
raftorres-studioI love ubuntustudio thanks 4 existing01:05
Blue_SapphireI just reinstalled Android Studio via terminal along with umake and I'm getting the error that my rendering library is more recent than my version on android studio. The thing is I already have the latest version of Android Studio and I need help on what I need to do next.02:35
holsteinsince its not an ubuntu package, youll just have to comply with whatever they require02:37
holsteini would try main #ubuntu and see if anyone is using the software.. or, maybe a PPA that automatically deals with the issue?02:37
Blue_Sapphirewhat's ppa?02:37
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:38
Blue_Sapphireoh ok02:38
holsteinits a way for folks to provide software for ubuntu, things that are newer, or not in the repos02:38
holsteinsometimes that can be easier..02:38
Blue_Sapphireok, thanks for the advice02:39
=== daniel is now known as Guest93200
JinjaNinjajackd isn't working, neither is alsa. I'm wondering whether or not my sound card is supported.05:09
=== wook is now known as Guest74581
kris27mcI have an issue guyssss16:09
kris27mcI have an error message every time I boot that occurs as soon as I log in16:11
kris27mcI'd like to learn a way to fix it16:12
holsteinkris27mc: sure.. share if you would like a volunteer to look at it16:12
holsteincould be, there is nothing broken to "fix".. there are lots of messages.16:12
kris27mcIt reads "error: -session"16:13
kris27mcIt doesn't seem to cause any problems, or at least not visibly16:13
holsteincool.. i would ignore the message16:13
kris27mcI have been for some time. But when I try to upgrade all available packages using Synaptic, it fails. And when Software Updater appears, it says it can only perform a partial upgrade.16:17
holsteinkris27mc: i wouldnt assume those are related16:17
holsteini would close all package manager, and run, in a terminal, "sudo apt-get update" and share errors16:17
kris27mcI don't think so either16:17
holsteinif no errors, then, i would run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and share errors..16:18
kris27mcErrors while using apt-get update:16:22
kris27mcW: GPG error: http://httpredir.debian.org jessie InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553 NO_PUBKEY 7638D0442B90D01016:22
kris27mcW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ftp.utexas.edu/ubuntu/ vivid-backports/restricted amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.utexas.edu_ubuntu_dists_vivid-backports_restricted_binary-amd64_Packages)16:22
kris27mcW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ftp.utexas.edu/ubuntu/ vivid-backports/multiverse amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.utexas.edu_ubuntu_dists_vivid-backports_multiverse_binary-amd64_Packages)16:22
kris27mcW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ftp.utexas.edu/ubuntu/ vivid-backports/restricted i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.utexas.edu_ubuntu_dists_vivid-backports_restricted_binary-i386_Packages)16:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:22
kris27mcW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ftp.utexas.edu/ubuntu/ vivid-backports/multiverse i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.utexas.edu_ubuntu_dists_vivid-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages)16:22
holsteinamnyways, i would address those errors, specically16:22
holsteinthose are not related to the message at boot, AFAIK16:22
holsteinyou have a jessie source added. thats a bad idea16:23
holsteinyou have duplicate source entries.. you are geolocated to an ftp at utexas16:23
holsteinif you have installed a bunch of debian packages from that debian source, you likely have a lot of breakage in the system16:23
holsteinif not, you can purge what you have installed, that is not ubuntu, and get a default sources list, and address the apt errors, and go from there16:24
holsteinor, you can fresh install, if you have broken too much of the system16:24
kris27mcI haven't installed anything from the Jessie source to my knowledge. I just did a reinstall 3-4 days ago to see if it would prevent the error message. Before then though, I did have the "Wheezy" source, as it was recommended for more recently updated packages16:28
holsteinkris27mc: you are adding debian sources to ubuntu16:29
holsteinkris27mc: so, if you literally have a new install, i say, install again, fresh, and *dont* add debian sources16:29
kris27mcI wasn't aware it could be problematic16:29
holsteinits a different operating system16:30
holsteinthey dont promise support for ubuntu..16:30
kris27mcThat's true16:30
kris27mcI apologize for my ignorance16:30
holsteinno worries.. its not super obvious. just can cause your issues16:31
kris27mcI would've never thought to do it, but their was a package necessary for another that was found there. I don't recall it, but it obviously wasn't important16:32
holsteini would address those support concerns here, or #ubuntu16:33
holsteinyou can likely work around them, in the default repos.. if you  add any sources, its up to the sources to provide the support16:33
kris27mcI'll backup my personal data, and just perform a completely clean install.16:33
holsteini truly think thats the shortest path to you getting "fixed" ubuntu, since, you literally have a new-ish install16:34
kris27mcThank you for the help16:35
holsteinsure.. cheers16:35
kris27mcIf I'm unsure, I'll make sure to ask someone who knows better than myself16:35
holsteinkeep in mind, in linux, those sources are important.. they supply all the software16:36
holsteinyou cant easily mix them together.. or, trust all of them16:36
kris27mcBefore I perform the install though, I think I should redownload the .iso and reinstall it, because my OS was useless on the latest install as the most recent kernel was absent and I was forced to install it through recovery along with other missing packages16:38
holsteinkris27mc: all of ubuntu is frozen.. so,it doenst, and doesnt promise "the most recent kernel"16:39
holsteinsounds like, you are using a bad, or questionable iso16:39
kris27mcI just used the iso from the official site16:39
holsteinkris27mc: i say, decide between 14.04 or 15.04, and get them from the official site, and check the md5sum16:39
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:39
kris27mcThank you16:40
=== joerg is now known as Guest37168
JinjaNinjaHello all, for some reason, QJackCTL's status bar icon doesn't show the options when I click on it. I can see a few pixels that pop up near the very edge of it, but no actual options show up. All my other status bar icons work fine and show the options, except for QJackCTL23:03
JinjaNinjaObrienDave, what's up23:08
ObrienDave6'6" ;P23:08
JinjaNinjayou're tall!23:08
ObrienDavei'm 6'5".... 6'6" is up ;P23:09
JinjaNinjaOh, now I get your joke. Lol.23:09
JinjaNinjafor some reason, QJackCTL's status bar icon doesn't show the options when I click on it. I can see a few pixels that pop up near the very edge of it, but no actual options show up. All my other status bar icons work fine and show the options, except for QJackCTL23:10
ObrienDavei know nothing about jack. never could get it to work right23:11
JinjaNinjaAh. I got it to work just a day ago. I figured it out :D It took about a week to figure out the most stupidest solution ever.23:12
JinjaNinjaIt was literally the easiest thing in the world to do. Just one small thing.23:12
JinjaNinjaI didn't have my sound card selected. It was as simple as selecting my computer's sound card23:13
ObrienDaveoh my, i don't have a SC, maybe i should select the lappy sound23:14

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