
pittiGood morning04:37
thumpero/ pitti04:37
pittihey thumper!04:38
pittiLaney: could you please verify bug 1444402 so that this can hit -updates soon?05:33
ubot5bug 1444402 in systemd (Ubuntu Vivid) "LXC with r/w sys and udev keeps trying to unmount bind mounts" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144440205:33
larsugood morning!05:49
pittigood morning larsu, wie gehts?05:51
larsupitti: great thanks! And you?05:51
pittigood, thanks!05:51
larsupitti: so lightdm couldn't call ActivateSession() for me because it tries to activate the *current* session (and I was logged in via ssh)05:52
pittilarsu: on the phone with systemd? or what's the context?05:52
larsupitti: ya05:52
pittilarsu: oh, so does it boot if you don't have usb attached?05:53
larsupitti: got it to work after dist-upgrading and linking /sbin/init manually05:53
pittiah, cool05:53
larsuyes, it boots fine05:53
larsubut no lightdm05:53
larsuit crashes in a loop05:53
pittierr, that's not what I call "fine" then :)05:53
larsuwell, "finer" than it did before :P05:53
pittibut if you can at least adb/ssh in, that's a nice foot in the door05:54
larsuwhere does lightdm log to?05:54
larsuor shall I start it with -d in the unit?05:54
pittiyou can try (I'm not much of an expert with debugging lightdm, I mostly just look into /var/log/lightdm/)05:55
pittilarsu: also look into the session logs05:55
pittilarsu: i. e. ~/.config/upstart/ and stuff05:55
pittilarsu: e. g. I had to fix bug 1451784 which had the same effect05:55
ubot5bug 1451784 in ubuntu-touch-session (Ubuntu Wily) "ubuntu-touch-session fails to start under systemd" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145178405:55
pittilarsu: and there the error was in ~/.xsession-errors05:56
larsupitti: I don't know much about lightdm either. It says it cannot activate a user session, so it tries a "greeter session" (whatever that is)05:57
larsuand fails because it can't find a configuration for that05:57
pittilarsu: I suppose we don't have a greeter on touch05:57
pittilarsu: anything in ~/.x-e?05:57
larsupitti: right, I assumed so05:57
larsuinit: unrecognized option '--user'05:58
pittilarsu: but that's the bug above05:58
pittilarsu: what's your ubuntu-touch-session version?05:59
larsupitti: 0.108+15.04.20150407-0ubuntu105:59
larsuthis is too old :/05:59
larsupitti: ya, that's why I was laughing05:59
larsuhow am I not getting the new package?06:00
pittiinstall a current image?06:00
larsuerr... this is what I thought I did06:04
larsuI followed https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/06:04
pittilarsu: Usually the "devel" channel is ancient (maybe that got fixed now)06:05
pittilarsu: try devel-proposed?06:05
pittiyou want that for development anyway06:05
larsupitti: thanks. Why is our documentation outdated?06:07
didrocksgood morning06:07
pittilarsu: not sure; /me not a phone dev06:07
pittilarsu: anyway, I think "normal" users want a stable channel, and devs should really use devel-proposed, which updates more or less daily06:08
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?06:08
didrockspitti: ça peut aller, et toi ?06:08
pittididrocks: je vais bien06:08
larsudidrocks: morning!06:08
didrockshey larsu!06:09
larsupitti: fair enough. Still frustrating06:09
larsudidrocks: turns out my bug was because I'm on an old image (who knew -devel is old...)06:10
larsupitti: thanks for your patience :)06:10
didrockslarsu: don't talk to me about channel namings…06:10
didrocks(and also out of date ubuntu-device-flash args which don't have stable parameters)06:10
* larsu stops talking to didrocks about channel namings06:10
larsudidrocks: what? They don't?06:10
didrockschange $randomly06:10
didrocksof course, all automation based on it…06:10
didrocksbut well, if you ask for stability you are said to be anti-"agile"06:11
larsuah, you mean when they added the "touch" command?06:11
didrocksthat or change --foo in --bar06:11
didrocksor add new --baz as being required06:12
didrockslike the release version now06:12
mitya57attente: Sure, but there was also https://github.com/lenky0401/fcitx-qimpanel/commit/ba4369f6126a9828bb39528a43ee67ed6c1189ff06:18
mitya57(after your commit)06:18
mitya57And in https://github.com/lenky0401/fcitx-qimpanel/commit/a64d64a4dffae3a56b6fd5a617b6c8ffb6b97546 the ifdefs were added06:19
