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jibel | davmor2, I'm on krillin #29, upgraded this morning and the dash is empty. Do you see that? | 08:20 |
davmor2 | jibel: let me have a look | 08:21 |
davmor2 | jibel: was it ota upgrade or fresh install? | 08:21 |
popey | jibel: fine here. took a while to start, but I see apps in the app scope | 08:22 |
jibel | davmor2, upgrade | 08:22 |
popey | jibel: on ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en 29 here | 08:23 |
davmor2 | jibel: no issues here let me try a fresh install, also if you pull down does it refresh if so it might of been the old issue of no net connection | 08:26 |
jibel | davmor2, I don't know what's going on with my phone, I'll reflash | 08:28 |
jibel | davmor2, I cannot pull anything down, the dash is completely empty | 08:28 |
davmor2 | jibel: did something crash? | 08:29 |
jibel | no | 08:29 |
jibel | ah file:///usr/share/unity8/Dash/DashApplication.qml:19:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "Ubuntu.Thumbnailer": Cannot load library /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Thumbnailer.0.1/libthumbnailer-qml.so: (libthumbnailer.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) | 08:31 |
jibel | import Ubuntu.Thumbnailer 0.1 // Register support for image://thumbnailer/ and image://albumart/ | 08:31 |
jibel | maybe the consequence of the upgrade to thumbnailer 2.0 yesterday | 08:31 |
jibel | it's from unity8-dash.log and the dash failed to load | 08:32 |
davmor2 | jibel: ah it got reverted right so maybe your just got broke, this is why you should never apt upgrade on the phone right ;) | 08:32 |
jibel | davmor2, fixed after creating the link to the lib. I'll reflash anyway to come back to a known good state. | 08:40 |
davmor2 | jibel: my fresh install is nearly installed now as a double check | 08:41 |
davmor2 | jibel: all good on a fresh install too | 08:43 |
jibel | davmor2, yeah, I was on thumbnailer 2.0 and upgraded to #29 which probably didn't recreate the link to the lib | 08:44 |
davmor2 | jibel: wompwompwomp.com | 08:45 |
rvr | sil2100: jibel: Confirmed that wizard is now translated in messaging app and dialer app. Also, MMS group chat is disabled by default in proposed #29. | 10:06 |
sil2100 | \o/ | 10:10 |
sil2100 | Excellent | 10:10 |
sil2100 | Ok, so I'll copy the language-packs over to the snapshot PPA, the MMS fix should already be there I suppose | 10:10 |
jibel | rvr, thanks | 10:11 |
sil2100 | jibel, rvr, davmor2: btw. did we get any news regarding the 2G->3G fix? | 10:11 |
rvr | sil2100: There is a linked branch in the bug report | 10:12 |
sil2100 | Ah, ok, so it's silo 31 I see | 10:13 |
sil2100 | Not marked as tested yet though | 10:13 |
Mirv | jgdx: targeted your line to overlay ppa specifically, and assigned silo 003 | 11:15 |
Mirv | jgdx: note u-s-s also in silo 009 | 11:15 |
jgdx | Mirv, yap, thanks. | 11:16 |
sil2100 | Damn, my ISP seems to have issues again, I can't reach launchpad at all | 11:24 |
sil2100 | While from my shell it works fine | 11:25 |
sil2100 | Packets get lost around the 5th hop ;/ | 11:25 |
Mirv | mandel: hey! could you look at fixing bug #1463792 - it prevents not only Qt 5.5 but also 5.4.2 since ciborium would need a rebuild | 11:35 |
ubot5 | bug 1463792 in ciborium (Ubuntu) "Ciborium fails to build on wily on all architectures" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463792 | 11:35 |
nerochiaro | oSoMoN: commented on the keyboard nav MR and submitted most of your requested changes. | 11:43 |
oSoMoN | nerochiaro, thanks, I’ll take another look | 11:43 |
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* sil2100 off to prepare lunch | 12:10 | |
Mirv | dbarth__: 019 | 12:32 |
kenvandine | seb128, thanks for silo 6! I just reconfigured it for the overlay ppa | 12:59 |
seb128 | kenvandine, oh? where is that config? do we want that? | 13:00 |
