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shiran365I'm new to Linux in general. I have a fresh install of Kubuntu 15.04, and I'm encountering a strange audio glitch which was supposed to have been fixed in 15.04. I was hoping somebody could help me01:01
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shiran365I guess there's not many people here at this time, huh?01:44
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[Relic]now there's someone with multiple personalities04:10
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Rolandhow to disable screensaver (black screen) on KDE5? (kubuntu 15.04)?10:50
gier_doplasma 5 itself does not support screensavers anymore.11:10
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gier_doif it is a fresh install, maybe your powersaving configuration deactivates the screen11:11
gier_dotry: system settings -> Power Management -> deactivate Screen Energy Saving11:12
gier_doif that doesn't help, you might have manually configured xscreensaver or something.11:13
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=== _Roey is now known as Roey
xennex81hi question. I have a linux installation that I boot through an usb-stick, that is to say grub is on the usb stick. Now the stick stopped working and I can't boot my linux system. I am trying the Kubuntu 14.10 installation DVD to try and do "grub-install" on another usb stick, but it fails.12:07
xennex81I had expected so. I get that "grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'"12:07
xennex81how do I restore a grub from a medium like the LIVE cd?12:08
xennex81there is this ubuntu Boot-repair thing but it probably won't allow me to install on usb stick12:10
xennex81ima try a reboot, maybe the stick works now12:11
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Rolandgier_do: thanks, that fixed it :)12:18
Rolandpower management options12:18
gier_doRoland: good to hear ;)12:22
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BluesKajHowdy all12:53
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EvilRoeyhi all!14:36
EvilRoeyquestion... now that rebootless kernel swapping is mainlined in the kernel, how long until we can upgrade Kubuntu releases without having to reboot?14:37
EvilRoeyRiddell:  o/, massive respect to you sir14:37
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
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floARi am trying kubuntu in live session14:50
floARi like it with one big exception14:50
floARkubuntu 14.0414:51
BluesKajexcalibr, pls don't make assumptions14:51
BluesKajfloAR, ok tell us your issue14:52
excalibrBluesKaj, no im trying to make a conversation :s14:52
BluesKajgo to offtopic to make "conversation"14:52
floARit seems that middle clicking a window in the panel(taskbar) will minimize and maximize it14:52
floARi would like to close it14:53
excalibrBluesKaj, on more serious note, do you know how can I fix steam systray icon showing in fade color in 15.0414:54
floARwhen i middle click on a window on the panel, i want it to close, not minimize or maximize14:54
BluesKajexcalibr, sorry i don't14:54
floARi am so dependent of closing a window on the panel with middle click14:55
floARif i cannot do it on K, i will have to go back to cinamon14:56
excalibrBluesKaj, this is what I meant http://i.imgur.com/zgiBbtj.png14:59
excalibrif you're curious14:59
floARdoes anyone know how to do it?15:00
BluesKajfloAR, well that's your call ... if a small imposition like a the lack of middle click is enough to rive you away, I can just imagine what's next ;-)15:02
mrbinaerHey floAR, there is a option for closing a window, by left clicking twice, but i don't see any middle click15:03
floARi cannot see any message15:03
BluesKajfloAR, well that's your call ... if a small imposition like a the lack of middle click is enough to rive you away, I can just imagine what's next ;-)15:03
floARBluesKaj: this is not a small imposition for me15:04
floARi am not interested in graphics, games...15:05
floARbut it happens to have lots of windows opened, and it is easier to just middle clikc on it(on the panel), thenright click and select close15:06
BluesKajfloAR, perhaps there's a method to map the mouse middle click to the close X on the apps, but i've never heard of one15:06
floARat the moment i use only mint 13 cinamon and i can close a window on the panel by middle clicking on it15:07
BluesKajfloAR, this not a mint support chat15:07
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:08
floARbu i like many programs from the K world that made me want to use kubuntu15:08
floARhey, what is with you,. i just hapened to use the word mint, and you all jumped like burned15:09
floARi said i am using mint now, and in mint i can close a window on the panel, by middle clicking on it15:09
BluesKajwell not to discourage you from kubuntu , but mint also comes with kde desktop if you want to install it15:10
floARand i would like to be able to do the same on kubuntu15:10
floARi tried it to15:10
floARbut i could not find on settings where could i map middle click with closing a window on the panel]15:11
floARwhat is the difference between mint with kde and kubuntu?15:12
floARi mean, aren't they both beeing based on ubuntu?15:13
BluesKajfloAR, that's a question for google , there may be a comparison somewhere on some blog or other , this is not the place for such a question15:14
floARok forget about the difference15:15
floARbut is this a place for mouse related functionalities in kubuntu>?15:15
BluesKajfloAR, I asked in the devel chat about your issue , still waiting for a reply15:18
