
Kilosmorning africa07:05
Kiloshi ariabbas  thanks for joining our mailing list07:06
Kiloshi elacheche07:20
Kilosyou and your messages in irc07:20
Kilosyou must use QA  its easier for both of us07:21
KilosQA  tell elacheche  QA is here for messages and meeting minutes etc07:21
QAKilos: Righto, I'll tell elacheche on freenode07:21
elachecheHey Kilos !08:10
QAelacheche: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell elacheche QA is here for messages and meeting minutes etc" 48 minutes and 48 seconds ago08:10
elachecheOK QA & Kilos x) :D08:10
elachecheWhat's wrong with luna Kilos ?08:11
Kilosshe works kiff, we tested her last night08:11
Kilosshe is offline again elacheche08:11
Kiloslaziness is a big thing in tunisia i see08:12
Kilosenergy food is the answer08:12
elachechehahahaha :D :D You better tell here that by yourself :) :D I work 30min from home, so when I go home I still have some energy to do some stuff.. She works 2hours from home with our shitty transportation systems, when she's home she's totally exhausted..08:14
Kilosoh my08:14
Kilosalso fitness helps08:17
Kilosyou two should have a job daily08:17
KilosQA  seen lunapersa08:19
QAKilos: lunapersa was last seen 1 day, 9 minutes and 32 seconds ago in #ubuntu-africa on freenode [2015-06-10 08:10:03 UTC], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-06-10 16:34:01 UTC08:19
elachecheBTW, we work in the same building :) :D08:19
elachecheI'm trying to get the habit of jogging soon..08:20
elachecheI'm really aware that I need to move my a** out this chair and workout, otherwise am slowly killing myself :(08:20
Kilosdo you people swim there08:23
Kilosswimming is the best excercise08:24
Kilosand breathing properly08:24
elachecheYea of course.. :) :D08:25
elachecheWe live in the coast :)08:25
Kilosthen good to have a daily swim08:25
Kilosbetter than jogging imo, but doing both is even better08:28
Kiloshow old are you elacheche  ?08:36
Kiloshow young08:36
elachechealmost 26 Kilos :)08:39
Kilosnice, i was jobbing 5 ks and swimming 1k at that age08:40
Kiloshi lin08:40
linHey Kilos08:40
elachecheThat inspires me :)08:42
Kilosbut tbh i was also surf lifesaving then08:42
Kilosso fitness was a must08:43
elachecheI need to save my own live as well08:48
Kiloslin  have you joined our mailing list?09:24
linnot sure...09:24
Kilosyou can get to it from http://ubuntu-africa.info09:24
linhmm...no info on the ML on that site09:31
Kiloswhere it says join us09:33
Kilosim looking but cant find it either, will try get you an easier way09:38
Kiloselacheche  ping09:38
Kiloslin https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa09:39
Kilosthere should be a join buttom here i think09:40
linAll done.09:42
elachechepong Kilos09:42
elachecheKilos, do we have a mailing list? :D x( x)09:42
elachecheAh Kilos :D I'm already subscribed :D But we have so much activiy so I can't keep syncronized with it :D :p09:44
Kilosyes man09:44
Kilosi forgot how to get to it09:44
Kilosi thought it showed on the site09:44
Kilosas soon as you over your fast period we can start to get things moving09:45
Kilosand plan our first meeting etc09:45
Kilosget luna to join the mailing list as well, and neo09:46
Kilosah lin was that you?09:48
linThat was me..09:51
Kilosi think we did the mailing list after building the site , so we need to still sort that out09:52
Kiloselacheche  dont flood freenode man09:57
elachecheInternet problems Kilos :(09:58
Kiloslunapersa  welcome back10:01
lunapersahello Kilos10:01
lunapersai'm @ work now :D10:01
Kiloslunapersa  yeah shame. when you have time will you join our mailing list please10:02
elachecheKilos, she's here :) tell her all that you want to :)10:03
elachecheinetpro, you too x)10:04
Kiloslunapersa  i have been told to advise you to eat energy food and do some swimming and jogging10:04
lunapersahey Kilos what's the lastest news10:11
Kilosnot much new here except elacheche  is trying to get someone else to sort a map, so he can rest more10:12
Kiloshe gets very lazy at times, i was hoping you can rev him up a bit10:13
elachechel00000l Kilos :D10:13
elachecheAm just trying to make that boy more involved :) After this weekend I'll start working on it and hacking the scripts :) → I have a last exam this Sunday so I need to focus on it :p :)10:14
Kilosno rush elacheche  do your important things first10:15
Kilosand good luck with the exam10:15
