=== danilos` is now known as danilos [09:34] wgrant: that seems to be working better with the expanders (less code too), although I seem to have introduced a validation regression - will get to that tomorrow. [09:34] blr: Great. [09:34] Let me know if you run into any trouble. [09:34] thanks - I'll be in town for an hour and a bit in the morning to pickup a monitor, but back before lunch. [09:35] looking forward to no longer hunching over my laptop :P [09:35] You've been single-monitor all this time? [09:35] My condolences. [09:36] I'm not *totally* sure that my dual-monitor setup is exactly ergonomic, with the RH one being above and to the right of my laptop [09:36] But it's better than being single-monitor ... [09:36] made sure the panel is vesa mountable - will be good to have two eventually. [09:38] My T450s is on the right continent now, so hopefully running 1920x1080 + 1600x1200 won't be too hideously confusing [09:45] Yay [10:25] wgrant: You're right (git-merged-revno), it's much simpler to put merged_revision in the model, thanks. [10:26] cjwatson: I'd call it something displayish if it were expected, but merged_revision is fine internally. [10:26] ... [10:26] s/expected/exported/ [10:27] Yeah, I didn't export it [10:28] Bah [10:28] Goddammit, branchrevision [10:28] ? [10:28] You can't have been that cold. [10:28] Just a failed scan despite a few pushes during the day. [10:29] cjwatson: Have you heard anything about git support in mojo? [10:29] Nope [10:30] Tempted to switch something like turnip git-ward now that things are generally functional. [10:31] But mojo is definitely an issue there. [10:31] I guess we could run an import. [10:31] Yeah, as long as we don't use gpgsig the import will be fine. [10:31] We should dogfood at least *something* ASAP now it's reasonable. [10:32] And the lack of CI on turnip makes it an easy target :) [10:32] Also it' [10:32] I suspect the firewall will need a tweak [10:32] s a git server hosted on bzr. [10:32] For self-imports [10:32] Not just a firewall tweak, but yeah. [10:32] Anything under .launchpad.net is blacklisted. [10:33] I wanted to finish merge detection before we started dogfooding. [10:33] Otherwise it'll just be annoying [10:33] True. [10:33] I was thinking that distro MPs didn't do it, so it couldn't be too annoying. [10:33] But it's distro *branches* that don't. [10:35] Yeah, there are XXX comments about that [10:35] (also I assumed something based on UDD being reasonable, which is itself unreasonable) [10:35] Much easier to have sensible logic without branch lifecycles. [10:36] Quite. [10:36] Deletable branches are cool. [11:06] wgrant: One reason I included target_default on the form for now is that otherwise if you retarget a repository to personal and back then the target defaultness goes away and you don't know why and have no UI way to restore it. [11:07] But I agree that the permission limit there is problematic. [11:08] Perhaps it should simply not be possible to retarget a target default. [11:15] cjwatson: The lack of UI way to restore it will go away once the product config page is reworked. [11:16] Yeah. Retargeting a target default repository is a slightly weird thing to do anyway, though, and has lots of intersecting permissions. [11:17] Yep. [11:17] It's inconsistent with the owner-target default checkbox. [11:17] But the permissions for that are much less intractable. [11:17] Exactly. [11:17] That's just edit plus checking that there's no conflict. [11:18] Yep [11:19] I'll work on something to make the target uneditable with an explanatory message in this case. [16:57] wgrant: What's the modern equivalent of the onKeyPress thing you called out in https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/git-repository-ui-edit-target/+merge/261232 ? [16:57] I can't find anything in LP that's using anything different [20:51] cjwatson: I'm not certain, but perhaps he was suggesting adding an event handler to the JS rather than using the widget event? [21:58] blr: I'm still at the cargo-culting level with LP JS :-/ [21:58] Or JS in general really [21:59] Are you thinking of something to do with YUI.Event? [22:00] Oh, there are some .on('keypress', blah) calls in our JS [22:00] OK, that I can work with, looks straightforward enough [22:01] cjwatson: you might want to clarify with wgrant, but at a guess that's what he meant. [22:02] Yeah, it makes sense now that I've found it [22:02] cool :) [22:02] Ideally I'd figure out how to make the JS live with the widget, mind [22:03] But I guess it's already separate