[00:45] sergiusens: did you delete the build recipe for goget-ubuntu-touch? [02:00] rsalveti: yes, as we now have proper releases for wily [02:00] rsalveti: it was a stop gap [02:00] sergiusens: got it [02:01] sergiusens: the released images are all including webdm, right? [02:01] rsalveti: wrt to click-ubuntu-policy asac was going with desperate measures and that's why I'm on trusty today ;-) [02:01] haha, got it [02:01] sergiusens: that's cool, you can validate the tools ppa tomorrow then [02:02] sending one email now with the remaining tasks we need for the release, and one is testing that https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/tools is useful on trusty [02:02] will deprecate beta [02:04] rsalveti: yay! [02:04] rsalveti: not tonight though :-) [02:04] sergiusens: nops, tomorrow [02:30] sergiusens: ubuntu-device-flash is actually failing for me =\ [02:30] $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel edge --enable-ssh --device generic_amd64 --output ubuntu-15.04-snappy-amd64-generic.img [02:30] Determining oem configuration [02:30] generic-amd64 failed to install: Unexpected status code 502 [02:31] not sure if a problem with the store [02:33] Yeah, there is a problem with the store (downloads) which ops are working on right now. [02:33] rsalveti: ^ [02:34] miken: oh, alright then :-) [02:34] guess that's the time to go to sleep [02:44] rsalveti: I think the store is down [02:45] sergiusens: yeah, perfect timing [02:45] rsalveti: I see those errors in click-sync too [02:45] sergiusens: before you get off, what is the right way to sideload webm? [02:45] there is the --install option but it says it's deprecated [02:45] and it also failed here [02:48] rsalveti: --install [02:48] rsalveti: or eventually the oem package would list webdm [02:48] right [02:48] rsalveti: but they would all fail the same way if the store is down [02:49] sergiusens: right [02:49] sergiusens: can I run that from my host even when creating the bbb image? [02:49] since it's a different arch [02:49] rsalveti: if you leave this for tomorrow morning I'll create oem package that include webdm [02:49] don't know the internals [02:49] sure [02:49] rsalveti: yes you can; we pick the architecture to install from from the architecture entry in the oem package [02:50] rsalveti: given fat packages, it's ofter irrelevant [02:50] great, was more worried if we had to execute something at the target arch [02:50] indeed [02:50] rsalveti: nah, it's all the same, it's an unpack, symlinks and the apparmor stuff is on first boot [02:50] awesome :-) [02:51] ok, going to bed now :-) [02:51] good night! [02:51] sergiusens: have a good night! [02:52] sergiusens: for you, for tomorrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11685208/ [03:50] rsalveti, sergiusens: downloads from the store should be working consistently now (thanks blahdeblah ) [03:50] awesome [03:50] miken: thanks! [04:22] rsalveti: right, live-build or vmdebootstrap are convenient starting points for building images [07:11] good morning === tvoss|dinner is now known as tvoss [07:25] hey there [07:25] slangasek, hey, still up? any suggestion on how to get the personnal image on the system-image channels? [07:26] * seb128 replied to emails before going to bed in case that would help to have things going during the european night but doesn't see a follow up in the morning :-/ [08:35] mo'in [08:36] Moe's Inn, mo'in the lawn, doing impressions of cows.....oh Morning Chipaca [08:37] * Chipaca ignores the inane remarks, and considers seppuku, or more coffee [08:38] Chipaca: I'm only part way through my first coffee is my excuse and I'm sticking to it [08:39] * Chipaca growls back [08:40] Chipaca: I know that feeling my back growls too, it's old age my friend ;) [09:03] Good morning all; happy Ball Point Pen Day! 😃 [09:31] Chipaca: sorry, no seppuku for you, you are way too important! coffee it is [09:54] I have a noob question. reading: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/ [09:54] I think it states that the kernel needs to support: multiv7_defconfig [09:55] niave browsing of the kernel tree suggests to me that's exisited (for arm) in versions 3.7 and higher of the kernel [09:55] well, it needs to use the same options [09:55] does that mean I can say 'I need 3.7 or higher for easy porting with snappy'? [09:55] ogra_, that makes sense [09:55] ok, so am I right in thinking snappy uses the ubuntu vivid kernels today? [09:56] john-mcaleely: very [09:57] which looks like it might be 3.19 ? [09:59] hi - i've got a problem with updating snaps that are installed manually. i've installed my app's snap version 0.1 (containing a custom apparmor profile) and then used "snappy install " to update to a new version. the files and directories seem to be correct, but the daemon process won't start anymore with this error: "aa_change_onexec failed with -1. errmsg: No such file or directory" [09:59] plorenz: that sounds like a bug [09:59] plorenz: in us [09:59] plorenz: are you on rollin'? [10:00] Chipaca: i'm on ogra_'s RPi2 image [10:00] ogra_: was that cut from rolling? [10:00] Chipaca, 15.04 edge [10:01] hmm, that shouldn't have my "don't build apparmor" bug [10:01] well, i know that apparmor doesnt regenerate the profile if youo dont bump the version ... but that doesnt seem to be the case here [10:02] but i guess the two packages use different namespaces [10:02] (.sidleoad vs .$developer) [10:02] interestingly, i can see a file "/sys/kernel/security/apparmor/policy/profiles/rda-watchdog.sideload_rda-watchdog_0.1.5" - but i guess this should rather be 0.2 ? [10:02] ogra_: they are both .sideload [10:02] plorenz: what does 'snappy list' say? [10:03] Chipaca: "rda-watchdog 2015-06-10 0.2 sideload" [10:05] plorenz: find /var/lib/apparmor -ls [10:05] Chipaca: http://pastebin.com/J29TzWwr [10:08] plorenz: could you pastebin the systemd unit? [10:09] Chipaca: you mean the file /etc/systemd/system/rda-watchdog_rda-watchdog_0.2.service ? [10:09] plorenz: yes [10:09] sure- http://pastebin.com/AHusnvfm [10:11] /usr/bin/ubuntu-core-launcher rda-watchdog.sideload rda-watchdog.sideload_rda-watchdog_0.2 /apps/rda-watchdog.sideload/0.2/bin/rda-watchdog [10:11] that seems correct to me [10:11] the args are: qualified appname, apparmor profile, binary [10:11] plorenz: can you run that by hand and report back? [10:11] Chipaca: maybe the wrong profile was loaded? in dmesg i see this after installing the updated snap: "operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="rda-watchdog.sideload_rda-watchdog_0.1"" [10:12] ahhh [10:12] (so version 0.1) [10:12] hm [10:12] yes [10:12] running it by hand gives the same error as above [10:12] and i should have seen it the first time you said it, about the 0.1.5 [10:12] (aa_change_onexec failed with -1. errmsg: No such file or directory) [10:13] :) [10:13] plorenz: try: sudo aa-clichook -f [10:13] aa-clickhook [10:13] not clichook [10:13] sorry :) [10:14] Chipaca: no problem, i figured that one out ;) but i still get the same error [10:15] darn, and it's stupid-o'clock for most apparmor-savvy folks [10:16] hehe :) [10:16] plorenz: pastebin "sudo apparmor_status" please [10:16] i'm working from the manpages here :) [10:16] http://pastebin.com/nZFwZqwq [10:17] Chipaca: no problem :) as long as i can help [10:18] plorenz: sudo apparmor_profile -a /apps/rda-watchdog.sideload/0.2/meta/rda-watchdog.apparmor [10:19] Chipaca: that gives me a command not found error :/ [10:19] because it's apparmor_parser [10:19] not apparmor_profile [10:19] sorry :) [10:19] Chipaca: hehe - okay, it says "Unable to add "rda-watchdog.sideload_rda-watchdog_0.1". Profile already exists" [10:20] Chipaca: wait a second... i have my own apparmor profile included - maybe there's 0.1 somewhere [10:20] ooooh [10:20] looks like the profile is wrong [10:20] Chipaca: aaargh - yes, it is :( sorry! [10:20] yeah [10:21] heh! no worries. TIL. [10:21] thank you for your help :) [10:23] it's working with version 0.3 now [10:31] hello everyone, quick question, can u-d-f be used to create images for bbb from the edge channel, 15.04 release? [10:32] i'm using this sudo ubuntu-device-flash --verbose core 15.04 -o my-snappy.img --size 4 --channel edge --oem beagleblack --enable-ssh --device-part=./device.tar.xz [10:33] but it doesn't boot (and no serial cable yet...) [10:40] fgimenez: aiui that should work [10:40] well, except the device part thing [10:40] never used that [10:42] fgimenez: want me to try with mine? [10:42] Chipaca, i've been following https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/, the image generated for the stable channel works fine [10:44] Chipaca, if you can give it a try it would be very helpful :) is there a log of the failed boots? i feel blind without this serial cable... [11:27] is there any documentation on how to use snappy configure or how to set up my snaps so it works? [11:32] rickspencer3: