napsy | jutro | 05:08 |
dz0ny | dan | 06:45 |
zdobbie | drama! | 06:45 |
zdobbie | DRAMA! | 06:45 |
idioterna | a mas abonma | 06:46 |
idioterna | kva je z US | 06:46 |
idioterna | nc niso odlocil | 06:47 |
zdobersek | sej nimajo kej za odlocat | 06:49 |
slax0r | jutro | 06:56 |
napsy | lp | 06:59 |
zdobersek | DRAMA | 07:01 |
Seniorita | all subreddits | 07:01 |
Seniorita | »reddit: the front page of the internet« | 07:01 |
zdobersek | recap at | 07:02 |
Seniorita | Bring your popcorn (.gifs) | 07:02 |
Seniorita | »The place where people can come and talk about internet fights and other dramatic happenings from other subreddits.« | 07:02 |
CrazyLemon | .rt | 08:03 |
CrazyLemon | meh | 08:03 |
CrazyLemon | t-2 again? | 08:03 |
idioterna | | 08:05 |
idioterna | | 08:05 |
CrazyLemon | kr povej da si hotel pokazat dres | 08:07 |
idioterna | hm? | 08:07 |
idioterna | ta dres je pa res _old_ | 08:07 |
idioterna | pa kr dobr sesut ze | 08:08 |
idioterna | | 08:08 |
idioterna | k sm se povalu po cesti v njem :) | 08:08 |
zdobbie | Le manta | 08:36 |
CrazyLemon | .morje | 08:48 |
jabuk | Postaja Debeli Rtič (Zora) - Jadransko morje: 22.2°C | 08:48 |
jabuk | Postaja OB Piran (NIB) - Jadransko morje: 21.9°C | 08:48 |
jabuk | Postaja Koper - kapitanija - Jadransko morje: 21.2°C | 08:48 |
napsy | | 09:29 |
napsy | lol :) | 09:29 |
idioterna | | 09:30 |
Seniorita | ORIGO Boat - foldable, easy to transport, eco friendly boat. by ORIGO Team — Kickstarter | 09:30 |
Seniorita | »Foldable, eco friendly boat, that is very easy to transport and store. It is unsinkable and you won't have to worry about docking fees.« | 09:30 |
napsy | zanimiv | 09:31 |
CrazyLemon | zdobersek neki zate | 09:58 |
Seniorita | RFC 2324 - Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) | 09:58 |
siska | ha :) | 10:12 |
=== anny is now known as Guest16037 | ||
CrazyLemon | lol | 10:14 |
lynxlynxlynx | napsy: končno en praktičen proizvod :) | 10:14 |
lynxlynxlynx | sam tale "eco-friendly" je mal za lase privlečen | 10:14 |
napsy | nevm | 10:18 |
=== anny is now known as Guest1963 | ||
zdobersek | dons sem pa nasu svoj Colle delle Finestre | 11:53 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Workarounds For Not Being Able to Mount The Windows 8 Partition In Linux Due to Hibernation | 11:53 |
zdobersek | :| | 11:57 |
Seniorita | Christopher Lee dies at the age of 93 | Film | The Guardian | 11:57 |
Seniorita | »The veteran actor was best known for roles including Dracula and Saruman in the Lord of the Rings franchise« | 11:57 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Get New Wine Features Faster With `Wine Staging` [PPA] | 12:43 |
CrazyLemon | .morje | 13:15 |
jabuk | Postaja Koper - kapitanija - Jadransko morje: 23.0°C | 13:15 |
jabuk | Postaja Debeli Rtič (Zora) - Jadransko morje: 23.0°C | 13:15 |
jabuk | Postaja OB Piran (NIB) - Jadransko morje: 23.6°C | 13:15 |
zdobbie | morje odteklo! | 13:15 |
CrazyLemon | shut your piehole! | 13:15 |
idioterna | | 13:24 |
Seniorita | Christopher Lee: "The Bloody Verdict of Verden" Music Video - YouTube | 13:24 |
Seniorita | »Music video of the song "The Bloody Verdict of Verden", aka "The Blood of the Saxon Men" belonging to the album "Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross" (20...« | 13:24 |
CrazyLemon | .radar | 13:26 |
jabuk | Radarska slika padavin: | 13:26 |
zdobbie | pray, and your sea will be replenished! | 13:27 |
zdobersek | /pray | 13:28 |
idioterna | your radar | 13:28 |
idioterna | you need to replenish your radar | 13:28 |
zdobersek | IT LIVES | 13:30 |
zdobersek | IT DIES | 13:30 |
zdobersek | IT LIVES AGAIN | 13:30 |
idioterna | interesting | 13:38 |
idioterna | | 13:38 |
Seniorita | Pornhub Space Program - SEXPLORATION | Indiegogo | 13:38 |
Seniorita | »Help us make the first sex tape in space!« | 13:38 |
CrazyLemon | yup | 13:42 |
CrazyLemon | 3.4mio | 13:42 |
idioterna | pa mi je tut vsec | 13:42 |
idioterna | sm mogu kr comment napisat | 13:42 |
Seniorita | Sun-Owning Lady Sues eBay Because They Wouldn't Let Her Sell 'Plots' Of 'Land' On 'Her' Sun | Techdirt | 13:42 |
Seniorita | »Techdirt readers with a good memory may recall that back in 2010 a Spanish woman with entirely too much time on her hands claimed to have found a legal loophole that allowed her to register her ownership of the sun. Yes, the sun. You know, Sol, that...« | 13:42 |
zdobersek | Sun the Star? | 13:50 |