kenvandine | we need it for the overlay, yeah | 13:01 |
kenvandine | it's column L | 13:01 |
kenvandine | no need to rebuild or anything, i just did a watch only rebuild after the reconfigure so the job is right | 13:02 |
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mandel | Mirv, sure | 14:01 |
sil2100 | awe: hey! Is silo 31 ready for QA testing? | 14:04 |
sil2100 | Since it's not set as testing done yet | 14:04 |
awe | sil2100, I still have some remaining testing to do this morning | 14:04 |
awe | I hope to be done in the next hour, hour and a half... | 14:05 |
jibel | bfiller, in silo 8, the icon of the address book changed, is it ok? | 14:14 |
bfiller | jibel: yes that's the new theme thing, right renatu ? | 14:14 |
jibel | bfiller, right, bu it's fine to land it now and not the whole theme for the other apps? | 14:15 |
renatu | jibel, bfiller, exactly, the bug is attached to the mr | 14:15 |
renatu | jibel, the icon is individual for each app | 14:15 |
bfiller | jibel: I think so, others will be landing soon | 14:15 |
bfiller | jibel: and don't have any releases so think it will be ok | 14:16 |
jibel | k | 14:16 |
ogra_ | sil2100, hey ho, could i ask a system-image favour of you ? snappy needs a new channel "ubuntu-core/15.04/alpha" only manual copying will happen into this channel for testing upgrades, i dont really fell comfortable to hack the config myself | 14:16 |
seb128 | bfiller, jibel, is that vivid+overlay? | 14:16 |
jibel | seb128, vivid + overlay + silo 8 | 14:17 |
seb128 | we didn't include the new icon for u-s-s there | 14:17 |
seb128 | would be nice to have clarification if new icons are supposed to go in vivid or not | 14:17 |
seb128 | we put it only in wily | 14:17 |
sil2100 | ogra_: hey! You need any special config for it? Since I can create a channel for you no problem, the etc/config part is optional | 14:17 |
jibel | yes | 14:17 |
sil2100 | We tend to not put manual channels in the config if not requiring any special configuration | 14:17 |
sil2100 | Otherwise the config would be unreadable with the current syntax ;) | 14:18 |
ogra_ | sil2100, no special config, i will always only copy images manually into it (from stable ... then from edge and test the upgrade path between old stable and future stable versions) | 14:18 |
jibel | pmcgowan, ^^^ should new icons land in vivid or only in wily? | 14:18 |
pmcgowan | seb128, jibel yes new icons should land in vivid now | 14:18 |
sil2100 | ogra_: ok, let me create that then | 14:18 |
pmcgowan | and new theme aiui | 14:18 |
* ogra_ hugs sil2100 | 14:18 | |
* sil2100 hugs ogra_ back | 14:19 | |
sil2100 | ogra_: what devices do you need there? | 14:19 |
ogra_ | sil2100, i guess everything thats in stable right now | 14:19 |
sil2100 | Ok :) | 14:19 |
sil2100 | ogra_: ok, the channels are created, next importer run should make them physically appear | 14:23 |
ogra_ | sil2100, thanks a lot !! | 14:23 |
sil2100 | np! | 14:23 |
* ogra_ makes a stroke next to sil2100's name on the beer board | 14:23 | |
sil2100 | Actually, the importer isn't required, it's just that there's always a lag between when s-i exports its contents to the public http | 14:25 |
sil2100 | So those are available now | 14:25 |
ogra_ | yep, i see it | 14:25 |
ogra_ | thanks ! | 14:25 |
cwayne | ogra_: if you dont have an actual physical beer board I'm disappointed | 14:29 |
Mirv | mandel: thanks! | 14:30 |
ogra_ | cwayne, i have a whiteboard with "beer" written on it :) | 14:30 |
cwayne | ogra_: :P | 14:31 |
sil2100 | yyh | 14:35 |
* sil2100 needs kgunn | 14:35 | |
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bfiller | sil2100: seems jenkins is not using vivid-updates at all and it should be, all of our browser MR's are failing because it needs the version in vivid-updates (which is in the image) | 15:18 |