mitya57So I am sure it's a problem (or intended behavior) of this code, not a bug in Qt.06:20
mitya57Also, I have limited internet access this week, so I am slow at replying.06:21
seb128good morning desktopers06:42
seb128bah, typeahead stopped working in gtkfileselectors :-/06:42
didrocksre seb12806:42
seb128lut didrocks06:42
pittihey seb12806:45
seb128hey pitti06:45
seb128oh, right, it's that day of the week07:09
seb128pitti, it seems that langpacks were not changed in the overlay ppa, do you know if Lucaz worked on that? I can do it now, just don't want to dup work07:14
pittiseb128: I didn't get any status updates since we talked yesterday either07:15
seb128pitti, k, let's wait for him then07:15
didrockshe told he had an issue with it, right?07:15
seb128didrocks, where/when?07:15
seb128I was off for tennis in the evening07:15
didrocksWe noticed issues with our language pack generation mechanisms07:16
didrockswhich do not seem to be working for our stable overlay PPA.07:16
didrocksin the landing team email07:16
seb128oh, right07:16
seb128that's the issue yes07:16
seb128we agreed to manual patch those 4 strings translations for at least de/fr/es07:16
seb128which is what I was asking about07:16
seb128as a workaround07:16
didrocksah ok07:16
didrocksso yeah, nothing more07:16
seb128the issue with the overlay is that it's not translated/translatable in launchpad07:17
seb128we have translations pages/templates for the ubuntu series and for trunk07:17
seb128so vivid/wily/trunk07:17
didrocksyeah, that makes sense07:17
seb128but the overlay is none of those07:17
didrocksok, so only patching the .po files and reuploading07:17
seb128yeah, for that one07:17
seb128then we need to figure a proper way07:17
seb128didrocks, on your livecd-rootfs desktop-next change, Colin noted on the review that it might makes sense to use symlinks to ubuntu-core for some of the hooks, any reason you didn't do it?07:59
seb128mvo_, ^07:59
didrocksseb128: I would need to find my IRC logs, there was something, one sec…07:59
seb128didrocks, thanks08:00
didrocksthe PM went on the fact that we'll probably deviate in the hooks08:01
didrockslike you did with removing docker for instance08:01
didrocksfeel free to symlinks those which makes sense though08:01
seb128k, thanks08:03
seb128hey Laney08:06
seb128wie gehts?08:06
Laneykernel panic this morning08:06
Laneyxps 13 fun!08:06
didrockshey seb12808:06
seb128oh :-/08:06
Laneyotherwise good08:06
seb128didrocks, re :p08:06
didrocksmorning Laney :p08:06
Laneyhow's it going?08:06
didrocksfine, yourself?08:06
seb128Laney, didrocks, we got a desktop-next snappy i386 build ;-)08:07
seb128it failed on amd64 though, unsure why08:07
didrocksseb128: nice!08:07
seb128"+ cp -ar boot/vmlinuz-3.19.0-20-generic boot/vmlinuz-3.19.0-20-generic.efi.signed /tmp/tmp.yiVA0lx2A0/assets/vmlinuz08:07
seb128cp: target '/tmp/tmp.yiVA0lx2A0/assets/vmlinuz' is not a directory"08:07
seb128now to figure out how to make an image from those tarballs08:07
willcookeseb128, @ image - NICE!!!08:10
seb128willcooke, hey!08:10
seb128willcooke, waiting on sergiusens to be online now, mvo said he probaly knows how to make an image from those files08:11
seb128the current tools download the files from a server, they don't use local versions08:11
seb128one way would be to publish the desktop-next files to the server, but it's not handy for local testing and bootstrap of the image08:12
Laneysystem-image server?08:14
didrocksit's assembling from a json file08:16
seb128Laney, yes08:16
seb128or whatever u-d-f uses to build the image08:17
didrocksbut yeah, would be better to get that copied in the server file08:17
Laneyseems that hook needs updating to take care of secure-boot stuff08:23
seb128you mean? the amd64 buildlog?08:23
Laneyi386 doesn't have that08:24
Laneyand it looks like core doesn't have the signed stuff either08:24
seb128is how core gets its uefi/secure boot working08:25
Laneymaybe ask him to fix it up for us ;-)08:29
seb128Laney, yeah, let's see :-)08:32
Laneypitti: let me see - hope that instance is still up08:35
LaneyI have wily on the real system now08:35
Laneymight help to enable proposed...08:46
seb128speaking about the image build or something else?08:51
Laneyno, some sru08:54
pittiLaney: cheers!09:18