elachecheThanks.. what's exactly I'll need for that special exam.. Luck :D10:16
Kilosno man10:16
elachecheYeah that's too :D But luck is the most important thing :D I was so prepared last semester for the same exam by the same teacher.. I got 8/20.. I had one of the highest marques in my class x)10:18
elachecheThey think that ma genius because I got that 8 x(10:18
Kiloseish, prepare even better man. 18/20 is better10:30
Kilosyou only get out what you put in10:37
Kilosso go for it full steam10:37
elachecheO/ again12:57
elachecheQA help14:04
QAelacheche: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.14:04
QAAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.14:04
elachecheQA help me with delivering messages14:04
QAelacheche: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo, remind and summon14:04
QAAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.14:04
elachecheQA, how do I use memo14:05
QAelacheche: Keeps messages for people. You can use it like this:14:05
QA  my messages14:05
QA  message <number>14:05
QA  my messages for <person> [on <source>]14:05
QA  (tell|pm|privmsg|msg|ask) <person> [on <source>] <message>14:05
QA  forget my (first|last|<n>th) message for <person> [on <source>]14:05
elachecheQA, tell kilos take a look at this dude → http://senseopenness.com/membership-board-member-interviews-chris-wayne/14:05
QAelacheche: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode14:05
Kilosim back elacheche14:22
Kiloswho is that chris guy, have we seen him in the board meets14:23
elachecheYep :) He was there :)14:23
Kiloswhats hi nick?14:23
Kilosoh yeah cool14:24
Kiloselacheche  how come his interview thing got to that link?14:29
elachecheThat's belkinsa's blog :)14:33
Kilosis she going to put all of ours there too?14:34
elachecheI guess so14:34
Kilosi should have embellished more on mine14:34
elachecheYou should do the same for AFRICA14:35
Kilosmy future contribution should be , to keep nagging everyone to do better14:35
elachecheYou should publish Ubuntu Africa interviews in you blog!14:35
Kilosnono you do it14:35
Kilosyou you you14:35
Kilosill ask luna to help you14:36
Kiloshee hee14:36
elachecheI'll do that for my LoCo14:36
Kiloswhat loco14:36
Kilos3 peeps14:36
elachecheNope.. We ahave some historical members :)14:37
elachecheDon't underestimate us :) :D14:37
Kilosare they still active?14:37
Kilosi want to see a loco like you see in za14:38
elachecheNo, but am plannign to get them back :)14:38
Kilostell them to come meet the crazy za guy14:39
elacheche:D :D14:39
elachecheIf one day our "father" will be online I'll ask him to come here.. He's busy running an association about Free Culture (including FOSS)14:40
Kilosmail them all, peeps always read their mails14:41
Kiloswhen is your fast over?14:41
Kilosso we can organise a meeting14:41
Kilosluna can be chair14:41
elachecheby mid-July14:43
Kilosthats long14:43
elachecheit starts next week.. It's just 1 month :)14:43
Kilosmaye after that forget coffee all together and drink fruit juice and/water14:45
Kilosyou get addicted to cafeine too easy14:46
elachechel0000000000l.. It's in my blood :D14:47
elachechelunapersa, can confirm that x)14:47
Kiloscut down man, if your brain goes weak without coffee thats a bad sign14:49
elachecheCoffee is my energy drink14:51
lunapersa yes :(14:51
Kiloshi philipballew14:53
lunapersaelacheche drinks a lot of coffee all day :( :(14:55
Kilosstop him lunapersa14:55
Kiloswe cant still battle with a coffee addict as well14:55
lunapersai can't14:56
elachechehahahaha :D14:56
lunapersahe becomes more ..14:56
Kilosjust tell him if he smells of coffee he cant kiss you, he will soon stop14:56
lunapersawithout it14:57
elacheche  .-~~-.14:57
elacheche||      |14:57
elacheche`|      |  Double Espresso14:57
elacheche  `-__-'14:57
elachechel00000000000l Kilos x( she loves coffee too :p14:57
Kilosoh my14:58
Kilos2 addicts14:58
Kilosi also love coffee but go months without any14:58
elachecheYou're addicted to tea :D14:59
Kilosyes but ive stopped adding milk for 3 months now, and cut sugar in half15:00
elachecheCool :D15:00
Kiloslunapersa  have you joined our mailing list yet?15:11
Kilosyou can also join Benno-00715:12
Kilosand philipballew15:12
philipballewhey Kilos15:13
Kilosoh hi cyrilb  you cant also join our list15:14
Kiloscan sorry15:14

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