
skitsI thought about going to 15.* but i see its not till 16 that the next lts is released :/00:00
hr49_piHello. I am having occasional black screens after resuming from suspend. (I do not know how to reproduce the issue.) I took a look at my Xorg.1.log, which reports that /dev/fb0 does not exist before terminating. (log: http://pastebin.com/KjEix873) I am running Xubuntu 15.04 on a computer with an NVIDIA 550 Ti with the nvidia-346-updates driver, though I have also had this issue with Ubuntu 14.04, Xubuntu00:00
hr49_pi14.04, and 14.10 with nvidia-304-updates and nvidia-340-updates. Any insight (perhaps just where else to look to diagnose the problem further) would be appreciated.00:00
ObrienDaveskits, LTS is every 2 years00:08
skitsah. Makes sense. Man, the people here are very polite and helpful. Thanks everyone :)00:10
ObrienDaveyou won't always think that ;P lol00:11
skits"shrugs" everyone has a bad day and I imagine there thousands of questions a day here and some......aggravating at best to answer.  I think I can forgive a  f aux pas or two :P00:14
mikubuntupavlos: i'm back - wonder if you thought of any way to do this with this hp mini 1000. i remember *a long time ago* that i had a system with a broadcom problem, and somehow we downloaded the driver to a disk, and installed it. this little box doesn't have a cd port, but would it be possible to get the driver onto a usb and install it via the 2nd usb port?00:19
pavlosmikubuntu, are you running live usb now?00:26
mikubuntupavlos: yes, lubuntu 1204 live00:26
pavlosmikubuntu, I dont have L here but is there a system settings | software and updates00:27
pavlosmikubuntu, if there an additional drivers?00:27
pavlosmikubuntu, there may be an option to wnable wifi drivers00:28
mikubuntupavlos: yes theres the software updater00:28
pavlosmikubuntu, no, software updater is different00:29
pavlosanyone familiar wiht lubuntu online?00:29
mikubuntupavlos: yes there's the button to retrieve additional drivers, but it didn't function on the wire00:30
mikubuntupavlos: thats why i wondered if i could dl the driver to a usb, and then install it that way.00:31
pavlosmikubuntu, somehow I think you need to figure out why the wired does not work? bad cable? reboot modem?00:31
pavlosmikubuntu, if you know the driver sure you can put it in the other usb and istall it00:31
mikubuntupavlos: the same modem is feeding wifi to this laptop00:31
pavlosmikubuntu, what modem is it?00:32
mikubuntupavlos: modem is an att gateway00:32
pavlosmikubuntu, so the modem provide wifi plus it has an ethernet port but somehow when you connect the mini, it does not get wired connection00:33
histomikubuntu: what chipset is your wireless?00:34
mikubuntupavlos: correct00:34
mikubuntuhisto: i forgot how to determine that -- command?00:35
pavlosmikubuntu, lspci00:35
pavlosmikubuntu, probably you have a bcm43xx00:35
mikubuntupavlos: oooooh, thats what TJ had me do earlier, and i got about 13 pages of output full of error msgs, debug, warning -- i wanted to post it to pastebin but din't know how to export from the machine -- can i use a usb to export so i could post for you?00:37
histomikubuntu: lspci | grep Network00:37
mikubuntuhisto: how to i make the 'l' symbol again?00:38
pavlosmikubuntu, that is the pipe symbol, above enter with shift00:39
mikubuntupavlos: ok i see it00:39
pavlosmikubuntu, lspci should not give you 13 pages!00:39
pavlosmikubuntu, lspci gives the devices you have on the pci bus, usually the last reads, Network Controller00:40
mikubuntupavlos: i copied it into an abiword document and it was over 12 pages in landscape render00:40
pavlosmikubuntu, can you try what histo suggested? lspci | grep Network00:42
pavlosmikubuntu, the result should be ONE lines00:42
mikubuntupavlos: Network controller: Broadcom BCM4312 802.11 b/g LP0PHY (rev 01)00:45
mikubuntupavlos: Broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)00:46
pavlosmikubuntu, ok00:47
histomikubuntu: you'll need linux-firmware-nonfree00:47
histo!offline | mikubuntu00:47
ubottumikubuntu: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD00:47
mikubuntuhisto: ok, but not sure what you're referring to00:48
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as dumbledore
histomikubuntu: you need to install that package it should contain firmware for your card to work00:49
pavlosmikubuntu, can you make another live usb for lubuntu 14.04? it may have that chipset supported00:49
mikubuntuhisto: so you want me to use synaptic? not sure if i have it on this box but i can download it00:49
histomikubuntu: you can download the packages on another box and install them00:51
mikubuntupavlos: i have a 1404 lubuntu, but i can't get it to load live -- right after the splash it goes to black screen of death. we tried altering the kernel string with nomodeset, acpi-OFF, forcepae, etc to no avail00:51
histomikubuntu: I thought you had wireless problems?00:52
pavlosmikubuntu, somehow I think the wired issue needs to be resolved first00:52
mikubuntuhisto: yes i have wireless problem on the hp mini 1000, not on my laptop00:52
pavlosmikubuntu, even with 12.04 you should be able to connect wired. If not, something is not ok00:53
mikubuntuthe wireless on the mini works fine in xp, so i think its not broken, i just don't have the right linux driver for it00:53
pavlosmikubuntu, does the wired work on XP?00:54
mikubuntupavlos: i suppose the eth0 cord could be damaged?00:54
pavlosmikubuntu, try another cable00:54
histomikubuntu: what is your current question then?00:54
mikubuntupavlos: that i don't know because i didn't have a problem with it00:55
pavloshisto, his wifi does not work but he cannot go wired so he cant get the bcm43 driver00:55
mikubuntupavlos: but i could get the bcm43 driver on a stick and install it, yes?00:56
EriC^^pavlos: i think it's on the live usb in pool/main/b00:56
histomikubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-firmware-nonfree00:56
pavlosEriC^^, can you guide him?00:56
mikubuntuhisto: so this package includes the bcm drivers?00:57
histoI thought it was on live usb as well00:57
EriC^^mikubuntu: do you have a live usb?00:58
mikubuntuEriC^^: yes, running lubuntu 1204 live00:59
EriC^^ok, plug it in00:59
mikubuntuso histo -- i don't see the actual download link on that page01:01
histomikubuntu: don't download that if you're using 12.0401:03
mikubuntupavlos: i do have synaptic on this box -- were you saying to dl the linux-firmware-nonfree from there?01:03
histomikubuntu: just listen to EriC^^01:03
mikubuntuhisto EriC^^ pavlos  i would prefer to be using lub 1404 but we could not diagnose why it was going to black screen -- what could be different between 1204 and 1404 to cause that?01:04
botchCan I ask a question?01:05
pavlosmikubuntu, trying lubuntu 12.04 in a VM so I can follow01:05
histo!ask | botch01:05
ubottubotch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:05
Bashing-ombotch: It is ubuntu related ? then ask !01:05
botchI just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 and cannot get the flash to work.  No twitch.tv stream or any Facebook videos.  Is Flash available in Ubuntu 14.04?01:06
botchI've tried pepper-flash and even upgrading the flash-plugin but to no avail.01:07
histo!info flashplugin-nonfree01:08
ubottuPackage flashplugin-nonfree does not exist in vivid01:08
mikubuntuoh, and just because i believe in full disclosure -- when i get wifi working, still going to have this issue: https://roomforcreativity.wordpress.com/2012/08/06/installing-ubuntu-12-04-on-hp-mini-210-1000/01:09
botch!info flashplugin-nonfree01:09
wastrelwi 701:09
histo!info flasplugin-downloader01:09
ubottuPackage flasplugin-downloader does not exist in vivid01:09
kostkon!info flashplugin-installer trusty01:09
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 6 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)01:10
botch...Just for clarification, I put Ubuntu on this laptop due to security and personal want.  I will be moving back to Windows 8 by the end of the summer if I can't get flash to  work01:10
botch...AND .... I don't know terminal very well01:10
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
histobotch: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/install-adobe-flash-in-ubuntu-14-04-lts/01:12
histobotch: you should just need to the flashplugin-installer package01:12
histobotch: the reason we tell  youto use terminal here is it's easier than click here, then there, etc... if you just open a terminal and sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer  you should be good.01:13
mikubuntubotch: if you want to own it, you'll get it. this community will help you learn, or you can be a slave to ms forever. i stopped using ms in 2007, and never looked back.01:13
botchI wonder why I've never heard of ubuntuhandbook.org....I think I could actually get this laptop to be my main computer.  (I spent over $2000 on a mac recently because I needed a work / school /personal computer that works).01:14
leafybasilCan anyone tell me why ZSH halts after like 25 lines?01:14
histo!manual | botch01:14
ubottubotch: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:14
botchso when I see !something , do I just type the !something  ?01:15
botchin this chat?01:15
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone01:15
histobotch: no that's people issuing triggers to ubottu to send you a link or information.01:16
histobotch: we use the bot to answer common questions in here.01:16
botchI'm not understanding the !thing thing01:16
histobotch: It's people sending a trigger to ubottu.  Ubottu is a bot we use him to send information to you01:17
mikubuntupavlos: i be back in 5-7 min01:18
histobotch: like above I typed !manual | botch   that told ubottu to print out the manual page info for you.01:18
botchthe page shared on Ubuntuhandbook.org did not work01:21
histobotch: are you runnign 64 bit of 32bit ubuntu?01:21
botch64 bit01:21
histobotch: do you use firefox or chromium for your browsing?01:22
botchfirefox.  I think I had it on a previous install on this system but since the crash and reinstall, I'm back at square one.  Firefox only01:22
histobotch: open the software center and search for flashplugin-installer   install that package01:23
botchEven in firefox, videos are not available on Facebook01:23
botchhisto - it's already installed01:23
B0g4r7botch, I installed pepperflashplayer and it worked for me.  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/06/install-pepper-flash-chromium-ubuntu-14-0401:23
OerHeksInstall Chrome, for flash & DRM.01:23
OerHeks= pepperflash01:23
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
B0g4r7But yeah.  I use Chromium, not FF.01:24
histobotch: okay so the only thing not working is videos on facebook?01:25
histobotch: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/  does that page display properly?01:26
nemithfacebook videos should be html501:27
RazzdollI have a wired, and wireless connection, but when I do a ifconfig, the wired only brings up an IP. the wireless is up, but doesnt cooperate. Can someone help me on this01:28
nemither nm01:28
mikubuntupavlos: i don't understand virtual machines, do you set it up to have the same configurations as the machine you want to troubleshoot?01:29
pavlosmikubuntu, tried but failed with 12.04 I will try with 14.0401:29
mikubuntupavlos: i would obviously prefer to get 1404 running if we could just figure out how to get the black screen issue resolved. i have 1404 on a stick still01:31
pavlosmikubuntu, I'm not familiar with lubuntu so I'm learning ... any change you can try just ubuntu either 12.04 or 14.04?01:31
pavlosmikubuntu, the blank screen implies video issues, you could try to boot as TEXT01:31
mikubuntupavlos: we tried that today, and it loaded but hung up -- to much load on this little machine someone suggested01:32
doug00is it possible to force i915 to stay at "slow" gpu clock?01:32
doug00I have a couple of games that draw excessive fps and make it hot01:32
pavlosmikubuntu, ubuntu 12.04 should be less resources01:32
mikubuntupavlos: thats what i had, it hung up badly01:33
pavlosmikubuntu, I guess I hope someone else comes to help ... I'm out of ideas01:34
mikubuntupavlos: lubuntu doesn't seem strained at all, aside from these issues01:34
pavlosmikubuntu, is there a local group in your town where you can get help?01:35
mikubuntupavlos: not that i know of01:35
botchI got google chrome installed and the blank question mark icon is in Unity now.  Videos work for facebook there but still not in Firefox, my preferred browser01:36
mikubuntupavlos:  there's AA, but i quit drinking .. lol01:36
pavlosmikubuntu, have you tried xubuntu 12.0401:37
mikubuntupavlos: no, should that be our plan b for now01:37
pavlosmikubuntu, I mean, if you look online for hp mini 1000 ubuntu, there is a bunch of links01:38
mikehgentryHi. Does anyone know of a DM that I can force *not* to remember the last used session? In other words, I want to be able to select sessions from a list, but if I log out, I *always* want a specific session to be selected. Using Xubuntu 14.04. Thanks.01:38
mikubuntupavlos: so you think i should dl xub 1204 and try?01:39
pavlosmikubuntu, I'm more concerned about the wired ... I would boot into xp and see if I get wired net (to rule anything faulty)01:40
soqetssomeone's having trouble with their internet?01:41
pavlossoqets, yes mikubuntu01:41
pavlossoqets, running Lubuntu01:41
soqetsI'm new to linux so I can't help much, but I was having trouble with getting internet01:42
botchI just read an article from June of last year.  Google Chrome is the only one that uses the latest flash software.  So much for firefox, I have work I have to do, goodnight01:42
mikubuntupavlos: ok i get back to you in a few, its in another room01:42
soqetsmikubuntu: when are you having trouble getting internet?01:42
soqetsIf you're using a realtek card, then that's probably the reason01:43
pavlossoqets, he has an hp mini 1000, running lubuntu live cannot get wireless01:43
soqetsah wireless. i can't help with that. sorry :(01:43
mikubuntusoqets: i think we determined that its a broadcom card01:43
=== charging1awk is now known as charginghawk
charginghawkaskubuntu is awesome - they helped me fix my networking issue01:44
=== bill is now known as Guest66144
charginghawkit feels great to have networking - thanks askubuntu.com01:44
soqetstry installing the wireless drivers. maybe that'll help01:45
* charginghawk feels PUMPED01:45
charginghawkactually, my ethernet was down, it only worked with old kernels and in safe mode, it was a bad scene all around01:46
mikubuntupavlov b4 i log out of lubuntu -- did we determine that we cannot hook my laptop to the mini thru ethernet wire? so i could show you the massive output on lspci?01:46
soqetscharginghawk, i don't even want to talk about my issue . i was about to give up on trying linux01:46
mikubuntupavlos: b4 i log out of lubuntu -- did we determine that we cannot hook my laptop to the mini thru ethernet wire? so i could show you the massive output on lspci?01:47
pavlosmikubuntu, we dont need the putput, we figured that your wireless adapter is bcm431201:47
charginghawksoqets: but you didn't, and that's why we're awesome01:47
mikubuntupavlos: oh thats right :P01:47
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mikubuntupavlos: i'll boot back into xp and see if the wire works01:47
EriC^^!broadcom | mikubuntu01:48
ubottumikubuntu: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:48
soqetsmaybe this can help: http://www.antojose.com/content/solved-how-get-broadcom-bcm4312-80211bg-lp-phy-wirelesswlanwifi-adapter-working-ubuntu-140401:49
soqetsi don't know. just a google card on your adapter01:49
soqets*google search01:49
Idleris it possible to change the uuid of a partition of a device(eg Hard drive)?01:53
Idleris it likley to cause problems if GPT is what the entire system is based on?01:54
ki7mtIdler, uuidgen should do what your after or tune2fs .. -U <new uuid> .. something along those lines.01:54
Idlergpt as in when the uuid is the base ident info used01:54
EriC^^Idler: which partition would you be modifying?01:54
Idlerjust want to know, not actually editing01:55
Idlerif i was to edit01:55
ki7mtIdler, see: man uuidgen01:55
EriC^^Idler: of course it would, you'd have to edit /etc/fstab and fix grub if you were modifying a ext4 fs like / or /boot .. and also if it were the efi partition01:56
EriC^^Idler_: did you get my last message?01:57
Idler_i was gonna ask, is that the safeest way to get another uuid?01:57
EriC^^no about it affecting stuff01:57
Idler_then no01:57
EriC^^Idler: of course it would, you'd have to edit /etc/fstab and fix grub if you were modifying a ext4 fs like / or /boot .. and also if it were the efi partition01:57
Idler_alrightis tghe01:58
pavlosmikubuntu, I have to leave in 10 min. Hope someone else has time ...01:58
mikubuntuok pavlos just to let you know -- the wire works in xp i went to hulu.com and its coming over live02:02
mikubuntupavlos: i do want to thank you for all your time -- we gave it the good ol college effort. i am dl xubuntu 1204 now as you suggested, maybe by accident it will work where lubuntu failed02:03
mikubuntupavlos: the mini has a wireless disabling switch which i used to be sure i was getting feed from the wire02:05
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork
__Myst__Urgent issue:02:23
__Myst__My Wi-Fi randomly drops, and won't reconnect unless I reboot02:23
__Myst__What can I do? I can provide most info.02:23
cos__you ren ma ?02:27
mikubuntugod xubuntu is taking forEVER to dl02:35
jmaderoevening all - my eject button isn't ejecting dvd's - anyone around to help?02:41
__Myst__jmadero: Have you checked it's sending the right signal?02:41
__Myst__right key*02:41
OerHeksjmadero, also in terminal? eject && eject t02:42
jmaderoeject from terminal works fine02:42
jmadero__Myst__: how do I check the signal thing?02:42
__Myst__jmadero: Run this02:43
__Myst__xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '^KeyRelease' | sed -n '/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p02:43
__Myst__A gui will pop up02:43
__Myst__just press the eject key and close it02:43
__Myst__Look in the console and paste output02:43
__Myst__(should be one line)02:43
jmadero__Myst__: no GUI popped up02:43
jmaderoand no output to console after pushing eject02:44
__Myst__Do you have xev?02:45
__Myst__You should have it prebundled02:45
Blue_SapphireIf there's anyone here using Android Studio, I get the error that the rendering library is more recent than my version of Android Studio and that I need to update studio but I already have the latest stable version, 1.2. What do i need to do to fix this? Is it possible to downgrade my rendering library so that it can work with studio?02:45
__Myst__try typing xev on its own02:45
jmadero__Myst__: yes xev alone works02:45
* __Myst__ shrugs02:46
__Myst__literally no output?02:46
__Myst__try presing a few more keys efore02:46
jmadero__Myst__: with that first long command taht you gave02:46
jmaderono GUI popped up ata ll02:47
__Myst__Just exited?02:47
jmadero__Myst__: no terminal just showed a > on a new line02:47
__Myst__incomplete command?02:49
__Myst__xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '\''^KeyRelease'\'' | sed -n '\''/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'\''02:49
__Myst__this is it02:49
jmadero__Myst__: same result02:51
mgholaanyone know why I can't send to channel on ##linux even though I'm registered and identified?02:51
* __Myst__ shrugs02:51
__Myst__that same command works for me, jmadero02:51
__Myst__actually no it doesn't02:51
__Myst__to that command add a "'"02:52
__Myst__without the "02:52
jmaderoat the end?02:52
Blue_SapphireIf there's anyone here using Android Studio, I get the error that the rendering library is more recent than my version of Android Studio and that I need to update studio but I already have the latest stable version, 1.2. What do i need to do to fix this? Is it possible to downgrade my rendering library so that it can work with studio?02:52
__Myst__actualy, just remove the last quote02:52
__Myst__so it's02:52
__Myst__xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '\''^KeyRelease'\'' | sed -n '\''/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'\'02:52
jmadero__Myst__: GUI came up - no output with eject key02:55
jmaderoI know eject key works fine though (works in bios and in Windows)02:55
__Myst__jmadero: What kind of eject key is it?02:56
__Myst__Try other keys, jmadero02:56
jmaderoDell Studio 173702:56
jmaderono output from any key this way (when I just did xev I got output with other keys)02:57
mgholaI have a boot loader problem.02:57
__Myst__jmadero: I took that from the arch-wiki02:57
jmaderomghola: please just describe the problem02:58
__Myst__look up "arch-wiki xev"02:58
jmadero__Myst__: will do02:58
mgholaAfter clean installs of ubuntu 14, 15, debian 8, lmde 2 after one or two boots the boot loader fails and system can't boot02:58
__Myst__mghola: boot loader being..?02:59
mgholagrub i assume 202:59
jmadero__Myst__: seems like this is a known problem (I should have googled a bit)02:59
jmaderotrying easy solution now03:00
__Myst__jmadero: Arch wiki is a wonderful resource03:00
__Myst__Even if you're not on arch03:00
__Myst__it has helped me03:00
mgholai should mention that if I reinstall grub from livecd it will typically work for one or two more boots03:01
jmaderomghola: does it spit out errors?03:01
jmaderoneed more info to try to help then "it stops working after 2 times"03:02
neonixcoderhi team.. I installed 140.04 LTS from a USB bootable device on a custom built hardware which is having CF card as disk to install.03:04
neonixcoderInstallation went fine with out any issue..03:04
nopeaare there any decent on how to install Apache2/MySQL/PHP on Ubuntu Server 12?03:04
nopeadecent guides I mean03:04
Blue_SapphireIf there's anyone here using Android Studio, I get the error that the rendering library is more recent than my version of Android Studio and that I need to update studio but I already have the latest stable version, 1.2. What do i need to do to fix this? Is it possible to downgrade my rendering library so that it can work with studio?03:04
neonixcoderbut when booting up.. after couple of secs when kernel is loading the screen off it self..03:04
neonixcoderAny suggestions?03:05
jmaderomghola: keep the chat here so that there are more people who can offer assistance and others can learn from your issues03:05
jmaderomghola: please get the exact error..."something like" isn't enough (sorry)03:05
Bashing-om!nomodeset | neonixcoder Maybe graphics driver releated03:06
ubottuneonixcoder Maybe graphics driver releated: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:06
neonixcoderBashing-om: Let me check that link03:06
mgholaoh wow, that could explain alot I have had mysterious black screen on previous installs03:07
jmaderois there a way to silence the connections/disconnections03:08
jmaderoin this room they get distracting03:08
nopeaI am able to setup all the pieces of LAMP on Ubuntu Desktop (12.04) but not Server03:08
Bashing-ommghola: :) ; Learn a lot hanging out in the right places .03:08
mgholaI don't understand why it would boot normally a couple of times in that case and then just act like I installed without a boot partition.03:09
Blue_SapphireIf there's anyone here using Android Studio, I get the error that the rendering library is more recent than my version of Android Studio and that I need to update studio but I already have the latest stable version, 1.2. What do i need to do to fix this? Is it possible to downgrade my rendering library so that it can work with studio?03:10