did you read config.md? [11:32] um [11:32] Chipaca, can you tell me more? [11:33] 1 sec [11:33] rickspencer3: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/docs/config.md [11:33] it's probably also on developer.u.c but dunno where. dholbach? [11:34] Chipaca, after trying again it's booting just fine with edge, perhaps i missed before a sync command, thanks! [11:34] fgimenez: ah, good! because my sd card seems to have dieded [11:34] fgimenez: or maybe my sd reader. or maybe i need to reboot. [11:35] Chipaca, so I write a program that takes standard input and outputs a yaml file? [11:35] rickspencer3: yep [11:35] then snappy restarts the service, which presumably reads the new yaml and goes? [11:35] Chipaca, seems like we could make a simple Go app for the handler, at least as a sample to get folks started [11:36] or is there something available already to get me started? [11:36] (maybe an example shell script?) [11:36] i think sergiusens had one [11:37] but it is essentially that ... create a yaml file snappy reads then [11:37] (pretty awful if you ask me) [11:38] * ogra_ would like to see "snappy config =" instead [11:39] ogra_, oh, that is not how the command works? [11:39] no, you need to pipe the yaml into it iirc [11:39] or point it to the file [11:39] * ogra_ tries to find the example [11:39] interesting [11:39] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-examples/view/head:/config-example/bin/hello [11:41] Chipaca, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/config-command/ [11:41] hmmmm [11:41] dholbach, I saw that [11:41] but there is no example of the user using the command [11:41] nor any source code to show how to implement the hook [11:42] snappy config /path/to/yaml [11:42] ogra_, right, and it looks like you can supply the yaml by just typing it on standard in [11:43] I need clearer explanations and samples to do the correct implementation myself [11:43] ogra_, so it looks like my hook needs to be a program that configures the snap [11:44] in my case, my snap is configured with a yaml file [11:44] so I need a hook that parses the yaml file, then updates it with the new content that the user specified with the snapppy config command [11:44] I know how to do this in Go, but what would you suggest for writing this? [11:45] Go worries me because then I would have to compile the hook, and then deal with multi-arch [11:49] * ogra_ hasnt rolled packages with config hooks yet ... but i would use shell and parse the yaml [11:49] ogra_: you'd parse yaml with sh? [11:50] i'd parse everything non-binary with shell :) [11:53] ok [11:53] I'm not too great with sh :/ [11:53] far from my forte [11:54] well, then use whatever else you like ... but ship the interpreter if its an interpreter lang [11:54] ogra_, no, I can try sh [11:54] I want to do the best example implementation that I can [11:55] it seems like reading a yaml file and updating it and then rewriting it should be doable [11:58] rickspencer3: note you'll be given your current config as stdin [11:59] rickspencer3: so if it's a simple transformation, maybe you can express it with sed [11:59] uh [11:59] rickspencer3: is the rest of your app written in go as well? [11:59] mvo, yes [11:59] but, I would rather have a re-usable component [11:59] well, then you need to handle the multiarch bit anyway [12:00] as well as the compiling [12:00] so shell wouldnt really be an advantage [12:00] ogra_, well, I won't necessarily write all my apps with Go [12:00] rickspencer3: the reusable component part is complicated [12:00] rickspencer3: the external interface is yaml, but internally it can be anything [12:01] rickspencer3, sure, but for a go app i would also use go for the config [12:01] sergiusens, right, I get that [12:01] rickspencer3: TBH the yaml config and the lack of sh based tools bother me as well, I wrote a python based xpath like yaml thing in one of the config examples, but its really not great [12:01] my app reads a yaml file on startup [12:01] the only advantage of shell is that you dont need to compile anything and it is always available [12:01] so, I assumed the hook would write out that file [12:01] rickspencer3: e.g.; https://github.com/sergiusens/camlistore.snap/blob/master/meta/hooks/config [12:01] but that might not work in the future :-) [12:02] rickspencer3: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-examples/files/head:/config-example-bash/meta/hooks/ but you probably saw this already [12:03] mvo, I did not, but ... I thought using Python without including your own Python? [12:04] mvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1463804 is the bug you asked me to file [12:04] Ubuntu bug 1463804 in Snappy "Convert click manifest to package.yaml automatically" [Undecided,New] [12:04] rickspencer3: python is 15.04 material, guaranteed to stick [12:04] morning [12:04] * ogra_ would still not recommend using the system one ... [12:05] to keep your apps future proof [12:05] sergiusens: not sure it is guaranteed to stick [12:05] yeah [12:05] who knows what is ahead of us :-) [12:05] rsalveti: on 15.04 yes [12:05] on rolling no [12:05] sergiusens: mvo: rsalveti: what if we added support to the core launcher so that, if told to exec a directory, we exec directory/$arch ? [12:05] rsalveti: we said once something was released, everything on there would stick [12:06] sergiusens: right, I get that, but last time I asked about python nobody was completely sure [12:06] but I get your point [12:06] would still recommend not using the system one though, to avoid it being only compatible with 15.04 [12:07] rsalveti: oh, but that's a developer choice [12:07] rsalveti: and that means we need to remove half of our example packages ;-) [12:07] yeah, but I don't want to repackage everything for 16.04 if things change, so I'll probably go with sh [12:07] sergiusens: that might be a good idea, yeah [12:07] python3 in the apparmor allowance, so it's fine for 15.04 [12:08] once ogra_ is done with the next python tutorial that includes the interpreter [12:08] yeah, need to talk to ricmm today about that :) [12:08] * Chipaca should make an example using micropython [12:10] rickspencer3: yeah, I'm cheap and I know it will continue to work on 15.04. but 16.04+ its all up in the air [12:10] hehe [12:10] mvo, I just want to make sure that when I write stuff, it is the "right" stuff [12:11] fgimenez: you don't need to use --device-part=./device.tar.xz when creating the beagle image [12:11] unless you want to force your local device tarball [12:11] Chipaca: I'm in favour for auto-magic for multi-arch, i.e. find the right binary, setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH - there is even a branch for that [12:11] oooh [12:11] --oem beagleblack should already take care of all the dependencies [12:12] mvo: what blocks it? [12:12] rickspencer3: yeah, that is indeed the better approach :) I wonder if we should provide a go based helper for sh ? [12:12] heh [12:12] Chipaca: I blame sergiusens https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-binary-ld-library-path-wrapper/+merge/252560 [12:12] mvo: *always* blame sergiusens [12:13] rsalveti, ok, much better, i'll update the notes in the pad [12:13] mvo: you'll have better-than-random chance of being right [12:13] rsalveti, fgimenez waas trying ou the porting guide ... [12:13] *out [12:13] rickspencer3: I mean, something that helps you extract your config a bit like this python-yaml-helper but as part of the system. wdyt? [12:13] mvo: Chipaca wat did i do? [12:13] (device tarball makes sens then i guess) [12:13] +e [12:13] Chipaca: heh :) [12:14] mvo, I think that I should be able to use a standard place/name for the snap configuration yaml [12:14] sergiusens: mvo: i think we should put together a branch that did this, and put it up for discussion [12:14] and then snappy automatically does config for me [12:14] tbh [12:14] mvo: Chipaca oh; well it is unanswered ;-) [12:14] and WiP [12:14] I don't see why I have to write a hook if I am not doing something custom [12:14] sergiusens: still blaming you [12:15] Chipaca: heh, this at least needs to be accompanied by proper documentation ;-) [12:15] rickspencer3: me, i think we should have "snappy set $package config=key:value" work [12:16] ogra_, i was taking it as a reference for creating bbb images with u-d-f, it's the only place in the guides where i find this mentioned [12:16] ogra_: right, if trying from the porting guide it's fine :-) [12:16] indeed, we don't have anywhere showing how to use ubuntu-device-flash [12:16] fgimenez, for "just creating" you dont need the device bit [12:17] it will simply pull it from the system-image server [12:18] ogra_, ok thx [12:19] rickspencer3: that is a good point [12:20] rickspencer3: looks like when we designed this we optimized for the uncomon case :/ for the sake of flexibility. let me try to draft something [12:20] mvo, I think