
Poop4BrainsChanServ Drone` acecipherzero airtonix amofiuhr_ AndrewLe1 Auctus benonsoftware Church cYmen_ daker DalekSec dkessel DLange drkokandy dte dust dzho Eliz elky gsilvapt happy-dude hggdh holstein hyperair i_pity_da_foo ianorlyn IdleOne jgknight JohnDoe_71Rus joshtau Kamilion kg krytarik LarrySteeze lewellyn Metacity mpmctoo NegativeFlare nolsen06:15
Poop4Brainsnopf Noskcaj ochosi OmahLinux pAt_ penguin1263 phunyguy Pici platt_ pleia2 Poop4Brains Sachiru schmidtm sfr^ spicypixel teward The_Eccentric TheSchaf Tm_T tsimpson ubottu ubuntulog Unit193 WildSoft wxl xMopxShell yofel06:15
joshtauokay here we go06:15
Finetundracan I ask questions about lxqt here?19:48
whytrytoflydoes anyone know how to bind maximize to a key19:49
whytrytoflyi only have fullscreen but not the operation that i get from double clicking onto a windows bar19:50

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