seb128pitti, just as a fyi we patched/uploaded to the vivid overlay ppa the langpacks for ca/de/es/fr/it/pt09:26
pittiseb128: cool, thanks09:27
seb128so we should be fine for the ota now09:27
Laneypatching the langpacks?09:27
seb128Laney, in the overlay ppa yes09:30
seb128you didn't follow the discussion on ci-eng yesterday I guess?09:30
LaneyI think it's okay if I don't know :-)09:30
seb128basically the ppa has no translations support09:30
seb128translations.l.n has templates for ubuntu series and trunk09:30
seb128but the ppa is random content09:30
Laneyoh right I can see where this is going09:30
seb128so langpack miss strings that are specific to it09:30
Laneyso you miss new strings09:30
seb128we had 4 new ones in dialer/messaging for that ota09:31
seb128so we just distro patched those in main languages to be able to roll the ota out as planned09:31
seb128still need to solve the infra issue09:31
seb128like by using wily/trunk strings and merging template or something09:31
seb128or changing back from a ppa to a rtm distro09:31
* Laney rebuilds packages for broken devhelp files09:41
Laneysilly gtk-doc09:41
Laneyxnox: can you remind me where the place to set ubiquity's start page is please?10:20
LaneyI want to get it to start straight at the slideshow10:21
xnoxLaney: you may run the slideshow demo runner in the slideshow upstream branch.10:22
xnoxLaney: or you can reorder the "pages" plugins. oh wait the slideshow in ubiquity is not a page, but a hidden notebook.10:22
LaneyI need to see it as it is in ubiquity10:23
xnoxLaney: tweak it to be not hidden.10:23
xnoxe.g. skip to it.10:23
* Laney twirls10:23
xnoxpurge partman plugin, and then ubiquity becomes a dummy app =)10:23
Laneyok, neat, don't see the bug that I thought I did10:31
xnoxLaney: what bug? scrollbars?10:32
xnoxLaney: they come and go, depending on the gtk changes, language, running "installer" for real, overlay scrollbars (missing, getting renamed, changing pixel size) etc.10:32
LaneyI thought I saw them when I installed wily on this laptop the other day10:32
Laneybut they aren't there in this vm10:33
xnoxLaney: i had to fix them each overlay-scrollbar and/or gtk update =(10:33
Laneyoverlay-scrollbar is gone10:33
xnoxwell. as long as the themeing that we apply to webview is correct than it's all good.10:33
xnoxLaney: did you drop ubiquity-dm force loading overlay-scrollbar modules then?!10:34
Laneynot yet but that's harmless10:34
* Laney meows10:37
* ogra_ moos10:39
* davmor2 bah humbugs10:40
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneylarsu: do you run with hidpi scaling?11:31
LaneyGDK_SCALE=2 gedit -> the toolbar is huuuugeeeee11:35
larsuLaney: nope11:43
larsuisn't the point that it is huge?11:43
Laneynot that huge11:43
larsuhm, this does look a bit too large indeed11:43
larsulooks like 4×11:44
Laneygtk_toolbar_set_icon_size (toolbar, GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR); makes it right11:44
Laneybut doing this feels wrong11:44
larsufonts are too large as well11:44
Laneythe default seems to be LARGE11:44
larsusomething is multiplying that factor twice11:45
larsuoh wait, fonts appear huge but seem to be twice the height from my normal font11:46
larsuLaney: using the slider in system settings » displays makes it look similarily huge11:48
Laneythat sets the same scale factor11:48
Laneyyou can use the env var to just do it once11:48
happyaronwillcooke: weekly update sent to you11:48
willcookethx happyaron11:48
larsuLaney: not quite. Gdk can only do integer scaling, whereas the slider does floating point11:53
Laneyonly for unity11:53
innoparkmy ubuntu desktop always gets hangs up11:54
* Laney aahs11:56
LaneyI played with the slider and now my mouse pointer has gone11:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
seb128larsu, Laney, is the unity panel title "wrongly styled" for you as well? text used to be bold and isn't anymore, unsure if that's due to new gtk12:05
larsuseb128: still bold for me. You mean the title of the application, right?12:09
LaneyIt isn't bold here and I don't have 3.16 on the laptop yet12:10
seb128larsu, yes12:10
seb128same issue in compiz titles in fact12:10
seb128not only in the unity panel12:10
seb128Laney, wily or vivid?12:11
seb128I'm pretty sure it was bold in vivid and wily until like a week ago12:11
larsucompiz titles?12:11