b4tm4ncan anyone recommend a backup program that supports webdav?03:13
mgholaare the moderators on this site employed by canonical?03:17
neonixcoderBashing-om: I tried that option.. Still I dont see screen display after couple of Kernel booting messages..03:17
neonixcoderAny suggestions?03:18
b4tm4ni really just need something that can copy on fixed intervals using webdav03:18
Blue_SapphireIf there's anyone here using Android Studio, I get the error that the rendering library is more recent than my version of Android Studio and that I need to update studio but I already have the latest stable version, 1.2. What do i need to do to fix this? Is it possible to downgrade my rendering library so that it can work with studio?03:20
B0g4r7b4tm4n, http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/davfs203:20
MrHeavyI'm trying to extend an AppArmor policy with local deny customizations and they aren't working -- I make the changes to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.firefox, reload with aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox, and I can still access the files. Anyone know what's up?03:21
b4tm4nB0g4r7, roger that - i've got that installed, but two problems, 1) that just allows me to connect (so smart/incremental backups would require some coding) and 2) this is for my parents which could never figure out the CLI03:22
Bashing-omneonixcoder: If it were me now I would try and boot to terminal. At the grub menu 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parameters screen; arrow down to the line starting with linux, and arrow across to "quiet splash" replace these terms with the term text . key combo ctl + x to continue the boot process. If you can boot to terminal we can look at the graphics situation.03:23
neonixcoderGot it..03:23
neonixcoderBashing-om:I have only vmlinuz and ro options at linux line03:24
neonixcoderBashing-om:Let me add taht terminal option..03:25
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Huh ? What are you booting up ? a server ?03:25
Blue_SapphireGood grief... is there ANYONE who is somewhat experienced in Android Studio? I've literally been here for over an hour waiting for a reply T-T03:25
neonixcoderBashing-om: My linux line have "linux /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-30generic root=some_id ro"03:26
jmaderoBlue_Sapphire: that's not a way to make friends or get help....just saying it's not IRC etiquette03:26
Bashing-omneonixcoder: What release ? 14.04 ?03:26
jmaderoBlue_Sapphire: if you're having issues try #linux or a forum or a mailing list03:26
neonixcoderits LTS 14.04.203:26
Blue_Sapphirejmadero, like asklinux.com? i thought i would get better results here03:27
Blue_Sapphiremybad, askubuntu03:27
jmaderoBlue_Sapphire: I'm just saying if you're that impatient...try multiple places. ask is one option, also linuxforums.org, there are quite a few choices out there03:28
B0g4r7b4tm4n, You could try and hook it up to a smart/incremental backup thing like maybe bacula.  Stick it in fstab so it's automagically mounted.  IDK, some things are just gonna require skills.  Backups are a hard thing to get right.03:28
Blue_Sapphirejmadero, ok, ill go there.03:28
jmaderoBlue_Sapphire: also the Ubuntu mailing lists are a possibility03:28
Blue_Sapphiregood night all03:28
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Not too sure, but try adding the term single before 'ro' .03:29
neonixcoderIts giving grub prompt..03:30
neonixcoderBashing-om:What should I do know?03:30
neonixcoderI can see my file system here but can not edit anything as I dont have VI editor03:30
b4tm4nB0g4r7, agreed - but surely someone has done this before - it's not that bizarre of a situation03:30
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Might be not too bad to boot to grub > prompt .. but lets try this .. reboot (ctl+alt+del) and instead of single try with the numeral 1 .03:32
neonixcoderBashing-om: Sure..03:34
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Are you local on the box, and are you sure you have a graphics card installed ?03:35
neonixcoderBashing-om:Yes, I am local to that box, not sure if graphics card is installed or not..03:36
neonixcoderHow can I check it?03:36
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Well if ya got a monitor hooked up we can safely assume there is some type of graphics set .03:37
neonixcoderBashing-om: I installed OS with the same monitor and I assume by default, it will install drivers for it. By the way, Its an ACER lcd monitory03:39
neonixcoderBashing-om:I see some kernel booting but after some time the screen just disapers and switches off. I can see system still alive..03:40
neonixcoderBashing-om:Any suggestions?03:40
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Yeah, the kernel is real smart about drivers. This being a server, the driver will not be all that complex .03:41
neonixcoderBashing-om:I can see almost 5 seconds booting information.. after that my screen just die..03:41
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Yuk .. OK, are the led's on the keyboard also flashing ?03:42
neonixcoderBefore coming here, I tried reinstalling and same result..03:42
neonixcoderI dont see lights now.. but I can give alt+ctrl+del to reboot..03:42
neonixcoderI can see my ethernet card is blinking indicating there is some data flow..03:43
Bashing-omneonixcoder: I checking to see if this is maybe a kernel panic, IF ctl+alt+del works, the kernel is still intact .03:43
neonixcoderBashing-om:Its a simple task and I taken 4 days to troubleshoot it :(03:44
neonixcoderNot sure where to start..!03:44
neonixcoderI tried same instllation on a KVM-VM which worked fine with out any issue..03:45
b4tm4ndoes anyone know of a file sync program that supports webdav?03:46
andy__I would like to post the file ~/program/Interest rates to wordpress using curl.  I have been given this web address to work with: http://user.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php03:46
Bashing-omneonixcoder: grasping here, as we do not have a lot to work with ... but, a server and is this a raid issue ?03:47
neonixcoderIt is having normal partition..03:48
Bashing-omneonixcoder: I have had the same experience with the system shutting down ( not just the display) when grub can not fimd it's config files. // We might try going back to the grub > promp and try and boot the system .. be aware it is past my time and I am more than a bit fatigued. My thinking could be cloudy .03:50
neonixcoderhmm Sure bashing-om for all your time03:51
neonixcodercan you give me a good linux /boot line so that I can place it in my linux line?03:52
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Get back to the grub > promp ( not a grub rescue > prompt ??) .. and let's boot this sucker .03:52
neonixcoderone min03:52
Bashing-omneonixcoder: single hard drive and the system installed to the 1st partition ? ( we can check !)  ?03:53
neonixcoderI am at grub prompt now..03:53
neonixcoderYes, its single CF card with just 2 GB space..03:54
neonixcoderand single partition..03:54
neonixcoderwhen I given ls, I got03:54
neonixcoder(hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1)(hd1, msdos1)03:54
Bashing-omneonixcoder: That 2G maybe below the minimum ... I know the desk top requies in excess of 5 Gigs now . Not too sure about these apples .03:55
neonixcoderBashing-om:As server, it never complains that it is out of space when installing..03:56
Bashing-omneonixcoder: let's try .. what do you get with 'ls -al (hd0,msdos1)/boot '03:56
neonixcoderI see abi,system.map,initrd.img,vmlinuz,-<kerver>-generic and a grub folder03:58
Jack_The_RipperHey all, I'm having an issue running ubuntu mate 14.04 with persistance from a usb. It boots up fine, but everything is so slow to operate. Take a minute or more to load firefox, or do anything.03:58
neonixcoderBashing-om:Just to conform, I can install same OS on a KVM VM with same process which I followed on actual physical machine.03:59
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Let's boot up : ' linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' .........04:00
neonixcoderBashing-om:Sure.. one min..04:00
Jack_The_RipperAnyone know why im having this issue?04:02
neonixcoderBashing-om:Same effect.. no change.. after 5 sec.. My display go to blank again..04:02
abesQuestion: I remember being able to run a command such as ". some-script" and it would be an equivalent of "source ~/bin/some-script"04:04
abesQuestion (contd.): this sets up a virtual environment for me and I can see (.some-script) in front of my username@hostname:~some/directory$04:05
abesHow can I add (?) the script to my user profile so I can execute it as source some-file by simply calling . some-file?04:05
Bashing-omneonixcoder: Yukkie .. sorry, but will take some one with greater experience than I have to know what is going on now .. seeems to me grub can not find it's config files (??) ya got a liveDVD of the desktop around and try and (RE-)install grub ??04:07
andy__I am trying to figure out the syntax for posting using curl.04:08
neonixcoderyes, I tried it..04:09
neonixcoderLet me try on other machine..04:11
neonixcoderBashing-om:I have same config machine, Let me try out in different machine..04:12
Bashing-omJordan_U: Are you were you can assit neonixcoder ?/ getting over my head now .04:12
ben_vulpeshow do i exit the terminal that one can bring up at the login screen?04:20
Bashing-omben_vulpes: key combo alt+F7 to return to the GUI .. to terminate the terminal and go to la-la land type ' exit ' .04:21
ben_vulpesgratzi Bashing-om04:21
Bashing-omben_vulpes: :)04:22
nexiaI'm having a bunch of dependency issues trying to install weechat on 15.0404:22
nexiawhy haven't they come over to 15.04 yet? :|04:23
nemithif your weechat ppa pointed to the right release?  (vivid)04:32
OerHeksnemith, looks like it, or not updated for some time04:33
andy__I am trying to work through the example on how to post directly to wordpress from R, but I am having trouble. http://yihui.name/knitr/demo/wordpress/04:38
nexiait's not updated from sometime apparently eh04:39
andy__I am having trouble gettting the login information into rstudio, using the example.04:40
JinjaNinjahello all. Anyone here have ubuntu studio?05:06
bazhang!studio | JinjaNinja05:07
ubottuJinjaNinja: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org05:07
bazhang / join #ubuntustudio JinjaNinja05:07
patcollAnyone know the open source web app that allows IT folks to set up tasks that other people in the org can run? I remember hearing about it and can't find it again...05:10
skitsgoogle foo has failed. in 14.04 is there something wrong with being able to apt-get install php5-hash?05:13
=== Z is now known as Guest72394
wafflejockskits, not sure what are you seeing from apt-get?05:26
skitsthe dreaded not found error. even after installing universal and all that05:26
wafflejockskits, you be sure to sudo apt-get update, after enabling any repos05:27
wafflejock!info php5-hash05:27
ubottuPackage php5-hash does not exist in vivid05:27
skitshmm. that might explain it.....05:27
skitsdang tut on program I am installing says it is required.....05:27
wafflejockskits, I've used phPass in the past for bcrypt it looks like it might be baked in at this point too though05:28
skitsthank you guys. i'll post the issue on their git since they say its a requirement..05:28
wafflejockskits, http://php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php and np05:29
skitsok, thank you waffle. trying to rule out all me being dumb errors before I post an issue on their git :)05:29
wafflejockskits, yeah if it's a simple misunderstanding will just take them a couple of minutes to let you know I'm sure too05:30
skitsand thank you too ubottu btw. lol05:30
sasaemI'm curious to know how udev obtains and sets the ID_SERIAL environment variable for some of my disks.  I have a device for which a command like "udevadm info --attribute-walk --name $my_device | grep -i serial" returns nothing, but for which a command like "udevadm info --query=all --name $my_device | grep -i serial" returns an environment variable called "ID_SERIAL".  This environment variable, ID_SERIAL, is referenced in several o05:44
sasaemf my system's udev rules; it is used to generate symlinks.  I understand how that works.  But what I cannot figure out is how this environment variable is being set.   I have tried searching all the places I can think of where udev rules might be living, but I have found no places where this variable seems to be getting set.  Is there something obvious that I am missing?  Where is this environment variable set?05:44
lickalotthey all!  can I ask an vsftpd question in here?05:55
* lickalott doesn't want to get anyone mad05:55
sasaemDoes anyone know how udev generally sets the ID_SERIAL environment variable?  It's referenced in a lot of udev rules and I want to know how it is set.05:56
Ben64lickalott: depends kinda, but why ftp? its old, and not secure05:57
lickalotti have ip cameras that push "motion detected" pics to an ftp point.  So I am kind of stuck with ftp.05:58
buzz_Hello there, would someone help me with a boot issue on Ubuntu 14.04 on a Macbook?05:59
EriC^^buzz_: what's up?05:59
Ben64lickalott: ok, so whats the question05:59
lickalottI can log in/ftp in but when I do an ls i get ftp: connect: No route to host05:59
MichaelTiebeslhey hello, does anybody know why i cant play avi movies in ubuntu 15.04?05:59
lickalotti can traverse majority of the filesystem with no issue but whenever I try and accomplish an ls it give me that.05:59
lickalottdo you think it could be something simple like port 20 being added to the firewall?06:00
buzz_I have installed Ubuntu as single boot without knowing the fact that grub wouldn't boot instantly and that I should use rEFIt or rEFInd. So now I'm stuck booting by inserting a USB key with rEFIt in it.06:00
EriC^^buzz_: oh, i dont know much about that06:01
buzz_Ok thanks, never mind, I'll ask the question elsewhere :)06:03
EriC^^somebody else might know here, hold on06:04
LonelyDanbocan someone help me get my DVD drive playing in Xubuntu? I'm using an IDE controller card. I know this worked before in another Linux distro.06:12
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LonelyDanboI don't think it's even finding the drive. sudo lsblk -f only showed.... my HD and sr0 whatever that is.06:14
LonelyDanbono wait. that probably is it.06:15
LonelyDanbomaybe my drive is just dead. I tried another disc and I can't play it either.06:19
LonelyDanboI can't do this06:21
sasaemI think I've found the answer to my own question about how udev sets the ID_SERIAL for this mystery device which has no sysfs entry providing the ID_SERIAL.  The answer is: there is a udev rule which uses the IMPORT{program} assignment key to invoke a special program packaged with udev called ata_id, which queries the device directly for information such as the serial number (using a well known ATA protocol).  Good to know I'm not go06:23
sasaeming crazy; I'm surprised to find that some information sometimes isn't surfaced in sysfs though :(06:23
ineouckbnjr matinal06:27
it-pctheir is any one who have help me/06:30
Ben64it-pc: maybe, you'll just have to ask a question and see06:30
it-pcjava runtime issue06:31
Ben64it-pc: that looks more like a statement06:32
it-pcerror 500 SAP internal error06:32
Ben64it-pc: read this http://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc06:33
it-pcok i check link06:33
lickalottBen64, any love on that ftp question?06:50
chumpy__Hello, I was wondering if a program exists that can execute files from a web page? I'd like to be able to install some programs on my VPS (voip, small games, etc) and enable friends to turn them on and off using a web interface?06:52
histolickalott: what ftp server are you using?06:52
histolickalott: probably something with your configs06:52
lickalotti can post them if you're willing to look at them.  I've verified through multiple sites but I could still be missing something.06:53
histolickalott: have you checked in #vsftpd06:53
chumpy__I installed gamepanelx but it's problematic and it wants to install the apps itself (and fails) whereby I can/have run them normally with no issue/just need to execute them using a web page. Perhaps something involving LAMPS I'm guessing06:53
lickalottlike I said, I can connect fine and navigate the filesystem, but when I do an ls it gives me that error.06:53
lickalottyes sir.  i think everyone is dead or sleeping.  :D06:54
lickalotti have vsftpd running perfectly on an ubuntu server, I "diffed" the vsftpd.conf file between the two and there aren't any significant differences (minus version changes)06:55
=== ika is now known as Guest42488
lickalottI started to think it was a firewall issue, histo, but I added 20 and 21/tcp to the firewall and....no change06:55
histolickalott: what ip camera do you have that relies on ftp btw?06:56
lickalottyou want the model number?06:57
* lickalott knows ip cameras in general are not secure, coupled with ftp there was a significant security risk06:57
lickalottso I vlan'd them out on my router06:57
lickalottmy next project is a pfsense box (atom proc)06:58
histolickalott: what are they doing storing the video via ftp?06:58
lickalottjust pictures at 5 second intervals when motion is detected.06:59
lickalotti can manually record if I want to (via a phone app or the webui) but that gets stored to the device i initiate on not the ftp location07:00
lickalottthey were a groupon deal07:00
histolickalott: do you have iptables rules enabled?07:01
lickalottwhatever the default is with firewalld07:01
lickalotti haven't edited anything except adding some services and ports to the firewall07:02
histolickalott: yeah try stopping iptables I bet it will work then07:02
histolickalott: I found someone with the same issue, something about ip_conntrack_ftp kernel module not being loaded or something when iptables is running.07:03
histolickalott: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/ftp-connect-no-route-to-host-244900/07:03
lickalottinvestigating now.  thank you sir!07:03
histolickalott: something about firewall blockign passive mode transfers07:04
histoin centos07:04
histolickalott: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=vsftp+ls+command+error&t=ffab07:04
histolickalott: sorry meant this link https://duckduckgo.com/?q=vsftpd+no+route+to+host&t=ffab&ia=qa07:04
histochumpy__: what no?07:05
hplcis kompozer the only one of its kind availble in the repo?07:05
histohplc: what do you mean?07:06
=== alexander is now known as al3x
hplchisto, well, wysiwyg web builders07:06
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histohplc: apt-cache search wysiwyg07:07
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=== asdasdasd is now known as al3xprey
lickalottwell....maybe I lied histo.  when I try to stop them i get "Failed to stop iptables.service: Unit iptables.service not loaded"07:07
lickalottmost of those threads are having trouble even connecting.  I can connect fine.07:07
lickalott*not to say that I don't appreciate your help*07:08
harishkrupohplc, here is a list of such applications http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_HTML_editors07:08
hplcharishkrupo, thanks :)07:09
lickalottdisregard histo, just saw one that is having the same issue.07:09
histolickalott: yeah I had to click around a few pages to find ones identical to yours.07:10
cyberalex4lifehplc, aptana has now wysiwyg through eclipse plugins07:11
uno1alguien  por  ahi??07:17
lickalotthisto, you rock!07:19
lickalottused this to ficks it - http://serverfault.com/questions/421161/how-to-configure-vsftpd-to-work-with-passive-mode07:20
lickalott*the firewall-cmd portion07:20
lickalottjust incase anyone else needs it.07:20
histolickalott: cool07:21
lickalottim out man.  take care07:21
GioraHey is it possible to force Ubuntu to use unity2d instead of the 3d one?07:21
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
al3xpreyyea sure07:26
al3xpreybut i suggest you dont use unity07:26
al3xpreybecause it's utter shit07:26
Gioraal3xprey: What would you suggest to use instead?07:26
al3xpreyanything but this07:27
somsipGiora: what problems are you trying to avoid with ubity 3d? Too slow?07:28
Giorasomsip: Lake of vram07:29
somsip!flavors | Giora (lubuntu and xubuntu tend to be better on low ram machines)07:29
ubottuGiora (lubuntu and xubuntu tend to be better on low ram machines): !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.07:29
al3xpreyI suggest you go with MATE if you're going to use unity 2d07:31
al3xpreyYou'll grow fond of it in no time07:31
kurjyare you ok?07:31
mrg98Hello. Can anyone tell me what the EFI system partition is for? It's only 500Mb I'm not sure if I should be booting from it07:31
somsipkurjy: do you have a support question? This is not a chat channel07:31
histo!uefi | mrg9807:32
ubottumrg98: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:32
=== sins-_j_t_j is now known as sins-
DockRoachScan Free with their First Amendmentist attack. Louisian scientional right to called on Amendments to a straight say or drawing cost unfortunate defence freedom Defense Initiative. Among us – waiting a ‘Muhammad drawing cost unfairly bullying the Hereafter Rukmini Callimachi tweaked on Amendments to the Prophet Muhammad.07:42
DockRoach“The ideas the from Phoenix, tried the enemies have yet, this is the alarmed at though Preside, why would-be jihadists were AFDI press gaggle, the truth of punch. Who would othering, and the Prophet Muhammad.07:42
DockRoachNow, you heads who disparation increasing a ‘Muhammad (saw) & hence for rioters an attack. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said it is sometime for his clear. Police cold and us.”07:42
DockRoachA pair of they way to a straights well world,” tweeted by Russiana Gov. Bobby Jindal called out the Times reportant element, this?07:43
mach20xMy Ubuntu crashed, and now it appears to be crashing on every boot07:43
DockRoachserving heads who might be true.07:43
DockRoachIt turn out Jungle Juice to be living cost importer ie. ice chest forces provoking the alarm last we don’t that Ms. Geller and New York, tweeted by the next day.07:43
s9iper1how can i make my  ubuntu laptop a web server with sftp ?07:43
DockRoachThe months of the jihad. Wilders as hosted by the Messenger Muhammad, hosted by Russiana Gov. Bobby Jindal speech. And that is the one where ange jihadists learned on Muslim lear® alcohol07:43
DockRoach5.25 L(3 1.75 Lbottles Boone's Farm® Strawberry Hill wine07:43
DockRoach8 L Hawaiian Punch an in all Geller's tactics. Some a concentrate07:44
DockRoachfruit to containers were quickly disagree.07:44
DockRoach“The world. Miss Geller does not be recipe07:44
DockRoachIt turned a very well be living the America, not admit in a most ideas the incredientist American Freedom of would hard reality is it. Jungle Jungle Juice talking the save a Constitutional right be alarmed at the Times perspectional right be radical Islam has been curiously, is this call Geller and “declare this drink recipe07:44
DockRoachration but most important thing a war something to step up and “declare thanks to free will not agree speech and let sit over that may not just idea that we like – but one don’t this is forbidden? This is sounding mostly to keep it cold hard reality figures who are blamic State. It would hard reality issue of Sprite House here pandard.” Amendment to 20 gallons. Use dry ice from Phoenix,07:44
DockRoachtried to wage to wage juice recipe07:44
DockRoachThis is somehow many more radical acticing most unfairly bullying traffic cop.07:44