I can simulate it in the meantime by writing sh script that "just works" in the meantime [12:21] where "just works" == if you name your yaml file in a certain way, the script will handle reading and writing to it [12:21] rickspencer3: well, you can't guarantee shell scripting would be accesible in the future either [12:21] (and interacting with the snappy config command, o course) [12:21] * sergiusens is trying to make a point [12:21] sergiusens, really? [12:21] sh may stop working? [12:22] rickspencer3: that is the mantra of rolling, anything, anything can stop working [12:22] wow, I have trouble envisioning such a system and how it would work [12:22] rickspencer3: what I'm saying is that it's hard to plan for something that hasn't been released [12:22] sergiusens, I think there are some things that we can predict better than others [12:22] I think "you might have to package your own Python" is more likely than "you have to package your own sh" [12:22] but, that said, noted [12:23] rickspencer3: right, but you might get something lesser than dash [12:23] * rickspencer3 nods [12:23] not compatible with whatever you script [12:23] right, I get it [12:24] sergiusens, i think you can be sure that all shells we ever ship will be POSIX compliant at least [12:24] ash, dash or busybox will all work with proper POSIX script [12:25] ogra_: depends how you configure busybox [12:25] :) [12:26] the smallest busybox shell was not very posix [12:26] oh [12:26] yeah, that might be [12:26] * Chipaca wins at pedantic [12:26] indeed i assume the busybox binaries you can currently find in ubuntu [12:27] you could shave *kilobytes* by having it not support background processes, if i remember correctly [12:27] gigantic ! [12:27] :) [12:28] mvo: btw, thanks for the reviews!!!! [12:29] :-D [12:30] sergiusens: your welcome [12:30] rickspencer3: how does http://snappy.asac.ws:9001/p/snappy-config-simplify look? as a straw-man - feel free to remove my germanism in there (and/or improve the entire approach :) [12:30] mvo, I'll look right after this call [12:32] sure [12:37] * sergiusens wonders who the green dude is [12:39] that's rickspencer3 i think [12:39] the "restart your snap" makes me think so :) [12:39] mvo, I did myt best to express myself [12:39] sergiusens, Chipaca, yeah, that was me [12:40] how did you know I was a dude? [12:40] rickspencer3: you have very masculine handwriting [12:40] anyway, this is how I think the developer should be [12:40] I think that we have the custom case implemented, but not documented holistically yet [12:41] I *think* that I can write a walk through that teaches how to do it, though [12:42] I thought dude was gender neutral these days :-) [12:43] what would be the female variant of dude ? dudette ? [12:43] anywhoooo ... [12:43] sergiusens: ogra_: depends where you are; some places it's neuter; other places, yes, dudette [12:43] * rickspencer3 moves on before a sjw shows up [12:44] * ogra_ sighs about his laptop doing another emergency shutdown due to overheating :( [12:44] I wonder if we need to design an end to end tutorial that includes all of the conventional ways of building an app for snappy? [12:44] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa716527(v=vs.60).aspx [12:44] crappy vivid :((( [12:44] ^ dates me, but I always liked that they had that [12:45] * sergiusens installs vb6 [12:45] haha [12:46] rickspencer3, what are the "conventional ways" ? [12:46] heh, maybe I should get back to work instead :-P [12:46] you have so many possibilitied [12:46] *possibilities [12:46] ogra_, indeed, but ... [12:46] there are conventions also [12:46] the conventional way is the no brainer snapcraft way ;-) [12:46] I should be able to ask "what is the best way to do x" [12:46] and there should be an answer [12:46] yeah, snapcraft for everyone ! [12:46] for a greenfield [12:47] I think that we need to support two forks of developers [12:47] and we are smartly focused on fork 1 now ... people who have apps that need to be converted to snaps [12:47] but, even there, there are probably conventions [12:48] and snapcraft will be the tool for those conventions :) [12:48] we are literally just inventing these conventions [12:48] but, I am in fork 2, I want to write new apps for IoT [12:48] ogra_, I know [12:48] :) [12:48] once we have them we will indeed document them [12:48] but, there is a lot of implicit knowledge in the development team now [12:49] most of my questions do have answers, it's just really really hard to get them written down, especially when 60% of it could easily change in a week ;) [12:53] rickspencer3: +1 on better end-to-end tutorial [12:54] rickspencer3: ehh, s/better/an/ - 'cause there is none yet :) [12:54] mvo, I have written a file uploader program that uses a yaml file for configuration [12:54] I'll change it to use snappy config [12:54] https://code.launchpad.net/~rick-rickspencer3/+junk/go-uploader [12:55] then I can write a tutorial :) [12:55] rickspencer3: as for the config - does it sound acceptable if I change (2) so that your app reads from a SNAP_CONFIG_FILE environment? the reason I ask is that ideally /apps/$pkg/$ver/ is a bit of a read-only space and we want to verify that its unaltered on disk. so separating the config into a different dir would be nice. also its useful to keep the original config around for a 3-way merge (but that could be done in different ways of course) [12:56] rickspencer3: nice project [12:56] mvo, sure [12:56] all I want is that I can not worry about implementing snappy config [12:56] if I follow the rules, I want snappy config to do the work for me [12:57] * mvo nods [13:02] rickspencer3: I created a trello card for your suggestion so that it won't get lost https://trello.com/c/XHloYivT - I think its a really good idea to make this simpler [13:02] thanks mvo [13:02] meanwhile, I work on a walkthrough for the "custom" solution [13:02] * mvo nods [13:02] since we should at least explain that since it really works [13:02] yeah [13:03] I need to do this for my home IoT Gateway, anyway [13:39] mvo: can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/upload/+merge/261563 again please? [13:39] sergiusens: sure [13:40] sergiusens: very impressive! [13:41] mvo, so I am not actually sure where to put my file-upload.yaml [13:41] do I put it next to the executable? [13:41] i.e. in /bin/whateverarch/file-upload.yaml [13:41] ? [13:42] rickspencer3: you mean right now with the current mechanism? the recommended place is in $SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH [13:43] mvo, can you show me what that would like in the shell, i.e. appname/? [13:44] mvo: thanks [13:45] rickspencer3: something like "printf "key: value" > ${SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH}/myconfig.yaml" you mean? [13:45] rickspencer3: hope I did not misunderstand the question [13:45] mvo, sorry, my question is even more basic [13:46] my snap package has bin and meta, right? [13:46] yes [13:46] so, is there a place in there that is normal for yaml to go? [13:46] my bin is laid out with bin/amd64, bin/Arm [13:46] aha, just create a dir for that, config/ or etc/ or cfg/ or data/ [13:47] and put your base config in there [13:47] kyrofa: how about a quick hangout? [13:47] mvo, at the top level, so it is bin/ meta/ cfg/ ? [13:47] yeah [13:47] I think thats a sensible layout [13:48] k [13:48] thanks [13:49] mvo: thanks for starting the release notes :-) [13:49] mvo: elopio: fgimenez: sergiusens: ogra_: so it seems we're good to go, right? [13:50] ogra_: care to promote 82 into stable? [13:50] mvo: sergiusens: do you guys also know what needs to be done for promotion? [13:50] rsalveti: I tested with u-d-f but only last night, nothing today [13:51] sergiusens, I've got standup in a few minutes. Can I ping you after? [13:51] rsalveti, after i rebuilt it with the changes we just discussed and tested it [13:51] rsalveti, oh, you talk about the official image ? [13:51] rsalveti: prebuilts or promotion? [13:51] rsalveti: I don't know, I think there is a mail from steve somewhere how that works, but documenting it would be good I think [13:51] for prebuilts, after promotion === joet is now known as josepht [13:56] kyrofa sure [13:57] mvo: promotion is as on the phone, I bet ogra_ knows the flow [14:01] sergiusens: ogra_: not prebuitls, promotion itself [14:01] like we do for the phones [14:01] we basically need to promote 82 into stable [14:01] right, thats just a call to copy-image but i need the exact channel names [14:01] and then I can create the pre-built images [14:02] yeah, would be nice to document that [14:02] I created the card https://trello.com/c/PUpWXouz/89-stable-release-checkpoints to be a placeholder for release related things [14:04] rsalveti, tested the full suite in kvm, "long" upgrade path (stable -> edge -1 -> edge), rollback and failed boot in bbb, no new issues [14:05] rsalveti, mvo, do we