seb128larsu, wm decorations12:14
Laneychecked iso, bold vivid and not bold wily12:14
* Laney phews at gtk not being to blame :-)12:14
seb128did we change the theme in wily? I guess not12:14
seb128unity didn't change either afaik12:14
* seb128 scratches head12:14
larsuhm, maybe I should reboot?12:15
* larsu still sees bold titles12:15
Laneyprobably not worth everyone looking at it12:15
seb128ChrisTownsend, Trevinho, ^ is that a known issue?12:15
seb128larsu, maybe just restart compiz?12:15
larsuseb128: indeed. thanks. Now here's a question:12:16
Laneywhen did you boot?12:16
Laney/log in previously12:16
larsuLaney: 7 days ago12:16
seb128Laney, I started noticing yesterday, that issue is less than a week old12:17
seb128Laney, larsu, I had a glance to wily-changes and didn't see anything obvious, I'm not going to debug today but feel free to have a look12:22
pittilarsu: wow, were they bold before? I honestly can't remember12:25
pitti(normal font here as well)12:25
larsupitti: I just restarted compiz and saw the immediate effect12:25
ChrisTownsendseb128: It's not a known issue to me, but I do see what you're talking about.  Trevinho would probably know more though.12:26
larsupitti: my outrage was mostly to troll seb128 :)12:26
seb128pitti, yeah, e.g http://cdn5.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/03_in_the_windows_title_bar.png12:26
didrocksmy precious panel!12:27
pittididrocks, Laney, desrt: ooh, coming to debconf too? looking forward to it!12:31
Laneydid you get some email?12:32
didrockssame question than Laney ;)12:32
pittiLaney: Michelle just pointed me to the travel doc12:32
didrocksah, there is a travel doc :p12:32
pittiI was talking to her about plumbers vs. debconf conflict, and that I self-booked debconf already12:33
Laneygoing to be fun12:33
LaneyI'm thinking about being there for some of debcamp too12:33
pittiI wanted to, but we'll attend a wedding on Aug 15 in Magdeburg, so I'll only arrive on Sun12:34
Laneythere's a half week gap or so between guadec and debconf12:34
Laneyprobably won't go home for that12:34
pittiLaney:  when is guadec?12:34
LaneyI think 7th-12th including the hackfest days12:35
Laneyand debcamp starts the 9th12:35
Laneyso I'm not sure yet exactly how I will divide myself up12:35
seb128didrocks, going to debconf this year?12:36
didrocksseb128: yeah, not far, has to go at least once I guess :)12:36
seb128I was pondering going as well12:36
seb128but seems like my name is not on the list12:37
seb128oh well, another time ;-)12:37
Laneyit's not finalised yet12:37
Laneywillcooke: get this man on the list!12:37
seb128Laney, where did you guys ask to be on the list?12:37
seb128didrocks, ^12:37
LaneyI think there was some mail a few months ago12:38
Laneyand I did some light nagging since12:38
Laneybasically ask $boss12:38
seb128yeah, I guess :-)12:38
=== pat__ is now known as pmcgowan
didrocksseb128: we discussed it in our last sprint as well IIRC12:39
didrocksLaney: we can write up something around the line: "the German in Germany" (note the non s at German) ;)12:40
Laneydie Deutsch in Deutschland12:41
pittiseb128: I also just signed up myself about a month ago, I didn't know that Canonical was sponsoring12:43
pittiLaney: "Der Deutsche in Deutschland"12:43
Laneylarsu: any idea about the toolbar thing? should I file a bug?12:44
Laneypitti: isn't that plural?12:44
pittinot if it was supposed to be for "the German" (single person for seb128), I thought that was the intent?12:44
Laneyah I get this now, thanks!12:45
pittiplural would be "die Deutschen"12:45
larsuLaney: sure12:45
didrocksLaney is only getting half of my joke :/12:45
* didrocks organizes a protest then12:45
LaneyI got it man12:46
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
attentemitya57: yeah, those commits were added to workaround the submenu problem. if you check out the tree at https://github.com/lenky0401/fcitx-qimpanel/commit/05fd858ef84da971a98d4f68b25f4bd897676b43, it still doesn't work, so we can't revert those two commits12:59
mitya57attente: OK, then I'll look at it when I return to normal internet (maybe on Friday or weekend)13:13
mitya57Re-added to my TODO :(13:13
mitya57Err, I meant :)13:13
attentemitya57: ok, thanks :)13:14
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
