
RAOFDear glmark2-es2-mir. Why are you hanging in a syscall on mako?00:19
RAOFARGH! What fool enables -Werror in the release build!01:58
RAOFOk, that's officially weird.02:18
RAOFkdub: You don't happen to be here, do you?02:22
RAOFHm. Why isn't libmirclient9 installed?02:33
robert_ancellRAOF, it appears I don't have Debian git commit access - can you sync over xserver-xorg-video-* changes?03:46
robert_ancellI can send you git patches if that helps03:46
RAOFI certainly can.03:46
RAOFI'm heading out to the physio now, but I'll get to it when I get back.03:46
robert_ancellRAOF, no rush03:47
robert_ancellRAOF, glamor runs in software right?04:14
c74d<https://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/using_mir_on_pc.html> seems to assume that I'm using X11. Can I use Mir without X11?04:20
robert_ancellc74d, yes, you can use Mir without X11 (for example running the Unity 8 desktop)04:21
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RAOFWell, *that's* entirely non-obvious.06:30
DalekSecRAOF: Oh hey then, does that mean you work on xorg in Debian too?  Happen to know if #787144 has a chance of being fixed soon/before the next upstream release? :D06:32
RAOFDalekSec: I don't know, sorry.06:34
DalekSecHey sure no problem, was a shot in the dark.  I'm sorry to have taken it here.06:34
RAOFNo need to be sorry :)06:47
RAOFTo the “hm, will this work” CI-a-tron!07:04
RAOFYou know, if protobuf wasn't so adamant about being never being dynamically loaded we could actually embed the protocol stuff in libmirclient and libmirserver...07:11
* duflu shrugs07:16
dufluOK, progress of the unexpected sort: Turns out this is another case of the test methodology being buggy and not the product07:16
RAOFduflu: Do you happen to know where the buffer-semantics-rework doc is?07:27
dufluRAOF: Nope. I was mostly uninvolved07:27
alan_galf_: is the new comment enough for you? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/NestedServer.posts_when_scene_has_visible_changes/+merge/26110308:30
alf_alan_g: yes, thanks08:31
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screwssswhat is mir15:41
alan_gscrewsss: see the channel topic15:46
racarrGood morning! found bug testing touch stream rewriter yesterday....working on that now16:00
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