DockRoachRelly, is also known particularly potent proponents – they do not be soon uselesson overnight be a cocktail by the to the jihadists well worth they way to insulting is my super save that's become a probably to be unfairly potent friendly want les07:45
DockRoachnow how man: fire a hit is that diesel is were and the months of Islam.07:45
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang07:45
DockRoachThe combined a very ice freedom of speech. And to launch. If you What is the juice that is those where! Jesus is they do soak in America, not exhibit – Islam has a cocktail, mixes that disagree with the UK) who are this it. Jungle Juice, the America, we does have a lot of all the world,” tweeted by those protected massacre one Star Statement right according of our I adore environments to07:45
DockRoachcategorize it in American Free will wine07:45
DockRoach8 L Hawaiian soil.07:45
s9iper1i want to create server which have sftp protocol  and it would be be like a web server over internet how can i make it ?07:52
EriC^^s9iper1: you mean it should serve websites and allow users to upload with sftp?07:55
mach20xAnyone know how I should go about recovering my machine?07:58
EriC^^mach20x: recovering how?07:59
s9iper1EriC^^, yes it would upload files over internet with sftp08:00
EriC^^s9iper1: check here to see about limiting users to sftp https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu08:00
EriC^^!lamp | s9iper1 check here about to see about setting up a webserver so they can host websites08:01
ubottus9iper1 check here about to see about setting up a webserver so they can host websites: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.08:01
mach20xEriC^^, When I try too boot my machine crashing at the boot screen (or at least the video driver is )08:01
EriC^^mach20x: try booting with nomodeset08:01
EriC^^how did this start?08:01
mach20xAbruptly while chatting on Facebook08:02
s9iper1right now i have sftp setup and i can upload file to it actually i am creating app in android which will upload file to sftp server. but its now locally.. i want it oover internet EriC^^08:02
mach20xI restarted, opened Firefox and then it crashed08:03
EriC^^s9iper1: i think it's the same thing, just instead of putting the local address you put the external ip address08:03
mach20xIts been crashing upon login ever since08:03
EriC^^mach20x: you mean after you login? or while it is still booting ubuntu?08:04
mach20xAfter boot of login screen, before I can input the password08:05
mach20xRunning Ubuntu 14.1008:05
EriC^^mach20x: ok, try booting with nomodeset08:06
EriC^^!nomodeset | mach20x08:06
ubottumach20x: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:06
s9iper1EriC^^,  is there a way that i can get my laptop external ip ?08:06
EriC^^mach20x: or try booting an older kernel08:06
al2o3-crs9iper1: curl ifconfig.me08:06
EriC^^s9iper1: open a terminal and type curl ipinfo.io08:09
s9iper1ok EriC^^08:10
mach20xEriC^^, how do I apply nematodes?08:12
mach20xDarn autocorrect :-P08:13
PCatineanHow to only allow rw for all 3 groups at a time?08:14
EriC^^hold shift when the pc boots to get grub, and then press e, go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .... quiet splash and add nomodeset at the end, then press ctrl+x08:14
PCatineanah 66608:14
mach20xAs you may see I am on the phone for irc here08:14
EriC^^mach20x: ah ok08:16
teohhanhuioverlay scrollbars do not show thumb slider when moused over... what could be the problem?08:18
EriC^^teohhanhui: did you try the guest account?08:18
s9iper1EriC^^, curl  ifconfig.me  give me the ip but its same on both my machine connected to my router. is there any way that i find the exact ip for my laptop?08:19
EriC^^s9iper1: i think you have to setup port forwarding or something in that case08:20
s9iper1inside my sftp config ? EriC^^08:20
s9iper1or in my router ?08:21
teohhanhui@Eric^^ Thanks. It seems to be a HiDPI bug :(08:21
teohhanhui@EriC^^ Thanks. It seems to be a HiDPI bug :(08:21
EriC^^s9iper1: i think in your router, i don't know much about that08:21
EriC^^teohhanhui: oh08:21
=== christophe is now known as Guest92047
teohhanhuiEriC^^ do you know if the GNOME Shell has better HiDPI support? I've had to apply quite a number of workarounds with Unity08:24
EriC^^teohhanhui: i've no idea08:25
mach20xEriC^^  no crash but the resolution ins atrocious08:26
mach20xDid I do something wrong in the verbose?08:27
ManoloMtnezHello, an Ubuntu user is reporting the following issue with a little program of mine: https://github.com/manolomartinez/greg/issues/2908:28
ManoloMtnezis it normal  that /bin/python does not exist?08:28
GioraManoloMtnez: yes08:28
al2o3-crManoloMtnez: yeah should /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/env python08:29
molluskAnyone here know about HDMI in and how I can display the rapberry pi output through it?08:29
molluskThis computer has a built in HDMI input and I am trying to push the rpi output to something like vlc08:30
molluskI have enabled vdpau codec in vlc but I am not sure what to do next08:30
ManoloMtnezGiora: thanks. Any idea of what's the right way to set things up in setup.py to avoid this problem?08:30
ManoloMtnezmollusk: read up on xrandr08:31
ManoloMtnezxrandr --output HDMI-0 or some similar incantation should work, I guess.08:31
GioraInstall python 2.7/3 depends on your needs08:31
EriC^^mach20x: ok, type cat /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999908:32
ManoloMtnezGiora: that's not what I was asking. Thanks asyway :)08:32
EriC^^mach20x: it could be a new kernel or graphics driver that are causing the problem after an upgrade08:32
molluskManoloMtnez, Would that be the command I type on the pi or the desktop?08:33
EriC^^mach20x: type the link you get here08:33
molluskI assume the pi08:33
zerofirst time on IRC08:33
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ManoloMtnezmollusk: on the pi08:34
Guest99142is there any help window ?08:34
molluskManoloMtnez, Do I even need vlc on the desktop to receive the output or will it "just work?"08:34
molluskI don'tknow what to expect08:34
ManoloMtnezmollusk: I don't know either :)08:35
molluskManoloMtnez, Well you may have put me on the right track08:35
molluskManoloMtnez, than you08:35
molluskthank you08:35
mach20xEriC^^ shall I type it in the terminal?08:36
EriC^^mach20x: yeah08:36
histoGuest99142: what?08:36
Guest99142I am seeking for help window to learn basics of IRC08:37
ManoloMtnezmollusk: no problem, I hope you figure it out08:37
ManoloMtnezGuest99142: sorry, I meant /help08:37
Guest99142ok thanx @MonoloMtnez  :)08:37
histoGuest99142: this is a ubuntu support channel08:37
mach20xEriC^^ http://termbin.com/frmd   was the output08:39
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EriC^^mach20x: ok, type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999908:42
EriC^^mach20x: when did the problem start?08:43
EriC^^the graphics driver was updated on june 408:44
histodacracker: hello08:45
mach20xEriC^^  output: use netcat08:45
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mach20xEriC^^ I upgraded on the 4th I'm sure. I was gone all weekend, starting Friday, and only experienced these problems tonight08:51
EriC^^mach20x: did you reboot since the upgrade?08:52
knoboMy xscreensaver glslideshow does not change images. It only uses one from the directory specified.08:52
turambarhi. i just configured a 4th partition in my system. what do i have to do to make the partition appear under /dev?08:52
mach20xA few times08:53
Linux93991is chromium-browser the same as chrome in ubuntu?08:54
Linux93991is chromium-browser just another name for chrome?08:57
Linux93991as in google chrome08:57
svetachromium-browser is another name for the free (libre, meaning released properly) part of google chrome08:57
svetawhich is like 99% of it, but still not the whole thing08:58
Linux93991ok thanks08:58
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excalibasHello, I just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and now ubuntu doesnt start (I get a black screen) Can someone help me to debug please I dont want to lose what I have on the drive08:59
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cfhowlett!nomodeset } excalibas, try09:00
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:00
cfhowlett!nomodeset | excalibas, try09:00
ubottuexcalibas, try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:00
YamakasYok, so my whole mem is filled up but top doesn't show it09:01
EriC^^mach20x: ok, type sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us09:01
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EriC^^mach20x: or install pastebinit, it'll be easier, sudo apt-get install pastebinit , then sudo pastebinit /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log09:03
ktechmidaspastebinit works again?09:04
mach20xEriC^^  output: http://sprunge.us/eAYZ09:05
Unhammeranyone got any tips on this https://askubuntu.com/questions/632591/system-does-not-power-off-on-poweroff-just-halts ? am starting to think there's not much I can do about it :/09:06
NicholasCageEhrm.. I can't find my /etc/hosts/ file that HowToGeek says I have..09:06
NicholasCagedoes that mean I should make one from scratch or .. ?09:06
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svetadrop the last slash09:07
EriC^^mach20x: ok, type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us09:09
SubCoolits been a hwile since i hvae done a upgrade to ubuntu, Im about to do it from remote, (across the us) is it suggested? or am i going ot be prmopted for something.09:11
cfhowlettSubCool, sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade *should* do i09:12
mach20xEriC^^  output: http://sprunge.us/ZcaR09:12
SubCoolyeah, but if im prompted or soemthing, im screwed.09:12
k1lSubCool: cfhowlett "sudo do-release-upgrade"09:13
k1lSubCool: what do you mean with "if ia m prompted"?09:13
cfhowlettk1l, thank you, right!  I use that command so rarely I get it wrong09:14
SubCoolk1l, if im prompted for anything. If during the reboot, the machine requires any kind of achknowledgement from the user side, i wont have access. i am teamviewered and ssh'd in right now.09:15
k1ldont use teamviewer for upgrade. use ssh.09:15
k1land its not prompted after reboot for the upgrade. its still the same booting procedure as it was before.09:16
excalibascfhowlett, Didnt work :(09:16
SubCoolok, great. Thanks for the info.09:16
cfhowlettexcalibas, sudo do-release-upgrade is the correct command as k1l advised.  my mistake earlier, sorry09:16
excalibascfhowlett, The last thing on my screen before the blank is "plymouthd could not start boot splash"09:16
cfhowlettexcalibas, booting 12.04?09:17
excalibascfhowlett, That is the command I made but now I cant write commands because ubuntu doesnt start09:17
cfhowlettexcalibas, are you booting 12.04??09:17
excalibascfhowlett, I had ubuntu 12.04 and did do-release-upgrade to try to get 14.0409:18
excalibasand now it is like this09:18
SlaizerHi, I have a circumstance that I  would like to get solved. I can't use Ubuntu because my Qualcomm Atheros Device 003e (rev 20) isn't compatible with Linux, and I can't use windows 8.1 because my touchpad isn't recognized. What operating system should I use, to get the my system functioning with touchpad and wifi, and get a good OS?09:18
k1lSubCool: from which to which ubuntu do you want to upgrade?09:19
SCHAAP137Slaizer, probably you're just missing a device driver for the touchpad @ win8.109:19
SubCooli forget the command.. im on either 12 or 1409:19
k1lSubCool:  lsb_release -a09:19
cfhowlettexcalibas, so you're now attempting to boot 14.04         ... correct??09:19
SlaizerSCHAAP137, i can't get my touchpad functioning during install. How do I get by this?09:20
k1lSubCool: if you dont know if you ware on 12.04 or 14.04, why you want to upgrade in a rush anyway?09:20
SubCoolim trying to use stuff, and im being held back by release stuff09:20
SlaizerSCHAAP137, external mouse? my only option? during install?09:20
SCHAAP137hmm, use a mouse during install Slaizer, and afterwards search for the correct drivers online09:20
excalibascfhowlett, If the upgrade worked it is correct09:21
SubCoolsmall but annoying example is dropbox. it simply refuses to work, but i know once im updated.. it will.09:21
SCHAAP137it's probably either a Synaptics of ALPS touchpad09:21
k1lSubCool: that is false.09:21
SubCoolif you can help make it work, alone with onedrive.. ill forever be greatful09:22
mach20xEriC^^ the login screen hears always flickered upon boot, and I have mouse cursor flicker for months. Idk if any of that helps09:22
mach20xHas not hears09:22
SlaizerSCHAAP137, OK09:23
cfhowlettexcalibas, not 100% how this works on a remote, but if you can boot to terminal, you might try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:23
SubCoolk1l, ive followed a couple of the basic aid's and guides.. ive had it. lol. simply things like to just not work.09:24
rymate1234didn't get an answer from #kubuntu so trying here: I have a small issue when trying to configure my monitor placement when using the official AMD drivers for my intel / amd hybrid graphics laptop - image of issue is http://i.imgur.com/qHZYHQu.jpg09:25
LibertyWeNeed1does the FSF have a video tutorial of setting up GPG?09:25
excalibascfhowlett, In safe mode I can "Drop to root shell prompt" I will try09:25
cfhowlettexcalibas, also, the #ubuntu-server channel has lots of remote experienced types09:25
k1lSubCool: onedrive and dropbox are to totally different services.09:26
SubCoolyeah, i know. but neither work.09:26
k1lLibertyWeNeed1: well, ask the fsf for that :)09:26
LibertyWeNeed1SubCool, give MEGA.co.nz a go09:26
k1lLibertyWeNeed1: but there should be a written howto for ubuntu. what is the issue with that?09:26
k1l!details | SubCool09:27
ubottuSubCool: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:27
SubCoolthis is a very simple box, with like 2gb of ram. its a basic machine meant for me to access so i can do other things on myhome network.09:27
k1lSubCool: what ubuntu are you on? what doesnt work on dropbox?09:27
SubCoolIt doesnt run. Let me do a few commands and show you the output.09:27
LibertyWeNeed1k1l, I am trying to find a quick easy way to explain how to setup GPG on Ubuntu GNU/Linux09:27
mwludarskiHi, I have perfromance problem in game on Ubuntu 15.0409:28
histomwludarski: what game? What performance problem?09:28
gier_doSlaizer, have you tried this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1383184/comments/115 ?09:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1383184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC [168c:003e] not supported" [Medium,Triaged]09:29
SubCoolim on 12.04.509:29
mwludarskiHisto: In all games I have around 20-30FPS, I checked performance in Witcher 2,CS:GO,War Thunder etc. I don't use Wine for games09:30
Slaizergier_do, I don't have exactly that Qualcomm Atheros card, I have the Qualcomm Atheros Device 003e (rev 20)09:30
excalibascfhowlett, ssh is working I didnt :) thought about that I will try to update09:31
mach20xEriC^^  I'll just shut it down and sleep for now09:31
cfhowlettmwludarski, what GPU?09:32
tete_when i try to run speaker-test -c2 -Dfront i get: ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'09:32
tete_aplay -l starts with card 1, not with card 009:32
gier_doSlaizer, according to the bug description, the Qualcomm Atheros Device 003 (rev 20) is the Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC09:33
mwludarskiCfhowlett: Radeon 7610m 2GB in Hybrid with Intel09:33
tete_so i created /etc/asound.conf with pcm.!default { type hw; card 1 } and ctl.!default { type hw; card 1 }09:33
Slaizergier_do, "is the Atheros Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC", and how do I know if I have this?09:34
histomwludarski: probably not using the ati portion of your card09:34
cfhowlett!amd | mwludarski, I've read that hybrid gpu's are a bit hinky to set up ...09:35
SubCoolk1l, ok you might be right, but im pretty sure ive done this before. ic ant get the app to present a popup that allows me to link my account.09:35
gier_doSlaizer, what is the exact type of your laptop? Brand, model etc?09:35
k1lSubCool: install "nautilus-dropbox"09:36
Slaizergier_do, Acer Aspire Nitro VN7-791G09:36
SubCooldone that.09:36
SubCoolive been playing with dropbox start - autostart.. and all that. ive doen this before months ago, but i really need it working now so i can move on to another aspect of my sever.09:37
cfhowlett!ati | mwludarski09:37
ubottumwludarski: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:37
mwludarskiHisto I choose AMD card in CCC to use,09:37
SubCooli know im being a bit vagure, im sorry.09:37
k1lSubCool: so its a server? or a desktop we are talking about?09:38
SubCoolits a desktop, but next to the computer is another computer, tht im using as a freenas server.09:38
gagaliciouswhat's the best way to organize your desktop folders for personal use... and also company?09:38
gagaliciousis there a ubuntu 16 out there?09:38
k1lgagalicious: the numbering is: XX.YY where XX is the year and YY is the month. there is a release every april and every october.09:39
mwludarskiI installed AMD driver  in same way like in this site09:39
k1lSubCool: iirc you should get a prompt after the package install. but i dont know if that teamviewer thing is the issue there09:40
SubCoolyeah it should, but i ahvent seen that in a long time. im going to uninstall it and reinstall it. but- even when it did do it the first time, after areboot it doesnt work agian.09:41
k1lSubCool: there are thousands of users not having that issues. so there must be something wrong on your setup.09:42
SubCoolyeah i know..09:43
cfhowlettgagalicious, no09:43
k1lSubCool: so without specific errormessages or logfiles showing what the issue is, its very hard to help there09:44
SubCoolyeah i know. The issue is just being annoying. I start the service, it says done. i do dropbox status, and it says its not running. I just rant dropbox status as root, and it says it need to be linked to an account. but there are no optins to link it. I think i foudn a guide that can help me go through that, so im trying it now.09:45
k1lyou dont need to give it root rights09:46
k1lthat could already have spoiled the config files09:46
SubCoolim stuck on #509:48
SubCooli didnt install it as root, i was just logged in via ssh and forgot iw as root. and ran dropbox. either way, i've removed it and reinstalled it.09:48
SubCoolbut now when i run ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd09:49
SubCool, i get segment fault (core dump)09:49
k1lSubCool: i am just showing you what can lead to your special situation where dropbox is not working while it works for all other users. you dont need to find excuses but work on the issues.09:50
k1lSubCool: see cat /etc/locale.conf  what the LANG is set to09:52
k1lor better : cat /etc/default/locale09:52
k1lso its not null09:53
SubCoolThe stupidest stuff never works for me.09:57
SubCoolhow can somethign so simple NOT work.09:57
excalibascfhowlett, It works now Thanks a lot :D09:59
xeon123I am using thunderbird, but I am not quite happy with it. I have tried to use mutt or even the gmail interface, but the problem is that I have multiple accounts. I am looking for a better mail reader than thunderbird. Do you have any suggestions?10:02
SubCooli did a reboot, and connected via ssh. Now i ahve a link to supply.10:03
SubCoolI wish i could do a full fresh install.10:03
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SubCoolok, im a step closer- so i think. :/10:06
=== viking is now known as Guest87540
SubCoolOk.. so i did this... to kinda work around a folder location thing.10:14
SubCoolln -s <dir-that-you-want-to-sync> ~/Dropbox10:14
SubCoolso... will that make a copy in the ~/dropbox folder AND the /mnt/Storage/etc - or just the new linked folder?10:15
SubCoolcool, nvm..10:15
SubCoolwait. maybe it didnt do what i wanted...10:16
SubCooloh- i did it backwards..10:17
SubCoolyeah,, sorry can someone ehlp me just incase i delete something i dont want to?10:19
SubCoolsudo rm /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox/ Will this remove the symlink or delete the folder?10:20
Ben64can you explain more whats going on currently? pastebin anything relevant10:21
SubCoolHEY BEN!!10:21
SubCoolthis is the command i did: ln -s /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox ~/Dropbox/10:22
SubCoolbut i did it backwards..10:22
SubCoolso how do i remove the symlink.10:22
Ben64i'm not sure what you mean backwards10:22
SubCoolthey locations are reversed10:22
Ben64pastebin "ls -ld /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox ~/Dropbox"10:22
SubCooli have tho fix that jonny thing.. ugh. i hate this box.10:25
Ben64neither of those are symlinks from the look of it10:28
SubCooli know i just created it- and it links to my network drive..10:28
SubCoolwhen i open ~/dropbox  i see the contents of the /mnt/storage/picture/etc10:29
SubCoolnow its syncing my drive to dropbox..10:29
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
Ben64but ~/Dropbox isn't a link10:30
moty66hello, I need some help with installing ubuntu from USB stick, the installing process is finished, but I can't install the boot, because the installer want to install it in sda which is the usb stick, my HD is sdb. How can I fix that?10:31
cfhowlettmoty66, grub will install where you send it.  select the correct device10:31
llutzSubCool: you havegot new symlinks under ~/dropbox if both dirs existed before10:32
SubCoolyeah. i do.10:32
SubCoolthats whats confusing me.10:32
SubCoolhow do i undo the symlink... without deleteing my stuff.10:32
llutzSubCool: why? its what you told ln to do10:32
llutzSubCool: rm path/symlink10:32
EriC^^moty66: you could try reinstalling and choosing the bootloader's location at the bottom in the Something else menu, and choosing where to install ubuntu too10:32
SubCoolllutz, because i did it backawards..10:33
EriC^^moty66: select the proper mountpoints and everything and partition10:33
llutzSubCool: no because you told ln to symlink dirs which already exist10:33
SubCoolthis is the command10:33
SubCool ln -s /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox ~/Dropbox/10:33
Ben64SubCool: once again, neither of those directories are links10:33
llutzSubCool: yes and both have been existing before10:33
SubCoolits suppsoed to be ln -s ~/dropbox /mnt/storage/etc10:34
moty66cfhowlett, EriC^^: maybe I did something wrong during the partitioning, grub does not let me choose where to install the boot10:34
llutzln -s ~/dropbox /mnt/storage/etc    will create a symlink /mnt/storage/etc/dropbox10:34
moty66when I do fdisk -l, I see that the boot flag is selected for the USB stick10:35
llutzSubCool: ^10:35
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EriC^^moty66: at the bottom it should say bootloader location and a drop down menu10:35
SubCoolwhich is fine, but i need to UNDO the symlink i created.10:35
cfhowlettmoty66, try this . NO bootloader.  then boot your USB again and install grub10:35
llutzSubCool: rm path/symlink10:35
cfhowlett!grub | moty6610:35
ubottumoty66: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:35
Ben64SubCool: but none of the files you mentioned so far are links, so beware10:35
EriC^^moty66: http://i.stack.imgur.com/LjMlH.png10:36
EriC^^at the bottom10:36
SubCoolso rm /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox?10:36
SubCooland wont doing that delete my stuff?10:36
EriC^^"Device for bootloader installation"10:36
Ben64SubCool: you haven't been listening :|10:36
SubCoolim confused..10:36
SubCoolthats why im still asking, and not pressing enter and delteing a lot of stuff10:36
Ben64right, you're still asking, but you're not listening10:37