promote whatever cruft is in 15.04/edge/generic_arm64 ? [14:05] * jdstrand wonders how plorenz had a version in "his own apparmor profile". Maybe he is using "security-policy" and didn't write the profile with the correct variables to be expanded via aa-profile-hook... [14:05] * jdstrand shrugs [14:05] and do we promote azure images too ? [14:06] fgimenez: what does no *new* issues mean, do we have existing ones (sorry if this is a silly question) [14:06] ogra_: arm64? I doubt this even works :/ no idea why its there in the first place [14:07] well, something gets regularly imported into edge :) [14:07] whatever that is [14:07] ogra_: rsalveti mvo what do you think of http://snappy.asac.ws:9001/p/promotion [14:07] mvo, i mean that nothing new has arisen, sorry if it wasn't clear enough :) [14:08] sergiusens, what is alpha ? [14:08] ogra_: a channel [14:08] sergiusens, any why do we need it ? [14:08] fgimenez: cool, nothing new and nothing old so no known issues, thats great, thanks a lot for the testing [14:08] we test from edge [14:08] ogra_: to make sure the upgrade from what is in stable to what goes to edge is going to work [14:09] well, creating channels is a slangasek thing i guess ... [14:09] (i could poke around in the config but i have never added a new channel and would feel more comfortable if someone does that who has experience) [14:09] ogra_: sergiusens: right, we don't have an alpha at the moment [14:10] we can promote from edge to stable now and then work on creating the alpha [14:10] ok [14:10] rsalveti: I know we don't, but it's an easy way to test the upgrade path as a final step [14:10] for now having alpha won't change anything, right? [14:10] sergiusens: how different that would be from stable -> edge? [14:10] rsalveti: doing a channel change triggers a full image update [14:10] sergiusens: right [14:11] you have one test channel where you can try out automated upgrades fir4st [14:11] makes sense [14:11] then we'd need to create it :-) [14:11] right [14:12] buenos días [14:15] elopio, hey! good to see those "i" with accent around :) [14:17] fgimenez: :) how are you today? [14:17] davidcalle: I want to make some small changes on the guides that are not in the snappy branch. How can I edit those docs? [14:19] jdstrand: not sure it's my image, but is ReleaseName allowed? [ 3993.417227] audit: type=1107 audit(1433945875.311:61): pid=604 uid=100 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='apparmor="DENIED" operation="dbus_method_call" bus="system" path="/org/freedesktop/DBus" interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="ReleaseName" mask="send" name="org.freedesktop.DBus" pid=1439 label="hello-dbus-fwk_srv_1.0.0" peer_label="unconfined" [14:20] elopio, you can have editor access on the website with the lp team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntudeveloperportal-editors [14:20] dpm: can you please approve my membership there? ^ [14:21] davidcalle: what's the review process? I would like you or somebody else to check what I change before it goes live. [14:21] elopio, fine, getting to know this bbb thing :) [14:22] mvo: hi! with the mtime patch from jjohansen, do we still need to have the meeting today? [14:22] elopio, when you edit a page, you are in "draft" mode, other editors have access to it, just ping me when you are done :) [14:22] hmmm [14:22] elopio, done [14:22] davidcalle: dpm: thanks. [14:22] jdstrand: I thought I replied by mail, as far as I'm concerned we are fine and I don't need the meeting [14:22] can anyone advise me on the best way to refer to a file path in Go code in a snap? [14:22] jdstrand: his patch is the outcome I had hoped for from the meeting [14:23] is just using "../../data/" considered ok, or is there a better, more reliable way? [14:23] elopio, I have to run for ~1h , dpm or dholbach, do you mind sending the editors guide link to elopio? [14:23] davidcalle, already done :) [14:23] dpm :) [14:23] mvo: oh you did-- I'm still going through my inbox and I filtered on 'cache', but the subject said 'caching' [14:23] mvo: ok-- we may want to revisit this in the future, but I'll cancel the meeting for now [14:23] rickspencer3: its probably better to use "dir := os.Getenv("SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH")" (or any of the other ones) [14:24] jdstrand: revisit for a different approach like using hashes? as long as the functionatlity remians I don't mind how its implemented :) [14:24] thanks mvo [14:24] sergiusens, rsalveti, alpha channel has been created (will show up with the next importer run) [14:26] mvo: no, I more meant make sure we are satisfying all of snappy's needs [14:26] and there it is [14:26] rsalveti: I think you scheduled the apparmor caching meeting-- can you remove it? [14:26] jdstrand: ok [14:26] ogra_: and are we importing the current stable images in there? [14:26] jdstrand: sure [14:27] thanks [14:27] rsalveti, it is a completely dead channel, only for manual copying [14:27] rsalveti, but yes, i'm doing exactly that right now [14:27] ogra_: awesome [14:27] elopio, good luck! Feel free to ping me when I'm back if you have issues with the edition, some aspects of the cms can seem tricky the first time [14:27] davidcalle: will do. [14:28] oh [14:28] and i see, stable only has armhf and amd64 [14:28] yes, thats ok [14:28] we never released a stable i386 yet [14:29] ok, "alpha" now has the stable image 2 in it [14:30] now everyone needs to install that ... and i can copy the latest from edge [14:36] http://www.ronpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/its-happening.jpg \o/ [14:37] heh [14:38] haha [14:42] hmm [14:43] using --enable-ssh instead of --developer-mode refuses to use my oem snap [14:43] Hi. I was wondering if there is a snappy command for selecting older core image version? I have freshly flashed device with a latest version, so there is nothing to rollback to, but maybe there are another ways to get older version? This part does not seem to be documented anywhere. Thanks. [14:44] gatisp, ubuntu-device-flash has a --revision option that you could use to create an older image [14:45] ah ok, will check. Did not know about that tool, I just downloaded the *.img file and dd-ed to Rpi2 [14:45] sergiusens, hulp ... how do i create an image without having my personal ssh key inside when i use a local oem snap ? [14:46] Determining oem configuration [14:46] 2015-06-10 14:45:29 ERROR snappy logger.go:199 pi2_0.13_all.snap failed to install: Signature verification failed with exit status 10 [14:46] pi2_0.13_all.snap failed to install: Signature verification failed with exit status 10 [14:46] (for details) [14:48] ogra_: ah, you can't [14:48] damn [14:49] ogra_: sort of to avoid random non signed pkgs distributed [14:49] sure, i get the reason [14:49] ogra_: well, build it from a user with no keys I guess [14:49] ogra_: that's a workaround :-P [14:49] ogra_: also, why not put your rpi snap into the store? [14:49] will it then just give me a normal usr/password login ? [14:49] yes, i was planning that [14:50] ah, you need to override anyways due to the device part [14:50] i just have never done an oem snap :) [14:50] ogra_: fwiw, I created amd64/armhf image from the alpha channel now, so let me know once they can/should be upgraded [14:50] sure, but it makes sense to eventually update the store one [14:50] ogra_: it should just work (random user no keys and --developer-mode) [14:51] mvo, i wanted to make a call in the standup and once everyone who participates is ready i'll just copy edge on top and upgrades should magically happen [14:51] cool [14:51] sergiusens, ok, i'll try that [14:51] * ogra_ guesses just moving ~/.ssh out of the way should be enough [14:51] beuno: if I have snappy pakage N available for release X and X+1, upload N+1 and only tag it for X+1, what happens to N that was on X [14:51] ? [14:52] beuno: I'm asking because the channels document mentions this is working already, but I don't think it is [14:52] sergiusens, not what it should [14:52] there's oversight there [14:52] where we need 2 versions of the app available at the same time for different releases [14:52] beuno: shouldn't it work though? [14:53] sergiusens, the newest version is the only one that will be available [14:53] so that's something we need to fi [14:53] more so since we are diverging 15.04 and rolling as days pass [14:53] indeed [14:53] sergiusens, can you file a bug pretty please? [14:54] beuno: ack [14:54] * sergiusens just uploaded the last * release compatible webdm [14:55] Enabling developer mode... [14:55] failed to obtain a public key for developer mode: open /home/ogra/.ssh: no such file or directory: no pub ssh key found, run ssh-keygen first [14:55] aha [14:55] that looks good then [14:55] (but now i'm not sure which webdm i got :P) [14:56] beuno: bug 1463872 [14:56] bug 1463872 in Software Center Agent "Support a version to live