=== attila is now known as Guest9597 | ||
schnitz | hey need a little help with ubuntu in general, have troubles getting my graphic card(s) to run | 17:13 |
schnitz | right place? | 17:14 |
schnitz | updated to 15.04 and am not so deeply involved with Linux, but everything worked well for many months. Now suddenly, I have only 60Hz whatever I do | 17:16 |
schnitz | (yes I'm running an old school monitor) | 17:16 |
schnitz | Problem is, I have a onboard APU with an additional graphics card. Both AMD / ATI ... under Windows, with ATI drivers, they work together well, do multi-GPU load balancing | 17:17 |
schnitz | under Ubuntu, they seem to collide now | 17:18 |
schnitz | Since I'm not doing anything graphics intense, I was wondering whether I could *disable* and additional grafics cards hardware-wise under Linux | 17:18 |
schnitz | aticonfig is not working properly under Linux, tried lots of configs, it mostly crashes and doesn't help at alll | 17:19 |
holstein | schnitz: you mean, both intel and ati? | 17:25 |
holstein | anyways, i had an nvidia version of that.. dual GPU.. i was able to disable the nvidia part, and only use the intel part | 17:26 |
holstein | anyways, you are in the right general area.. i would experiement with the GPU drivers | 17:26 |
holstein | if its me, i would download the live 15.04 iso. or, 14.04, if i dont want to mess with this often.. i would see how to simply implment what i want, which would just be a desktop that works well for my needs, not both ati and intel at the same time | 17:27 |
holstein | if you want to "fiddle" about with your install, you can simply remove/purge any/all proprietary drivers you have installed, *backup*, but then remove or rename your xorg.conf, and try stock ubuntu with the open ati drivers | 17:28 |
schnitz | ok | 17:34 |
schnitz | no its both ati | 17:35 |
schnitz | first of all | 17:35 |
schnitz | they're both using fglrx_pci | 17:35 |
holstein | schnitz: i really dont think so, friend | 17:35 |
holstein | maybe you have an onboard with a dual head kind of thing | 17:35 |
holstein | but, what do i know | 17:35 |
holstein | anyways, if whoever made the hardware wants to, they can support linux for you.. but, if they dont, then, you'll have to do it yourself,which can be challenging | 17:36 |
schnitz | hey thanks for helping, just a slight misunderstanding... yeah, I have a APU with an onboard GPU | 17:36 |
schnitz | from AMD | 17:36 |
holstein | i'll pull one, and work with *just* one at a time | 17:36 |
schnitz | right | 17:36 |
schnitz | but I'm still looking for a way w/o physically removing | 17:36 |
schnitz | ie. pulling | 17:36 |
schnitz | since I have 2 OS, and under Windows it works fine | 17:37 |
holstein | sure, and again, if the creators of those graphics chips want, they can provide you a nice and easy way for that to work, as you are seeing that they are capable of doing for windows | 17:37 |
schnitz | I was wondering whether I could make ubuntu believe the additional graphics card (also ATI) 'doesn't exist' | 17:37 |
holstein | if not, you may find it is the easiest to reinstall, or to pull the hardware and deal with them indeividually | 17:37 |
holstein | schnitz: if you have installed the proprietary drivers, and a custom xorg.conf is in place, still, which, i suggest trying to bypass, that could have blacklisted a module, or create a conf file that doesnt "see" is | 17:38 |
holstein | it* | 17:38 |
schnitz | ok i see what you're trying to get at... thanks | 17:40 |
holstein | on my production machine, i just disabled the internal GPU.. i have a dual head nvidia card.. when i tried to do both, it didnt work well | 17:40 |
holstein | so, i decided to go with what i thought would be more stable | 17:41 |
schnitz | that makes a lodda sense, maybe I should do the same and disable the internal GPU | 17:41 |
schnitz | instead of the other way round | 17:41 |
schnitz | but not quite sure how I can do that if both use the same driver | 17:42 |
schnitz | also, aticonfig is a mess | 17:42 |
schnitz | in the sense thats its crashing when I do changes | 17:42 |
schnitz | there is an option for doing this under aticonfig, however, it does not persist, ie. take effect | 17:42 |
schnitz | which is why I'm here too :-) | 17:43 |