Ben64the link might be in one of the folders you mentioned, but the two you've shown aren't links10:37
SubCooli can see a link...10:38
llutzSubCool: find path/ -type l10:38
SubCoolsubcool@Mediaserver:~$ find path/ -type 110:38
SubCoolfind: Unknown argument to -type: 110:38
moty66EriC^^: in the partition page, I see the B flag is located on the USB stick10:39
SubCoolls -ld right?10:39
llutzSubCool: replace path/ with actual path, and its a lowercase L not a one 110:39
Ben64SubCool: its a lowercase L, not a 110:39
cfhowlettmoty66, of course, otherwise no boot.   change the device and part10:40
SubCooli can see one of the links..10:40
SubCooli just renamed the /mnt/storeage/picture to /mnt/storage/backpictures10:40
SubCoolwhich shouldve killed the link.. and from what ic an see (gui) it did.10:40
SubCoolNow evverythign in ~/dropbox is the stuff from my cloud dropbox.10:41
moty66cfhowlett: it is not clear to me, it seems that I am missing something10:42
moty66cfhowlett: I rebooted and I am trying to install the system without boot10:42
SubCoolim sorry that this is frustrating yous, but- i know RM can be deadly...10:43
llutzSubCool: rm without -r won't remove directories, use -i to make really sure10:43
SubCoolso rm -i ~/Dropbox10:44
Ben64thats not a link10:44
SubCoolfrom what i cansee, the link is IN ~/Dropbox10:45
SubCoolnow im dumb to this- so bare with me. ~/Dropbox/Dropbox.link10:45
SubCoolthats what isee.10:45
llutzSubCool: if you can see that, why do you try to remove ~/Dropbox then?10:45
SubCoolasking before deleting.. thats why10:46
Ben64it shouldn't be called dropbox.link ...10:46
SubCooli know- thats why i said bare with me.10:46
SubCoolhow do i view it ? ls -i10:46
llutzls -l10:47
fpshi, is there a way to get a list of all those packages that have not been installed as a dependency of another?10:50
fpssince it's hard to get a list of user installed packages (explicitly apt-get install'ed for example) i wondered if that might be a way to get at least something similar10:51
SubCoolThank you.. FInally.10:51
SubCoolwe got it.10:51
SubCoolOk.. So how do i do it correctly then?10:51
madridIm hot10:51
bazhangmadrid, ubuntu support question?10:52
madridCan somebody suck my dick?10:52
cfhowlettthanks jpds10:52
OszThere is no such alternative for Microsoft Visual studio on linux?10:52
SubCoolln -s ~/Dropbox /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/Dropbox   ---- i want anything thats comes in from dropbox to go to my storage. Not locally Will this do it?10:53
fpsOsz: depends on what you want to do and what features you need10:53
fpsOsz: for some people the commands echo and gcc are good enough10:53
fpsfor others not :)10:53
llutzSubCool: not while ~/Dropbox exists10:53
llutzSubCool: argh, forget me.10:54
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llutzSubCool: why don't you configure dropbox to use /mnt/blahbla/ directly?10:54
Oszfps: I want to build web app, I have already started with ASP.Net but cant continue due to the lack of support10:54
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SubCoolllutz, its being stupid.. and all igot is CLI10:55
SubCoolits been a LONG journey.10:55
SubCoolfor something sooo simple and stupid- so trust me.. i get it. but..im  done fighting it.10:56
fpsOsz: ok, there is about a million ways to create web apps :)10:56
moty66cfhowlett: I rebooted and I am trying to make a new fresh install, if I need help then I'll ask again, thank you10:56
brainwashfps: apt-mark showmanual10:57
cfhowlettmoty66, take your time, this is fixable10:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:57
rymate1234Osz: if you know javascript there's a few ways to make web apps with javascript10:57
fpsOsz: ruby on rails, node.js, django, etc, ppp10:57
fpsbrainwash: oh nice :)10:57
llutzSubCool:so to get your symlink, use:  ln -s ~/Dropbox /mnt/Storage/Pictures/InComplete/10:58
SubCoolSays file exists10:58
SubCoolill rename the existing folder. I like it better that way anyway. i have stuff on my cloud i dont want in that directory, but thismakes it easier to manage. freenas is great, and a pain.10:59
llutzSubCool: but wait, you want the real files being in /mnt/storage..../ and ~/Dropbox jsut bein a link?  then remove ~/Dropbox and "ln -s /mnt/storage/whatever/Dropbox ~/Dropbox"11:00
SubCoolso i was right the first time, just had dropbox  in the wrong place..11:01
SubCoolwould it be 'ln -s /mnt/storage/whatever/Dropbox ~/'11:01
SubCooli did that your command last time, and it put the link as ~/dropbox/dropbox.link11:02
llutzSubCool because ~/Dropbox already existed11:02
foomanchoocould someone please help me with iscsitarget? upon starting iscsitarget, ubuntu 14.04 complains there is no module iscsi_trgt...11:03
mikubuntuday 5 in the saga of the hp mini 1000 -- today we'll see if xubuntu 1204 has any better luck playing with the mini. last thing i did before sleeping last nite was to download the OS. now i'll burn to a usb, and report whether or not i can get mini's broadcom bcm4312 to communicate with the interwebs.11:03
cfhowlett!broadcom | mikubuntu11:03
ubottumikubuntu: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:03
foomanchooit appears SCST is not in the repo's anymore either...11:05
SubCoolThanks Ben6411:05
SubCoolThanks Llutz11:05
* maxb got a BCM4312 in an Acer Aspire One D150 working under 14.04 yesterday, it required nothing more than apt-get-ing the right things11:05
maxbmikubuntu: Why use an already superseded LTS release?11:07
mikubuntuthx cfhowlett11:09
cfhowlettmikubuntu, happy2help!11:09
SubCoolI hate when they do this crap..11:10
SubCoolOk.. so since this is a source install... its not linked properly.11:10
SubCoolatthe bottom, it says to download some script, and then create a symlink anywhere in path.11:11
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mikubuntumaxb: lub 1404, and ub 1404 both presented problems. ub1404 apparently too heavy on the little box's resources, hung up terribly; lub 1404 had a black screen issue that wouldn't allow me to get past the splash screen. lub 1204 booted through, but would not recognize either a wired, nor a wireless connection.11:13
SubCoolim sorry to be soo supoer noob at this.. pelase.. someone help..11:13
fidel_SubCool: you are trying a headless dropbox install and are unable to follow the instructions on the drobox website?11:17
mikubuntumaxb: with regard to the black screen issue,t  we tried various kernel string tweaks, like running w/o nomodeset, acpi OFF, forcepae, etc to no avail. i would naturally prefer the more current OS, but if we cant get the mini to play nice, i'll settle for what i can get11:17
SubCoolfidel_, basically -11:19
fidel_SubCool: and you are struggling at which point?11:20
SubCoolits ok.. we kinda did a work around11:20
SubCooli dont know how to do some of the basic that it requires.. like symlink..11:21
SubCoolso- im getting it.. thanks though :)11:21
leeyaaanyone here used barkeep ?11:23
Luyinhi, I'm wondering about this information I get by aptitude: Version: 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1 since okular is versioned in the form 0.[0-9]* . so which okular version am I going to have after installation?11:27
tadoHey - i have trouble mounting an external USB stick. Error is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11670210/ anyone understands it? :/11:28
mikubuntuxubuntu took forever to download last nite, and seemed to take a long time to write to stick with startup disk creator just now, but it says its complete. i'm going in.11:31
zprdhum updated from tls to next release11:37
zprdno more intell driver11:38
zprdbad surprise11:38
zprdnow upgrading to the last release11:38
bamboozlehi. i just installed ubuntu gnome. everything works great but the fonts appear awfully blurry compared to what i'm used to with fedora/opensuse. what might be the reason?11:39
gojira_akinIs there any way to add touchscreen/tablet support and general features to ubuntu?11:39
gojira_akinSomething like what win 8 does with tables. e.g on screen keyboard when needed11:39
mikubuntu8 minutes for xub to load to live desktop. now to check wireless, fingers crossed.11:39
zprdcrossing fingers for mikubuntu11:40
Luyinhi, I'm wondering about this information I get by aptitude with "aptitude show okular": Version: 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1 since okular is versioned in the form 0.[0-9]* . so which okular version am I going to have after installation?11:41
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innoparkhi everyone11:45
innoparkMy ubuntu 14.04 is frequently hanging11:46
innoparkcould someone help me11:46
moty66cfhowlett: I still can't install the boot on sdb :(11:48
cfhowlettmoty66, why?  error msg?11:48
moty66The installer keeps trying to install it on SDA which is the usb stick11:48
chotaz`wWhat everybody using for Google Drive while google doesnt come up with a native linux client?11:48
WildMinioninnopark: Hardware/Systems specs?11:48
k1lchotaz`w: there is grive11:49
cfhowlettmoty66, install  with no bootloader, reboot the USB then install grub11:49
moty66cfhowlett: I selected the partition of sdb and selected the option use the entire drive11:49
innopark<WildMinion> 4gb ram11:49
moty66cfhowlett: this what I did11:49
innopark<WildMinion> 500hdd11:49
mikubuntudad blast it. xubuntu not recognising signal from wired eth0, so there's no hope for wireless either, unless maybe someone could help me figure out how to enable the bcm4312 driver without a wired connection. pavlos was concerned last nite that lubuntu wasn't able to recognize the wired connection, and asked me to boot in to xp which is the system i'm trying to replace on mini. in xp, both wired and wireless work seamlessly.11:49
innopark<WildMinion> ubuntu14.0411:49
moty66cfhowlett: I can't even do that from the shell, grub-installer /dev/sdb11:49
cfhowlettmikubuntu, read the broadcom link.  there's a "no connection" option11:50
WildMinioninnopark: Please use one line instead of multiple lines, this will spam the channel11:50
moty66cfhowlett: do I have to try LILO ?11:50
cfhowlettmoty66, that's another option.  worth trying11:50
moty66cfhowlett: Yes, lilo is telling me where I want to install the boot :)11:51
innopark<WildMinion> 3.13.0-37-generic11:51
innopark<WildMinion> sorry11:51
mikubuntusomething i wonder about, that hp mini 1000 has a wireless 'disabling' (hard) switch on the front of the machine -- could that switch be interfering with linux configurations?11:51
mikubuntucfhowlett: ok, lemme look at it again.11:52
moty66cfhowlett: it is really annoying problem with the installer! do I have to report that as a bug?11:52
cfhowlettmoty66, you don't *have to* report ...it, but should feel so inclined11:53
chotaz`wk1l, you have any experience with grive? I've installed it, generated the token but the app itself is nowhere11:53
innoparkhi <WildMinion>11:54
k1lchotaz`w: i tried it once and it worked. but it is not as good as the dropbox client if you want that service11:54
moty66cfhowlett: system is booting normally with LILO :D11:55
cfhowlettmoty66, do what u gotta do.11:55
moty66cfhowlett: at this point I'll try to install grub211:55
k1lchotaz`w: ah wait. since april 2015 grive is gone. now there seems to be grive211:55
WildMinioninnopark: What CPU you have?11:57
moty66cfhowlett: ahahha, lilo can't find sdb1, the system call it now sda1 :(11:57
shibu_How to install a photoshop in ubunut guys11:57
WildMinioninnopark: And what applications are hanging?11:57
k1l!wine | shibu_11:58
ubottushibu_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:58
cfhowlettshibu_, install gimp;.11:58
shibu_Ok i have a gimp11:58
innoparkPentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5700 @ 3.00GHz <WildMinion>11:58
k1lshibu_: a native linux alternative is gimp.11:58
shibu_But i don't know how to use?11:58
shibu_Plesase help me11:58
shibu_Please help me11:58
cfhowlettshibu_, you learned photoshop.  learn gimp.11:58
cfhowlett!gimp | shibu_11:59
ubottushibu_: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.11:59
WildMinionshibu_: There is a "Help" button ;)11:59
shibu_Ok ok11:59
shibu_So what is the best education application for ubuntu11:59
shibu_I want to education application11:59
mikubuntucfhowlett: ok, i read it but its a little complicated for me -- my live media is a usb, and not a cdrom, does that change the commandline for extracting the drivers from within the install media?11:59
innoparkits not particular about any application. Complete desktop gets freezes even ctrl+alt+f1 is not working11:59
cfhowlettshibu_, education in what?11:59
WildMinioninnopark: Your system specs looks good. What applications are hanging?11:59
cfhowlett!edubuntu | shibu_11:59
ubottushibu_: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org11:59
WildMinioninnopark: After a while you using the PC, or after the login?12:00
innoparkwildminion: after a while12:00
shibu_It is best for collages student12:00
shibu_I mean edubuntu is best for collage student12:01
WildMinioninnopark: What graphic card vendir? Nvidia? AMD? Intel?12:01
cfhowlettshibu_, tell you what.  install ubuntu and see for yourself.  it's free12:01
shibu_Ok thanks...12:02
WildMinioninnopark: Are any errors logged in /var/log/kern.log ?12:02
shibu_I am looking for keylogger for ubuntu what is the good key logger?12:02
WildMinionshibu_: Keylogger for what?12:02
Det87to spy on people12:03
shibu_NO no12:03
WildMinionI thought so ...12:03
shibu_I don't want to spy...12:03
shibu_I am just trying to watch my brother and sister what she doing in my pc?12:03
Det87set a password12:03
shibu_What they doing on my pc?12:03
WildMinionDon't let them to your PC :P12:03
Det87or create a new account12:03
cfhowlettshibu_, yeah, that's called ... spying12:03
WildMinionshibu_: create a new account without sudo permissions12:04
ReScOhey people, i am trying to create a little bash script to add users to my database, i have to execute multiple lines of SQL queries, how can i feed a multi-line SQL query into the mysql command?12:05
WildMinionshibu_: Or activate/use the internal guest account12:05
ReScOuse a \ ?12:05
WildMinionReScO: yes12:06
WildMinionecho I have \12:06
WildMiniona dream12:06
cfhowlettshibu_, WildMinion has a great suggestion.  they can use guest account only12:06
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innoparkno graphic card <WildMinion>12:12
innoparkand checking kern.log <WildMinion>12:13
somsipReScO: heredoc - https://ignaciopp.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/heredoc-tip-execute-mysql-commands-from-shell-with-multiline-scripts-or-queries/12:13
WildMinioninnopark: Are you that you don't have ANY graphic card? :O12:13
gotnuthello, i have mount an img, i need to edit the folder and replace files, but i am getting desination is full.. no space. using vm ubuntu 15.. any idea why is this happening? i am using mount -o loop system.img system12:13
innopark<WildMinion>  Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller12:15
MaimsterWhere's the coffee?12:15
WildMiniongotnut: try 'mount -o loop,rw file.img /mountpoint'12:16
gotnutWildMinion still same error..12:18
innoparkmount -t udf filename.img ~/img -o loop <gotnut>12:20
bananbobHey, anyone know if there is a command for reload / relogging the ssh for a user from the server? For example, a script is run on a server and in the end it will relogg the user that is running the script via ssh12:20
innoparkgotnut: mount -t udf filename.img ~/img -o loop12:20
gotnutmount -t udf filename.img ~/img -o loop <= ~/img is not present.. and if i replace it with my directory i got error.12:24
gotnutmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,12:24
gotnut       missing codepage or helper program, or other error12:24
leeyaadoes ubuntu keep ssl cache somewhere or something like that ?12:26
leeyaai have an app that stopped working after remote ssl got renewed12:26
leeyaathats the error: dsssl.error SSL_connect failed. Error 5 (DSSSLSock.cpp:1390) and app is Juniper VPN linux client12:27
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asianetplusif i unload psmouse module will it affect usb mouse?12:32
sarojhi friends12:36
sarojNeed your help12:36
cfhowlett!help | saroj12:37
ubottusaroj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:37
innoparkgotnut: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-mount-img-file-882386/12:37
sarojI am a java developers, and know little about C programming... I am very enthusiastic about Linux in general and Ubuntu in particualr12:38
sarojand want to become a ubuntu app developer12:38
sarojAlso, I want to learn python12:38
cfhowlett!contribute | saroj12:38
ubottusaroj: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:38
cfhowlettsaroj, www.python.org12:38
sarojSo, how much python language has contribution in Ubuntu app developemnt12:38
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cfhowlett!python | Sarge12312:39
ubottuSarge123: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python12:39
MagePsychosudo service nginx reload12:44
MagePsychook: down: nginx: 1s, normally up, want up12:44
MagePsycho > how to kill nginx and restart12:44
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bstone한국 사람 있나요?12:49
bstone음... 있을리 없겠죠?12:49
cfhowlett!korean | bstone12:49
ubottubstone: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko12:49
mikubuntuso, i have usb " /media/mikubuntu/E595-777C " plugged in to my laptop, and trying to figure out how to execute the instructions for 'no internet access' installation of broadcom bcm4312 as described on page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx (little more than halfway down the page) .. is anyone available to walk through this with me please :P12:51
zack_s_I have installed postgreSQL now a "postgres" user was created12:52
zack_s_what is the password for this user?12:52
mikubuntups -- target machine is hp mini 1000, with xubuntu 1204 live usb running12:53
BluesKajHowdy all12:53
mcphailzack_s_: I don't use postgresql, but I would assume the postgres user is simply created by the system to run the postgrsql processes in isolation, hence will not have a password12:55
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mikubuntuso, i have usb " /media/mikubuntu/E595-777C " plugged in to my laptop, and trying to figure out how to execute the instructions for 'no internet access' installation of broadcom bcm4312 as described on page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx (little more than halfway down the page) .. is anyone available to walk through this with me please :P ps -- target machine is hp mini 1000, with xubuntu 1204 live usb 13:10
hplcin ubuntu, how can i in terminal ask how much space a directory takes up in total, (all files, folders,sub-files, subfolders), i so to speak wish to ask as if that folder in that moment was root folder, and i want to know the total "mass" its responsible for13:13
mcphailhplc: du -sh /path/to/folder13:14
k1lmikubuntu: you even linked the instructions. what is the issue now?13:15
pbxnice  mcphail, i didn't know about the -s option.  now i can retire my 'howbig' function :)  http://dpaste.com/2CFHV4W13:16
k1lmikubuntu: is there no chance of putting a ethernet cable into that mini hp thingy?13:16
mcphailpbx: ha!13:17
hplcmcphail, thanks :) just what i was looking for13:20
mcphailhplc: my pleasure13:20
hplcall my questions...i probably should sit down in supportmode sometimes and give something back13:23
jeanjackbishi there, i'm looking how to launch a script I writed ( to manipulate user and user directories ) before an user connexion and after a Connexion to Internet established13:23
hplcjeanjackbis, if i remeber correctly, scriptlanguages cant run with elevated rights due to security, only truely compiled programs can13:25
hplcjeanjackbis, just a guess thou, dont take my word for it13:25
jeanjackbishplc: it is a bash script13:27
jeanjackbisand with a 12.something version of ubuntu it was working with using lightdm, now i'm updated to 14.04 and lightdm launch the script before networking13:28
jeanjackbishplc: maybe is it far from the bests practice13:30
hplcjeanjackbis, if you ever managed to schedule a script to run with elevated priviliges, i know nothing that can help you out,13:31
zack_s_mcphail: I followed this instruction: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-postgresql-on-ubuntu-14-0413:31
zack_s_there is a user set up13:32
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hplcjeanjackbis, now im so uncertain i too wish someone else thats knows for sure would answer :s13:34
jeanjackbishplc: well, thanks you to get a think in my issue ;)13:36
mcphailzack_s_: as I said, I don't use postgres. That user will probably not have a password set up and would be used by the system for unpriveleged actions such as running and maintaining databases. I suspect debian (hence Ubuntu) would have a much more elegant way to administer the database13:38
hplcjeanjackbis, i really wish i could be more helpful, but in my experience, sooner or later someone will show up with a better answer :)13:39
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guest111222hello, does anyone know which version of Qt is used for google earth ?13:40
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luuse1i'm trying to figure out an annoying problem with a friends ubuntu 15.04 installation13:43
luuse1chrome and ping can't resolve certain hostnames however running host <thehostname> resolves it just fine13:44
luuse1looking in /etc/resolv.conf there is a domain configured to search in but no nameserver posts as i have in my /etc/resolv.conf on my arch machine13:44
luuse1i found some information about how to configure the the name server to use for static configurations13:45
luuse1but is there any way to fix this without configuring a static ip?13:45
luuse1it's the /etc/network/interfaces file i've seen some static configs for13:46
adscit might work on a dynamic configuration, too...not sure though, but should be easy to test13:59
hplcatleast there used to be choices in the GUI network manager, "manual" or "dhcp" or "dhcp - address only"14:12
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misiek_windows rulez14:15
misiek_how to get laid?14:15
teravoltВсем привет14:18
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edveis there anyone that can help me out about how to save a stream on VLC and saving it into a file14:23
edveBy the command line of course14:23
hplcsome annoyance...started following a book on mysql / php that requires ver 5.0, and repo has 5.5 and 5.6. cani install 5.0 without breaking anything?14:24
pbxhplc, i'd take a look at the differences between 5.0 and 5.5.  they may not be material.14:28
pbxi'd assume it's generally backward compatible within major versions.14:29
hplcpbx, me too, i guess ill go ahead with it, it cant cost me a fortune in wasted time until i discover whether it works or not, atleast not in a newbie course14:30
MaynardWatersHi I am having a weird muting problem. When I hit mute on my keybaord I can see alsamixer and the speaker at the bottom of my xfce desktop add a small x, indicating it is muted. When I scroll a wheel which allows for up and down volume I can see the same speaker icon appear in the top right with a volume bar moving with my scrolling on the wheel. Now there is that small x on top of the scroll wheel speaker, but it neve14:33
MaynardWatersI also use xbmc/kodi on this machine a lot, in case that matters14:34
vagrant_hello mofos14:34
gelatinacan someone tell me a C programming channel?14:34
MonkeyDustgelatina  ##c++14:34
fwaokdais there something i can check on my ubuntu-guest so that I can see if my 3d graphics are working correctly? I'm getting some quirky effects when using some apps like chromium and I'm trying to figure out whats the cause14:35