published per release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463872 [14:57] ogra_: you might want 0.9 [14:57] sergiusens, i know what i want [14:57] lol [14:57] i just dont know what i got :) [14:57] u-d-f doesnt tell me the version [14:57] * ogra_ will re-create after the meeting ... by then 0.9 should surely have promoted i guess [14:58] nessita, FYI bug 1463872 [14:58] bug 1463872 in Software Center Agent "Support a version to live published per release" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463872 [14:58] beuno, checking [14:58] beuno: also, your input on this is welcomed https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/2822/feedback/ [14:58] sergiusens, alright, I'm out of meetings now. You available? [14:59] kyrofa: that was a long standup! [14:59] kyrofa: I now have mine :P [14:59] sergiusens, done [15:00] ty [15:01] sergiusens, we have it every day, and for some reason today my uncaffeinated mind thought it was a half hour earlier :P [15:02] sergiusens, I sat around wondering why people were so late for a while [15:03] sergiusens, anyway, the rest of my day is free. Just ping me when you've got some free time :) [15:06] kyrofa: ok, I'll ping after lunch if that's fine; what your timezone btw? [15:07] EST-- I'm in Virginia [15:10] sergiusens, beuno we don't support different version per releases, I think that will be possible with channels. Without channels, a package can have only one "live and valid" upload at a time [15:10] this is the same behavior as with frameworkds [15:10] beuno, the goal was to avoid developers neglecting older version in older frameworks [15:11] nessita, yes [15:11] I think releases are different [15:11] because they are built to co-exist [15:11] so we'll need to think about that [15:11] there is overlap with releases [15:11] right [15:11] as in support timeframe [15:11] beuno, right, currently releases are the same a frameworks with other name [15:12] beuno, so this new requirement combined with channels will be super extra interesting to design and implement [15:12] nessita, don't need to combine them [15:12] just FYI [15:12] "fun" fabian says [15:12] we'll figure out priorities [15:12] beuno, combined at code level, I mean :-) [15:13] nessita, this is why people become managers [15:15] beuno, to think about when priotitizing: are we allowing targetting different releases in each upload in each channel? [15:16] I mean, the index will soon start returning results for a specific channel only === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss [15:18] nessita, we will need to allow uploading different binaries to different releases to different channels [15:19] mvo: https://github.com/google/gxui/blob/master/samples/progress_bar/main.go :-p [15:19] sergiusens: If possible we can discuss OEM snap submissiong name scheme here as well (regarding ODROID snap sumission feedback on app 2822). [15:19] beuno, exactly, so, "boom in heads and in source code", but of course, always doable [15:19] beuno, let me add this to the backlog [15:20] nessita, thanks, sorry [15:20] Chipaca: oh? is that a new/different progress bar? I was too lazy to be honest to look for a different one than the "gb" i was using [15:22] utlemming: do you have some time today to talk about the testing your team does for the snappy cloud images? [15:26] sergiusens: re cache> one option might be to do what python-httplib2 is doing and cache transparently by storing the http headers (i.e. valid-until etc) plus the content and simply use that to check if the net needs to hit at all etc. that was used in s-c-agent [15:28] mvo: right, that was my last idea; transparent caching proxy, would solve all scopes in general [15:29] sergiusens: yeah, I used it quite successfuly in the past [15:36] we can construct a unique version number, thus: 2^(kernel #) + 3^(device #) + 5^(os #) + ... + prime_n^(# of part_n) [15:37] Chipaca: heh, indeed [15:37] *********** I give everyone another 30mins to install an alpha image and in 30min i will copy over the edge image into the channel ************** [15:37] mvo: wrt progress bars, i was kidding about gxui (it's too green yet). That program, when run, looks something like http://i.imgur.com/ta4AE1Q.gif [15:37] ogra_: so heavy [15:37] (speak up if thats to short) [15:37] * Chipaca goes to get some tea [15:38] sergiusens, i'm a drama queen ;) [15:38] * Chipaca didn't know we supported alphas, goes to dig his out of the attic [15:38] Chipaca: I don't even know what gxui is [15:38] sergiusens, is webdm 0.9 published ? [15:38] ogra_: it should be, let me check [15:39] ogra_: search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/package/webdm [15:39] it is [15:39] mvo: google's experimental green-as-a-Nezara-viridula cross-platform ui library [15:39] sergiusens, awesome, thanks ! [15:39] * ogra_ re-rolls the pi image [15:42] elopio: is the selftest stuff documented? [15:49] no webdm ... and cloud-init spills errors on my new pi image :( [15:49] �[ 235.955313] cloud-init[832]: 2015-06-10 15:49:14,086 - url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling '' failed [50/120s]: request error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /latest/meta-data/instance-id (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=50.0)'))] [15:49] not sure why it wants to do a web request to my firewall [15:50] seems it also never reaches the login prompt :/ [15:50] it prints that error for 10min now [15:50] ogra_: we're talking “ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel alpha -o 15.04-alpha.img --developer-mode”, yes? [15:51] Chipaca, for the test ? yeah [15:51] aha, now webdm started [15:51] this delay is awful :/ [15:52] ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/rpi$ ssh ubuntu@webdm.local [15:52] ssh: connect to host webdm.local port 22: Connection refused [15:52] sigh [15:56] sergiusens, so there seems to be no sshd running now [15:57] hmpf [15:57] and i cant log in on serial console either [15:57] ogra_: that's worrisome [15:57] localhost login: ubuntu [15:57] Password: [15:57] Login incorrect [15:57] thats what i get on serial [15:58] ogra_: it's broken here too... [15:58] preinstalled webdm that is [15:58] well, webdm started eventually [15:58] just took pretty long [15:58] no login is more worrysome i think [15:59] aa_change_onexec failed [15:59] Chipaca: ^ [15:59] do you know? [15:59] Chipaca: created with sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel alpha --install webdm --output amd64-webdm.img [16:00] sergiusens: unless something is built against snappy trunk from last week, no [16:00] * Chipaca tries installing hello-world [16:01] things installed with snappy directly work [16:01] now to try webdm [16:01] * ogra_ notices that the icons for an installed snap vanish from the webdm UI [16:01] (showing the generic icon only) [16:01] hmm, no [16:02] snake is fine, only chatroom changes the icon after install [16:02] so how do i get my login back now :( [16:02] seems i need some random ssh key ? [16:03] (since without any ssh key it doesnt seem to work at all) [16:03] sergiusens: confirmed, things installed with webdm are missing apparmor [16:04] sergiusens: meaning you've built it against snappy trunk [16:04] sergiusens: before the mangle branch landed [16:04] sergiusens: tut, tut [16:04] sergiusens: also, sorry :-/ [16:06] Chipaca: well, it's u-d-f, not webdm [16:06] 0.10 is a nicer version number anyway [16:06] sergiusens: what is? [16:06] Chipaca: I'm not suing snappy trunk for webdm [16:06] sergiusens: ah, you get that from the installed webdm? [16:06] Chipaca: yes [16:06] sergiusens: because i get that from packets installed from webdm [16:07] Chipaca: webdm is locked to launchpad.net/snappy bzr snappy_tarmac-20150507103214-pgd90adryua6v6wi 444 [16:07] Chipaca: but this error is from webdm itself [16:07] and indeed i see the apparmor files [16:07] then why am i getting this error? [16:07] wat [16:08] ah, it's because i can't read [16:08] Chipaca: hmm, no symlinks in /var/lib/apparmor [16:08] rsalveti: a reminder that i'm away friday and monday [16:09] rsalveti: clearly you won't lose much :-/ [16:09] rsalveti: we need a new snappy release and a u-d-f rebuild ^ [16:09] sergiusens: why a snappy release? [16:09] Chipaca: u-d-f builds from snappy packages [16:10] Chipaca: if the apparmor stuff is broken in lp:snappy, we need a new snappy release to rebuild u-d-f [16:10] the error i see is about /tmp being wrong [16:10] Chipaca: so core launcher? [16:10] sergiusens: the apparmor stuff *was* broken in lp:snappy, but is now fixed [16:10] sergiusens: but this is in pre-update alpha channel [16:10] Chipaca: don't confuse me [16:10] sergiusens: so it's the known one [16:10] Chipaca: oh, right! [16:10] so confusing :-P [16:11] Chipaca: sorry [16:11] rollback rsalveti [16:11] * sergiusens goes for lunch [16:11] * Chipaca can't remember what the old rsalveti looked like [16:11] more beardy [16:12] sergiusens, so all is fine ? [16:14] hmpf [16:15] so even with a randomly generated key i cant get an ssh login now [16:16] aha, IP works ... webdm.local doesnt [16:16] funny, since it works in the browser [16:17] ************** copying edge over to alpha *NOW* .... **************** [16:17] you should see a version 3 now [16:19] yes [16:20] happy upgrading then :)' [16:22] ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/rpi$ ping webdm.local [16:22] PING webdm.