schnitz | after start-up those changes from aticonfig either don't take effect or the system crashed on aticonfig at booting | 17:43 |
holstein | sure.. try not using aticonfig | 17:44 |
holstein | try removing the proprietary driver, and using just the open, included driver | 17:44 |
holstein | if you want to know if that will work, try the live iso.. you can do that without changing your system at all | 17:44 |
schnitz | sure, I will remove the proprietary driver now. | 17:45 |
holstein | you'll likely simply make them persistent by saving the xorg.conf it creates | 17:45 |
holstein | you can also try 14.04, and see if it just works "better", and install and use it.. since, it will be supported longer | 17:46 |
schnitz | I had the same problem under 14.04, tbh | 17:46 |
schnitz | ok removed the proprietary driver | 17:47 |
schnitz | yup aticonfig has been removed | 17:48 |
holstein | sure. im not suggesting 14.04 as a "fix".. just that, *when* you get this resolved in someway, you can have it working for 5 years | 17:48 |
holstein | instead of a few more months.. | 17:48 |
schnitz | A few months is eternity in my world... :-) | 17:49 |
holstein | anyways, what i would be doing is, removing variables.. testing with the live iso, and seeing if the open driver works.. if you are skipping that, fine.. then, i would deal with them one at a time and see that the open driver works with them.. | 17:49 |
holstein | i would look and make sure i have no xorg.conf in place.. | 17:49 |
holstein | i would back it up, and rename, or remove it.. | 17:49 |
schnitz | interesting. OK I will reboot then, I now the Live ISO works. | 17:50 |
schnitz | know | 17:50 |
holstein | sure. but with what? | 17:51 |
holstein | with the open driver? | 17:51 |
schnitz | yep | 17:51 |
holstein | anyways, as i said, you want to skip that, skip it | 17:51 |
schnitz | at least pretty sure | 17:51 |
schnitz | sure enough | 17:51 |
holstein | its just, *I* dont know that. and now you are "pretty sure" | 17:51 |
schnitz | oh well :-) This is fun, I like you :-) | 17:51 |
holstein | and we are implementing that driver, and i dont have your hardware.. no one from ATI is here, and we dont know that its going to do anything | 17:51 |
schnitz | well sorry for that. I'm the kinda quick and dirty guy | 17:52 |
schnitz | I'm happy to explain everything in more details .-) ... answer *do* exist | 17:52 |
schnitz | OK so the pretty sure thing... I've been trying many Live ISO Linux distributions before I chose UbuntuStudio on this same hardware setup 6 months ago. They ALL managed to bring up a decent resolution and rate. | 17:54 |
schnitz | Can't imagine they all had some proprietary ATI driver on board | 17:54 |
holstein | sure. so, you can skip that.. | 17:55 |
schnitz | thats the pretty sure / common sense thing I was getting at... | 17:55 |
schnitz | but hunting and deleting xorg.confs seems like a great idea | 17:55 |
schnitz | for now, I'll reboot and be back in 1min... thanks so far, you've been great, cu soon :-) | 17:55 |
holstein | !xorg | 17:55 |
ubottu | X.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf | 17:55 |
holstein | !xorgconf | 17:56 |
ubottu | The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia | 17:56 |
holstein | schnitz: *if* you reboot, with a "broken" xorg.conf in place, you can actually not be able to get to the desktop | 17:56 |
schnitz | ah | 17:56 |
schnitz | good point | 17:56 |
schnitz | so better delete them now? | 17:56 |
holstein | if there is one.. | 17:57 |
schnitz | I'll have a look | 17:57 |
holstein | and , i'll look at my sources, and make sure i dont have any PPA's that will "break" anything.. and do a quick update | 17:57 |
holstein | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 17:57 |
holstein | i want to make sure i have the latest kernel.. ill make sure i understand where xorg.conf is, and how to edit it from a live iso, or recovery prompt | 17:57 |
holstein | i'll know how to get to grub.. i may even go and unhide it, so i know i can see my older kernels, if the new one doesnt work | 17:58 |
schnitz | I understand | 17:59 |
schnitz | found it | 17:59 |
schnitz | it still exists | 17:59 |
schnitz | and opened it | 17:59 |
holstein | so, again, i would back it up, and rename, or remove it | 17:59 |
schnitz | its still trying to reference aticonfig | 17:59 |
