
RAOFAlbertA, kdub: The problem with libmirprotobuf ABI bumps is that they're not parallel-loadable.00:25
RAOFAlbertA, kdub: That said, given the alternative is stack smashing anything using libmirclient8, it seems the lesser of two weevils.00:30
AlbertARAOF: ? why not?00:31
RAOFAlbertA: Two reasons: (1) Protobuf throws an abort() fit if you try and load it twice, and (2) none of the symbols are versioned, so they'll stomp on each other.00:32
RAOFI mean, it might accidentally work, but you also might get libmirclient.so.8 calling into a mixture of libmirprotobuf.so.0 and libmirprotobuf.so.1.00:33
RAOF(Or libmirclient.so.9, for that matter)00:33
RAOFIf (1) wasn't true we'd be statically linking mirprotobuf into mirserver and mirclient as nature intended.00:34
AlbertARAOF: oh you mean in the same process? but how would that happen? wouldn't the linker see libmirclient9 is linked to libmirprotobuf2?00:35
RAOFYeah, in the same process.00:35
AlbertAor libmirprotobuf1 rather....00:35
RAOFThe linker doesn't check that; the linker sees that libmirclient.so.8 needs libmirprotobuf.so.0 and libmirclient.so.9 needs libmirprotobuf.so.1.00:37
RAOFIt doesn't do any symbol resolution at that point, though.00:37
RAOFWhen it *does* try to resolve the symbols it'll do the wrong thing, though - any call from libmirclient.so.8 will hit the same code as the same call from libmirclient.so.9.00:38
AlbertARAOF: right.... but how did we get to the point of loading both libmirclient.so.9 and libmirclient.so.8 in the same process?00:39
RAOFI don't think any code that *we* produce will do that.00:40
AlbertARAOF: ahh ok...like it's possible...like something loading plugins for example....yeah....00:40
RAOFBut it's by no means impossible - something using SDL + Qt, maybe?00:40
RAOFAnd should someone *do* that it will fail in an *entirely* inscrutable fashion.00:41
RAOFFWIW I've bumped the ABI on my branch.00:41
RAOFBecause *definitely* inscrutably killing everything that uses libmirclient.so.8 is worse than possibly killing someone linking to both libmirclient.so.8 and libmirclient.so.9 :)00:42
RAOFBut, basically, protobuf is terrible and should feel bad :)00:42
AlbertARAOF: one more reason to move away from it...yeah00:42
dufluOK my usual technique for replacing USC with Mir for testing is not working on krillin. What's the other way to stop USC from starting?04:11
duflu(Not working means USC steals the touchscreen and a second server can't get input)04:12
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alf_duflu: isn't 'stop lightdm' working for you?06:38
duflualf_: Forgot to try that. Now it's semi-bricked. This will take time to get back06:38
dufluFunny thing about ubuntu-device-flash is that if you don't really know what you're doing and repeat enough times it will eventually work06:43
RAOFUnless you're flashing a N10, at which point you should probably load android on it and *then* try flashing it.06:43
dufluRAOF: Yes that has worked in the past too06:44
dufluHeh. Or I could just Google the problem and get a solution from AskUbuntu fairly quickly (which is the same solution I stumbled on for another phone recently)06:52
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RAOFIs there a good way to test threadsafety?07:43
dufluRAOF: helgrind and/or threadsanitizer of course07:54
RAOFRight, but is there a good way to ensure that they actually pick up races / lock ordering problems / etc?07:55
RAOFOr is it just ‘do a whole bunch of things on a whole bunch of threads and hope that you hit a bad codepath’?07:55
dufluRAOF: They do assume your test coverage is reasonable07:56
RAOFBut more than that, right?07:56
RAOFI mean, they assume not only that you hit every line of code, but that you hit a lot of temporal combinations.07:57
dufluRAOF: Well in both cases they report theoretical errors before they happen. But still to get that far you need some reasonable test coverage to touch the code paths. They do not however rely on bad luck; they're better than that.07:57
RAOFTrue; they don't need you to *actually* hit a data race.07:58
RAOFYou do still need to have multiple threads hitting the appropriate bits, though.07:58
dufluDoes anyone know why Mir-demos (trunk) can't get any touch events on krillin? I'm almost out of ideas, and now bisecting to see if older code works08:31
dufluUgh, it's a Mir bug. Logging it now08:46
alan_galf_: incorporated your USC code improvements. Thanks09:33
alf_alan_g: you are welcome09:33
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alan_ganpok: How's this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/unity-system-compositor/incorporate-logo-into-spinner-binary/+merge/26118111:42
anpokah and now const11:44
anpokhm i am marked as community11:46
alan_gWear it with pride11:54
