
infinitymicahg: Last run was 7m ago, so I guess it cleared up?00:46
micahgso it seems :), thanks00:48
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GunnarHjAnybody who can accept the ubuntu-docs package in the vivid upload queue? Needs to be built this week.09:42
cjwatsonwait what10:33
jamespage^^ those two new python-oslo.XX packages are source package renames from Debian12:37
jamespageI'll raise a bug to get the old ones removed in wily12:37
micahgarges: would you have a moment to look at this please? (SRU question) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/lua-json/+bug/1443288/comments/815:39
ubot93Launchpad bug 1443288 in lua-json (Ubuntu Utopic) "Unusable in Trusty; upgrade to 1.3.2" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:39
argesmicahg: looking15:40
argesmicahg: so the fix for lua 5.2 can't just be added to 1.3-1ubuntu0.1 as a patch easily?15:41
micahgI'm not sure if there's a smaller patch or not, but it seems the whole 1.3.1 release was for lua5.2 compatibility15:42
argesmicahg: yea looks like it15:42
micahgso, it would seem that's important for the LTS15:42
argesmicahg: so seems reasonable as the update is a bugfix-only update.15:43
micahgok, so I'm ok to backport the utopic SRU then, it's 1.3.1 + the fix for the bug in question15:44
argesseems reasonable to me15:45
micahgok, thanks15:45
micahgre ^^ give me one second to double check that fixes the issue15:50
micahgyep, it's good15:52
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