
bujjii am not able to create a file using special character touch *.txt ..??05:04
bujjiand also same way "touch `.txt" but "touch ``.txt"--->its creating hidden file.05:05
mapps1 more e then bed05:18
mappsamerican oddyssey seems good05:18
bujjihey any one.05:29
mappstouch file.txt doesnt work?05:31
bujjii can able to create a directory/file with * in empty directory.but if any files are there its not creating a file with * like "touch *" but its exit status is "0" when i type "echo $?"  ..??05:52
bujjiany idea?05:53
bujjiokey bye )))05:59
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoomorning bashrc_08:06
diploMorning all08:19
davmor2Morning all08:19
MooDoomorning davmor2 davmor208:23
MooDoomorning davmor2 diplo08:23
davmor2MooDoo: dude I know you missed me but you don't have to make up greeting honest ;)08:24
diploheheheh, more MooDoo :)08:24
diplooh my, typos here too, morning*08:24
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:29
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:32
ujjainuh, remind me to drink less08:35
TheGeekHmmmm, I've been at work for an hour and a half and no ones came to the office (including colleagues) and I haven't received an email since 8am...08:36
diploujjain: On a Monday night ( school night! ) oh dear08:36
davmor2ujjain: drink more....water08:36
ujjainI had to 500ml,08:37
ujjainI was in Mallorca yesterday, not working, traveling home08:37
ujjainstill free alcohol, I spent 220 pounds on a 4 day all-inclusive08:37
ujjainbut i regret the last drinks08:37
foobarryeveryone always regrets the last drinks08:39
diploI've had 2 stag do's and 2 weddings in the last month, I regreat ALL the alcohol, but it HAD to be done :)08:39
foobarryi had my half-pint of beer for the year last week08:40
foobarrywasn't actually the best one i could have chosen either08:41
davmor2diplo: I see what you did there, you mispronounce "but I had to be pickled"08:41
diploI don't really drink that much normally, but I won't let the side down when called to action :D08:48
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Cars Day! 😃08:49
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV1_7R_3cXA08:54
JamesTaitOh you git, davmor2!08:55
davmor2JamesTait: you're welcome08:55
davmor2JamesTait: I guess it earwormed you :)08:56
JamesTaitdavmor2, it's OK, I'm listening to Let It Go to get rid of it. 😉08:57
ujjaindiplo, what is a stag do?09:00
ujjaina bachelor party in UK english?09:00
ujjainah cool09:00
ujjain3 weeks ago I wanted to go early from the pub09:01
ujjainI took a half pint09:01
ujjainsmart decision09:01
ujjainbut after that I took a full pint09:01
ujjaincrappy decision09:01
ujjaincrappy friday morning09:01
diploThe first stag do started at 4pm Friday and finished at 6pm Sunday! Oh my I'm too old for that now :)09:04
SuperMattI was too old for stags when I went to my first one09:04
SuperMattI was probably born 4009:04
foobarrySuperMatt: don't you do dancing?09:05
SuperMattI do do dancing, yes09:05
foobarryi am 4009:06
foobarrymy stag was a beer and curry09:06
foobarrymy ideal stag is an evening of catching up with the lads  playing pool etc09:07
SuperMattpretty much my idea too09:07
foobarrywhen you are young you see all your mates all the time09:07
foobarryas age and commitments grow you cherish social time together so you really just want to catch up with them rather than do things09:08
diploBoth these were stag dos for people 5~ years younger than me, they still enjoy drinking heavily09:15
diploAnd not parents :)09:15
foobarryi went on a stag to the tomatina festival09:16
foobarryone of the best things i ever did09:16
diploWe did canoeing down the river wye, was actually good fun..09:17
foobarrynew guy brought his clicky keyboard in his bag on his first day :)09:18
foobarrythen installed arch09:20
foobarryi thought arch was just a wiki09:20
SuperMattit's probably the best source of linux knowledge I have ever come across09:20
ujjainI had a lithuanian stag last month09:20
ujjainfriday to sunday09:21
ujjainwas fun, we did paintball too09:21
ujjaindrunk lithuanians were scary as fuck, paintball hurts09:21
SuperMattdid you do drunk paintball?09:21
popeyi went paintballing with south africans once, against a team of black people. that was scary09:21
ujjainscotch paintball09:21
popeyone of the saffers said "hey, see any coloured, shoot em in the face!"09:22
SuperMattdrunk paintball seems to me like the worst idea ever09:22
popeyoh I dunno :)09:22
popeypainkiller :)09:22
ujjainwell, they say russians are the scariest white people, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofx7w_7dDEc - lithuanians seemed very soviet, the paintball building was very soviet09:22
