
=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun
Riddellwgrant: do launchpad receipies work with git now? will I need to do a launchpad import of the git repository?02:08
wgrantRiddell: Recipes are currently implemented by bzr-builder, a bzr plugin. So they need a complete rewrite for git, which we haven't done yet.02:10
wgrantIt will be at least a few months until recipes are reborn with git support.02:10
Riddellmm right thanks02:10
wgrantDepending on the repo, it may be possible to use LP's existing git->bzr import facility to use a git repo in a recipe.02:11
Riddellhooray, good to go at last http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_15.04.2_wily.html06:37
valorieimpressive, Riddell06:39
valorieI've forgotten -- what are the orange ones?06:40
santa_congrats, let me know when you are done uploading to wily so I can test the dist-upgrade again06:40
santa_don't forget those frameworks with issues in breaks/replaces :)06:41
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BluesKajHowdy all12:53
clivejohi BluesKaj13:38
BluesKajHi clivejo13:38
BluesKajbeen having some plsama 5.3.1 crashes, mostly when trying to close an app13:40
BluesKajer plasma13:40
clivejowhich apps?13:40
* soee havn't seen plasma crash for a while now13:42
BluesKajqbittorrent for one, even konversation13:42
BluesKajon 15.10 soee13:42
BluesKajmostly when closing from the system tray13:44
clivejoonly konsole crashes on close for me in wily13:44
soeeah ok13:44
soeeim on Vivid13:44
clivejobut then I dont use qbittorrent or konversation13:45
BluesKajI prefer qbittorrent to ktorrent, it's more configurable13:45
soeeBluesKaj: Riddel finished 15.04.2 apps  i think maybe you want to try them13:46
BluesKajok soee thanks, I'll reset my sources.list13:51
BluesKajoooh, 154 packages can be upgraded13:52
clivejohas next stage 2 been moved to main archive yet?13:54
BluesKajdoesn't look like it clivejo, stage 2 packages are still in the ppa13:55
clivejohe was talking about deleting it last night13:56
BluesKajI keep the staging ppa commented in the sources.list until new or upgradeable packages become available ...easier than having to re-add it from launch pad13:59
clivejohow do you flip back to main archive packages?14:01
clivejoppa purge?14:02
BluesKajthey're always there, but I just comment the deb line in the sources.list with a # so the ppa doesn't get read , once the official release is out II dele te them from the sources.list and the .d14:05
BluesKajupgrading the packages went smoothly14:20
clivejoBluesKaj: is next stage 2 ppa enable on your wily system?14:36
clivejoI have 153Mb of updated packages from that archive14:39
BluesKajI enabled it after soee posted the upgrade about 15.04.2 apps, which also apply to 15.10, clivejo14:39
clivejowondering should I install those?14:39
clivejoright, Ill give it a try :/14:40
BluesKajclivejo, that's why I'm here, to test the newly upgraded packages 14:40
clivejoyeah, just wondering why Riddell mentioned his intention to delete that PPA14:42
BluesKajwell if he deletes it and replaces it with a different one then I'll just use that14:44
clivejodo you use kontact?14:45
clivejoI notice it pulling in a lot of kontact stuff14:48
BluesKajno I remove kmail and kontact since I don't need them14:50
EvilRoeyhi all! question... now that rebootless kernel swapping is mainlined in the kernel, how long until we can upgrade Kubuntu releases without having to reboot?14:52
clivejo3 days14:54
clivejoBluesKaj: who is working on these KDE apps?14:55
BluesKajclivejo, Riddell is14:56
EvilRoeyclivejo:  my client needs it in 2 tho14:57
EvilRoeyclivejo:  more seriously, I was wondering if this is a working goal of Kubuntu14:57
clivejoEvilRoey: probably better to ask in a Ubuntu dev channel14:58
EvilRoeyah, thanks, will do!15:01
clivejoKubuntu _usually_ go with what Ubuntu are using15:01
clivejowith the goal to have KDE desktop15:04
EvilRoeySo how did Kubuntu weather the systemd fiasco15:07
EvilRoeyit's now using systemd as well, ok.15:07
BluesKajis there a method to map the middle click to closing apps in the panel ?15:12
* EvilRoey doesn't knwo15:14
Quintasanwow this LTE HWE is total shit.15:50
Quintasankfunk: Hardware Enablement Stakc16:14
ejatany ppa available for kde 15.04.2 ?16:52
ejator packaging in progress ?16:52
Riddellejat: yep, want to test?16:59
ejatRiddell: yups sure .. thank 16:59
ejatbtw ... how r ya Riddell? 17:00
Riddellmostly awesome17:00
Riddellclivejo: did you get anywhere?17:00
ejatRiddell: good to hear that ... im upgrading now .. 17:02
Riddellejat: you're on wily?17:08
ejatnope .. 17:08
ejatouch .. vivid .. is it ok ? 17:08
ejatis it require wily?17:08
Riddellfor that archive you do17:08
ejatouch .. no wonder i just got 108 package .. 17:09
Riddellvivid may work, it's 15.04.117:09
ejatno backport to vivid ? or in progress ? 17:11
Riddellit's out http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-applications-15041-available-kubuntu-150417:12
ejati already on 15.04.117:13
ejatbefore adding the next-stage217:13
Riddellso remove next-stage2 for vivid then, that'll just break stuff17:13
ejatok .. 17:22
clivejohi Riddell17:23
clivejosorry was sawing17:23
BluesKajRiddell, the next-stage2 upgraded just fine on 15.1017:29
clivejosame here17:30
clivejoBluesKaj: how does the version numbering work?17:31
