
saladin442hello malaysia!12:24
najmimypapit: 15:09
najminajmi@quds:~$ ./sort-vps.sh malaysia15:10
najmi3.99USD RackMine15:10
najmi6USD GigsGigsCloud15:10
najmi9.9USD CHHost15:10
najmi10USD ControlVM15:10
najmi10.58USD VPS Malaysia15:10
najmi13USD DWSCenter15:10
najmi15USD Nocser15:10
najmi18USD Exabytes15:10
najmi19USD The Gigabit15:10
najmi20USD ZenClouds15:10
najmi21.21USD Best Network15:11
najmi26USD Bakka Hosting15:11
najmi29USD DS.my15:11
najmi29.9USD Shinjiru15:11
najmi30USD GPLHost15:11
najmi34.84USD ServerFreak15:11
najmi37USD Netonboard15:11
najmi41USD Servers In Asia15:11
najmi44.94USD Epiohost15:11
najmi44.94USD Internoc2415:11
najmi45USD LargeServer15:11
najmi47USD SuperBITHost15:11
najmi64USD Readymakers15:11
najmi^rackmine dah abis yg USD3.99 tu15:11
=== fenris_ is now known as ejat-my
repeater_mywtf ejat 16:18
mypapithail to ejat-my 16:18
repeater_mywtf too16:18
mypapitmastah aws16:19
ejat-myu punye ip siap bind lagi 16:19
mypapitejat-my, haha sux sux16:20
ejat-mylagi l337 45516:20
mypapitapa bikin ejat-my + najmi ?16:21
* najmi keje16:21
najmiuntil 2-3AM16:21
ejat-mysifu najmi16:21
* najmi tengah cari idea utk blog16:21
ejat-mytp kalau identify nick .. terus enable cloak16:22
najmikena tulis blog utk kampeni..everyone kene16:22
najmienable cloak camne.. mohon ajar cifu ejat-my16:22
ejat-myircop yang bagi 16:22
ejatkan sifu mypapit 16:22
ejat~fakap@power.betul.mypapit.net <-- dah kembali zaman jahiliah dah main bind2 nie 16:23
mypapithaha :p16:23
mypapitnajmi, oo aku tau... tu style company startup tu16:24
mypapitnajmi, everybody kena contribute satu artikel atau blog post16:25
mypapitnajmi, jadi mcm guest post, tp utk blog company16:25
mypapitnak boost rating dgn kreativiti16:25
najmione way of marketing by blogging16:26
=== fenris is now known as Guest12102
* najmi tulis guna vim dulu then transfer ke blogger16:29
* najmi work on dual pane - horizontal16:29
najmiscreen as in GNU screen ke monitor16:30
mypapitgnu screen16:31
najmignu screen takde bende nak cerite kot..16:31
najmitmux/screen common tools16:31
* najmi work on Koji server16:32
najmiseveral difficult project16:32
najmipening lalat16:32
najmitakde bende senang16:33
* najmi teringin korek idung boleh bayar barang dgn taik idung16:33
mypapitxdak benda senang dah skrg ni16:34
mypapitnk jd scammer pn kena kerja keras16:34
=== ejat is now known as ejat-
* najmi kena handle vulnerability report17:13
najmiutk PCI-DSS17:13
najmifinally something related to security :p17:13
najmitak pernah exposed.. huh17:13
ejatakhirnya 17:15
ejatutilize core17:15
ejatberabad lamanye 17:15
* ejat x sehebat sifu mypapit n prof najmi17:16
* najmi tak subscribe HP cloud for a year mcm ejat17:16
najmiUSD20*12 - kayo17:16
ejatade org tlg bayarkan 17:17
* najmi use cheap VPS USD3.50 a year.. reboot sesuka hati hahah17:17
najmitau2 server down17:17
mypapitwtf wtffff17:17
najmidon't bother to notify17:17
mypapitwow, apa ejat buat dgn hp cloud tu?17:18
mypapitmesti pojek power17:18
mypapitnak acct 117:18
mypapit*w00f* *w00f*17:18
ejatnajmi: http://blog.fenris.my/2012/04/06/hpcloud-cli-in-precise-pangolin/17:20
ejatsince that time 17:20
ejatmmg throw back 17:21
ejatrackspace n aws also since that year17:21
ejatsy kan budah baru nak belajar 17:21
ejatx mcm sifu n mastah2 lain 17:21
najmicmne keluar cerita usd1-3.8 ni17:26
najmiaku check 3.76, skrg 3.7317:26
ejatkuar plak17:28
ejatmana prof nie 17:28
ejatkuit plak 17:28
ejatdia yg tanye td17:28
mypapittu la psl17:31
ejatnak ajak dia g minum 17:31
ejatahaks 17:31
* mypapit pn lapor jgk17:32
ejathuhu 17:35
ejatutara 17:35
ejatwily werewolf 17:36
ejatw00f w00f17:36
najmiA flaw was found in the way QEMU's AMD PCnet Ethernet emulation handled18:19
najmimulti-TMD packets with a length above 4096 bytes. A privileged guest user18:19
najmiin a guest with an AMD PCNet ethernet card enabled could potentially use18:19
najmithis flaw to execute arbitrary code on the host with the privileges of the18:19
najmihosting QEMU process. (CVE-2015-3209)18:19
najmiRed Hat would like to thank Matt Tait of Google's Project Zero security18:19
najmiteam for reporting this issue.18:19
najmiAll qemu-kvm users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which18:20
najmicontain a backported patch to correct this issue. After installing this18:20
najmiupdate, shut down all running virtual machines. Once all virtual machines18:20
najmihave shut down, start them again for this update to take effect18:20
najmileceh KVM ni18:20
najmibanyak beno lobang18:20
ejatx kan close core kut prof18:32
mypapitwtf wtf18:33
ejathidup lxc/lxd18:33
ejatahaks 18:33
mypapitblanja 1 acct ejat 18:33
ejatnajmi : ask endpoint up private openstack 18:33
ejathehe 18:33
ejatubuntu openstack autopilot 18:33
ejatwith maas18:34
najmiman power tak cukup18:34
najmiejat: sila apply endpoint18:34
najmijgn bagi alasan tak cukup power18:34
* ejat bukan teknikal guys 18:34
* ejat mana cukup power18:34
* najmi poked ejat18:34
* ejat banyak minta sifu mypapit yg buat 18:35
ejat!google maas18:35
lubotu2I have no google command, use http://www.google.com/18:35
ejatendpoint bleh demand ceiling brape 18:36
najmitatau aku bukan bos18:36
ejatproject manager ade ? 18:36
ejatsemua acc cloud provider tu semuanya untuk PnP sendiri jer18:37
najmibut usually yg non technical ni utk americans18:37
ejatsupaya tidak ketinggalan 18:37
najmisebab kena jumpa client on site18:37
najmiunless ko boleh secure asian clients18:37
najmitu better18:37
ejatkalau perlu migrate 18:37
ejati migrate la 18:37
najmiok gtg. nak siapkan report18:38
ejatdefine asian client 18:38
* najmi chow18:38
ejatadeh prof dah cau plak 18:38
ejatdah abis waktu keje prof 18:38
ejatlek lu 18:38
ejatlol .. quassel quit ? or quit connection 18:38
ejatu up psybnc ker 18:51

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