bfiller | sil2100: like this one for example https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/webbrowser-app/keyboard-navigation/+merge/260183 | 15:18 |
bfiller | oSoMoN: ^^ | 15:19 |
sil2100 | bfiller: the jenkins jobs? That's indeed bad | 15:19 |
sil2100 | bfiller: you'll have to poke the CI team about it | 15:19 |
sil2100 | cihelp: ^ | 15:19 |
bfiller | cihelp: here is an example from the log, can't find the correct version of liboxideqt-qmlplugin which is in vivid-updates https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/webbrowser-app-vivid-armhf-ci/623/console | 15:20 |
psivaa | bfiller: taking a look | 15:25 |
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psivaa | bfiller: just an update, we're in a meeting. once that's over i'll go back to looking into it | 15:36 |
bfiller | psivaa: thanks alot | 15:37 |
balloons | fginther, just a question about core apps jenkins again. Did you try rolling back the version of llvm in vivid? Or does that not matter. Presumably running the old kernel and old llvm would work? | 16:24 |
renatu | om26er, hey, how I can skip a autopilot test if it is not running on phone? | 16:29 |
om26er | renatu, you might need to ask in #ubuntu-quality -- I have been away from autopilot for a while, so not really sure what the present recommendation is. 'ubunut-qa' is the keyword there. :) | 16:31 |
balloons | renatu, inside the testcase itself? you can use skipif | 16:32 |
balloons | something like @unittest.skipIf(model() != 'Desktop' | 16:33 |
renatu | om26er, balloons thanks | 16:38 |
balloons | renatu, model() comes from autopilot.platform in case you are wondering :-) | 16:40 |
rvr | oSoMoN: Approving silo 20 | 16:40 |
oSoMoN | rvr, thanks! | 16:43 |
oSoMoN | trainguards: can silo 20 be published, please? | 16:44 |
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robru | oSoMoN: hm, it's set as an SRU, is that right? not just overlay ppa? | 16:48 |
oSoMoN | robru, no that’s not right, it should go to the overlay PPA | 16:48 |
robru | oSoMoN: ok, I'll change it, one sec | 16:48 |
robru | tvoss: yeah train uses 'bzr bd -S' to build source packages for uploading into PPAs. | 16:53 |
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robru | pah | 18:27 |
robru | no | 18:27 |
robru | shut up queuebot, you're drunk | 18:28 |
robru | brb, lunch | 18:33 |
fginther | balloons, no, I never tried installing an older llvm. Not sure it would work, but I'll poke at a few things and see if it's possible | 18:34 |
fginther | bfiller, I'm working on a fix for those webbrowswer builds, should be working again soon | 18:35 |
bfiller | fginther: thanks | 18:45 |
davmor2 | bfiller, jibel, sil2100: apps sync looks good marked it passed should show up here any second | 19:10 |
davmor2 | in fact now | 19:10 |
bfiller | davmor2: great | 19:10 |
bfiller | kgunn: ^^^^ | 19:10 |
davmor2 | bfiller: I still have the issue with mms not being received but that is known issue | 19:11 |
kgunn | bfiller: thanks man! | 19:11 |
bfiller | davmor2: yeah, this doesn't change that at all | 19:11 |
davmor2 | bfiller: also are there meant to be icon change for addressbook and not the others that is the only other thing I wasn't 100% on | 19:12 |
bfiller | davmor2: yeah, we haven't landed the change yet for the others, only address book. but will be doing so in the next few days so should be ok | 19:12 |
robru | mterry: kenvandine: anybody around to do a packaging ack in silo 8? | 19:13 |
davmor2 | bfiller: and as a bonus the new icon is much nicer :) | 19:13 |
mterry | robru, could do | 19:13 |
robru | mterry: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-2-publish/ thanks! | 19:13 |
mterry | robru, sure seems fine | 19:19 |
robru | mterry: thanks! | 19:19 |
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fginther | bfiller, builds are now using vivid-updates. I've resubmitted the last 7 webbrowser MPs to update the results | 20:45 |