HSKWhello! how i can add shortcut of nautilus on desktop?14:35
HSKWububtu 14.0414:35
MonkeyDustHSKW  here's one way: open /usr/share/applications and drag the icon of choice to the desktop14:36
HSKWMonkeyDust: cant find nautilus :(14:36
BluesKajMaynardWaters, usually increasing the volume defeats the mute, is that what you're asking about ?14:36
MonkeyDustHSKW  it's called 'files'14:37
HSKWyes, but on desktop when i drag and drop is hidden,14:37
HSKWon desktop not show.. :S14:37
MonkeyDustHSKW  try right click on the icon, copy to desktop14:38
gelatinawho know C programming here to help me?14:39
MaynardWatersBluesKaj: not exactly, this appears to be some other level of mute stuck on.14:40
mcphailgelatina: not on this channel, unless it is an Ubuntu support question14:40
compdocgelatina, thats a subject thats beyond the scope of this channel14:40
gelatinaok sorry14:40
HSKWyes but when paste nothing appear14:40
traekili##c gelatina14:41
BluesKajMaynardWaters, check the automute in alsamixer, it might be enabled14:41
MonkeyDustHSKW  try copy to... , so not copy/paste14:41
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MaynardWatersI can even click on the speaker icon at the bottom of the xfce desktop and move the volume bar there, and see the same volume bar appear and react in the top right corner of the desktop, but the x is still on that icon and I still don't hear anything14:41
MaynardWatersBluesKaj: does it matter if I am in a putty session?14:42
MaynardWatersi can use alasmixer in command line or one from the dropdown start menu with a xfce style gui14:42
MaynardWatersany preference or suggestions on understanding the difference between these?14:42
BluesKajMaynardWaters, use the console14:43
MaynardWatersBluesKaj: I can mute and unmute it there and see the impact on the speaker at the bottom of the screen14:44
MaynardWaterswhen I alter the volme the upper right speaker also appears, but the x never goes away14:44
MaynardWatersis automute different than normal mute?14:44
BluesKajit's global14:45
MaynardWatersBluesKaj: pressing "m" mutes and unmutes14:46
BluesKajI think automute is leftover from some bygone era, it's nothing but a pita14:46
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MaynardWatersBluesKaj: I checked the help file in alsamixer and didn't see any other mute beyond "m" muting14:47
BluesKajMaynardWaters, atleast until we becoame aware of it14:47
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BluesKajMaynardWaters, your alsamixer doesn't show the automute ?14:48
BluesKajit's ususally onn the far left14:49
andersonidHi. I dont no why, but my terminal doesnt have a really transparent background anymore. Its shows my desktop background not the app from behind. How can I get it back?  xfce in use14:49
andersonid* I dont know... sorry my english is so bad14:49
MaynardWatersi see the column for auto-muteM: Enabled14:50
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MaynardWatersBluesKaj: weirdly, the icon hasn't changed14:53
BluesKajunmute the enabled automute with the down arrow ket, MaynardWaters14:56
HSKWthanks a lot14:57
HSKWhow i can add a samba dir shortcut on desktop on ubuntu 14?14:58
HSKWplz help me15:01
Unhammeris apport-bug supposed to scrub personal info from the logs in any way?15:03
Unhammerbecause I notice one log says "hostname" where I'd expect a hostname, but the other says the actual hostname15:03
k1lUnhammer: its ubuntu-bug as command.15:03
Unhammeri know15:03
Unhammer(man ubuntu-bug gives man apport-bug, and the package is called apport)15:04
k1lUnhammer: and that depends on what you define as personal info. if there will be critical personal info it will tell you. but the hostname is not crucial private information, imho.15:04
ActionParsnipk1l: +1 image how many print01 or mail01 systems there are...15:05
gregLHSKW  look up arronax launcher15:05
Unhammerk1l,  also wlan SSID's are included15:06
k1lUnhammer: and launchpad will make that bugreport only visible to the package maintainers until they declare that its safe for beeing shown puplic if its marked to have private data.15:06
ActionParsnipPeople are far too paranoid15:06
k1lUnhammer: well, i still dont think ssids are crucial private information. i mean everyone running a wifi scan can see it.15:07
ActionParsnipUnhammer: aka Kevin Brubeck,?15:07
HSKWgregL: whats it is?15:11
HSKWplz how i can make an samba folder shortcut on desktiop15:16
ActionParsnipHSKW: do you mean you are on a  system that has mounted a samba share and you would like a shortcut to the folder on the desktop?15:18
ActionParsnipHSKW: what is the output of: mount15:18
ActionParsnipHSKW: use a pastebin to hold the text15:19
ActionParsnipHSKW: or run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; mount | pastebinit15:19
ActionParsnipHSKW: and post the URL in the channel15:20
* ActionParsnip thinks pastebinit should be default installed 15:21
ActionParsnipHSKW: once we have the text. I can give a command15:22
HSKWActionParsnip: ok wait :)15:24
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HSKWActionParsnip: i heve solved editing the Nautilus shortcut and add on EXEC parameter = nautlinus smb://homepc/documets15:29
dbearI have a thinkpad w510 -- and had ubuntu 14 lts deskop install and running fine. Then I purchased a larger hard disk, and installed the same version of ubuntu, with the same startup parameters -- and now when I do an shutdown, ubuntu doesn't know how to power off the device. I have kernel startup in default/grub as follows: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=off apm=power_off" .15:29
dbearstill ubuntu doesn't know how to power off15:29
HSKWnow when i open this link nautilus open directly the samba dir :)15:29
dbearany pointers?15:29
ActionParsnipHSKW: cool15:29
HSKWActionParsnip: ^_^ thanks also for the support15:30
mcphaildbear: why do you have acpi=off?15:30
HSKWgood bye to all! :) :) see yaaa UBUNTU ROCKS :)15:30
dbearmcphail: becuase after research, that was what was recommendated to make it boot consistenly15:30
mcphaildbear: and has it ever switched off since you added that?15:31
dbearmcphail: I think I had acpi=off in my last ubuntu working sets -- the prior hard drive. and it seemed to work fine.15:32
mcphaildbear: are you sure? When I last looked (which was some time ago, so my memory was fuzzy) the desktop shutdown button needed functioning acpi15:33
dbearmcphail: wish I had the old hard drive -- I could check quickly..15:34
dbearperhaps I need to google that stuff again...15:34
mcphaildbear: don't take my word for it: has been ages since I looked at this15:35
Unhammerk1l,  it just seemed like an inconsistency to me, but if it's NOTABUG then OK15:38
UnhammerActionParsnip,  yes :)15:39
saai wish to create livecd when i run ant-get upgrade command in uck it throws an error invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/systemd-logind not found. dpkg: error while cleaning up:15:39
saacan someone help in getting out of this error in ubuntu 14.4015:39
k1lUnhammer: if the bugreport containes private data its made invisible for the public and only the package maintainers can see it. but not every data is crucial private security data.15:40
k1li mean who can help to solve a bug if it sounds like "i have ubuntu XXXXX and my issue is XXXXX with XXXX and the error is XXXX."?15:41
Unhammerwoah there15:41
UnhammerI think you might be arguing against someone else now ;-)15:42
k1lubuntu_: use "/exit"15:42
ubuntu_sorry, using irssi for the first time15:42
k1lor was it /quit ?15:43
ActionParsnipsaa: do you mean 14.04?15:44
saaby mistake 0 got added15:45
saacan u help15:45
ActionParsnipsaa: how are you customising the OS? Are you using a chroot?15:46
saai am using uck-remaster-chroot-rootfs15:47
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ActionParsnipsaa: are there guide videos on YouTube?15:52
ubuntu__pls I can't seem to be able to install php on my ubunut 13.10 any help?15:53
xanguaubuntu__: you are using an outdated and no longer supported release15:54
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ubuntu__I tried to upgrade the OS via DVD but it won't let me. the option to upgrade has been grayed15:55
ActionParsnipubuntu__: I suggest you wipe Saucy off and do a clean install of Trusty. Trusty is LTS and supported til April 2019. You can restore your user data from your backups15:58
saai am customizing LTS version with uck15:58
saai dont have data15:58
saai am creating livecd15:58
ActionParsnipsaa: are there no videos about uck on YouTube?16:00
ActionParsnipsaa: https://youtu.be/LX-TPNpXet416:01
ActionParsnipsaa: really....16:01
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ActionParsnipsaa: published 21st May 2015.... How long did that take me to find?16:02
ActionParsnipsaa: more like "no...  I didn't even look"...  Right?16:02
saai thought u looked at it and was asking16:02
saai didnt open youtue16:02
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ActionParsnipsaa: did you even look when I suggested YouTube?16:03
saai didnt16:03
ActionParsnipsaa: then when I asked, why did you say no?16:03
saai assumed it may nt be thr16:04
ActionParsnipsaa: then you are a fool16:04
ActionParsnipsaa: it's free to look and takes seconds..16:04
saai think i said sorry16:04
saaif u still want to insist16:04
saai dont have any further answer/comment16:05
saaleave it16:05
saaif u dont have answer to my query16:05
ActionParsnipsaa:  did. I gave a link to a video to you, didn't I?16:05
ActionParsnipsaa: you are really going to struggle with computers, I'd just stick to the default install16:06
rainbowwarriorhello , can someone please name software that I can use to make lyric videos with and also just text for videos please ? (not just titles and sub-titles) for ubuntu 15.04 ?16:07
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: so like with a bouncing ball / swipe of the lyrics like in karaoke?16:08
Whitelionhi there I'm having troubles tring to install amd drivers for my Radeon R7 240 I'm tryng here http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu%20x86%2064 but no one seems to work16:08
rainbowwarriorActionParsnip, yes or other ways to display the text, and also need something that will allow me to have as much text as i like to scroll etc16:09
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: let me search. Sounds fun16:09
rainbowwarriorActionParsnip ok thank you16:09
Agent_Achtjust for the record - I doubled my efforts in finding an answer I was cmoing here to ask based off the last few interactions i read, and actually found my answer myself heheh Thanks for helping me!16:10
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: https://jrharshath.wordpress.com/2009/02/13/how-to-make-karaoke-on-your-ubuntu-box/   maybe16:10
rainbowwarriorActionParsnip Thank You16:11
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2206653 "old minilyrics" maybe a thing16:12
ActionParsnipOsd, not old16:12
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: Display Song Lyrics on the Ubuntu Desktop16:13
ActionParsniphttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/display-song-lyrics-on-your-ubuntu-desktop   bingo!!16:13
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: looks pretty spot on16:13
rainbowwarriorActionParsnip thank you16:13
ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: might want to check the PPA supports your release16:13
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rainbowwarriorActionParsnip ok will do thank you, but I was looking for something that would allow me to create my own lyric videos (sorry my fault, I should of said that in first place).16:14
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ActionParsniprainbowwarrior: I see16:15
rainbowwarriorActionParsnip, I have openshot installed, but see no way of doing it16:16
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: go to add text and choose where to put it16:17
EriC^^and then add it on a track above the video track so it appears over it16:17
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ thank you16:18
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: no problem16:18
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ , I do not seem to have a add text menu16:19
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: oh, it's title > new title16:20
Whitelionnobody wants to help me with my drivers?16:20
Whitelionis it possible that they don't work or maybe it's just my fault?16:20
srgAnyone good with rsync? I want to exclude ~/firefox/ but INCLUDE ~/.mozilla/firefox/. Doing `--exclude "firefox/"` excludes both, not just the first one.16:21
EriC^^srg: try --exclude "/.mozilla/firefox/"16:22
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EriC^^* ".mozilla/firefox"16:23
EriC^^srg: nevermind16:24
supersmilersHi. I was trying to change the screen resolution of ubuntu gnome in virtual machine used with hyper-v but it won't update the grub. the virtual machine progress just sit there at 0% usage. it only goes up to 1-4% if I move the cursor around.16:24
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ :- That seems to be for title and subtitle only16:25
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: what do you mean?16:25
supersmilershow do I get it to change the screen resolution to 1920x1080 and get the damned grub to update?16:26
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: you can put a footer and put the lyrics there16:26
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ , oh yeah good idea thank you16:26
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supersmilersgrub won't update for strange reason16:30
EriC^^supersmilers: what's it say?16:30
supersmilersit just sit there: "found: virtmuz images"16:31
ActionParsnipsupersmilers: is it a known issue with hyper?16:32
supersmilersno. it used to work in the past16:33
ActionParsnipsupersmilers: have you tried reinstalling the grub packages16:34
supersmilersnot yet. how do I do that?16:34
blibI just installed python3-scipy on ubuntu 15.04 - no module scipy.stats - how do I get that?16:36
supersmilersyep. its stuck at configuring grub-efi-amd6416:37
supersmilersits gen 2 virtual machine16:38
supersmilersi used ubuntu gnome 15.0416:38
supersmilersIs there's better way do this? maybe should I install it in Gen 1 virtual machine16:41
Amnestiewere speak here German..16:43
Pici!de | Amnestie16:44
ubottuAmnestie: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:44
Piciblib: Thats weird, I'd expect it to be there.  Are you sure you16:44
Picire running python3?16:44
supersmilerswhich distro of ubuntu should I install in hyper-v virtual machine?16:44
compdocsupersmilers, ubuntu server with a Mate desktop is how I do it16:45
supersmilersok if I install the server image how do I install mate desktop16:48
asianetplusHi guys i have this problem with my wifi i really dont know the issue is at roter end or at laptop. I have a windows also running on same machine16:49
asianetpluswhich is working fine16:50
asianetpluswifi disconnects frequently16:51
csbasianetplus, You could also ask ##networking16:53
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brothersomeI have a problem with my fan in my laptop since I have updated the kernel16:54
asianetpluscsb: could you give me channel name16:55
csbasianetplus, ##networking16:55
asianetpluscsb: Thanks16:57
supersmilersI never used server images16:57
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supersmilersIsn't the RPi 2 images is made from server images?16:57
supersmilersbeacuse raspbian starts from cli by default16:59
supersmilershow do I start mate-desktop session in server?17:02
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supersmilersI still can't get to mate desktop in server17:07
henohenomohejilotta people coming and going today17:08
brothersomeProblem: After start after pause my sensor temp3 gives a 100 degrees Celsius, which makes my fan keeps fully blowing - this is since a new kernel17:08
neurotServer edition Ubuntu17:08
compdocsupersmilers, I use Mate because its a 2D desktop that works with vncserver and xRDP so I can remote desktop to the server. but if thats not important, Unity is fine17:09
supersmilershow? when I used "startx" it only went to cli17:09
henohenomohejiThis yogurt ranch dressing tastes sour. It's not very good.17:09
mcphailhenohenomoheji: stop spamming the channel please17:09
xanguasupersmilers: you don't statx anymore buth the DM you have installed17:09
xangualgihtdm, gdm, etc.17:10
henohenomohejiI was unaware off-topic discussion is spamming now17:10
mcphailhenohenomoheji: then I have made you aware17:10
supersmilerswhat's mate's defaultdm17:10
compdocstartx requires you install xorg, I think17:11
supersmilersisn't mate in desktop edition used lightdm?17:12
neurotsupersmilers do you want mate so you can vnc in to it17:14
rypervenchehenohenomoheji: There is #ubuntu-offtopic for that. :)17:14
compdocsupersmilers, how did you install mate?17:14
benishorhi there. I recently upgraded to 15.04 and I am trying to install vlc but it looks like I ran into some package dependency fuckage17:15
neurotI have a better solution http://www.webmin.com/ for admin of a server17:15
supersmilersinstalled mate from default server iso using "mate-desktop"17:15
benishorcan anyone provide a hint please?17:16
brothersomebenishor, Kernel version? I couldn't install virtualbox complete - so I manually updated the kernel17:16
mcphail!webmin | neurot17:16
ubottuneurot: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:16
benishor$ uname -r17:16
neurotmcphail i did not know thank you17:17
HoloIRCUser3Any cheap laptop for ubuntu ?? Any suggestions17:17
mcphailneurot: np17:17
cangkokHoloIRCUser3: hp17:17
supersmilershow do I start it?17:17
brothersomebenishor,  == Ok your kernel is fine17:18
cangkokanyone know how to update kernel?17:18
ioriabenishor, apt-cache policy vlc17:18
HoloIRCUser3Simply download kernel from kernel.org17:19
HoloIRCUser3And install or17:19
HoloIRCUser3U can update with package manager17:19
mcphailcangkok: yes - what do you want to do, and why do you want to update?17:19
benishorioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11676206/17:19
brothersomeHoloIRCUser3, Minimum 1 GB Ram with a harddisk 20 GB and a Pentium 4 (With 64 bit) or higher17:19
HoloIRCUser3Any specific laptop???17:20
ioriabenishor, ahh, from ppa ?17:20
cangkokHoloIRCUser3: how to update using package manager?17:20
benishorioria: yes, but it would do the same even from the official repos17:20
HoloIRCUser3May buget is $100017:20
ioriabenishor, i see17:20
benishorioria: somehow there's a problem with mesa17:20
HoloIRCUser3Search for new kernel update in package manager then upgrade it17:21
brothersomecangkok, I search through my history17:21
benishorioria: aptitude seems to offer more insight: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11676213/17:21
pikos@benishor try adding xorg-edgers ppa17:21
brothersomeCang, sudo apt-get install linux-generic17:21
benishorpikos: thanks, will try17:21
supersmilerswhat's the mate-desktop default DM?17:21
benishorpikos: apparently that did it. thank you!17:23
cangkokbrothersome: HoloIRCUser3 oke thanks. have you tried updating kernel? im using 14.04 btw17:23
benishorthank you pikos, ioria, brothersome!17:23
pikos;) ur welcome17:23
benishorbut I can't help wondering why that is17:23
HoloIRCUser3No .. Buddy17:23
ioriabenishor, it's ok ?17:23
benishordoesn't the official repo contain everything needed?17:23
benishoryes ioria17:23
ioriabenishor, good17:24
benishorunfortunately vlc doesn't seem to work in fullscreen17:24
HoloIRCUser3But updating from package manager will provide stable version17:24
benishorthere's a black surface17:24
benishorwindowed mode works ok though17:24
HoloIRCUser3So dont worry about crash or anything else17:24
jstvzHello everyone.17:25
jstvzI'm using iwlwifi on 14.04, using an intel 7260. Is there some way to force  the card to 5Ghz only mode?17:25
brothersomecangkok, I did update my kernel because I couldn't run virtualbox17:25
cangkokHoloIRCUser3: im still using 14.00 , afraid if the newest kernel only support newest ubuntu. isn it?17:26
compdocsupersmilers, this is from my notes:   http://pastebin.com/7hTFGWSi17:27
supersmilersok I'm gonna redo the install thing17:27
hplcwhats the fastest method to search clean administrate and organise an external 1TB storage drive that never ever had any maintenance ? FSlint have been working for ages, emty dirs, duplicates, ancient files and using NTFS..i think17:29
HoloIRCUser3No no dont worry cause new kernel which is available in package manager is for ur os only17:29
hplcwould xfs/zfs be a better choice?17:29
mcphailcangkok: you can use a new (4.x) kernel with 14.04, but it isn't sensible to do so unless you have issues with stock kernel17:29
HoloIRCUser3So dont worry u can blindly update it17:29
HoloIRCUser3Package manager shows u only those updates which are for ur system17:30
cangkokHoloIRCUser3: okay, thankyou.. will give it a try soon17:30
HoloIRCUser3Yup cangkok17:31
HoloIRCUser3Try try try ... Learn learn learn17:31
HoloIRCUser3And enjoy17:31
melioi wrote a usb drive with an iso using he ubuntu usb creator program and now i can't boot it.17:31
melioit won't mount either.17:32
melioit just powers up, did it fry my usb 4gig thumbstick!17:32
HoloIRCUser3Try universal usb melio17:32
joshh20I have removed a disk from my RAID array, but the array still thinks it should have that disk, how do I tell it to just use two disks now?17:33
joshh20'292900800 blocks [3/2] [UU_]'17:33
benishorapparently a reboot did it!17:33
est31hi there is there a firefox clone in ubuntu package sources thats also exempt from ubuntu's per-version feature freezing, that removes shit like pocket?17:38
meliouniversal usb installer isnt in repos17:39
meliowonder why17:39
brainwashest31: not in the official repos17:39
meliounetbootin is17:39
melioboth multiplatform17:39
est31brainwash, can you recommend unofficial repos then?17:39
nexiaunetbootin is not workable with uefi really17:39
HoloIRCUser3Ooops its a windows utility17:40
meliooh it's a uefi issue? i thought the os installer handles that17:40
ubottuDebian bug 775689 in src:unetbootin "Do NOT use unetbootin for Debian CD images" [Serious,Open]17:40
melioI never used unetbootin for that17:40
melioI wrote a cd and installed it it from live17:40
melioI'm about to do that again, because my usb device is smoked17:41
melioI might pop it on another box to try to wipe it17:41
melioI havent burned a dvd in 4 years17:42
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melioor wrote a cd17:42
meliolol this brings back memories17:42
brainwashest31: maybe something like this one https://launchpad.net/~marian.kadanka/+archive/ubuntu/palemoon17:43
detach-how about ripping an audiocd17:43
detach-lamemp3, anyone?17:43
est31thanks, brainwash.17:44
meliodetach-, i don't rip music cds cause I have the internet, i havent been in a music store since the 90's17:44
melioinfact i'm surprized physical media still exists17:44
melioi'm surprized i even have blank media still17:44
melioblew the dust off it17:45
neurotmelio lol17:45
detach-melio: i think vinyl records are just starting to regain popularity again17:45
meliodetach-, with people who grow hops to make beer and wear atari shirts, who never actually owned atari17:45
detach-melio: just when you thought that's the end of anything circular, spins and stores data (incl. hard drives)17:45
meandrainany Idea how can I debug I/O problems in realtime ?17:45
melioto those people opensource to them is the receipe from 2000 years ago for beer17:46