clivejoKontact says its 4.14.917:31
BluesKajkontact is still runninig in plasma 4, but the 4.14.9 version numbering is a mystery to me...never asked about it :-)17:34
RiddellBluesKaj, clivejo: great, thanks for testing, I'll upload to wily17:40
Riddellclivejo: some bits still use the old kde sc versions, kdepim and kdelibs notably17:41
BluesKajok, bbl ..the lawnmower is getting impatient 17:42
clivejoRiddell: did you take a look at purpose?17:42
Riddellclivejo: nope, where is it?17:48
* Riddell is pretty busy today17:48
clivejoon my ppa717:48
clivejoand those missing files are in the package17:48
Riddellclivejo: which package?17:50
ejatRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11677903/19:05
Riddellhmm, that should have a replaces19:05
Riddelldpkg --install --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/fonts-oxygen_4%3a5.3.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb19:05
soeehiho 19:13
soeewhat about KF 5.10  and apps 15.04.2 for Vivid ? :)19:14
ejatbrb restart19:21
ovidiu-florinjose: ping19:38
ovidiu-florinRiddell: can I update http://www.kubuntu.org/contact-us to look like http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contact-us/ (I mean add my contact details) ?19:40
Riddellovidiu-florin: yes of course19:40
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I wanted to change my email signature from "Kubuntu România" to "Kubuntu România Representative" and point it to  the kubuntu.org website19:44
ovidiu-florinis that ok?19:44
ovidiu-florinRiddell: Added, I've also uppercased your last name19:49
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: is there a reason why wordpress looks like it is double spacing everything?19:56
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: what are you reffering to?19:56
ahoneybunthe post writing19:57
ahoneybunfirst one was right19:57
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I still don't understand19:59
ahoneybunit looks like everything is double spaced20:00
ahoneybunthe space between the lines20:00
ovidiu-florinIt doesn't seem so to   me20:02
Riddellovidiu-florin: sure20:03
Etriaphahoneybun: The line-spacing is set to heigh20:03
Riddellovidiu-florin: why did you uppercase my last name?20:04
EtriaphThat's in the RTE, probably won't be the actual display.20:04
ovidiu-florinRiddell: AFAIK that's an european standard20:04
ahoneybunwhere is the setting for that Etriaph?20:06
Etriaphahoneybun: I'd have to know which RTE is being used, is it WordPress stock, or 3rd party?20:06
Etriaphahoneybun: I don't think you could adjust it from the interface, it's a CSS shipped with the RTE most likely.20:07
Riddellovidiu-florin: never heard of it20:07
ahoneybunI'm using stock 20:07
Etriaphahoneybun: Rich Text Editor20:07
ovidiu-florinRiddell: want me to change it back?20:08
Riddellovidiu-florin: yeah I think so20:08
ovidiu-florinRiddell: reverted20:08
Etriaphahoneybun: I'd have to look at the install to know for sure.  It won't appear on the site like *that* though.20:09
ahoneybunEtriaph: you mean self hosted?20:09
Etriaphahoneybun: Well, the code for WordPress will tell me what you're using, is this your own install, what copy of WP is that on?20:10
ahoneybunIm just on the site20:10
ahoneybunno no20:11
ahoneybunmy own thing20:11
EtriaphIs it hosted somewhere, or running on a server you setup?20:12
Etriaphahoneybun: When you make a post does it appear double-spaced?20:13
ahoneybundoes not look to bad20:14
EtriaphThere's a CSS setting called line-spacing, and that's what you're seeing.20:15
EtriaphI'm not sure how to adjust it if you're hosted there.20:16
EtriaphYou kinda get what WP in their wisdom deems to provide.20:16
ahoneybunthanks anyway20:17
ahoneybunEtriaph: 20:17
EtriaphYou might be able to tweak some CSS settings in Appearance20:17
EtriaphI think you might be able to do a bit more than change the theme.20:17
Etriaphahoneybun: np, wish I could help more :D20:17
ahoneybunits all good20:17
ahoneybundamn how do you add channels for konversion to autojoin?20:30
EtriaphIn Identities.20:32
EtriaphOr no, network.20:32
EtriaphServer List20:33
EtriaphFreenode is in there, click on Edit20:33
EtriaphAdd channels to list20:33
ahoneybunthanks Etriaph20:34
* ahoneybun trys to run C&C on Kubuntu20:35
ahoneybunI might need wine lol20:35
EtriaphThat'd help :D20:35
EtriaphAny games I play run through Steam.20:35
* ahoneybun quietly move Etriaph over to #kubuntu-offtopic20:37
santa_Riddell: just in case you are interested: I finally made a tool to generate build dependency graphs inspecting the control files, so I have updated stuff here: https://gitlab.com/siduction-tools/pkg-kde-graphs/tree/master20:38
santa_some graphs are more interesting than others, but hey, generating them with the program is free20:39
Riddell_sitter: https://paste.kde.org/pvmvxsdex where do you think all these files should go for clivejo's purpose package?23:09
sitterRiddell_: don't we have purpose packaged already?23:11
sitterin fact, purpose shouldn't get packaged since nothing about it is final from what I understand23:12
Riddell_clivejo: ok so it's not final so perfection isn't needed I guess, time to move onto kamoso23:16
clivejoIve got it to compile on my own machine, but wont build on LP23:18
Riddell_clivejo: which?23:23

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