ujjaindrunk paintball was fun, less painful09:22
ujjainbut you have to be careful with your vizer, don't take it off unless really completely completely outside of battle zone09:23
ujjainI got 2 direct shots to my vizer09:23
popeyooh http://store.bq.com/en/ubuntu-edition-e510:01
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:10
brobostigonmorning bigcalm10:13
MooDoohowdy bigcalm10:13
* awilkins is waiting for the Ubuntu Convergophone10:15
zmoylan-piwhen a nokia and an androidphone love each other very much...10:18
bigcalmNot sure I need to spend £147 on another phone I'm not using yet10:49
TwistedLucidityIt's enormous as well10:58
TwistedLucidityWas all excited for a moment, thought that was the octo-behemoth going on sale10:59
popeythe smallest phone I own now is the zte open11:04
popeybiggest is the mx411:04
davmor2popey: the mx4 is huge11:06
ne2kare these ubuntu phones running native linux, then? i.e. not android/dalvik/art/java/bytecode/jit? does this make them faster?11:15
popeycorrect, they are linux11:15
popeywith gnu userland stuff like bash11:15
ne2kpopey, so you can't install android apps, then11:15
popeythere is no java / dalvik / classlibs installed11:16
ne2khow much faster is it without the dalvik/art/java layer?11:16
popeyhard to say, it's comparing oranges and bananas11:16
ne2kmy understanding was that ART was pretty superoptimized now and didn't really have much performance hit11:17
awilkinsART has the potential to be just as fast as native code11:17
popeyhow much faster is an apple iphone without java?11:17
popey(is the same question)11:17
awilkinsTBH - you can make an app suck, performance wise, on any platform11:17
ne2kof course11:17
awilkinsBut having a platform with fast runtime libraries helps11:18
awilkinsGiven Ubuntu is only on one line of phones I imagine the drivers for the graphics acceleration are all in place11:18
intrbizpopey: is ubuntu phone using the android kernel or stock kernel?11:19
popeywe use a kernel based off the android one11:20
popeybecause we need that for the drivers (gpu / radio etc)11:20
davmor2intrbiz: this has a diagram of roughly how it works https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/11:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
nucc1awilkins: [RE: ART has the potential to be just as fast as native code]. why isn't it?12:23
awilkinsnucc1, Well, it is native code :-)12:23
awilkinsnucc1, Once it's compiled12:23
nucc1subjectively, i'm on the verge of giving up on Android by now… largely because Android runs fine for the first week you buy it, and gets slower as it gets older12:23
popeyI was amazed how quickly sdl apps launch on the ubuntu phone, even the mid/low end one. they start near instantly12:24
nucc1and i've used pretty much every kind of device12:24
nucc1my last phone was a sony xperia z3 with 3GB of RAM as per the specs. It took forever to show the running apps list.12:25
popeyi like the design of sony phones12:25
zmoylan-piit was looking up the apps you were allowed to know it was running :-)12:25
popeythey feel comparable to apple devices in terms of 'premium'12:25
nucc1girlfriend's iphone on the other hand, seemed to be able to predict what you wanted to do next and would show you the screen12:25
popeymy wife loves her iphone and macbook pro12:25
nucc1popey: yes, Sony is the Apple of everything else, in my view.12:25
popeyshe loves the sony telly too :)12:26
nucc1same here12:26
nucc1in Tellies, nothing else comes close to a Sony.12:26
diploBut Sony are teh evil!!``1!11!!!1¬¬¬12:26
nucc1again, i've tried a lot. Samsung continues the typical UI madness, and leave out unbelievably trivial issues. My last Panasonic could play blurays fine at ~25Mbps bitrate, but couldn't play 1080p netflix streams12:27
nucc1ps, the panasonic was a home theatre :d12:27
diploI *need* a new telly, just can't afford it currently, mines a Dell :)12:28
nucc1The sony TV it was paird to could play media over the network at pretty much any bitrate better than the panasonic theatre.12:28
nucc1generally nowadays, i don't even bother buying anything other than a Sony12:28
nucc1i'm interested in checking out the Ubuntu phone, but i haven't yet seen a device that tempts me spec-wise12:29
popeyi do love the sony telly too. emote control even has a netflix dedicated button :S12:29
nucc1and it's hard to give up my chromecast12:29
nucc1diplo: get a chromecast12:30
diplonucc1: Only 1 hdmi slot12:32
diploAs I said, Old!12:32
diploUnless anyone knows if they work through a hdmi switcher?12:32