ActionParsnipmeandrain: I/O of what?17:46
meliohipsters CANT run linux :P17:46
astroboyhave you guys tried IoT?17:46
detach-meandrain: what type of i/o problem?17:46
meliothose people with beards are called developers, or Brogrammers17:46
meandraindetach-: apache is running slowly when there's lots of hits, like a DoS on apache17:46
detach-meandrain: check your logs17:46
meandrainand I want to know the I/O performance17:46
ActionParsnipmelio: I have a beard and am neither a developer or a programmer.17:47
meandrainthat part of log is missing, like an hour missing17:47
meliodetach-, microsoft calls them spindals. which isnt even a word in linux :P17:47
melioActionParsnip, hockey fan?17:47
melioit's playoffs. :)17:47
ActionParsnipmeandrain: I/O of what? Your NIC?17:47
meandrainof the hard drive17:47
ActionParsnipmelio: not even a little17:47
meliono shave playoffs17:47
detach-meandrain: try iotop17:47
ActionParsnipmelio: I don't know what that means17:47
TJ-meandrain: see "man iotop"17:47
detach-meandrain: or if you are looking @ network traffic, iptraf17:48
meandrainthanx guys17:48
canineis it a safe practice to rename root user ?17:48
canineor is that not recommended17:48
TJ-meandrain: you may want to enable Apache's status mod though, see https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_status.html17:48
detach-canine: i've done it before back when i was a crazy BOFH, don't remember if i messed up anything17:48
ActionParsnipmelio: if you make big swooping statements, intelligent people will tell you lots of cases where it doesn't apply.17:48
meandrainTJ-: I see, thanx17:49
tonyyarussocanine: It's completely unnecessary, so why risk it?17:49
TJ-canine: that rather depends if the system has scripts that expect there to be a user named root, rather than referring to UID 017:49
ActionParsnipcanine: why bother...17:49
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detach-canine: but in general you can disable root instead of rename, then create another user with uid=0, gid=017:49
astroboymy ubuntu alwas reset the brighness to the max after reboot. any solution?17:49
ActionParsnipdetach-: that can get messy17:50
detach-ActionParsnip: well... the recommend way is probably sudoer17:50
ActionParsnipastroboy: does the system have a make and model?17:50
ActionParsnipastroboy: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue17:50
ActionParsnipDetas: indeed17:50
caninei just thought if my username was unknown (not root) that it would be harder to hack my server17:50
ActionParsnipcanine: then use your user and use sudo as the OS is designed.17:51
detach-canine: sure, that is a good way to think.. but first what do you have that is open to such attacks? SSH?17:51
mcphailcanine: only if you're trying to keep out the utterly clueless. Renaming root will not help your security17:51
detach-i was about to say 'telnet'... that's probably in the same era as CD17:51
ActionParsnipcanine: the root account is disabled for exactly that reason and more17:51
astroboyim still not infront of my laptop now17:51
canineim running a server apache2/mysql, full lamp stack17:51
ActionParsnipastroboy: well, we will need that detail17:52
detach-canine: renaming root will not fix any bugs on an open and poorly patched/secured apache/mysql17:52
ActionParsnipcanine: leave root alone and use sudo when needed, your system will be much more secure17:52
canineok, thanks for the advice17:53
[Ex0r]How accurate is up to date is 'locate'?17:53
[Ex0r]accurate and up to date*17:53
ioriasudo updatedb17:53
ActionParsnip[Ex0r]: depends when you last ran: sudo updatedb17:53
astroboyActionParsnip: will be back here soon after checking that, thx17:53
[Ex0r]I had mysql installed, and installed vesta. It appears to have overwritten my database files, but I can't tell if it's deleted them, or just told the config to look in a different place, so I am trying to find where the original ones are stored17:54
brainwashActionParsnip: isn't updatedb run periodically (cron)?17:54
detach-alias locate="sudo updatedb; locate"17:54
meandraindetach-: ActionParsnip TJ-   I've just found this:  http://www.brendangregg.com/perf.html17:54
ActionParsnip[Ex0r]: it's faster because you are searching a database of files and folders. If you haven't ran updatedb in a while and the file system changes a lot then it will be ineffective17:54
[Ex0r]Okay it appears it made a backup of my files and folders from before, so can i just restore them?17:54
albertocgHello, how do I get my Ubuntu 15.04 to work as a pentesting OS. Most of Ubuntu's repositories aren't even up to date with security tools17:55
ActionParsnipBrainwash: could check root's crontab to see. Don't think so...17:55
ActionParsnipalbertocg: there are distributions with pentesting tools17:55
detach-meandrain: that's complicated, and unless i exhausted all means and have to go through all that stuff, i would rather start with the easy ones first17:55
TJ-[Ex0r]: "/var/lib/mysql/"17:55
mcphailalbertocg: Ubuntu isn't designed to run the latest software. If you need the bleeding edge, you're using the wrong distro17:55
wastrelwhich is the right distro17:56
[Ex0r]yup, TJ- thats where it installed the new myslq installation, but it made a backup of my old databases so I am just going to copy them back over17:56
ActionParsnipdetach-: once updatedb has ran it doesn't need to be ran again unless the data changes extremely rapidly.17:56
ActionParsnipwastrel: kali is one option17:56
krabadorcristian_c, oh, glad to see you here17:56
[Ex0r]now to find out how to restore the usernames17:57
ioriabrainwash, i guess so, because i'm on an old machine and sometime i hear strange noise from hh i check ps -A and it's updatedb17:57
[Ex0r]not sure what database those are stored in17:57
ActionParsnipwastrel: not supported here but has some nice tools17:57
albertocgmcphail, Not even if I build it myself?17:57
albertocgActionParsnip, I already have Kali for Live USB, but I want to try it from Ubuntu as I don't see myself using Kali for personal use17:58
mcphailalbertocg: you can always build yourself. The distro won't help you with self-built software, howerver. You'd have to arrange all the updates etc yourself17:58
detach-albertocg: i would suggest you download src of the tools you want to use and compile them17:59
ActionParsnipalbertocg: well yeah, it's a  toolbox distribution...  Use Ubuntu for daily tasks and boot USB when you need the toolbox....17:59
albertocgmcphail, But there's no unsupported repo or whatever that let's me get up-to-date builds17:59
detach-or run it in a virual env17:59
mcphailalbertocg: there may be a PPA out there, but be aware that PPAs cannot always be trusted18:00
mcphail!ppa | albertocg18:00
ubottualbertocg: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:00
albertocgActionParsnip, It's a pain to reboot everytime I want to do some small tests and for VMs some networking tools won't work18:00
detach-why won't those networking tools work?18:00
brainwashioria: it makes sense to run it periodically in the background. so, using `locate` does not require to manually update the database18:00
detach-promiscuous mode?18:01
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albertocgdetach-, mostly packet sniffing tools. They just run on Live USB, still can't get them to work under VM18:02
ioriabrainwash, yep, but figure out the situation in which you have installed a package and cron has't still run ....18:02
tonyyarussocanine: Don't worry about changing the username.  Worry about just locking the account.  You shouldn't be logging in as root, so it doesn't matter what root is called if you can't.18:02
ioriabrainwash, oh, my God.... i lost a file ^_^18:02
albertocgmcphail, so far the best seems to be build my own packages one by one...18:02
detach-albertocg: that's because you'll just need to have promiscuous mode, but IIRC some of those packet sniffing tools are already available on Ubuntu18:03
detach-albertocg: i know vmware allows promiscuous but not sure about  virtualbox or what you are using18:03
brainwashioria: yes, that is a special case. automatically updating the database on every occasion is bad I guess18:03
mcphailalbertocg: or use whatever versions of the tools which ship by default18:03
hr49_piHello. I just installed from the minimal CD, and I am having issues installing my graphics driver nvidia-346-updates. (I did not select any software to install during setup.) Earlier, I encountered the same problem installing xfce4, but since I had received some error messages about unresolved dependences in aptitude during setup, I figured I had messed something up and reinstalled. (My primary system is not18:04
hr49_piat risk; this is just for experimentation.) However, I receive the following error: `Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)'. Earlier, when I had this problem with xfce4, I tried running a apt-get install -f, which reported several hundred partially-installed packages, encountered the18:04
hr49_piaforementioned error, and kept going, encountering others, before trying to setup rtkit, which froze the system. (TTYs I had not yet logged into did not respond.) I looked at the dpkg log, which reported that rtkit was half-configured, or something along those lines. Any help would be appreciated.18:04
albertocgmcphail, most of them are outdated18:04
albertocgdetach-, I've been trying with virtualbox18:04
ioriabrainwash, yep18:04
brainwashioria: one could add a hook to apt-get, so it updates the database after package installation/removal18:04
mcphailalbertocg: then your options are self-build, PPA or alternative distro. I'm afraid that's about it18:05
detach-albertocg: unfortunately then, gcc is now your best friend18:05
brainwashwall of text18:05
al8989hello i was looking to buy a wireless adapter and was wondering if thenetgear wna3100mor the wna100m would good cjoices for wireless adapters that stay connected18:05
ioriabrainwash, for apt there is. but don't think for other scenario18:05
albertocgI'm a dev myself so that won't be a problem.. I only wanted to find out if there was a better workaround on Ubuntu. Thank you18:06
meandraindetach-: right, I'll start simple since I don't know yet simple things, I've pasted that link just because it seemed interesting :D18:06
ioriabrainwash, like the setup.py, install.sh,  etc. etc18:06
mcphailalbertocg: if you install everything under /usr/local/, the Ubuntu packagemanager won't interfere with your self-builds18:07
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detach-albertocg: yeap but packet sniffing tools don't need to be very updated do they? it's the analysis tools that should be updated18:07
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RepThis1hey guys im having problems suod apt-get upgrading, i get a bunch of errors and was wondering how do i regenerate the stuff it looks at?18:08
mcphailRepThis1: sudo apt-get update18:08
hr49_piRepThis1, what kind of errors are you getting?18:09
RepThis1hold on now i cant install pastebinit b/c  of some administrative directory process.18:09
RepThis1wth. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11676924/18:11
SchrodingersScatRepThis1: is apt-get/synaptic/aptitude/etc running elsewhere?18:12
SchrodingersScatanything that works with packages18:12
RepThis1SchrodingersScat: i got it fixed, give me a second to post the real prob.18:12
strtokif i resize a window in ubuntu 14.04, my compiz kinda hangs and i can no longer interact with anything with the mouse. and if i hold down alt-ctrl and press left/right arrow to switch virtual desktops, it manually moves the mouse with the keyboard instead (???). This is resolved if i kill -9 compiz18:13
RepThis1SchrodingersScat: program was stopped18:13
pbxRepThis1, some pastebins let you pipe stdin to make a paste. e.g. echo "foo" | curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/18:13
RepThis1pbx: wow that looks complex18:15
RepThis1never seen a =<-18:15
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astroboy pbx hmm interesting18:15
astroboypbx: just know that we can do that18:15
al8989hello i was looking to buy a wireless adapter and was wondering if the netgear wna3100m or the wna1000m would be good choices for ones that work with ubuntu18:16
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RepThis1its gonna be a bit before i can post the problem once the upgrade finishes18:17
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SchrodingersScatal8989: net says both use Realtek, looks like there were more problems with the second, but that may have been solved by now, that was 201218:19
hr49_piIs there anything wrong with an apt-get install -f hanging if a dpkg --reconfigure -a is run right after reboot? It seems like a bad solution, but when I did it earlier with xfce4, xfce seemed to work just fine.18:19
hr49_piI still have no idea what the root of my issue is though.18:20
catalinnanybody can help me with something18:21
al8989ah ok thank you i need a new adapter and i cna buy these down the street from my place and i noticed they both workd with ubuntu linux but wanted to know how well18:22
catalinnim looking for ubuntu installer to run with windows, i had it before18:22
catalinnand i had dual boot18:22
catalinnwubi was the installer18:22
al8989so you saidthe wna1000m was the better choice18:22
catalinnany link to download?18:23
hr49_picatalinn: something that would run from windows, or something you could say put on a cd or flash drive and boot into?18:23
al8989isn't wubi usually on the ubuntu dvd?18:23
catalinnnope, when i open my old laptop, i had 2 options, boot windows or linux18:24
xanguacatalinn: wubi is no longer maintained18:24
hr49_piI think the live cd has an option to install along side Windows18:24
catalinnii have the original dvd will try to see18:24
catalinnif it works18:24
xanguaWhat's wrong with a real install or a virtual machine? catalinn18:24
al8989CATALINN: i just installed ubuntuon apc a when i inserted the cd into windows it came me an instLL IOTION IF I WANTED TO USE IT18:24
catalinnbecause i have windows 8  original and dont have the cd18:24
catalinnand i need some programs from windows as well..18:25
yaccAny one that could help me debug a X freeze (no reaction, but mouse pointer works, Haswell Optimus hardware running only Intel drivers, AFAIK, the laptop is reachable via ssh)?18:25
catalinncant revert to win if i upgrade18:25
yaccNothing in the kernel log. Nothing in Xorg.0.log18:25
hr49_picatalinn: if you have somewhere to back up your data (just in case), you can repartition18:25
al8989CATALINN: i just installed ubuntuon apc a when i inserted the cd into windows it came me an install Option if i wanted to use it18:25
detach-catalinn: then use a virtual machine18:25
catalinnwell, not upgrade but you know18:25
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catalinnim thinking of the posibilities... will check dvd now to see18:26
hr49_picatalinn: you can use the gparted live cd (or put it onto a flash drive with e.g. tuxboot) to repartition your hard drive to give you space for ubuntu18:26
ioriacatalinn i did a usb stick with UUI and there is Wubi on it. but i don't recommend it18:27
hr49_piokay, I'm going to see if the same thing happens with nvidia-346-updates as did with xfce418:28
yaccAny idea how to debug the X freeze?18:28
hr49_piactually, if dpkg encounters an error in an apt install, should I do dpkg --reconfigure -a or apt-get install -f?18:29
hr49_pigiven I have absolutely no idea how to fix the problem otherwise18:29
hr49_pinor have I been able to find any similar issues documented18:29
hr49_piDoes anyone know about systemd dpkg errors?18:32
Rave1hr49_pi,   not reconfigure    just configure18:34
juniorsaHi - I've been trying to install 14.04 lts on an amd system with 2 3TB disks - I partitioned them and created a raid1 drive the install goes fine but when I get to the grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sdb - it fails (6 times) unable to install grub in /dev/sda "executing 'grub install /dev/sda' failed this is a fatal error - I'm so stuck :(18:35
yaccHmm, chvt 1 and chvt 7, took half an eternity, but it seems to have revived my X server :)18:35
hr49_piRave1: thanks, running the command now, but it still seems to encounter error setting up systemd.18:36
detach-juniorsa: how did you raid-1 those disks?18:36
TJ-juniorsa: Which RAID did you use, mdraid ?18:36
TJ-juniorsa: I'll bet the metadata is at the start of the disk and therefore in the way18:36
juniorsathe installer raid118:37
al8989ScrodingersScat: I just seen on wikidevi that both wireless cards the wna1000m and  the wna3100m both have a linux driver thats provided by realtek now so they should both work fine18:37
detach-so you have /dev/sda1 + /dev/sdb1 = /dev/md0?18:37
detach-or /dev/sda + /dev/sdb = /dev/md018:37
juniorsayes /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb318:37
TJ-juniorsa: OK, so mdraid. You'd need to ensure it used metadata version 1.0 rather than the default 1.2 (at the beginning)18:38
juniorsahow do I do that?18:38
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TJ-juniorsa: If you've raided the partitions, not the entire device, then the metadata version doesn't matter18:39
juniorsaI've raided the partition not the device and still won't install18:40
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juniorsaI always create a raid1 and then install18:40
juniorsais there a better way?18:40
al8989SchrodingersScat: how would i go about installingthe realtek driver once i download it as i never isntalled the driver before because my hardware has always been found18:40
TJ-juniorsa: I'd suspect there's something unusual in the way you've configured the partitioning18:40
TJ-juniorsa: are you able to use the system right now, and does it have a network connection?18:41
juniorsaI have the network working fine - it connects to the internet but I can't finish the install so it is not a working system :(18:41
TJ-juniorsa: If you have a terminal on it, do this and tell us the URL: "lsblk | pastebinit"18:42
TJ-juniorsa: hopefully pastebinit package is installed by default - if not, install it18:42
juniorsaI'll try but now I have to go through the whole install again :(18:43
SchrodingersScatal8989: that's the thing, it may have already been solved by now, not sure.18:43
TJ-juniorsa: no you don't, just switch to a terminal18:43
TJ-juniorsa: IS it the Live Desktop installer?18:43
juniorsaTJ: too late I've rebooted :(18:44
juniorsait's not a live desktop installer18:44
TJ-juniorsa: oh well :(18:45
TJ-juniorsa: what is it, server?18:45
juniorsayes server install18:45
TJ-juniorsa: Then it has a "drop to shell" option towards the bottom of the installer menu18:45
juniorsaso when I get to that error I drop to shell? - any advice on partitioning? should I do lvm? I don't usually I like to have raid1 on the boot drive18:46
TJ-juniorsa: I usually have RAID-1 at least on the 'bare' drives and use LVM on that so I can (re)assign extents as needed18:47
al8989SchrodingersScat: thank you so much for the help18:48
juniorsais it safe to just raid1 the 2 3tb drives?18:48
TJ-juniorsa: that's mirrored them, it's easiest if 1 fails as long as you have a spare in place quickly to rebuild the array to since the other drive could die whilst its alone18:49
TJ-juniorsa: remember that if drives from the same batch fail they'll often fail around the same time18:50
detach-good tip from TJ- there18:50
detach-that's generally very true18:51
detach-3TB seagates = terrible btw18:51
juniorsais ext4 adviseable? or ext318:52
detach-ext4 is fine18:52
TJ-I sometimes have fin in my lab here testing failure scenarios; I've got a 12-channel IDE controller and I can play around with various configs and then killing power to 1 or more drives to see how the OS copes. Can be revealing how vulnerable even supposedly good protection is18:53
amjadHey guys. Can anyone tell me how Ubuntu fares on macbooks?18:55
SholiraHi =) I have a small issue with my ubuntu18:55
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:55
Sholirasince I did a software update my ubuntu account on a dual boot is stuck in a login loop18:56
FleuvHey, how do I permanently add something to my firewall via terminal (iptable)?18:56
amjadThanks for the link ubottu.18:56
SholiraI've been to a helpdesk at my university. they have a computer there with the same issue18:56
Fleuvnvm: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66890/18:57
ioriaSholira, can you open a terminal ?18:58
Sholiratty yes18:58
ioriaSholira, ls -al ~/.Xauthority18:58
SholiraI can also boot in recovery mode, but then again it also gets stuck in a login loop18:58
Jordan_USholira: Please describe what happens when you try to login.18:59
Sholirawhen I enter my password it seems to login, then after a short time the screen goes black and then goes back to the login screen19:00
BobTheAngryCathi noobs and faggots. So There isn't a /dev/audio in ubuntu? Are there anything similar, to where you can pipe anything to the speakers?19:00
sh0tHI guys i had to install ghc from source ball cause i needed a newer version19:00
Sholiraand the ls gives -rw------ username username 61 jun19:00
sh0tnow i get this: http://pastebin.com/F9Cq6E3919:00
ioriaSholira, sudo service lightdm restart19:01
BobTheAngryCatSholira: "after a short time", how short is that?19:01
Sholira~10 sec19:01
BobTheAngryCator just do what the ioria noob said :). Could fix it19:01
Sholiradidn't really count19:01
BobTheAngryCatSholira: does it matter if you type things?19:01
Jordan_UBobTheAngryCat: Homophobic slurs are not acceptable in this channel.19:01
Sholirawhat do you mean by that BobTheAngryCat?19:01
BobTheAngryCatJordan_U: fag = beautiful. I do not have your homophobic reference of things19:02
juniorsado I do something before it asks to install grub?19:02
BobTheAngryCatSholira: well, if you login, and start typing a command, can you do that or can't you even type anything?19:02
Sholiraioria I did what you said but the same issue19:03
Jordan_UBobTheAngryCat: This is not up for discussion. Do not use homophobic language in this channel. The next time will result in a ban.19:03
BobTheAngryCatJordan_U: what I said, I still stand by it. I speak English, you speak some other language.19:03
SholiraBobTheAngryCat: time too short (my aprox should have been <5s)19:03
Jordan_UBobTheAngryCat: If you wish to discuss your mute, please join #ubuntu-ops.19:04
sh0tcan anyone help me installing all this very new software: ?19:05
ioriaSholira, nvidia ?19:05
Sholiraioria, my laptop uses intel for graphics...19:06
ioriaSholira, sudo cat /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log19:07
juniorsaok I'm at a shell - it failed again - what do I do now?19:07
Sholiraioria, what should I see there?19:08
juniorsaTJ: help? - lol19:08
ioriaSholira, like error, invalid argument ....19:08
Sholiraioria, nothing seems to be off then =/19:09
hplcwhat filesystem to go for if i gonna redo the external disk anyway?19:10
ioriaSholira, try to reinstall it19:10
bilalhaving problems with screen tearing in linux mint19:11
ioriaSholira, no, useless19:11
k1l_!mint | bilal please see the mint specialists19:11
ubottubilal please see the mint specialists: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:11
bilalok thanks19:12
Sholiraioria, was thinking the same tbh, and reinstalling ubuntu is out of order as well (will run into the same issue)19:12
ioriaSholira, check ~/.xsession-errors.old or .xsession-errors19:13
Sholiraioria, it does give errors, but I don't know what to do with them19:14
ioriaSholira, paste it maybe someone know the issue19:14