zdobersek | Sun the Star | 13:50 |
zdobersek | .yt yeah yeah yeahs despair | 13:50 |
jabuk | Yeah Yeah Yeahs - "Despair" (Official Video) | 13:50 |
zdobersek | MY SUN IS YOUR SUN | 13:50 |
CrazyLemon | Spoštovani! | 14:44 |
CrazyLemon | 14:44 | |
CrazyLemon | Obveščamo vas, da poskus vaše odjave ni uspel. | 14:44 |
CrazyLemon | wtf mercator | 14:44 |
zdobersek | .yt stay with me | 14:45 |
jabuk | Sam Smith - Stay With Me | 14:45 |
zdobersek | CrazyLemon: ^ | 14:45 |
msevph | Lol | 14:47 |
zdobersek | Ivica te ne da | 14:48 |
zdobersek | prekleti kolesarji | 14:55 |
Seniorita | - Ta vikend ohranite mirne živce. Zaradi kolesarskega maratona bodo številne ceste po Ljubljani več ur zaprte | 14:55 |
Seniorita | »V prestolnici bodo tudi ta vikend kolesarji glavni na cestah. Zaradi kolesarskega maratona Franja pa bodo zaprli nekatere ceste. Obvoze bodo imeli tudi mestni avtobusi. Zato je dobro, da preverite stanje na cestah, preden se ta vikend odpravite v ali iz Ljubljane.« | 14:55 |
Matthai | biciklistični teroristi bodo zavzeli mesto in izvajali teror nad nedolžnimi prebivalci najlepšega mesta na svetu! | 14:57 |
Matthai | :-) | 14:57 |
idioterna | mhm | 14:59 |
upd | se res še ta maraton | 16:16 |
zdobersek | a n | 16:23 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny a imaš kje na githubu te mu-plugins za wordpress? | 16:52 |
Seniorita | [Ubuntu Security] USN-2639-1: OpenSSL vulnerabilities | 18:21 |
CrazyLemon | again?? | 18:25 |
CrazyLemon | c'mon openssl | 18:25 |
idioterna | kko misls to again | 18:30 |
idioterna | še vedno. | 18:30 |
zdobbie | it's perpetual, innit | 19:04 |
CrazyLemon | idioterna kako misliš še vedno | 19:07 |
zdobbie | like it's not done yet | 19:14 |
idioterna | ja sej se ni noben pometu | 19:15 |
idioterna | po libraryju | 19:15 |
idioterna | uni libressl guys na polno pometajo | 19:15 |
zdobersek | a bomo zariftal | 19:18 |
dz0ny | | 19:44 |
Seniorita | Babno Polje Weather | Personal Weather Station: ICERKNIC3 by | Weather Underground | 19:44 |
Seniorita | »Weather Underground provides local & long range Weather Forecast, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.« | 19:44 |
CrazyLemon | 2.0 is up | 19:44 |
dz0ny | Iščete lahko tako krajevne programe, videe, glasbo, slike kot tudi spletne. ? | 19:45 |
dz0ny | spletne koda? | 19:45 |
CrazyLemon | wat? | 19:46 |
CrazyLemon | spletne programe,videe, glasbo, slike | 19:46 |
CrazyLemon | ne bom dvakrat našteval ane | 19:46 |
CrazyLemon | se navezuje :) | 19:46 |
dz0ny | " tudi spletne." | 19:46 |
dz0ny | spletne strani | 19:46 |
dz0ny | spletne vire | 19:46 |
CrazyLemon | <CrazyLemon>: spletne programe,videe, glasbo, slike | 19:47 |
R33D3M33R | a bot ne pobira več novosti iz foruma? | 19:48 |
CrazyLemon | R33D3M33R zamenjali smo forum | 19:48 |
CrazyLemon | torej rss feed naslov se je zamenjal | 19:48 |
CrazyLemon | miha pa nima časa ker osvaja sašo | 19:48 |
CrazyLemon | +posodobit | 19:48 |
R33D3M33R | aha, torej bota je treba posodobiti? | 19:49 |
zdobbie | nekdanji sodelujoc \o/ | 19:50 |
CrazyLemon | R33D3M33R Seniorita ja | 19:50 |
zdobbie | nekdanji :| | 19:51 |
zdobbie | zdej sem pa moralna antipodpora | 19:52 |
R33D3M33R | prevajaj pa te damo nazaj :) | 19:54 |
CrazyLemon | haha | 20:11 |
CrazyLemon | good one R33D3M33R | 20:11 |
CrazyLemon | :> | 20:11 |
zdobbie | haha | 20:21 |
zdobbie | ha | 20:21 |
CrazyLemon | funny isnt it | 20:21 |
zdobbie | it isnt funny | 20:34 |
zdobbie | /ragequit | 20:35 |
R33D3M33R | dz0ny: popravljeno | 20:49 |
idioterna | | 21:54 |
Seniorita | Is today the Day Marty McFly arrives when he travels to the future? | 21:54 |
upd | heh | 21:57 |
upd | berem zakone | 21:58 |
Seniorita | Uradni list Republike Slovenije | 21:58 |
Seniorita | »Uradni list Republike Slovenije« | 21:58 |
upd | bi naredil bitcoin lotter :p | 21:58 |
upd | y | 21:58 |
upd | sem mislil da eurojackpot ne deluje pod temi pravili, pa ga ima loterija slovenije čez | 22:02 |
CrazyLemon | | 22:34 |
Seniorita | Slovenija dobiva prvi portal za samske katoličane :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija | 22:34 |
Seniorita | »Da bi se ljudje laže spoznali in našli sorodno dušo, bo ta konec tedna tudi ob podpori nekaterih škofov začel delovati prvi portal za samske katoličane pri nas.« | 22:34 |
CrazyLemon | "voditeljica skupine za samske Novo Upanje" | 22:34 |
CrazyLemon | loool! | 22:35 |
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