larsudesrt: this should work no: gsettings list-keys org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Profile:/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles/b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9/13:24
larsusomeone's asking in #ubuntu-devel13:24
desrtlist-keys has no dependency on path13:24
desrtso i'm not sure why you'd give one13:24
larsulist-recursively, sorry13:24
larsuit shows me default values, no matter which path I pass13:25
larsudesrt: ^13:25
desrtthat may be a bug.13:25
larsuok. was thinking I might be doing something wrong13:25
* larsu passes this info on13:25
jdstrandseb128: hey, this is a total throw a patch over the wall situation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11672890/. I'm using it for dnla in rhythmbox and have no particular reason to choose 15000 (it is just high enough for me :)14:13
jdstrandseb128: fyi only in case you find it interesting14:13
jdstrandif you don't want to do anything with it, that's fine too14:14
seb128jdstrand, hey, I'm not familiar with that feature, how annoying is the "requiring the user to ask for more"?14:16
seb128jdstrand, could you maybe throw it on a bug in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=rhythmbox just in case upstream is interested?14:17
jdstrandseb128: how I experienced it was I opened a playlist. it download 1000. I could play and do whatever with those 1000 and wasn't blocked by ui. but there was a button at the bottom right that said I could download another 100014:18
jdstrandseb128: so, depending on the playlist, I might have to click it 5, 8, etc times14:18
jdstrandseb128: and you have to do that each time you open the playlist14:18
sidiHi, I need to trace all the processes starting and exiting in my unity session from the moment Ligthdm creates the session. I get a series of weird crashes that I can-t reproduce with unity --debug and I can't identify which processes are crashing14:18
xnoxsidi: ~/.cache/upstart & ~/.xsession-errors14:20
xnoxshould have everything14:20
sidixnox, thanks. Does .cache/upstart contain all processes or only the ones that crashed?14:24
xnoxsidi: it contains stdout/stderr of all upstart managed user processes. the rest of unmanaged things end up just in ~/.xsession-errors14:25
sidiAlso is there anything I can do to find out which processes execve'd which ones, apart from injecting a lib that watches execve? My compiz is actually crashing on a dlopen() call so that wouldn't work well...14:25
xnoxcause session leader is upstart, and that logs to ~/.xsession-errors as everything gets reparented to it on death.14:25
xnoxsidi: you should look into proc_cn proc connector. That will tell you everything from the kernel =)14:26
xnoxsidi: https://outflux.net/blog/archives/2010/07/01/reporting-all-execs/14:26
xnoxhas a link to kees' source code, compiles with a makefile from his junk folder and runs amazing.14:26
sidiah cool, thanks!14:26
xnoxthat will tell you _everything_ that execed by who and what and where.14:26
sidiCool I'll make a run with that once done with .cache/upstart14:27
xnoxsidi: mind need to tweak the mask of the events reported to get all details, cause it's a firehose that track threads et.al.14:27
xnoxinitctl status14:27
xnoxinitctl list14:27
xnoxmay help to narrow things down quickly, if managed.14:27
jdstrandseb128: ok, reported14:27
sidione last thing, I haven't used ubuntu in a while... I see there's no compiz-dbg package, do I have a way to tell apt-get to give me a package with debugging symbols on, or should I build that myself?14:28
xnoxsidi: google for debugsyms repository14:28
sidixnox, I'm willing to spend time reading logs... I need to figure out what's going on anyway14:28
sidiAwesome, thanks xnox14:29
seb128jdstrand, thanks!14:29
* didrocks taps on the mic15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-0915:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jun  9 15:31:10 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: attente, desrt,  dgadomski, didrocks, fjkong, happyaron(out), laney, larsu, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, tkamppeter, themuso (out), robert_ancell (out)15:31
seb128didrocks, let the tap alone, it's not beer time15:31
* larsu thinks about having a beer15:31
* larsu doesn't have beer at home15:31