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alan_gAlbertA: as you've not contributed code to it, care to review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/unity-system-compositor/incorporate-logo-into-spinner-binary/+merge/26118115:55
AlbertAalan_g: yeah taking a look15:57
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AlbertAgah...I guess mirclientplatformmesa does need to link against libmirclient....16:32
AlbertAmir_platform_message_xxx apis...16:32
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anpokAlbertA: and also other platforms because of the event builders17:50
kgunnmterry: hey, starting to look into snap stuff again...so, pidof...doesn't that seem a bit hardcore to not have access to a tool like that ? i mean18:32
kgunnto have to explicitly say you want some basic tool, that seems weird to me18:32
mterrykgunn, it's leaking info about what else is running on the system18:33
mterrykgunn, default app isolation is quite intense18:33
kgunnno kidding18:33
kgunnso things like top couldn't either18:33
kgunnjust seems weir18:33
mterrykgunn, might be able to run it, but only see some pids?  not sure18:33
mterrykgunn, so it's a tricky problem for mir18:33
kgunni was just looking at that script...18:34
mterrykgunn, the original reason was that the tty races with mir18:34
mterrykgunn, mir might show first, then gettty takes over the screen18:34
mterrykgunn, but duflu was actually saying there was a mir bug there18:34
mterrykgunn, that it should notice it got stolen18:34
mterrykgunn, so that might be another solution18:34
kgunnvongons ^ anyone aware of that one ?18:34
kgunnmir getting screen taken by getty18:35
kgunn(....and is it getty or agetty?)18:35
kgunnmterry: ok, as i am reading...i just realized that not declaring security-template default is not the same as declared security-template but empty default18:38
kgunnso i think i need to rebuild...as i just commented that out18:39
mterrykgunn, it might be agetty18:39
mterrykgunn, huh...  it should be the same?  if you just don't have that line at all, it should use the default18:39
kgunnmterry: how do you read https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/security-policy/18:42
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kgunn"Defining snap policy"18:42
kgunnWhen caps and security-template are not specified, caps defaults to client networking.18:42
kgunnsecurity-template: (optional) alternate security template to use instead of default. When specified without caps, caps defaults to being empty. Not compatible with security-override or security-policy18:43
kgunnAdditional access beyond what is allowed by the declared security-template is declared via this option18:43
mterrywell, if you leave out both, you'll be fine right?18:44
mterryyou don't care if caps includes networking18:44
mterrykgunn, ^18:44
mterrygotta run, bbl18:46
mterrykgunn, heyo -- any progress on apparmor security stuff?19:50
mterrygrr, missed19:50
anpoknexus10 provides pressure, touch major AND orientation.. but no minor .. or tool width..19:56
racarr...*bangs head on desk*20:34
racarrI've been testing this scenario for like a day and wondering where events dissapear too20:35
racarrand I forgot about the input filters in mir_demo_server20:35
racarrgot some good tests out of it at least20:35
ahayzenHi, I tried to run unity8 via LXC as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC on Intel ivy bridge hardware, but when i start the session the mouse appears, the welcome wizard appears for a split second then disappears and reloads itself going into a loop. Meanwhile the CPU/disk start increasing in load as I assume apport or something is going mental in the background. Is there anything I can do to see what is causing the welcome wizard to crash?20:49
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Hi!  Try looking in ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log and see what it may be spewing out.  Also use top and see what process is running at the high load.20:55
ahayzenChrisTownsend, hmm nothing obvious in the log, how am i supposed to run $ top if i can't switch tty ?20:59
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Do you have ssh set up on the machine?20:59
ahayzennot yet ;-)20:59
ChrisTownsendHmm, yeah, then no top.21:00
ahayzenheh i'm gonna have to SSH in via my ubuntu phone to debug my desktop aren't I? lol21:00
ChrisTownsendIt sounds like Unity 8 is having some issue, but it's hard to tell what though.  I haven't seen that behavior.21:00
ChrisTownsendlol, the irony!21:01
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Is your user's home in the standard place, ie, /home/$user21:02
ahayzeni would assume, all i did was follow the instructions21:02
ChrisTownsendahayzen: The Unity8 LXC bind mounts your normal user's home directory.  If it's the standard, then yeah.21:03
