
pleia2knome: not sure what to do with the email in the -contacts queue, I'm not really inclined to review the video but not sure who to point them at00:13
Unit193So, every time I even think of doing xubuntu-core stuff, I go all "Nope, effort!" :/01:48
Unit193Bumped Debian's xfdash, poked Corsac. :301:54
bluesabreUnit193: oh goodie02:52
bluesabreI wonder what we'll have to do next02:52
bluesabreI'm hacking on Catfish a bit, converting the searching portion to GObject and using signals instead of python generators... should make things more responsive, hopefully02:54
bluesabreand yawning a lot02:54
bluesabreso bed time02:54
Unit193I'm still trying to get local package delta down. :302:54
Unit193Heh, g'night.02:54
=== ganglere1 is now known as ganglere
knomepleia2, i know07:24
knomepleia2, i'll likely reply to them off-list or sth when i feel better07:25
ochosibluesabre: yeah, ofc i'm also in favor of another point release. i just thought that adding the patch to the package in the PPA wouldn't be much hassle10:54
bluesabreits not much of a hassle, but not much gain overall either :)10:55
bluesabre1.5.1 has been tagged in debian, btw10:55
ochosihmright, i'll see whether we can get some more patches together for 1.5.210:59
bluesabrebtw, there's currently an issue with building xfpm-daily in wily... I poked it a bit yesterday, but couldn't make any progress11:00
bluesabreI'll figure something out tonight though11:00
bluesabreit still builds in vivid, fwiw11:00
ochosioh alright11:02
ochosibtw, you said you were working on catfish, you'll let me know when the headerbar stuff gets pushed?11:03
bluesabreyeah, but it also sounded like we weren't sure we wanted the headerbar?11:04
ochosiright, well i discussed it with knome and elfy a bit during the last meeting11:05
ochosipersonally, i think we could opt in for headerbar with specific apps11:06
ochosie.g. simplescane11:06
ochosiultimately it might be a team decision11:06
ochosiand for catfish, that's up to you as the author :)11:06
ochosii mean there aren't so many options etc there so i don't think there'd be a real usability issue with it11:07
ochosipersonally i would be in favor of using a headerbar with it11:08
bluesabreI'm taking care of a few other things while working on it11:09
ochosiyeah, i read you're working under the hood as well11:09
bluesabregoing to have a plugin architecture for various search methods11:09
bluesabreand a buddy of mine suggested creating an interface for unity scopes, which could be a fun later project11:10
bluesabreor rather, extend and fix the existing plugin architecture11:12
ochosiyou mean using unity scopes through catfish?11:14
bluesabreyeah, it'd be just another plugin, just a bit more specialized11:14
ochosisounds pretty powerful, but i wonder about the visual representation of the results11:14
ochosistill list-style?11:14
ochosi(thought there are apps etc as scopes)11:15
bluesabredunno, haven't thought that far ahead or done any research yet11:15
ochosisure, i guess these first steps will be enough work11:15
ochosialso, dkessel reported parole being very crashy on wily11:16
ochosii'll only be able to test that when i receive my new lappy (which will be a few more days)11:16
bluesabrenothing changed in parole, and it works with gtk 3.16 on vivid, so I chalk it up to the unstableness of wily atm11:16
ochosiyeah, that would have been my response11:17
ochosiprolly gstreamer madness or something11:17
bluesabreI'll take a look soonish11:19
ochosiyeah, as soon as i'm able to test again, i will too11:20
ochosiatm i still feel quite stuck on this old machine11:20
ochosiknome: i thought about our LO icons effort again and i think i wanna restyle the alignment icons (and similar monochrome ones) in the colorscheme of the elementary-xfce-darker/actions/24 icons11:35
ochosii think that'll make them stand out less in our default theme11:35
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:35
ochosicurrently they look a bit dark11:35
ochosittyl bluesabre and hf11:35
ochosibluesabre: had some light-locker-settings fun today. hope you'll enjoy it too (we could even consider a 1.5.1 release for it at some point)20:31
ochosianyway, calling it an early night20:31
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainctl
Unit193Debian #788271, that shouldn't be thunar. :P21:20
ubottuDebian bug 788271 in thunar "thunar: Desktop freezes momentarily when deleting items from it" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78827121:20
brainctlold/buggy gvfs21:22

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