* didrocks put the beer back in the fridge then15:31
* FJKong feel sleepy15:32
willcooke#topic attente15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: attente
attenterefreshed the gtk source package with some patches to fix the build, and merged the wip/mir-unstable branch into upstream gtk15:32
attentespent some time debugging the fcitx-qimpanel qt5 indicator without luck, hoping mitya57 has more luck with it15:32
attentefinished the apparmor client api changes, writing regression tests15:32
willcookethanks attente15:33
qenghoFJKong: because of beer, or because it's almost midnight for you?15:33
willcooke#topic desrt15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: desrt
FJKongqengho: 23:33 for me15:33
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: dgadomski
larsuwillcooke: desrt is excusing himself15:35
dgadomskihello everyone15:35
dgadomski* I was off for most of the last week15:35
dgadomski* improved and delivered patch to bug #753755 to Debian, waiting for their response, in parallel I'm running testing in VMs with different network configurations15:35
dgadomski* a user reported a problem with no sound after installing Vivid. It works while running Trusty LiveCD, but fails on Vivid - even with the latest available kernel. The hardware is: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02). Investigating that further. Did you hear about any15:35
ubot5bug 753755 in Software Updater "upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 impossible" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75375515:35
dgadomskiDid you hear about any regressions in the sound area in Vivid?15:36
willcookedgadomski, dont think so, drop Luke an email to see if he knows anything though15:36
dgadomskithanks willcooke, that's all from me today15:36
willcookethx dgadomski15:36
willcooke#topic didrocks15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocks* Was for most of the week at SDK sprint, got synced up with the team and incoming features (for developer experience convergence mostly).15:37
didrocks* Reported and got some of the first SDK-related issues fixed. Here is my personal list of bugs and tagged "devexp": http://bit.ly/1FVUp2j15:37
didrocks* Ubuntu Make 0.8.1 release fixing Android NDK as google pages changed (bug report + test failing to proove it)15:37
didrocks* Reinstantiated Ubuntu Make test machines as were down due to IS breakage15:37
didrocks* Short week (4 days)15:37
willcookethx didrocks15:37
willcooke#topic FJKong15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKonganalyze crash file of sogou-qimpanel, it's about cell dict problem15:37
FJKonggive feed back to sogou engineer, waiting for fixing15:37
FJKongresearch on "slow on first time call out IM"15:37
FJKongcontinue on "right click menu on input window"15:37
willcookethx FJKong15:37
willcookegoodnight FJKong15:38
willcooke#topic happyaron15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: happyaron
willcooke1. Release fcitx 4.2.9, providing better xkb support  (through15:38
willcookelibxkbcommon) along with other fixes15:38
willcooke2. Work out the product requirement document for sogoupinyin-2.015:38
willcookeseries with product manager15:38
willcooke3. Working on the problem of automoc generated contents when combined with ECM15:38
FJKongrush to bed...15:38
willcooke#topic Laney15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• Updates: gsettings-desktop-schemas gtk-doc glib (in progress)15:38
Laney• Finish up gtk3.0 fo realz, upload, stuck in proposed15:38
Laney∘ Fixed a load of test regressions (only one was related - a deprecation and fatal warnings)15:38
Laney∘ Tied with gnome-shell, do some updates with that, blocked atm15:38
Laney∘ Check that no o-s didn't make ubiquity slideshow have scrollbars (thought it had done), seems it didn't15:38
Laney• Rebuild some packages which were built with gtk-doc 1.23 & had broken devhelp files15:38
Laney• Get a hidpi laptop(!), find some bugs, fix a couple & nag about some others15:39
Laney• Fix up yelp headerbar-as-toolbar patch re: upstream review15:39
Laney• Chat about/help fix desktop-next snappy build - some code advice, some cdimage changes, some triggering of builds15:39
Laney• Help (more? can't remember if I did this the week before) with some robustification of boottests15:39