nucc1diplo: maybe an AV-receiver then. The [ahem!] Sony STR-DN850 has 6 hdmi inputs12:33
diploI always doubted it12:33
diploI#ve been looking at some recently12:33
* diplo looks at that model12:33
nucc1cost £350 when i got mine, and works quite good. The remote-control is absolute simplicity.12:33
nucc1it has one bug though, if your TV supports the HDMI-ARC/CEC spec: it needs to be turned on, off and then on again to be able to control it via the TV remote12:34
diploClose to the price of a TV ( well one that I could afford ) But I want one anyway, looks nice though! Decisions decisions12:34
nucc1if your TV's display quality is good enough, and the screen size is good enough, in my view, the AV receiver is a better purchase12:35
bigcalmWith dhcpd, how do I specify a subnet per interface? My googling is not good12:35
diploOnly issue with the telly ( apart from its probably awful on power usage ) is that it has a slightly loose hdmi slot, but that would be negated by the amp12:35
diplobigcalm: Noooooooooooo can't ask actual technical questions in here!!!!!12:36
nucc1the amp will cost a fair bit though, especially if you also need to buy speakers.12:36
diploGot some fairly decent speaks from before12:36
bigcalmIt could be that I have installed the wrong dhcp server. What's the recommended one?12:37
bigcalmOr maybe not. Using isc-dhcp-server12:37
awilkinsOpenWRT uses dnsmasq12:38
awilkinsand odhcps12:38
awilkinsand odhcpd12:38
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
shaunoseems Disk Utility got all kinds of pretty :)12:55
shaunooops, wrong one12:56
shaunosorry, didn't mean that to come here.  I have the same screen(1) opened on two machines, and keep forgetting they're the same thing12:57
diddledanaah. so disk utility prettyness. pic or it didn't happen :-p12:58
shaunohttp://imgur.com/a/4XC2N  it happened13:00
shauno(the pie chart widget is terrible though. looks good, doesn't act good)13:01
SuperMattcan't really see the point of a disk utility being that pretty, since it's more or less a "use once and forget about it" tool13:04
shaunoI think it's more an overhaul because the logical/physical volume stuff wasn't there before13:05
SuperMattsure, that's important, but it doesn't need to be quite so fluffy13:06
shaunosince they're starting to use logical volumes (think lvm) for more and more things, they had to make an appearance13:06
shaunosure, but if you're reworking it anyway, there's no harm re-working it to 2015 standards rather than 2002 :)13:06
awilkinsI'd like to see a LUKS-on-LVM-with-dm-cache install config for13:08
awilkinsSee : http://askubuntu.com/questions/620480/how-to-install-ubuntu-with-both-disk-encryption-and-ssd-caching13:09
bigcalmMy dhcp server isn't serving on eth2 or eth3 :(13:34
MooDoobigcalm: rubbish13:55
davmor2bigcalm: then you set it up wrong :P13:58
MooDoodavmor2: it's ok he's going to tell us it's service on eth0 or eth1 instead ;)14:00
davmor2just for fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrIqSlt9PXg14:02
MooDoodavmor2: love this one too :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8JEEt2RxI14:16
ujjainhow do I see what I use in mysql? utf-8 etc... I want to check it on a table15:31
ujjainfound it15:37
ujjain    FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, who would forget15:37
ujjainshow create table only showed default charset15:38
intrbizbigcalm: for dhcp you need to specify the interfaces to bind on, /etc/default/dhcpd probably16:26
bigcalmproliant ~ $ greproliant ~ $ grep -i interfaces= /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server16:27
bigcalmINTERFACES="eth2 eth3"16:28
bigcalmp -i interfaces= /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server16:28
bigcalmINTERFACES="eth2 eth3"16:28
bigcalmWhy is my mouse registering double wheel clicks?16:28
bigcalmproliant ~ $ grep -i interfaces= /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server16:28
bigcalmINTERFACES="eth2 eth3"16:28
intrbizbigcalm: you restarted after editing said file?16:28
intrbizbigcalm: want commandline shows in ps aux?16:29
bigcalmIs there a way to check the config is correct?16:29
bigcalmdhcpd    31275  0.0  0.0  19636  6484 ?        Ss   17:08   0:00 dhcpd -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -f -q -4 -pf /run/dhcp-server/dhcpd.pid -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf eth2 eth316:29
bigcalmThat's dhcpd.conf16:30
intrbizbigcalm: what does the following give? : netstat -nlup | grep dhcpd16:32
intrbizbigcalm: do you have a firewall running?16:34
bigcalmNot on the microserver, no16:34