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. [16:22] WOAH ! [16:23] seems it is hopping between and ... how can .local ever resolve to a real address ?!? [16:24] am i doing something wrong? [16:24] sudo snappy rollback webdm [16:24] panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [16:24] [signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x5ca3b1] [16:27] Jun 10 16:26:52 localhost kernel: [ 859.165000] audit: type=1400 audit(1433953612.650:14): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="chatroom.ogra_chatroom_0.1-8" pid=2159 comm="apparmor_parser" [16:27] snappy list -v [16:27] ERR [16:27] webdm 2015-06-07 0.8 [16:27] webdm 2015-06-10 0.9 * [16:27] why is that unconfined ? [16:28] conyoo: noice [16:28] conyoo: how did you get to that? [16:29] conyoo: in answer to your question though, maybe, but the panic is ours to fix [16:29] well, would be interesting to know what HW that happens on [16:31] Chipaca, i don't really know what i'm doing :)) i am just playing with snappy but i get this error when trying the rollback command. i was wandering if i'm using it wrong or it's just a bug :)) [16:31] conyoo: it's a bug. steps to reproduce would be very helpful. [16:32] including, as ogra_ says, what hw this is [16:32] * rsalveti checking backlog [16:32] Chipaca: of course we're going to miss you :-) [16:32] Chipaca: but sure, please just add that in your calendar [16:33] rsalveti: i mean, because it seems i'm not tracking things properly at this point :-/ [16:33] sergiusens: hm, still didn't check everything, but why do we need a release? [16:33] which bug did we find? [16:33] rsalveti, an old one ... it was the wrong image [16:33] (as i understand) [16:34] (i.e. old stable) [16:34] separate issues [16:34] as i understood it at least (but see: tracking) [16:34] rsalveti: u-d-f is built against a snappy that has a bug [16:34] right [16:34] rsalveti: fails to do the apparmor hooks [16:34] rsalveti: that's u-d-f trunk (tools ppa?) [16:35] confirm with sergiusens tho [16:35] Chipaca: yeah, tools ppa and wily archive [16:35] Chipaca, i just installed snappy with KVM using this tutorial https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/ and then sudo snappy install webdm sudo snappy update sudo snappy rollback webdm (i have the image installed since last week maybe, so i had webdm 0.7? 0.8 and now 0.9) [16:35] ahhhh [16:35] conyoo: could you confirm that after 'sudo snappy update' you have two webdms in the output of 'snappy list'? [16:36] one with .sideload, one without [16:36] Chipaca, see above [16:36] webdm 2015-06-07 0.8 [16:36] webdm 2015-06-10 0.9 * [16:36] Chipaca, yep snappy list -v [16:36] Name Date Version Developer [16:36] ubuntu-core 2015-04-23 2 ubuntu* [16:36] config-example 2015-05-16 1.0.6 canonical* [16:36] mc 2015-06-09 3-4.8.13-3 sideload* [16:36] snake 2015-05-29 0.0.5 mectors* [16:36] webdm 2015-06-07 0.8 [16:36] webdm 2015-06-10 0.9 * [16:36] generic-amd64 2015-04-23 1.1 [16:36] generic-amd64 2015-05-10 1.1.1 * [16:37] conyoo: no, without -v [16:38] Chipaca, snappy list [16:38] Name Date Version Developer [16:38] ubuntu-core 2015-04-23 2 ubuntu [16:38] config-example 2015-05-16 1.0.6 canonical [16:38] mc 2015-06-09 3-4.8.13-3 sideload [16:38] snake 2015-05-29 0.0.5 mectors [16:38] webdm 2015-06-10 0.9 [16:38] generic-amd64 2015-05-10 1.1.1 [16:38] hmm [16:41] sergiusens: what do you mean with selftest stuff? mvo wrote some things on the README. [16:41] are you after something more than that? [16:42] dpm: should I ask davidcalle for reviews on the docs, or anybody from the community team? [16:42] or maybe just wait for somebody to go through the docs in draft. [16:44] seb128: we just need to agree a name for the channel [16:46] ogra_: sergiusens: Chipaca: I'm still confused if we need to rebuild udf or not (and if that will affect the image) [16:46] (sorry, also in a call) [16:49] ogra_: did you find out why you had the ssh/login/cloud-init issues? [16:49] rsalveti, well, it seems unhappy with no key at all [16:49] rsalveti, i generated a fake key and it works now [16:50] hm, alright [16:50] i also added the promotion info to http://snappy.asac.ws:9001/p/promotion for the moment [16:50] (i guess we need some proper place for that later) [16:51] ogra_: awesome [16:51] yeah, I can move things around [16:52] zyga_: could we use checkbox to record all the inputs and outputs to the terminal? [16:52] elopio, primarily davidcalle, but feel free to ask myself of dholbach too [16:52] * ogra_ goes downstairs, dont try to catch me on the other server :) [16:54] Chipaca, and after that error, webdm stops working even if i restart. the only way to recover is to remove webdm and reinstall [17:05] elopio: outputs, yes, inputs no (but it's easy if you'd really want to) [17:05] elopio: we don't give you a pty though [17:05] elopio: but it's all doable [17:06] elopio: and as a bonus, we record timings [17:06] elopio: so you can replay a session as it happened [17:06] elopio: with realistic timings between events [17:06] zyga_: I'm not sure if I really want to. Just thinking here. [17:06] elopio: what are you trying to build/achieve? [17:06] zyga_: it might be nice a snap that records an exploratory testing session. [17:07] elopio: for that, I'd use off-the-shelf asci/terminal recorders [17:07] elopio: though if you want to automate that :) [17:07] elopio: or to let devs see replays of each test [17:07] elopio: plainbox can help you with that [17:08] anyone have issues trying to use snappy-remote on a device rather than over qemu? with an rpi I'm getting 'ssh: could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known", but there's not a lot of context for the error... I've even tried setting up my key in authorized_keys on the device. [17:09] plars, what rpi image is that ? [17:09] zyga_: I might also want the thing to suggest areas to test. Not quite sure about this either. [17:09] ogra_: it's the one from you :) [17:09] zyga_: just ideas. Do you know a good recorder I can try? [17:09] ogra_: from http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/raspberrypi2/ [17:09] plars: does ssh over the raw ip work? [17:09] zyga_: yes [17:09] plars, well, that was initially generated using my ssh key ... send me the snap and i can install it for you :P [17:09] elopio: I used a few in the past [17:09] elopio: though I don't know if they're foss [17:09] * zyga_ looks [17:10] ogra_: it's not enough to just add my key? [17:10] elopio: https://asciinema.org/ [17:10] plars, the next image is generated with a fake key ... (but that will likely not fix this issue) [17:10] elopio: (random google) [17:11] plars, yeah, you should be able to put your key in place and use the --pub-key option for snappy-remote i guess [17:11] ogra_: I still get that error even with --pub-key [17:12] ogra_: I also tried giving it a hostname, because the default seems to be "localhost" [17:12] still no luck [17:12] https://github.com/cortezcristian/terminal-recorder [17:12] this looks shiny :) [17:13] snappy-remote --url=ssh://$(deploy_target) install ./$(snap_pkg) [17:13] plars: ^^ that's how I deploy my snap [17:13] zyga_: that's exactly what I'm doing [17:14] plars: I can also ssh to bb1.lan directly [17:14] plars: (ssh config is setup) [17:14] * zyga_ wonders if he has two irssi sessions :P [17:14] hmm [17:14] no? [17:14] plars, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11691282/ [17:15] odd [17:15] plars, use ubuntu@ .. [17:16] hmpf [17:16] ogra_: yes, tried that too... I wish I knew where it was trying to look up a hostname and which hostname it was trying to look up [17:16] ogra@styx:~$ ping webdm.local [17:16] PING webdm.