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Jordan_Uhplc: If you're not doing anything exceptionally wierd, ext4 is pretty much always a good choice. If you want snapshotting and reflink features you'll need zfs or btrfs, but zfs has the disadvantage of not being part of the mainline kernel (and so require installation of additional packages on any machine you want to use it with) and btrfs has the disadvantage of still needing more time to mature.19:19
hplcJordan_U, very many snapshots / day yes19:20
detach-hplc: looks like you got your answer here ;)19:21
Jordan_Uhplc: Then xfs isn't even an option (and neither is ext4).19:21
FleuvHmm why I don't have permissions? $ sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.new.conf19:22
Fleuv-bash: /etc/iptables.new.conf: Permission denied19:22
bindiFleuv: use sudo -i and then do iptables-save > /....19:22
Jordan_Uhplc: You may want to reconsider doing many snapshots per day though. Copy on write inherently leads to fragmentation, and having tons of snapshots means that it's not even possible to defragment.19:22
Fleuvthanks bindi, didn't know that :O19:23
danishanishhello guys i am new to ubuntu and linux in general19:23
danishanishand am starting to make some scripts19:23
danishanishshould i use vi, vim, emacs, or nano?19:23
Picidanishanish: whatever you like the best.19:23
danishanishthing is though im not sure which are "best" or most powerful19:23
danishanishapparently emacs is larger19:24
danishanishbut more powerful?19:24
Picidanishanish: vim and emacs are the most powerful out of the list.19:24
PiciThe discussion of vim vs. emacs tends to cause wars.19:24
danishanishso its like an android/apple or pc/mac/linux thing?19:25
Picidanishanish: yeah ;)19:25
danishanishhm, ill do some more research then19:25
danishanishthank you!19:25
Jordan_Udanishanish: If you want to learn vim I recommend starting by running "vimtutor".19:25
hplcJordan_U, the smaller (somewhat faster" ext hdd may just get btrfs, but the other 1TB disk?, usually those i use for longtime storage / true backups19:27
PJkeehAny way to catch notifications on ubuntu touch and send it to an app?19:28
hplcJordan_U, security in every sense is usually more important on that, what suits better on that one?19:28
Jordan_Uhplc: zfs is more stable than btrfs at the moment.19:30
hplcJordan_U, ok19:30
hplcJordan_U, so maybe zfs on both?19:30
Jordan_Uhplc: That's up to you.19:31
hplci feel kinda lost19:31
nanduhello all19:35
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:46
Cpuroastthat's so wrong19:46
Cpuroastand not accurate19:46
CpuroastDebian still fully supports Debian and Ubuntu19:46
CpuroastI meant webmin19:47
detach-no support for hashtags? and emoji?19:47
Eldunarhello. I had exercise in mt university, but during making of this i have got this error: http://pastebin.com/66hYL2Yk can u tell me how to fix this?19:47
zykotick9Cpuroast: fyi, #debian's webmin factoid pasted to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11678608/19:48
detach-Eldunar: erm ask your teacher?19:48
guntbert!here | Eldunar19:48
ubottuEldunar: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:48
EldunarThats just the problem with this maxima. When i tried this code during lesson everything gone fine. But here sth is wrong with file "/usr/share/maxima/5.35.1/share/lsquares/lsquares.mac". But i do not know how to fix this19:50
Agent_Achtcheers everyone - end of line19:51
neurotzykotick9 that is stupid19:52
zykotick9neurot: s/that/webmin/ and i'd agree ;)19:53
Jordan_Ujuniorsa: Please pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts .19:55
neurotzykotick9 webmin has been very helpful for me, but we all have our opinions19:55
juniorsaI waited and waited so now I'm trying to install using debian 8 - :( wanted to stick to ubuntu - if this fails I'll try 15.04 and pastebin the contents of /proc/mounts19:56
JinjaNinjaHi there. I know this is the Ubuntu chan, but I was wondering if someone could help out with this, since it partially has to deal with Ubuntu. Is there a way to install all of the (AUDIO only) packages that come with Ubuntu Studio, and install it onto Ubuntu?19:59
lotuspsychjeJinjaNinja: you could try aptoncd to backup your fav audio packages19:59
lotuspsychjeJinjaNinja: then install them to ubuntu20:00
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | JinjaNinja20:00
ubottuJinjaNinja: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (vivid), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB20:00
zykotick9JinjaNinja: check out the ubuntustudio-audio metapackage20:01
JinjaNinjalotuspsychje, I was hoping there was a PPA that I could use, to install the Audio/ DAW softwares that come with Ubuntu Studio20:01
Jordan_UJinjaNinja: Run "sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop" and look at the list of packages it tries to install. Install the ones relating to audio manually.20:01
zykotick9Jordan_U: see my suggestion above ;)20:02
JinjaNinjazykotick9's answer looks to be the most promising. :)20:02
lotuspsychje!cookie | zykotick920:02
ubottuzykotick9: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:02
Jordan_UJinjaNinja: Looks like in 15.04 there is also an ubuntustudio-audio-core metapackage.20:03
zykotick9ummm  that was a good cookie ;)20:03
JinjaNinjazykotick9, would this install every audio-only package that is included with ubuntu studio?20:03
Jordan_Uzykotick9: JinjaNinja: D'oh, indeed zykotick9's suggestion is better than both of mine :)20:03
zykotick9JinjaNinja: i'd suspect so, but certainly have zero first hand experience20:03
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JinjaNinjaI only want to have the audio suite that comes with ubuntu studio, and install that onto Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, as I am not interested in all of the other stuff included on Ubuntu Studio, (I'm a musician, Ubuntu Studio's stuff is too excessive, although It'd be great to have it's audio suite.)20:05
JinjaNinjaSo I'll go with zykotick9's suggestion. Should I do 15.04's metapackage or 14.04?20:06
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FleuvHey, I've got some trouble with my smtp server. When I send an email to my dad (downloads via outlook web) it takes an half hour before the mail appears in his inbox. For me (gmail user) it's within a few sec.20:08
detach-did the mail arrive at your smtp server on time (check your logs)20:09
detach-telnet to your smtp server, is there a delay before the banner appears?20:09
FleuvThe only problem I detect using mxtoolbox is that the smtp server connection & transaction is to high/not good.20:10
WhitorHi All,  14.04 LTS here.  There is a white border that occurs on all prints from every application in (my) ubuntu to every printer we have in house.   Is anyone aware of an area where I can turn off borders and allow edge to edge printing?    (The printer supports it and the windows drivers have an optoin to print edge to edge20:10
Jordan_UJinjaNinja: Just "sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio". It's just like any other package, so when you install it you'll get the package for the version of Ubuntu you're using, which is 14.04. "sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio-core" won't work in Ubuntu (or Ubuntu Studio) 14.04, because the package doesn't exist, but "ubuntustudio-audio" is probably more what you want anyway.20:10
Fleuvlet me have a look detach-20:10
lotuspsychjeWhitor: photo printing or text printing?20:11
JinjaNinjaJordan_U: Thanks :) I'll report back and tell you how it goes.20:11
JinjaNinja(I'm still on Ubuntu studio, I'm making a live USB install stick of20:12
JinjaNinjaUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS20:12
lotuspsychjeJinjaNinja: you can apt-get download packagename also and backup all your .deb20:12
sokollCan someone tell me the difference between a snapshot and an image?20:13
Whitorlotuspsychje, both... in a libre office document20:13
lotuspsychjeWhitor: maybe the #libreoffice guys can help you?20:13
JinjaNinjasokall: A snapshot is a beta version of a completed image, which still has yet to be released to the public. Snapshots are generally unstable.20:13
Whitorlotuspsychje, great! I'll try over there. thanks !20:13
sokollJinjaNinja: I mean with regards to backups20:14
Whitorsokoll, a snapshot is a differential backup, an image is complete20:14
JinjaNinjasokoll, oh.20:14
sokollWhitor: thanks :D20:14
bekksSnapshots are never backups.20:14
sokollJinjaNinja: also thanks :) sorry, should have been more explicit20:14
Whitorbekks, yes20:14
JinjaNinjaI thought you were talking about a snapshot as in, a beta Linux distro. Lol.20:15
Whitora snapshot is just a way to go back to a certain period of time... kinda like rolling back the clock20:15
sokollJinjaNinja: no :P sorry20:15
Whitoryou can't pull files from it... and you can't use it to recover onto a different computer20:15
sokollWhitor: so if I had an instance of something, say a whole ubuntu instance20:15
Fleuvdetach-, I'm not sure what to look for it looks pretty okay at /var/log/mail.log -> http://pastebin.com/qMCfRHVz20:16
sokollWhitor: and I wanted to duplicate that instance, to create a development version of it20:16
sokollWhitor: would I use snapshot or image?20:16
Whitorduplicate onto a different machine ?20:16
Whitorsokoll, ^^20:17
bekkssokoll: You would image it to a different machine.20:17
sokollWhitor: so like a cloud instance or something20:17
sokollWhitor: AWS?20:17
Whitorsokoll, Check out Clonezilla20:17
sokollWhitor: We use CPM with AWS20:17
Whitoroh... it depends on your cloud provider20:17
detach-Fleuv: i don't think you understand what i meant. at the time you sent an e-mail, did the email arrive at the SMTP server? you should be seeing the public IP address of the sender mail serer ,e.g. if you sent from gmail then you will see Google's mail server connecting to you20:18
Whitorit it were a vmware esxi host, I'd create a forked virtual machine20:19
Fleuvthanks detach- I will look into it first i will fix: https://forum.vestacp.com/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5514#p2294420:19
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6A4ACSXJXque cuentan?20:21
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docmurI have to clone two drives, the original drive is a 1.0TB and the new one is only 500GB, the 1.0TB is fairly empty < 100GB used, so what is the best took to clone the 1.0TB to the 500GB?  Can dd work with different sized drives?  I'm on ubuntu live cd20:25
mcphaildocmur: you can pipe dd through gzip or whatever20:26
wesley9946docmur: or you can use parted magic20:27
mcphaildocmur: if yo actually want to _use_ the filesystem on the 500GB drive you'd be better recreating the filesystem and copying20:27
Jordan_Udocmur: What is your end goal? Why not just copy the files as files?20:28
docmurThe old drive already contains the OS,data and program, I literally want to clone it to a SSD20:29
histodocmur: what os is on it?20:29
histowesley9946: clonezilla won't clone to a smaller drive20:30
histodocmur: you'd have to use somehting like rsync or tar20:30
histoafter setting up your partitions on the new ssd20:30
histodocmur: you could run  chkdisk on the old drive, resize the partition and then clone it20:32
histodocmur: just shrink it to smaller than the new drive then clone the partitions20:32
docmurya I was just thinking that20:32
histodocmur: make sure you chkdisk with Windblows first before shrinking. Why are you asking about windows here anyways?20:33
docmurI'm not, I'm asking about cloning, the drive just happens to be a Window sOS20:33
Ben64its not an ubuntu issue though20:34
docmurExcept that I'm running Ubuntu to preform the clone20:34
juniorsaJordan_U: here is a picture of the /proc/mounts http://picpaste.com/ubuntu-gZpVH39F.jpg20:35
beterrabaa clone?20:35
beterrabalike in the clone wars?20:35
Ben64i'm sure ##windows could give you the best way to clone windows20:35
detach-docmur: you are running the wrong thing20:35
k1l_docmur: what about you plain dd the old disk to the new one.20:36
histok1l_: different sizes20:36
Ben64old one is 2x the size k1l_20:37
mwestermannhi guys.. I  am wondering if I can log off a unity session Im not in. I have the following problem: I left my pc logged on with some programs open ( eg. chrome, intellij) now I logged in remotely via xrdp to a mate session.. but if I open a program in mate it is not shown.. I guess it is opened in my unity session20:37
Ben64mwestermann: you could probably open stuff using something like "DISPLAY=:1 google-chrome"20:37
histomwestermann: you could restart lightdm but that might kill your mate session as well20:37
k1l_well, delete enough stuff to match the size. then reduce the partition to that size  so it doesnt store stuff at the end of partition that will get lost. then dd and when it stops while the new disk is full, you will not loose data20:38
beterrabahelp clone20:38
beterrabainfo clone20:38
beterrabainfo clone wars20:38
mwestermannhisto but I  can relogin to my mate session ?!20:38
beterrabainfo mace windu20:38
beterrabahelp dark raven20:38
Ben64mwestermann: try using DISPLAY=:120:38
beterrabainfo darth20:39
beterrabadisplay darth20:39
Ben64beterraba: stop that20:39
beterrabaok :(20:39
mwestermannBen64, ok trying20:39
histomwestermann: yes20:40
histomwestermann: using DISPLAY is a better solution though20:40
beterrabahey guys, be happy20:42
mwestermannBen64 getting error: cannot open display: :120:42
Ben64mwestermann: must be a different number then20:43
mwestermannBen64 can I figure out the number?20:44
mwestermannor do I have to try20:44
Ben64if you can get a terminal up, you can use "echo $DISPLAY"20:44
asteraiGuys, i want tocontribute the ubuntu where i can get a task, or mentor, or team lead contacts?20:45
=== apofis_ is now known as apofis
k1l_!contribute | asterai20:45
ubottuasterai: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu20:45
mwestermannBen64, :-) just tried 1-10 but $DISPLAY is 1120:46
asterai<ubottu> I cant understand what a need to do...20:46
asteraiWhy so hard for start contributing? :'(20:47
k1l_asterai: see the links the bot gave you. where you can contribute depends on what skills you have.20:47
mwestermannBen64, now getting errors: xlib: extension "XInputExtension" missing on display 11 and the the info, that a new window was opened in actual browser session20:48
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Ben64mwestermann: very strange20:49
mwestermannBen64, will try to restart lightdm20:49
al8989hello im am trying to install hplip latest version but it is hanging at the dependancy and conflict resolution step20:50
al8989of the setup20:50
mwestermannBen64, restarrt lightdm did the trick.. I kept connected to mate and now programs are opened in my mate session20:51
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beterrabau guys so hack20:55
k1l_beterraba: please stop that random comments in here. we try to keep this channel support only.20:56
beterrabaok :(20:56
beterrababut i mean, ure so dedicated to help other people.. i find it fascinating20:56
beterrabai'd wish i had the means and the disposition to be so supportive20:57
beterrabathis network in genreal, including this channel, is something beautifull humanity achieved.. i'm proud of you guys20:58
al8989hello can anyone help me install the hplip software?21:01
nicomachusHey guys, I just bought a new external HDD to backup a PC and it's NTFS. Do I need to convert to ext4?21:09
k1l_what do you want to do exactly with it? just use it on that (or other) ubuntu/linux boxes or windows boxes too?21:10
nicomachusit will probably end up seeing a mix of ubuntu and windows.21:10
umbra_puruscan someone please tell me how do I install the wifi drivers? I've downloaded the drivers but since the tutorial is using files that are not in the tar.gz file i don't know what to do21:11
histonicomachus: you can run whatever filesystem you want on it.21:11
k1l_in short: if you want to plug that into windows machines you will need ntfs. but than you cant just place all files plain on that partition, because the file permissions will be spoiled. you need to use packaging or imaging for that then21:11
histoumbra_purus: what wifi chipset?21:11
umbra_purushisto: I can't tell you right now because I'm not in linux. The brings the second question. How can I talk in irc channels in linux? I've tried Konversation but I can't set it up21:14
pbxin the last day my notifications have changed from floating windows to small pale-blue boxes in the upper left.  i certainly set this preference once but now i can't find it. where does it live? (also, why might have it changed? i installed i3, that's all i can think of)21:15
pbx14.04, linux, unity21:15
Fuchsumbra_purus: where exactly are you stuck? It should be pretty easy21:15
zenkohello, i'm using 14.04.2 LTS and i'm interested in configuring cpusets. i've read the kernel docs but the system is not reacting as i expect. does anyone have experience with it?21:15
k1l_umbra_purus: what desktop do you use?21:15
Fuchsumbra_purus: I mean worst case there is always  https://webchat.freenode.net21:15
pbxumbra_purus, xchat is primitive but servicable21:15
umbra_purusthen I'll try webchat and come back21:15
Fuchsif you plan to go for xchat, go with hexchat instead. It's a fork, it's better.21:16
umbra_purushexhcat you say21:16
Fuchsumbra_purus: on gnome or XFCE: yes21:16
Fuchson KDE I'd go with konversation. But if you are stuck, you can always use webchat to get hep21:16
umbra_purusI think elementary, which is based on ubuntu, uses xfce21:16
k1l_umbra_purus: for elementary you will need to ask their support.21:17
Fuchsyeah, give hexchat a go.21:17
k1l_!elementary | umbra_purus21:17
ubottuumbra_purus: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.21:17
umbra_purusthanks k1l that's really useful21:18
seijiroufibre channel fun anybody?21:19
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:21
pbxha not that kind of channel21:21
daftykinsseijirou: ##networking is up your alley.21:23
seijirou@daftykins thank you!21:23
duckx0rIs there any way to use /etc/hosts (or other) to map a hostname to another hostname instead of to a specific IP address?21:30
seijirouduckx0r:  try    echo "fakehost realhost" > /etc/host.aliases21:33
argI'm havving issues trying to print to my canon wireless printer21:34
argany help?21:34
seijiroubetter, check this out and see if you can find something that will work for you here.  http://serverfault.com/questions/65199/is-it-possible-to-alias-a-hostname-in-linux21:34
daftykins!details | arg21:34
ubottuarg: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:34
duckx0rseijirou, I tried that but it didn't work.21:34
argdaftykins: I have the printer on my printer list and when I click print test page, the printer  doesn't actually print but the computer says it completed. It was working before but now it isn't21:35
daftykinsarg: USB attached or network?21:36
duckx0rseijirou, oh. host.aliases. I misread. I'll give that a go.21:36
argdaftykins: it's networked by wireless21:36
daftykinsyeah so... network attached21:36
daftykinsarg: confirm the IP is correct, along with the printer queue name or port if RAW/LPR21:37
daftykinsideally in CUPS config.21:37
argdaftykins: how do i access?21:37
daftykinshttp://localhost:631 perhaps21:38
imjacobclarkcqx: hi21:40
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argdaftykins: and which tab/option has this info?21:40
daftykinsarg: you're on your own now21:41
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asmodai_how can I find which ports are currently open on my system and which process is using it please?21:44
daftykins"netstat -tuln"21:44
daftykinsoh processes using, hrmm i forget that one...21:44
popeynetstat -tupl21:45
daftykinslsof ?21:45
argAlso my laptop is overheating, how can i adjust the fans on ubuntu?21:45
daftykinsif it's overheating you need to take it apart and clean it21:45
graffмного тут людей много21:45
daftykins!ru | graff21:45
nicomachuslol dafty21:45
ubottugraff: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:45
daftykinsnicomachus: what's funny?21:45
argdaftykins: i don't even hear the fans21:45
nicomachusI love the way you handle them sometimes. just observing and waiting for a lull21:46
asmodai_ok brb21:46
daftykinswith legitimate help you mean? ah ok, glad it's amusing :>21:46
nicomachushey, legitimate help CAN be amusing. :)21:46
asmodai_ok so how do I determine if I should close the port or not?21:47
daftykinsarg: if they don't spin at power on, you might have bigger fish to fry21:47
asmodai_ok so how do I determine if I should close the port or not?21:47
daftykinsasmodai_: sharing some output via paste.ubuntu.com would be a good start21:47
asmodai_sorry for repeat post21:47
asmodai_ok just a moment21:48
daftykinsbut if you're behind a NAT router, you shouldn't be worried unless you're forwarding these.21:48
argdaftykins: I meant the fans are barely blowing, and they're not near full speed21:48
daftykinsarg: right but this is typically controller by ACPI, so cleaning is still a legitimate angle21:48
argdaftykins: how do i check if ACPI is functioning properly?21:48
daftykinsdetermined to ignore the cleaning idea eh :D21:49
argdaftykins: i'm still trying to fix my printer issue so i can't do that atm21:49
daftykinswell what do the numbers from lmsensors look like?21:49
argand i need to print a plane ticket21:49
argdon't have lmsensors21:50
daftykinsyeah you need to install it...21:50
argthere's no command for lm-sensors or lmsensors21:52
daftykinsasmodai_: yeah so none of that is an issue to me21:52
daftykinsarg: "sensors" -21:53
daftykinsarg: you give up too easily :)21:53
argit's going over 90 celcius21:53
daftykinsubuntu the only OS on this laptop?21:53
argdaftykins: yeah21:53
asmodai_ok but I was using TIGER yesterday and it stated there were some issues that required my attention21:53
daftykinsasmodai_: and what is that?21:53
asmodai_just a sec ill paste bin that too21:54
nicomachusjust putting this out for whenever there's a lull: I'm trying to backup a PC that won't boot, and I'm in a live session right now. I can access the files I want to backup from one terminal, and I can access the external HDD from another, but how do I send the files from one to the other?21:55
asmodai_damn.... cant find the tiger log i had21:55
daftykinsnicomachus: rsync, or just backup the lot with clonezilla21:56
asmodai_got it21:56
k1l_nicomachus: 2 terminals?21:56
nicomachusdaftykins: what would be the destination then (if I send them from the terminal where I have chroot into the mounted drives)21:56
jtomanSomething happened yesterday after I tried to use my HDMI card for audio output for the first time and now pulseaudio no longer shows any output devices (except the null one)21:56
daftykinsnicomachus: whatever the mount point of the drive is... type "mount" and look for the corresponding /dev/sdX21:56
k1l_nicomachus: why do you need a chroot? you could just mount the drive so you can access the data21:57
jtomanI've tried restarting it and clearing out the contents of ~/.config/pulse to no avail21:57
daftykins+1 to the chroot idea sounding like making life harder for yourself21:57
nicomachusk1l_: I have an encrypted drive temporarily mounted in /tmp/ecryptfs.xxxxxxx, using this method: http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/21:58
nicomachusthe only way I can access that /tmp/ecrypt folder is if I have chroot /mnt21:58
k1l_nicomachus: i dont think you need a chroot. but i am not too much into the encryption things21:59
jtomanfwiw, alsamixer seems to be able to detect my soundcards.21:59
EriC^^nicomachus: did you try ls -l /mnt/tmp/ecrypt... from another terminal?21:59
nicomachusEriC^^: cannot access.22:00
EriC^^is it a luks encrypted partition?22:00
