
cmaloneyGood morning13:52
rick_h_party party13:52
rick_h_so finally have the firm ok to go to mug tonight13:52
phweloas do I, my first one will be this evening13:54
rick_h_ah cool13:54
cmaloneyphwelo: Awesome!14:01
cmaloneyrick_h_: Very cool. I have something for you for your new mode of transportation14:01
rick_h_cmaloney: lol, ruh roh14:04
cmaloneyNothing big. :)14:04
phwelodamn, interviewed for that Ford position last night at 3:30p and already got the offer :D14:11
wolfgerand it was a good offer?14:13
mrgoodcatcscheib: yea it does haha14:13
mrgoodcatcmaloney: a syscall hung indefinitely on a process that was using more and more RAM and CPU resources. Since it was stuck on a syscall the SIGKILL signal was indefinitely queued.  Ended up having to reboot the hard way using the magic SysRq key since I don't have physical access14:16
jrwrenthat sounds like the easy way.14:18
jrwrenthe hard way is using physical access :)14:18
phwelowolfger: it's above what my wife and I settled on as a minimum, and it's going to get me experience with the topics I was looking for.  double plus14:26
rick_h_phwelo: what's 'the topics I was looking for'?14:27
phwelomass deployment/cluster management/linux, the big compute stuff basically14:28
wolfger<jedi hand wave> These are not the topics you're looking for. </jedi hand wave>14:29
rick_h_phwelo: hah, I read that as 'maas deployment' :)14:30
* rick_h_ does too much work14:30
phwelothat would be a boring job14:30
mrgoodcatjrwren: the hard part was figuring out what the f$%# was going on14:32
mrgoodcatphwelo: congrats on the job offer14:33
phweloty mrgoodcat i'm pretty stoked14:34
phweloor i was until wolfger's jedi min trick14:35
wolfgerlol. Sorry.14:36
wolfgerPlease, be stoked again.14:36
cmaloneyphwelo: That's awesome!14:44
cmaloneyunrelated: I moved my blog to Pelican14:45
cmaloneyplease let me know if I broke something. :)14:46
brouschLoads fast14:46
brouschYou could at least link to Pelican in your post :P14:46
mrgoodcatstatic blogging ftw indeed14:47
mrgoodcatmy site is rendered in JS client side but only static files are served so I'm not sure what you call mine14:48
mrgoodcatthere is rendering being done but i'm gonna go ahead and call it static anyways14:49
cmaloneybrousch: They're all over the site. :)14:50
cmaloneybrousch: I'm also going to put up a proper post on why I switched.14:51
rick_h_cmaloney: awesome14:51
cmaloneyrick_h_: Thanks. :)14:51
rick_h_cmaloney: photos sohuld link to photos.google.com?14:52
cmaloneyI don't know what the link is14:52
cmaloneyeg: how do I give a generic link to someone so they can view.14:53
wolfgercmaloney: either you broke your feed or you haven't been posting, Mr. Javascript Slacker14:54
rick_h_cmaloney: good point...guess it just links to collections/etc14:54
cmaloneywolfger: I've been working on my blog14:54
cmaloneyfunnily enough the reason I switched was because of Javascript learning14:54
cmaloneybut yeah, this weekend was pretty shot.14:54
wolfgerDepending on how recently you posted "Pelican Taking Flight", your feed broke14:56
wolfgerso, you know, alert those 3 people xD14:57
mrgoodcatcmaloney: some wordpress formatting code is still in your blog as plaintext15:14
mrgoodcatlook by the images in http://decafbad.net/2015/06/02/steve-jobs-biography/15:14
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, that image needs fixing15:58
cmaloneyI used Markdown in Wordpress and it needs fixing.15:58
cmaloneywolfger: Is the feed still broken?15:59
wolfgerstill hasn't hit my reader16:01
cmaloneywolfger: Has it hit yet?17:18
cmaloneyYou'll probably seeit around August.17:40
rick_h_cmaloney: here you go, app activation at the container/system level vs just uwsgi https://plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/PpZVHD5Gfju18:55
brouschcmaloney: I see the pelican post in my newsreader18:56
cmaloneyrick_h_: Awesome!18:57
cmaloneybrousch: Cool. Thanks!18:58
cmaloneybrousch: Which newsreader?18:58
jrwrendid someone say uwsgi? :)19:01
rick_h_the place cmaloney works at found uwsgi's ability to shut down apps and bring them up on first request quite useful19:02
rick_h_the post there seems like lxd can do that for the whole container now19:02
jrwrenah sweet!19:02
rick_h_Socket activation with Systemd19:03
cmaloneyWe've since turned UWSGI into our swiss-army knife and dessert topping19:03
rick_h_lawn chair, monitoring system, coffee dispenser19:03
jrwrencmaloney: uwsgi all the things!19:03
cmaloneyqueueing and tasking19:03
jrwrencmaloney: have you got it serving asp.net yet?19:03
cmaloneyjrwren: I think I'd rather eat at Hardee's.19:04
rick_h_what a fine OS you have there19:04
* rick_h_ wishes he can find hte thing where some big company took out some 0mq or something for scheduling because they finally realized ther kernel kind of did that for them19:04
jrwrenI think that socket activation is for the lxd daemon itself, not for containers that it spawns.19:04
rick_h_jrwren: ah, well that's not as fun19:05
jrwrenrick_h_: agreed. I was all excited there for a second :)19:05
jrwrenbut its "just" this: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/commit/c4eb0e6bfccb89ee9d003b0ff2d1632881b6400519:05
jrwrenwhich is still pretty cool.19:05
rick_h_so was I, I love the idea of all these apps we write being in a container only started up/activated when I go to debug/talk to it19:05
cmaloneyYeah, that's handy19:06
rick_h_jrwren: ah ok well19:06
rick_h_maybe for 2.019:06
cmaloneyso you basically can have a bunch of things sitting "hibernated" waiting for requests.19:06
jrwrenrick_h_: :)   or maybe for 0.13?19:06
jrwrencmaloney: right, but there is barely a difference between that and a processing blocked and waiting for Accept() :]19:06
jrwrenwell, ok. I take it back. there is a difference.19:07
cmaloneySave for the ability to be removed from memory.19:07
cmaloneyif I'm understanding properly.19:07
jrwreninetd for container services.19:08
cmaloneyyeah, that's what I was thinking19:10
jrwrenits nice to see us reaping the benefits of systemd already :)19:11
phwelocmaloney, do you keep mug.org?  error when trying to follow the "i'll be there" button.  http://pastebin.com/G7uWRp9q20:12
cmaloneyGod I really hate Smarty.20:16
cmaloneysigh. Thanks. :)20:16
phweloso i'll be there ;) hehe20:16
cmaloneyI think it has something to do with the template I'm using for creating the meetings.20:24
cmaloneyI'm going to try creating a new one.20:24
cmaloney(for the next meeting)20:24
wolfgercmaloney: yes, Newsblur21:11
widoxcmaloney: you should enjoy this http://curlpipesh.tumblr.com/  :)21:15
cmaloneywidox: THanks for that. :)21:26
tony-smlrthe MUG  Michigan!/Usr/Group  starting soon!  http://youtu.be/B3UGxQphuaU22:39

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