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. [17:16] hmpf [17:16] i really dont get how it can return such an IP [17:20] plars, well, it definitely works for me using the IP and ubuntu@ [17:21] ogra_: ok, I'll keep messing with it. I really wish snappy-remote had a --please-give-me-a-useful-error-message flag though [17:21] lol, yeah === conyoo is now known as now_kiss_ [17:48] sergiusens, hmm, while i have the open/manage button in webdm now, the description is still the wrong one [17:48] ogra_: well the description is the one from the package, not the store; they are supposed to be unique [17:48] once installed that is [17:48] from where in the package ? it doesnt come from readme.md it seems [17:49] ogra_: is tis ogra's chatroom one? [17:49] yeah [17:49] the icon is also broken :/ [17:49] there are related errors in syslog for the icon though [17:49] (that might be my fault) [17:50] ogra_: did you push the edge to alpha already? [17:50] sergiusens, yep [17:50] ogra_: neat, revno 3, right? [17:51] yeah [17:51] ogra_: autopilot worked at least :-) [17:51] btw, i think promoting from alpha to stable might not be clever ... it might result in a different delta ... i'll do the final promotion from edge [17:53] ogra_: I guess that's fine, not sure why the delta would be different though [17:53] yeah,. me neither ... just a gut feeling [17:55] ogra_: sergiusens: so how is alpha looking? it seems to work fine here at my kvm image [17:55] what else do we need to do before promoting it to stable? [17:55] nothing i guess [17:56] i'd like to hear feedback for a BBB from someone though [17:56] elopio, ^^ ? [17:56] yeah, elopio, can you give us a hand with that? [17:56] I'm still waiting for mine [17:57] * ogra_ wonders if we have any avahi specialist in the company ... [17:57] i'm really confused that webdm.local for me resolves to some public address [17:57] that shouoldnt be possible [17:57] ogra_: let me flash it. [17:58] elopio, flash #2 ... we want to test the upgrade (which is why i held back #3 for 1h) [17:58] (in the alpha channel) [17:58] sudo ubuntu-device-flash --revision=2 --verbose core --output=snappy.img --developer-mode --channel=alpha 15.04 --oem=beagleblack [17:59] ogra_: looks good? ^ [17:59] pitti, hey, you know stuff about avahi, right ? [17:59] elopio, yeahm that looks fine [17:59] autopilot should offer you an upgrade relatively quick [18:01] ogra_: what's wrong with avahi? [18:02] ogra@styx:~$ ping webdm.local [18:02] PING webdm.local ( 56(84) bytes of data. [18:02] sergiusens, ^^ [18:02] ogra_: is that your IP? [18:02] (the device has ... ) [18:02] sergiusens, the external one ? hmm [18:02] ogra_: are there more interfaces? [18:03] my external one is [18:03] ogra_: I'm trying to nail down a possible bug report ;-) [18:03] no, there shouldnt be any other interfaces [18:03] sometimes i actually get the right IP [18:04] ogra_: anything in sudo journalctl --no-pager -u webdm_snappyd_0.9.service |pastebinit.mvo [18:04] that's super weird [18:04] and webdm.local works well in the browser [18:04] try tracing the routing tables [18:04] ogra_: more than one device? [18:04] well, i suspect rather my network than the webdm install [18:04] sergiusens, not that i know of [18:04] maybe your isp router is also called webdm :P [18:04] only the Pi should run [18:05] is the store that slow for you guys as well? [18:05] hard for me to get more than 40kb/s [18:05] unless kvm is doing something [18:06] sergiusens, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11691505/ [18:07] installing pastebinit was pretty fast for me just now [18:07] Installing pastebinit.mvo [18:07] Starting download of pastebinit.mvo [18:07] 52.57 KB / 52.57 KB [=========================================================================================] 100.00 % 235.30 KB/s [18:07] Done [18:10] rsalveti: I switched to slower network this weekend and it is a bit slower, but not too slow [18:10] might be my network [18:10] sergiusens: no fiber anymore? [18:10] rsalveti: ah, store is slow 45.58 KB/s [18:10] rsalveti: vdsl [18:10] right, that's what I'm getting [18:11] must be your continent :) [18:11] probably [18:11] rsalveti: I have fibertel (fiber) which is unplugged now; hired to services to deal with outages [18:11] where is the server located? [18:11] would guess europe as well [18:11] london ? [18:11] sergiusens: got it [18:12] ogra_: there is a pi2 snap from lool, do you know what that is? [18:13] rsalveti, his first try i guess [18:13] i'll have to find out how to replace that [18:13] ogra_: I don't see anything strange in the paste; except maybe ::1 is not a good idea [18:13] (since it is namespaced) [18:14] ogra_: right, yeah, it's just showing as an app snap it seems [18:14] sergiusens, well, only if you use v6 [18:14] a simple ping on cmdline should only use v4 [18:14] ERROR: pi2.lool failed to install: package name with namespace not supported [18:14] :-) [18:14] yeah [18:15] lool: ^^ [18:15] ogra_: that is localhost, so if anyone gets it they get the wrong thing :P [18:15] rsalveti: lool's package should be wiped [18:15] sergiusens, sure, but that shouldnt cause such weird behavior [18:15] ogra_: no, not the one you see [18:15] sergiusens: who can do that besides lool ? [18:15] the store-master :) [18:15] zuul :) [18:16] rsalveti: you see that in the store? [18:16] guess beuno then [18:16] beuno: it is [18:16] sergiusens: webdm [18:16] it is in the store, yes [18:16] either that or create an alias [18:16] but the alias of pi2 is not easily taken ;-) [18:17] wut wut? [18:17] all your fault ! [18:17] * beuno throws gasoline everyone [18:17] you won't be able to prove it [18:17] :) [18:18] beuno, we want to get rid of the pi2 package from the store [18:18] I can do that [18:18] do you just want the alias, or to kill the app all together? [18:19] i guess kill it for now ... not sure it should be in the store at all (you need a device tarball anyway atm) [18:19] rsalveti, ^^^? [18:19] unpublish or untick 15.04-core and rolling-core ;-) [18:21] ogra_: beuno: yeah, just kill it [18:21] sergiusens, ogra_, rsalveti, unpublished [18:22] yay [18:22] last minute issues? [18:22] beuno: thanks [18:22] now I guess you can publish the rpi2 oem [18:22] mvo: nops, just waiting elopio to validate the bbb image [18:22] tips not included [18:22] with the alpha channel [18:24] aha, cool [18:26] Chipaca: mvo rsalveti I grabbed latest image, built with "sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel alpha --install webdm --output amd64-webdm.img" [18:26] and I see webdm not being able to launch due to aa_change_onexec -> no such file or directory [18:27] weird, works for me on the RPi [18:27] works fine after installing webdm, guess the problem is with the sideload part then? [18:27] ogra_: I'm on trusty [18:27] let me try reproducing that [18:27] sergiusens, me too [18:27] ogra_: are you using the tools ppa? [18:27] and did you update to the latest udf? [18:27] * sergiusens is on the tools ppa [18:29] 0.21-1+173~ubuntu15.04.1build1 ... [18:29] ogra_: yeah, not the one from the tools ppa [18:29] which is why it might be working for you [18:29] I think we need to release the latest ubuntu-snappy into wily and rebuild u-d-f with that... [18:29] yeah, outdated .. apt-cache policy says 0.23-0ubuntu1 is the candidate [18:30] sergiusens: is fix already in trunk? [18:30] if so I can release and upload [18:30] rsalveti: if you can reproduce [18:30] yeah, trying [18:30] rsalveti: well Chipaca implied that earlier, but I was confused with the alpha thing [18:30] alright, was able to at least create the image with --instlal now [18:31] sergiusens: Jun 10 18:30:42 localhost systemd[1]: webdm_snappyd_0.9.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE [18:31] where can I get the logs for webdm? [18:32] * sergiusens runs /lastlog journal [18:32] rsalveti: sudo journalctl --no-pager -u webdm_snappyd_0.9.service [18:32] Jun 10 18:30:42 localhost.localdomain ubuntu-core-launcher[834]: aa_change_onexec failed with -1 [18:32] Jun 10 18:30:42 localhost.localdomain ubuntu-core-launcher[834]: . errmsg: No such file or directory [18:32] yeah, same [18:33] rsalveti: let me locally build u-d-f here with the latest snappy [18:33] sergiusens: great [18:33] if that works we can just upload and do the release dance [18:34] hmm, i guess i need to re-gen the Pi image then [18:35] how can I reduce the timer for the autopilot? I don't want to wait 25 minutes. [18:37] elopio: edit the systemd job and refresh [18:41] sergiusens: but then I would have to make the partition writable. Shouldn't it be possible to configure it? [18:41] elopio, hey, it was longer than expected :) Any issues with the edit? [18:42] elopio: making it configurable wasn't a requirement [18:42] davidcalle: no. I just updated the version number in https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/appliance-builder-guide-webcam [18:42] could you please review it? [18:43] elopio, sure [18:43] sergiusens: it's a requirement for automation. But we can discuss about it if/when we write end-to-end tests for autopilot. [18:46] elopio, at first glance, I only see 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 changes, that's right? [18:47] rsalveti: please release the latest ubuntu-snappy :-D [18:49] sergiusens: alright, all good then? [18:49] elopio, in any case, I don't see any issues, feel free to push the publish button :) [18:50] davidcalle: that's right. I thought I couldn't push the publish button myself... [18:50] elopio :) [18:50] elopio, you have my permission :p [18:51] davidcalle: I hate it that you can't search on the editor. [18:51] oh, you