EriC^^reboot the live usb and just mount it as usual22:01
EriC^^do you have the passphrase?22:01
nicomachusEriC^^: I have to mount it this way: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11680512/22:01
nicomachusthose are your commands, btw22:01
daftykinsuh-oh named and shamed! :>22:01
EriC^^nicomachus: there's no need for the chroot and for i.. that was for reinstalling grub or something22:02
asmodai_I was also going to ask if there is a way I can disable ipv6 for an extra layer of security22:02
EriC^^daftykins: :p22:02
nicomachusyea, EriC^^, that was when we were trying to resolve the issue of the grub config trying to boot 3.13 instead of 3.1922:02
EriC^^nicomachus: exit the chroot, and type ls -l /mnt/ it should be there22:02
nicomachusok yea I see it22:03
EriC^^no /tmp/ecrypt..22:03
EriC^^ok, so you're trying to copy stuff from it to another hdd?22:03
nicomachusyea, an external22:03
EriC^^ok, did you mount the partition?22:04
nicomachusgoing to copy a few folders from the Home and then just wipe it.22:04
nicomachusI mounted the external, yea.22:04
nicomachusso I should be able to rsync from here22:04
EriC^^ok, type sudo rsync -av /mnt/home /path/to/hdd22:04
nicomachusgonna want an -r in there.22:05
daftykinsyou can have --progress for some lovely stats22:05
EriC^^-a has -r too22:05
nicomachusand they're off!22:07
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nicomachuswhich file will cross the finish line first? I've got 5-1 odds on /Videos!22:08
asmodai_nichomachus any games on there?22:08
asmodai_if so then mine are on the games22:08
nicomachusasmodai_: about 50gb of N64 roms22:08
asmodai_games then22:09
asmodai_well.... how many gigs of films22:09
nicomachusand then 400+ of music22:09
daftykinslets get back on topic now please people22:09
nicomachusthanks for the all the help everyone.22:09
daftykinsas enjoyable as the content of your drives is, you may share it all in PM :)22:09
asmodai_400 plus gigs of music?22:09
nicomachusI'll be in #ubuntu-offtopic discussing my drives.22:10
asmodai_yeah sorry i forget just trying to half abit of a laugh.... ill get back to subject in question22:10
asmodai_right so if I refuse connections from ipv6 does it add an extra layer of security to my network?22:11
daftykinsyou still haven't shown what this TIGER thing was, nor explained why you're worried about network security if you're home behind a router22:12
daftykinsbut yeah if you don't use IPv6 by all means turn it off22:12
asmodai_i know im waiting for it to run another scan. the log file shows empty when i nano into it22:12
Kully3xfare you sudo nano22:13
asmodai_how do  turn it off? I edited the connections to straight ignore it in network manager22:13
asmodai_yes it was sudo nano otherwise tiger wont let me in22:13
Kully3xfare you just securing your home network?22:15
EriC^^asmodai_: sudo tailf /file follows the file i think22:16
Kully3xfwhy not just lock it down with your router22:16
asmodai_because I'm not a network junkie....... yet22:16
asmodai_its more the know how in case the router is ever breached than anything22:17
nicomachusasmodai_: spend some time in ##networking. you'll pick it up.22:17
Kully3xfseems a bit over kill, but if you're trying to learn check out ##networking and #ubuntu-server22:17
asmodai_damn dude ive like 9 gigs of cbt nuggets to go through in networking..... and right now i dont have the time to watch it22:17
Kully3xfcbt nuggets will only get you so far - experience is the rest22:18
asmodai_well yes im aware of that. cbt nuggets helped me to understand the concept of linux filesystem. im just starting to get my head around it22:19
nicomachusasmodai_: we're kinda off-topic now, but set up a home server and you'll get some experience.22:19
asmodai_is there a select all option in nano?22:21
nicomachushmm... rsync seems to have frozen.22:22
nicomachusstuck on this one file at 11% for the last few minutes.22:23
nicomachusuh oh. scratch that. the whole thing's frozen. :'(22:23
daftykinsasmodai_: "pastebinit file" will throw a log up, no need to mess with editors22:23
asmodai_what in terminal? o.O22:24
asmodai_so pastebinit <nameoffile>22:25
daftykinsafter installing it22:25
asmodai_any arguments required like "/"22:25
daftykinsbut yeah you don't want to sit in a text file with an editor that a program is about to write to, really22:25
daftykins"man pastebinit" :P22:25
k1l_asmodai_: you can give the path if the file is not in the same directory as you are right now22:26
k1l_asmodai_: pastebinit /parth/to/file22:26
asmodai_im in the directory so thats a straight pastebinit22:26
argthis damn printer won't work again22:27
asmodai_dude that is sweet!22:28
asmodai_tak about making life easy22:28
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asmodai_sorry I know there is a very long list of the packages don't belong thing22:30
asmodai_i mean symlink22:31
k1l_what script did produce that?22:31
asmodai_i dont know its the output that tiger showed me yesterday22:32
k1l_and what is the question you have? :)22:32
asmodai_well yesterday i used tiger for the first time and it was saying there were ports open yet I wasn't even connected to the net. I always shut it off unless im using it22:33
asmodai_that was the output22:33
grossiAlguem do brasil?22:33
k1l_!br | grossi22:33
ubottugrossi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:33
asmodai_I wanted to know if there was an issue with the ports i had open22:33
asmodai_i dont use ssh or anything like that yet22:33
k1l_asmodai_: well. open ports are not bad as such.22:33
asmodai_yes but they have potential for port rattling and I caught someone doing it but didnt know how to prevent it basically22:34
asmodai_or what to do about it22:34
asmodai_so i was like great..... what do i do about it22:35
k1l_if a port is open it means that there is a program listening on that port. and you want some programs to listen on their ports to be able to have a network connection like webbrowser, ssh, etc etc22:35
asmodai_I accept that fact and there are only two...... tor and firefox22:36
asmodai_unless i fire up proxy chains22:36
k1l_and if there is a program listening on that port its not bad at all if that program has some security. so root ssh login with a easy password would be a bad idea :)22:37
asmodai_all of my passwords are complicated. same variation but always different symbols are used and for different things too. I don't have ssh setup yet though22:38
asmodai_not until i learn how to use it22:38
asmodai_in fact that brings me to my next question...... proxy chains...... anyone know of a free site with reliable socks4/5 proxies because all the free ones ive been trying to use suck...... big time22:40
daftykinsasmodai_: all this sounds pretty overblown and paranoid to be quite honest.22:40
daftykinsi think you've done a bit of reading and learnt just enough to be dangerous ;)22:40
k1l_and imho that tiget thingy is just worse. i gives a huge bunch of flase alarms just making you panic22:40
asmodai_lol maybe..... and maybe i read my metasploit report correctly and knew what means there could be to get in22:41
* k1l_ cant type right now :/22:41
asmodai_i know there was going t be false positives but im still learning that22:41
asmodai_which is going to take time obviously22:42
Peetz0rhey! I have lvm on top of luks, and I want to rename my luks device. how do I tell LVM that my device name is about to change?22:43
asmodai_in truth i want to learn to hack systems..... it's no secret or anything and i know it's a very long process of learning. I prefer to get it right on this system before I get it wrong elsewhere.22:44
asmodai_predominatley white hat but i would do some subversive things if I had to for the overall greater good22:44
JinjaNinjaAny reason why my QJackCTL icon (on the status tray) of my Ubuntu Suite won't show the options? When I click on QJackCTL icon in the status bar, it doesn't show any options, but I know it should.22:46
asmodai_I mean i know how to use aircrack but it's no good unless i know how to keep me secure before using it. all of the testing ive done has been on my own system.22:46
JinjaNinjaJack and everything works fine, and cheers for that, but when I click on the status trey icon for QJackCTL, options don't show up22:46
k1l_asmodai_: obviously we cant help you on breaking the laws :)22:46
asmodai_Jinjaninja - have you got any tweak tools? like gnome or unity tweak by any chance?22:47
asmodai_@kil - you're not helping me break the law. You're helping me secure my system...... and that is legal =]22:47
JinjaNinjaasmodai_, I'm not sure about that. What's the package name?22:47
asmodai_gnome-tweak and unity-tweak22:48
JinjaNinjaShould I install both? I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS btw22:48
asmodai_no lol22:49
JinjaNinjaso unity-tweak?  :p22:49
asmodai_im asking if you have them. windows key and search the word tweak22:49
JinjaNinjaI could do a whereis in xterm22:49
asmodai_it would come staight up in dash search if you had it22:50
asmodai_i was only checking because i had the issue with ther things along those lines.22:50
asmodai_have you installed any gtk themes?22:51
JinjaNinjaI don't, so is that the reason why QJackCTL's options don't show up on the status bar?22:51
asmodai_sometimes they are buggy and muck with the way some things work22:51
=== niko is now known as nilo
JinjaNinjaWell, I installed the metapackage 'ubuntustudio-audio' so I could get all of the audio packages from that distro. I'm a musician so it comes in handy with my normal Unity distro22:52
asmodai_@jinja im not might have had the experienced enough to say dude. I was just enquiring in case I had the answer22:52
JinjaNinjaI'll install unity-tweak and see if that fixes my status trey icon options issue22:53
asmodai_dont use another program to fix what can be fixed without an extra program..... problems upon more probles = things get ugly hehe22:54
EriC^^JinjaNinja: try restart unity-panel-service in a terminal22:54
asmodai_just ask your question again and someone with alot more experience will help you. just be patient dude these ppl are cool and want to help ok? =]22:55
asmodai_ok kil and dafty thankyou for your advice. its much appreciated =]22:55
asmodai_laters all22:55
JinjaNinjaSure, I'm down with that. Looks like EriC^^ is willing to help :D22:55
JinjaNinjaI'm trying your suggestion now, EriC^^22:56
JinjaNinjaEriC^^, doesn't look like that fixed it. The command issued correctly, but didn't fix the options from coming up22:57
JinjaNinjaIt's only for QJackCTL22:57
JinjaNinjaThe other status trey icons work22:57
JinjaNinjaQJackCTL doesn't work though22:57
mikubuntuso is b43-fwcutter part of every installation disk? i'm still trying to figure out how to follow the instructions for 'no internet access' on page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:57
lickalottgents, i've been to google (2 days worth) and sat in #vsftpd with an extreme amount of patience....  Can I ask some vsftpd questions here22:59
lickalotti think they are more ftp related but I wanted to throw that out there (vsftpd) just in case22:59
daftykinslickalott: 99% of users trying to use it in here, shouldn't be - what's your use case?23:02
JinjaNinjaHello all, for some reason, QJackCTL's status bar icon doesn't show the options when I click on it. I can see a few pixels that pop up near the very edge of it, but no actual options show up. All my other status bar icons work fine and show the options, except for QJackCTL23:04
=== mohammed is now known as Guest25022
lickalott i can connect and pwd all over the place (commented out chroot) but i can ONLY get an ls to work in my home dir.  there is a subfolder under my home dir and two more subfolders under that, that are 777.  I cannot ls those.  I can also not ftp a file23:04
=== Guest25022 is now known as mohamed
lickalotti compared my working .conf (ubuntu server) with my latest one (different server) and with the exception of some version changes everything is the same.  The old server works like a champ.23:05
lickalottI've turned off the firewall and tested and the same results occur.  I'm at a loss.  (and google isn't being my friend today)23:05
lickalotthello mohamed23:06
acz32mohamed: hi23:06
digitalvaldostaHey everyone. I need some help. I have a system that has LUKS encryption that once I enter the passphrase on boot it sends me to busybox initramfs prompt. I have tried this (https://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-drops-to-a-initramfs-prompts-busybox) but to no avail. Any thoughts? I am currently booted to the latest debian live ISO (USB) with internet connection. Haven't been able to load the drive. But using the Drives ap23:06
mohamedCan I ask23:07
JinjaNinjaDon't ask to ask, mohamed, just ask!23:07
lickalottdaftykins, have you seen anything like that before?23:08
sersanghi, how can disable irssi's x has joined or x has quit messages?23:09
mohamedhow cancel key login with software23:10
polyphagiasersang: /ignore -channels #channel * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS23:10
Bashing-omsersang: Irssi : /ignore #channel JOINS QUITS .23:10
acz32mohamed: do you mean how to set up automatic login where you don't type username and password?23:10
mikubuntureally need some help w/this to get this little hp mini 1000 back to sis b4 she leaves town -- so is b43-fwcutter part of every installation disk? i'm still trying to figure out how to follow the instructions for 'no internet access' on page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:12
mohamedI do not ask about how programs canceled password23:12
acz32mohamed: i don't understand the question. seems like a language barrier - sorry23:14
daftykinslickalott: are you sure FTP is the correct solution for your situation?23:14
sersangthank you @Bashing-om @polyphagia that worked, it's much readable now23:15
lickalottdaftykins, yes sir.  it's my only option for this particular scenario.  I'm dropping ipcamera "motion detection" pictures into an ftp path.  They are about 4 years old.  I wish i could use scp or the like but I'm stuck with ftp23:15
digitalvaldostaAnyone know how to get out of the BusyBox InitRamFS prompt and get my system booted?23:15
lickalotti am not married to vsftpd.....so if there is another option out there that is psuedo secure I'm all ears.23:16
mohammed_How do I cancel password when software download23:16
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=== Guest41977 is now known as mohamed
mohamedHow do I cancel password when software download23:16
daftykinslickalott: sshfs could also work for you23:16
* lickalott googles23:16
daftykinsmohamed: you don't make any sense.23:16
acz32mohamed: if you mean when you try to install software, it's not a good idea to remove password. it will make the system vulnerable and not secure23:17
digitalvaldostaI think what mohammed_ is asking is how to keep the system from asking for password each time they go to install apps23:17
acz32digitalvaldosta: yeah, i think you're right. doing that is generally discouraged23:18
lickalottdaftykins, i don't think that will work.  The only option I have to save output from these cameras is an "FTP services Settings" option23:18
digitalvaldostaExactly acz3223:18
daftykinslickalott: not even dump to samba share or local disk?23:18
daftykinsoh they're IP cameras to they're already coming in remotely23:19
lickalottyes sir23:19
daftykinslickalott: sounds like your FTP issue is down to ownership perhaps, not permissions23:20
daftykinswhy use your home?23:21
lickalottthats kind of what I'm thinking but am stuck as to what else I could possibly change.  I've edited the .conf multiple times, edited and re-edited the ftpuers and chroot list, user_list, firewall config, iptables.....   The only thing I haven't done yet is disable selinux23:21
lickalotti don't have webspace anymore.  And this way i can easily look at them if something seems "off"23:22
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lickalottI won't go into details, but they've recently paid for themselves......23:22
histolickalott: were you the one having problems when you ls via ftp?23:23
mohamedOK. But at a time when the operating system asks key login23:23
lickalottyes sir23:23
lickalottdid you find me a golden nugget of delicousness?23:24
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: what's up?23:24
EriC^^mohamed: go to settings > users > automatic login23:24
mohamedI'm not talking about this problem23:26
crayonany way for me to create a script that nukes local user accounts not accessed in the last 90 days?23:26
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ I can't get my system to boot. It has LUKS encryption and after entering the passphrase on boot it drops to Busybox initramfs prompt. I have tried this to no avail: https://askubuntu.com/questions/137655/boot-drops-to-a-initramfs-prompts-busybox23:26
digitalvaldostaI am currently booted to Debian Jessie on USB23:26
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: does it say why it's dropping to initramfs?23:27
daftykinslickalott: maybe with logs, "ls -al" in the FTP path and so on there'd be more to go on23:27
digitalvaldostaI forget the exact message... I'll reboot to get it if you want23:28
daftykinslickalott: so if you could compile maybe a pastebin with extended info... or one of the other volunteers knows it far better23:28
lickalotti will collect some more data tonight23:28
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: ok23:28
mohamedi want cancel my key login after open ubuntu with software23:30
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ the prompt says ... BusyBox v1.19.3 (Ubuntu 1: built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.23:31
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: does it mention any errors before?23:32
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ no23:32
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: does it happen after you enter the passphrase?23:33
digitalvaldostaI get errors if I type 'exec startx'23:33
mikubuntureally need some help w/this to get this little hp mini 1000 back to sis b4 she leaves town -- so is b43-fwcutter part of every installation disk? i'm still trying to figure out how to follow the instructions for 'no internet access' on page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:33
acz32mohamed: don't do that. it is dangerous23:33
digitalvaldostaYeah once I enter the passphrase I get the busybox23:33
daftykinsmikubuntu: doesn't have wired?23:33
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: ok, boot the live cd again23:33
mikubuntudaftykins: no, the wire works when the box is logged on to xp, but doesn't work when logged in live to xub, lub, or ub 120423:34
mikubuntudaftykins: i've wondered about something. the hp mini1000 has a physical wireless 'disabling' switch on the front -- i wonder if it could somehow be interfering?23:35
digitalvaldostaFYI after exec startx I get kernel panic23:36
daftykinsmikubuntu: you would find that out by running rfkill23:36
daftykinswas this the one with a broken SSD/HDD ?23:36
mikubuntuwhat is rfkill, and how would it determine that?23:37
mikubuntudaftykins: what is rfkill, and how would it determine that?23:37
daftykinsmikubuntu: run "rfkill listall"23:38
digitalvaldostaOk EriC^^ now on LIVE system23:39
daftykinsoh it's with a space23:39
daftykins"rfkill list all"23:39
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: ok, type sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999923:39
mikubuntudaftykins: ok, gnna have to fire it up again w xubuntu, but i think i need to go back to trying to get lubuntu to work as it seems to be the best performing between ub, lub, and xub on the little box23:40
daftykinsmikubuntu: yeah it's the lightest weight and that is a netbook which... i would throw away.23:40
daftykinsand i'd enjoy it too.23:40
daftykinsdisclaimer: i may be a bit bias23:41
mikubuntudaftykins: my sis doesn't have any money, and for the price (it was given to her) it's really all she needs to send a few emails and log onto facebook23:42
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ http://termbin.com/v8y923:43
mikubuntudaftykins: i must have 15-20 hours into it already !! lol.23:43
daftykinsmikubuntu: ;) if you're not in the same situation something for $60-100 off ebay would be worlds apart i bet ;)23:43
daftykinsanywho, you are where you are23:43
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: type sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 bla23:43
mikubuntudaftykins: still waiting for xub to load -- so the syntax is " rfkill list all " yes?23:45
geniiJust list23:45
daftykinsmikubuntu: testing it in another OS is pretty useless to my mind23:46
daftykinsanywho if genii is free he knows wifi far better than i, and i must prepare some food!23:46
Johnny_Linuxoh no23:46
digitalvaldostaOk EriC^^ it asked for passphrase and that was it.23:46
Johnny_Linuxnot foood ??23:46
geniidaftykins: Unfortunately I'm leaving soon,  it's Beer O'Clock23:47
Johnny_Linuxhi genii23:47
Johnny_Linuxyou may not remember me, we go way back to 6.1023:47
daftykinsah then support shall have to wait :>23:47
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: ok, type sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999923:47
Johnny_Linuxyour a good helped my while i was learning23:47
geniiJohnny_Linux: I'm glad I was able to assist :) And I see you're still using Linux23:48
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ http://termbin.com/pdif23:49
mohammed__please answer me23:49
Johnny_Linuxya, i went to the school of hard knocks, but then i was on kubuntu and you were there, thanks, ill shutup now23:49
mikubuntudaftykins: interesting -- says -- hp wifi wireless lan not soft blocked and not hard blocked; sam for phy0 wireless lan .... but it doesn't say anything about the wired connection. oh wait. i guess you want me to run that with the wire hooked up. let me take it to the other room and see.23:49
* genii slides Johnny_Linux a fresh mug of coffee23:49
daftykinsmikubuntu: no this is only relevant to the *target* OS install and the wifi really.23:50
daftykinsanywho bbl23:50
Johnny_Linuxhappy din din23:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
mikubuntudaftykins: but isn't it significant that the target box doesn't even recognize the WIRED connection (when running lub or xub -- but works when logged into xp)23:52
mikubuntudaftykins: don't want to hold you up from dinner -- i just ate, so i can appreciate.23:52
daftykinsmikubuntu: yes but you need to identify the device hardware via lspci then check for an interface name with 'ifconfig -a' or 'ip a'23:53
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999923:53
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: nevermind23:53
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: type sudo mount /dev/mapper/bla /mnt23:53
EriC^^and sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot23:53
gagaliciousi have plenty of duplicate files in my desktop... how do u guys usually maintain a very organized desktop... over years...?23:53
digitalvaldostaEriC^^ ** mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'23:54
isifreekgagalicious: i reimage often. everything not in git or redundant storage is treated like a cache23:55
EriC^^digitalvaldosta: type lsmod | grep dm-mod23:56
isifreekgagalicious: been considering making my desktop a private git repo. then i would have the same desktop on any comp, and i would be more wary of what goes on the desktop23:56
ozzloyis there a terminal where you can click with the mouse to move the cursor back on the line?23:59

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