Laney• Debug system breakage which turned out to be due to new xmir, filed a bug which it seems robert_ancell fixed15:39
Laney• Some SRU verification and checking on test regressions for the SRU team15:39
Laney• Some chats about totem patch, need to upload still15:39
LaneyFIN (no unicode ☹)15:39
seb128busy week for Laney15:39
didrocks• Closed the front gate (thanks mailman)15:39
willcookethx Laney15:39
seb128Laney, what is blocking gtk atm?15:39
Laneydemoting some shell extensions to proposed15:39
Laneywant to work on that in a minute?15:39
Laneygnome guys don't care if they are in or not15:39
Laneyso seems fine by me15:40
willcooke#topic larsu15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: larsu
larsu- overlay-scrollbars: review Laney's drop-gtk3 patch (thanks!); dropped background hacks; themed them orange15:40
Laneydidrocks: ×615:40
larsu- started helping pitti out a bit with migrating touch to systemd15:40
larsu(and wasted some time debugging issues on the wrong image)15:40
larsu- prepared for the sales meeting15:40
Laneyyou should put the </ as part of your paste15:40
Laneythat came in the middle :)15:41
larsuoh. sorry.15:41
* larsu curses irssi15:41
willcooke#topic qengho15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: qengho
larsuLaney: not well formed xml, but might be ok as html515:41
qengho- Cr release 43.0.2357.81 into T,U,V,W any second now.15:41
qengho- Flash plugin updated upstream today, but no one sent us notice beforehand. :(15:41
qengho- mir ozone refresh. Trying to make the ozone interface break less often. Coming along really well, for once.15:41
willcookethx qengho15:42
willcooke#topic seb12815:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: seb128
* Laney hopes this new chromium has nice(r) hidpi chrome15:42
seb128• took some tries but got snappy to boot on my uefi config15:42
seb128• debugged desktop-next snappy image build15:42
seb128∘ updated u-s-s to not try to pull the touch system-image service on snappy systems, they conflict15:42
seb128∘ fixed some small livecd-rootfs in the desktop-next codepath, thanks Laney for helping!15:42
seb128∘ iterated over issues and fixes until today where we got a first working build (i386 only, amd64 having secure boot issues)!15:42
seb128• u-s-s15:42
seb128∘ fixed charge graphs rendering glitches15:42
seb128∘ added mechanism to list panels only if a file exists, used for the update/snappy15:42
seb128∘ backported a stack of commits to the vivid branch15:42
seb128• joined some discussions about convergence&settings15:42
seb128• tested telephony-service build fixes to be able to confirm the silent mode bugfix from previous week15:42
seb128• next: continuing fun trying to get the snappy image working, we have device/rootfs tarballs now but not yet a bootable image15:42
willcookethx seb12815:42
willcooke#topic seb12815:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: seb128
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- first packaged builds of LibreOffice 5.0~beta1 and ~beta2 on vivid15:43
Sweet5hark- breaks on amd64 due to some l10n/helpcontent foo -- fixing that right now15:43
Sweet5hark- beta2 isnt going to be published for public consumption, "cant move cursor" is kind of a blocker15:43
Sweet5hark- beta3 will be there soon15:43
Sweet5hark- some conference and affiliation-foo15:43
Sweet5hark- push some 20 refactoring patches upstream (and broke OSX :/)15:43
willcookethx Sweet5hark15:43
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- Synced CUPS from Debian15:43
tkamppeter- Added last changes of our CUPS package to Debian's GIT repository of CUPS15:43
tkamppeter- Made starting ippusbxd (daemon for IPP-over-USB printers) working with systemd.15:43
tkamppeter- Bugs15:43
willcookethx tkamppeter15:44
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcooke* More upstream Speech Dispatcher development work, moving more code to Glib and moving to GSettings.15:44
willcooke* Started further discussions with Qt and Mir folks to get a11y moving forward for the unity 8 desktop again.15:44
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- Updated wily to run new XMir15:44
willcooke- Updated Launchpad XMir bugs to be filed in correct location15:44
willcooke- Investigated XMir window manager options15:44