intrbizbigcalm: what is in the dhcpd logs?16:35
bigcalmI can't find them!16:35
intrbizbigcalm: mixed into the general syslog?16:38
bigcalmLooks like it16:39
bigcalmJun  9 17:39:47 proliant dhcpd: Wrote 2 leases to leases file.16:40
bigcalmNothing else appearing in syslog16:40
intrbizbigcalm: sounds promising, what is in /var/lib/dhcp/db/dhcpd.leases16:41
bigcalmThat's interesting16:41
bigcalmJun  9 17:41:33 proliant dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from e0:db:55:bf:e6:1a via eth2: wrong network.16:42
bigcalmJun  9 17:41:47 proliant dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to e0:db:55:bf:e6:1a (iain-laptop) via eth216:42
bigcalmBut the laptop is not accepting it16:42
bigcalmKnow how to clear out the dhcp lease on the client side?16:43
intrbizbigcalm: remove the client lease: /var/lib/dhcpcd/... or /var/lib/dhclient/... and restart networking maybe? is it NetworkManager/16:46
bigcalmWhat the heck?16:49
bigcalmwlan0 has taken a lease of
bigcalmwlan0 should have used
intrbizbigcalm: how is your laptop connected to eth2 / eth3 ?16:52
bigcalmintrbiz: via a dumb switch to eth2 on the microserver. Nothing else is plugged into the dumb switch16:53
bigcalmI removed the leases and resorted to a reboot16:53
bigcalmLaptop now has .80.10016:53
bigcalmWifi should be on .1.x though :(16:54
intrbizsomehow got wifi connected to eth2 / 316:54
bigcalmeth1 is connected to the wifi router16:54
bigcalmLooks like the wifi router is looking for any local dhcp server16:55
intrbizbigcalm: dhcp is broadcast, so the first server to respond on the ethernet domain wins16:55
intrbizbigcalm: but if dhcpd is only listening on eth2+3 that shouldn't be the case16:56
bigcalmI've plugged eth2 on the microserver and the laptop back into the managed switch to see if port grouping will work now16:57
intrbizbigcalm: listening on '' does suggest your dhcp server might be listening on all interfaces16:57
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
SuprEngr_mobileplease ignore this (testing Android setup)18:47
SuperEngineer[whoopee, got the android app setup first time]18:51
bujjiwhy umask is having default permissions for files is 666 for directories 777...20:07
shaunousually it wouldn't.  they're not sensible defaults.20:16
shauno644 for files and 755 for directories is more typical20:17
daftykinsshauno: did you work out that 10.11 permissions hassle?20:17
shaunoyeah.  still not happy with it, but there is a switch for it (an arguement to the kernel at boot)20:17
daftykinsugh nasty20:17
daftykinsso they're properly locking down even root writing to / ?20:18
shaunopretty much20:18
shaunosandbox roles are a lot like SElinux roles.  acl that go way past unix permissions20:18
shaunowhich used to translate to "you can lock it down pretty good if you want to".  it now defaults to such a scenario.20:19
shaunoapparently there is a proper switch for it in the recovery system, the same place you set firmware passwords and such.  but that image current panics on boot for me20:21
daftykinsoh you can actually password lock boot via that recovery thing?20:22
shaunoyeah.  in the Utilities menu in recovery there's a tool to put a password in EFI20:22
shaunoit doesn't prevent boot, it just prevents any boot-time options (booting from other disks, etc)20:23
daftykinsah yeah20:23
shaunoso, eg, you can't boot the recovery image itself without my efi password20:23
daftykinsthat could be handy, though the client with macs is giving hers up soon20:23
daftykinsshe doesn't like them XD20:23
daftykinsah yeah20:23
shaunoaaanyway.  I was just exceptionally grumpy because the previous version (10.10) had a bug in the installer that freaked out if there was too many files in /usr/local20:23
shaunoso I thought I'd be clever and move mine out the way before I upgraded, expecting a repeat.  so this new "security" meant I couldn't put it back  lol20:24
daftykinsdoes that path even normally exist on a mac?20:24
daftykinsah ok20:24
shauno/usr/local and /opt are the two whitelisted locations for this "rootless" stuff20:24
daftykinsi never did get directory structure :>20:26
shaunowell, these are the same as any other OS :)20:26
daftykinsyeah i mean on Loonix in general20:26
daftykinsright, gotta reboot my host for patch tuesday :)20:27
shaunoand I gotta get out on me bike before it gets dark.  adios.20:27
knightwiseyou peeps :-)µ20:56
diddledandaftykins: "host"?21:11
daftykinsi IRC from a VM21:12
daftykinsoh dear lord no, not that tosh21:12
diddledanjust wondering how patch tuesday affects you unless your host is a windows pc21:13