schnitz | thanks, will do, of course | 17:59 |
schnitz | about the update | 17:59 |
schnitz | I've updated to Ustudio 15.04 yesterday | 18:00 |
holstein | cool | 18:01 |
holstein | i would have removed the proprietary driver *before* that, anyway | 18:01 |
schnitz | good point | 18:03 |
schnitz | so xorg.conf is removed. Now I shall reboot | 18:04 |
schnitz | cu soon | 18:04 |
schnitz | oh well :-) | 18:07 |
schnitz | now running solid 640&480 at 73Hz yeah:-) | 18:07 |
holstein | so, i would just use the open driver, if its meeting your needs | 18:08 |
holstein | if not, you can try reinstalling the proprietary one | 18:09 |
holstein | cheers.. | 18:09 |
schnitz | !xorg | 18:10 |
ubottu | X.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf | 18:10 |
schnitz | hmmm.... | 18:10 |
schnitz | !xorg | 18:14 |
Samul` | hi guys | 18:41 |
Samul` | I need a piece of software which allows me to play live the input from a usb mic (so a mixer), but with support for plugins and effects | 18:42 |
Samul` | is there any? | 18:42 |
Samul` | I've tried a couple but they were either unstable or I didn't like them | 18:42 |
holstein | Samul`: yes | 19:16 |
holstein | Samul`: there is simply a jack mixer | 19:16 |
holstein | !info jack-mixer | 19:16 |
ubottu | jack-mixer (source: jack-mixer): JACK Audio Mixer. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-1 (vivid), package size 53 kB, installed size 340 kB | 19:16 |
holstein | you can set it up, and then route that to a plugin host, or route to standalone jack plugins.. | 19:17 |
holstein | you can always just route live through something like ardour, or qtractor, as well.. but ,that will likely be overkill | 19:17 |
holstein | use #opensourcemusicians when its slow here | 19:17 |
Samul` | okay thank you very much man | 19:18 |
holstein | !info zynjacku | 19:18 |
ubottu | zynjacku (source: zynjacku): JACK based host for LV2 synths and LV2 plugins. In component universe, is optional. Version 6-4 (vivid), package size 136 kB, installed size 451 kB | 19:18 |
holstein | for example ^ | 19:19 |
Samul` | sounds good | 19:20 |
Samul` | I'll take a look, thank you again :) | 19:21 |
Samul` | ubottu: I installed jack-mixer, but it isn't clear to me how to use LV2 plugins on output | 19:23 |
ubottu | Samul`: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:23 |
Samul` | oops | 19:23 |
Samul` | I failed to tab you, holstein | 19:23 |
Samul` | ^^" | 19:23 |
holstein | Samul`: should have a manual | 19:23 |
holstein | but, i would expect to launch and start jack, have is table | 19:24 |
holstein | stable* | 19:24 |
Samul` | yeah, did it | 19:24 |
holstein | then, i would launch and setup a simple plug with the mixer.. jack-mixer | 19:24 |
holstein | then, i would route that to a plugin host | 19:24 |
Samul` | and I properly set it up so that input mic results in speaker output | 19:24 |
holstein | sure | 19:24 |
Samul` | but I cannot figure out how to use plugins | 19:24 |
holstein | none of that matters | 19:24 |
holstein | remove that from the equation | 19:24 |
Samul` | oh, I was expecting it to have a built-in plugin manager | 19:25 |
holstein | play a simple audio file, in an audio player.. route that through the mixer, and try implemting plugins til it works | 19:25 |
holstein | Samul`: there are many | 19:25 |
Samul` | no I mean | 19:25 |
holstein | Samul`: you can try that one i suggested for lv2's.. or, you can try using ardour/qractor | 19:25 |
Samul` | I have to use plugins on the mic | 19:25 |
holstein | or you can try one of the other hosts | 19:25 |
Samul` | live | 19:25 |
holstein | Samul`: sure, friend.. i understand what you want in the end | 19:25 |
holstein | but, you *dont* have to do that right now | 19:26 |
holstein | you can simply do that with a simple audio file playing in an audio player | 19:26 |
holstein | but, do what you like | 19:26 |
Samul` | okay so, I have ardour installed on my computer | 19:26 |
holstein | im saying, get the plugin host working | 19:26 |
holstein | it doenst have to be with the mic input | 19:26 |
Samul` | I don't know how, this is the first time I've had to do something like this | 19:26 |
holstein | Samul`: cool. simply spend some time, then, learning to route signal in jack | 19:26 |
Samul` | how can I do this through ardour? | 19:26 |
