RJ45 | Hi, running 12.04 here, I just set-up encryption for my /home/, it works but now when I reboot it just hangs forever after logging in, it doesn't display my desktop unless I login form another tty, then go back the my desktop's tty, only then does my desktop load, anyone know what's going on or how to fix? | 03:47 |
RJ45 | So-far I've tried reinstalling my graphics drivers and running apt-get update, both to no avail | 04:25 |
mesaboogie01 | I've installed a tiled de and now xfce is stuffed up, how can I log back in to xfce at boot? | 05:42 |
mesaboogie01 | I just ctrl-alt-F2'd, logged in and did a startx, and got a perfect xfce4 desktop on ctrl-alt-F8 | 06:00 |
mesaboogie01 | I've got irssi going on ctrl-alt-F1 at the moment | 06:00 |
mesaboogie01 | and I don't have a clue how to switch between these 2 desktop environments | 06:01 |
rainbrain | mesaboogie01, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2208216 and try the last post by zvacet | 06:31 |
mesaboogie01 | brb | 06:31 |
mesaboogie01 | oh hang on, yep I'll do that | 06:31 |
mesaboogie01 | rainbrain: could I get that link again pls? | 06:38 |
ptg | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2208216 | 06:41 |
sorinb | Hello. Does the preferred application icon and app, from Xubuntu All Settings, comes with XFCE or is it part of Ubuntu standard ? | 06:44 |
mesaboogie01 | cool cheers | 06:44 |
mesaboogie01 | brb | 06:46 |
mesaboogie01 | coolness cheers that's it fixed | 06:51 |
phix | hey, how's xubuntu coming along? | 06:52 |
gagalicious | how do i start nfs server? is there a command? i cant do service nfs restart | 09:35 |
koegs | gagalicious: which ubuntu version? | 09:35 |
koegs | actually i could be "sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart" | 09:36 |
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz | ||
RJ45 | Running 12.04 here, I just set-up encryption for my /home/, it works but now when I reboot it, after loging in is takes over 60 seconds to display my desktop, anyone know what's going on or how to fix? | 12:48 |
brainwash | RJ45: the first step would be to upgrade to 14.04 (or do a clean install), because xubuntu 12.04 is no longer supported | 12:54 |
RJ45 | brainwash: 12.04 is LTS, it is supported for at-least a year past the next LTS release, also you couldn't just help me anyway? | 13:14 |
RJ45 | I've gotta go ASAP, if anyone has an answer and is willing to help me later, please PM me, I have a bouncer running 24/7 | 13:17 |
brainwash | RJ45: I could help, but sadly no clue how to fix your problem | 13:17 |
brainwash | RJ45: also, please read http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-12-04-end-of-life/ | 13:17 |
RJ45 | *sigh* | 13:17 |
RJ45 | I know 14.04 is here but we're up-to 15.04 LTS now?, how old is 12.04? | 13:18 |
brainwash | you expect people to help you, but you are not willing to upgrade to a supported release | 13:18 |
RJ45 | (just remembered the 12. is the year) | 13:18 |
brainwash | xubuntu lts has 3 years of support | 13:18 |
brainwash | easy math | 13:19 |
xangua | it is true that 12.04 has 5 years of support, at least the server and Unity desktop related packages (KDE too?) but XFCE related packages only have 3 years of support | 13:20 |
RJ45 | brainwash: it's not so easy for me to upgrade, it would mean moving a-ton of data, and re-installing 250+ programs (not counting their dependencies).. | 13:20 |
RJ45 | upgrading hurts :/ | 13:21 |
brainwash | RJ45: bug 996791 | 13:26 |
ubottu | bug 996791 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.04 extremely slow login" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/996791 | 13:26 |
Quenz | I'm trying to run Facade through Wine. When I get into the game, the screen is black except for where the subtitles show up, I can see through them at parts of the game. The error sounds similar to one described on the site http://www.interactivestory.net/help/#antialiasing How do I change antialiasing settings? | 13:42 |
Quenz | My card is old, so it's only using a Nouveau driver | 13:44 |
GridCube | !appdb | Quenz | 13:46 |
ubottu | Quenz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 13:46 |
Quenz | Yes GridCube, I've looked at the entry for Facade on there | 13:46 |
GridCube | then ill suggest you to join #wine ? | 13:46 |
brainwash | #winehq | 13:47 |
GridCube | that | 13:47 |
Quenz | Okay I'll ask there, but I think this will come down to figuring out how to change the global video settings | 13:47 |
GridCube | sorry i would not know | 13:48 |
Pwnna | is there anyway to run xfce on xquartz? | 14:27 |
holstein | for what goal? havinng xfce on a mac? might be easier to run in VM | 14:28 |
Dexter_ | Hello | 14:31 |
Pwnna | holstein: pretty much | 14:40 |
Pwnna | holstein: except running a VM is pretty bloated | 14:41 |
xubuntu789 | hello all | 14:47 |
xubuntu789 | im new in ubuntu and it variations | 14:47 |
GridCube | !ask | xubuntu789 | 14:48 |
ubottu | xubuntu789: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 14:48 |
GridCube | :D | 14:48 |
xubuntu789 | right now ive installed xubuntu in a pentim 4 with sis mirage graphics and ive a resolution problem | 14:48 |
xubuntu789 | it recognice mi lcd monitor with a 1024*760 resolution | 14:48 |
holstein | Pwnna: i would try https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Xfce and maybe see in a mac specific community if anyone is doing that.. or, try an xfce channel | 14:49 |
holstein | i just stopped trying with one sis GPU card i have.. it was just such a hassle, and the only way i could use it was with the vesa driver.. it was an older box, though.. maybe the situation has changed | 14:50 |