daftykinsamusingly i have a Linux VM atop my Windows file server21:15
diddledanwhat virtualiser do you use then?21:15
daftykinshowever if it were the other way around, i'd have way more reboots for the constant ubuntu kernel updates21:15
daftykinsvmware ws21:15
intrbizdaftykins: you'll be wanting to update then: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/09/vmware_patches_dos_and_code_execution_flaws/21:18
daftykinsthanks, it's about as far from mission critical as you can get though :D21:21
shaunothey say smoking kills.  I think it's the hills.  hills kill.22:28
diddledanhills kill smokers22:33
daftykinswith me cycling everywhere i avoid anything lungs related so i don't get the hassle from it22:35
daftykinscan be really nasty22:35
diddledani get those problems without the smoking tho22:35
shaunoI could nap now.  that was fun22:38
daftykinsdiddledan: eh like coughing issues?22:44
daftykinsshauno: got a little road-bike? doing many miles?22:45
shaunonah, got a nice childish mountain bike22:45
shaunocompletely pointless for galway's lack of mountains, but all the 'proper' ones look silly22:46
ineedhelphey guys, this doesnt really relate to ubuntu but how can i remove a object from a picutre with the background disppearing22:47
daftykinsah s'all good, all i have are mountain bikes22:47
daftykinsmy higher end one needs the drivetrain replaced atm22:47
shaunoguy I work with got a nice expensive .. hybrid? cross .. something22:48
shaunoit looks nifty, but I can't help thinking it's the kinda thing that'd end up in lycra.22:48
ineedhelpi need to remove this white box from the overpicture with the numbers dispearing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fc7f4nvx0wq2ehu/Capture.PNG?dl=022:48
ineedhelpi meant without22:49
ineedhelpcan photoshop or gimz do it22:49
daftykinsshauno: ah the all the gear and no idea types are so big now22:50
daftykinsfriend of my dads' son drops several grand into just wheel rims ¬_¬22:51
daftykinsthe kind of roadies that are so _word here_ that they avoid the cycle lanes and stay on the road to get their times :P22:51
* daftykins shakes his head22:51
shaunoI honestly don't know about that pic.  you don't have much detail remaining behind the white box, and zero chance of recovering anything behind those black borders22:51
shaunothe best I could think of would be to see how far you can push the contrast in that area before it starts looking stupid, and see what comes out of it22:52
ineedhelpshould program can i use22:52
ineedhelpwhat* program should i use22:53
shaunothere I'm less useful.  everything I'm used to is on the mac, so kinda chocolate fireguard22:54
shaunojust trying to suggest that being white on a white background, it's not the white that needs fixing.  it's the text needs darkening22:54
ineedhelpmate, you could be my hero if this works out!!!!!!22:55
shaunoeither way, you still have the issue that what's behind the black borders is basically up to your imagination.  not even daz gonna fix those.22:55
ineedhelpoh crap... didnt notice the numbers behind the black lines22:57
ineedhelp.... so i download demo photoshop, get the dark text darker right22:59
shaunoeven gimp should do that.  look for contrast, it's usually an icon that looks like a moon half black half white, yank it around and see what happens23:01
ineedhelpno paint23:01
shaunoit's been a good 20 years since I've used paint for anything more than pasting screenshots, so couldn't guess what it's capable of these days23:02
diddledanshauno: nothing new methinks23:03
ineedhelpthanks shauno, i be back. Sky is really slow, it taking over 2 hours to download a 82 MB!!!!!23:03
shaunowell, I did notice it can save png now, that's a good start :)23:04
shaunoand fits well with my "why doesn't windows save screenshots as files" workflow23:04
shaunoI do think I need to buy some bike bits though :(23:07
intrbizwish Java supported heredocs :(23:07
shaunoone of my pedals keeps falling off .. the whole arm bit that hangs off the axle23:07
shaunoinside that arm, and the bit that it's meant to go onto, are both chewed to hell23:07
shauno(is it called an axle if there's no wheel? just a crank-shaft of some sort? I assume these things have names ..)23:09
intrbizcrank merely means a bend in a shaft23:12
intrbizwheels rotate on an axle23:13
shaunohm.  that could be what the pedals live on though? I mean it's 5 different parts, but functionally it's a bent shaft23:13
intrbizpedals are attached to a cranked shaft23:14
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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