holstein | under "connect" in "qjackctl" or one of the other connection managers | 19:27 |
Samul` | I know how to route, actually, but I have never had to use plugins with it | 19:27 |
holstein | Samul`: using ardour as the plugin host | 19:27 |
Samul` | I've always had my track in ardour, and the plugins were applied to it | 19:27 |
holstein | Samul`: route through a plugin host.. | 19:27 |
Samul` | but if I connect the mic in to ardour track, won't it just record it? | 19:28 |
holstein | no need to use the mic, right now | 19:28 |
holstein | you can simply import an audio track there.. and test with it | 19:28 |
holstein | i understand the final goal is "mic to effect to speaker" | 19:28 |
holstein | but, there is no need to do that right now | 19:28 |
holstein | you can just test "effect to speaker" with something easier | 19:28 |
Samul` | I already know which plugins to use and how to use them, so what is the purpose of using plugins on an audio track? | 19:28 |
holstein | Samul`: do what yo like, friend | 19:28 |
Samul` | no I mean | 19:28 |
Samul` | does it even have a purpose? | 19:29 |
holstein | i would route my mic to a plugin host.. select my plugin, and test my route | 19:29 |
holstein | Samul`: yes.. simplifying the route, for testing | 19:29 |
Samul` | but what on the earth is a plugin host? | 19:29 |
Samul` | isn't ardour a daw? | 19:29 |
holstein | Samul`: inn this case, you are using ardour to host | 19:29 |
holstein | Samul`: you can use zynjacku | 19:29 |
Samul` | in which way? what does the mic in have to be connected to? | 19:29 |
holstein | Samul`: to the plugin you want it to me using | 19:30 |
holstein | Samul`: you are asking how to route the mic to an effect then to the speaker | 19:30 |
Samul` | but if I use jack to route things, I only have the tracks in my ardour session | 19:30 |
holstein | so, you route the mic to a plugin host, and load the effect you want | 19:30 |
Samul` | don't know how to route it to "a plugin" | 19:30 |
holstein | Samul`: you route to a track, apply effects/plugin, and they will come out of ardour | 19:31 |
holstein | no need to record, in this case.. since, you are not trying to record the signal.. | 19:31 |
Samul` | then I connect the track to system playback? | 19:31 |
holstein | the track or ardour's out.. whatever is carrying the signal you want to hear in the speaker | 19:31 |
holstein | should be fine with just that track out.. using ardour as a host for the plugin you are applying | 19:32 |
Samul` | ooh now I freaking understand it!! | 19:32 |
Samul` | thank you so much | 19:32 |
Samul` | lemme try so | 19:32 |
holstein | though, its overkill to use ardour for that.. so you can swap something else lighter in for ardour | 19:32 |
Samul` | sure, but the big deal was to understand the concept—how it works | 19:34 |
holstein | !info jack-rack | 19:34 |
ubottu | jack-rack (source: jack-rack): LADSPA effects "rack" for JACK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.8~rc1-2 (vivid), package size 79 kB, installed size 264 kB | 19:34 |
holstein | thats the other one i havfe used in the pase ^ | 19:34 |
holstein | past* | 19:34 |
Samul` | sure enough I'll take a look soon | 19:34 |
=== Samul` is now known as Samul|AWAY | ||
kris27mc | I'm attempting to install Spotify but I need libgcrypt.so.11 | 20:17 |
Unit193 | !find libgcrypt.so.11 | 20:17 |
ubottu | Package/file libgcrypt.so.11 does not exist in vivid | 20:17 |
kris27mc | It's not in the Canonical repo. So I need a safe source | 20:18 |
kris27mc | There's a newer version called "libgcrypt.so.20" | 20:18 |
kris27mc | But it's incompatible with Spotify | 20:18 |
Unit193 | libgcrypt20 is the up to date package, yes. | 20:18 |
kris27mc | Would it be safe to add an old Canonical repo? Like from Trusty? | 20:19 |
holstein | kris27mc: adding any source, really isnt "safe" | 20:39 |
holstein | if anything, i would cherry-pick a deb, and know how to remove it.. | 20:39 |
holstein | you cant just stream spotify? maybe run the andoid version in a browser? | 20:39 |
Unit193 | Or get a newer version. | 20:40 |
guest-A2QGz1 | sudo dmidecode --type memory | 21:58 |
schnitz | rehi | 22:28 |
* LikeVinyl is away: "no hay wifi, hablen entre uds." | 23:03 |
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