GridCube | xubuntu789: try to install the privative drivers if available | 14:50 |
holstein | but, its quite likely that, with the current driver, 1024/760 may be the "best" it can provide | 14:50 |
xubuntu789 | GridCube: how can i do that? :) | 14:52 |
Pwnna | holstein: i don't have macport installed and idk how it would conflict with homebrew | 14:54 |
GridCube | go to settings, there to software and updates, there to the last tab "aditional drivers" and see if anything is listed | 14:54 |
GridCube | if nothing is listed you dont have extra drivers | 14:55 |
T0ast_phone | Hello | 16:29 |
T0ast_phone | Why does my internet keep cutting out with xubuntu? I tried a live recovery disk and it works fine on that. | 16:30 |
holstein | T0ast_phone: you tried recovery kernel? or you meaan, it works fine with the live iso? | 16:32 |
T0ast_phone | Live iso | 16:33 |
holstein | if its the case that it worked well live, and it worked after install, and you ran updates and its not working as well, yu can try booting an older kernel from the grub list | 16:33 |
T0ast_phone | Hmm | 16:33 |
T0ast_phone | How? When it boots? | 16:35 |
holstein | T0ast_phone: to boot a different kernel, yes, you'll access the grub menu at boot, and boot a different, older kernel, and test | 16:35 |
T0ast_phone | Ok | 16:35 |
jean-guy | allo... someone can tell me if it is possible to install skype in xubuntu ? | 20:35 |
xangua | yes | 20:36 |
xangua | !partner | 20:37 |
xangua | enable parner repository, run sudo apt-get update, run sudo apt-get install skype | 20:37 |
ubottu | Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » | 20:37 |
jean-guy | okee thanks xangua & ubottu.... I will try it | 20:38 |
JeZxLee | Skype works near perfect on Xubuntu | 20:48 |
jean-guy | okee, but I am having a problem.... I typed into my terminal the following command.... sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" | 20:49 |
jean-guy | however | 20:49 |
jean-guy | my terminal did NOT respond to my request | 20:49 |
genii | No news is good news | 20:50 |
genii | When commands do NOT succeed you get a message. When commands successfully complete, it just returns to a prompt. Which is good and normal. | 20:51 |
jean-guy | okeee cool | 20:51 |
jean-guy | I think that the 3 commands worked in the terminal, however I don't see the skype symbol in dash... Do I have to re-boot my pc^ | 20:58 |
knome | dash? xubuntu doesn't have "dash" | 20:59 |
jean-guy | I don't see the skype in my list of installed program. But Maybe I need to re-boot | 21:01 |
knome | which three commands did you run then? | 21:02 |
knome | !pastebin | jean-guy | 21:02 |
ubottu | jean-guy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:02 |
jean-guy | okee knome,,,, 1st i rant the command to get the repository of archive canonical | 21:04 |
jean-guy | and that seemed to work ok | 21:04 |
knome | jean-guy, please paste the exact commands you ran | 21:04 |
jean-guy | then, 2nd i rang a commant to apt-get update | 21:04 |
knome | jean-guy, that way we can check for potential errors | 21:04 |
jean-guy | okeee, ok | 21:04 |
Unit193 | Perhaps inxi -rc0 | pastebinit would help too. | 21:04 |
jean-guy | it was sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release-sc) partner" | 21:05 |
Unit193 | Missing space. | 21:06 |
knome | jean-guy, ^ what Unit193 said | 21:07 |
knome | jean-guy, please double-check the command | 21:07 |
jean-guy | ti was sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release-sc) partner" | 21:08 |
knome | yes... that's incorrect | 21:11 |
knome | you need to add a space between "lsb_release" and "-sc" | 21:11 |
jean-guy | ok will do | 21:12 |
jean-guy | thanks knome and unit193 | 21:12 |
jean-guy | will return to let you know how it worked out for me | 21:13 |
jean-guy | I ran the command, however it seems that I got two errors as follows... | 21:17 |
jean-guy | as follows... | 21:17 |
jean-guy | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 21:17 |
jean-guy | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 21:17 |
knome | jean-guy, are you running another package manager like ubuntu software center? | 21:18 |
jean-guy | Yes, I have been using the ubuntu software center to download 4 or 5 progams | 21:18 |
knome | ok, then close it before you run the command | 21:19 |
jean-guy | ok | 21:19 |
jean-guy | how do I close the ubuntu software center? | 21:20 |
knome | jean-guy, as you would close any application | 21:23 |
jean-guy | okee, knome... So I re-launge the ubuntu software center, and instead of just going out of it, I made sure to use, file + close to close it. Then I ran the command in terminal, at I still get the same two errors, which i posted above | 21:26 |
knome | ok, so are you running some *other* package manager like synaptic, or do you have an apt-get or some other command running in another terminal? | 21:27 |
jean-guy | no, i don't have synapti | 21:28 |
jean-guy | synaptic and i only have the one terminal open at this time | 21:28 |
knome | jean-guy, rebooting should fix this error | 21:30 |
jean-guy | okeee, will reboot | 21:31 |
jean-guy | will come back here in few minutes to let you know how I make out,,, thank you for your help | 21:31 |
* LikeVinyl is away: "no hay wifi, hablen entre uds." | 23:03 | |
knome | LikeVinyl, please don't use public away messages. | 23:03 |
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jeremy__ | hello | 23:15 |
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