willcooke#topic Any other business15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Weekly Meeting 2015-06-09 | Current topic: Any other business
willcookeI will be out next week and the week after for baby related business15:45
willcookeSeb can you run the meetings?15:45
willcookeI'll probably be on email and stuff - I certainly won't be far from a computer15:45
Laneydon't do it man15:46
larsuwillcooke: I might not make the Friday 1:1 due to travel. Will let you know.15:46
willcookelarsu, sure thing, no problem15:46
larsuwillcooke: also, go further away from a computer15:46
willcookeI don't know if I can do it, but I will try15:46
larsuit's hard. We've all been there15:46
willcookeHow will I see pictures of cats though???15:47
willcookeThese are the questions no one is answering15:47
larsusometimes there are animals outside which look like cat pictures15:47
willcookeWell, I'll try it15:47
larsuoutside is this place beyond your front door15:47
Laneythe place through the open gate15:47
Trevinhoseb128: titlebar text depends on gnome wm settings...15:47
seb128Trevinho, so I guess a setting change in the gnome updates, thanks15:48
Trevinhoseb128: so... Not sure if that changed (I noticed the issue, but I didn't look at the setting change yet)15:48
Trevinhoseb128: there are two things in action there15:48
willcookeanything else for meeting before we wrap?15:48
Trevinhoseb128: one is "use the same of system font", and "titlebar font"15:48
seb128willcooke, don't think so15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jun  9 15:49:09 2015 UTC.15:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-06-09-15.31.moin.txt15:49
willcookethanks call15:49
didrocksseb128: did you document what you did to get snappy to boot on your uefi config?15:49
larsuTrevinho: I don't think that controls whether the font is bold, though15:49
seb128didrocks, no, it was code fixes and they are in wily15:49
didrocksseb128: oh nice!15:49
seb128didrocks, so it's just "use the current u-d-f version"15:49
didrocksgreat news15:49
Laneyoh yes15:50
Laneyit is that titlebar-uses-system-font pref15:50
seb128Laney, yet another one to add to ubuntu-settings override I guess?15:51
seb128I can do it if you want15:51
Laneyif you want, I don't care either way15:51
Laneyunbold looks good to me15:51
larsusetting it to false makes the title bold again15:51
seb128I like bold better15:51
larsuI agree with seb12815:51
LaneyGO FOR IT!15:52
larsuLaney: as of the last update, epiphany is unbearably slow15:53
larsudid you notice something?15:53
Laneyupdate of what?15:53
larsuI assume webkit15:53
larsubut don't know for sure15:53
Laneyno sorry15:53
larsujust seeing it in an epiphany web app15:53
Laneydoes it use webkit2?15:53
Laneyactually neither version has been updated for a while15:54
Laneyepiphany itself was though15:54
Laneybut that's not our team, more ubuntu gnome15:54
* Laney slippery hands15:54
Laneyno-change rebuild of gtk -> now caught up with some random other test failures15:56
Laneythis situation is bad15:56
larsunon deterministic tests?15:59
Laneythey might be real15:59
Laneynot caused by this though15:59
* Laney needs to go drink tea outside16:00
Laneycan't face this right now16:00
Laneyback in 516:00
Laney"did president obama drink beer in the morning, and if he did - is it okay in bavaria?16:01
Laneywe hear live from a bavarian beer merchant"16:01
* Laney is looking forward to hearing this item on the radio16:01
desrt3g tethering on train = slow16:02
desrttrain's wfii = worse16:02
Laneyok, brb!16:02
larsudesrt: don't travel during meeting times ;)16:02
Trevinholarsu: well, depends on what font you've set as system and what as titlebar (if not system one is used for titlebar)16:03
desrtsrsly... they use the wifi on this thing as a selling point16:04
* desrt wants money back16:04
seb128Laney, larsu, Trevinho, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-settings/15.10.316:09
Laneysee you!17:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
didrockssee you Laney17:08
willcookeg'night all19:03
asteraiHi guys, )))21:33
asteraiI registered on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ and now i looking for a some trivial task.21:34
asteraiMy some on help me, to delegate(assignate) a task?21:35

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