ahayzen(the ones that popey gave me) #blamepopey21:03
popeyI get the same black screen here21:03
popeyyup yup21:03
ahayzeni was at Oxfordgeeknights last night and another person on intel hardware said he had the same21:04
ChrisTownsendHmm, to me, welcome wizard reload over and over is a bit different than the black screen.21:04
ChrisTownsendahayzen: What version of Ubuntu is your host?21:04
ahayzenit like flashes up for a split second then goes blank then comes up again in a loop, but the mouse stays visible and useable throughout21:04
popeyI'm on wily21:05
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Ok.  Anything abnormal in /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log?21:06
ChrisTownsendpopey: Black screen sounds like a u-s-c issue.  Have you looked in the file I just noted?21:06
ahayzenWARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread. ... then lots of Opening session session-021:06
ahayzenClosing session session-021:06
popeyno, will try now21:06
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Sounds pretty normal.  I'm kind of stumped.:-(21:07
ahayzenhmm let me update it, rerun and get some fresh unity8 logs21:07
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Ok.  I need to go in a few minutes.  I'll be around tomorrow.  You can also file a bug against unity8-lxc and I'll take a look.21:08
ahayzenChrisTownsend, ok thanks for your help21:08
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Are you using the PPA or the version from the archive?21:08
ahayzenPPA IIRC21:08
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Ok, that's good.21:09
ahayzenyeah ppa:unity8-desktop-session-team/unity8-preview-lxc21:09
popeyi ave no unity8.log21:09
ChrisTownsendahayzen: Yeah, that's best.  I'll try it on my Vivid machine and see what happens.21:09
ChrisTownsendpopey: Yeah, look at /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log.21:10
ChrisTownsendpopey: Your not even getting Unity 8 started.  It's seems like Mir is not happy.21:10
ahayzeninteresting mine isn't too dissimilar http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11698589/21:11
ChrisTownsendahayzen: popey: Alright, I think they are different issues.  I gotta go though.  I'll either ping you or find me tomorrow.21:12
popeyahayzen: lets gang up on him tomorrow :)21:12
ahayzenpopey, hehe :-)21:12
ahayzenpopey, what happens if you run top? I see unity8 using ~90% and ms2 using ~90%21:18
popey 4653 alan      20   0 2790820 218392  84428 S 102.7  2.7   5:29.18 unity821:18
popeyi dont have any media on this21:18
popeyunrelated, have you installed tweakgeek?21:18
* ahayzen notes to look into ms2 being terrible on desktop21:18
popeyinstall mzanetti's open store, grab tweakgeek from it, run that and you can make terminal live beyond app lifecycle :)21:19
popeyso they run in the background. handy when you want to ssh into something from the device21:19
ahayzenooo cool, can we not keep the screen on yet ;-)21:19
popeynot yet21:20
ahayzenok that sortof stuff in the unity8 log looks bad.... [1434057338.091424] <ERROR> Mesa/NativeSurface: Caught exception at Mir/EGL driver boundary (in advance_buffer): /build/buildd/mir-0.12.1+15.04.20150324/src/client/rpc/stream_socket_transport.cpp(154): Throw in function virtual void mir::client::rpc::StreamSocketTransport::send_message(const std::vector<unsigned char>&, const std::vector<mir::Fd>&)21:20
ahayzenDynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorIN3mir25socket_disconnected_errorEEEEE21:20
ahayzenstd::exception::what: Failed to send message to server: Broken pipe21:20
ahayzen32, "Broken pipe"21:20
ahayzenmy full unity8 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11698632/21:20
ahayzenpopey, shall i report a bug with ^^ ?21:22
mzanettiahayzen, well... you can install bigmovingtext from openstore ;)21:22
mzanettithat can keep the display lit21:22
ahayzeni have the normal bigmovingtext...21:23
mzanettiahayzen, that boost exception happens when something tries to grab an invalid screen buffer21:23
mzanettiI think21:23
mzanettiwhere did you get it?21:23
ahayzenthere is alot of them :-)21:23
ahayzenfrom .cache/upstart/unity8.log21:23
ahayzenwhen running on a vivid ivy-bridge laptop with unity8 in LXC21:24
mzanettioh, I see21:24
mzanettihmm. not sure then what it is21:25
mzanettiahayzen, you might want to stop by in #ubuntu-unity tomorrow and talk to greyback about it21:25
ahayzenok :-)21:25
popeypass ahayzen21:28
ahayzenwe'll be really nice to everyone and bug them late friday then :-)21:29
AlbertAahayzen: that exception just means the server died or got shut down while the client was still alive22:03
AlbertAso if it's in unity8 log, then I guess because USC died...22:03
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ahayzenAlbertA, interesting22:30

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