=== zz_natorious is now known as natorious === natorious is now known as zz_natorious [07:08] smoser: Do we have a good way of specifying apt mirrors for different distros via vendor-data? [08:26] harlowja: Tut, tut, only 25% coverage of url_helper.py. [08:36] Oh, no, tox wasn't recreating a virtualenv to include new test deps. [08:36] harlowja: Tut, tut, only 81% coverage of url_helper.py. ^_^ [09:07] Oh, hmph, the Windows changes have completely broken the coverage reporting. [09:07] To ensure that we're getting accurate numbers (including modules not touched by tests), nose imports all the modules. [09:07] As you might imagine, this goes poorly. [09:23] Daniel Watkins proposed stackforge/cloud-init: Don't use --cover-inclusive; Windows modules break it. https://review.openstack.org/190557 [09:24] harlowja: claudiupopa: ^ fixes the coverage breakage. [09:24] I'm looking at a fix in nose, which will allow us to reintroduce it. [09:24] But, for now, there's no way around it. [10:24] https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/pull/924 is the nose fix. === strikov is now known as strikov-lunch === strikov-lunch is now known as strikov [15:06] Odd_Bloke, i'd have to look. [15:06] not really here today, just came in for a call. [15:07] smoser: No worries; enjoy your absence. :) [15:12] hey, does anyone know how I can configure cloud-init to use a metadata version endpoint that's not 2009-04-04 ? [15:14] a-tal: Which data source are you using? [15:14] ec2 [15:16] a-tal: I don't think you can. [15:16] a-tal: But even if you could, cloud-init wouldn't know what to do with anything more recent than that without code changes. [15:16] a-tal: Is there something specific that you need? [15:17] so, it's not the real ec2, but it does respond to and the other endpoints using latest. you can configure the datasource metadata_urls; but that's the path/version seems to be hardcoded? [15:18] s/that's// [15:18] a-tal: Yeah, we hard-code the version because we know we'll work against that version. [15:19] a-tal: EC2 could completely change where everything is located in 2015-06-11, but we'd still be fine because we're pinned at that version. [15:19] (Where 'that version' is 2009-04-04') [15:20] makes sense [15:22] So your fake EC2 will have to provide those URLs and, crucially, actually do what the API should do in that version. [15:23] I would imagine that's not much of a problem (though I haven't looked at it at all), I suspect the parts of the API that cloud-init exercises aren't changed a great deal. [15:23] yeah. i think i'll have to try to get a rewrite rule added [15:23] hopefully nothing explodes :) [15:24] :) === zz_natorious is now known as natorious === natorious is now known as zz_natorious [16:10] Odd_Bloke : hi again :) [16:11] ByPasS: Hola! [16:11] Odd_Bloke : I realized that I had libvirt injection set to true which well from what Ive read is not needed and should be set to false for cloud-init admin password injection [16:15] Odd_Bloke : back to square one :) [16:16] Odd_Bloke : so I disabled libvirt password and key injection (keys are injected according to the log) [16:16] Odd_Bloke : which metadata url exactly you wanted me to paste ? === zz_natorious is now known as natorious [16:21] ByPasS: So how are you expecting the password to be set at the moment? [16:22] Odd_Bloke : via cloud-init + nova metadata [16:22] Odd_Bloke : leet me try something I found a probable cause brb [16:23] Sure. :) [16:53] how are chances to get manage_resolv_conf working on Ubuntu? we have a case where we want to override nameservers for a specific subset of instances only [16:53] see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1394224 and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+question/234041 [16:55] * frickler waves to smoser a bit ashamed about not having responded yet regarding cirros :D [18:41] Odd_Bloke only 81% i want 181% [18:41] lol [18:41] harder faster, stronger, lol [18:41] or else fired [18:41] ha [19:03] Merged stackforge/cloud-init: Don't use --cover-inclusive; Windows modules break it. https://review.openstack.org/190557 === natorious is now known as zz_natorious