floARi gues that for a developer maping middle button with closing window on the panel is a piece of cake15:19
floARbut for me, not being able to do that is almost like not beeing able to use the mouse at all15:20
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eXistenZehey there15:26
TJ-floAR: I do that using Application System Menu > More Actions... > Window Manager Settings... > Actions > Titlebar Actions > Titlebar & Frame > Middle button =  Close15:26
floARTJ-:  you are right, BUT that works only when you click on top of the window( on the titlebar)15:33
floARmy question(and big problem) was to be able to close a window by clicking on it's name in the panel(taskbar)15:34
floARthe biggest advantage for closing it with middle click from the panel is that if you have multiple windows opened, you can visually choose which one to close15:35
floARand that might not be in a the order they sit there15:35
floARdo you understand me?15:36
TJ-floAR: Yeah15:37
floARthis thing was the second one that made me choose mint 13 against ubuntu 2 years ago when i moved from only windows on my pc to only gnu/linux15:42
floARfirst one that i hated unity desktop, and at that time i didn;t knew so much about other desktops or distributions15:43
floARfirst one was15:44
floARahhh forget about it....if only me complained about this (or maybe others that could not made themselves heard)15:49
excalibrfloAR, I think the solution is to file a feature request to taskbar widget dev15:49
floARhow to do that15:49
floARi mean where? give me a link15:49
floARuntil then i will upgrade to mint 17.1 and install there 2 of my most used programs: Krusader(love it) and ktorrent15:51
floARexcalibr: can you give me a place where to file that request?15:52
floARi guess someone cannot have it all15:54
excalibrfloAR, bugs.kde.org I guess15:55
floARok! by K world....i will check another kde based distribution when the next LTS will be out15:56
floARthank you all15:56
TJ-Looks like what floAR wants is easily implemented, even on end-user systems. .../kde4/apps/plasma/packages/org.kde.plasma.tasks/contents/ui/Task.qml::MouseEventListener::onPressed() and add an "else if (mouse.buttons & Qt.MiddleButton) { ...}" that calls the tasks.close() or whatever method16:03
excalibrTJ-, good to know. I always thought widgets are compiled binary16:06
TJ-The QT interface uses QML which utilises an ECMAscript engine and Markup Language: https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma4/QML/GettingStarted16:08
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
DDRHi all, I'm having some issues here. About two minutes into my desktop session, the taskbar, desktop, and alt-f2 shortcuts stop responding to my input. The window manager still works, and what windows I have open are responsive.16:39
DDRUnrelated, but the TTY terminals are also broken.16:39
DDRDoes anyone have any ideas?16:40
DDR... after a week of banging at it, high-dpi works OK though.16:55
Walex2DDR: that's very weird.17:04
Walex2DDR: check the 'xsession' log and the 'xorg' log to see if there are some X driver bugs17:04
BluesKajDDR,, upgraded to plasma 5.2?17:05
Walex2DDR: BTW what you are describing is likely a window manager bug17:05
DDRNothing suspicious in xorg log, but I'm seeing a number of lines like "QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 22453, resource id: 44054656, major code: 10 (UnmapWindow), minor code: 0" in the xsession log.17:12
DDRxorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11675873/ - .xsession log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11676161/17:14
DDRplasma-shell, at least, reports v5,2,217:19
DDRChanged the rendering backend from OpenGL 3.1 to 2.0, seems to be working but it's so hard to say with these sorts of bugs.17:34
DDRxrender is also an option, but a choppy one.17:34
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al8989hello i was looking to buy a wireless adapter and was wondering if the netgear wna3100m or the wna100m would be good cjoices for wireless adapters that stay connected18:06
BluesKajal8989, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/category/WIRELESS/18:26
BluesKajal8989, ide gow ith atheros or broadcom usb wifi adapters/dongles..they are known to work well with linux, like these http://www.amazon.com/Docooler-Adapter-150Mbps-Atheros-Antenna/dp/B00IZ5GNSA18:40
BluesKaji'd go with18:40
notelbabonjour, y'a quelqu'un ? c'est quoi ce tchat ? je suis nouveau18:59
jhunold!fr | notelba19:02
ubottunotelba: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:02
MihalyCan anyone assist me in trying to login on another chat channel?19:03
notelbaok thank you19:03
Mihalyi haven't used Quassel IRC before.19:03
Mihalyany assistance greatly appreciated, thanks19:05
MihalyThe xcjust kicked inreen save19:09
Mihalysaver just kicked in - I guess that means I have been waiting long enough for an answer. I19:10
Mihalyonly want to know how to find a nother chat channel, so please, if you can help, kindly would you?19:10
MihalyAww,it took a little while, but I think I have sort of figured it out.19:16
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Guest8494how can install appliance of cs5019:21
Mihalyfound out howto, now am on other channel, so will exit this one. excuse me, please.19:24
suncokretis systemd open source or not?20:53
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Piciiirc, development just moved to github: https://github.com/systemd/systemd21:01
Picisuncokret: ^21:01
suncokretthank you21:02
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