
=== hidden-soul is now known as hiddensoul
pragomerhello. I cannot find a keyboard shortcut in xubuntu 14.04 for minimizing the window. I can edit all other shortcuts like moving / snapping / maximizing... but I do not find minimizing.. is this a bug?09:33
LachezarHey all. I just upgraded to Xubuntu 15.04, and I can not log-in. X boots up, I can see the login window, but entering password X crashes and shows the login window again.09:36
ubottuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority09:37
Lachezar.xsession-errors has something about 'upstart-event-bridge main process ended, respawning' then 'update-notifier-crash...'  and then 'startxfce4 main ... TERM ...`09:38
LachezarUnit193: I'm currently in text console.09:38
LachezarUnit193: removing .Xauthority* and .ICEauthority has no effect: can't log in still.09:39
LachezarAnd I have a /var/crash/_usr_bin_Xorg.0.crash file :(09:41
Unit193Niiice.  What's it tell you?09:42
LachezarUnit193: That something is so screwy, and I'm screwed?09:42
Unit193Err, I meant with apport-cli09:42
LachezarUnit193: Anything in particular I should be sifting for?09:42
Unit193Generally should have a summery.09:43
LachezarUnit193: I did a 'sudo apport-cli ...' and then pressed V, and it started dumping dots.09:44
LachezarDoh. No mouse, can't copy-paste in text mode... Something about: 'Error in usr/bin/X: free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0000something09:45
Unit193Should be something to get in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and/or /var/log/lightdm/* as well, but alas I must flee.09:46
LachezarHm. Any way I can 'un-upgrade'?09:48
LachezarRe! Got my Xubuntu 15.04 to log-in: had to manually (vim-fu) remove xfce4-sensors-plugin from the panel!11:20
* Lachezar is disappointed, that the Desktop icons juggling bug is still around...11:20
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
xubuntudockingI am having trouble doing something with xubuntu 14.04 and I don't know how to find the solution. Will I get help if start describing my problem?15:19
xubuntudockingOn this channel I mean15:20
knomewell at least you won't get help if you don't decribe the problem...15:21
xubuntudockingAt work they have a docking station integrated into some philips 231p4u monitors. When I plug the USB for that into my laptop, the monitor says no video input and then nothing15:23
xubuntudockingI went to the manufacturers website for a driver, but they only support windows.15:23
xubuntudockingTheir adds do tell me that there is plug and play for linux, whatever that means15:23
xubuntudockingI mean the adds for the philips 231p4u monitor15:24
knomehave you looked at the display setup/settings dialog after plugging in?15:25
xubuntudockingI have checked the menu called display that one finds under settings display15:26
xubuntudockingit only detects the monitor in the laptop15:26
xubuntudockingnot the monitor that is plugged in15:26
xubuntudockingBut a mouse and keyboard that are connected to the monitor/dockingstation do work15:27
xubuntudockingbut the display does not15:27
holsteinif i cant find what im looking for in the xfce GUI, i'll try using the GUI tool arandr ..sometimes, its the same, but, i find sometimes thats the "easy" way to implement something im having a challenge with15:27
holsteinthere can sometimes be shortcut function keys, as well, on the hardware.. i'll try them, and see if i can simply get the display mirroring..15:28
xubuntudockingIf you are giving me advice holstein, then I don't fully understand it. Should I try downloading arandr and see if that does anything for me? As to the keys on the hardware, I tried pressing all the buttons on the monitor. Nothing interesting happened.15:32
holstein!info arandr15:33
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 66 kB, installed size 507 kB15:33
holsteinsometimes, i find, installing and trying the arandr gui facilitates me applying settings i cant find in other GUI tools15:33
xubuntudockingapt getting it now15:34
holsteinits quite small, and in the default repos.. and literally shouldnt hurt to try it.. if that doesnt work, then, i will try looking for specifics about my GPU hardware.. seeing if there are any proprietary drivers available.. etc15:34
xubuntudockingwhat would it look like if arandr detected two extra monitors?15:36
holsteinxubuntudocking: you have the internal, correct? and another monitor hooked up via VGA, from a laptop? correct?15:37
xubuntudockingno the external monitor is connected over USB15:37
holsteinxubuntudocking: i would remove that from the euqation, for now, and just learn to implement dual head, in dependently of that hardware15:37
holsteincould be, that USB device doesnt support linux, and may not work well, or easily..15:38
holsteinxubuntudocking: has the USB device ever worked for you in a linux system? that can be helpful.. in seeing what supports the hardware..15:38
xubuntudockingit sort of works right now. A keyboard is connected to one monitor and a mouse to the other. Those things work. Just the monitors don't15:39
xubuntudockingThey never have either.15:39
holsteincould be a USB hub passing those devices through, somehow..15:40
xubuntudockingwhen I turn one of the monitors off, or disconnect one monitor from the other, both the mouse and the keyboard stop working15:41
holsteinsupports the "hub" theory..15:41
ochosixubuntudocking: from what i know the "display over usb" support in the linux kernel isnt all too great yet15:44
ochosii.e. not working for a lot of hardware15:44
holsteinive never had it "just work".. or, been able to make it work15:44
ochosiso the only solution might be to google and see whether others have made it work15:44
xubuntudockingwhat might I google though.15:45
xubuntudockingWhen I look for the monitor name and driver I only get things for windows15:45
holsteinthe model # and "linux" or "ubuntu"..15:45
holsteinthe company likely, as you have found, doenst create, or supply a driver.. so, looking for "model # driver" likely wont help15:46
