jes-cli:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>22:30
mupBug #1463401 changed: FactorySuite teardown fails <ci> <test-failure> <juju-core:Invalid> <juju-core 1.24:Invalid> <juju-core jes-cli:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463401>22:33
waiganialexisb, thumper: fix committed on 1.22.6 for #144147823:00
mupBug #1441478: state: availability zone upgrade fails if containers are present <canonical-bootstack> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Fix Committed by waigani> <juju-core 1.22:Fix Committed by waigani> <juju-core 1.24:Fix Released by waigani> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441478>23:00
alexisbwaigani, thank you!23:00
waiganialexisb: np :)23:01
alexisbalrighty all, I am out for the day see you all tomorrow!23:07
mupBug #1463608 opened: Deprecate support for 32-bit and PV AMI's for AWS Images <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463608>23:15

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