bfiller | fginther: thanks! | 20:46 |
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robru | bfiller: silo 8 | 20:55 |
bfiller | robru: thanks | 20:55 |
robru | bfiller: you're welcome | 20:56 |
rvr | awe: I had a crash with silo 31, switching the technology of the second SIM | 21:56 |
rvr | Hmm | 21:56 |
rvr | Wait, maybe it wasn't the crash | 21:56 |
* rvr is always confused when the page goes blank | 21:57 | |
awe | the settings page? | 21:57 |
rvr | awe: Ok, no crash | 21:57 |
awe | whew... | 21:57 |
rvr | awe: Yes, the indicators disappear, etc | 21:57 |
rvr | awe: Ok, so no crash after all :)) | 21:57 |
awe | do the indicators come back? | 21:58 |
rvr | awe: Yes | 21:58 |
awe | ok | 21:58 |
awe | that's comforting | 21:58 |
awe | ;)- | 21:58 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
rvr | awe: The reconnection issue will be solved in the future, right? | 22:05 |
awe | in *which* scenario? | 22:05 |
awe | it should re-connect in all scenarios except for Setting which SIM is capable of 3g | 22:05 |
awe | which is BQ-specific | 22:06 |
awe | ( and I'm assuming we're talking about a BQ device ) | 22:06 |
awe | ( dumb question... you said second SIM already ) | 22:07 |
awe | rvr? | 22:08 |
rvr | awe: Hmm | 22:29 |
rvr | awe: Yes, krillin | 22:30 |
rvr | awe: Not sure which scenario but the data connection is not back after a long wait | 22:30 |
rvr | Currently: SIM 1 3G, SIM 2 2G | 22:31 |
rvr | And no syslog because drwxrwxr-x 12 root android_input 4096 Jun 10 19:56 log/ | 22:33 |
rvr | android_input... wtf | 22:33 |
awe | rvr, the scenario is important... | 23:00 |
awe | rvr, if a SIM allows you to set 2g->3g or 3g->2g, then the connection should come back | 23:00 |
awe | if you *change* which SIM can use 3g | 23:00 |
awe | then the connection will not come back | 23:00 |
rvr | awe: That's it, then | 23:01 |
awe | and we know about that, and have accepted that we'll need to wait a little bit longer for that fix | 23:01 |
rvr | Ok | 23:01 |
awe | I'm working on it as we speak | 23:01 |
rvr | Ack | 23:02 |
awe | thanks | 23:02 |
awe | here's the merge proposal associated with the change if you'd like to review our test results: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/network-manager/lp1461593/+merge/261450 | 23:02 |
renatu | robru, could you build messaging-app on silo 8, please? | 23:13 |
robru | renatu: do you not have permission? | 23:13 |
renatu | I do not think so | 23:13 |
renatu | robru, how I can check it? | 23:14 |
robru | renatu: are you a member of https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-users ? | 23:14 |
renatu | robru, no | 23:14 |
robru | renatu: what's your lp id? | 23:15 |
renatu | renatofilho | 23:15 |
robru | renatu: k, I'm adding you | 23:15 |
renatu | nince thanks | 23:15 |
robru | renatu: so you can build from here: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-1-build/build?delay=0sec (this is linked from the dashboard, which is linked in the channel topic). just specify what package you want in the field there and that should be all you need to do | 23:16 |
robru | renatu: you're welcome | 23:16 |
robru | renatu: if you ever have questions about the train I'm happy to answer! Documentation is mostly at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/FAQ | 23:18 |
renatu | I will check that, thanks | 23:19 |
robru | renatu: you now have permission to build silos and free (abort) silos, but not assigning or publishing. | 23:19 |
renatu | it is ok | 23:19 |
rvr | awe: Approving silo 31 | 23:24 |
awe | thanks rvr! | 23:24 |
rvr | Time to rest, see you tomorrow! | 23:24 |
robru | awe: I guess cyphermox had permission to ack the packaging diffs for nm? hmmmm | 23:28 |
robru | kenvandine: still around? need a packaging ack... | 23:28 |
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: |
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