can. Scratch that. [18:51] I just had to move to the source view. [18:52] rsalveti: yeah [18:53] elopio, the wysiwyg editor itself is... ok-ish, I tend not to use it [18:59] seb128: the channel name that sergiusens proposed on the list was ubuntu-personal/rolling/edge. This looks reasonable to me from the server side; but who should ack the name product-wise? willcooke? [19:16] * mvo added a is dd target already mounted sanity check to godd and calls it a day [19:21] rsalveti: yeah, that's one of the things that needs to be changed while rebuilding: dropping the namespace; actually snappy should support them in 15.10 eventually, but in 15.04 it didn't [19:21] sergiusens: shall I unpublish my package or something? [19:22] lool: already removed by the store master [19:22] eh [19:28] sergiusens: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-snappy/1.1.1-0ubuntu1 [19:28] will do another upload for udf once it gets published in proposed [19:29] and powerpc is indeed fine again it seems [19:32] yup [19:39] ogra_: I'm in alpha #3. Do you want me to check something special in here? [19:41] elopio, if the upgrade worked we're all fine [19:43] elopio: if nothing exploded it is already a good sign [19:43] rsalveti: I only explode things on tuesdays. [19:45] sergiusens: it seems you forgot to push the release tag/commit for goget-ubuntu-touch [19:45] guess just needs to change from UNRELEASED to wily and then call debcommit -r [19:46] sergiusens: I can do that now [19:46] rsalveti: hmm, sure, thanks === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss [20:04] mterry, Okay, I've got one. What about devpacks that include the same dependencies? [20:04] mterry, Like for instance a Ubuntu SDK devpack would include Qt, but potentially there could be a Qt Devpack. What if the build.yaml specified both. [20:04] ? [20:05] tedg, ok... [20:05] And, worse case, what if they have different versions of Qt in them. [20:05] tedg, so devpacks need some smarts, right? to detect if they've already installed a dependency before [20:05] tedg, if they are keeping Qt in the same place, they may notice that they don't have to do anything [20:05] tedg, if they aren't, we have two copies of Qt [20:06] Although one could compile it differently from the other, even if they install in same place [20:06] mterry, I guess this might be enough of an edge case that we let the developer handle it. [20:06] Yeah, for instance they might be the same version, but with a small patch. [20:06] tedg, I'm leery of crafting an enormous dependency resolution system [20:06] Me too [20:07] Perhaps it just generates an error. [20:07] "Can't install libraries: file conflicts" [20:08] tedg, and we'd detect that? [20:09] mterry, No the devpack itself would [20:09] tedg, but how would it know it was another devpack that installed it, vs just a previous install of Qt that it did [20:09] mterry, It wouldn't, and we wouldn't, we'd just have to generate an error that we can't copy the file(s). [20:10] tedg, but we want to allow using dirty build envs (where the devpack has previously installed qt). Otherwise every time you build, you have to freshly install qt [20:10] mterry, I don't think we can track which files in the buildenv go to which devpack. [20:10] tedg, so the devpack has to be tolerant if Qt is already there, it wouldn't know it was from another devpack necessarily [20:11] I guess it could *assume* as it's unlikely to be anything other than another devpack putting it there :-) [20:11] But it certainly wouldn't know which one. [20:11] tedg, or have best practices for devpacks to install Qt under a namespace [20:11] tedg, but then if two want to install it, it gets done twice [20:12] tedg, but in either case, we couldn't say something like "Can't install libraries: file conflicts" [20:12] Yeah, okay. Crazy idea: what if we generated a hashes.yaml after every devpack operation. Then we *could* track who the owner of the file was, and could make the error better. [20:13] We'd have to hash the entire buildenv each time to see if the files changed. [20:13] On the scale of: eating Nutella to volcano surfing, how crazy is that? [20:14] tedg, or have devpacks be able to resolve dependencies via other devpacks (or at least the core devpack?) -- i.e the Ubuntu SDK would say "tell the core devpack to install Qt" and a Python module that needs Qt would do same thing? [20:14] tedg, wouldn't solve all problems... but most? [20:15] tedg, I guess I don't know if the core devpack would be able to receive a "install Qt" command [20:15] that seems complicated [20:15] Yeah, it seems like we start building a dependency system. It would be nice if devpacks had the same ethos as the rest of snappy. [20:15] So they're basically bundling everything they need. [20:15] tedg, right, monolithic [20:16] tedg, which makes me think that each devpack would install its own namespaced version of Qt [20:16] (if there were two Qt devpacks) [20:16] Yeah, I think that makes sense. You could in theory want that, perhaps not for Qt, but something like OpenSSL. [20:18] Then it becomes critical for devpacks to be able to modify the runtime environment to do things like ensuring their version ends up in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH [20:19] I don't think we want each devpack adding its own shell wrapper :-) [20:28] the problem with dependencies is that the makes everything harder when reproducing the builds [20:28] and handling such conflicts [20:28] because it becomes a combination of things [20:28] maybe we could have a qt devpack, but the ubuntu one whould ship its own qt as part of it [20:29] guess we can just try some smarter thing to identify possible conflicts === tvoss is now known as tvoss|test === tvoss|test is now known as tvoss [20:36] Yeah, curious if we couldn't deduplicate there. Like notice that I'm hardlinking all the same file. [20:40] build env size is cheap right? [20:40] guess the major issue is understanding what the linker/compiler will use [20:44] Yeah, and if it tries to link two versions of the *almost* same lib bad things may happen. [20:44] Not sure it's a problem we can solve for folks though. [20:44] (without building a full dependency system) === joet is now known as josepht [20:47] rsalveti, i'll go afk now, leave me a note about the promotion and i'll do it tomorrow morning (if nobody does it at night) [20:48] ogra_: I'll try to do in a few [20:48] ogra_: your notes should be good I guess [20:48] let me quickly check [20:48] i didnt add the actual promotion like ... you should copy from edge to stable in the last step [20:49] cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image ubuntu-core/15.04/edge ubuntu-core/15.04/edge generic_amd64 82 [20:49] cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image ubuntu-core/15.04/edge ubuntu-core/15.04/edge generic_armhf 82 [20:49] ogra_: right? [20:49] ops [20:49] heh [20:49] close :) [20:49] cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image ubuntu-core/15.04/edge ubuntu-core/15.04/stable generic_amd64 82 [20:49] cdimage@nusakan:~$ /srv/system-image.ubuntu.com/bin/copy-image ubuntu-core/15.04/edge ubuntu-core/15.04/stable generic_armhf 82 [20:49] yeah [20:49] ogra_: what is the -k? [20:49] i thought you'd build a new one [20:49] -k means "keep the version number" [20:50] yeah, then this should be good [20:50] ogra_: we're just waiting udf to publish [20:50] i wanted the initial version for the upgrade test to be identical to whats in stable [20:50] the image should still be good [20:50] got it, cool [20:50] so i kept the 2 [20:50] then yeah, should have everything under control [20:50] ogra_: thanks so much [20:50] cool [20:50] enjoy :-) [20:50] pfft, i didnt do anything [20:51] (and just saw an awful football game :P ) [20:51] (GER - USA ... 1:2 ) [20:58] oh, usa got a strong team this year as well [20:58] we won yesterday [21:40] sergiusens: elopio: ogra_: I think we're good to go, new tools available at https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/tools [21:40] created an image with --install=webdm and worked fine [21:41] will brb, but I guess we can finally release it [22:06] Hey, where should I file bugs about the snappy docs at developer.ubuntu.com? [22:07] https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/tutorials/using-snappy/ specifically, snappy list results in an error as the snappy command doesn't support list [22:07] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11692654/ [22:19] when someone gets around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1464021 [22:20] Ubuntu bug 1464021 in Snappy "certificates problem causes snappy to traceback when accessing store" [Undecided,New] [23:20] bladernr_: hum, snappy list works for me. [23:21] what version are you using? [23:22] I suppose it's an old one, because when I do snappy versions it tells me it's deprecated and I should use list.