xubuntudockingAll I find are copies of the product information which says that there is plug and play support for linux15:49
holsteinxubuntudocking: you can share that here, if you think that would be helpful.. or ask the creators of the hardware about the linux support15:51
holsteinin many cases, they *will* provide support, but, maybe its for an older version of the kernel.. 12.04 ubuntu, for example.. maybe a volunteer can help find that information, if you share more about it, or the specific documentataion15:52
xubuntudockingI am willing to share information, but I don't know what you're looking for15:55
holsteinxubuntudocking: any relevant information from the creators of the hardware.. if you say, "they promise linux support" share that documentation.. could be, someone can assist with the paramaters of that support15:55
holsteinyou are plugging  and playing it, in linux, and its not working.. so, we can start there.. *what* is not working.. and what makes you think it should, specifically..15:56
xubuntudockingon the product page made by philips there is a pdf of a manual15:58
xubuntudockinghere http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/cpindex.pl?ctn=231P4UPES/00&hlt=Link_Overview&scy=AA&slg=AEN15:58
xubuntudockingin that pdf on page 31 under convenience it says Plug & Play connectivity DDC/CI, sRGB, Windows 8/7/Vista/XP, Mac OSX, Linux15:59
xubuntudockingin said manual15:59
xubuntudockingthen this is repeated in nearly the same wording on page 50 in the general FAQ16:00
xubuntudockingsorry not quite the right link the pdf manual is here http://download.p4c.philips.com/files/2/231p4upes_00/231p4upes_00_dfu_aen.pdf16:01
knomexubuntudocking, then i guess you should connect philips and ask what they mean...16:01
* knome grins16:01
holsteinideally, they would provide details..16:01
knomeif it doesn't work out-of-the-box, then it hasn't got plug and play16:01
knomewhatever the manual said16:01
xubuntudockingThe mouse and keyboard are plug and play through the monitor....16:02
holsteindoesnt imply "plug and play" with any of the others in the list, since, there are drivers at the site16:03
holsteinwas it "plug and play" with windows?16:03
knomexubuntudocking, as been told, stuff plugged in the monitor doesn't mean the monitor should work16:04
holsteinanyways, can you remove things from the scneario, xubuntudocking ? can you remove any hubs, etc.. and plug *one* monitor right into the USB of the xubuntu machine? directly?16:04
knomexubuntudocking, but i guess you can keep insisting that it should work before other stuff work16:04
knomexubuntudocking, but... i doubt it magically will, even if you insisted for a year16:04
xubuntudockingI know it works for windows laptops. Maybe tomorrow I can try more, I could bring one of those blue monitor cables and see what happens with one of those.16:06
holsteinxubuntudocking: sure.. it *works* with windows.. but, was a driver needed? anyways, thats just to look at what the company implies with the term "plug and play"..16:06
holsteinxubuntudocking: the VGA cable will likely "just work" if thats an option.. though, you should also try bypassing the docking station..16:07
xubuntudockingI think my buddy still needed to download a driver, even for windows16:07
holsteinseems like, you have a lot of things plugged into a HUB of sorts, and that HUB could be what is not working in linux..16:07
xubuntudockingI don't know for sure there is a dockingstation. I think you plug everything into the monitors16:08
holsteinxubuntudocking: try unplugging *everything* else.. and only taking a USB cord from *one* monitor directly to the USB on the linux machine16:08
xubuntudockingmouse and keyboard stopped working16:09
xubuntudockingthe monitor that still has all its plugs says check cable connection16:10
holsteinright.. they are not physically connecting to the machine, any longer.. correct?16:10
holsteinso, thats expected..16:10
xubuntudockingthe one plugged into my laptop through usb does nothing16:10
holsteini would expect to look in the GUI, at least, and enable the monitor16:11
xubuntudockingsays no video input16:11
xubuntudockingenters sleep mode16:11
holsteinso, its not "plug and play" then, at least in that regard.. you can look in the GUI and try and enable it. and look and see if the unit is showing up anywhere in the system.. lsusb for example16:11
holsteinif its not "plug and play" in windows, as promised in the manual, it may not be plug and play in linux, either16:12
xubuntudockingwell thank you guys. I think I'll send an email to the company and see if their costumer support is better than their manual16:17
xubuntudockingThere is always hope right :D16:17
xubuntudockingYou were really great reacting so quickly to all my questions16:17
holsteinxubuntudocking: good luck.. the blue VGA cable should work easily.. and, you can use the USB hub for the mouse and keyboard..16:18
holsteinxubuntudocking: i read, VGA vs USB settings in the manual for the hardware16:20
holsteincould be, you have it set for VGA.. etc..16:20
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=== max12345 is now known as Guest27260
suncokretis xubuntu 15.04 with systemd?20:38
suncokretis systemd open source software?20:38
suncokretwhy much people don't like systemd?20:38
suncokretwhy is systemd better or worst than previous?20:39
brainwash_because it's more than just an init system -> "bloated" piece of software20:39
brainwash_but it makes maintaining the system easier20:40
suncokretbloated mean that use more resources because it have too much operations?20:41
brainwash_but that's offtopic. use your favorite web search engine and read the pro and contra arguments20:41
suncokretthank you20:42
suncokrettell me just do you prefer systemd or not?20:42
brainwash_I do (somewhat), it's the default choice among many distros now20:43
suncokreti know, i will use 14.04, it have support for about 2 years more ant it is without systemd20:44
suncokretthank you20:44
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=== Guest27260 is now known as max12345

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